The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 1-26
■r; *r* - * - ?vj f & liOcai and Personal i Mr. L. F. } im i wj * calM ft*Cam tqu, owing i->theterloua illne** ofhia •UMtlMT. ' aim *- -Hr*Dixon *<11 tie away fr office yiitii 3!midsy, May lilth, ■ Mr. #ad Mr*. O, D;T«u«bo are th* icuasts of Mi*. Thimbu's pareote, Mr. and Mu. David Fhroadc«. Mr. aud Mra. Trutai o have just returned fromT*x*s, where they have beenfor the past .throe montha for the benefit Mr, Trumbffa health . , ' -'-'For the best galvanized Iron •watertauki and troughs ego Pierce & Stewart as they will quote .you lowest prices.. Mr. and i£lrs« C’has, Gilbert,and’ Mr. Joe Van. Horn, of ’South Gharleston, spent Thursday. with •friends here. r—Wanted—All wy sacks returned at onpe. Y», R.'Sterrett. Key, y, Alvin Orr will preach to* marrpw in the It. P, church at 11 a. m. —Danger, .disease and death follow1 neglect ofthe bowels. Use DeWitt’s Little Early Risers to regulate, them’ and you will addyears to your lifeand life to your years. Easy to take, never gripe, Bidgway &Co- W- L, Clemans has decided^toleave Ma' present quarters m the Gh'ew building and ffiove into the vacant rooms:of his dwelling- OppositeJhe ho- 'teh Plat lor Contest will be open Monday, June 3, 2:00 p, m., standard time, at G. M. Crouse^, admission 25c. Mr. John Booth,and wife, of Day- ton, former, citizens o f. this place spent Decoration day here, , ->New. Crop California -Apricots " rRaisin* ’’ .Peaches, Brumes, Grapesand at Gray's, Vegetation never looked better,1 'fruit gives excellent promise of -a , good crop,,while the wheat, | bat flpd meadows never presented a finer pros pect than at this time, Eventhe.peg- slmisfewho sits around on the corner, kicks the curbing and chews the rag, gives an.occasionai evidence of a Faint gmile, while the industrial fellow, has , a^gltploussunshine in liis heart every ,' morning.. •‘—Thepainting season is here, why not have your house brightened by a coat of James E. Patton's Bun Proof paint, A five year guarantee given Boldby Kerr & Hastings Bros. . Secure your seats early for the clos ing exercises . of Commencement! contestThursdayevening- Those de siring good,seals must get them early, plat openMonday 2:00 p. m. -—Mr. James Brown of Putsmoutb, Ya„ -over 90years of age, sufiered for ears with a bad sore on his face. y< p il SO ^ hyeicians could not help him,. De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve cured him permanently, ' B*dgway &Ocf. . Wilbur D,t Hisbet, one of the Bal timore American’s versatile writers, Was the guest of his parents here, Monday and Tuesday... —McMillan'S carpets are on hand, see them before you make your pur chase. , In this issue will be found an ac count of the orders as are issued by theauditorjdate when given,to whom, amount, out of what fund, what for, and howallowed whether 'by law of by the commissioners or both. ,Wc hope Orreaders will watch this column closely ami anything that you dtf not understand, we would be pleased to look up, To those who wish any more light on the subject please drop Us a line as tothe information desired. Asa McLean is now behind the counterat C.H. Gillaugh'g,the Grocer. The "Annual Inter-Society Conte'st between the Philadelphian and Fhib osophic Liferary Socioties, will be in the opera house Thursday evening June 8. —Jennie—To have a round beau tiful neck wiggle your head from side to side, every night take Bocky Mountain Tea. It’s a short cut to a graceful form. S5e. Ask yourdrug* Miss Alice Meyers, of Xenia, was the guest of Miss Bertha Mitchell the first of the week. “Paint your house with James JB. Patton’s Sun Proof Paint. Get it at Kerr dt Hastings Bros. Mrs. D, B. Brewer, of near Xenia, died at her home Monday evening. She had not been well for a year past and the attackOf pneumonia winch developed, soon caused herjeondition to bo^ritkal. The dccaased was 55 yrs. of age and was the wife of D. B. Brewer, who for a number of years Was Gourt Bailiff. The funeral was held from the .residence Thursday morning, ■ , , ' "■< —Weave giring”pre®terns?again, tickets with every purchase, 'Ask for them yt Bird’s, MissesMinnie and DellaFordspent Wednesday in Springfield the guest oftlicir cuminMiss Stewart. —Anything in the harness lino at D on /i ' * Since the change iu the time of drains it i$now possible to eomo from Gluetouati in the mornings. At a town- meeting of tli* Xenia ship boardof education lastSaturday^ Miss Alma Dobbins of this place was elected to teach in district No. 4. Miss-Emma Blair secured district l l . — Don't got side-tracked in busi ness^ Dulliuess sometimes passes for death. Men with brains reach the goal* Bocky Mountain Tea puts gray matter into one's „head. 35c. Ask your druggist. MW'Alva Lagler, of near Wash ington, C, H, visited MA Samuel Haglcr and family this week, —For light buggy harness, work harness, whips, pads,, etc., try Dorn, the hamess inan. J , M, Bull and family came down from Springfield, Thursday. While here they were the guests of Mr. and MW Will Spencer. Carpet*, Garpefs, Carpets at McMillan’s, Mr, W. J l Bterreit left Tuesday •vaning for Pittsbdrg to attend the annual meeting of synod of the CV/a- uanter church, Mrs. Bterrett left lor Geneva last week and while east both will remain until aftercommencement terdm of Geneva college, where their atm, LeRoy, graduates, - -Ajsurgicat tipewtioii is not net*.* ewary to cure piles, DeWitt’s Witch Haxri Halve savSa all that exj»enso and never fails. Beware of counter* fries, -,.L Itidgway A Co. Mrs. A. W. Osborn, of Xenia, spent a fewdays here this week, - —Imitators have been many. Thoughtful people have learned that true merit comes only with the gen uine Bocky’Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine-'Co. 35c. Ask, you,r druggist. The Little MiamiTractlon company was granted a franchise through' Yel lowSprings Monday night,* —Ladies’ready made CalicoWrap pers at 31,1-25 and 1.60 each. , 1 at Bird's. Deputy Bbeti# Turbo* was iu tows ICEBERGS. Thursday. . —Patent Leather rihoes are tht things this s * mos , wo have them for Men; Women-and’Children . At g»yWWtj**i**»*I«58 m *im ' w»fettw*8s*«f» » t 1 K» u'n* 8»r*-*or 3,. Mr*. Dona, Eoyse la the gu< nelee, Mrs. Carlwe Bailey. It of |ia tl« « o«- Ceci* ’ «W pum *»(J*•■:«»'» l» kidd«B to mni tfc* Ot »t*r»camnwoO. Communion aor^icee will be, in the U.'TATdturcb tomorrow. held T tt *11tfc* tuvUfi ct tU« world Owr.t^w* in Y*in *»*i2; Wvf*wr *0 wnoktiMc tester Tb*fcihujKler*tliisa** lb* pH*. , Don’t miei the data night enter tainment at the opera house, Tuesday evening, The cankerworm is doing consider ably damage to orchards in tin vicin ity of Jeflerscnville. ' . Ay <*fUiM *r*y our jath Is »aiM* Sjrwdlof#wWte»<J.eld{ Ttr m tb* rotkcU-jt’.iire, jlud. phsatocu btlls.jis tollfO. D iam o n d s , Watches, Rings, Brooches, Chains ” and J! i ' o l Sliver Goods _ in •Paper Knifes, Manicure ; • • - Pieces, ^ fweHiy-Poi Mirrors, Brushes, 3 b tnlsly, unre«wb»»d porta OurI kscoo lightswire set,- - By hsods'lcnp gooe,/rtnn nu^tsl rtf*. By fcrms tjjist m » Ixiftt, JLochets. Purses, &c. The Bsinbridge Gold Mining Co. has dimolved, the man owning the hills in which gold was supposed to be found wanted ten times more than the land was. worth before allowing the company to begin operations. . n , And Yte vuy wander on cor couaa -53Utime st *«d *h«n be, 'for in pur breasts sre locked the hulls ’ Cl SuiiU.pbcelost st, scs, --John Jsmes Xeebsn Sn Griterfoa. Everything Suitable for Graduating.Presents, ■ SIZE OF THE STATES/ 3 e^tler$. Otflfim Vegetarian. ... Baked Beans. , . With Tomatoe Sauce, 1 No Meat, No Fat, At Grav’s, ' ¥ ^ S , w t S ta OHIO,. Mrs, Gaines left Monday evening for Chicago. She was accompanied W Mr. Ralph George, While in the Windy City Bhe will be the guest of hereon, Dick Fitzgerald, Miss LeSel, ofSpringfield, is the guest ^of her grandmother, Mrs. Gil- Jxmgli, ’ . Mrs- Elizabeth Owens attended the Jamestown Commencement, Tuesday evening. —“The Doctoralold me my cough was incurable. One Minute Cough Cure made me ® well men,” Norris Silver, North Stratford, N. H.—Be* .cause, you’ve not found relief froma stubborn cough, don’t despair, One Minute Cough -Cure has cured thou? sands and it will core you. Safe and sure. Bidgway & Co. 1 ■‘The plat fey Class Night will opened this afternoon at 2 oclock., be Mr. Ed Tomlinson, of Springfield, a termer Oedaryillian, was circulating. umoughis former friends and Com-f rades Decoration Day. E i is nowon the police forcein the Champion City, t—Eczema,saltrheumjetter,chafing. ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured by DeWitt’s Witch Ha zel Salve. The certain pile cure. • 1 Jamestown will celebrate theFourth of July this year with races and gen eral sport. Sir. Ralph George and' wife of Chicago, are the guests of their par ents. - , The CJifton people who are to have telephones from the Bell company are. getting a little uneasy, «Sthe company set the poles at that place about two monthsago and have not been' back since. -Bindertwine andMaehineVil . . at Bird’s, Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson and daughter, Cora, of Clifton, who bayfe been spending- the winter in Califor nia, returned home last Friday, even ing. ‘ ■ —MrAlan,ifyou intend to purchase a new'Suit for yourself or Boy call and let us show you our stobk of Clothing, we can fit and please you in quality and price, try us, nt Bird’s. Dr, McKinney will preach the Baccalaureate sermon in the K. P. ■Chuvch tomorrowat 3 p, m., standard timh. ' Air, J . A, McCall, of FinlCy, vis ited in this section a few days this week. ' ’erm ont I* Small, but ,8!x erf Them Are-Still Smaller. ; I t comes *s something of a shock to realize, that Massachusetts, is smaller than. ■Yermont. Gnu al ways has a hazy general impression that the Bay State is three or four Hmes as big as we are superficially. But it isn’t so, Vermont has 9,565 square miles, whereas Massachusetts has hut 8,325. And there nr® five other states in the Union smaller, than Vermont. New Hampshire is 200 square mile? smaller, though if it were spread out flat it would doubtless be much bigger than Ver mont. ■'Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and Now Jersey are the four other states that are smaller than Vermont. But we nu make a terribly poor figure when we compare ourselvep with Texas. Texas, may it pleas® your royal highness, has, 265,780 square miles and is thus 28 times an big aa Vermont and makes just about one-fourteenth of the whole United States. The Texans have plenty of elbow room. Next to,Texas in sire comes Cali fornia, with 158,360 square miles, and then follow Montana, 146,680; Nevada, 110,700, and Colorado, 103,925, which are all the states having 100,000 square miles of area or more. Alaska knocks them ail silly with 590,881 square miles, and at the other extreme the reader experi ences a deficate surprise to learn that Hawaii, over which So ’much fuss.has been made, is a good deal smaller than Vermont, having but 6,448 square miles,—Burlington (Vt.) New®. ' TENUREBY-WHIP. At a recent meeting of the county auditors iu Columbus, it was decided to appraise all telephone taxes sit $10 each for taxation... The -trustees of the U* P.-church have decided to.make some extensive improvements aboutthe' parsonage. at Bird’s. . -What Once Was Said About Florida. . Tears ago- when the congress of the United States was considering the annexation of the Spanish prov inces of east and west Florida, A great, statesman of that day raised ftrange Ceremony by Which a Landed E state W as Held. . The picturesque. church of the , parish*, of Caistor, in. Lincolnshire, says the, London Golden Penny, is remarkable for a peculiar ceremony which used to take place there every Palm Sunday as a tenure by which A neighboring estate was held. The .tenant presented -himself |n .the porch, furnished with- a huge whip, having a heavy thong of white leath er, calierl a “gacF from.its length, (probably the ancient gad in Lin colnshire, being a measure of ten feet).. , _ ,When the officiating minister compaenced reading the first lesson, the man deliberately cracked his huge whip three times till he made the sacred, edifice ring' with the sound, and then,wrapping the thong round a .handle and fixing a purse containing'a. small sum of money (24/;silver pennies, according tq the tenure) to the upper’end of it, he proceeded into the”church and plac ed himself in front of the reading desk until the commencement of the sefeond lesson, when he knelt upon a acushion and waved the purse to and fro over the clergyman’s head, until the lesson was concluded, after which he retired to the chancel for the remainder of the service.- The whip, and its appendages were then deposited in a neighboring farm house. Tile clergyman to”whom the ac count of this curious ceremony was recently related remarked that “the .man would he a hold one who at tempted to carry such a custom out. if he were1conducting the service,” This ceremony,’ however, was dis continued after the year 1816. ■i —For Carpet paper go to.AIcMi) Jan, he also carries the celebrate- CedarAloth ProofPaper* A paper in the _backwoods of Georgia reports ati accident thus: “A negro, yesterday was struck by . the limited express,- landed on a pig-iron pile 50 feet away, and fell into the river, Where ho wasdrowned.” Alisa Eva Blair is visiting her father, Mr* Lem. Blair, who is em ployed in Dayton. -Rope, all. sizes. ■Rev.*Alvin Orr arrived home from ' ‘ Allegheny, the Heminary at , Pa., Monday evening. Alvin Uas finished his Workthere, having graduated last week, He has accepted a unanimous call to the U. P. Church at Newark, New Jersey, Mr. Frank AliiIs and family and Fred Remsberg, of Springfield, were guests of Mayor Wolford and family lost Sabbath.' ; —The bilious, tired, nervous man cannot successfully compete with his healthy rival. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers the famous pills for constipa tion will remove tb troubles. e cause of your Ridgway & Co. The trustees; of the college have purchased a one-horse McCormick mower of Kerr & Hastings jRJr use on the college campus. Mr. GusaRaUdali and ‘wife spent the first of the week with Mr. R’s parents.- Idas were fit only for the alligators and the aborigines; that no white man could exist in a land of sand and,swamps. Those of us who have lived, here for years and enjoyedthis genial „dimato know that the de parted antiannexationist was not in formed on his subject. Could he bp resurrected andbrought to the Flor ida of today, one of the fairest stated in. the Union, and view the empire between PensacOla and Key- West, he would acknowledge that Florid^ is a state of great possibilities and a good place,for a white man to live. He could select any portion of the state for a place of abode, and if he was possessed of an ordinary amount of industry ho could pros- per:—CedarKeys (Fla.) Gulf Coast er, The salary of Ed Flynn, 8. Char leston's postmaster* has been increased from $1,200 to $1,400 a year. The Yellow Springs office has also had raise, $100 on the year. 1—If you want anything good, go to Gray's. The money iu circulation In ti United States is now $28 more, p Capita than ever before. The Class Night 'entertainment wIU Consist of music, class history, class prophecy, short farce, etc. Mr. D. H. Marshall, who has been sufferingwith rheumatism has decided to take the “mud bath” treatment at a mineral spring in Indiana. He ex pects to leave next week. Rev. Sanderson is attending synod at Pittsburg.. y Mr, Thoalas Spencer and wife, of Jamestown, Were the guests Of tjieir son,- WiH'and family^Thursday, Spotted Men and Women. A peculiar tribe of spotted human beings lives on the banks of the Pu rus, South America. Mon, women and children have skins of spotted black and white. They live in the floating Settlements' on the lagoons or on the river banks and pass their existence almost entirely, in the oc-, cupation of fishing. ^ In Scotland, a district of the Bar bados, the majority of the residents —Ladies’Shirt Waists in all styles at Bird’s. are the offspring of mixed marriages between .whites and half breeds* —We are Bbowing the Newest Sty les in Straw Hats. Call andsee them at Bird’s. Ed McCown, a former student here,; but now at Muskingum’ College, graduates this year with the degree o f “A .B ” ‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson en tertained a number of their friends Wednesday evening. A Kansas poultry association fig ures it out that Kansas ships abroad 28,000,000 eggs every year. 3 These people have conspicuous brown patches on their white skim- As they wear, a full costume these patches are only visible on the face and hands, no (hat the people are notjBOunsightly as they would oth erwise be. All those who desire to have copies of the Herald next week will please leave their issiuC, or Xthey wish to have copies mailed to their friends call up telephone 71. We will have au extra number for those who desire them. , ;• There is some talk that Prof. Per kins,, the professor of writing who had a class here a few weeks ago, will re turn eoou. The' professor is very thorougl in his line of work, all his A very mhderate estimate for the Antiquityof man according to recent investigations of a French scientist, is,238,000.years. Strutting about on a Colorado 1 Springs ostrich farm is 41 big bird that is valued at $1100, one hundred for himself and a thousand fcS* his owner’s diamond stud, which ho swal lowed the other day. students being • overly pleased with Ids method ami result* We would Dr. P, ll. Madden, Practice lim ited to HY& EAR, N o t e A m THROAT. OftkASeiAccticutelyAd* Justed, Allen Building, Xenia, O. 'releph»n<s*~OflSp« »»■>7*. RertUc#**-Wft. Vr- , A Doubting Day. Walking along a street one day, Patrick and his wife, Nora, passed b y a windowwhere a handsome silk dress was exposed to view. “Ah, Patrick/' said Nora, “do ye '‘remember ye said I Was to have the silk dhriss when ye had the money to buy i t f ’ . "Did I say that, Nora ?” - “Tndade ye did/ Patrick, an ye hate the money in yer pocket to buy me the dhriss the day." / * . “That I have, Nora; but I don’t buy ye the dhriss/’ ■Anwhy not, sure V* “It’s hist, Nora, that I kspe the Ihiirne JCemiy, of 1layten. vllii o has lour Was m se ng some o f his 1st- town Timsda *ut music. # w offibepre*. Mr, Knnnv j*ih*gen tiaman wlw, pt*t#d tim pmrni Jim weaiag of Hal Kells engagement H ‘ '0 , ‘ 1» glad to see him come back. —-CJarpctjSandMatting:, Our stock is the roost complete and prices the lowest in Cedarvule at Bird’s, A Air, Ford, of Lebanon, now occupies the Tarbox property on Main Btrcet*. Mr. Ford 1ms pur chased the oil wagon and business of Millard fihrofldf*., Frank Haller, of Xenia, vns en tertained by the Hieglers several days of this week. money in me pocket fur the day whiiiwehAten’tgot it/L-Exehahgc, LOBT: Pr Gold %ed*cle* In ease, Wednesday, Please leave at-Herald office and receive reward, . Mr* 8* Hie Mitchell, The diploma >exercises for the l ’hi1«dc!phjs}j|*()<icty and the. Philo* eopldi! society wens heldThursday and Friday evenings, reflectively. An »HtK/mnl i f whjoh will appear in ouf« fCollege mmil^r next week, Hon, John P, Martin, of was in town yesterday, Xenia, va titfka a ootn x* tm u t Take Laxativy Bromo tjluinine Tab* lets. All dnisr, ‘ ’ , r lggiafs reftind the money If it# faiffi to cure, E, W. Grovea rgnature is n^mh box. , Turquets**, . Tlie Egyptiftfl turquoises, so Call ed, come in reality from Mount Si nai. The highly valued Persian' Slones are obtained from Nishapnr in the most primitive manner. A5 wooden wheel, operated by 'he feet of two men lying on their backs,' bring* the broken rock to the sur face in bags. The fragment! ate smashed with hammers, and when & • turtjueiw 4* discovered it is put anion and sent with the nexftbamh toMeehed.tobecttt. —The b#tJ lino town at. Dorn’a, * of Kitlara in the \ There’s a Difference in i Straw Hats. ,‘ P . ■ -*- • ■ f , ■> S OME people think because the average straw hat is inexpensive it does/not mat- where you buy •it. That’s m .in' C b i l e g . . ter wrong, Correct style counts for. fast as much in straw 4 hats as it does ip felt, and whether you pay 50 cents or $3,00 here you’ll always find the shape is right. You can tell a ‘‘Bancroft” straw as far as you can see it. Those new Creased Crown. Straws we’re selling at 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 are the great est novelties and best values ever shown in straw goods. Exhibiting the Earth’e Motion. • When next you chance to eat an egg, you can easily make au experi ment which is not only productive of much amusement, but also illus trates, in a manner so dear and sim ple that 'even a child can compre hend it,’the double movement of the earth, which, revolves simultaneous ly afohnd'the sun and on its own axis. Moisten slightly with water the. rim of your plate, and in the center .•paint with the yolk of the egg—: you see that you have not far to go for coloring material—-a sun with golden rays. ■Then all that you have to do is to place the empty half shell of your egg on the rim of the plate, and, keeping this latter duly slope ‘ and .shifting it gradually around e that the shell may always have an inch or two of descending plane be fore it, you will see the eggshell be gin to roVolve rapidly on its own axis, at the same time traveling round the plate. The slight cohesion caused by the water which moistens the plate counteracts the centrifugal force and so prevents the eggshell falling off the edge of the plate. - » ; “Patronize home :! ■ ways regarded -as -t; • maxim. Any institutii , raw ■material into a « of- econom/ical value, i, support of ’ the comi it-is established. Tin < tutioiis th a t turn 01 : permanent and utilii college. Its work is : material of brain an ■ a cultured mind au tellect. This materia ly worthless ■ in the . intelligent- business tjie culture and eqi d>y the college renrtc timable. The college standpoint j£>.of ilna; community. I t impof and stud en ts'a elase the necessities of li: class of citizens whe fires.- a Xenia, Ohio. ' Made t h t Matt o f {t. I t is said that once when Musin was touring the United States at the ' ‘ ‘ Ml !eh ■When the jolt came, Musin himself was eating a piece of pie with the aid of his pockctknifc. Naturally the jolt made the knife slip, and Musin was Cut—one of hia precious fingers was disabled. Nobody else was hurt, ex cept the business manager, who waa rather shaken up, but neverihelesi when they reached the city Musift ordered everybody to bed, canceled their engagement and did-his own injured member up-in an. immense amount of bandages. The only per son left about Was the poor business manager, who had to do the vork, Musin himself secured $500 on the strength of that cut thumb, and ev ery member of his company got $300, Pretty good payment for a three days’-rest in heal And in the end they filled their engagements, too, and so got that money as well tnitllncrv Offerings* This week we have untrirnuiedimts that formerly sold sold for 50c, now................. .................... ........ ...25c An exceptionally good Leghorn-Hat at*.*.........*.50C A very fine linen colored Leghorn Hat at ....,.$ 1 .0 0 Gliild’s school hat mixed straw braids a t.... .........25c , Child’s washable hats................. ...,..,.,25c Roses, large bunches,'all colors.,,.. ........IOC Baby Caps at 10, 25,35, 50c and up. 1Ml Patternandtrimmedfiatt. We have reduced the price on our fine Pattern'Hats many are now 4 the former price—thie week we have some evtra good values and styles in trimmed hats at....... .......................................... ..$«*50 fancyhosiery. We have just secured, some mill ends in fancy Hose for ladies that are very desirable and thj«p — Lace Striped Lisle, regularly worth 25c at,....^,.15cts Fancy Stripes, Dots end Figures, worth 25c at.,45cts Imported Fancy Stripe Figures, worth 35c at. ...,25ets Children’s Bui lington Black School Hose, the 15 cent kind, for«» V *»«***«**«'**4-4*-4 r1 «««*-*44*+t** lOcfa of. financial', strengti This is-, however, de extent of the fpreig the identification of the -interests of the i To those v>ho, pvii eollege a t homo is my. giving the oppo nal c o s t,for a big 1 many who 'cannot ilucing the expenses The college will fira portion to its reput: in a growing nttrn ates are nu' iticreas. vanco agents and 1 the work and the , greater- benefit iina'j In year's and influ J must be identlflod [ ity. Its faculty and', be permanent resi . interested in local college -can gain give assurance of ] as its teachers arc tins place, nor cai without local sup zens withdraw tht local college and i hie, and it te imp< thorifies of the interests of the << ness house will of its host (-t 5 su>n|{ a college afford cats of ite best p: ity. will -patrcaizt ♦ is dependent for ' on local support. • • the debt. A for both location miinlty. Before planted a locaticn !’»ighlniht '--d Mil wealth a iu! cult The day of th pioneer settlenif . dent* tlirrefoie meat to its im iti r n«l.besu fit il < KsraUst duu'fc financial help I he .to d in t Hy. ' Ohild’a Tan Lisle Hose, were 25e, now IScis Men’s Fancy Hose at,.,... v*»*•*« 15, 25, 30 and 60cls Origin of tha "Confidiinc# Mart,” The expression, "a confidence man/’ used to denote * awimller and is said to have thus originated: Years ago a matt in N$w Ybrk, well dressed and of exceedingly genteel manners, went about Saying in a very winning manner to almost ev ery gentleman he met, “Have yon uibitcuiasbSilkOlaitis, - . * . - , ..." One of the Into new summer ideas, very stylish* very cool and very serviceable, just received, 18 and $4. Black Bilk Waists, uiiliaed ,'for summer, $&» $3,80 and $ t confidence enough in me, m entire Hfrft&ger, to lend me/$5 for an hour or two ?" In this way he got a good deal of money and caipe to be gen erally known in the court* and el; where as the “confidence man/’ R t w O l a i b f i o o d s . Borne vtrynew Batiste* just derived, iuriudmg the new limn shades, a t .......... ............. iff, *mi 15 r.ts i.(>H-ivf* flu supp ilie college. '\t\i Advantage siiteili intrnsifif.-, u le t! ite u , i t ntcourui- 'Ary ixnprt.vcrai-: -HiainfonAiu “ <i tain men ts of a character, ami phem of veiiiin m uhity In invai au illtcllh.* tit -o’ Attiuire u liighei a! m< --.pltt-vf' il; y<uuut man 1 1 : uiftii an cdtnati ten tu n a te ns -to ’ tnwii ah at (aim kAt, A UCi ilh'tl ReV iiythliif? in V seahu. th e ir n down ami u.r.u , fttnl fitrong* wi thorn to atom t
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