The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
\\ w ■ aH I at ’S 1st SALE-I&0,OO© Yards TSew'Waito; Dross Fabrics. v 2ad &&LE-Nearly 1-2 Million Bolls of Wall Paper. 3rd SALE—Carpets, Bugs andMatting, all at prices marvelouslylow.- “Local ani Personal. l -Plants at Dobbins, rMi&BCfmce Wolford, ofSpring- field, spent Sabbath with her parents. GJnnivan’s Electric OperaPavilion, tonight. It has been reported that Mies Fannie -Townsley has secured the school in district No. 8, known ae the Thorn school. ' ' ■—Have yon tried those ’bulk ex- tracts at Cooper’s yet? Mies Electa Chase, daughter :of the late ex-governor Chase, of Indian*,, is the guest of Mr, and Mrs, Saniufel McCollum, She is here, to give a representation of her Hliputian play, “Tom Thumb Wedding,” in which forty-four of Cedarviile’s little folks partiepate. Mies Helen Oglesbee is to be’ the bride and Master James Hutchison the groom. Miss Chase has .given this entertainment in a number of cities aud always met* with great success. As the entertainment will be under the auspices of the Ladies #Aid Society of the U.; P, Church, it 'is neeHess to predict that the opera house on this occasion will be well filled. Miss Eolaha Kyle, - who has been in Tennessee all winter; has ^returned andwill spend the, summer with her father, Mr. Eoland Kyle, ^ t Mrs. A. CLCupp and little dangler.' of Chicago; were*the guest of her sis- Jer, Mrs. C. H.‘ Giilaugli,Wednesday, —For light buggy harness, work harness, whips, pads, etc., try Dorn, the harness man, - The Celestial sIaundryman, Lum Moon, was entertained by his brother in Dayton, Sunday. . ■ Earl and Bert Ustick came down from Columbus, Sunday, and spent the,day with relatives. , —Try thsnew remedy, for'costive- , nessV Chamberlain’s/ Stomach and Liver Tablets, Every box guarau teed. Price', 25 cents— For Sale by O. M» Bidgway, ' While playing ball last' Friday on ! the college campus, Wm, Pollock, a student, had his finger split. The in. •jured member ^caused Sir, Pollock considesablc pain at the time but is getting along nicely,at present. —If the Teh or Coffee you are us ing is not satisfactory get.some at Cooper’s and try it. - —Toil, are much more liable to disease when yoiirliver aud bowels do not- act properly. DeWitt’s Little Early Eisers remove the cause of disease. Ridgway ’& Co. Miss Alt West,.of Brookvillei and a gentleman friend -of Xenia, spent Sabbath evening, the guest of. Miss Minule Ford,. ■ ■ WHbur. Collett, of Jamestown, was thqpleasant-gnest of Moody Nagley, Sunday, Homer Wade, of, Springfield,, and Charles Nagley and wife, of Delaware were ehtertained by. relatives here, Sunday. A real estate transaction tookplace this- week ip /which James Holmes sold,his farm on the federal pike to Joseph MoAfee for £78 per acre. The farm consisted of 96 acres. The sale was mode through Squire^Brad ford, i ' ; YOUR CITY W A S SAMPLED TO -DAY BY ' A tramp stole a bottle of Dr. Cald well's riyrup" Pepsin. When he ap peared in court he explained that he saw in the advertisement that it was “easy to take,” so he took it, “Dis charged,” said the judge. *'1 will go and take some/myself* It is easy to take and is a .perfect-laxative. Sold by C. M. Kidgway. Mrs Maddc the ■p. farm oh rvsn UUP,bviU je t . J? Messrs. Seth. Collett aud E . C*. Watt. Jamestown pike to Mr. Collett gets 60 acm . and’ Mr. Watt 41 at $71 per acre. Mr, Col lett gets ■ the homestead. . Mr. Elsworth Lowry desires to call attention to those who are using the thirty-two candle power incondescent -lamp. These are just double the six* teen and consequently the price ' ill be increased. * . ; - *—F or B ent —A pleasant ahd con ^vepieut Cottage house, corner Cedar and Bridge streets. Applyto . ’ J . H. Miiburn * i" X3 _ v 1 - 1 I , Mr. ThomasMechliiigrecently pur chased a.ftnfyJersey cow at the Gallo way sale near Xenia, While the cow h ora pretty goodage she is considered very valuable, as she took first prize thi at eWorlds Fair; at Chicago in 1893. —When you are in at Cooper’s see theirline of Cukes and Crackers. Miss Lulu Owens taught MissMat- tie Bromageu’ffschool this Weeki ow ing to the death of her grandmother, ‘ Mrs. Criswell,s ......... —Mr.W.J. Baxter of.NorthBrook, N, 0 ., says he suffered with piles tor fifteen years* He tried many rcme< dies with no results until he used De- Wjit’s Witch Hazel SalVe and that quickly cured him. Kidgway & Co. —German Millet Seed at W. R. Sterrett’s. J*M . BnUhqs . accepted a position with Will Dean ih the grocery .bush nest at Springfield, and left for that city the first o f the week,_ J . M. is thoroughly acquainted with all the points in the grocery business and will be, of great assistance to Mr, Dean. Mr, Bull’s family and house hold goods were moved Tuesday. They wilt b* located at 59 East Pleas ant Street. 3 —The least in quantity and most in quality describes Dewitt’s* Little Early.Risers, the famous pillsjfor con* stipatkm, ana liver complaints. Ridg- Wfty&Co, Rev. W. B. Stoddard, the eastern , *. *4 .. 1 .... iJjiQIG VlUrj? m WWtv A uwbumj t aao * o on his way to attend the annual con vention,of this association at Grand Rapid*, Mich. He is unpleasant gen tleman and an earnest worker In his sphere. —Mrs. J.- No matter-what causes facia! eruptions, absolute cleanliness inside.and put is the only way to cure them. Rockey Mountain Tea taken this-month >yill drive them away. 35c. Ask your druggist. ’ Knighfspile, Ind. , Apr, 22,1898’, Pepsin Syrup Co;, Monticello, 111. ‘-Gentlemen;—I have1been selling Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin ever since J t was firstintroduced to the the trade, IHs-the best seller I ever had on my shelves and gives thB best satisfaction to my customers of anything I ever offered them. Where I sell it once they invariably return for more. As a laxative or as a physic-it is par ex cellence,, the most pleasant and" satis factory preparation I have ever. sold. fours,"etc., G, H, Crime. Sold by C. M. Bidgway. Mr*-/and Mrs. R. C. Watt enter tainad a'few friends' Tuesday evening at their country jiomO, Among those present were Edward Rader and wife; Harry Whitraer and wife, and Misses Whitmer and Gardner, of Xenfa. Samuel McCollum and' wife; W. J Wildman and wife and M rs JJ . H Andrew. Light refreshments were served. -New .Mackeral at Bird’s, Messrs, Sipe, Dixon aud Miller, of Kokomo, Ind. launched one- of the greatest lilliputian shows -in the country Saturday, I t is said to be the largest collection of little animals in thti world, There are 120 ponies, varying in height from eighteen to thirty inches, baby elephants, baby bears, babymonkeys and otherspecie! of the wMd of dwarfs, There are in all 400 educated animals, including 80 monkeys and ,130 dogs. The ani malactors are' trained to- a degree that is "marvelous. There are fourteen tribes of Simians froth Prof. Wormwood’s acaderfiy of mon keys. „ Airs. Mary Johnson and Airs. Maggie Crain arc' embellishing their; respective residences with coats of paint. -Into fall,. each life some ruins must Wise people don’t sit down and bawl; Only fools suicidte or take to flight* Smart people take Rocky Mountain Tea night, Ask your druggist. An extension of time was granted the Citizens Telephone Company last, Monday evening. The franchise as wris granted called for the completion of the work in six months, hut it was necessary to have some extra time which was willingly granted. Word oris been received that the Cedarvilleboys that were iathe3lat regiment have left the Philippines and are on their why home. ex ^ I f y o n want a well drilled see E , W . Smith, New Jasper, 0 . , or drop him a card and he will see yon. Xenia baa a genuine case of small pox, the disease breaking out several days ago, The family haVe Only re* „0„. _j li f there short time, an \t is not known to what extent1the disease has M i l spread. . . . —Cooperstill has a few seed pota toes and onion sets. W* ,H* Owens, was in the Queen City the first of the week on business, IltjiMjf lias securedtfio school lit district No, 2, Miss Effie Buffiald rarigning. There wareseven applicants for this «h6oLjj2J£t£ -Anything injthe harness line'tat Dorn’s. -Mothers of good judgment and ^ srience give their little OnesEocfef nuntain Tea thismonth, keeps them well, 35c. Made by Madison Medi cine Co. Ask your druggist. Editor Blair and family, of Mor row, spent Sabbath the guest of Mr. rind Airs. J , P. Satterfield. Mrs. Blair1 and daughter, Kathleen, "re mained for a few days, Dr, P . R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYB, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT* Glasses Accurately Ad justed* Allen Building, Xenia, 0.* ’feicphoire,'-Office No, Jz, Sesldenrt No. %/• Mr, Editorial have a Jerseyheifer three years of age that -has made 15 pounds of butter in seven days, Her *r ■*». w t O H I v F A k“i* t\> zs,rj:j asaTI sire Clinton Champion, No. 404441 in the A . J . 0 , 0 . .register, and has fur-; nished us a pint of cream daily for table use. How will she compare with other borne bred Jerseys?. 0 , Kyle. FDR SALE BY THE FOLLOWING GROCEEMEN: « tf . . ' - • , 1 t *u , , * R; Bird, C. H Gillaugh, J. R. Cbdper, R. Gray, J. L. Houser, Kerr A Hastings Bros rrra/"sr Bulk Preserves- Quince. -Pluta, Peaclr and Canned Peas, .Canned Tomatoes, Canned Corn. ■ TI/TOST people, (men especially) are careless buyers—they drop in* $ to the handiest place, take the neji.est they can get to what. ' Large -School Pickles 10c per doz., also Sweet Relish and^ Mixed Pickles. 7 IbB Navy Beans; 25c, , they wnntnnd that ends it. No doubt this is the easiest way hut it -is not the best. We cater to the carefuRbuyer as well—the orie who , insists upon having justdhe right thing ‘and the very best money will buy at the price. Bancroft’s business would be even' larger if every body was careful. , . . . ’ The Ada, Ohio, Record'sayS; “Ada -is^t classical town.- Tent shows are at a discount, but Ginnivan's Opera Pavilion made a biggerJut than any show ever did at the opera bouse.” Will be in Cedarville, .May 3 and 4th. ■— S traw H ats , the newest and Nobbiest.-are at Bird’s. Miss Bertha Paulliu, of Jamestown, was the guest of Airs. L . 0 . Owens the first of the week. Airs. Frank Tarbox and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. W. L . Marshall and son, Alfred, of Xenia; spent Wednes day with friends in this place. —McMillan’s carpets are bn hand, see tlietp before you make your pur- nhnsf>. ■ ?'■ 1 • —TimX>hioXTordago-MilLat-Xenia will resume operation, soon, ■after, a shut-down ,of one year ' — choice line • .of all kinds<of Groceries, at Gray’s ,, - Gold Las been found in Sinfo county, this state. The discovery-was made while digging a. well. Land in the" neighborhoon. has jumped to hie. twenty times its former val * —P atent L eather S hoes are the proper thiugs this season, -we hnve them for Alen, Women and Children. at Bird’s. W. R, Sterrett aud son, Walter, are in Beaver .Falls, Pa. week visit ing Roy and Echo Sterrett who are attending college at that place. Mr. Sterrett will also attend a meeting, of one of the college boards, of which he is a member. Ginnivan’s Electric Opera Pavilion is no ordinary tent show, but equals in effect a well equipped opera house slagging a first‘mSgl company. The le in all parts o* best peop. attend his show. f the country We pay 10c per doz. for eggs . at Bird’s, Word has been received fromFrank Orr, who went with some battle be longing to his father, J , R. Orr, and J . 8. B j rown, to |the Buffalo Exposi* tioo, that every thing on the opening daywentoffihgOodorder, thegrounds being crowded. He reports that the Exposition is an immense affair and worth any one’s time and money to see it, The Cattle are in the hands of S p r in g W h e a t F l o u r , Try a Sack. . We pay 10c per doz. for Eggs. We pay 18c per 1b for Butter. ChasRidgway, who some time ago y/etit to Hot SpringB, Arkansas for his health, has returned and feels much improved. He had an afflic tion in his speech which he has over come.' . ■• • ' In addition to our 82.50 “ GRAND D U K E ” line of the newsquare a t $ 2 - crown “Grand Duke” stiff-bats we have now bn sale a special shape in them at §2 each. They’re particularly suited to young men and are extrfr light weight. ' __ C H ILD R EN ’S 6 0 c CA PS . You’d be bewildered' at the mimtoer of styles‘Vre’re show ing in caps at 50o' each-r— - t yachts, golfs, jockeys, Tam •> O’Shanters, Etous, etc. Every colorJn the rain-, - bowls represented and the visors are all leather or covered canvas—not pasteboard. Emhroidor- .ed.designs or solid- colors.. We-ve the beBt 25c caps in America, too. - , OUR AG EN C Y HAT . Teams have been at work this week excavating on the lot' where the new R. P. Church is fo' be erected. The Workhas progressed nicely. , * The “Dunlap” at 85, the “Bancroft” at $4, the ,“Guyer” at 83.50, the “Hawes” .at $3 and our “Special” at-82 are. all Standardsbywhich others are measured. -Each the world’s best'for.the .money*. Most pocket crush hats at 81 D O L LA R are crushers in name .only—to CRU SH ER S -fold or even crease them usu* ally means :to crack them* .Our’s we absolutely guarantee. They come in any color and nuy shape. ' -r-WAW,PArEr:,“W indow -S hades andLAOE C ortains . We bang paper if desired at Bird’s. Rev. W. S. McClure, of Xenia, will fill the pulpit at the IJ. P. church tomorrow. Rev Rosa will go to Xenia fo fill Rev. McClure’s place at the 3rd church. —C lothing —we carry the choicest line of Men’s, and Boys Clothing in Cedarville. I f you intend purchasing a new suit call and examine our stock It will pay you at Birds. Matt Fifer, who for several years X has conducted a livery stable in Aenia has decided to quit the business and will sell his entire stock, Wednesday, May 15, —New Crop California Apricots ~ ‘ Raisins Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and at Gray’s, LIST Of LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postoffice for the month ending April 20, 1901* List Ncil9, Adams, Mr. M. W* Piler, Jackson Rodgers, Miss Anna Canaday, 0 , N. Hogland, Isaac. T N* T arbox , P, M. Fur repairing and remodel ing is a very important, branch of our business-let us estimate your Svork, . This is the best time of year to have for work done—work manship is better and cost is' less than in the fall. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed and duly qualified by •the Probate Court of Greene County as administrators of the estate of Marion Wildman. Howard Wildman* Arthur Wildman. J . N. Dean, March 16,1901. Carpete, OflrpotSj O&rpstd at AIcMfilan’s. (8OfiJb This «tgnfcta1r&is cmevery box Of the genuine Laxative Bromo*Quinine Tablets <bs remedy that cures a cold la' one day an expert from Cornell college. Oreeutown, *bd., Reporter says; “For three successive nights our citi zens have-enjoyed the productions o f several first-class plays by a company of first-class artists, equal to any, if tiot^better, than given atfjour AIetre-< politan, opera house*. Mephisto* pheles by Mr, Keller is ft happy artia- D A h A o t v iiA N M im n A H Marguerite, Mr. Ginnivafl deserves great praise for abreaking' -ftwav from the usuai tent show, and we cannot speak too highly of the entire com pany.” Wifi, he in Cedaryille Friday and Sattirdny night. K e r r & H a s t in g s B r o s , , ■. > . Axisncy for McCORMICK’•MACHINES A Full Line of Repairs. J. Get tli6 Best. Steel Plows, Mowers, Riding Cultivators, Hay Carriers, WlttVtHiN rStliltrAjAWi ■ -bz- 9 V3- % wXiXri Garden Plows,.' McCormick Binders, Hay Rakes, Disc Harrows, Wf#r,v - Corn Planters, Corn Bhellers, Hay Tedders, Smoothing Harrow* SPAHR’S SPECIALS. / ^ U R stock is now full and complete with new aud up-to date goods in every department. >» N e w ’ N e w C e l e r i i i g s , N T ^ w P r i e e s , My motto is to sell double the amount of goods then ever this year and less profit and less prices than any other firm will do. HOT WEATHER FABRICS. . , All colors hi Bijou Lace Stripe Fancies, my price.,,....,,......10c yd All colors violet Lawns, fine g o o d s . , . , 10 and 124c vd Dimities, fine qualities.,.,....,*.*..............................^ .s.;*,..„*..324cyd Eaw6s, Wide 5cyd Tone Do Sous Mercerdized Foulards, handsome as silk, sold T,<,.evW lll re *or ^ .m i r price.............................. ................. l ' ;Cyd. Eddies bilk Foulard, sold everywhere at 33i rind 374c. They cant he told from silk. Our pr i c e . , , . , * , , . , , . , * . , . , . , . , , . , „25 c Corsets-—over 2000, We are closing nut our dollar ones ,■ a t ,..,,,............................. .. ...............................39,»49, 60 and 69c A jood Summer Corset for........... ..* „ .;............ ............. ................ 25c Underwear, Gloves, Dress Goods njggi1 n r We sell convinced by the using. Hand and Machine Made Harness* lie famous Jas. E,Patton Paint. A five year guarantee. Be K err & H a s t in g s B ro s . at about otte»half price to close them* out, 0 . A. S PA H R , XENIA, OHIO. Vegetarian. . . Baked Beans, With Tomatoe Sauce. NoMeat. No F it, * At Gray’s. 1 T#P4TEITiKNl MESH Bit fATntTMMiRtL. ' j|Ut..j ♦ tvw *w S i We hang it on yourWalt for ioc per roll, —dr L.- ;• STEWART T H E N E W S H O E S - '•* Celebrated Hamilton Brown Shoes MM PatentLeatherOxfords i che timm i f * ezaSoKe Z * *W TWENTY-FO A V ari : ■ o f . pink and k attached ct BREfl T Exercise Advi Public Sc A F A n O - U Consumption Can B The Land inTwoC drea are Taught magazine Tn a Therapeutics I foi ,extract; Is there ’ found ft man,' of Jr boards - and the - knowledge of mere 1, ‘ That tuben people than the sjJ ' famine? J 2, That ho chil to the world suff '.culosie?- *3,\ That compu, lug in schools woul off the face of the ei f t t i d a s ? ' . Is it hot an asti - po popular educate the simple, ordinal that consumption i able? The daily breathing, acquire ' make every human hi* tendencyofani ' the inroads o f tin culosis. -There el hours given -*up -schooling tp the ' breathing, in the noon isessiotis. This is a timely ; Children are being less and some disg schools today, nn(,, excellent substitut to dissection ofdel A young girl wi expulsion from on ! refusing to djasec1) other, several, chi ‘ a brutal woman tci] a cat in their presi: its dissection for tl jf ‘ In neither of tb j , word-said to the „ deep breathiug. I t is much m> , child shall know with fresh air —f that it shall leftrn 1 , eonUuned in the b , Very few pei , know how to bri) thing a human be^ here, yet not one ‘ , learns to do if pri The majority like canary birds*; , I have known t, a hollow chest ant, enejes to become b Will soon want to si v things sui graduates WATCHES, DIAMOB1 BROC (1 o ftJ n < and many things ?l ghsw *ad wearer taste iutjji refine ■- Out Aim le ■ prioaiit# ^ }mtte«oe« :fat b e f tom 4 M J L i a r
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