The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
f t r € x c t S » e t Our M > W o r t Wi 'gwpirt »ta>* kv w w w m * f f k e When thte item If marked by *n. Index, it d«mtea that year eubserip* tkmw overdue and * promptpayment ;is desired, TWENTY-FOUETH YEAR. ' HO, 22 * CEPARV 1 LLE. OHIO, ? 1 AY 15 , 1901 , PRICE $ 1,00 A YEAR, a v^tetyUew Colored Negrligree Shirts - f i a i s T O p : NOTCH ibt Smartness,' Quality. J.and • lvalue. Bedford Cord, blue "pink and lavender, at. 50c- Black and White Percale, collars detached, at 50c. 7 Imported Bedford Cord and Lace Front, Percale bodies to match, with attached cuffs, $1.00. Blue apd White Striped Madras, $1.00. Solid Colors, Fancy plaited and Detached Fancy Cuffs, &c., &c. S trg& w -<■B a t e , l , “*» w*. <m • mm tm 'a n n M «l M H p ■ ■ - Summ er TJnclerwear. I . f t D a v is , T a i l o r , Council Proceedings, Monday evening being the regular meeting night o f the town council, ,Mayor Wolford called ,the meeting to order with the following members ’ present; Norfbup,’ Dean, McLean, Andrew, Irvine, and Crouse, The first business o f the evening was the presentation o f petitions and memorials. A number of W/, C. T» IJ, ladies were present and asked that the petition which had been presented ■tb that •body. several months ago’ he taken'from the tableand reconsidered. Miss'Mary Murdock spoke in behalf " of the ladies. Upon' motion ’ o f Mc Lean. it was voted to take'it up at the next regular meeting, owing to there " beihg quite' a good deal of business - for the present evening, > ' ' A petition from Jacob Lott was next read, asking for the council to replace the chip rock which was re moved. from in front of his' residence, some time ago,' or’ pay him for same, ' * After considerable discussion over . this much talked of question,, a mo tion was made that the. Mayor' ap point a committee <>f three to investi gate' the matter as'to whether the ebr- poration was indebted to ’ Mr, Lott. McLean, Crouse and Irvine were ap* pointed, i ’ The following committees were ap- ' pointed for the years . Street, Irvine, . Dean, Crouse.and Northup; Finance, Andrety, McLeatj, Crouse and Irvine; Claims, McLean and Andrew; Fire, .Dean; Light, Crouse; Pomps, North- , ■up- if \ , , ' ' " ’* The report o f thefinance’QOeginittee Was next read. as to » the amounts asked for the different funds for peat ■ year; General, $500; street, $300; fire, $400; light, $000;’ Interest and sinking, $600, * The levies for. last year were as fol lows; General, $65.0; street, $300; fire, $500; light, $650; interest and sink ing $500, The total for last year wah $2600;. this year, $2400, The Mayor's report showed $9*60 Collected, which was •ordered to"'the general, fund,' Thecngineer reported the cisterns up to the standard; then came the •question'arto'whafc was the standard. It has always been customary to give fhe depth o f the water in.each cistern* but this rule has been abandoned of late. The question o f disconnecting • all the houses which empty into the cisterns came Up but nothing was done. . It was decided to examine One of the cisterns, pump out the water and give it a good cleaning see where the trouble is about not holding water. The one in front of the Odd Fellows* hsll will be cleaned first. Tim matter was left to the fire committee and chief engineer, John Pierce, ■ Bills to the amount of $102,87 were allowed*. One feature of the street commit* stonsra report showed that quite a number have already worked out their road tax. SK* ffla y - 3 tme During these months we will make Special Low Prices oft every article in our store; giving to alt extraordi nary values COMMENCEMENT, BIRTHDAY, or WEDDING Pres- DON’T BUY ■ u • f until convinced that ottr prices are right of lower than the quality can he bought for elsewhere. ‘ v ^ $ m • our new line- of fine UMBRELLAS ■ j t i w !»« PARKER’S FOUNTAIN PEN M a s s ? w o o © : m e < v f s * :, Tlte Jstefar* , The -Big Store With Little Prices SPR INGFIELD , OH IO . tf-; j Extraordinary values made -possible by our recent Eastern shopping tour* Everybody ; ; in Springfield knows that the .object of these monthly recurring New York trips' are to . / jhelp you and your neighbor buy up-to-date goods at greatly reduced prices* . . . . i T l i i s t r i p m a d e g om e e x c e p t i o n a l l y c lo s e b u y s , a l l n e w s t y le s a n d ’p o s i t i v e l y t h e v e r y 'la t e s t e ffe c ts , a n d a r e o n l y s o l d a t t h e p r i c e s n am e d a s a r e s u l t o f a d e te rn in a t io n t o a lw a y s g i v e b u r c u s t om e r s th e . b e n e fit o f a n y u n d e r 1 b u y . W e f a k e a d v a n t a g e o| o p p o r t u n i t y a n d s h a r e t h e b e n e f it ‘w it h out p a t r o n s , c o n t e n d in g t h a t i t is b e t t e r t o m a k e a litfila p r o f it o n „ a t h o u s a n d c u s t om e r s t h a n a b i g p r o f i t o n a h u n d r e d '. • . * . ' . - „ Read carefully the following few items; you can glean from them what is to be expected by coming here. Money Baring Prices on Men’s Suits and Pants. / V Q for mens good, service- ajjjef beat appearing ' suite, in light, dark and medium ef fects, stripes and plaids, fined with a - good substantial quality of farmer’s satin and thoroughly well made; asuit that is in every way desirable for busi ness; a sitit that will, fit you well .and .would be considered excellent value at $7*00. q j ! 7 £ } Q f ot men’s Spring suite, 1 * 4 7 0 .Up t0 '$11,00; these suite are made of the most popu lar fabrica;au exceptionally large line, every one recent buys and were never intoned to retail at this low figure; it • is to your interest to look, at this line. See High Street windowdisplay. $9.89 for men’s suite; a line of 20 differentstyles, all of the newest, nobbiest and; swellest out for spring; they’re trim,, snappy and full of elegance; the fabrics are first- claes, in keeping with the cut pud fin ish. You can make a saving here of from $3^00 to $4.00. $11.47 for men’s elegant Suits made from the richest and most select patterns Of the finest fabrics in pure ’ wool worsteds, cheviots and velour finished flannels sure to please themost exacting dresser’ and. at a saving o f at least from $4. to $5.00. . **** jy ' , “n 1 >'i i .Men’s Jeans and Summer Rants, . tjeWiy intended for trade winners, special buyprice,.......... ; ..............49c . 100 pairs Men’s Rants, constructed oa fines for durability and service, never sold for less than $1,00; special buy p r i c e . , .«.».*»,.*.79o 250 pairs Men’s. Rante in worsteds and. cassimeres' fully fifteen styles to choose from; special buy price..,11,48 ’ 400 pairs Men’s medium Dress Rants, bought from an overstocked > manufacturer at a special low figure that enables us to make a satisfactory profit' and save you 50c to $1.00; special buy price............ $1,98* $2.48 ■V Great Chance for the Boys at These Brices. ■■ Boys* double-breasted suits, sizes 7 to 16, some Worth up to $3.50, made by best makers, perfect fitting, special buy prices...,..,,.....,...*.$1.97, $2.48 Boys’ Vestee suite, fancy and plain ef fects, values up to $2.50; special buy prBte.................... *............ 83c, $1.48 Boys’ Three-Piece suite, sizes 10 to 16, in aneat check—this suit is surety worth a great deal more than We ask for them; special buy price........$1.98 Russian Blouse Suits for little men, sizes 3 to 7, the very newest thing for boys, here you positively, save money; special buy price..,$3.98 Boys’ Three-Piece Suite, sizes 10 to 10, in a- clean blue cheviot add this quality has never sold for less than $4; special buy price..,,.,.*.$2.98 Boys’ Knee Rante, sizes 3 to 16, in fancy cheviots—are worth regular ly 35c, at the price ws-kame will not materially increase our' bank account; special hay price....... .*,.**...**180 A Rare Double Twist Cheviot Rants, medium weight,' these pants are usually sold for 50c; special buy price, *29c 100 Dozen Boys’ Knee Pants, sizes 4 to 16, manufactured to retail for double what we ask you for them; special buy price,,.. .,.*..,*.,,*,....120 Boys’ Knee Rants, sizes 4 to 16, mostly samples and all bought under price, a positive savingOn every num- - her; special buyprice*.,.* .....49c, 68c Boys’ Long Rants Suite, ages 14 to 19, newest J3priftg patterns, sub stantially made; special buy price.,..,, ......... ,....***,,.*.*.$2.98 Boys’ Long Rante Suitef-sizes 14 yearSj *of fancy cheviots and cassimeres in attractive patterns, real values $7 and$8; special buy price, ...... *.................................... *....$4.96 Swell . Long Pants Suits For boys, rises 14 to 19 years, of fancy striped, and checked worsteds, nobby plaids and the late velour fin ished flannelsextensivefine and avery o re a tradewinner; special buyprice .......* ..... :............... .........$9*88 MEN’S . FURNISHINGS HATS. Exclusive Side of our Business Underwear. Men’s Baibiiggan Shirts aftd Draw ers, Frehcli neck, pearl buttons; plain and fancy Colors Price...........23c -Men’siFaney- 'Shite - and Drawers, French neck, silk* stitched, nice ast sOrtmeutOf colors. Price......«,»37Jo Men’s Balbriggati Shirts arid Draw ers, plainand fancy colors, fine gange, rilk front,.twiU needle stitch through* out, Rriee*.,.................... . *»***•48c Men’s French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, imported; made o f extra good quality heavy twisted MaCb cot ton, Price*******#*■.*¥+*»**************73c Neckwear, Madras sheild Bows and Ties, new patterns, Rrios........... ................. 4c Madras string Ties, baud and shield Bows. ’Price...i,»•••»».*•*•**•«•*„»««»9c 500 dozen Silk Tacks Imperials, graduated string,hand and shield hows Frio# ......................*.,..28e Ubyri Sweaters, light weight, collage stripes. Price... 18c Men’s and Boys* fight weightSweat ers, plain colors. Brice..............48c Gentlemen’s Gloves. Gents’ Dogekiu Gloves, Snap but tons, selected stock* Price...*.*s**78o *^Gents’ Dogskinand Mocha-Gloves, pique stitched, new shades, perfect fitting neat and genteel. Price...98c Adler’s Kid and Mocha Gloves, browns, slates and Russian reds. Price .......................... $1*48 " ‘ -Belts, ' . ■ Men’s and Boys’ ten, grey aud rus set Leather Belts, Price...........*28c Men’s and Boys’ Belts in kid, cardo*. Van, peccary and calfskin; newest buckles. Price................... ,.....‘.48c jtewfilery, . - 28 dozen assorted gold-plated Link CuffButtons, 25o values. Price.*,9c 10 dozen Bilk Fobs With gold-plated charms, studded with brilliants. $1» values. Price,.,.........*,.48c Boston & Brighton garters. Price ,.,48c. Hats Boys* and children’s. Straw Hats and Sailors; new styles. Price-.23c Mexican and wide brim Sailors for children* Plain and rough braids, Yachts tor boys. An assortment that will please*. Price..,.*,..M*-*>*•-.. 48c Exclusive shape in Boys’ and Children’s Hate at—prices..,.....*.. ..........................73c, 98c and $1.23. Men’sStrawYachts and softBraids, Nobby styles* Prices,.,*..... 48c, 73c Shifts, 50 Styles Men’s and Boys’ Soft Laundried Shirts in the mostjdeskable patterns and colorings, Made with and without detached collate and cufik Price.*.......... .............................. ..48c 10 styles Madras Negligee Whirls, ooloriugs the newestand brightest, in cluding purple, pink* hallo, blues, do l>techedlink«ir6W^Price, 73c Hosiery .Men’s Grey Mixed Box, narrow top full seamless. Price..................... 4c Men’s Black Hose, guaranteed stainless and seamless. Price........5c Men’s Heavy Mixed Grey Box..»*.7|c , Men’s red, blue, tan and black Hos iery seamless and colons guaranteed. Pnco... ...... ...9c Men’s fancy Hosiery, handsomeef* sects in stripes and plain colors.,.I2|c JieriOTjf-'' Suspenders Men and Boys’ Suspenders, wire buckles, metal. trimining, braided ends. P r i c e , 8 a Men’s and Boys’ Ruspenden, leath er back, mohair ends, harness buckle new fancy web. Price...,..........18c Men’s Fine Dress Suits, no matter what extreme style has Caught your fancy you will .find, it in this -price, range. Fabrics are high grade, pure, fancy and plain finished, and unfin ished worsteds, and silk striped casai- meres, and cheviots ............Priecaj $14,96, 16.90,17.40 Manhattan Shirts, “ known as the best.” ’fhe h « t known prices 2.00,2.25,8.00 American Hosiery Underwear, fin est lisies, balbriggan and meteerited silks.:.*,*.,.Brices, $8,96,496 pr Bult Colonial Hosiery, silk, Ikies* fancy laceweaves and high novelty msecs *.„.;......... ....................... Brice, 48c , a ‘i - ■ * ■ ■> • ? , Jpt Knothw FineSuspenders, exeiudv* webs, best, elastic, {dated backfe*, ends guaranteed not to break PjtN0 Grand showihg o f Boy’s Suite, the finestspecimens o f juvenile clothing in the market; Russian, Blouse, Bailor and the new manly suit for little men •ui fact we believe it to be the most extensive and elaborate, line evet brought to the city. ................Prices* $4.96, 6*e8, 7.98 Byeteon’* F r i t e i # Nteskwtw^ new shapes,' K ing Edwards tie and how, just, out—mads in Grenadines, Fou lard*, Ruteehnudes, Louirine# and Peau D e Sole B ilks....... ........Price 48e Browa’# Hats, the bestiftade; »«w :' fdtete i n ’f r i f .id fk s—eofete t e a r s . .
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