The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26

R i f ! G.TOPP JEWVsE' iZ? mluri^CZf* WHOLESALE „ and RETAIL i & SPRINGFIELD, OHIO] . %%sx; 513 * «5 limestone Street ' Extraordinary Peremtory Sale of Ladles and Misses Tailor-made-Snits,-jacliets» JEtons, Dress “Skirts and Rain Skirts, to make room tof Immense Shipments of Ladies -"^Shirt * Waists, Parasols, &c„ &c, We have made price reductions on all tailor-made garments now in our house, fully averaging 331-3 to 30 per cent off former low prices. A l l to go— CJO&'T dr LOSS to m m\ Considered. ■ u Sale Opens Saturday, May 18th. . 1 i m m vrjmm r Uc& m i Personal. -IVanled-kAthi at once. srreeksreturned SterreiL . 'j Allen, the three year old son oi Mr. and Mr*. Hugh Tarnbull,,who dislocated hi* arm, but week, is fast improving. ' \ - - Go to Starke^* Arrede ShoeHouse for good shoe* at honest priceywhere you get whabyeu pay for. Donot%e pulled in by any o f these fakir con* eerna where yon pay for a bicycle and somebody get* it. , r-.For Carpet paper go to McMil Ian,; he also carries “the cefehrate-- Cedar Moth Proof Paper. Agent Keys Informs ns. that the railroad business transacted ’at this place tor the month o f April amounted to $5007/,10, far in excess of any months business in many years. '/ *~- > ‘ * . ' . * * —New Crop California Apricots Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Kaisina at Gray’s. : ‘‘■T - ' , Mbs Flossie. Dill, o f near Xenia, well known here, has gone to Colum> bus, where she will ester a private hospital for the purpose o f hiring her* self for the work o f a trained nurse. j P -4. ' 1 ' , * L ose —A gold brooch set with emeralds, on, either Main -or Cedar Street last Saturday ■between 6 and 8 o’clock. Finder please leave at this office. We cannot afford to give any one a present at ov/ prices cn bents and shoes.. M you Will compare mirprice* you will "find at least 20 per cent, ip our favor. We are not in the lottery business. Starkey** Arcade Shoe House, ' Springfield, O, We have wondered why George Smith has been wearing such a happy smile for the lastweek. A little girl arrived at his home several days ago. ’.The least in quantity and mast In quality describes DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers, thefamous, pillsjfor con­ stipation, and liver complaints, Ridg- yi*y& Co. ■Glen Hammond is visiting relatives la Giiernaey^county,. . —Anything,!n|the harness line at Dora1*;- j _ . y It seemsM though the establishment of three rural routes from this place is a settled fact. A repefsentative oi one o f the .manufacturing concerns which make boxes, washer* this week taking- uorders, Furthermore, the bonds idr the camera have arrived ready to be signed up. The carriers recommended a!re Oscar Satterfield, Route No,l; Will Spencer, KOtlte No. 2; H. M. Stormont, Route No. 3; Bis expected that the route will be in operation by the first of duly, A number from here'attended the Fifer sale at Xenj&; Wednesday. Hr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin cures Constipation, Sold by ,& M. Ridg* W* ‘ . .« v The people o f South Solon didn’t want any better streets than, they have at present, consequently, de­ feated the pro|xwsitiooo f issuing$3050 in bonds to improve them, by nmajor­ ity o f six votes, -Mm, Jr .No.matter what causes facial eruptions, absolute cleanliness inside and out is tbe only way to topre them, Boekey Mountain Tea taken this month will drive themaway. 35c. Ask yourdruggfet. Tbe telephone war is on in Spring- field, two companies are seeking fran­ chise in opposition to ,tbe Belt 9pm* P*»J- - - " ' t * ‘ * T —“ I ^have been suffering from Dyspepsia for tbe past twenty years and have been unable, after trying all preparations and physlelsus -tO’ get any-relief. After taking one. bottle ofKodol Dyspepsia .Cure. I found relief and am now in better health L —FO k R ent —A pleasant and con­ venient Cottage house, corner Cedar and Bridge streets, Ajipl^ to Tbe Paper Co. has decided, tobuild] - a new barn the present ipg the necessary room turnswere made some time ago for, ... . . this Work but the stakes were only » get HeWitt’Syou will get good -driven this week. Tim nation nffresujts, It is the quick and positive thebam will ^be ber’s supervision. Milburn. ' - . . i one not bav-1 , “ Skin affectmns win readily dis- > . Frepera- bZ usingDaWitjfoWitch Hazel timn- ittrit for ISalve. Look out for counterfeits. I f he erectio o |iWM & i wtU et ce r under H. M? Bar-|cure for 3P,les’ 4Bidgway & Co. the OhioFresbr- ofjteryof theB. P. church last' week, —-Just received, a car load Champion Mowers, .Binders, '&c. Come and see them at Pierce & Stew*4 art’s Shop,. . - . A tamorh&B reached us that I. S, Dines, o f Xeni*, will he a candidate foffetbte senator. —FreshFish, and Ice ’ ‘ . - . at Weimar's.- The closing exercises o f the public school* will take place next week as ‘ follows: N o .. 1, Weduemlay, 10;0D' a. m.; Ho. 2, Wednesday, 1:00 p. ra.; Ko, 5, Wednesday, 1:00 p. m.} No, 4, Thursday, 9:00 a, m.; Ho, fi, Thurs­ day* 10,00 a. m,; Ho, 3, -Thursday, 1,00 p, m.; 1st three years High School, Thursday, 1,00 p. m. You are cordiallyinvited to attend theseex^ erases a* well as the .Baccalaureate •Sermon, to be delivered,by Rov,F.O. Bo*arMay 19, at ,2:30 p. m. and the Commehcemehtof the High School, May 24, 8,00 ,p, m., both in Opera House. Flat lor Commencement will l » open at C. M. Crouse’sJWeanes- day at 10.00 a.m. F ob B eni :—A nice six room cot­ tage on West Grove Street. Good well and cistern and large lot. In* quire of Andrew' Winter. At % meeting of ' the Ohio AvenueUnited Presbyterian organization o f Columbus under the An enormous pine log, 94 feet Tong and Id inches square, wss landed at Leith, England, recently. It was the hugest and most perfect tree in Louisiana, —Into each life some ruins must fell, Wise peopledon't tit down and bawl; Only rook suicide or.take to flight, Braart people take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. What the children see they will en* joy, appreciate, understand apd re* member. What tbe parent* tee they will wish their children taught. The pictures o f the IdealFntertaipment are moral; amusing, patriotic and instruc* tive. There are 32,000 animated ' pictures and 71 acreso f photographic scenery, at the opera house, May 21. There was “ something” turned up at the county seat a few days ago, which will interest every citizen of the county. In fact we judge I t » even mote than interesting for those connected. We do not care to men* tkm the case Until further develop* ntent. It wata money consideration. leadership of Rev, K, B, Patton was admitted to this denomination. This same "organization asked for admit­ tance into the Xenia Presbytery Of the U<P. church but ~.'tre refused,.' 71 —Miss Florence Howraan, who has been a .great suffer from muscular rheumatism, says Chamberlain's Pain Balm irthe only remedy that "affords her relief.- Miss Newman is a much respected .resident of the village of Gray, N, Y ., and makes this state meat for the benefitof others similarly afflicted. This liniment is for sale by O. M. Bidgway. Mrs. J. P, Rodgers, o f Wheeling, W. V,* i* the guest o f her sister, Mrs,; R, F. Kerr. —A -choice line - of all kinds of Groceries; at Gray's. There is on exhibition at J . H. Wolford's, a first class job in the buggy line, The buggy is tbe pro­ duct o f the Xenia Buggy Co,,* newly organized concern in that city. The job makes * Very handsome appear- lance and speaks well for the manu* facturera, Mr. Wolfofd has the ex­ clusive agency for thissection andtan mil the buggy for lees'money titan it can be sold elsewhere. —Mr.W.L Baxter o f NorthBrook, H* C „ say» be suffered with piles tor fifteen years. He tried many *cmn* dies with no results until he used He* Witt’s Witch Hazel Baive and that quickly cured him, Bidgway & Co. Mayor Wolford and wife spent Wednesday 5s Springfield, ■ Per , . . , Gentlemen:—I have been selling Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsineversince it was first introduced to tbe the trade. It is tbe beat seller I ever had on ray shelves and gives the beet satisfaction customers o f anything I ever offered them.- Where I sell it once they invariably return for more, As a laxative or as a physic it hrpar ex ceilence. the most pleasant, and satis­ factory preparation I have sever sold. Yours, etc., G. H. Came. - Bold hy C, M. Bidgway* x , Forty thousand Italian emigrants, according to a report at Borne, are booked to leave for tbe United States this month* —Mothers o f good judgment and experience give their little ones Rocky Mountain Tea this month,keeps them well 35c, Made by Madison Medi­ cine Co, Ask your druggst, -“-Subscribe for the Herald. The officials o f the Charleston and London ° telephone companies met Tuesday and consolidated, The netf name is The Madison and Clark County Telephone Co. The officers fife: W, M; Jones* Pres,; «T*F. Raft- kin, Vice Pres.; B. W. Boyd, Treas.; J, C, McMillan, Becy, —Wanted: Oirisas twinespianete. : Apply to The Hoove» & Allison Co., JXenia, O. than I have been for twenty yearn, cannot praise Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure too highlyii' thus, writes Mrs C, W. Roherts^prth Creek, Ark. Ridg- way & Go., '> . Mrs. Apdrew Winter had her dwel­ ling brightened np by a. coat o f fresh paint. . . W® are closing opt about three or four thousand boots and shoes at aboutijQ cents on thejdollar. Gome and see them.' Starkey's Arcade.Shoe House , , Springfield, 0 . Mr. and Mm." R. H. Croaiger, of Dayton, were guests o f Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Jackson last Sabbath, - Mr. Croniger and bis' wife came over in their i-utombbile, it being tbe first- seen on our streets. —Try the new remedy for-costive* ness, .Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box .guaran­ teed, Price 25 cenfe. For sale by O. M. Bidgway. . According to Mr. Schwab, o f tbe great steel trust, men now living .will nee the ehd o f this country’s euprem- eey in manufacturing, He makes tbe startling statement that the iron ore will be exhausted in 60-yearsmnd iron making coal in 30 years. It laalmost beyond tbe imagination to conceive the result o f such a calamity. —The painting season is- here, why not have yourhouBe brightened by a coat o f James E. Patton’s Sun Proof B t.' A five year guarantee given, by Kerr & Hastings Bros. Anew addition is being added to tbe city o f Springfield by tbe name o f Melrose. The lots are laid off and range in prices, from $100’ to $250 each, according to location. . Spring- Held has tome very pretty additions. —You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowel* do not act properly. DeWitt's Little Early Risers remove the cause o f disease. Bidgway A Co. The residence o f Cbas. Harris who lives on the Townsley , road, was burned'Monday, between twelve and one o’clock. Tbe family was eating dinner when one o f the children left, the house for something, and came rnnnlng in with the report that the house was on fire. Only a few o f the household goods were saved,, scarcely anything up stairs. The loss is par­ tially covered by insurance. -You will find a complete . line of groceries at Cooper's at all limes. .. Mm* N, H. Haywood and two children are visiting relatives near Blanchester. ’ All ladies interested,in a Jiigber physical life for their sex* and wish­ ing to knowmore concerning the cause aiid cure o f women’s diseases, are cor­ dially invited to be present af Ervin's Hall, Thursday, May 23, at 2.00 P, M., where a health talk will - be given under the auspices o f the Xenia Viavi Co;/, :. _ t ' ,-r • ; ; —For light buggy harness, work harness, whips, pads, etc.,, try Dorn, the harness man. The Impersonation hy Louis J . Ate her o f the Ideal Entertainment Co., are interesting, amusing and instruc­ tive.' Bis recitals set forth the rain and sunshine* the darkness, and day­ light, the tears and smiles o f human life. May 21, opera bouse. Carpets, Carpets, Carpels at McMillan’s, \ Tbe entertainment ,at the opera house last evening given by the schol­ ars of tbe township schools under the direction o f the mutis teacher, Prof. Strong, was well- attended. These entertainments are o f great benefit to the young folks aud especially inter­ esting to thejolder ones, . —Go to Cooper's for pudding pans,- saucepans, stew pans* stew kettles* dish pans* coffee pots* dairy pails and anything in granite or tin ward,., r ; <'-~ The neW3-cent piece to be issued by ,tbe government ha# already been styled -the ‘ 'dpughmit coin” by rea­ son of the fact that. tbe piece is to have a hole in the center. This in­ novation in the coinage of a part of Uncle Sam’s money was deemed nec­ essary from the fact that the new coin is tbe exact size and. of tbe same ma­ terial as is th^ present 5-cCnt piece. It was impossible to. keep ’ the old style 3-cent piece in circulation be­ cause of the aptitude o f the peopleto mistake it for the dime or 10-cent piece. Vegetarian. , Baked Beans. • With Tomatoe Sauce. No Meat, No Fat. At Gray's. The late .panic in the New York stock market gave fresh proof of -the .investment value of life insurance,in a: sound company, Even during the most exciting moments,a policy in the. MtmrAt L ike I ksukance C ompaq , Of New York, was as good as Govern­ ment bonds as collateral fora loan. The-assets of the Mutual Life are more than $35,000,000 greater than the total cash assets o f the United States Government, including $150,- 000,000 .ofgold reserve. o * Rev. and Mrs. N. D .' Milburn, of Xenia, visited friends here Thursday. Mrs. R. C. Watt has for her guest her mother, Mrs. Beal, who has been spending tbe winter in New York Mrs. Louis Hensel returned to her home in Dayton, Wednesday, after a visit with relatives. Yesterday being the last day of Remember the-Ideal Entertainment S Co. at the opera house next Tuesday | night. Court News Mr. Leanord Heiichas,jwh» is em­ ployed by J, B- Wolford as a black­ smith, moved his family into the J. Sf. Bull property, Monday. Several of the local stockmen at­ tended the Gerlough cattle sale .at Osborn, Thursday. The imported stock told at exceedingly high prices. Mr?. Rufus Bradford, o f Dayton spent Mondav and Tuesday here with barmother, Mrs. B.W, Northup, who IS111. , Rev, Mr. Strait, of Springfield, O,, Will preach in theM, E. Church Sun­ day rooming May 20* and preach the Memorial Sermon at opera house in the afternoon* Memorial Sabbath. Rev. A--Hamilton will preach the Baccalaureate Sermon before the graduating class Of the Clifton' High School,In.the opera house at Clifton, Sabbath evening, Mr, J. ISf.' Houser, of Rockabell, fe the guest o f his son, J. L. Houser. Paid for Lena—Jack told Bessie she Jooked sweet enough to k>ssto her new hat Belle—Well, did he kiss her? I The wilkcf theIntoJbtoph'S, Wea8 Ihas been filed in' the Probate Court. All bis personal property and bis farm two mile* easto f Xenia go to his wife, andafter her death the property is to go to the children. 1 1 i ' '• • The $10,000 suit of Jacob Johnson vs John Bryan of. Yellow Spring, was decided- Wednesday in the com­ mon pleas ettert. t The plantiff failed In bis testimony to prodnee any thing o f importance.-and the court instruct­ ed the jury to hying in a verdict in favor o f the defendant. - ' t f t , . A writ o f habeas corpus proceed* ‘ iugs came up befofe Judge Brown of the Court of Common Pleas on Wed­ nesday. Jt was filed by W. F, Orr, representing Mrs. Fisfecr, mother of o f the girl for whom Probate Judge Dean appointed a guardian. Judge Brown gave the custody o f the girl to the parents, pending the decision, hut could not remove the guardian. C, W, Whitmer made the claim that Judge Brown did. not possessjurisdic­ tion* but the Judge held that he had. The case was then setfor Fridayroom- ing. Dr. W, P. Madden has filed an affidavit declaring Judge Brown prej­ udiced and that n.teir and impartial f Society, - ;i Mrs. HpbonCoibin was taken ri#J leittiy ill last week and her poaffitT * Was very alarming, but she i« mi better at present.. i. Mr. Green ,wa? la .« riw-a-wayL Sabbath, and consequently has'b&d] laid up for repairs the past week. Mrs. Waklpn moved tbe past from*hep MulftSt, pwideiusi to y Martbali property in Macedootty-| We undemand Will Spencer will oe*f copy the property vacated by her., - The miny friends of Alias Laura vl Phelps will be pained to hear shehad her mother last week by death due to] heart failure. Jonah Weeklev and Maty Welxtoc] were, united in marriage by Her, | Thompson, last Sabbath. C. Wi‘Ckisi, , ofXfenu^ wax.jg tii] itor in the city,Tuesday, Rev. O. E. Jones contemplate!| commencing the improvements of hit ehurch at an early date. „ The residents of “ ISttsbrng" canssrl to the restof our populace “ cheeselb*' T. H. Mitchell made a frying trip j to the' county capital this week. 1 -June Smart Set _ IT suppose so. She said the b a t^ dlc<K, an<1 £bat was worth every cent abe^pwd_for ^ atlC)the he]d beforesaid Brown, Tbe case is o f interest not only to out­ siders but to attorneys, as thereto some peculiarpbases of low that will havb to be listed. r T.T T Educating Girls. Nine girls out o f every ten become sooner or later home keepers in some capacity. It would seem, therefore, that-any coarse of study for girls which does not include iustruction In, the science and art of home making Scott jot in, Xonia. $2,000. anu borne keeping is deficient. -The* . . • BEAU ESTATE TBAXSFEH 8 . Ohas, C. and M. A. Henris to Jas course in domestic science at the Ohio State.University at Columbus -not onlygiV£3liberal training in literature,. language, science and mathematics,' but also in,'the practical and scientific studies relating to foods, cooking, nursing, sewing and other related sub­ jects. The young woman who com­ pletes this course tonot only liberally trained, but she has acquired know­ ledge which will be •o f every day use' to her in home, management and in administering to the. comfort and-hap­ piness o f others. Overwhelming .Cordiality.” . . . ‘ ‘Do your country cousins treat you cordially when yon visit them in the Summer?” \ ‘ "Do they! Say, the minute I get there they make me take some'elder- berry cordial as a fatigue dcstfOyer, then I have to drink some peppermint cordial for fear .the water won’t agree with me; next day they insist that I absorb some ’ snakeroot cordial, to ward off possible chills and fever, and then I have to gulp down some liver­ wort cordial forth* good. ot my sys­ tem generally. Do they treat me cordially?/ By Jove, thereto plenty of cordiafityt—Leatr taste it for months after!”—June Smart Set. of collars in the —The best line town at Dorn’s*.\ ' The Pilgrim* halting from Battle Creek, Michigan, came out for May under the new-editorial management Of Wiilis J, Abbott, It is wonder­ fully Improved and1now ranks well with the great monthlies o f tbe country, —McMillan’s carjieta are on hand, sec them before you make your pur* .chase, ■ Smart Set for Jug to out and to replete itfth a host o f good things in prose* poems and william, all smart and exceedingly clever. It leads off with a $1000 prize novelette, entitled “ The Middle Course.'1’ followed-by about forty -Other stories. Send the publishers, Ess Ess Pub. Co. 25 cents for this number and be convinced thst it is the cleverest thing in the magazine line, —Ifyou want anything good, go to Gray's, l b r school for the township* a number of picnics were held in the different dis­ tricts. . —A full line of cakes and crackers i t Cooper's. ; Total coinage at the United States mints for April aggregate $21,734,* 660, • . i)r. Pi R. Madden, Practice lim* ited to BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT* Glasses AccuratelyAd­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. Telephone.— Office No. yi, Residence JJo, s>. Churches in Buffalo, N. Y ., will drop the Sunday closing question for theexposition. Nearly one thousand {migrants are arriving at New York on each of the big Ocean liners. ' —Teas. Coffee and Cigars at Gray’s There are 3700 public (schools nbw organized and running successfully in Cut* yftd the number is increasing every month.' Tarbox «SbBoh are this week erect­ ing a handsome veranda to J. H; Lackey's conntry .residence" near Jamestown, ..... —Ask to see the Weir Fruit Jar at Cooper’s, SUpi n « 0itiijaAtdVr«A» OffTfaOtU. Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, ns pay. Price 25 cents. FatalWheopingCough, According to recent statistics, mea­ sles and whooping cough kill more people than consumption* L e « than 900 , ersonu out of every million die of old age. Out of that number 48,- 000 are victims of scarlet fever,30,000 o f typhoid and kindred fevers, 25,000 o f whooping cough* 18,000.*measlss, 7*500 of consumption, 7,000 o f rheu­ matism, 7,000 of erysipelas, 2,700 of apoplexy, 2,200 o f gout,. good nassonfsrjtejSitfiif . Willis-*-You seem- to have opinion of thefaith cure. ' Wallace—Well, why shouldn't I? It cured me o f the patent medicine habit.—June Smart Bet. M#T OF tomErtS. List o f letters remaining uncalled for4u the Cedarville postoffice for the month ending May 11, 1901. List No, 20. Grenner, Lizzie Stubbs, W, C. Thurr, George T N. TAftftox, P, M. m m m We Hang it on yout* wall for loe per roll. ... s . L, STEWART TOCUBSAROM)HM«2 DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets- All droggisls refund themoney if its falls to cure, E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box, 25c* 4 “ Myhatrcsme our hythelixsd* fat, and foe gray hairs began-to crecpin. I triedAyer’ s Hair Vigor, and it stopped tbe hair from com­ ing out and restored the color.” -— Mrs.M. D .G riy, No. Salem,Mass. David' E. and Emma Spahr to Mary and Isaac Grimlle, lot in Clif­ ton, $38. Isaac and Mary Grindle to Edwin Wing, lot in Clifton, $300. L, Floyd Roulzahn, . gherifi’, for Thos, M. Johuson c f ul, to Wm. and Elizabeth A. Barley, lot in Cttlar- ville, $410. .Cbas, S. Hupmati to Millie,Light-’ hirer, 15 acres in Xenia tp., $2,000. Rosa D. Shaffer to Anna C, Holmes et al, lot in Xenia* $1100 : Mary E, Cox to Harry M. Mc- Cleary, lot in Osborn, $1* E. ,C. Beall* sheriff, for. the- Mag­ netic Springs Co.* to John M. Sprigg. lot in Bellbrook, $2667. D. WL Julia Fergdson to George Rills, 10 acres in Xenia tp., $500, tTamesand E. A. Holmes to Joseph McAfee,'- 95.43 acres in Cedarville tp. $7500. ’ . Jas. W, Collins to A. Ralph Col­ lins, 28.99 acres in Xenia tp,, $3500. - . ........... ^ * £xcvr» 5 «is to SpftogfieM May 20 and 21 excursion, tickets will be sold_to Springfield via Penn­ sylvania Lines good returning Sat­ urday, Mnv 25, inclusive, for Meet; ing I. O. O, F. Grand Lodge o f Ohio, ExtsnlM to GadaMtl. May 19th, the Pennsylvania Lines will selLexcursion tickets to Cincin­ nati at $1.25 round trip, good going on special train leaving Cedarville at 9:00 a. fo. central time. Tickets will be valid returning on special train leaving Cincinnati at 7:30 p. m, central time. May 19. A gotewortJtyComWaatloa. The consolidation of. Tbe Chicago Record and The Chicago Times-Her- ald was one of the most important events in the history o f modern metro­ politan journalism. People familiar with the newspapers published in the great capitals of the world say that tbe best daily paper# are made in Chi­ cago, and it to well known that The Chicago Record and The Chicago TimesHeratd ranked at the very front among Chicago's best dailies. Each covered the world’s news thoroughly every. r|ay, and each, possessed also distinctive special features giving it that individuality so attractive to its readers. Now that tbe two have been' combined, all the resources and world­ wide facilities o fbotb pftjwraare united iu The Chicago Record-Herald, It is truth “ a great combination*’—a-com­ bination Without parallel in American S irnalfem. Tbe fortunate readers of toChicago Record and The Chicago TimestHsrakl now receive avary day a news paper whose news faciliteis are unequaled by any other American newspaper, There's a pleasure ia offering such a prepara­ tion stsAyer*sH^irvigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hafr becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so' secure in using such rn old and reliable prepara­ tion. , U.W«MHe. AKSnttfcfr. If juar anx«e*»t oateaot aawply j«Soi Mud us on« doIUr.snd mo will «pr»*» .You capt buy a S T R A W HATi . for toe and up at Sullivan’s The flattei 27 South Limestone Street, SPRINGFIELD - OHIOI Your Tongue If It’s coated, your stomal is bad, your liver Is out « , order. Ayer's Pills will clean| your tongue, cure your dys*j pepsia,makeyour liverrignt \ Easy to take, easy to operate ■ afe, AMAruygWtt. \ ot The* Sort BUCKINGHAM’SDVE??f>i’ Buys a Working SHIl ■ .■ ■ at ’ SULLIVAN’S t i i k M A . ' j r r i ? 27 South Limrtitone St, SPRINGFIELD - * * - Carpets & flatting! ----------. J - ...... -..A.* ... ’ v • * ' - ' • * 1 - ■ 3 C ji O * W " - A New Shoe for $1.06, worth Double the Honey^ BV . ■ n A Few P tende: »: .... ' ' B O T H C They Are hot i Thoughtful ’ • Evi. Editors a; -or sCandal, 1 women, thii intrigues, cl buggy tides' tioUB o f mart men, and in '.seafidttl, sa} , , tote general1 I doings in th' bow secret.' were publis j follow in others, shot; roent, desoh ! atjon and in’; i much of the '-life, and it :s buything oh hereafter', . - itor lobdet standiug in j A New Y a bath. A j accoropaiiie ~A And nov dead when lmd deaerti death for .1 justified in her miiBt h (/’ terror. Mr. Da ence is alw log of the has a pec problem, it is bis de for they c were not i be in sot A yn g of ’ Ofmeequei profitable assist then by keep d Strictly can’t be ) out girls* life. Even b jts we sin Why he el for «a k j , MOg It During % Special 1 la bureti tixty- B i im i i end. nntil co boeght} jgyy|-* $;