The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

a W ».1’' fv'r’*-1,% ' •*’ rtt *' „ iL-waitf-v* ■ ’•■ C- mm mmsm M 4 YEAR. *CA?8b« StHX, V ' B«si« 'CMwcst S3te>« W*19»fIw** SATURDAY,. MAY kL l&OB 0RITHAR7E8—Containing over t w hundred word*. w'll be charged ior» «t the rate of five ceute per fine, • Q $m & m THANKS — Five eeat* per line... ' , ' „’J When you-send in long obituaries plees* sfepte whoa* the bill is to be cent to, or we w |r|iuyish two (200) bun- fiied words and leave ibe-.Jbwa.oee »n$.' Make the® as long as you wish, if you comply with the above conditions, which is a matter of pore justice, Biliousness is a condition char eeterized by U disturbance of the fii gesfivs cHrgabs. The stomach, is fie* bilitnted, the fiver torpid, toe bowels constipated, There is a loathing of .food, pains in tbe bowels, dizziness, coat*® tongue and vomiting, first of “ Much trouble for nothing”—Have Hill’s chase after the democratic Pres­ idential nomination in 1004, I t now costs West Virginia dealers $100 a year for a special license to. sell cigarettes. I f the post .were higher tha law would be,better. 1 , , , V •, r > f-I „ ' . , The South has ‘shown President McKinley-,that it knows how to re­ ceive a President, if its judgment is somewhat warped in voting for one- . Those who are, predicting that ’'the Emperor of Germany Is coiitenjplat- ing an attack on the Monroe Doctrine are not complimentary to' Wijfiani’8 • .good sense. • - The rapid growth of the-beet’sugnr industry' ib"shown in a special report just submitted' to; Secretary' Wilson, which estimates that there will be .forty-two'beet sugar factoriesjn oper- ' atiOn in theHnited States next" fail. • 4 s longas. Great., Britain’s, credit remains as good ns it was .shown :by the quadrupled subscription to its re cent loan, the' Englishcan afford*to laugh, a t -the ‘direful.predictions of theif enemies. Nations; .with good credit are never in danger.; >. Epwofth Heights., One mild'from Lbvolhnd and about 22 miies-from Cincinnati,’ is< Situate! in one o f the most, beautiful parts of the Littbf jMiami Valley q» an em* nence OFover 200 feet'from-the -riv^r ''which 'flows ..nearby. ComprimiBuig an area of sixty-or seventy afc'res, afic . most admirably adapted for the pur- pose for whiebit is now being used, A large and compiodius hotel where reasonable rates sire charged, and also cottages furnished or . empty can be .Secured $t prices satisfactory to those desirihg a supuiter homo. *The P£nn aylyaflia and B -& 0 - B.^Wirail-roOds ' run pa?t, the prospects for an electric road*in the near future fire very hope­ ful, A local and long, distance tele­ phone, post, exprt js and telegraph of­ fices and and Hvetystable are among tde advantages offered. This season services embracing addresses on relig- , ious and leforraitory work will "bo given ’during July And August and a number of Special rally days for relig­ ious societies will also be observed. The annual Gampmeetiug odcurs Aug. A1st to 11th. Such as Dr. J . Wilbur Chapman, Dr? T. C, Iliff, Dr. J . G Oliver, Evangelist Amanda Smith a hdJProf.TI. H . Walker, ofDelaware, ,ire among the workers For the Cimp- meeting, Dr. J , E, Gilbert, of Wash' ington D. C., is contemplating hold' ing a Bible School for one week sub sequent to the Cempmeeting. The annual picnic of the Indies’Co« operative Society will occur Saturday May 25th, and the hotel wUl open for guests 'Tune 1st.' All those desiring to secure rooms or rates address, Hotel Epworth, Epworth Heights, Ohio, For rent or sale of cottages write E , 8. Gaddis,Loveland,Clermont Go, 0 , Krkie* WW*t, The Passenger Department of the C. H, & D. By. has just Issued, a beautiful set of xulei on “ fyidflA. Whist”which will,ba mailed o ’J re­ quest. Enclose two^suf stamp. Ad­ dress Bridge Whist, Advertising De­ partment 0 . H, & D. By,, Cincin­ nati, Ohio, ’ t: the undigested pr partly digested food and then of bile. C.................. ___ . . . . OhRrabi'ri aio'o Stomach and Liver Xabletsmllay the disturbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up the fiver to a healthy action .and regulate-the bowels,' Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale by G. M, Bidgway, The German City of Cease! will cel ebrate the thousandth, anniversary of its foundation in 1913,. .A(fishierTestifies. Pepsin Syrup Co.’, Monticello, 111. enriemen;—After twenty years Of pains . caused by j constipation broughton by sedentary habits,! have found inpre "relief in two bottles of Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin than nil ot the hundreds of other remedies ,1 have tried, mid I take pleasure m gii - ing you this tastimony, believing you have the -finest■preparation made tor stomach,troubles.-- , , - Very tru lyyours,D .' F, Lange, Cashier Wabash B. R., E.' St. Louis. ; Sold/ by C. M. Bidgway/, , *In boring for qil at BeaUmont, Tex., it is reported that’a vein of pure sul phiif 70-ieet thick as discovered. ■• —Mae Plorenco Newman, who has h^tut * great suffer from muscular rheumatism, says Chamberlain’s Pain . Balm is thc only remedy that affords k tr rtdlef. Mfse NeWraan is a much ' repeated rerifient of the village of Gray, N. T a n d makea" this state* meat for the benefit ofothers similarly nfilktefi. This liniment mfor sale by G. M, Eidgway# John D. Rockefeller told the Bible class of* New York Ihiptfst church t at* in thfity years -ho had paid 700,000,000 ip wages. SUifcof Oliio, Citrol Tol»do,. Luoto County J **', Famk J, Obenay makes oath that ha *# senior partn®r of the firm of F, J , Cheney fit Co., doing, hftsineas in the City ofTafi^w* Gonnty and State afbmsaifi, and that said firm wifi pay i of UNK HUNDRED DOL- for each and every case of i thatoannot be cored by the m o f ^ ^ w r h Guff. - - ERANit J . CHENEY. Sworn to before meand sabBcribed in ftry presence, tfnrfiih day of Do- m m , a . D. i m . > { f tfotwy public. Half's Gaiarrh Gan* k taken inter- ftfay* hod new directly on the blood 1 1-SirOTr -IV**..** —al*! Ii.iut -Aailr ’Svlk:bi- "'■n-ni-'J.ii. frWe. , d. Cs.'aswv A Co.. Tol^lo, O. 1 b , ' " / - : i nit* tBe b«t, 9 ' t ir "if “o ^ ' » r ' —!‘Itis with a good deal of pleas­ ure anti satisfaction 'that! recommend Chamberlain's Colic, ' Cholera: and Diarrhoea Eeroeny,” saysDruggist A< :Wi Sawtelle, 'of Hartford, Conn, “A lady customer,; seeing the remedy Exposed for,gale . on toy show case, said to me:‘-*I really believe that wed-; jcine saved, my life,, 'the past summer While at the shore,’ and ' she became go enthusiastic hver- ,its, merits that I at once made-, Up my mind .to recom­ mend it' in ‘ the future. Becently a gentleman came Into my store soover­ come with colic- pains that he.sank at once to the floor. I gave hitna doSe of this remedy which helped him, I ropeated-the dose and in,fifteen 'min­ utes he left my store srailiugly inform­ ing me that he felt as well as ever,” Sold by C, M. Bidgway, ■' - The origin of the tigor as an emblem ,of Tammany is said-’by W. C. Mon- tahye,a coffee and spice,dealer in New Torkj to date' from the._time when Wijliam Mt Tweed, then foreman of 'iBig Six’?.fire-company, took a fancy to a picture of a royal Bengal tiger in theolder Montahye’s store in the '60s. Tweed adopted the emblem for the Americas, club, and it soon was accepted by all Tammany. ,~ I#wtro of a CoBgh. A cough is not a disease, hut a symptoun Consumption and bron­ chitis, which are the most dangerous and fatal diseases,' have for their first Indication a persistent cough, and if properly-treated as soon as this cough appears are easily cured. Chamber­ lain’s Cough Remedy has proven' wonderfully successful, and gained its wide reputation and extensive sale by its success in curing the diseases which cause coughing. ,If it is not beneficial it will not costyou a Cent. For sale by C. M. Bidgway. —A choice Tine of all kinds of Groceries, at Gray’s. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin cures Constipation. Sold by G. M. Bidg­ way. . ' Everything in Readiness. "No ” said the eminent detective; have not Yet captured the crim­ inal, but we have written his eon: fesiionfor him.” And he stalked away with ft Hawkshawh tread which filled the beholders with awe and admiration, —■Baltimore American. ------------------ ----------- ------ o f Cod L iver Oil j s the m eans o£ life, and en joym en t of life to thousands: m en women an d children . „• W h en app e tite fails, i t re ­ s to re s it. .W h e n food is a burden , it lifts t h e burden* W h en you lo se flesh ,it b ring? theplumpness of health. When wor ork is hard. and duty is heavy, it makes life bright, ft. is the thin edgOof the wedge; the thick end is food. Bat what is the use of food, when, you hate it, and can*t di­ g e s t It? , , r . > ,.(1, Scott’s Emulsion of Cod Ifiver Oil is thefood thatmsdees you forget your stomach* *o i m i* oi > t *ll (Sr i n l i f . IMS TO m w u Blair,ef GsdmuSfKAn.,known y*s "thnWalodiaM poet of the h p written the lo w in g lines on the hear Cackle, cackle, Plymouth Rocks, Ye can have th£'wagon-box,- , ’N’ the smoke-house, V the ham, Take ’ui—wedon’t m e a darn. Cackle here and cackle there, t , Lay your egggjust anywhere* Every time ye lay an egg, ' Down the mortgage goes a peg, Cackle, cackle all the day, Who kin find .a better way. Eer to git ahead agin ' Than to cultivate the hen? —I f people only Jkuew; what, we kqowabout Jfodol Dyspepsia Cure, it would be used ip nearly every house­ hold, ftBthere are few people not suffer from a fullness after, eating, belchjug sour stomach, caused by in­ digestion or dispepBia. r A preparation suchp. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which with no aid,frpm, the atomacb, will di­ gest your food, certainly can’t help bp do you good. Bidgway, . _ » , ’ Isn’t' He Terrible? Mrs. Browne—Doesn’t Mr* John­ son go tochurchf * • • * Mrs. Makprop—N°>' indeed., He doesn’t believe in no’church. . Mrs. Browne—You don’t tell me I ."Mrs. Malaprop—Yes, he don’t,be- lipvn in rinthtri. TT«’ r reVlftt* aaros- lie e i not in." He s x g’laV c tip-.-r-Bbiladelphia.Press. ,• —Mrs, J. No matter what causes facial eruptions, .absolute meapliness inside and. out is the'only way to ebro them. Kockey Mountain Tea-taken tliis Uionth will drive them away. 35e. ybur druggist. S* - Good Advce,. The most miserable heiiigs in 1the World are thosesuffering from Dyspep­ sia- and Liver'Complaint. More than seventy-five per cent, of the people ip the United States are. afflicted with these two diseases, and their effects: such as Sour Stomach, ,Sick Head­ ache, Habitual CdBtiveueB3, Palpita­ tion of th'e Heart, Heartburn, Water- brash,- Gnawing and Buruing-Pains at the Pit.;of the ’.Stomach,, yellow- Skin, Coated, Tongue 'and Disagree- Taste in the Moutn, Coming up of Food after Eating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your Druggist and get a bottle of August Flower foi* 75 cents.‘ Two doses-will relieve -you*. Try. it, /Get Green’s Brize Ahuanac. Pine Apple Zephyr, * 25c Mercerized Silk Zephyr*.-. French Madi to 25c French Gingham'.............. ...\25o Figured Swiss 50c French.Figurcd Lawn..*............25c IndiaDimity**.*»#.« f*m ***:*isi 25c Cimarora Dimity. ** tv 15c Blue Bek - L a w n * , > . l O c Silk T i s s u e * . . ' , . . . . . . . 5 0 c Mercerized Foulards........;.25 to 37$c Silk C h a m b r e y . . . .,,25 to 50c Silk Mull.,......... ..,....,...,37$ to 50c . All of the above are new effects, excellent for waists, cost less, wear better than silk, Wool effects are all in. ■. • • , New Suite, VPaiste, Skirts, Petti coats arc now in and will please you* . 3000 yards Seersucker, so true to color, so suitable for Waists, Shirts and Gresscs. HOUSE FURNISHING. ■- Gertainly this be the season for a change in Carpets, Linoleum, Win­ dow Shades, Mattings and Bugs* SEE OUR STOCK-—10,000 yds’. Mattings, new importation, pretty as carpets, 11 to 66c. Floor Brtiasel Buga, ail sizes 3 yds. by 4 yds. 1876, Ingrain art squares $4.75 to $8.75, Bag Carpet 25c to 35c old prices, although carpets has advanced we we sell for early spring a|t old"price®. CARPETS, NILCLOTH, Linoleum, Window Shades and Mat* tings in large supplies,' Lace Curtail!® and Window Shades to blind and cheer every house. H u t c h i s o n /■ & ' G ib n e y , 1 AShgetaUePreparaiionfcrMn ........- ~ - - * •" iota- I m i m s T im .m u .N Prpipoles Dige^tiOn.CheerfuI'4 nessandHest.Conial.ns neither braum.Mojrphine norMineral, N q t N m i c c ®«u ForInfants and •». Jo x M a r o t i c . « 1 a1'|,-,T ■- ft: jn!.«'iy■ /W i i Aw?-' ‘ M&Smtut* , (iiAHf • - Apericctllemedy forConslipa- Hon, SourStomach,Diarrljoea Worms.Convulsions.Feverish­ ness aridLOSS OE 3UEEP, FacSiwita Signature of * X EW YORK . [The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears-the Signature^ of in H b r j. ' 1® ' .* • For Over EXACTCopyOFWRAPPER. m '■v^ 1 THectMTAonopMP»r*y. meyii yobkcity . Our . for four trade A Fine Stock of Furniture Oonristingof............ • A full assortmeat of Bed Room Suites,, A fine stock bf Rockers./ ‘ - A.cofuplete line of Coriibir^ation Book Cases./ A full stock of everything in the Furniture Line, , « .4 « •/<$, i - - UlftalVou The Largest Stock to Select From. The Lowest Prices. The Best Values. ;« « • • Our G aruet Depariment is Tull of. B a r g a in . Highest Quality, ' ? / / , 7 1 * Largest Variety, . • • Best Styles: You w ill make a mistake if. you don’t see our fine, • JAMES H. flcMILl.AN, Furniture Deafer. Funeral Director* . It Good Ihtng. Gorman Syrup is the. special pro scription of Dr., A. Boschce, a cek hrated German Physician; and is- ac­ knowledged to he one «f the most for tunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds , and all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing, as it does, the cause of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and healthy condition. I t is not an experimental medicine,but has steed the test of years, giving satis­ faction in every' case, which its rap­ idly increasing sale every season don- firms. Two million bottles sold annu­ ally. Boschee’s German Syrnp was introduced ® the "United States iu 1868, and is now sold in every town and -village in the civilized world. Three doses wilt relieve any ordinary cough* Price Tbcis. Get Greens* Prize Almanac. —“Our little^ girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and terrible attack of creup. I quickly secured a bottle ofOiie Minufe Gough Cure, giving her three doses. The croup' .was mastered and our little darling speedilyRecovered.” .So writes A. L, Spaffbrd^s. Chester* Mich. Bidgway & Co. * S *U J5 r i n||i£ w matM'ji' t* m s ** ‘ S I / i P ! i i i §S IS45 k* S -r *s CHURCH iDIRECtOftY R. I*. liureli—RoY. . . . . . f. .vM „vi f. r. .Moiton, Pastor, aervices at T1:00, a, m*. ScjtTbatb Sabool at 10a.m. , 7 "Covenanter Cburcb—Rev, IV, if. Sacdereon, jiastor, SabbathSchool at 10a. u. Prbaeh- inpat 11:00 a. m. Young People meet nt S exceptUie 1st and .Id Sabbath*bf.-the month when they meet at 6:30, endpraachlng In the erenimron the let ahd 3dSabbathsof themonth at 7:00 p. m. tt. P, Chureb—RenY. 0*Rdea,paster. Ser­ vice*at 10:30 a., m. nnd 7:00p. m. Sabbath Schoolat 0:30turn, standard time, AC.E. Church—lt«v. A.Iiatullton, Raster. Preacbin - at 10:45 a; is. Sabbath School at 9:30 a. ii). Young People’* meeiiDg ht B:09 p. m, prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7sO0. Preachingevery other Sabbatheven­ ing7:30p.m. Baptist Church—Rav. George Washington, pastorofthe Baptistchurch. Preaching at 11 a. m .and 7:30p.m, Sabbath School at 2:90, Prayermeeting everyWednesdaynight at 7:30. liveryone invited; A. M. E. Church—Bev, 0, 15, done* Pas­ tor Preaching at 10:30 n. m. and 7:00p.m. Class everySabbath nt 12:00, Sabbath.SohOol at 3:00 p, m . Prayer meeting ', , Wednesdayefc. THE BEST Product of the market and stock farm cab al­ ways bo found a t the Meat Store of Charles Weimar. together with every* 'thing to be found in k first-class meat market, , Also handles the oeli-') brated Swift Compafty*# Hams. And courteous .and,; ,honest treatment goes With the above. Goods Delivered* Telephone 06, - . ' - 4 2 P Q N ’ t B e P o o l c d i Mm * .^arn hik, Tafesthe m*im, arifiaal ‘ T t t' m m . jm k >1^-: S ag I itirpilifitolinili iui ii.iilhTJ' | j —DeWitl’a Little Early Bisem w ” ]^ar*:h the remotest parts of the bowrir and'remove tlm Impurities s t ^ i l y .with nh r?hK*rtmPrtW , it t> dkwjmftirt. / They a rt' ftm ous.for their effloacy. Easy to take, . e„. riUiWyj* JMIflY n e w grtpt* Bidgway 4 G*. H A N Q OOMPAUYa t CSarJlnnatti RecopizedEverywhere '' fpr lfca . - SUPERIORITY. Tim HAEVAAD is Hold In EV­ ERY STATE! jz»the UNION and Is POPULAR. HVT1KYWH3SBE. I t representj®, to the highest possible degree, the GREATESTVALUE AT MODERATEPRICE. Superb Tone Quality* * ( tTuquostionedDurabUity. ' BenuttM 0 «isft Designs* The Iphn Church Company^ S.B,CemrPwirtli*•!E/mSts, ■, , ’ ■ jMgmoiWRKayLj - , - CEDABVILjLE, OHIO. it CGQUNTS of Merchants and ln- dividuals solicited,. Collectious. promptly made and remitted, S BAFTS on New York and Giu- cinnati'sold at lowest’rates. The cheapest and moat,convenient way to' send money by mail* ‘ ' S OANS made on Beat Estate,, Per­ gonal dr Collateral Security. ; - William Wildman, Pres. , 1 ./ - - , Seth .lY Smith, YicePres., '' W, J . Wildman, Cashier* 7 Saife Heat,Market.'1; Under the^above firm name, the meat market of C, W* Crouse will be conducted1, AH product in the meat line vi’illbe’the best that money can buywhich fact-combined with honest and thorough. business methods ie‘ enough assurance to the public, 'who always want the worth of their money ju every respect. - . , When sendiug chiidren, direct them to us; we always give them , thC rhest they ask for. - GOODS DELIVERED - *j ' Mq7 ' , •“ • Telephone No, -74, THE RAPJOTRANSITCOMPANY. ", Between Xenia and Dayton, Leaves Xenia; Leave Dayton; 5:00 a. m. 6:00 a* m, 6:00 v-7:00 - . 7:00 ■ - 8:00 : 8:00 . 9:00 .9:00 ,10:00 10:00. ’ ’ 11:00 * 11:00 12:00Noom*. 12:00 Noon., ' -.1:00..p. m. 1:00 p, m. ' 2:00 2:00 3:00 " 3:00 4:00 4:00 5:00 5:00 . 6:00 6:00 ' 7:00 7:00 8:00 8:00 9;00 9:00 \ 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 * 12:00 Xenia office apd waiting room No 4 South Detroit St. Daytoh office and waiting room, 15 West Fifth St., hpjmsite Postoffice, e running time between Dayton and Xenia is one hour, passing thru Highlands, Smithville Road, Zimmer­ man, Alpha, Tfebeinar aMd Lucas Grove. Dayton, to Xenia 17 miles, fare 25 cents. Every other car combination‘for freight. Sundays and Holidays cats run half hour* every Blue Trent Stable. Leave yottr horses there and VOur igs be kept on the inside, out of fch# ngs ram and storm,. >20 N; Fountain Avenue. Springfield, O. G jiabi - bs ' E. T odd , Prop Mam's Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, phio* The City Hotel, {FormerlyBli^i'mao Hons«) N*iff*HAYWOO&, Prepriiter* Your Patronise and. c m o m n w t l O lv lilo r iSiirvBaiaIJniji i l l r| h A s S m U tl rat»wn»f TrfapQvtM w«fw*m, jAUiJEl-Aiq ami rrnfril t n s ..................... Alton JV. .letJsr*oq *• Xxnntou " , B.Ofmiltfdon“ . Bc'jwm WUtH'rfoK*..“ j... '. { f« 3 » si.!)!)*VA..<frlWb4§5 WVyamUia*' lir*K(,nl« . “ K<irtAuclB)4M Moi'tow .... ** So, I.jb<itJ0»“ l, m.inS ,.,J<- MIlMnt..... « maAVluJp... w . f?. 4% ssuioeulllra Jlcasr/ard, Ch'eiqiutll lv liutttVJa.)c„. •* MIHovd__ •• Unveimid,,.. " Ho. J^ittinon " Jb rvou,.,;.. * l’i. Ancient *' Oa-Bonw.... ,A AVjiyncsvIlle .1 U<ixmuw ..... 'f-‘ hjirins Vol scaiiK..., WUbt-rfofcd Ut'iiuryfjio.,. Hf-lum.... B.Oliavioatop t-iiidon VV, .Toffenson » Alton ..... « jUoInmbo* ar. 4» 5Jt 930(11 935 \# Y w ’isi%?zu'r2' '"Hr *838“ ......... o r .... t am TT . .till .... ; 9 0 - ■< l? I lOtaWfilS* I’MllMl AM 906 S MIH;•£»' f ,k-'| f9«952 1012 ! £ “ «' S2 045;U35| AM|AM 5?S'rSia n ijIDJ !8001114D ...Ml ..... _____ -)'M j l‘MTPM B*tw**n SorlngftolU.. Xanlt, D*Vton,Rrehmon5. — ----- h* »t ti-mt a» hv&sty- r r iAM ‘U» 1 ! ■ *5v*.' £!s ■*R* k ' j'j'sSSS1 I’Mi Xenlsi Osytou... n.-cflbvllla AM WESTWARD, Kprbigfietfltv rfilwV«»" ■ fur WTil» it Ooilson—•/' > cldgrado,,.'’" , rn2liRVfa rtd„n.i',443 AM j-AH *72fea 7<4! -S05-, AJ1'"*6-10 ' 33 8« 38 AM. AM 10 tO *8Ttf; am - „ 007 846-907| 918 U922 [9<53 lio'osinis SA3TWARC kisbrao-ad.Jr, EldoraUo UiidSirf. " Jijopbvi;!* Wi'14. ami T m ‘5l6!t>«5 5411 f604r 60ft Xenlo 1 / ^ am 3 i»Wvrbpet.‘l Sjrin^Seranr 3 14 I’M i Uli N 303*00*815 9 40? S9 CSr 40; ago. , J i A*t n u o n i ^ e 401100 i l? S 40,1105j, v*t 7 40 805 W« -- 151 !1.*35fi­ ll £5,5; 1215 51 ■ t>M * I h - l 95f9ES 1 ii« r DarkFacedTyped.noU*U d , tren 12.00 E«,r I n f ix J U.v digit:.W k M r«edTrmaf2.00'JnidiUghitorIf.Orr nm.' , ,-* 1 ‘iiltu m ii S iF c p tn e C a rsw i 1 ,'., i 1, 19. st>, 31 turn JOSeither run ■-ru.<, vs RulainbCe -PittsburghUr T0 H I H & M i m r motiU for JiTdiftiiapolio u tn lH r,I.i.u lrj 'ruwi, 91 a n d ,3 for Clilcago. , Vi V, XiOItEn:, ■. K.A. b'OltTJ, ' . OivnlXaunr, C.str.l I.- « ,u ak ,: ll-Z&Off.-V PiTTahuRaxr, P ew - n ’ a . ' For timocards, rates of fare, through uektu*, hagEngio cheolcs. fttid turUmr JnWrmiitlon :»• rarctfiJE the running of trains, uphi/1<? u::y ag en t of tho jPetmeylvioila B ines,. E. 8, Keyes,, Agent, Cednrville, Ohio, ASK, YOUR GROCER FOR B e § Mfinrte j f e a & M f o s i P^iriinja, H ea lth F lp iir .. at M a f a s B R r B A f F / " ' PURINAMILLS, Sr. Loots. «q. CO YCAR8# EXPERIENCE T rademarks ': ^ Dremns CORVRlOHT#&Oi AnyoneBondingaeketrhanddororlMtannay qaloklrmcortain oUropinion freevrhotBaran ii rUfttCUUL ; Scientific .Hmcrican. mib ™**,.HewTort Brandi Oflo*. & V St* Wa*bla*ton,I>.> TS C*ve&t»,andToi3«-M*rkjobtained*nd»J!. ~ cnUrndnatacondiiottdfor moderate Fttt. ; \ ounorrtoE«to4ro»iTcU,s.RATCHTOrnt(' and Wccaniwmtre pitenfln ieuUme'ihA^M* remote fr^ni , . . :i. , charge. Ourfe« not due till p*tcnti*»*c«tt3. ' |A eHtcre^'How-to Sbuin wl* •coat of »«nelatheU .S .a»d foreigacouilritt tent fra*. Addresa, C.A.SNOWdbCO. pre. PATfcirfOrrioc,WMHlR«T»ff, O. 6. am 1 0 W oQ k 9 F o * 0 0 Ctf«j /u Tta the VOglitMt,, a«ml«atdw tw ««4 P'WiJfc*iecHtauite T' U k VMt’yepvri'vjf t*p*r j*Wi*b*L iiHREf »#rttgllie^t yeatv»| l83MWBt» HtJwritf in q H K > I * : . Vmp t h M a t i BilM.-i, J / ............................................ tlpotiinis lAto, OO&nnfedoBldgy, Phi essisaiarA1 SoldbyAil Newsdealer ■jlfrt 110 ■ fllRSISHES MOHtHLy To dll ICVKfiftf Song AndMsodc* vidcm«di NEWob^e Hi tbsWorld’s fttsmtti atttbbrs. i t n m if f i w . H4EVoowt,ifiK tmhimiimf S T f e t l r f l f l f t lM f l fM O qc » ft'ibutlt let i t fimtt* rlysibscripfirwitlM ft kwwp m Mrtop#*m i.&■ t * « Wi w W rW k faim/tom kfvmm- fe“ «' >.'fg.oi .. mimMMmmiidiWmt. M 4' *' | - f i 5to® i O VU ttm k » »£» Booty in qverj My motto is toselli and less profit and ■ ' V. -.All colors in Bijou AH colons Yjolet I Dimities, fiue qoali ' Organdy Lawns, * Tone De Boie Merc<| everywhere for Eddie.? Silk Foalar cant l>e told ft Corsets—over 2000 .- at*r .... A good Bummer C The Jiest place 0 , and everything in t ] Ladies Ready-nia ' close them out, O. A. $M ri Waists. •Percale Shir sortment of ; Black and C styles, good YVash Taffai Mercerized cadet-blue ai SumKiei’ Utidt Ladies’ sum ;, Our'!25cvest Ladies’ Unii ' Men^s Sumt Boys’ fyne q Silk fiindba Plain Silk G 7 Fine Dimiti ^Bolly Bati Printed Ba Imported Si Special Prices quality, 3i.i5 grade, We pay the at?ol : ■ op G Liverita, Ti T h ey arepurely' 25c boxes contah boxes contain 1 5 1 CAST( Tmr-lttiatts'iou n»KiMYeatoil B#«r* th* Bignatar* of txCOTSiOft t l May 15th and 19t /State Convention ion eumiofi tickets will via Bennsylvanift Li Ing. until Friday, M ZaumU ny o f Mat . ^ San i'ra For this event Lanes will sell eXc San Francisco, Mar to return 30 days f for pftrtiOularsi Sw F ostm ^IV ko MLise* '. Mttomfon jMte* M*y SSd W 27th; ,»uttl Ooaference o amM to LiNohlft, Hh .Sfa&kw, Tiokvfai re^tret from Ifinrei I M l of B dapoeit of ticket ha mui$ to Joint Ajp vr hefttra June n<rt later Benzyl vabia ^ jhan lii SlrV' iji'* i