The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
m m w m l w b % m m n S i m ■ § m ? M j i * T She k ’ ' wahnwnfura When thusitem i* marked by * » Ltoex, it denote# that your nuLscrsp-. tion w overdue anda promptpayment is derived. TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR.- HO. 2 %. C E D A R V IU E . O H IO , M A Y 2 § , 1001. PR ICE $1.00 A YEAR . - W E ! H I 5 E . E , ' T H D ® t«0 to^eu v j j I ltd J; oj ponditie,' “ ' tstrinriJ | i - ■ p « M l ' ■ ■ .'teefe,.™ ■t v<v 'I p y to ty; - seedonb. | •f will <^5 5 ^ .hen * i ' Laura \H ■« 1 •« irAe JS oh ! ftlt due toi % % % % % % % % % % % ! % ^ IDottarcb filbite Catmdmd Shin The Best Shirt on the flarket at $ 1 .0Q Monarch Negligees, Madraswith detached cu€s,mhlue, white and ox-hlood comhinationfi, | £ N O B B Y S T R A W H A T S , | I . £ . D a ? i$ , . in the newest shapes'and brtjids^-rough, or smooth., strawy ' f ■. sizes 0 | to ty at So, 50,75 T a i l o r , •®:-v-.-. T T s i t t i b i r , , _ - _-v> Summer Underwear. ; ' Up-to-the-minuteUeckwear. I 3 F,w.raishier - r -WrWeh>i4rj , b f M * ■u L„. • BV THE WAY A Few Paragraphs Not In tendedto Displease;. |88a i 7 BOTH GRAVE AND GAY its oi h ‘ “■ f can8tty| 1"P ‘Ml'" 'tjh|eewjt.*| gng.tnpj They Are Not Fiction But Products From Thoughtful Cogitation andEveryday , Events in Local Life ■ipf! -women *?h*ud- fgsa to • - rvigot, • .uitncom- .Jor.”— i,JIBus, <I *»li»v IWNNHMMI -i in » . b|l|A ; t , •>,31 i f ig o r , «•! « - « . jise’l l { T h e ’ 1"dicker, 1 Jfcwftp y. ... £e| S0 ..... ah ’ ’ • gpstra- - I expr«M it t'. .u.f i ' . Sadm*, I \ .t. • W iV *| <1 \ ‘J fAT at ■oi. jlattd treet, f OHIO. n v fs)ue ...... H -ou t of ' ' - ilc le * 0 ur dyt* • erright. . operate* * 4 I ■ ' it 9 l ,- rwssar &HI! Mb m * L o i Editor are the first to hear gossip or scandal, indiscretions of men- or women, things unfit for publication, intrigues, clandestine meetings, night buggy rides,, girls gone nstrayj flirta- tionsof married women, amours of men,’and in fact, all the neighborhood ’ scandal, says a contemporary. Edi- tors'generally know all the naughty doings in the" community, no matter JhOWsecret. I f only* half ,they;■hear were published* diyorce suits would follow in some cates,. ostracisms in Others, shot guns aud gore, imprison ment, desolate homes, shame, hturtili- atfen andmisery. Ibe editor learns much of the shamsand hypocrisy of life, and it is a wonder he believes in anything on earth, in heaven or the hereafter. People who "abuse the ed itor loudest .sometimes owe their . staudiug to society to his forbearance, t ',1 ', t * *•**■0-*—■ ^ ^ * A New Yorkman died from taking a bath, A sudden change is often accompanied hy direful effects, . f /,<-,€ \ . V - And now comesa manwho dropped dead when confronted by the wife he had deserted. Certainly if it meant death for him to meet her, he was justified in leavingher, Hislifo with her must-have, been a 'wonderful talc of terror, Mr. David BrtUifute, whose'pres ence is always noticed upon the open ing of the doors at the opera house, has a peculiar solution for the show problem. Mr, Bradfute thinks that it m hisduty to help all/the shows, for they deserve a living, and if they were not in this business they would* be in something else, possibly the raising of fine Poled Angus Cattle, Consequently Mr. B. thinks it more profitable to attend the shows and assist them in this manner,/nil there by keep down competition. Strictly speaking of course * man can’t be ready to die for two differ ent girts4without leading* double life, * Evan it we don’t love our neighbor aswe should we can see no reason why he should not have a kind feel ing for us, may—3«ne During these months we will make Spsdst Low Prices on every article in oar store; giving to all extraordi nary values COMMENCEMENT, BIKTHDAY, or vi'EPBINO Pres ents,1 DON’T BOY '’ until convinced that our prices ate right or lower than the quality canbe bought for elsewhere. oar new line of fine UMBBEM-A& H •, J *.; * Jtflfl? JMV ' , '* PACKER’S FOUNTAIN PEN m a m a a t . o o j u c . w a e , - *- ,t*t j**y THe Jew#**, CSOARV ILUS, DH1P0. One o f our young men who em barked in the- chicken business not many years ago, ..concluded that he would set a ’hen,, but was somewhat timid about the, work for fear of be ing pecked by the old hen. She was bound to set anyway, and hefthought it would pay better to let her hatch out.some chickens,’ So he invented a way to get the eggs under her with out danger of getting pecked. He rtofjk a corset box and removed both ends; This made a shuts which he placed under biddy, then he dropped an pgg in the slot and*allowed it tp roll-to place. Thus he got, all the eggs where they' would do the most good, and yet did not risk his lifeby getting hen-pecked. -a — At any rate the hands of a clock never strike for shorter hours. ■ A man who took a city paper in preference to one printed in his home town because he could'get more read' ing out of it, was attracted by the advertisement of a. pocket fire escape, which would be forwarded bn receipt of one dollar, - He sent the cash and. in a few days received a copy of the New Testament. ■ , Ideal* Entertain. A “ Handy Wagon” ,well, most of those who attended the Ideal enter tainment at the opera house Tuesday evening Wanted a “ wagon handy.” Herald's Sceop. The Herald’s Scoop on a -rumor which*was mentioned In last week’s issue caused quite a little commotion in Xenia the first of the week,-, A noted Divine oi the -Capitol took- a copj of the .Herald and “ ten minute lectures” and “ heatt*to,heart talks’* to a number of the fntizeus of that place. . In fact the rumor,was soon squelched and the “ ex-deraimraP who had been motioned as a possiblecan didate for State senator was side tracked, and every tiringplaeed in A ft«w*Departure, The Herald will, beginning with the first issue in June, give a full list of the money orders ju they are issued by the county auditor, Tbte will show our readers for what it has been issued, to whom, and how allowed. The manner in which the commis- ttoner* report have been “ dished up” of late, gives the casual reader only a faint idea o f vhatis being dofie with the county finances. It ha# been the object of the Herald to give to the public only suah state* meets as were correct, and we will trace 10 the end anything ‘that 1ms th$ sligheat mark Jof crookedness. This coubty has gained considerable notoriety with the conduct of sdme of her offices ami it is nothing more than proper that each tax payer knows where every dollar goes, and for what, Remember unless, everything is on the “ straight” someone.has their fin gers “ oft your pocket-book,” . . Mayar’a Com* Mono Jomi and Harry Uantfter the former colored, the other white, became (involved in a fight on Main Street, Tuesday* evening. The two were promptly arrested and charged with disorderly eonducti Each%a* given a fine, costs add aU.amounting to Iff,Iff, Arrangement# were made fdr the payment and if not fulfilled a w<-rk house athtonce will .begiven, Senatorial Coaveatlan. The senatorial oonvention of the Filth-Sixth- District was held -in Xenia, Tuesday,- Clinton, ' Boss, Highland', Fayette and Qreenc com- pQse'the districts ’ , Tlon. D.^J. Marron, of Highland, called the, meeting to order and an nounced John Logan, o f Eayette, as chairman. A number of committees ,were appointed and each retired for their work. A eontost Was on be tween two delegations from Fayette county but tho*matter was soon set tled. /The temporary organization - was made the permanent organization and the call for nominations followed. The name of Hon; T*, M. Watts, of Highland,' wbb announced and noifti- nated hy acclamation and shouts and cheers. . ‘ Resolutions commending the ad ministration ,of McKinley, Hanna, Foraker, Nash, etc, was passed. the entertainment wasfar from, being what was advertised, the only thing readinessforamoresuitable candidate. of consequence being the bango play- ----- -— :— " ing., I t certainly requires consider able nerve to ask Iff,. 25 and 35cents to see a display of certtiin firms? pro ducts. It is aft imposition onthe pub lic to conduct aperformance on such grounds. Evidently Manager Jack- son was not familiar with the show or he wouldhave advertised it asa troupe representing a certain’ firm’s goods, and in this,wav’ would not have de ceived a home audience, ItJbas always been a difficult mat ter to get a paying,house for enter tainments here, but if this is to he the principle; Cedarvillo need never ex pect a first class entertainment, Im agine yourself sitting in' a seat that cost you-thirty-five cento, listening’ to some firm’s advertising tale of woe. The lectures a’ xsut Handy wagons, Bradley plows, Peering binders and and mowers and Sharpie’sCream sep arators, were occasionally interspersed with as illustrated song, war view, or bangosolo. They’re coming back next year, so they say, we hope they do, if only for the sake of the Handy Wagon Co., o f Sa/inaw-, Mich. AMONGCUR EXCHANGES. <Mr. W. M. McMillan has soldhis interest in the undertaking firm of Williajns & McMillan to Mr. S. 0. Morrow, of Port- Wiliam, au experi enced funeral director aud practical cmbalmer, Air. McMillan hasaccept ed a lucrative potation with Harry Andrews, of Flemingsburgj Ky., and will leave with liis family for hia new homo in a few days, • During his business career in Jeffersonville Mr. McMillan has made many warm friends. His firm is today one of the best equipped and- ihost successful undertaking establishments in the county, Mr ^McMillan is considered one oi.the leading if not the best man in bis line in the county. .He has an extensive knowledge of the art of em balming and as n.funeral director has few equals. We bespeak for him abundant success in his new location. —Jeffersonville Citizen, t t t What’s a body going to_do? asksan exchange. A Sandusky man is dead from the effects of a drink of water; a Findlay man is a corpse from drinking a glas# of beer; several have died recently drinking milk; whisky ‘ has killed many; “ wine biteth like a-serpent and stmgeth like an adder,” a Rising- sun man died from eating pork; beef is said to be embalmed; so is sausage; oleo contains poisonous coloring, they say; sugar is said to be made of.glu cose and white earth partially; coffee ift peas and weed seeds, tea is colored on copper and may be poisonous; canned goods might become poisoned from the tin; the air we breathe is full of tubercles, grip bacilli an$ fever germs; bank notes may convey a deadly disease; cloth of all sortsmay be filled with millions of disease germs, What’s a fellow going -to do if he can find nothing to eat, drink or wear? ; ■s . , •„ .Flower Committee. ' The Currie Post No. 04, 0. A. R has appointed the following ladies as committee on flowers for Decoration Day; Mr*. Jas. Mdbarn, Mrs, Jas. Mtiriwy,- Mrs'. Sami Irvine, Mrs, Bawl, Kildow, Mrs, AU Barr, and Mrs* Ella Frantz, with pOwar to add others if they see flt. J, M, Bromagent Adjutaut. *~Bub#eribe for the Herald. . HEAL ESTATE TRAMSEBftO, dYendelin Weddle and wife to Leo Weddle; lot, Fairfield; $500. Robt. E, Cony, ex, to Frank M, Corry; 110.44 a, Cedarville, $4000. W. H, Puls and wife to George McEhvain; lot, Spring VaUey, $3500. Rebecca and T, Stinson to M. T. McCreight; ‘9.92 a, Silvercreek, $500. M-. T, McOrejght.and wife to T. J> Stinsonand wife; 0*92a, Silvercreek, $500. - - - - Willis V. Hargrave'and Wife to H, E. Bateman; 25 a, Ross,^800.' .The Home Bld’g & ' Savings po. of Xenia,’D,, to Anna O, Bridgman; lot. Cedarville, $785, John H. Racer to Hannah. J, Hohttes; lot, Montgomery, $h RosaBr and Chaa. Brown to Cath arine Schwab; lot, Xenia; $1000. t - t t ‘ ■ HEW 0UIT8, Rosa B. Brown vs Chaa. Brown. Divorce, Extreme cruelty* H, N. SchleBinger. Board of Education Of Xenia City School District vs J. 0, Andrew, W., F, Qrr and H. N. Schlesinger. Mamie Weldy vs Edward Weldy, GrossNeglect. W, I. Miller. AT THE HUB The Weekly Output of the Mill of Justice. REAL ESTATE DEALS Licenses endDivorces,—Damage Stilts for Realor FanciedWrongs.—New Suits, HunginEffigy, John Alexander Dowie and three of his followers were on Thursday declared criminally .responsible for the .death Of ‘Mrs. Emma Judd, a member of Zion Church. According to the Obroher’a verdict' ."'they were bound over to the grand jury* This is the first time that the “ Di vineHealer” and some of hiS-believ- ers will have to .stand trial for their fanaticism that has caused misery hud suffering to hundreds. Detectives have been searching for these foiir, hut up to this time have been unable to find them. Hennrika Bratach, who nursed Mrs. [Judd, was iced uuder arrest to be hold till the grandjury meets. The excitement is intense a«rl it -is feared there will be qn outbreak in thecity/ In South’ Chicago, Thursi day night, Dr. Dowie was burned in effigy, ,A stuffed likeness of the head of Zion was procured, ignited and thrown over a telephone pole, howling mob surrounded the burning object, the eight of which only, intensi fied the .feeling against the “ leader.*' Mrs. Dowie has just returned from Europe and a reception ‘was held for xeron Thursday evening. The func tion,was interrupted suddenly when Overseeress” Dowie announced to the hundreds o f fanatics and fol lowers that had gathered, that “ her husbamihad gone out of town,” but it is believed that hehas not left thb city hut is in hiding from the officers of the Jaw. Mrs. DoWie regards tho action against her husband as perse cution, brought on .by the Coroner’s Jury and newspapers, each of which received a “hot roast.” Talking to Xenia. Yesterday at upon was the initial message Bent over, the independent telephone line from Cedarville to Xenia. A line of wires has been put up connecting the two< places, and for the present a toll station will be operated in Xenia* - Citizens as well as subscriberswill be glad to hear of thenews*. It will require about thirty days to complete the exchange in .Xenia. The local company’s service will then be worth three-fold what it is at pres ent, An independent company has secured a franchise in Dayton and commenced work, so it -can bo seen that this line will be of great service to our business* Commencement Weak. Diploma nights—Philadelphian in Philo, Hall, Thursday, May |30. Philosophies in Opera House, Friday, Mar, 31* BkccalaurCate Sermon, Sabbath, June 2, 3 p- m„ in R. P. Church. ClassNight, Tuesday evening, June 4, Admission 15 cents, ' Recital, Wednesday evening, June 5. No admission. College Commencement, Thursday, June B, atO a. in., in Opera House, Contest*, Thursday evening, Philo sophic and Philadelphian societies. Cardofthanks. We desire to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown tie during the sickness and death of our mother, • Mr, and Mrs, t). L. Williams Ed Pendium received a bad cut in his right hand last Babbath, While riding a bicycle he ran into another party who Bad \fallen on account of the tire coming off. Jn the fracas Ed was thrown and received a had —W « are showing a beautiful line of Wash Dm* Goods in Plqrte’d Or- gandis*, Dimities and India Chill and ask tom these goods, at Bird's, Obituary.1 Eliza Jane McGco'was horn May 1$, 1041 and departed this life May. 18, 1901, aged 00years, The deensed wasborn in Pendleton County, Ky., andwas married to Charles Me October 27, .1870, Two childre’ were'horn to them, [Minnie, now ceased, andFlorence. Early in ■life slie identified herself with the church .of God, and for the past 17 years she has beena member of the Center. Street, A* M* E Church, Springfield, 0, . * Previous to her coming to Cedar ville to live With her daughter, Mfe. David William’s, she’ had' spent 13 yearn of her life at Clifton, Ohib, For six months intense suffering waa her portion hut she bore it without a murmur, for God waBever her rock and-shield. A t six o'clock Saturday evening, May 18, God called her from hermisery and from life’s strug gles. She leaves a husband, daughter, five grandchildren and twbson-in-laws to mourn her loss. Cahimet “ K." Wheat speculation, love’and busi ness are tlie motives of a great serial story by Metwin-Webster, authors of The Short Line War, which will be begun in The Saturday Evening Post OfMay 25* ’ Ex-Preisdent Cleveland will con tribute to the following issue (Junelj an able paper on The Waste of Pub lie Money, In'this article Mr. Glove land sounds a warning noto against National extravagance and -the crim inally reckless expenditure of public money* Excursion to Columbus. May 20th the Pennsylvania Lines will sell excursion *tickets to Colunn bus at $t round trip, good going on Special train leaving Cedarville At 9:<K) a. m,f central time, ‘ Returning on special train leaving Columbus at 8:00 p. m. central time, ADDITIONAL LOCAJ.S.. -—Potatoes 55c per bushel at Bird’s. —The best line of collars in the town atDarn's. , Bprii, to Mr. and Mrs.. Dmsimore Collins lashFriday, a girl. - 'C, M, Grouse was in.the Qu,eeij City, Thursday *cm-business. -If you are'needing something in tinware or granite try Cooper, W. p. Townsleyltas had the front of hiabusinessblqck repainted; • ■* The State Fair opens this year on August 26 and closes September 7. , . Everything in the grocery at .Coop, er’s. We keep ubthingb"ut tlie best. —McMillan’s carpets ai’e on^ lfttnd, see them before you" make your pur chase. • " . * - ■. , ' * ■' r .* #'-r Wanted; Girls as twine spinners. Apply to TheHooven & Allison Co., Xenia, 0. •. ’ Horace Shroades left iast’Saturday night for Chicago, where he has secured employment. The faculty of the coliege receives for tho Senior class June 3, at seven o’clock in society halls. Guard John Silvey came down Babbath from Coiurqbus. and spent a short time with his family. - Call up 76 and order- any thing in grbeeri'ca, fruits, berries, bread, etc., and .have’ delivered. Cooper has a full line,- ,, Frank Jackson ' aud James Cald- weU each took out. the licence for bill posting thisweek* The,license is five dollars per year.* "A number of ladies from here wgro entertained, Thursday by Airs,' ClfaB, Ervin and'Mrs, John A, Barber at the home of thb former in Xouitw, . —Wall Paperaud Window Shades, It will pay you to Bee our lino before making your purchases, wecan please you. atBird's, A number of contractors were here- week figuring on the work for theerectionof theCovenanter Church, will bo received up till noon; y* , • • David left* Wednesday-for Chicago, where he will visit Dowie and his various institutions. Miss Ursie Walker expected to leave Thursday, - *. A t a meeting of Jamestown coun- cily Tuesday night, a franchise was granted.Harry Frey for the construc tion of an electric line overLimestone street of that village. ■ Bessie Mllbura who has been with her brother, F, L. Milburn, at Painsvilla, 0., lias accepted a posi tion m Buffalo, b , Y., at the Young Woman’s ChristianAssociation, —The painting season is here, why not have yourhouse brightened by a coat of James E ,1V ton's Sun Proof paint. A five year guarantee given. Sold by Kerr & Hasting* Bras. ■ Little Alisa Pauline GHlaugh was at home to about eighteen of her lit tle girl friends yesterday from 2 to 4, The occasionwas in honor of her fifth birthday. Refreshments were served. While general admission will he be free to tho recital in the opera houseWednesdayevening, June 5, re served seatswill be sold for 10 cents. Plat open at Crotisfc’8 hardware store Friday, Alay 31. Mr, aud Airs'. Will Cherry enter tained about two hundred of their friends this week.* Tho guests 'Were divided into three crowds, one for dinner Wednesday and tho remainder for supper on. Thursday and Friday evening. Tlie school 'children arc possibly the happiest persons iutowft at present, school living cksed Thursday, and all were glad to get their- freedom for tho next three months. The dosing -exercises were<well attended both by parents hud friends, eaoli room hav ing gomo very creditable performances The schools this year have prospered, theattendance being the largest in the Of Our High School Pe* liver Their,Ofaliens and * S>'4 -is RECEIVE DIPLOMAS, The Embryo'Orators Covered Themselves i With Glory.—Tlie Music- , ; Was Good. t-i-’l- . *• • 1 f , 1 *. ’S- - *' •* ? The. twenty-fifthannual oommenee- -mjjnt exorcises of' the Cedarville Pub lic Schools washeld in theoperahouse last evening. Thirteen gradufes have - finished their work and receivedtheir diplomas. The 'house was filled to overflowing with friends and parents who had /gathered to: hear their dis courses; The stage *w^s beautifully decorated with flowers, white and blue - bunting, the class ' colors, with „the classmotto, “ Semper Borsum,” hang ing oyer“the speakers. - The music for the occasion was fur nished by tha Excelsior.MandolinOr- ■ chestra; of Springfield, who rendered' several very appropriate pieces. ■The exercises for the eveningWere epened with invocation by Rev. A, Hamilton pastor of the hr. E. Church. The orations of these thirteengrad uates were all excellent and. delivered in a manner creditable tqboth speaker and.professor. We regrdt very much that wo could not give a synopsis of each oration,-but owing to the large number-in the class and the lateness of tho week we wore forced to omit . same on account of time* The pi’ogramo will .be found else where in this issue, Tho diplomas were presented -to the class by Proft.R, A, Brown, his re- . markes being right to the point and very impressive. The basis were rom tho following;- “ First class of the 20th century.” 25th dess, celebrating tlie Silver Anniversary.” “ Largest class in tho s History of thoschools.” With all these the classshouldstrive to keep up the records, The time that .they.'are being launched in ife is one of wonderful development and speed, and as tho thundering ex press, which carries its force owing to the speechso with the class. Each must strive to hold thispower in order to reach the intendeddestination. “ That power intoxicates the best ■ mart as wine the strongest head.” The professor* remarks to the class in regard their work, he gavO them considerable commendation all of which they justly daeerve. This ends the first year of ?rof. Brown’s career in our schools and to him we voice the sentiment of the people in saying that his work has been satisfactory in every .respect. The professor coming here last Sep tember, each person and everything being strange to him, caused him to be- considerable handicapsd in hfe ‘ school work. Professor has been re elected for another year aftd we be speak even* more successful year than thopast. Mr, William H. Picket*!, of Day- ton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Frank Jenkins, ^ i. f ft fridge W»M, The Passenger Department of tho G. H, dfcD* By* has just issued beautiful sot o f rules on “ Bridge Whist” which will he mailed on ’re quest, Enclose two cent stamp. Ad dress Bridge Whist/ Advertising De partment G, H. «£ D, Ity*, Cincin nati, Ohio. history of the sehor. , Special programs havoltfchprepam -for tho diploma night exercises for the Philosophic arid Philadelphian Liter ary .tocietlcs of the college, The for mer to he in ttm opera house nex Friday evening,and thelatter in their hall at the college. 4Rev, Humes o’f Hprinsrfield will deliver theaddress for the PliiVHMiphieawiety and.Rev, John Bfekctt, of Greenfield, a graduate, will give the address for. the Philadel phian society* € •t Carpets and Mattings, no waiting to send for them, we have the largest stock in town right in our store and at prices to please every one, at Bird’s. k Pi Mr, and Airs. James Landaker, hf .South Charleston, .visited hwrte Bkh* hath. - Liidfe Shirt newline at our week* Ask to see themat Bird’s, Waists an entire store toe coming P. A. La&drtun, John L, F*rga» son, Andrew Jackscm ami Hugh Turnbull have been Select'd m cm* miarkwiMw. of juror* Their first meeting will he5Monday,- it- •B.1 \&k*
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