The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
.<*& 'V WREN’S OPENING SATTODAT, KAY SSth, CONTINUING ONE WEEK- tu mm■mu mm—mm meh * p i m-m « l t — Men’s Shirts, Boys’ Shirts, Men’s White and Fancy Laundered entire manufactured stoeks of 3 large Eastern factories at from the public at like sacrifice. Collars and Cuffs, having just closed out the 10 to 50c on the dollar, we offer the goods to S T p i*X 3 0 L ^ fX © lc i, 0 1 3 .1 © , i local aacl Personal. —Tew, Coffee and Cigars at Gra^si The rains, this week, were a bless ing, for the wheat and grass had be gun to show the effect of the' dry weather, Great crops can now be looked for. -All my sacksreturned B. Stefrett, 7 . * ; 1 a -r—Wauted- at once. A xnapaLer of strangers have been in town thisweek. Most them repre sentatives of contractors—slate and file houses, hot water'systems, etc., •alllooking after the contract for the ' R .P ; Church; ■ '—Foit Carpet paper go Ito McMil kn/he'-alsQ carries the celebrate- Cedar Moth Proof Paper. - , . Mr.'Leander Teas is suffering with> his right eye, having ulceration of the cornea. The pain is intense. At first it was thought, that he had wild hairs but such was not the case. It , is feared he will lose the use of that organ, Dr, J. O. Stewart has the care of the patient. Bring usyour Butter," Eggs, Lard ahdBacon, we pay highest prices in cash or trade, "at Bird’s, Mr.-and Mrs, John Williamson have issued a large number of inyita- , The Clifton commencement Was _ 1 held last evening in the opera house |j at that,place, ' .{ - P op . K entt —A ’pleasant andcon venient Cottage house, corner Cedar and Bridge streets.11Apply to J, H. Milburn. Bey, A, Hamilton will preach the Memorial .Sermon at Clifton, Sunday at 2:30 p. m. in the opera; house, and will makeDecoration Day address in Cedarville at the opera house, Thurs day afternoon. Members of the G. A , B. are requested to meet at their hall at 2:00 pj m. sun time, —Into "each life some ruins must fall, Wise peopledon’t sit down and bawl; Only fools suicide or take to flight, _ Smart people take sRocfey Mountain Tea at night. Ask your druggist. CONDENSED STORIES. How Hfs —'Bring us your Butter, we pay $3ic per 3b. for it, atBird’s, Miss Alice Mowrer, of -Xenia, at tended Commencement exercises Iasi evening. She la the guest of Miss Bertha Mitchell. ' _ A, _ . ^former chef of the oldEmperor Wil- Duteh Java Coffee an tin cans of 0 emumy. the Iron Chancellor Lost Balance and HisShrlmp*. A Parisian journalist has been in terviewing Mr; Urbafti Dubois, the. 1 A number of young people were entertained last, evening at the- home of Mies Lena Collins, -You are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. ,DeWitfs Little Early Kisers -remove the cause of disease.'. Ridgway & Co. Manager. Green, of the X). S. & TJ. notifies us that theyVant -J 0 O, teams to do grading on a fill at the edge of the city limits of. Springfield, I t ■is an immenso fill and will require a number of teams for the work. The r * n* ‘ /> . iL » __________ L., JLIUYw JC0U.C1A *V I f l l j j V n n i u w i v * v-*,* u * * v * */**« >• " fions for a reception at their home on ordinance for.this Company has been sk . mlro W o /T t i rn^Ammoi i dnt l I w tftnmmit.toft fill the Jamestown pike, Wednesday. —({Our littk girl was unconscious pagse^j ^ fim-next regular meeting from, strangulation during a. This gives the company A franchiseon xm m i and terrible attack of croup. West Pleasantstreet. r secured a bottle of One.Mmuie Cough • <7ure, giving her three doses. The croup was mastered and our little darlingspeedily recovered.” So writes A . L. Spafibrd, Chester,- ‘ Mich. Ridgway & Co. - Mrs. Blynfl and daughter, wife of Postmaster Ely,un, of South Charles ton, were the guests of Mrs, F. B. Mrs. JVH. Andrew- amt Miss Lula. Turnbull, Thursday; : a :— -Skv IST’A-riwx;TpKti *rO#$‘n 'fT ;*V T tf I. ; > . Barberwere in Xenia Thursday, and remained over for the Midget Wed ding that evening. . —Anything in the harness line at Dorn’s, ■Eor.light buggy harness, work ■harness, whips, pads, etc., try Horn, the harnessman. Mrs, Anna Bader, of'Dayton, has ibeen the guest' of her parents, -Mr. MissAlice Huffman of Greenfield is and-Mrs. DavidjShroadfiS, -the guest of Miss Zelia Nagley. Don’t lose sight of opr Clothing fie- ■OurLace Curtains at$1.00apair partment, we have an immense stock , i,,,,.**„:*, ooV-»* oao for Men ,and Boys at prices to please. ^Yodv^l up to dale- in the Clotbing businesf, l at Bird’s, are a bargain, askto see them. at Bird’s. It must be noticed'- that Mr. ,1. Pierpont Morgan is a very busy man. He went-to Europe on what he called a “ vacation,’’ and now he is coming home to rest up a little, if possible, from that vacation. Those who have in some wav imbibed the potion that trust magnates andothers of that class are living in the clover.of luxury and pleasure, with little to do except to' do except to blow their millions And hrye agood time while the masses of the people are toiling, ought by this time to at least begin to realise that the big majority, of rich*’men arc about the hardest worked men there 'are on the face of the globe, —Try th* new remedy for costive- hem, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Every box guaran teed. Price 25 cents. Eor sale by C» M* Ridgway. Mr. iked Wilson, of.Selma, was in town Thursday. -^Kew Crop California Apricots Peaches, Brumes, Grapes and liaising at Gray’s, lie*, Mr, Strait, of the Christian Church,,Springfield, will preach in theM.Xl. church Sunday at 10:45 a, m, Rev. Hamilton will be, pres ent. Rov. .Strait will preach the Memorial Sermon in the opera house at 2i30standard time. AU comrades Are requested to meet at the G, A. R. Hall at 2 p, m„, sun time. t —Straw Hats the newest and Nob biest are . at Bird’s. 'V_w Mrs. Jennie A Beveridge, widow of the late John A , Beveridge, of the Xenia Republican, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr- X), W, Greene in Dayton, Wednesday. Mrs, Bev eridge had been sick forsome time. —" I have been suffering from Dyspepsia"for the past twenty>years and have been unable *ft£r trying all ;.......-~ -r — preparations and physicians to get Patton’s Sun Proof Paint. Get it at any relief, Afterjakmg ono bottle Kerr & Hastings Bros. - o f Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure. I found relief iitid am flow In better health . highly ,’1 Roberts, North Creek, •way & Go. Ark. M?*, .Lizzie Shrogdes Was most agreebly surpris'd, Monday, by her Sunday St boot class, who lamem facial eruptions, AOaointe cleanliness each bearing her portion of * dinner Inside and out is the otdy way to cute which when spread would havewade them, Hockey Mountain Tea taken ve g<tdahungry to view. It is need- Ibis mistith will drive themaway, ,Tie, hm to add the old stereotypes phrase Ask your druggist, that justieo was did to it* - —Just received, a ear l^ad of ............... , ChhmpieH MrVwerir, Bhuh-re, Ac. {m.q>rkt<<rs «c?«R:fc to have tho- ma- i add sen them at Bierco A, Rtbw-.rhinery heroand' ik <qieiatimii by the *ri>.Wlop, first of the wrnith. reco mended by fiip com ittee on streets and highways, and 'will _be Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, - at McMillan’s, only 15c per lb,, at Bird’s, Mr. Ab Carpenter, of Jamestown, wasin town yesterday. —BunBonnet* and Sun Hats at Bird’s, Rev. Walter Hopping and wife ar rived bere -last evening, owing the ill ness of theformerB mother, Mrs, Al bert Hopping, A telegram was received Friday morning byMrs. Anna .Boyd stating that her brother;Frank Weimar, died at hfshome in Lorain, O., of small pox, Chas. Welmer is a brother of the deceased.. U, •<.* . ; , - •' V » j Dr, P. R. Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT- Glasses Accurately.Ad justed. - Allen Building, Xenia, 0. telephone,—oeice No. jri,.BebWencc No. af. Albert McKay, >of Wayuesville, is spendinga few days with Roy Hay wood. Mr* McKay is employed on theWapnesville Gazette.’ ~ T W m T e W v ict im . A rather .touching discovery has, been xnado in the field once belong ing to the Barbatelli family, on the north aide of Pompeii and within a stone’s throw from the wafis-r-that of a poof Pompeiian who felTa vic tim to . exhaustion, or suffocation while trying to escape- from' the ■doomed“city. His skeleton wasJy- iag at the Jdepth of six feet below the actual level of the field in th,e Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCollum attended the Midget Wedding itt Xeuia,. Thm-sday evening. —DeWitt's .Little. Early Risers searchth>Remotest partsof the bowel# and fbmovc the impurities speedily with no discomfort. They are fam* ouafor their eflicacy. Easy to take, never gripe. Ridgway A Co, The find.of Kerr & HastingsBros., have their/immense bins in placc Rnd are now ready toplace some of their machinery. The capacity of the ele vator will be in the neighborhood of 10,000 bushels, which will be a great convenience to the firm, as with the old firm, they were unable to handle any great amountufgrain, -Contrac tor John McLean is doing the carpen ter work. —I f you want anything good, go 'to Gray's. A „ 55, T. Phillips was this week recom mended as substitute for the three rural routes which are to start from this plane the first of July. —The least in quantity and most in quality describes Dewitt’s Little Early Jiisera, the famous pilUjfor con stipation, and liver complaints, Ridg- wa f & Co, In this issue will be found the ordi nance granting-a .franchise. to the Dayton, Springfield A Urbans Elec tric Railway Company for the pur pose of constructing and operating an electric railway on the main street. The ordinance was granted SoEiietime ago hut the publication appears this week. It will pay you to read it over and sec what is embodied. Miss Mattie. Grawfo.-d has been elected assistant principal in the Osborn public schools. -paint your bouse with JamesD* Mr. Al, Wickersham,/of - Jiffies* town, was in town Thursday; morn ing, where he met the remainder of ... the court bouse building commission Ridg* on their way to Columbus to inspect some tiling*for the roof of the court house. ■ Mrs. J, No matter what causes * lfc ht o The slate is 1 icing;.put on the roof cljH*r> fat-iffy this week. The. sfroefc by* death the wretched roan was carrying, tied m a bundle, by means of a cord (made,of hemp), the .following objects of value: An ex quisite silver stewpoti (caescruola) weighing 520 grams, the handle of which is ornamented with shellfish and mollusks of various- kinds; a soup spoon with a broken-handle, a spoon for mixing hot drinks, a sil ver penny of Domitisn and two keys. . There were also, lying in a heap, 187 copper pence, the oldest dating from the time of Agrippa, the latest from 1 the time of Titus.— Rodolfo Lanciant in London Ath enaeum, ■ . Vatuvlu* Qrowtlnu. — Professor MatteUcci, the distiu-, guished Italian scientist and care ful student of Vesuvius’ vagaries, predicts that a new erUption will takeplace in a short time, and, front various indications, he feels satisfied it will be no light one. He has con sidered it well to utter a timely warning, as experience has shown that .Vesuvius,' when it vents its wrath unexpectedly, does a great deal of damage to persons and prop- erty in the vicinity. Professor Metteueci is no alarm ist, but bases his prediction on the fact, which he has noticed, that va rious new fissures are now being formed near the summit of the mountain, and this, in his opinion, is an unquestionable proof that' masses of lava and other matter will soon bo again belched forth. His close study of the volcano daring the recent eruption confirms him in this Opinion. Stirring Him In. , '*1 went downinto my kitchen the other day,” said a literary woman, who keeps hernse, to a writer in the Washington Post; "and there I found my old colored cook busily stirring up bread. She didn’t hear me come an, hut I heard her Saying over to herself as she stirred, ’Mr. McKinley, Mr. McKinley, Mr. Mc- Kinley.f ‘What on earth are yott flaying that for, aunty?’ I asked. ‘What has Mr, McKinley done?’ ” *He ain’t done nothin at all, Miss Jane/ she, answered. ‘But ho Certainly is a mighty smart man.’ “ ‘But,’ I persisted, ‘what has that to do with your calling his name?’ “ ‘Law, Miss Jane/ said she, ‘anybody kin see you ain’t no cook. Ef I stirs in a smart maa, the bread is shore, to come. I was jist stirrih in Mr. McKinley so’i to make this ycro bread eome light.’ ” m v FAhfcftTo HrniKttvij&p. . For the Meeting K, of I*, of Ohio, Grand Lodge, Pythian Bittftfhoodand Rathbone Bisters, the Pennsylvania Lines will sell excursion tickets to Springfield,' May !&7tli atn) 23th. Tickets will be. valid for uctiirn trip leaving Bpringfiold May illst, Among other things the old cook,, ho is now 87 years of age, recalled' Ismarck's exceeding fondness for 5 shrimps.. o. ■ ; , ■; Bismarck was a perfect ogre at the table. Of shrimps he could nev er get* enough. He was fastidious too. The shrimps must be just out 1 of the. wafer. Once a court ball was postponed for'-two days. The supper consisted'- chiefly of cold dishes^which would not be injured by the delay,\but Du-. THE LITTLE ONES. .xml auxczjmoR nopems bauxkc U« bois was very anxious about 'Ms shirimps, of which he had provided a large quantity for Bismarck’s de lectation. , “ I hatched over themlike amoth er over her babe,” said the oid chef. ‘Despite all my care, I detected a— well, a flavor that I didn’t like. I t Was barely perceptible, but it was There, and they were such magnifi cent fellows! “ I prepared them and put them on the very top of the buffet. I .was standing behind a screen when.' Bis marck entered the supper room, “ I heard himgrowl, ‘What scoun drel has put my shrimps np there by the ceiling?’ . *1 kept to my hiding place, and presently I heard a crash of plates and glasses. The chancellor, in trying to get at his shrimps,had lost his balance. He went away ewcar- ing. The perspiration stood in drops onmy forehead. ' • * “But at least no one could re proach me with the had quality of viands. My honor was safe.” ' SlMpliM Fish. The little goldfish, the pet o f the household aquariums, never goes .to sleep.- In this respect the pike and salmoii are his equals. They are ab alert for their ptey in the ocean as the goldfish is for the Crumbs that are fed him from household fables. In bis native clement the goldfish forages for himself andhas his.eyes open all the'time, There are sonic f oldfish in Washington wliich havo- elohgedtq the same family for the last EOyears, andthey seemno big ger and no less vivacious today than they did when they^first came into the' owner’s possi ssioft.' A few of th« in the imperial aquarium at St. Petersburg are. known to bo ISO years bid, and the age of the sa cred fish in some of the ponds at tached to the temples in China is to bo counted by centuries, i f wo are to believe the Buddhist priests. winnfi* : Full put Their Beards, The Eskimos hare coarse, black hair, some with a tinge of brown. Males have the crown of the head closely cropped, so^that reindeer may not cco the waving locks when the hunter creeps behind bunch grass. .They.havo black eyes and high check bones,- The bones of the fafio are better protected from the; severity of the climate by a thicker covering of flesh than southern rrtces, Generally their beard k very- scant* and most of them devote otli- mviss idle hours to pulling out the hairs, **•-' -'Wo,. i) One gallon Galiforaiiulloi.ey Bmip for 25c, at Bird’#, How' Stinginess apoteGthe Taste, of Atfoniso'a^mefm little Alfonso sat on the atone steps'outside his mother’s-door .and licked his slice of melon* I t had just bcea given him by eddRosa' for running a message, jmd, -indeed, it was a great reward, its Was just taking his first cool,, juicy bite when he heard a deep sigh. ?What’s that?” he cried, jumping up and looking around, “It’s only mo—HttleiNita,” said a small-Voice, and then he saw .that a little girl was sitting at the farther end of the stone step and had her heavy basket down in front of her. ; “Don’t do that again, then,” -said Alfonso.' • The child flushed. -fT didn’ t mean to frighten you,” she said., “ But I am so tired.and thirsty!” There was silence for a few minutes after this, while Alfonso ate his melon. At last he JookM up, with a frown. “Why do you stare so ?” he asked, “ I ’nTnot a wild lion having his din ner”fliateyou should make such eye 3 at mK” > The little girl turned away, with a sigh, and curled her ragged apron around Her fingers. , • - “ I f you .kink,” he continued fiercely, “ that I ’m going to give you a bite you’re very much.mistaken, because I’mnot.” There was no answer to this last Speech, but a big tear fell on the ragged apron. Alfonso quite choked over hi$( next bite. Somehow it did hot. taste nearly half as good as the had. He peeped at Nita under his long lash es, but she was still looking another way, and then quickly, with sudden- deep dimples and black eyes shining like summer stars, he hold-out ;his piece of melon. “Have a bite, little stranger; we’ll go shares—we two Edith Earmi- lae in London Piecalili. Crowded* ... .Little Mary not long ago heard; a phonograph for the first.time in ‘her life. She was with her another shop ping at one of the down town stores. The mother dropped a nickel iii the machine, an&JMaiy istpod listening in ecstasy, with her small onouth agape and her eyes filled with won- dete The selection was one of Sou sa’s band pieces that Stirred the lit tle girl’s heart from the start to the finish. At the conclusion of tko S iece’Mary removed the tubes from or ears with apparent regret that tfie .band had. stopped, playing. While her mother waVbusy she walked around the .wonderful pho nograph, surveying it critically.. When her mother came to her side, she' was vet peering about the pho nograph box, • “What are you looking for, Mft- ry ?” she asked* ■' . “ I was ’ist waitin for the band men to come out,” said Mary inno cently. “ They must be awfully crowded in there.”—Detroit Free Press, Shadow Picture#. Zmtt tHiWftAnnual gottaeftetmext -OFTIUS” Cedarville « 3{igk * School, Cla?- Motto: Semper Sursutp *,*'•(*' ’ - Clftss Colors: Blue atfd White PrflgruMKt,*. Alphabetically Arranged. March, “ The Unton Forever^—. * . . . . . S c o u t o n ' I n v o c a t i o n . , . , , . . . , . , ; . , „ . R e v . Andrew Hamilton Overture, “Poet and.Peasant,"......►'♦...................-........VonSyppe “Virtues of Woman's Tact,",.,.......................Rosanna M. Badger Reviews, . . . . . . Fred Barber Concert Waltr, "The Story Teller,” ,,................... .....Farrand “ Making the ............. Bessie M. Batts “ Concentjration and Success,”...,.... .Frank S. Bird “ The Art of Giving,” .,...,. . . „ .....^....Robert M, Collins ‘ Grand Fantasia. ''The Home Circle,'*....... Schiepegrell “The Power of Purpose,’*..,..,............................... prank.M. Ervin “Await the Issue,".’.,...,................. ........ I.,,,,,,..,.,.Forrest Fields ■ Glassaphone Duet.... .......................... ^,.„.„l,'„....SeJected U, Si '^...............Saydie H. Utffe. “ The Golden Sands of Opportunity,” ...... ..^r^^red R, McElwaftt “ Knowlege Our Best Friend/,...„,f..,.„.„..„..,„fBertha M. Mitchell “ Defaced Images,”,...,,.... ..............RvCharlptte Siegler March, On Duty, . . a . , . . . * , * , . , . . . . * . , . , * , . . , , , , .. Rosey “ To the Stars Thro' Hardships,'',',,..,,,A . ..... ty&ry E, Wilson “The American Baron*’*,.... .........................i.,...,Frank H. Young Spanish Silhouettes, '“ Sentimentaf Strummings,” ............Pomeroy Presentation of Dip!omas.f ‘, Soule- - i <) t ■ • . ' . t Music by Excelsior Mandolin Orchestra. • ‘ 1 ■ Springfield, Ohio, The Weeping Laurel. In one corner of the Canary is lands there is a tree of the laurel family that'riiins down oeodsitnallyj in the early morning, a copious shower of tears, or water drops, from its tufted foliage. .This water, often collects at the foot of the tree and forms a kind of pond, from which the inhahitants'Of tho neigh borhood can supply themselves with .a ‘slrinkablthbeverage thuft i$ abio* lately fresh and pure. •AvctmaioN to BpttmmuuK Eortti^ Meeting Uniteti Commer cial .Travelers of ' America, Grand Cotmril of Ohio, the -Pennsylvania Lines w ill. sell exeur. ion tickets to BpringfleM, Ohio,May 24th and 25th, gufKireturuiftg until May 27th. SONGS SUNG TO WU. i During-Minister Wn’s recent visit to Buffalo hb was the guest one evening in an 1 informal way of the Saturn club. Seated comfortably in front of a plate of pork and beans and a stein of beer, he spent half an hour in conversation-with the members of the chib* the .talk being interspersed or, rather, accompanied by the songs of the famous Saturn chorus under flic leadership of Q eorge P.'Keating. The songs were largely appropriate to. the occasion, Here, for example, is one of them: We don’t know why ife love you. Me*Wu, Wu, ' Wu, llut you'rejustnbout tket>cstvreeverknew, Wu, Wu, . . A iu I avo ' vo «lt ot uj licirdtdl Thit you've cauglit Onmlglilywell. Vet me don't knowwhyweJoveyou, hutwe do, Wu*IVu. . *T’d Le .vo My Happy Home Eor You; Wu, Wu” was another, ‘‘Ev ery Notion'lias a F lag ‘ but the Coon” caught the Chinese niinister’a fancy* One would have thought, from his freedom of manner and the general joviality of the scene, that, ho had just found a^hnfidred' long lost brothers* I t was 12:30 when Mr. Wu left the Saturn club house for his hotel. He paused just before going’ out of the door. “ It makes a man ten years youn ger to come here,” ho-said.—-Buffalo Express* ___________ Tabloids the Tendency o f the Age. This is an age of tabloids, which is only another name for concentra tion. We take our medicines in the -form of pills and capsules and tab loids; we take our nourishment in the form of ox boiled down to a tea cup; even our intellectual pabulum must come in & similar form. I t is all characteristic of the rush, hurry, superficiality and the desire to avoid trouble, wliich were the distinguish ing traits of the century just closed, I f a man is'eick, he takes his cap sule because he can. absorb it any where. It- does not' cause him to lose even a minute from his busi ness; it .is so delightfully simple, and' so, in the same way, he can snatch a meal, out of a spoonful of beef tea. He can also read the his tory of the world in one sitting in Homebody’s “ The Universe at a dance in Pointed I ’aragraphs.’ te-. .Forum, . _ / .. ■;; v. An Eag!« and a Donkey’ * Head. Officialsof the United Statestreas ury arc liable to make things un comfortable for one of the govern ment engravers if they can trace to its soTaeo the man who, apparently in a spirit of fun, placed a puzfcle picture on the I 68 o series of $10 notes. Incidentally the American eagle is said to lw in a rtato of high indignation because' the' engraver made it look, turned upside down, like a common everyday Monkey, with lW>g m u and a white nose. On Y o u can buy a STRAW HAT 1, . *\ * • ‘ ' , for io c . and up a t Sullivan’s The patter 27 South Limestone Street, SPRINGFIELD - - OHIO. NOtiCE. Customers are requested to'return to us at once all grain bags branded “ Andrews & Co.” Kerr & Bastings B ros , TOCUREa GOLDIN OXBEAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets, All druggists refund the money if its .flails to cure. HE , W. Grove# signature is on each box, 25c, tlie face of the hill appears an Atner th* signatures at the bottom, There is nothing about knn eagle between tho apptfawfiee ^ fht bird to denote that it is different from th« same picture appearing on the other bins, but when on* turns th* bill umUU down the .heal of a donkey looks up plainly.—-Washington Latter, NOTICE. A meeting will be held at the Sel ma school house, Wednesday, May 29,1901, for the purpose o f changing the school districts in Madison town ship, Clark county and Cedarville township in Greene^ county. A l those having scholars in these dietricU who are interested in the change wiS please attend the meeting. - « Nine girls out of every ten heeoa* sooner or later home keepers in sown capacity. It would seem, therefore that any course of study for girl* which does not include instruction it the science ahd art of home mak»*f, and home keeping is deficient, Th* course in domestic science at the Ofcb State University at Columbus art onlygive*liberal training in literature, language, science and mathemafiesi but also in the practical and scientifi* studies relating to foods, cookhtf, nurfing, sewing andother related *«► jetts. The young woman who coir pldes tbis course is not only liberally trained,, but she has acquired know ledge which will be. of every day *•*■ toiler in home management andi# administering to the comfort and b*f pinese of others, U t fe u ftio n H a te s io J tn n e o h f A>k May 23d to 27th, inclusive, for t* nual Conference of German Bsjflat Bretheru, excursion tickets Will i# sold to Lincoln, Xeb;, via I ’ennsylt* hia Lines. Tickets will be valid -fet return from Lincoln until June 4th* Extension o f Return Limit: deyoeit of ticket and payment offifff cents to Joint Agent ai Lincoln,. ** or before June .id, an extension ot re turn limit may he -.obtaineil to lea** Lincoln n»t fafer tbaa tlinid 50^ For parUculara see Ticket Agent*^ FennsylvAtti* Lines, / aMn«*WtS>igiw L ix lU Y t ______ ws rssss*v *****awes*
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