The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
y ■ ■x v xm £ 3. 1 { o i fq h i $ t .m a y ea r , , '•KAfMJH 'mCU r^lfflfiwaffeFtttt^r^! A UTILE NONSENSE, I Ppjfcrs; $’> t>€(i s7»Wfa SA^UKP#,-?, JDMIi h OBITUARIES—Cobtafolng over tw^ffundrcd wo r«fe» w it bbcharged ' :on at tbo rateof Tree ccnta per line, ••• UAIUB OF THiOTB — Bvo cents per li»e.r ‘ , Whcnye« send iu long obituaries ’ ., ©lease state' whom Islisj.lalll fe in no sen! 1 , to, Or,WOTSil»'puWi3li tvi'O tU0D> liiuj* ’<iren wdrds and -leave the-balance nut, Make them os long is you wish, if you comply withthe above-conditions, ‘ • which is a matter ot pure justice. •> ^’Everybody condoms the wild sersfm- bio for ail ‘ til? money they can get, That'shuman nature, as it .was, as it is, grid as it ever wM be, - ' ' . Has it occurred to the Southern editors who are discussing hdw to -wipe out illiteracy that sending the children to school* would* speedily,do the business. I f that Ohio idea of the country .in Which a lynching occurred paying . the family of the victim $5,000 dam ages were generally adopted, there' would be fewer'lynching?;* , \ In Missouri the democrats have' 51 . per cent of the votes, but they have so arranged the Congressional apppr- ' fipnment that they get,94 per cent of the State’s Congressional represen- tnfffn *R+iH. " IVtlMrtllM llflB ' falVS tation. ' Still against theft. ( Stoutsville, Mo., May 5, 1900 Gontlement-rrl have bedn troubled i»£i»W'eTfc*:y3r^*i;wl.:T.K'WrewWj3i.-/^*vrio-flVVo'fs/\*V'::viVvt* with Indigestion and Constipation for Iheflasfc two years, ‘and have tried every remedy known, hut had never received any relief, until I was banded atrial bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin’ through our druggist, J. }V. ‘ Watson, which gave me .immediate relief, and ! afterward bought a fifty pent bottle, ivbicb I can truthfully Say has given me more relief than . anything X„haye ever tried.—R.' B, HOrff Sold by O- M.'Kidgway. . —A choice lino" of all kinds of Groceries,-at Gray’s. ;—You may as well expect tOrun a steam engine without water as to find an active, energetic man with a_torpid liver"and you may know that his liver is topid when does not relish his food or feels dull and languid after eating, often'has headache,and sometimes dizziness. A few doses of Chamber- ■Jain’s Stomach dnd Diver Tablets will restore his its normal func tions, renew’ his vitality, improve his digestion and make hint feel like it newman. I'rieo, 25 cents. Samples free at G. M. Ridgway’s drug, store. ?h* Buce of a .Dad Who Wanted to I . RecrHhe •Paper, ' ,!. ' >tlfAfiop&a cf I ■onehitis T h e P l e a s a n t W a y !Bine Front S lagle tey-v*: ■+‘> :rm: “K q ¥ 'vat' tar CVf f ,31,' Cv;.jny Pl?*l tkl|>'';Vfr liotli# mo’* is the enswrv of.olrao-'t fTCiytdad.'' S'omo of lfho clnib cost' prUKiir.P, Itpwevpr, Kero’s wl iat om". of them in the iharepion mean man clam did; life 4-ycar-old daughter tvaiiti-d him to 4‘loy with 'her, He wanted to tunoko ami road a nc-vrepr.- ■per,' ■■•■ -.i. . •*’ “Wo will play school/* lie raid-— t!kiruera,p'.tpnpebonl, where they do fa i ny lmn^ / ’ “ Tito ‘child, was delighted and thought that flip feat of the* pro gramme was for her sporinVmnirie- nieut. Regardless of the evil ..effect on her conduct, her father handed her a new pipe and said; “The first class, in pipe sjhoking.wiJl come to ■order. lull pipes — light — smoke quietly.” f , ' The child went- through all the motions, not omitting to scratch an imaginarymatch on the seat of her dressy and then the deluded kid ;sucked away on the empty pipo-for 13 minutes without saying a word and was having fun because sho thought she was. The next trick was meanet yet, "The teacher,” said the father, "will no\f read aloud, and the class' must- he very quiet ” ■ Then he'.read, aloud what he had been trying to hhnself-T™ somefhing about the Yaqui Indians —and because she thought she was playing the, daughter kept still and finally .wont to sleep,—Kow York. Sun.- -. ’ “ ‘ . . .W b a ta Silly Bankl IWMIBT > linti lailMN,' "Ihave hop?Ayer’s CherryPee* m$l fn ffiyiioisa k t agreatmany yearn,. It is thy cost medicine in the world for aow'ha'ani colls,-” J, C, ‘SlUisms, Attica, IjJ, X, q0mmim&*mwvm+<h {stMatf VA Pan-Amorican ■Exposition, j r^D ear., ymar jfigs br* the !-rain atyf tnum. r 0 «r f fill 5 , J-huamai Avrnce, ^priai^fidci, O, ; ?•>. f o r n i x A fill] A H s e r J o - u s ' l u n g t r o u b l e s b t;g in w i t h a t i c k l i n g in the- throat. You can -s top ih is at first, in a s in g l e . night w ith Ayer^s Cherry Pectoral, U s e it also fqr bronchitis, consumption, hard co lds, and for coughs o f ay kinds. Sho Kindt Yon IEav®Always aJonglit, atodl w|i!cli lias neew. ii» u.«3o for over SO yedrs, lias homo the signature o f and Ims lmen made unde? Ms per sonal snperyMbni slnco- -ItsSwfan^ IS VIA THE Allow no one todeceive you in tills,. All Gounte-rfeitij, Imitations and “ dCnst-aS-good,;>are but; Experiments that trifie w ith and er^jangertbe health o f Jiw35mte and Cftttdrea-rExS'ericuco against; Exppslment* _ What is CASTORIA G. H. ft D . Mam’s Hesiaurant . anil Dining R oobj ! / £% CwHlp A l u l l 'h,tbc Pa tm t High and Dimestone steel i Springfield, Ohio. ^ ~J Three sires; ?Jc.,. ofiOyr;Ulor nn ordlpsrj” i.Jujt rij-iitforlbrcnunills, Jjqsrse. j Cf flj fp& , „ ............... Jmril colds, etc.; most ccuiiomfcat icr Clmmie. cnr.oiutul to itcppoi>h;>.nii. ........ ....... .I, ..... bariwwB J O, AVI’.U CO., iiov/cll, I-Tans. tJohn’c Cue Oopmed,^ * According to a resident .of*China town, the'statesmen o.f the Flowery Kingdom-are how considering tho advisability oi altering tho -Climcio law -which requires Mongolians,to wear .cues. ■ Tho Chinese’ arc of a practical turn- of mind and- insist that too much time is required to dress their long braids. There is considerable objection to the style now in vogue, and ab insistent for a change has be come -the land that ’it, is likely the hny esta^M'dag the style of head dress will bo altered. It is stated that .tbs-Chinese willmot wear their hair long, but that their heads will’ bo kept shaved. — 'Portland Tele-, :gram. . ■/ - / • Castoria is a harmless suhstltufo for Castor- Oil, Faro - } goric, Drops and. Soothing' Syrups, I t is Fleasaut. I t contains neither Opium,.Morydiino nor other Karcotie snhstanee. Its ago is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms, and allays Feverishness.. I t 'cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic; I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency, i t assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and .Dowels,* saving healthy and -natural sleep. The Children’s Fanaeea—The Mother’s Friend. Casliier—Madam, you’ve already overdrawn your uccomit. - Xady ,<3lient—The ideal A fine bank, I tbiiilc, to be out of money because of the little I've drawn. I ’ll go somewhere else,. A Whero la “ ’Way Daown East?!' /Tlast” ' does, not mean to the Washingtonianwhat it means to the New Englander, Bays W. D. Lyman . in The Atlantic. Anything the oth< er side, of the Missouri is “east” to ns. A new arrival from MasBachu- , setts was once greeted very cordially; in jny hearing by a M y who had been here somo rime and who said, “I came' from the east myself; “Alii” said the New Englander, "From what place?” •'From Iowa/* was the unexpected answer. A Good Hearted Hoy., , Mother—Freddy, i hear ybtr got a thrashing in school today. Freddy—>Yes, ma. 'The,teacher' whipped mo, but he is getting so old and weak that it didn't hurt me ■much. * Mother—Did-you cry? Freddy—Oh, yes; I bawled so yon could/ have heard i t in tho next BtsTQOlla ■ .Y‘ Mother—Whydid that? Freddy—I wanted to make tho old man feel happy once more.— Tit-Bits. —Mr. W. 8. Wbedon,, Cashier of the First National Bank ofWinteracfc Iowa, in a recent letter givessome ex- To Be Expected. . Towne—Henr about Goldman? He had picked out a fine site for his iicw suburban residence, mado all his plans and was just about to buy the land when some'other fel low sneaked in and. bought it. He’s simply crazy about it, v • Browne—rl should think he would be crazy; "Out of site, out of mind," you know.—^Philadelphia Press. A i-ong Cflra. . One of tho latest postdftice frauds- now boin" investigated by the post- office authorities at Washington ,is that, o f1a (lector who advertised'to cure deafness for $18,50, without fail. To those who sent the reqtiir- ed amount the doctor forwarded * 9,909 pills; with ’directions to take one each, day and’on no account to miss a day or the charm, would,bo broken'and it-would be necessary to start all over again. As •the .truth of this'’claim'cannot be put to the test until the end of five and a halihyears ifie authorities are pUZ- . zledwhat course to take. Mutter’s Reward For Saving a- Life, Jelm -Muller, a watchman afr tho Jefferson' street crossing of the. Reading railway, dragged a woman from before a moving"train the o U k er day-and saved her life at the peril G e i v i u i N E CASTORIA ■A L W A Y S ^ B e a t s ih e Signatiiire o f Y e a r s . THECEWTHUnC o ' mp *HV.,T7MUHRAV«|THEcr, ttEwrVonttCITV. y r ^ . £ C i i i o l e i i i i of lus own. In'pulling her to a ........... pv .. . place of safety Muller tore lier skirt from tho waistband and damaged the garment almost.beyond'repair The next day ho was summoned to- the terminal, where he was asked to pay for the skirt. His explanation settledKthe claim.—Philadelphia Record. * HOOPERjSEXbs A.MISSAGK Jeffersonville, hub, May 15,1900, Pepsin Syrup Co., Montieellq,0Ilh Dear F.riends:—I was bothered with Stomach Trouble mid Dyspepsia for years. Nothing helped me .until I tried your grand Div Caldwell's Syr up PepsiD, and now I feel like a liaw woman. You may publish, tlife, that all Others rimy learn of the great ben- eiit of your cure. Sincerely your, Mrs, Maggie Hooper. Hold by C, M. Ilidgway. jperience with carpenter in his employ. ...................... slue i that will be of value to other irpchan- ic*. Ha gays:( “I had a carpenter working working for me who was obliged to stop work for several Jays on account being troubled with diar rhoea. I mentioned to him that I had been similarly troubled and that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy had cured mo, Ho bought a bottle of it’ from the druggist here and informed me that one dose cured him, and he is again at his work.” For sale by. O. M. Ilidgway, Easily Figured Out. "Yes, he’d a big dog” remarked the visitor, "What do you value him at, Uncle Si?” "Well,” said Farmer Si, making a brief mental calculation, ‘T reckon he’s Worth altogether about $25.01.” • Why do you tack o n th e cent ?” “Well, he’s g o t a $23 young Cots- wold sheep in' him th a t he a te la st n igh t.”—‘Chicago Tribune, a Tiuvixm; wak confided to us tlfe other day that he used I)r, Caldwell’g Syrup Pepsin in his farnijy aue needed no other rem edy, as it seemed to keep the entire family so perfectly free from Consti pation. Indigestion, Sick Headache and Stomach- Troubles. Sold by C, M. Ridgwav, , A Caustic.Critic, An indifferent actor who bitterly resented tho German journalist Sa» tihirfe.' criticisms revenged himself . by chalking on his door the word “Ass.” Sapbir, who recognized the hand, dressed himself very carefully the next day and returned tho call, ' "You were kind enough to pay mo a visit yesterday ”.-ho said,, "as,I saw by the name, so permit mo to return tho civility,” Tho Lawyer Got ft. Brown—So you lost your lawsuit with Smith? Jones—Yes; hut it's a Satisfac tion to know that Smith didn't win anything, “But diwu. „ t $1,009 damages?” "Yes; but his lawyer got that.”— Philadelphia Record. dn’t yon have to pay him a hooi >coroir r,iEi>i(T:;u. i I speaks well for Chamberkun’s Cough remedy when draggisUf me it in tfieir own families in prefereuea to any other. “I have sold Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy for the past five years with complete eafisfaction to myself and customers,” cays Druggist .T'r(4«1,W.;n, Vnn Wffn,, ^ v «*T CitfARBMCAPrtdr BECURIO with LOG h APPLICATIONS, as they cAtittsfc reach the seat of. the dhexafe. Catarrii is a bload or eon* atUutioual diseaseand. in order to euro it you must take internal remedies. Haifa Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, and acts directly on tho blood anJ mucous surfaces, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed j>y one of the best physicians in this Country for years, and fa a regular pre*?;ri|dtyn* It is cjitnikxtcil of the l>«t tonics known, iCommitcd with.the best blood puri fier*, acting directly on the oris attrfhwi. The "■ jierfect. combination of the two ingredients 1* what pro- d»ie#nsncti wfonderf«f restdls hi curing ■0 id » i* fh ,--........ * • - Hmdfdr tcstimonwlrt free, F. J. CHtmr, Sc | fi.vlbledo* O. fkfid by Druggists, 'Ton, • Family ITS!? are tlm best, ASDUAINDD \8KLl?~ QtTIGKr/jf OCHKD, “At one time 1 rjufTered from a se vere sprain of the ankle,” says Geo. E. Cary, editor of the Guido, Wash ington. Va, “After using several well recommended medicines without suc cess, I fried Chambeflainb Pain Ualbi and am pleased to say that relief came- assoon as I began il JijGoldsmith, a Ettou, N. Y, “I have always-used it my owri fimirly both for ordinary coughs and colda and for the cough following la grippe, and find ifcvery efficacious.” For sale hy O. M. Ilidgway; Housekeepers will want their kitchens Covered; fine assortment.....43,59, 60c I H a d i t i i j i . . . - - , We are still selling,at tb'i-lowest price.........12^ to 50c IffinflswSkades... , ' Lace Curia?us $1.00 to SI.25 a pair down to.................. .............. ..'...60c and your choice of following routes, All mil, via Detroit, through Canada. Lake Erie’ Steamers, via Detroit or Toledo, Or going rail,, repurping by steamer or vice versa. Also all rail via .Leipsic Junction and Nickel Plate, of ’via Toledo aud Lake Shore, m v o y s ? ' ' ' - l U b a t v o u m M $ W ’ - . Tht S p e c ia l T m i i l s i B a te s" ' ■ TO-Atf. NORTHERN and LAKE RESORTS, ■Stop Over af Buffalo, liie 5 .MtoaffrJ r c a f e f i n i P i i r i n a I f e z k l i h F lo ^ r . * r ‘ M a f^c* ao i * j b r : a i b B i U B & i v - . PURINA MILLS, ST>1 o «S, M o , Our 90 YEARS' ■ EXPERIENCE Inquire of 0. H. & D. representa- ’ tives for particulars or write * ’ X). G . EDVARD S , Pass, Taf. Mgr. "OINGTNN ATI, O. T bade RI adks D esigns ^ C opyrights & g . Anyonesenfllnsraal:c(cUnrlildescriptionindy illicitlyjiscortninouropinion'froewhetheran. uventl»nisprotmbly-pittontablo. Communis ----- ------- ------—Pateofi ■' tents. . - - . oucl tpccialnotice, Withoutclinrge, Intho SclettflffcJFIMCiNlh CEDARVILLB, OHIO, ACCOUNrS of Merchants andln- ” djyjduals solicited. Collections promptly made'and remitted, AJmndswnely Illnstrateit weekly. i'jr,«ff?est ctr--> tmluLlou of liny scientific; Ibnrnal. >‘l'erms, S 3 a "' your,; fopr wonUiB.fl, 'Sold bynil newsdealers.’ NiUNN&Oo|8tB* ' NewYori llj-ftoeii Office, if St*Washlnftton,n, c. . T^RAFTB on New- York and Qin- ■**, ciuimti sold at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to Send money by mail. OANS made on Ileal Estate, ■Pei- scmal or Collatieral Security. William Wildman, Pres., J • ‘ $etb W. Smith, Vice Pres,, - . W, J -.Wildman. Cashier. Caveatij,andTradc-f'huksobtainedandallPel entliusinecsconductedforM oocbatc Fetm, Oun Office is opposite u.s. patent Office andwdcan-securepatentSales*timethanthose; remotef-nmWashington, ■ Sendmodel,drawing'prphoto,,-with,descrip.1 tion. We-advise, if patentableprnot,.freeof charge, Ourfeenotduetillpatent!*secured. AP amphlet ,.‘‘DowtoObtainPatent*,”with cost of-samemthc-u.S. andforeigncoantri** sentfree. Address, C . A . S 9 S 0 W & 0 O . OPft. P^TEHT.OFflCE, VV ash I ncton , D, C, *H.voyr * v Never have We had such a’fiue assort- . men-t of good shades,- new goods fop. ’DresSefe and Waists. ( i R i Baily Meat Market SoldbyMlnewsdealers S u i t R o o m s Suitrf........... $5 90‘to | Waists B i l k . , . . . - . . $ 2 1 7 3 to$5.75 Waists Wash..... ...... 4Se to $2.00 Petticoats........... ........... .-30c to $5.09 Iliiikrwear, all grades. I Percale, yd wide, 5c, Prints, 4c,. Sheeting 5c binder the-above firm name, the meat market of C. W, Crouse will be conducted. All product in the meat line will be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with honest and., thorough business methods is enough assurance to the public, who always want the worth of their money, in every respect;-. When sendingchildren, direct them toys; we always give them the best they ask for, / ; FURNISHES MONTHLY ,To all-lovers of Song .andMusica vast volumeof NEWcfadicc;compositions by’ tlieworld’s famous authors. ■ 64 Pages of. Piano jRiasic Hajt Vocal, Half lr.itthUUi . 21 Complole Pieces for Piano fititcbison $ m m y Once & Month for 10'Cents,• Yearly Subscription, $ i.oo. GOODS DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. . irixauht In any wmslc store at oae-hsill off. would cost |o.'i5> Asaving of tS.lQmonthly. In one year you get^nearly 800 Pape* of Music, comprising 252-Complete for the Piano, THEAKRQ.V ROUTE, CHURt)H DIRECTORY THE RAPID TRANSIT COMPANY. Through Pass’cnger Service to Buffalo for Pan-American Exposition. It. V, liurch—Itr.v. J, services’At a. »n. I l f SylU. V. Mint'm, Pastor. Sabbath School at Between Xenia aud Dayton. Leaves Xenia: Leave Dayton; ,lf you cunriot get Acopy froth your New*- dialer, send, to tin and we will mall you a . ..eetapleTree. ■My.Temper* - I iw" a muo femper:. - ’Tig lilip my jiiiay Riray— tlnlr:.' I watf it it do“sly It trio to get away.■ . ts n.«dand a corn- pletfl mire speedily 'followed,” - Bold Mil war and tsiou awl fnitapla On ill ivli-j itear St steal, Aid e.a l try to ■-«£s it , Ar.J bpltl St iwll ja Lim!, jy <k M. Ilidgway. ■ ■ 6001 I Atfvce* The most- miserable hfinga in the World are thcsesuifiringfreim Dyspep* sia and Inver Complaint. More than BGVe:ity-five per cent, of the people in the. United Btafos aw njllieted with these two ■dfeeai-fa and tboit effiefer suclt os Bour Btwnacb, Biek Ili ad- atdie, Habitual i-’a-ri w T k .- s ,- Fdlpjtu- tiou of the Heart, Xleara burn, W.-iti r* bxasb, 'Gnawing and Burnirg Pains nr.the I’it of the Btomads, Ys How Bkiu, Coates! Tongfid find Disagrca- Tastointhe Moult), rVmisi'f up of Fund after Ealing, Low btyniKete, Go i.nymn< l b , f and a buttle t of August. Flotyerfiir, Ttto j diW‘Swilt relieve you, ,1'ry s i (?ct j G?eets%Tb’&i Altimnae,' '**, 1 Jtoastti to«tes taaSof ■ I a l! jhi ci:t!>relit Ar.ilsficaktttit ♦jttits* Ttt eosstUats-#si favaia, J»i9 »,*>r,ticli tlttr'ftfoKgcr ' " Jt fxttt wx&y ffi ui cic, 1MLXwilt iri.Tjicster • As yia rl.-.u r;v>I, - 'ary Attatijsi Uagaa* The opening of tho Pan-American Buffalo Litie“ “Akron Routo”*—May 5th t-sfablishai if new outlet from Western, Southern and Central Ohio to Chautauqua Lake,.Buffalo,Niagara Falls, and Bt. Lawrence River and Canada rcHorts. It also opens-a new tourist route via Buffalo and the Ni agara frontier to New York and the East, : Schedules* - for the new route are otit, and their arrangement indicates passengers over it are to have enjoy able trip-} to and from the Pan-Amer ican ExpirdlLiu. From Cincinnati through service consists of the Pan-American Bxprc.o carrying first-class coach and sleeping ear leaving flu-re at 4:bi) p, m,, land ing ■jia&ieugeraat Bufi'ufo at.9.15 next morning ‘The Buffalo Exprcsa with ear to Buffdo Ieav<-a Cinrinuutf daily at fi;a. m , reaching BtifFaJo* at mid- might. Passengers in sleeping ear may remain in their berths until 7 a. m, Reiuruing'leavc.Buirah) t p. m., arrive Cincinnati U.ffi) a. mg leave Buffalo (i.ilft p. m., arrive ^iucintiftti 10.40 a. m. Information about fares to Buffalo, Niagara Falls mid beyond, stop-over privilegea at Buffdo, mid other details- tiiay be imx-rlmmdby emnnmtiicating with Ticket Agents of the Pennsyl vania Linee, or by addressing fri C, Haims, 1). P. Agt,, Hayton, (■>. Cdvcntiuter Ohttrcli—fiev. W. J , Fanucrson, pastor, Sabbath School nt 111 a. ip. l‘reach'« ifl;tat U;C(t a, m, iV.Uii- Pc ijite meet »t 0 p. nt. este-pl tho Ial and 3d Sabbaths of the- ponth -whoa they meet at 6:30, and preaching •, in tho crcnina tu tho 1st and fid Sabttttbs of the mooth a t 7:08 p, r,s, U» P, Olmrcli—-Hoy. 1?. 0, Koss, pastor. Ser vices at a. to. and 7:06 p. m, Sabbath Schccl nt 0:30 a. un sf.indnfd time. M,II, Church—Itev. A. Hateilfon, Pastor. PrcaphiDjp a t 10:15 :u to Sabbath School at ‘J.-U-i a. nr. Young People’s meeting atC:03 : p« r.i. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:00. Preaching every other Sabbath even-’ ing7t;'.() p, m. ................ UoptlrE Church—llcv. Occrga Wnshington, pastoroi thc Eaptistcburcli. Preaching nt I t a. ill. and 7;S9 p<m. Sahliath .School nt 2:30; p.rr. Prayer meeting every V/tilne? lay night: at 7:30, Uft ryone invited. niiareh—llcv. O. lh dtmes Pas tor Preaching at 10:3d a. in, asd 7:00 p. in. Claw ev-cty Sabbath atl2:(<0, Sabbath School at 3:00 cr. Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m., Ure Inc-'day rvc. 5;09 a, m. 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 . 10:00 11:00 .12:00 Noon. 1:00 p. m. 2:00 3:00 4:00 * 5:00; 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 6:00 a, m, 7:00 8 : 0 0 . 9;00 10:00 11:00 12,00 Noon.' 1:00 n. in, , 2:00 j . W„ PEPPER, Publl.her, SlEhth ALocust Sts.. Phllsdslphls, Ps. D o n ’ t B e F o o l e d i Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA ,v-00 Of 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 • 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 Made only byMsdtfoa Medi cine Co., Medlton. W|*. ft keeps you we]f. Oer node msrk'Cut: an erteh.psckage. Price* 35 cent*. Never.#«14 in bulk. Accept no ssfceU- •n»ms*T<*r«H tnte* Ask ybtir d rnn lri. THE BEST Product of tbe market and stock farm can Al ways be. found at file Moat IBiore of Xenia office and waiting room No jmi « mmnm « 4 Booth Detroit St; Dayton office G i l 3 i 3 ? l { 5 S v T 0 1S 2L 6 j and waiting room, 15 West Fifth St,, v * * » * * w » v v W****Wrl DOG TO RS say “Consuirqitioucambooared.*1 NatureMonowon’t doit* itnecds help* Poetors say" “Scott’s Emulsion Gtjffiic.and Gi{ars »t. Gray’s ISthe best help.” But you muse cenrimio in use m tu lit hot weather, . , - ; lt'y34l.u’/tki iiirdJt,re« Ucs eatripte thmi’j*, m-itfrTixAmza, Kcwi’Mfc* m, and#i.wjall A Gcod Ihlng. German Syrup is the «p*rial pro scriptior. of Dr. A. Bosohe-e, a trie bratetl German Physician, and is ac knowledged to hi* on : of flic most for tunate discoveries in medicine. It quickly cured Coughs, Colds nud all Lung troubles of the severest nature* removing, as it does, the causo.of the affection and leaving the parts in a strong and' healthy condition. It is not an experimental medicine,but ha 3 fitnrel tho test of years, giving satis faction in every case, which its iap« idly increasing sale- every si-miou con firms. 'Two niiil'an bottles' sold anmi- nlly. Borehee’s rierman .Syrup was infrodumHa the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and vill g? in the -civilized world. Three rinses will relieve any ordinary Cough, Price 7yet*. Get Greens’ jPrize Ah opposite Posfofficc. The running time between Dayton andXenia is one hour, passing thru Highlands, Smithville Road, Zimmer man, Alpha, .Trebcins and Lucas Grove, • Dayton fo Xenia 17 miles, fare 25 cents, > Every other ear combination for freight. ‘ . , , Hundays'and Holidays ears run every half hour, SWEET .ERF ywt . • . . | UWMiAC. inn emnjimijmi tu u well oidwcd sto*' much, Dr, Caldwell'sByrup- Pepshii *|?3 W n p f c # .‘JFOP' ’keeps tho stomach in older - tbe* breath pure' ptid’- sweet.- ’ Bnbl by O, ■Mr Ilidgway, - I ’CASTOR I re.y Pi* reijUite-f, fc-.wctist-sfc. *ul T-.C ll f> ’5.<l*>? •IK?ili;?l9?« ^ r-r.'biy Krerim *rr.fw }ui, v Hi C.p v.fliem ><i» «# b . 5v 140 si M*« # i i n. . j . , * a i ; il-Tf;•i ’*•,, i*'.r .dtii:' t^eJ, 4 vju »A- i ^’ -,fT(.v.;.l- v tensf j t o ■ C t s , f t s Kind You Raid k h u p soo.uwf? rare, <i<t«Diuoto m-iw, Bsats riie Slgaaturo of MBKWAA.I ; 'lib toghAntW<ifk»OSIhst'JolJ, ^ | * l-av-fttivo Bromn Quinine Tuldfts (pureAcold in ono day. No i *m-s nn pay* PrbV 25 cenfa, ■ •, H i | T J ‘ JJIfiESTIVE W I . TABLETS 1 Tablet, per day, ?A) to 60 minutes before breakfast; one mouth’s treat ment costs 2op* » T, J* HUNT, iNviteToiV’ - 51crow, luff For sale by Ridgway dr, Co. CbM. RidgWay, The City Hotel, tPoriiKriy ShpvtftcnHouse) N, H. tlAYWOOH, Proprietor. Y ou r Pati\)Hfigc«and r Influence Solicited, FOPULAE BATE’S, together with cveiy- thing to he found in a first-class meat market. . Also handles the cele brated Bwift Company* Hams, Awl courteous and honest treatment goes with the above. Goods Delivered, Telephone 66* Fresh Fish,and Ice Ts PATEUT m I i T sai to*j-b«S*w«U>ir ottriid. A«drw*, THE. CATEUt BECORO. ^ fe»b*6ri5Uoo*toTij*p»t«atHwMiri . O j0 e s t /5 w h a t y o u e a t . ItAttifiniidlyAigA»utb«foodAddAid* N«tum la Atreuftbahinf i i d m m straoblag the *«(• *&% And tontn. No other pMpfcteitoA cab * p p to « h I t in Afficitadh I t ffi ladlffwtioa, Hipbtittt, fttomtftfct NAtii wmmamk■Mm « *n oh» *11 ottiix' of impariwot<i ,%i Y o u jw i l l m'ak- I JA/ F u rn itu r e Der ■~rpr--"” SCI Steel Plows, MowerA,- . Riding Cultivate Hay Carriers, Walkiug Cultiv We sell tbe f convinced by 0 6 * « « r Someln ue&s, a . dor abt tliern tl grace a .liility c tlietti tv W e ha merry ’ er sliov variety $3-50* G. S. I For Nearest Con 1901 , will be disM J* 6 r Headset Oo T o t S e c o n d Nej “ T h ir d “ fou r th “ F i f t h “ S i x t h " S e v e n th . " N e x t SO ** “ IOO *• “ SOO “ " * 1,000 “ « 3,060 A tota l o f 4 In case of l Contest clo; Tbe Total "S 1891 -wan....... 189S «• 1893 '** ' 1894 *» 1396 « Guess what An additiOT :gue*s. If there .equally divided .The Oondltiotn inquirer *10.00 f* t t a o o f d Nocoimnis Enquiresf. Sen, W‘ cm kj gl s ' • t l j j i t i t m v w Q m t I f Itxfeip i II B P ' i ■JjAMki. WJ— v - ■ . v, Ae.
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