The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
W R E N M A Y Ladies Over 10000 Garments on Sale. THINK OF IT! Manufacturers Samples and Sample Stocks in Go Skirts, Chemise, Drawers, Corset Covers and Skirt Chemise, also Infants Long and Short Dresses and Skir and Misses Gowns, Drawers and Skirts, all at 1-3 discount. Sale opens today,. ; ' The stone work on the foundation i The first number -of the Houtb ^Wanted---All mv sacks returned a t once. ■W. Ii, Siprrett. M . Herman Townsley, who h a s te n employed,- in Dayton of Into*avisited witlit his parents several days this week. ill -Machine oil at Cooper’s, good machine oil, ’Wallace Iiiff left Thursday even ing for Minneapolis where he will preach in a mission during the sum mer. ' The price of admission to tbe_ com mencement exercises to be held in the opera house May 24, will be 25 cents. The first row, in the gallery will be re served along- with ■ the lower part of the house, —For light buggy harness, work - "harness, whips, pads, etc., try Dorn,, the harness man, • I • ii —Try the hew remedy, for eostive- ness,, Chamberlain’s Btomach and Liver Tablets, Every box guaran teed; . Price. 25 cents,* For sale'by C,' M. Bidgway. Mr& Wallace Flint, of* Brooklyn, return home, Wednesday, .after ,a week’s visit with her sister,Mrs,' Clem; ans. , , Barber ■ I t seems as though George Parker and Martin Badger came to some dif ficulty 38 Badger filed an affidavit m Mayor Woltord’e court, Wednes day, pgaiwst Parker for disorderly conduct. ' The recent showers this week have addpd greatly to the. growth of the vegetation.. The grass and wheat are doing nicely- A number of the far mers have already finished planting their corn. . South Solon and vicinity, J.M.Mil- ler, a well known newspaper mandate editor and proprietor cf the. Morning New a, Ashland, Ky,, is the editor. Thu people ©hour neighbor burg can bo assured by getting alive, well ed ited paper every week.. W- M. Mitchell has been delivering a large consignment a f lumber to the Warder, Busbnell and GlessperCo., of Springfield. * ' ' Fon-JiBisry—A pleasant- and eon- w f / ‘inMnn-n Tirltteo- nAratlnH flo/ini' venient Cottage house, coffer Cedar and Bridge streets. .Apply to J. H, Mitburn, . Squire Bradfordspent several days at Morrow, tkisw/jek, in the interest of his new dwelling being erected there Mrs, Bradford spent Monday there with him. The horsemen of Foatoria are using rubber shoes on their horses. The shoes.last several months and take all the jar ,off the animal. * , —The least in quantity and most in quality describes DeWitt’s Little Early. Kisers, the famous piUsjfor con stipation, and fiver complaints. Bidg way & Co. - Wm. r r was on the grand jury! The Ginnivan Opera company the first three days o f this week. ' wh!ch,appeared here Friday and Sat- - ■ urday, and gave exhibitions under ten.t gave good satisfaction, in fact. V- & A watch will be given to the* one selling the most tickets for the Ideal Entertainment Co., which appears at the opera house,' Tuesday, May 21 . R Q ,,, Little OhVe Winters will entertain a number of.her young* friends, this afternoon from two to four,.in honor of her sixth birthday. k v . ■—Wanted: Girls as twine spinners Apply to The 'Hooven & Allison Co,, Xenia/,,O, " - The telephone company will in ’■short time construct a line out in the Hopping and McElwain neighborhood *°0 *A»lA.*,!BaX * -juasajd sq oj pafirn ore naiubai lie pus pa&teqa, si, uotsaitupc ojq •etim cqprojo quo uuraoM. bn qpqi nop -aauojm pan uoipyijgstu qjtM. pegg pea S3}B[d pOiO'foo e3.rfi[ "qpMpaju.ii -snipt Mooiu oq JIJM^im.oqx “ -qoop.o -Z 1® gg ’uoottfdyu -Aupatnqj, no n p u s ^ ia . iw aunuja; ^onT Xq aoAiS eq } j ; m . 'o^ iAur^ ultray; 0tP jo seoidsnu aqijopnn^fltqqjpjaq y_ The baccalaureate sermon for the graduating class.of the High School will be held in the opera' house, Sab bath; May 19, by Bey, F. O. Boss,. ‘Miss Emma Templeton, of Dayton, Was the guest of relatives here the ’ first pf the week. —I f you want a well drilled see E. W. Smith, New Jasper,. 0 ., Or drop him a card and he will see you. Mrs, Fannie Mackenzie and two sons, of New York arrived Wednes day evening to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James*Mc Millan. ' -yAnythingiinJthe harness line at Dorn’s, F ob B est : — A nice six room cot tage on West Grove Street, Good Welland cistern and large lot. In quire ofAndrew Winter, Mr. Harry Whitmer and wife and Misses Whitmer and Gardner, and Mr. Edward Bader and wife, of Xenia, attended the TomThumb wed* diiig at the opera house, Thursday evening. —Just received, a car load of Champion Mowers, Binders, Ac. Come and see them at Pierce & Stew- art’s Shop. 1 Boy Haywdod wheeled down to Waynesville last Saturday and re mained with his friends until Sab bath evening. the best tent show that has been here fbr several-years. .They carried their oWnJeleetriC light plant, which added ranch to the effect of the performance —Teas, Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s Miss Ada Lackey,ofSouth Charles ton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wildman, Thursday and Fri day, Miss Luekey attended the Tom Thumb wedding while there. Vegetarian, . Baited Beans. .With Tomatoe Sauce. » No Meat. No Eat, A t Grav’s, A. Y; Reid cam/1up from Cincin nati; Thursday, for a few days’, visit with his, old friends and acquaint ances, . • * . ' * ■ . * —Mr.W.J, Baxter of North Brook; N. G., says he suffered- with piles tor fifteen years. He .tried .many rerne dies with no results until he usedDe- Witt’s Witch. Hazel Salvo and ( that quickly cured him, Bidgway A Co, Mrs. J .H . Nisbet, left Monday for a vjrit with relatives in Bcllefontaine, Dr, J. B. Swonger left'Monday for four or five weaks visit with'rela tives in Cincinnati -and vicinity When he return# he will hang out hief shingle and he ready to attend to the wants of the ailing and the maimed. Knightsville, IiuL, Apr. 22,1898, Pepsin Syrup Co., Monticello, HI, -Gentlemen:—I have been selling Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin eversince .it was first introtfuced to the the trade, Jfe-is the*best seller l ever had on my shelves add gives the best satisfaction to my customers of anything I ever offered them: Where I sell it.’once they invariably return for more. *As a laxative or as a physic it ’is par eX a satis* cellence, the most pleasant an factory preparation I have ever sold. Yours, etc., G. H. Came. Sold by C. M. Bidgway. The carpfinter work on the cheese factory has - progressed nicely, the frame work being completed. Some form Is now being given to the build- injjnnd the casual observermay have some opinion ns to the dimensions. Mr. Deck Gibney and wife, of Chi cago Spent a few days the fiist of the week with Mrs. J . M« Stewart and family. —The painting season is here, why not have your house brightened by a coat of Janies E . Patton’s Sun Proof paint. A five year guarantee given. Sold by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Monday morning found the sprink ler on duty slid was gladly welcomed by the business men had residents along the route which will bo spunk*’ led this season, Mr. Ervin is having ft new tank made* which will greatly exceed the present one in appearance. -You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. DeWitt’a Little Eirlv Risers r-eronVe f.he r*f Dr. P . B , Madden, Practice lim* Bed tor EVE, BAR, NOSH AND THROAT. 6 hte*es Accurately Ad*** Justed, AllowBuilding, Xenia, 0 . Ko, KCsidette* No, t,. —Into fall, each life some ruins must Wise people don’t*sit down and bawl; Only fool*isuicide or take to flight, Bjnari people take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. —New Drop California Aj[tricots Peaches, Prtunes, Grapes and Raisins »fc Gray’s*. i * » * * g ^ a y # emov t cause o dist-cse. Bidgway & Co. . Sir. Ed Lutz, of Vernon, Texas whs in town Wednesday, the guest; of Mayor Wolford and” family. Sir, Lutz has been exceedingly prosperous since he entered into Ihe stock business in the Lone Star State. He will, .while in this section look over some stock with the expectations of making several pimduipes. A call which was purchased From T», F. Kerr about two yearn ago for tho -sum of two hundred, dollar;), has made a fine animal, he having refused an Om-r of oue thous and dollars several time*. n -—*T have been' suffering from Dyspepsia for the past twenty years and have been unable alter trying ail preparations and physicians to get any relief. After faking -one bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I found relief and am now in better health than I have been for twenty years. I cannot praise Kodol Dyspepsia Cum too highly.” thus writes Mrs 0. W. Roberts*, North Cheek; Ark, Bldg-, way & Co. * ." - • Miss JesseBmali, of Xenia, was an attendant at the Thumb-Midget nup tials, Thursday, evening. President McKinuey came Up from Cincinnati;, Thursday evening, look ing after the interest of {he college.* . Skin affections - Mrs. Mendenhall, o f near Clifton, whose husband and son killed John1 Beck, pf Springfield, lastsu.mmer, is again in trouble, her big bull dog attacked and bit the little child of Mr. Chaa. Adams, pf Yellow Springs. I t seems to. ha unsafe in that portiobn of the county in which the Menden hall's roam. Mr. Byron Q, Armstrong, editor and proprietor oi the'Jeffersonville Citizen, was married last Thursday to Miss Inez Ballard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A P, Ballard, of Jeflerson- ville," The'groom came from Michi gan about two years ago and has since been editing and publishing the Citizen, having brought it to a high standard, ‘ - Mr, David Bradfute was in Xenia Monday, I t is needless to speak of his attending the circus. Slowly thh fences'on Xenia Avenue ate coming down and where they are down no inducement .could*he made the owner of the property fo replace them. I t fully adds fifty per cent-to the appearance of the property and street. .We like to* see the citizens get out of the old rut and'be up with the times. —Try Cooper oil tin-ware or gran ite-ware, • Hayes McLean and wife, -Mrs. Harve Owens and Mrs. John Ross attended the funeral of Mrs, Frank Paine at Sabitm, Tuesday. Mrs, Paine had been sick about two wCeks. The husband I ibb been left*with' quite a load on his elmuldeis, having seven small children, tho youngest but two .week# old, to |Care for. Mr. Paine was formerly engaged-in the meat i usmeas here,, but of late has been conducting a meat; store - in Sabina, Where he has met with success. ft m w m m M m m m Bear in Mind That our line of Spring Shoes, Oxford. Tjes and Strap Sandals are, the Market’s Latest and Best products; We offer them to you with firm con- viction that the sdme quality, satisfaction and ap* ' ” V . i f i - * * * ' . [ ' , * ) pearance cannot be hqd for less money, no matter where you go. It’s to your interest to ,see them. Main St., SPRINGFIELD, OHIO will- readily.dis appear by usingDuWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. ILoojk out for counterfeits: I f I t you get DeWitt's you will get good results. I iris-the quick and positive cure for piles: Ridgway & Co. - vThe California. Voice, the prohibi tion paper edited* by' Rev. Ramsey at Los Angeles has consolidated with tho Pacific- IVohibiLioniet and Wiley J. Phillips assumes editorial charge, Mr. ]Ramsey retiring. —•Mothers of good judgment and experience give their little oues’Rocky M'unitam Tea this month,keeps them •wel . 3(3a. Made by Mad&ou Medi cine Co. Ask your druggst. Osborn Wants a place to bury its dead. :■ *. ■. ■ ’*. C. L. Robinson was in -CedftrvHle, Tuesday in consequence of the shut- /fotoffV -nf ilin T^ntrfnh • f^duh down of the Dayton Casb_ Register Co. He says he will go to Indiauap olis in a few day# unlgsB the company resume business. Mrs. Alexander and son Harry, have returned ffom’a two weeks visit with Mrs. Alexander's daughter*Mrs, Tomlinson, in Winchester, Ind. >'—Call up* 76 aud order your gro ceries. Cooper lias any you want, There seems to'he dejay in the es tablishment of the rural mail mite Xenia in tho Stevenson and Bradfute neighborhood. The residents along the line even weut- so far as to give their orders for the mail boxes. Nu merous causes are assigned for the de lay, one being thnt many of the sub scrihersare not satisfied with the route starting from Xenia, saying that it should start from here as they belong to this community, and would rather help but the ltiome office, While many were opposed to the Xenia line they would take ft rather, than hone at all. The action of Postmaster Mil- burn has not met the'approval of all, and it is thought that .the route has “fell through” as the inspector is to ho here in a few days to inspect a new route. ' —The best, lino .town at Dorn’s. of collars in ihe Mr. S. K* Williamson left Thurs day morning For Commerce, Mich., where he will visit his daughter, Mrs. Elja Deunison. George Barber, -who has been em ployed at the- Cash Register in Day- ton, but out on a strike for the* pres ent, spent the past week with his brother, Benton Barber, WilliamNorthup returned Tuesday from.Georgetown, Ky., where he has been in the interests of the Ilagar Stow Board & Paper Co. —Everything in the grocery line at Cooper’s, Mesra. T. V« Iiiff, John Tarbox, Milo Randall and Andrew Jackson attended the G, A, R. Encampment at Ik-llefontaine this week. The prohibitions Of Greene county met Friday afternoon in Xenia and selected delegates to the State Prohi bition convention which is to meet in Akron on May 15 and 16. The delegates chosen were Aaron Criles, Spring Valley; Merrill Scarf, -Bell* brook; A. H, Long, Jamestown; Geo. Dodds, Xenia, arid S. K. Mitchell, Cedarville* The .court bouse commission was in session Tuesday and allowed the contractors, Hennessy Bros. &s Evans Co, $15,300 payment for the work already finished. ’ In all they have been paid about $25,000, “ -Ifyou trf Gray's. want anytiling good, go Carpets, Ohrpbta, Carpets * at MeMillnn’a, The Gash ‘Register, of Dayton closed down last Saturday owing to strikes in several of the departments. About 2500 men and women are thrown out of work which will effect business to some extent in lire Gem City. Business men are trying fo force a compromise in order fo get things in running order as soon as possible. The Republican Central Commit tee met Saturday afternoon and elected the executive committee. This committee consists of John A. Nisbet, Marcus Shottp, J. F. Orr, Andrew Jackson, I. S, Dines, Win. Buckles, W. S, Rodgers, Frank Zimmerman, W. O. Curtis,' A. D. DeHaveti And J M. Wilson, Mrs. Olie Tag, recently of Chicago but now of Cincinnati, has been the gut-3t ofMr. aud Mrs. 8. L, Stewart tho past week. Mrs, Tag is consid ered Very wealthy as is shown by her display of beautiful diamonds. J Dr, J, O. Stewart t attended the Ohio State Medical Society which met in Cincinnati this week, The doctor represented the Greene County Medi 1 Society of which be is a member. ca Mr, Ray Hitchcock, a formerjew eler at this place, is circulating among his ol,d friends. Mr, 0. It. Crain, postmaster at Jamestown, was in town fon business. MissElecta Chase, under who&odi rection the Tom Thumb Wedding: WAS so successfully given, has been en gage) to give ft similar entertainment Wednesday .in Xenia for the benefit of the Re formed church. CUFTON NOIES. Friday Miss The. school hoard met last evening and elected teachers.’ Stewart and George SmiLh .were re elected. Mies Garrison was elected in Miss Luhi Smith’s place; No ,pro fessor was elected, being no appli cations for the place. Mr. Con'key thanked the board for past favors and informed* them that he was an appli cant for a school in Springfield.. Fishing is fine now and the boys fire getting some nice ones. Our boys are around soliciting money for base ball purposes. They want to have a good team here Deco ration Day, Messrs, George Elder and John Johnson attended the reunion at Belfefoiitaine, Thursday. Charles and Ed Hatchett took some fine homes to London, Thursday, the best of which sold for $450. Charles is a hustler and always gets good prices.’ . . . 1 *,J, TO Ott&BA.COLDIff OHEDAT Take Laxative Bromo /Quinine Tab le, All druggists refund the r if its fails to cure. E. W. (S signature is on each box, 25c. Republican Convention.. By order of the Republican Cen tral Committeemen of Cedarville town ship a convention will be held in the Mayor’s office Friday, May 17 at 7:30 p. m., ior the purpose of selecting 3 delegates and 3 alternates from the north precinct aud 3 delegates and 3 alternates from the south preciuct, to the county convention, to he held in Xenia, Saturday afternoon May 18th. i ■** Stopi Ik# Oei£kAa<JWort* OffTktOoia. . Laxative _ Bromo-Quiniue Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cents. The sale of the Dayton; Lebanon and Cincinnati Railway was consum mated to-day, the purchaser being A. E, Appleyard, of Boston, who holds the the controlling interest hi the Day- ton, Springfield and Urbana electric line, operating between Dayton and Urbana. The consideration is said to have been aproxlmntely $300,000, The D, L, A C. ndw operates between Lebanon Junction, about four miles east of Dayton, and Cincinnati, but ft is understood that the line will be ex tended to the Gem city and a branch constructed to intersect the D.S. ATI. near Hamhman.—Enquirer. '' ’K e r y & ,H ia s t iD g S '^ ii 3 S , Agency for McCOEMICK - HACHIK] * > ‘ ' ^ *. - ., - A Full Line o f,Repairs; A Get thfe Best. Steel*Plows, Mowers, Riding Cultivators, Hay Carriers, Walking Cultivators, Garden Plows, McCormick Binders’; Hay Rakes, .. Disc Harrows, Brown Wagon, "Com Planters, Corq Shellers,' Hay Tedders;. Smoothing Harms Bjiggies. „ „ u Hand and Machine Made. Harness^ *Qr We' sell the famous Jus* E.Patton Paint.' A five year guarantee, convinced by the’heing. ; ‘ / 1 ’ Kerr & Hastings Bros] A meeting*of the Ohio Presbytery of the R. P , cbii’ch was held here yesterday. -Subscribe for ihe Herald. m A Cave of Skeletons. While prospecting for quicksilver the Chico mountains near the Rsd Grande* 70 .miles south.of Al pine, Tex., & party of Americans dis covered a large cave in. which were the skeletons of 26 men, lying side by side., Du exploring 'the cave far ther they found several copper ket tles, two Spanish, hatchets, three Bhort swords Witli Spanish inscrip tion, some stone utensils and crude mining idols. Deeply the stone-liars was th< cut in one of *5 id e name “Nar- **I was very poorly And could hardly get about the house. I Was vaez” an below i t *the figures *T&26,” In 1523 a .Spfthish expedi tion under the explorer Narvaear left Tampa bay, Fla., and was never seen again. J. No matter what causes facial eruptions, absolute cleanliness inside and out is the only way to cure them, Kockey Mountain Tea taken this month will drive them away, 35e, Ask your druggist. English Business Methods. New Zealand wanted some loco motives and ordered Lfaem in Eng land of an .eminent firm. The emi nent firm said it would be happy to Boppty them of a certain pattern And a certain weight. The railway authorities thereupon pointed out that the weight was too much for the bridges, which were already con structed. Tho eminent firm said that they were sorry and recom mended that ihe bridges should be rebuilt. . Such absolute folly on the part of a business firm is almost in credible, yet Mr. Reeves vouched for the truth of the story,—Financial Times. A Foreign Cow Dairy. A Chinese foreign cow dairy re cently opened near the naval an chorage a t Woo-Sung displayed the following sign; “We open a t Woo- Bung in the south of the Telegraph Company for rale the Foreign Milk, the taste are Sweet, the Milk are pure, the Price Are Just. We have not put any Water In i t I f examine out won’t pay single cash, I f you want to buy bo you will know the Foreign Cow Chop. No* X Milk Yih Bngshan Dairy.” Tired O u t tired out all the time. Then I tried. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectlywell.”—-Mrt; N .S .Sw in . ney, Princeton, Mo. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get up, tired all the time, w ny ? Your blood is im pure* that’s the reason. You are living on the border line of nerve ex haustion. Take Ayer’s S a r s a p a r i l l a a n a be quickly cured. ^Atky««rd«rt«r*htt it*tUola «fArw^j HttMpmb. H#1 —..............-* .-,.r_ -is tawir,*11»>»»tthl,*T»* old r.mlly nHwHdn*. jraUowlil«adTi*#a*d w ’,l# ** cd.,XanraU.K m *. HUNT’S 1 Tablet per day, 30 to GOminefc before breakfast; one month’s tr inept costs 25c. - T, J . HUNT, Xxvsaton, ' Meroii), For sale by RidgwAy A Co* -0 . M. Ridgway* 1 3 W t*k « For 2 $ m t*t <*« VifUMt, feMt-mwttwnUt IttHtaM* wttktjr m * m * tut }iui m «tUv*HrvMadMK i X«Mi iHll.Trap iMslrti. IFof ..... «< 1#1*M# twHile*, ««will»«t<lUlMrtMi It* aiadyniV ftOAftlMff nttefWb#O»a«0 BtAft, sac D R . r e N N E R ' S W e W a n g i t o n y o u r w a l l f o r io c p e r r o l l . "'* S. L. STEWART B M & LivBrl lA*a3Wr AUD i i l v l f o R i a r ms g m -ci« & fla ttin g * : . - *'■ 3EL#0"W A. New Shoe for $1.00, worth Double the Money fwmtsm® - m m m Ti TWENTY -FOU J A Varie o f p in k a n d la v a tta c h e d ciiff Council Proct ' Monday evening bei meeting bight of the Mayor Wolford called, order with the folloyi present: Nortbup, D.e Andrew, Irvine and Ore The-first business of WASthe presentation of memorials. A number U. ladieB tv ere present ? - the petition which had 1 to that body several taken from the table anc Miss Mary Murdock sp of the ladies. Upon i Lean'it was voted to ta next regular meeting, ; ' . being quite a good de ■for the present evening ,A petition from Ja next read, asking for 1 replace the chip .j.ock_ • moved from in front of ‘soiiie time ago, or* pay *After* considerable ■ this much talked of c lion vras innde , thnL jtl j ‘ point a committee of t l *gate the matter as to wl poration was indebted -McLean, Crouse and I pointed. s .The following comm pointed fOr the year! Dean, CrddB^ahd Nort ‘Andrew, McLean, Cro Claims, McLean and Dean; Light, Crouse; up. - * The report,nf the fin was next read as to ftBked for the different f year; General, $500; .fire, $400; light,.$600 sinking, $600, The levies for last ye lows: General, $650; at $500; light, $650; into ing $500, The total : was $2600;. this year, $ The Mayor’s report collected, which was t general fund, . Tim engineer report up to the standard; i question as to what wa 'I t has always been cusi the depth of the Water but this rule has been late. The question all the houses which e cisterns came up hu done. I t was decide] one of the cisterns, water and give it a g see where the troubT holding water,’ The the Odd Fellows’ ball first. The matter WSi Committee and chief Fierce. Bills to the amount Billowed, One feature of the rioflers report show number have alrea their road tax. ■sgsae;! ftrtftl During these monthsl Bpedai Low Prices ol in our store; giving nary value# COM! BIRTHDAY,/or W| ants.. DON’T until convincei! tha^ right or lower than tl] bought for elsewhere,! Mfij ear Brew . ae of finel , JVST PARKERS FOUJ gH M, « y |, MMg , 'The Jew*! n
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