The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

f t r € x c t S » e t Our M > W o r t Wi 'gwpirt »ta>* kv w w w m * f f k e When thte item If marked by *n. Index, it d«mtea that year eubserip* tkmw overdue and * promptpayment ;is desired, TWENTY-FOUETH YEAR. ' HO, 22 * CEPARV 1 LLE. OHIO, ? 1 AY 15 , 1901 , PRICE $ 1,00 A YEAR, a v^tetyUew Colored Negrligree Shirts - f i a i s T O p : NOTCH ibt Smartness,' Quality. J.and • lvalue. Bedford Cord, blue "pink and lavender, at. 50c- Black and White Percale, collars detached, at 50c. 7 Imported Bedford Cord and Lace Front, Percale bodies to match, with attached cuffs, $1.00. Blue apd White Striped Madras, $1.00. Solid Colors, Fancy plaited and Detached Fancy Cuffs, &c., &c. S trg& w -<■B a t e , l , “*» w*. <m • mm tm 'a n n M «l M H p ■ ■ - Summ er TJnclerwear. I . f t D a v is , T a i l o r , Council Proceedings, Monday evening being the regular meeting night o f the town council, ,Mayor Wolford called ,the meeting to order with the following members ’ present; Norfbup,’ Dean, McLean, Andrew, Irvine, and Crouse, The first business o f the evening was the presentation o f petitions and memorials. A number of W/, C. T» IJ, ladies were present and asked that the petition which had been presented ■tb that •body. several months ago’ he taken'from the tableand reconsidered. Miss'Mary Murdock spoke in behalf " of the ladies. Upon' motion ’ o f Mc­ Lean. it was voted to take'it up at the next regular meeting, owing to there " beihg quite' a good deal of business - for the present evening, > ' ' A petition from Jacob Lott was next read, asking for the council to replace the chip rock which was re­ moved. from in front of his' residence, some time ago,' or’ pay him for same, ' * After considerable discussion over . this much talked of question,, a mo­ tion was made that the. Mayor' ap­ point a committee <>f three to investi­ gate' the matter as'to whether the ebr- poration was indebted to ’ Mr, Lott. McLean, Crouse and Irvine were ap* pointed, i ’ The following committees were ap- ' pointed for the years . Street, Irvine, . Dean, Crouse.and Northup; Finance, Andrety, McLeatj, Crouse and Irvine; Claims, McLean and Andrew; Fire, .Dean; Light, Crouse; Pomps, North- , ■up- if \ , , ' ' " ’* The report o f thefinance’QOeginittee Was next read. as to » the amounts asked for the different funds for peat ■ year; General, $500; street, $300; fire, $400; light, $000;’ Interest and sinking, $600, * The levies for. last year were as fol­ lows; General, $65.0; street, $300; fire, $500; light, $650; interest and sink­ ing $500, The total for last year wah $2600;. this year, $2400, The Mayor's report showed $9*60 Collected, which was •ordered to"'the general, fund,' Thecngineer reported the cisterns up to the standard; then came the •question'arto'whafc was the standard. It has always been customary to give fhe depth o f the water in.each cistern* but this rule has been abandoned of late. The question o f disconnecting • all the houses which empty into the cisterns came Up but nothing was done. . It was decided to examine One of the cisterns, pump out the water and give it a good cleaning see where the trouble is about not holding water. The one in front of the Odd Fellows* hsll will be cleaned first. Tim matter was left to the fire committee and chief engineer, John Pierce, ■ Bills to the amount of $102,87 were allowed*. One feature of the street commit* stonsra report showed that quite a number have already worked out their road tax. SK* ffla y - 3 tme During these months we will make Special Low Prices oft every article in our store; giving to alt extraordi­ nary values COMMENCEMENT, BIRTHDAY, or WEDDING Pres- DON’T BUY ■ u • f until convinced that ottr prices are right of lower than the quality can he bought for elsewhere. ‘ v ^ $ m • our new line- of fine UMBRELLAS ■ j t i w !»« PARKER’S FOUNTAIN PEN M a s s ? w o o © : m e < v f s * :, Tlte Jstefar* , The -Big Store With Little Prices SPR INGFIELD , OH IO . tf-; j Extraordinary values made -possible by our recent Eastern shopping tour* Everybody ; ; in Springfield knows that the .object of these monthly recurring New York trips' are to . / jhelp you and your neighbor buy up-to-date goods at greatly reduced prices* . . . . i T l i i s t r i p m a d e g om e e x c e p t i o n a l l y c lo s e b u y s , a l l n e w s t y le s a n d ’p o s i t i v e l y t h e v e r y 'la t e s t e ffe c ts , a n d a r e o n l y s o l d a t t h e p r i c e s n am e d a s a r e s u l t o f a d e te rn in a t io n t o a lw a y s g i v e b u r c u s t om e r s th e . b e n e fit o f a n y u n d e r 1 b u y . W e f a k e a d v a n t a g e o| o p p o r t u n i t y a n d s h a r e t h e b e n e f it ‘w it h out p a t r o n s , c o n t e n d in g t h a t i t is b e t t e r t o m a k e a litfila p r o f it o n „ a t h o u s a n d c u s t om e r s t h a n a b i g p r o f i t o n a h u n d r e d '. • . * . ' . - „ Read carefully the following few items; you can glean from them what is to be expected by coming here. Money Baring Prices on Men’s Suits and Pants. / V Q for mens good, service- ajjjef beat appearing ' suite, in light, dark and medium ef­ fects, stripes and plaids, fined with a - good substantial quality of farmer’s satin and thoroughly well made; asuit that is in every way desirable for busi­ ness; a sitit that will, fit you well .and .would be considered excellent value at $7*00. q j ! 7 £ } Q f ot men’s Spring suite, 1 * 4 7 0 .Up t0 '$11,00; these suite are made of the most popu­ lar fabrica;au exceptionally large line, every one recent buys and were never intoned to retail at this low figure; it • is to your interest to look, at this line. See High Street windowdisplay. $9.89 for men’s suite; a line of 20 differentstyles, all of the newest, nobbiest and; swellest out for spring; they’re trim,, snappy and full of elegance; the fabrics are first- claes, in keeping with the cut pud fin­ ish. You can make a saving here of from $3^00 to $4.00. $11.47 for men’s elegant Suits made from the richest and most select patterns Of the finest fabrics in pure ’ wool worsteds, cheviots and velour finished flannels sure to please themost exacting dresser’ and. at a saving o f at least from $4. to $5.00. . **** jy ' , “n 1 >'i i .Men’s Jeans and Summer Rants, . tjeWiy intended for trade winners, special buyprice,.......... ; ..............49c . 100 pairs Men’s Rants, constructed oa fines for durability and service, never sold for less than $1,00; special buy p r i c e . , .«.».*»,.*.79o 250 pairs Men’s. Rante in worsteds and. cassimeres' fully fifteen styles to choose from; special buy price..,11,48 ’ 400 pairs Men’s medium Dress Rants, bought from an overstocked > manufacturer at a special low figure that enables us to make a satisfactory profit' and save you 50c to $1.00; special buy price............ $1,98* $2.48 ■V Great Chance for the Boys at These Brices. ■■ Boys* double-breasted suits, sizes 7 to 16, some Worth up to $3.50, made by best makers, perfect fitting, special buy prices...,..,,.....,...*.$1.97, $2.48 Boys’ Vestee suite, fancy and plain ef­ fects, values up to $2.50; special buy prBte.................... *............ 83c, $1.48 Boys’ Three-Piece suite, sizes 10 to 16, in aneat check—this suit is surety worth a great deal more than We ask for them; special buy price........$1.98 Russian Blouse Suits for little men, sizes 3 to 7, the very newest thing for boys, here you positively, save money; special buy price..,$3.98 Boys’ Three-Piece Suite, sizes 10 to 10, in a- clean blue cheviot add this quality has never sold for less than $4; special buy price..,,.,.*.$2.98 Boys’ Knee Rante, sizes 3 to 16, in fancy cheviots—are worth regular­ ly 35c, at the price ws-kame will not materially increase our' bank account; special hay price....... .*,.**...**180 A Rare Double Twist Cheviot Rants, medium weight,' these pants are usually sold for 50c; special buy price, *29c 100 Dozen Boys’ Knee Pants, sizes 4 to 16, manufactured to retail for double what we ask you for them; special buy price,,.. .,.*..,*.,,*,....120 Boys’ Knee Rants, sizes 4 to 16, mostly samples and all bought under price, a positive savingOn every num- - her; special buyprice*.,.* .....49c, 68c Boys’ Long Rants Suite, ages 14 to 19, newest J3priftg patterns, sub­ stantially made; special buy price.,..,, ......... ,....***,,.*.*.$2.98 Boys’ Long Rante Suitef-sizes 14 yearSj *of fancy cheviots and cassimeres in attractive patterns, real values $7 and$8; special buy price, ...... *.................................... *....$4.96 Swell . Long Pants Suits For boys, rises 14 to 19 years, of fancy striped, and checked worsteds, nobby plaids and the late velour fin­ ished flannelsextensivefine and avery o re a tradewinner; special buyprice .......* ..... :............... .........$9*88 MEN’S . FURNISHINGS HATS. Exclusive Side of our Business Underwear. Men’s Baibiiggan Shirts aftd Draw­ ers, Frehcli neck, pearl buttons; plain and fancy Colors Price...........23c -Men’siFaney- 'Shite - and Drawers, French neck, silk* stitched, nice ast sOrtmeutOf colors. Price......«,»37Jo Men’s Balbriggati Shirts arid Draw­ ers, plainand fancy colors, fine gange, rilk front,.twiU needle stitch through* out, Rriee*.,.................... . *»***•48c Men’s French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, imported; made o f extra good quality heavy twisted MaCb cot­ ton, Price*******#*■.*¥+*»**************73c Neckwear, Madras sheild Bows and Ties, new patterns, Rrios........... ................. 4c Madras string Ties, baud and shield Bows. ’Price...i,»•••»».*•*•**•«•*„»««»9c 500 dozen Silk Tacks Imperials, graduated string,hand and shield hows Frio# ......................*.,..28e Ubyri Sweaters, light weight, collage stripes. Price... 18c Men’s and Boys* fight weightSweat­ ers, plain colors. Brice..............48c Gentlemen’s Gloves. Gents’ Dogekiu Gloves, Snap but­ tons, selected stock* Price...*.*s**78o *^Gents’ Dogskinand Mocha-Gloves, pique stitched, new shades, perfect fitting neat and genteel. Price...98c Adler’s Kid and Mocha Gloves, browns, slates and Russian reds. Price .......................... $1*48 " ‘ -Belts, ' . ■ Men’s and Boys’ ten, grey aud rus­ set Leather Belts, Price...........*28c Men’s and Boys’ Belts in kid, cardo*. Van, peccary and calfskin; newest buckles. Price................... ,.....‘.48c jtewfilery, . - 28 dozen assorted gold-plated Link CuffButtons, 25o values. Price.*,9c 10 dozen Bilk Fobs With gold-plated charms, studded with brilliants. $1» values. Price,.,.........*,.48c Boston & Brighton garters. Price ,.,48c. Hats Boys* and children’s. Straw Hats and Sailors; new styles. Price-.23c Mexican and wide brim Sailors for children* Plain and rough braids, Yachts tor boys. An assortment that will please*. Price..,.*,..M*-*>*•-.. 48c Exclusive shape in Boys’ and Children’s Hate at—prices..,.....*.. ..........................73c, 98c and $1.23. Men’sStrawYachts and softBraids, Nobby styles* Prices,.,*..... 48c, 73c Shifts, 50 Styles Men’s and Boys’ Soft Laundried Shirts in the mostjdeskable patterns and colorings, Made with and without detached collate and cufik Price.*.......... .............................. ..48c 10 styles Madras Negligee Whirls, ooloriugs the newestand brightest, in­ cluding purple, pink* hallo, blues, do l>techedlink«ir6W^Price, 73c Hosiery .Men’s Grey Mixed Box, narrow top full seamless. Price..................... 4c Men’s Black Hose, guaranteed stainless and seamless. Price........5c Men’s Heavy Mixed Grey Box..»*.7|c , Men’s red, blue, tan and black Hos­ iery seamless and colons guaranteed. Pnco... ...... ...9c Men’s fancy Hosiery, handsomeef* sects in stripes and plain colors.,.I2|c JieriOTjf-'' Suspenders Men and Boys’ Suspenders, wire buckles, metal. trimining, braided ends. P r i c e , 8 a Men’s and Boys’ Ruspenden, leath­ er back, mohair ends, harness buckle new fancy web. Price...,..........18c Men’s Fine Dress Suits, no matter what extreme style has Caught your fancy you will .find, it in this -price, range. Fabrics are high grade, pure, fancy and plain finished, and unfin­ ished worsteds, and silk striped casai- meres, and cheviots ............Priecaj $14,96, 16.90,17.40 Manhattan Shirts, “ known as the best.” ’fhe h « t known prices 2.00,2.25,8.00 American Hosiery Underwear, fin­ est lisies, balbriggan and meteerited silks.:.*,*.,.Brices, $8,96,496 pr Bult Colonial Hosiery, silk, Ikies* fancy laceweaves and high novelty msecs *.„.;......... ....................... Brice, 48c , a ‘i - ■ * ■ ■> • ? , Jpt Knothw FineSuspenders, exeiudv* webs, best, elastic, {dated backfe*, ends guaranteed not to break PjtN0 Grand showihg o f Boy’s Suite, the finestspecimens o f juvenile clothing in the market; Russian, Blouse, Bailor and the new manly suit for little men •ui fact we believe it to be the most extensive and elaborate, line evet brought to the city. ................Prices* $4.96, 6*e8, 7.98 Byeteon’* F r i t e i # Nteskwtw^ new shapes,' K ing Edwards tie and how, just, out—mads in Grenadines, Fou ­ lard*, Ruteehnudes, Louirine# and Peau D e Sole B ilks....... ........Price 48e Browa’# Hats, the bestiftade; »«w :' fdtete i n ’f r i f .id fk s—eofete t e a r s . .