The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
• • v * mmmm HSrxmm m. i i ‘: Si. iFt\e If etmld, # 1 .® A Y B * f c «*«M» IT Mir iOww* QttOM* f>f*-l«S » ! * « WaliU*« * « . u a tu & d a y , MAY JH, 10QL OBITUARIES— Containing over two httadflid word#. wiU b$ charged tor; «$ the into o f five centa per J'm& CARDS OF. THANKS — Five «>eeiap*r lute.; ' ’ ... When you «end ia tong obituaries plegse etn^whom tbabill Uto be eeot to, or we Will; pofefiaf* two ($00} bim- tired wordi e r leave, the bdawpe out. Melee them afi long as you wish, it you comply withthe above conditions, which is * matter of pure justice. m tm i m , Tins Pa&tfcger Department o f the 0 . H, »&IX By. Ii»# juht uiu'e.f a beautiful » f rule* on “ Bridge Whiat” which will be mailed on re quest, Doelcse two tent stamp. Ad dress Bridge Whist, Advertising Du* partiaent 6. H. & IX By ,,. Cincin* nati, Ohio, ♦• - I f people only knew what .we know about KodolDyspepsia Cure, it would bet used in nearly every house* hold, as there arc few people who do not suffer from * fujliiee^ after eating, belching sour stomach, caused by in digestion or dlspepeia, A preparation such a Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which with no aid from the stomach, will di* getfe your food, certainly can’t help, bu do you good? Itidgwny.. A suruvecipe for turning the most rabid socialist into an ultra conserva tive citizen—put him in the way to get rich. K ... "Wise men wilLbeware o f the new est style of bunco game—-the specula tive oil companies that promise fab ulous profits to Investors. - It requites ati occasional happening such aa the Jacksonville fife to keep . jnenVhearts open towards each other, They are Shakespeare’s touches o f ha-* tore. ■- The War Department ihas decided to reduce the army in the Riiippines to 40,000 men* All the .yqluteerswill , been their way home betore the.fend , b f Jane, k M ^ 1 * E xperts declare that with proper rastmgemeutPorto Rico, Hawair, and the Philippines can supply1all , the coffee for which the U.-S. is now pay ing .something like sixty million dol* ' lare a year: ^ : An Improvement Society. . The .National League o f Improve ment Associations, with headquarters at'Springfield, Ohio, is seeking to se- .•cure the organization,o f a local affili ated*society in this place. The object Of the League is to bring into com- > tuunication forncquainfacce andmu tual helpfulness all organizations in terested in the. promotion o f outdoor art and public heaytyy town, villa"! • and neighborhood improvement. It la said that there are already in existence more,than a thousand local improvement.associations in various parts o f the country, with an aggre gate taembership of-fully one .hum dred thousand. A pamphlet just is sued by the National League gives some potable examples of the -splen did work these societies have accom plished. Copies: o f the same, with further information in regard to the movement, may be procured by ad dressing the Corresponding Secretary, B , j ; Thomas, Rooms 8 and 10, Cit izens National Bank, Springfield, 0, The movement, for civic improve ment is a mpst commendable one and it would he gratifying to see a local organization for its promotion in Our . city. *The benefits to be derived are - manifold, as the work appeals, both to material and philanthropic interests* The townwhjcb has well kept streets, prettyparks,attractive home grounds plenty o f fresh air and generally fav orable flBnitnry conditions, is the town the moral development and industrial progresso f whichwill always commend it. Let us have an -improvement Association, Christiansshould practice theg'cspel of strongfistsas well as of loving arms,- Biliousness Is a condition char-i acterized by a disturbance o f the di gestive organs. .The stomach js de bilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels Constipated. There is. a loathing of, food, pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, /first of the undigefctedor partly digested food and then of bile. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets allay the disturbances of the stomach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up t}ie liver to a healthy, action and regulate the bowels,. Try them and you ip-o pertain to be much pleased with tbe result. For sale by O, M. Ridgway, ’ t- , , ' ' . , j .°[ * There are some people in this town so gentle that they are even afraid of offending.the devil., K ' ACssliler -Testifies. r , , Papsin Syrup Co.; Mohticello, 111 , - Oentlemen:-—After twenty years of pains, canted - by constipation brought Oo hv sedentary habits,I have found more,'relief in two bottles of Df. Caldwell's Syrup' Pepsin .than all of the hundreds of other remedies I haye tried, and I take, pleasure in giv ing you this testimony, believing you •have the finest, preparation made for stpmach troubles. , „V‘ Very' truly yours, B. F, Lange, Cashier Wabash R, R., 35 , St. Louis. Sold by-G. M. Ridgway,' Good Arfvee. The most miserable beings in the world arc thosesuffering fromDyspep sia and Liver Complaint: More than seventy-five per cent, of the people in the Baited States are afflicted with these two diseases and their effects; such as Sour Stomach, Sick Head ache, Habitual Coerivenew, Palpita tion o f theHeart, Heart burn, Water- ' brash, Gnawing and Burning Pains at'tbe Pit 'of the Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue and Disagree- TWfo in the Monto, Coming up of Feed] after Eating, Low Spirits, etc* Go to your Druggist and get a bottle ,of Aligns* Flower for 75 cents, Two dote* wilt relieve you. Try it. Get Green’s Prize Almanac. Obie C, Barber, President of the Diamond Match Co*, is about to build a reeideflco in Aktofi, which will ba the handeomast house in Ohio. The cost will be $800,000. State <rf Ohio, CUrof Toledo; f X uom Comity I' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he k senior partner of the firm of F, J. Cheney & Co., doing business la the Chy « f Toledo* County and State afbreeavl, and that said firm wilt pay •tbe sum o f ONE HUNDRED.DOL LARS for each and* every case o f - Catarrh that cannot be cured by the «*# rtfH*$ri Gatetth Cam FRANK J* CHENEY* Sworn to before we - and aubeeribed h » f m m m , tint 6th difr o f De* mmkm, A. JD, ■ A, W, m-ISAWiH | *»** [ , Notary mUe. Halfi* Oatarrh Cafe l« taken Iiy^r- Mty, and acta directly on the blbml abd rottcmia aurfacea o f the ayftow Simd testimonials, free* F* J* Cw«3»#y drCo.* Toledo, 0 , by tktigZktof ; family PHI*atwlb# 'b**L MODfl, AMt«IC« sm s. A practical, plain young sriri; ' Nut-aimul-oi Ihe-raiu young giri;} A p'»etii*al pf-*y, / A rudy ami rosy, A belprr-ofsdf young girl. , Af-hoiac-ui-bcr-plucu y-wnpr gulf A ucvc-f-will-kre young girl; A toiler sercr.c-, ' ' , A life is clean, A princeri-ot-p^ce young girl. A wfav-her-owiubuir young girl; A Irca-frem-a-staro young girl; A waRtc-not-an-bcur^ - No pale parlor flrewefr A picture-of-bc-aUh young girl, f Ptonty-rooni-ia-her-sboefi--tbw girl; A free-from-thc-hlueST-tbirt girl; Not a bang ou her brow, f N ot« fraud will allow, •Slip'sjust wsat she se'ems—this girl. Not a readertof{rash young girl; ■ Not a cheap-jewel flash youug girl; Not a eipper of rum, Not a ebewer of sutu-— Remarkably sensible girl. At teu-m-ber-bed young girl; An active, aspiring young girt;,. . 'An early ariser, A dandy despiser, - * - We honor this lovable girl. , , 4 " < ' « . * ' A lover-of-prose young girt; Not a turn-up-the-nose young girl; Not given to splutter, Not “ utterly titter,” . , A matter-of-fact young girl. A rightly ambitious young girl; ’ Red-lips-eo:'dclicipus' young girl; , A clear, sparklingeye That says' *‘I will try”— A sure-to-sueceL-d young girt. Au bon istly courting girt; ,A never-seen,-fiirtiug yoii ag girl; ■ A quiet, demure, * „ A modest nod pure.*r A fit-ior-a-wife young girt- A sougbt-eyerywhere-young girl; A future moStfair yotmg girl;- ‘ An ever-discreet,* ' We too.sekhmi meet—- This queen-ofthe-queens young girK —Virgil A. Pingley to 20 tli Century Farmer. ’ > Drl Eis'en,;djsboverer. of the cancer germ, has that diaeasC; >jt js wRh a good. deal - of pleas ure aud Satisfaction that I recommend Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,” saysDruggist A. W> Sawtelle, of, Hartford, Conn. “ A lady custodier, seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my show case, Said to me;-T-realiy believe thatmed icine saved my life the past sununer while at tbe shore,’ and she became so enthusiasticover ‘ its merits that I, mt once made up my mind to recom mend it in the future. Recently a gentleman came into my store so over come with colic pains.that he sank at once id the floor. I gave him a'dose of this remedy which h?lped him, I repeated the dose’ nndfin fifteen min utes he left my Btore smilingly inform ing me that he felt as well as ever,” Sold by C. ALRidgway,” Kansas is to revolutionize her treat ment of theinsane. Instead of crowd ing the patients iogetherinto ono im mense building, they will be placed- in cottages eSmiliar. to private homes. S «w « of n Oongi. A cough is not a disease but a symptom. Consumption aud bron chitis, which are the most dangerous And fatal diseases,* have for their first indication a persistent cough, and if properly treated as soon as this congb appears are easily cured, Chamber-' Iain’s Cough Remedy has proven wonderfully successful, and •gained iterwide reputation and extensive sale by its success in ‘ .curing the diseases which cause coughing. It it is not beneficial if will not cost you a cent. For sale by 0 , M* Bidgway. The Census Bureau has Issued a bulletin announcing that tbe center of population o f the United States, excluding Alaska and recent territo rial accessions, on June 1 last, was six miles southeast of Columbus, Bar tholomew County, ill southern Ind, Seoirs Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the means of life, and enjoyment of life to thousands: men women and children. When appetite fails,, it re stores it When food is a burden, it lifts the.burden. Whenyoulose fleshjt brings” theplumpness of health* ' When work is hard and duty is .heavy, it. makes life bright. It is the thin edge of the wedge; the thick’ end is food* But what is the use of food, when von hate it, and can't dh gest It? Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is thefood th&tmakes ; you forget your stomach, a not triad it, **ntf fp r are Nature’s warning notes o f ■approaching danger from a dis eased heart. „ I f you ' would avoid debilitating diseases, or even sudden ykath. from this hidden trouble pay heed to. the early warnings. Strengthen the heart’s muscles, quiet its. nerv ous irritation and regulate-its action with that greatest o f all . heart remedies, Dr*. Miles’ Heart Cure. “ Darting pains through my heart,' left side and arm would he followed, by smothering, heart 6 pasms and fainting. - Dr, Miles* Heart Cure has entirely, relieved -me of those troubles.M JomsrV ait D enbueoh , 25 <>K«Waunee St., Milwaukee, Wis* D e . M i t e s ’ Heart Cute controls the heart adiion, accel erates the circulation and builds u p the entire system. Sold by druggists on a guarantee. Dr*Mile?Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. HUNT’S D,fiEI lEtS I Tablet per day, 30 to 60 minutes before breakfast; one 'month’s^treat ment costs 23 c. T. J. HUNT, Lvvzamm, Mercm, Ind, For cale by Ridgway & Co, - O* M. Ridgway. The Pleasant Way i’0 Tin; F&n-Amsnean Exposition is V ia tiik TO AM* NORTHERN anti LIKE RESORTS. Atop Over at IKltfelo. Inquire of (.'. VL & !>, rcpriTciitu-' lives lor partiriilura nr wiito I).' G*EDWARDS) ■I’*#, 'M> Mgr* "iTNCWNAH, G, -------- -'”7 PIB 0 & Tlso K 3 ud -X cim Kavo Always,’Bought* Rail which. ha» hts«$. in use- T op ovr-i* i*Q years, liaff borne the signature o f aud has heeu made w ider Ida per- ■“ spnal supervistoil siiieq ito infaney. Allow uo one to deceive you iu this. AU C oun terfe itImH ations nnd «*Jiist-us-good” are hub 3 Expcrimrct‘i that trifle w ith » « d endatnger the health o f - Inftmts ahd Ohdch*en--- 33 xperIenee against Experiment W h a t is O A S T Q R iA Castovia is a hn'rm’ ess snhstitute for* Castor OB* Pare- gorie^ Drojis-iiud Soothing Syrups. I t is TRleasant* I t . contains, neither Opium, Morphine n or other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms nncT allays Feverishness,. I t cures! Dfarrhosa and Wind Colic. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Fiatnlency, I t assimilates the Food* regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aiid natural sleep. The Children's Banacea—The Mother’ s Friend, GENUINE C A STO R SA B e a r s th e S igna tu re o f M&mffaotOT&dbytboHARVABD PIANOOOMPANTat Oincinnati R e o & g n i z e d E v e ryw h e r e for Its SUPERIORITY. The HARVARD is Bold In HV- DRY STATE In the UNION and is POPULAR EVERYWHERE. { I t represents, to the highest '•possible degree, the GREATESTVALUE , ■ a t MODERATEPRIDE. • y• Superb Tone Quality. - ' '■ Unquestioned Durability.' .. Beautiful base Designs* The John Church Company, S.E Cvratr Foarfi tadElm Si*. eiNeiNNHTI. In•Use - For Over $ 0 . THSqcNTAt*«COVWI*, T* KpRBAY**nKC1f» »E«I YonK«I*Y. A .;Oiir'•Cluliii’• for- : pu k A Fine Stock of Furniture ' - - 'v Consisting of ........ „ ,* » , - . , - 51 ^ * v«r . ’ ^ _„ 1A full assortment of Bed Room Suites, . A, fine stock of Rockers. *. A complete line of Couibination Book Cases. A full stock of everything in the Eurniture Line. »a { m m b y C r a d i ^ g W i t h i { $ * The Largest Stock to Select From. The Lowest Prices* The Best Values* ‘ ‘ . . » < * * - - * ' * ■ * . . .• H - - - '.:* - - -.'.v .■.*•*-- *t- >* : ".I - ■l’* > ' . o o- © * ® . - ; t . . i ' / “ * * * ■ ' i$ f« ir% BAmstui ■ . Highest Quality, Largest Variety, , Best Styles. You will make a mistake if you don’t see our line. t JAMES H. H c MILLAN, Furniture Dealer* Funeral Director. 6 . H. St D. and your diineo of following routes. All raff via Detroit, fbrmigfi Canada. Lake Lria rstt-iimei-s, via Detroit or Toledo, O r going rail, Tc-turning by steaftto-r or vied vetoa. Also all rail via Lripsie, Junction and Nickel Finto, or via Toledo and Lake Shore. Special TouristHates A Good Itiloij. German Byrep is the special pro scvijitioii o f Dr. A._ Bosehcc, a cede bratetl German Physician, and is no -1 knowlcdged to be one of the moat for-. tuimte discoveries iu .njedfeine. •It! finicklycures Ootigh?*' Colds? and all Lung {roubles? o f the *severe;!? nature, rt-nmving, as it dor-?, the c.uw? oi the affection and leaving the parte in a strong aud healthy condition. It i : not an experimental medicine,but has stord the test of yenro, giving satis faction in- every case, whieli its rap idly incremiug .sale every reason con firms. 'Twomillion bottle; ;-old aiuui-. ally. Boschui’a (Icvnnm Byinp was lutmlittcd in the United Slate:?, in 1868 , and is now sold in every town and village in the civiliseJ world. Time dotes will rJicve any ordinary cough, I’ric-e Toct?. Get Groeirf Brize Almanac. ---“ Our little /:i?l was um-on/rious fhun rtimigulatioii during a" sudden and tfmbit’ attack of croup; £quickly: pecim-d n hollfe of OneMinute Couah Cuic, giving ha- tinre doses. The croup xras mastered mill oiu* little darling ejifc-dily recove,ed.” Ho writ* s A, L. Hpiifford, Chcetcr# Mich Ridgway &. Co* »^>t3 c* <*J, i,t3' ..w; # « iy ,d & cd{rt «< M M CHURCH DIRECTORY ' ft, P. Iiarcli—Ilcv. J. 1'. Hatton,.bitjUar. services at 11:00 a, m. Sabbath School at 1(1a. m. Covenanter Church—Jtcv. V.', J.Sanderson, par.tor, ' Sabbath nt 10 3. m. .Preach* ing at 11:00 c. m. Yopiia Peordo raeot at 6 p. in, c':ccjit the 1st and lid Sabbaths of the* month v-bea they meet nt 0:0ft, and preaching tn the evening an the ist (Mid 2d Sabbaths of the month at p.'in. IT. P. Church—ftev. p, 0., jiaator. Ser vices at 10:■'>() a. ns and 7:(,0 u . Sabbath Si-h&otat S:Z0 a.m, fitaiida.d tiiac. 51. IT. ihureh—-Ucv. A . IlnenUon, Pastor. Pri‘*ftthing ftt lC:15,-!.rd Sabbath School at G:i;i> a. in. Ptnpla^ meeting atG:0d ]). it *. Prayer meeting' Wednesday evening at 7;*:9. Preaching every other Sabbath even* ingTsilOp..nt* ' Kaj.t’ at Church—lIoV. (Jer.rgo Washington, ycstj’rt-ftho ftatiisteharth. Preaching at 11 a. ra. and 7 : 3 i) j?. la, Sr.biath* School at 2;30 js.m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night at ITvcryono invited, A, 2,1*B. '<I!sarch-*>ltcv, O. K. Jose* 3P*A* tot Preaching at-iOdV) n. hi, nnd 7:G0 ti. m. Clu:-c every SaH-ath ail2;W , Sabbath School nt lliOft p, n , Prayer meeting Ta'IOt>. to,, TVtJncsday <ve. HI®- B asr to m S r.KfT- K***** :sft. *4*3. H €%t {Ml * .. . * . , >w* W. .R SS O r j ’ ■ ei e*v I-J^**.—. tSbtp O w v-*J*->**Vs —a, tm JH- ^0 gwS -g* tti Aa jgf I3S3- W4 J-*' -.1^ tTIV O’ **'■*■ *25 *^} *»iW & **£ »* -« B--r % Product of tbe niarkei _;tii»l stock Ifiirm can al ways be found at tiie Meat Btnrc of Okariss 'Weimer. .' *.: •- *’• *. .. • .>L‘. -* ■ togetbor witli every* tiling to be found in A liret class meat market* • Also JiamlJe-? the cele* ,, bfated Bwift Company^ Hums. And courteotti * and bonefet treatment goes with tbe above, Gouda Delive-red. Tdcpbone tiO, 5 ^ ^ k sm m t f . m m ^ 3 £ i ! £ 9 | # MMHHI ’^ r f f f ^*1 'DON’T B e fOOLEOI --------- 1>lt« the geaiitn*, ariclntl itocKv ttsutiywjt t*n ,£lt» C«„ M»dfe«(sMwi*, it y y rv«H,6wr ■ mark cat an w MikitW* * Prt«.4» seat#* - . ii»pii * - m-Afiiik, A#(wirt. no *«b»ti*y i « m . Am ywir fttottfft, -De.Witt’a Litfto Knrjy Riser* fi'iucli foiM 0 t(f.t,])artaiif tbe. bowel* H iil t im t r t V M i k . 'L * i i t n « D L t i < , . . , 121 ^ The City Hotel, (Povnurly Sbcrmaa HotiKcT' % H, HAV>VOODy Proprietor* Tour Pulronagb and .......... . •Influence Belie?tod. POPULAR H AW * fliysnnsulvaniaLinsajj TIT'r"' ■•“' '- -1.0- ■Wsetweva, j am j rSirff ||1 Aitu:*-,.. -ff ,. . a . 1 - s*is„■* 7 ff Wi.Ao'tcrcaa**!...» **. ...f#5S- 'ti-—<3iW?<R9«T i'-r- i*. *>:tu KM:, Hrtntki j j ,, r«i 'Jtviad Wttocr*jr.'3,"4. * . j ~ftA£.K t . :u XMlin . fF*d 2OCl4 S f.';:US:3>I « 3 c .Spring 14361 - VlOa? r ' ill ww-iw«te*‘i • {*4/?a,o hrmm Ittvgasjla , .<j|- <• (iimi w< •tA-''-1—'**“ 5 ® '* " V.srJlcuf.V/ I*-..-njjd?,. |; j XU0 i I * j i i •Tr.::? " -■ $ fi,<UtstaUar „ , « c ^*;!25:]S3ft © i-~ H'MtAatJptqiiti fa ii'jf- 48^ S ir l»2*Jtr fUClCWStlit thtavicJc.. " s V, , .......... f*I -iv. '-.i (t -v. rimv. .i,„. * rf “ i-svilte'* ilir.ngV m ?,.. “ ^ ' far, .Vhljeforcv “ i odiivrtjle. •« —In;u..,„— <*- M'b::rif3l(iil ” * ■union....... •a, lefltrspn " Alton....... “ .'voTumbai*at, 1 .ta -ga; y -ise. ^ -v 4-«r(..j * m | 7 sji 23i>^!.-*"i. . 90 S- m l {(9*4; 95:jj uTu.- m ;Sti- 0 El I.-,. i. F6»ai» f 5301021 | fg |7 ra S3£?—^ ■B<5ip35 AM{AM §01*60.114^12^ ss msim^o. SprbitjReldIV ■ ■ .»'* OLDARTICLE,, OHIO.. , ’ * 'l A‘¥ ’ ** 'J'’ CCQCNI’S of Merchants ana in; divldimis solicited.' Cofiectioue promptly nmdo and remised. T v RAPTH on New York' and C%- ’*■* cinnnti sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to send money by mail, ■ T OANB* made on Beal Estate,' Pei- ~ sonal or Collateral Security* William Wildman, Pres., 1 - Setb W, Smith, Tice Pres., . . Wr. J Wildman, ‘Cashier; c.w.p... ’ ’ . . , rt*■*'' t * ’ , J Daily M&at Market. UndcT the above finli - name, .the meat market of 0,' \V. Crouse will .be conducted. All product in the .meat line will be tbe best that money .can buy', which fact crtinbined with honest. and Ihorough busiimss methods is enough public, who ^always want the worth of their money in every respect. When sending children, direct them- to ns; wo always give them the best they ask for* m -. GOODS DELIVERED ’ * ( , Telephone No. 74. THE RAPIDTRANSITCOMPANY. Between Xenia and Dayton. Leaves Xenin; ' Leave Dayton: , 5 ;fl 0 a-, m. * 0:00 a, m, 6:00 7:00 7:00 * 8:00 8:00 0:00 0:00 ' 10:00 . 10:00 . 11:00 11:00 ' 12.00 Noon. j 2:00 'Noon. 1:00 p.m. BOOp» m.. 2:00 2 : 0 A . 8 ;O 0 3:00V------^ 4:00 4:00 \ ■ 5:00 -5:00 \ 6:00 6:00 7:00 '7:00 ' 8:00 8:00 . 0:00 j 9:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 Xenia office and waiting room No 4 South Detroit St. Dayton office and waiting room, 15 "West Fifth St., opposite Postolfice. Tim naming time between Dayton and Xenia is mm hour, passing thru Highlands, Smlthville Road, Zinmmr- maii, Alpha, Trebrins and Luca* Grove. . Dayton to Xenia 17 mile?, fare 25 cents. Every other car combination for freight., Sundays and Holidays cars run every half hour, X<j«Swt ,rcol;v(l?B ., ,C; liiSMHl -WohVltt.-1*I 1 l|liRJI«W^r 4 43 .AUf'AiO >93CI . :> v. 3 ■j®»r t . *340 am .946^907? ;s i§ 907 ; i 91 ? !«?2 -f. I943'....! -iO 051015 3 -U.T ■WftBJj I)S, Q" m KAwfJ'M l>M|"i’M i'M- » ? AM j-AMi I'M feAsaJr,f‘ki^isws 4, : £i.f.f^:r,-| 5U ;....i - v -• n. '-imoi -1 ! ..-Alii M -J1 05 ' ^2il;iIof L f j 603 j ^a>fon4w. 64au^ / n)vV101130, i I*;? "" tf’- ■. , ,«fievriisi.*, -fAas>5as^jf, Iha’t Need ijpo J*viOstimeton SS-Carwli!«J 2 . 00 iiU lisiit; i’aiM inn ?2.00-aitefet:i»iyjii),-x>uv* '*,. . . ■cullmint Mlpeiiluii Carson 0, : J, HO. £W, 'Ai nii'f I(lf> <liber run w n . f‘ ,itmsims ;.t d Pilt-vljiuichor <-nmiF<;i ■ (2 ttohffrab TIiiTnii .QluflMH in nsrui fwni Its ♦.hil Wood fur Indfciwpolla anti 81- rni,?s; a i noil 3 for tU.iciigo, 1 n. y. liORKM. as. a . FOitn, U-Kj-oo.-i^ Cm-snnnaH, rEN><'» . For timecards,rnlfcsof fare, tbrough Ucjusu, bnggnfce cbecks, and 'fttrttier t&tnrmnUon re- camhijr Ilie mimlnp; o f trslm,, sppli- lo-an^ ngentof tlionennsyivnnlnlines. j E. S'. Keyes, Agent, Cedaryille, Ohio/ ASKYOURGROCER FOR Tbe 5 Mlabte BreaftM Fesi F ^ s r lu ia 'H e a l t h o r A / « A «?-r * ° B R . A l N ''B W U & A m * ' PURINAMILLS,,Sf-louis, Alo,; 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE T rade M arks :•'-'-sDamaiHft » C o p y r ig h ts & g . - Anyone Sending a sketch end description may quickly n*r-ort«;n our opinion tree whether an Invention le probably patenttihle. Coftimnnlq*. llOnsstrlctl/oonOdenMnLIIandbookou"* * cent free, untest agency foraocurlugps Fatonts taken through Jtur.ii & < tprelalnollu, Without charge, In ibn tFatenti. — natents. .k Co. rcootrS Scientific Hmenm A handsomely illustrated weekly, Jaihtesfc otr< dilution or any srlenitan Journal. Terms, f l a years Jourmonth*, Boldhyall newsdealers. MUNN&CO^IBrotdvray.^Yynrt Branch office, est F S t, Washington, I). C, tJSE* (Caveats, and Trade/Mark*Obtainedind allPat-; *ntl):isintssconductedforHoti*a»,Tgret». ( puROrriccisorroaiTeU .S.PATO iTOpriec ,and weeanswnfc patent in 1 <its tone lhaa those iremote fr«m'WaahingtdP, [ _Send model, drarviag or photo., with dtWriy- .tioft. W o advise, if patentable or not, free ef charge. OurfeenOtadetiUpatentlaseeared. , |,, “ How- to Obtain ratenU," wWr icost of same irr the U .S, and foreirn coinitrfss •sent free. Address* C .A a S N O W & C O . OH>. P atc NVO rn ct, WAsklNdTorf, O. C, -----—- -■ -*ew— ■‘vws^'Mvvvwvswwwvavy: 1 3 Weeks Pot 3 S Oil* For the krlghtast, Twwtte4*r- A *r.4 West fij'Ubt jttMrl i,*' weaie' •MatUrf* kg.sf «J-- s ant,/ c3U'*:**-..,g» **!»;*»**vs*. 1 : ?ndl 4 7 , iri 5< '"I td * i : h 4, %\ *1^ f «" c3c;fc * $$ *n ta + T'5V?- ttM ; ' ***«&( ' ^ *f»3L 4FM tfptirii njs W fo, OOUUanUo Btdjf, P*t* Blue Front Stable. •kLeave yoUf hortes there and your rigs he kept--on the inside, out of the raiii and sstofm, ' , 20 N. Fountain Avenue, Springfield, .0, ■V hamw E. T oms , Ftop i>i w n iw^mrtiF1 *i*> * iwr>iHifi»wnwWM mki Adam’s Restaurant and Biding Rooms Corner High and Limestone /street. Springfield Ohio. -SoldbyAUNewsdealers FURNISHES MONTHLY To all W e« of Song and Music!aw* VAltan* of SEW c!n>ic* vompixiiKUd bf the World’* famous authors, 64 . tm si ftm piesis MeltVockf.JJsJIWfunanfil El » ! S F t e f 8 f Plane WllM Once a XoiiSi tor lo Ctnis* ' Iftariy sabteriptlM, $t.w* If bought fa anytmwio store t} - on, woww o«ft | r . 3 S, * RtYlnjfef te.l*,«Km«»if. In ini YifcrvoU'iif tuedtfv800Ihtlii^ j for tbe PI aoo , dtMhw, «mrt Mt.«t »nd wWStlTM y«w‘ l w* n w i m , tlrtrtifA****** it*., SPA! O lJJR«toe^ h pot gCiodn isseveryl My motto is to"solid and 1m profit and AH, colors iu Bijou All colors Violet L? Dimities, fine quafil Organdy Lnwn«, vs Toile Det Soie ifercei 1 - everywhere tor. .Eddies 8ilk‘F«ulnrt .cant be told frt Corsets—over 2000, * r*s«^y«.*' A "good Bummer Cc - The best place to and everything in tl Ladies Itifady-mar close them out. . •*O * A » ' S b i r t m a i s t o . Percale Shirt I sortment of pj - - Black and, Qc * stylesLgood v, ' Wash Taffats •Mercerized Si \: . ’ cadet bine at. t i n d e r -' - Ladies’ sumh * ■ Our 25c vests I ;j, ' Ladies- Union . "v Men's Summ' ’ Boys^ fine qui S i l R Q i n g b a m s '• Plain Silk Hi Fine Bimitie 1 “Holly Batis * .Printed Batii Imported Sec S p e c i a l P r i c e s jl quality, lsl ii:25 grade, l| CursIrOpotsncy, Night Ei cases, all effects! A nerv® tonlcl glow to pals ch| -mail soft.per f able guarant y -Sendfof clrculaj NERVITA trgnimr: Positivelyguaranteedcure Organs,' Paresis, Loctmto Paralysis and the Results j Inplainpackage, $ 1.00 &I cure In 30 daya or rcfu| N E R V J Cfinton iuidJackson 1 O. M . R iil ft I > j “nR*. .1 - - :tfiwp. Btee! Plows, * Mowers, Riding Cultivators, J Hky Carriers, Walking Coltiv.';to?S ,JWjf Wo jtell itie famj convinced by the! -mmm
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