The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

iT T -M sm T * ' T "l , j M fHBRE YOU CAN GET; 1O T E -GR EA TEST IN AMERICA. : b t M E ,t>i*cr3wc' :S 3 e i o ® : s ^ * * 03 * 1 : 7 & 0 ' t o # i ; o o .' o fC h r is tm a s ever wered in this community. Men’s Slippers from 25 , 3 8 , 45 , 75 c -jtist 2 0 pier,.c^ntbelcWr the market. •Bought a carload. Will save you 25 to 5 0 a“pair on Combinations, Pelt Rubber o^Eip RCbtsV We have a big inside line on thebe goods. Yon can save jttst about twenty percent. ’ , ‘ ' J.-pftWtSti r; r-~ttr , SchoO* S h e e r fo r Boys and Girls by the Thousand. ►w W . 3^- holiday Goods, toys, Bric-a-brac, AH in endless .variety lor the Holiday.tirade. - Many of oui- lines are already eniiiptetelmd each day for the next few weeks will bring shipments *'■new-novelties and usefol articles'intended-to\ of please' all. We\nre -rapidly gaining, the rqpu- \ •, tattoh of ; . Holiday Goods for the C» S- - , * , 4 ,W '■‘v#!,, 41 " ’ ‘1 K ‘ .*’C ’ i' Best and Cheapest. \ ‘y.. p-,.In Holiday Goods, and our .display will convince r :>V-kh. shoppers that we merit the title; A special effort has heeu made to have each department in ppr complete; more so than,,ever .be:, fore, and, we extend an Suvitation to ail to visit OUr stdrd Wild examine this grand display. 'What He Was;Told. . . . f , To Designate Towels. “Say,” said the funny man as he ' A clever' woman, according to) paused in front of the depositors’ . Good Housekeeping, has 1 it upon, window in a downtown, hank, “are , the 1 idea of. embroidering with a yoii the teller ?” Idark blue or red thread the out- •‘‘Yes/’ was the reply. “What can *lines of various utensils, such. as ‘ v tumblers, a cup' and saucer, a fry­ ing pan or a saucepan, for the pur- Br»n-food Nonsense. Another rediculous- food fad I do for yon, sir ?” “Oh” -replied the it m., ‘1 merely wished to ask'what you te ll” ~ ’ » “Xtell people who have no busi­ ness here' to .trot along to the far­ thest extremity and. be seated/’ re­ joined .the Aweary-.'cleric.—^Chicago News. ; _•_____ Wise by Experience. “Mrs. Hasher let her hoarders de­ cide by vote, whether the turkey .should be boiled, roasted, broiled, fried, stewed or fricasseed;” VWh'at was the decision?” ? \ - ’ -“The hoarders were govCrned by past experience and voted tinani- pose of-conveying by object lessona the separate use for whjich each towel is designed. She says: “What I could not impress upon the vari­ ous! girls who served in my kitchen was which towel was to be used for certain dishes.. They wipe mj cut glass with a heavy crash towel and the .frying pan with the towel de- been branded by the most competent authorities,' They have dispelled the silty notion that one kind of food is needed,for the brain," another for mus­ cles, and still another for. hones, A correct diet will not only iiurish a particular part of the hody,hut it .wilt, sustain every ;other part. Yet, how-1 ever good your food may he, its fit} trimeut i3destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia- You must prepare for theiri appearance . or prevent their Philadelphia, 1899. Paris, 1900. Pan-American, 1901. t Awarded Highest Honors • ' ----- TO THE----- , - by coming taking regular doses ot Green’s August .Flower, the favorite* , medicine of the.healthy millions, A signed for- glass. Since I have put' j?w aid digestion, stimulates the • emblems _ou each of the towels I {>veK t0 hetwlhy action, purifies the ^ 5 blood and makes you feel -buoyant - have no further,trouble ” ' Waif perry Decoration. ‘For decorative-use an old time fa- way "fc Co’s. and vigorous. You can ,get Dr. G. Q: Green’s reliable remedies at RWg- Zt S HI SouthFountain Avenue, QSSO. 'Obvious Result. '/Do you knowwhat will happen,” asked the orator in tha t wild, hoarse Half whisper' that ia^mofeimprta- sive than the loudest vociferation, “if England ever plants her foot on oUrpoSsessiohs?’’ “Yesv the audience of eprna [’’-—Chicago Tribune es,” huskily replied a. man in i fi . ifSlie will raise a crop iruharEKsyEfen. Youand weare both insured ag dust loss, for the manufacturers agree to refund the purchase price if you do not realize what they claim for Dr. ‘Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin in cases of -Constipation,' Indigestion, Sick Head­ ache m; Stomach Troitblefi, Sold by 0, M. Kidgwny* " THEBESTCOLD CUBE / 5 . is one you can take without’ interrtip- tiou to business, One that dees not Patient Udder. Affliction. -1:. .Mr8..'Mfiggms—-Mrs, Bjones is a patient eiinerer.; ■She never Com­ plains. ; . Mrs. Buggins—I didn’t know she was an invalid. .Mrs, Muggins—Oh, she isn’t, but her husband has dyspepsia.-—Phila- delpjhia.Becord. , *. Its Origin. ■ Rodriek—Fwonder who first orig­ inated “rummage! Sales?” Van Albert—Probably Bomo man who went to hunt for something in his bureau drawer after his wife had been through it.—Chicago .Hews. The Boy.Knaw/ THE KING HAD TO' BORROW. F m t Boy-Give m* the words — ------- • of the handwriting on the wall. O il a recent occasion King Chris- , “Let well enough alone, sin,'’— lian of Denmark while out for * Cleveland Plain Dealer, walk met one, of his courtiers who was renowned for his stinginess. As it happened, on a previous occasion the king had “treated” him, and i t had come to the royal ears that the Suited Them B est Mr, Wilson Barrett often fells the following story of his appearance aa Hamlet at the Prineess’ theater, > " OAHfty CATHARTICS ' ' ^n l aJSSSMBSSSur* sion,” he said. Then, lo and behold, as usnal, on BeatT.hing for money the king found nonol Luckily a t that moment,he saw through the open door the crown prineb and his equerrv rid­ ing by. The king rushed Out and icalled to his son; *TPor goodness1sake, lend me some cash; I ’Ve stood treat to Count So- ”and-80 again, and if he finds himself done for the second time he will raise a rebellion.” ,, , The situation was saved, hut the court has not yet finished its laiigh. •—Candid Friend, .. "" i, ' . —Among the feusofthouSAnd*1who hare used Chamberisin’s Cough Rem edy for oolds and- la gr»pp«du»»g tha past fow yearn, to our knowledge, not a Single Case has fruited »n Pn?j* monii Thoa Whitfield & Cm, 2iO Wabash Ave, C b t o , most prominent retail druggistsm-that city, In speaking of this, fys*. *'We recommend Onamberfains Congh Remedy for la grippe m many rsseSf as it not only gives prompt and com­ plete recovery * "* - ........ seen in their dAy. “Well,” said one of them, “you ra tirfia h .a not ysl f in hM g tm ij ' f i e 4 ,y r f f e tlt« t d . . . . . . 0 0 ..... - «arej speedily, and"leaves yotr feeling t0 Btand ttea t dn thls ^ he«h and clear-headed, BUch a one is Krause’s Cold Cure. Price 25c, fiold byC, M. Ridgway', ,Black teeth in pigs do not indicate disease, as has usually been Supposed, The cause has never been sallaiacto- dl? explained, Perhaps some of the Cedarville stockmen can give the hue reason, . . CONSTIPATION ,*t Asti tuwtvt 4|bf« St Attes M m , %«WWe, «Wtt hnM a tulttf." A tu t« a l* » w « , decorative' artists, are^ introducing it in'designs and mineral painters are using it for ornamenting plates, trays and vases. -It is- also being in­ troduced in watpr color sketches. In one home in this borough crys­ tal howls and silver vases are kept filled With Wax-berries,”a constant supply being sent in from the coun­ try, The berries will keep fresh for some time, and even when the leaves ate dry4hoy are still effective. For winter decoration for sitting room or den wax berries aro appropriate and.heautiful. ’ ’ ——- — - Fruit at Meals.* Wo put ripe fruit on our tables os a “dessert, as a finish Wherewith to round off a repast already suffi­ ciently substantial. In reality it ought to be allowed fOr as part of that meal,- Ripe fruit rarely if ever digests properly when eaten after other food. Its place in the dietary is undoubtedly in between more'sol­ id repasts. Cooked fruit Bhould form part of a course or possibly the entire portion of the. sheet course at luncheon or dinner and, indeed, a t breakfast also, if you will, for with’many people cooked fruit is never better liked than at the table set for the first meat of the day. Sweet Potato Pineapple. Sweet potato pineapple is a pret­ ty way to serve this popular vege­ table. Boil, peel anil mash four or five good sized sweet potatoes, Add one large tablespoonful of- butter, .one tablespoonful of very light brown sugar, one teaspoonful of salt, fine pinch each of mace And grated nutmeg. Mold this into pine­ apple shape and place on a buttered tin. With the tip of a teaspoon id k »t Booth a d .; 1 ° ^ “ '°°" ‘° now Barrett,- hut give me Feeder's tho dot# ** a *me Any teudanejr of 1* ,w pnaumoftiar For sale by Ridgway, pineapple. Into each tr — 5 a ’ ! one put Awee bit of butter, Liglxt- Imn an? of ’mn”^ ty hrowli ill A hot ovott. If you wish, ntes sooner than any of ern. ^ ^ ^ ft gmalI p{ndft|ipi0 for Man'S Body in a Ahark. I'tlrtf one a t the table, The other day a Carnarvon man, who is engagett. oh the Liverpool steamship Canada, writing home to his relatives, referred to the capture of a big shark a t East London,■ South Africa. When ripped open, the monster, which measured eight­ een feet long, wAs found to have quite recently pwaliowod a soldier bodily. The man’s body and uni­ form were- litfcaSt s&Vft for A small portion of one shoulder, which had been cut off.—-London Globe, * »on’4>no a r. Do not take Df. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin unless you.have Constipation, Indigestion, tuck Hradacha or some form of Stomach Trouble, isueh as Dyspepsia, Biliousness or Heartburn, for these are what U is guaranteed to cure Sold by 0 , M. RidgwnV* ■ 'M r-wiAH - .■ ..... ’. . « Im t, Thursday morning, lietwerii d, 0 Stormont’s and Ed Bull’s, a white lawn apron. Leave at Herald office, Deafness Cannot Bo Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of' the ear. There is only one way to cute deaf­ ness, and that is by constitutional rem­ edies. Deafness is caused by an in- flnmfed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this fuibe gets ihflamed you have a rum­ bling sound or imperfect hearing,.and when it is entirely closed deafness Is the result, and Unless the inflamma­ tion can be taken out and4this lube restored 'to Its normal eoiiiUtiou, hear­ ing will be destroyed forever, Fine esses but often afe caused by catarrh, Which is nothing hut an inflamed con­ dition of the mucous surface. We will give One’Hundred Dollars ior any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that ran not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Gore, bend for circu­ lars, free. F. J. Cru:NKV k Co„ Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 78c. Hall’s Family Fiji* ara th* bait, Get Green’s Special .Alriianac, . - A LITTLE NONSENSE. How'a Youth _ln Love Needed All the Assistance He Could Get. “Say, old man, got anything par­ ticular on hand for this afternoon?” “No; nothing I can’t drop if there is any excitement in sight.” “Well, there is. Yes, I think I can safely say that you won’t stag­ nate.” - ' “Gooat What’s up?” - “1 want you to help me propose to MiBs.Lovclton.” “The deuce you do 1” „ “Exactly,- Will you?” . ''Why—why, I don’t know. How?!’ “Well, you know that pet bull terrier she always has with.her? Yes? Well, he hates me for some reason, and if I should venture eyed to touch her he’d be at my calves in a holy second. Now, how can a fel­ low propose properly to a girl with­ out taking her liana or slipping his arm round her? And when she ac­ cepts mo, if I forget about that blasted pup in the ardor of the mo­ ment, I shudder at the consequen­ ces.” . ■«. “1 see'. But where do_l come'in?” “Why, he’hates tramps too. So I want yon to rig up as one and get him to chase you,- say, anywhere from half a mile to a mite. Then you can climb a tree and roost out of his reach till we come and call him off.” . “But suppose she rejects you and you should forget all about me?” “Oh, don’t go to raising frivolous objections- Nothing oi the -kind will happen, and even if i t doeS I suppose he’ll Btarve to death in time.” Putting Hi» Foot tn tt, <—i i t * ,J9 1.' jf \ j fBk Are ideaVPianoS for'thd "home.' Strictly first class at prices very attractive to the buyer. We also bundle The Kranich & Bach, Uprights, and Grands. ' The Kimball known the world, over. . The Whitney, Krell and . ‘ ' Royal Pianos. S'. Several o f.Organs. Second hand Organs. Square Pianos. Re­ gina Music Boxes, Victor Talking Machines. All this stock is now on Special- Sale for the Holiday trade. Some are rare bargains in a few used Pianos. Qorae early and make se­ lections. Cash or Time Payments. Arcademusic bouse Most Reliable Music Store Branch Factory Prices, Oldest atid ‘ Springfield. f. B. MILLER SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. in Manager- BHo$„ What lie intended to say was, “I t is no small feat on my part to pluck up tho courage necessary to lay my humble affection prostrate before your great beauty. Ui Us Pigur$ With Toil onTour GoalBeforeBuying Kerr & Hastings Urns* m What he really did say was, “I t shows no smalt pluck on my part lo courageously lay the beauty of my affection prostrate before your great feet.” <BWA TJtr* fcljtSdtflr#faOf*•VMvhox 6f llfa*ianln#I Laxative Bfomo«QuIa 3 «s ^ Wdfat Jb*t VrtNlt y m D O N ’T B e F o o l c d i . *RWi'HWHWBKfRNP^W||p|PMV: ■$; <«^V