The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

Y qi * £ * & & * * * * t e m .S ubmw j itifk . W^SfW"-* 'CfPfv 1 •—• ■ m b *** ■ j m m - . / - . Wb*ft this item in marked by mi Index, it denote* that your aubscrip turn i# overdue and* prompt payment **desired. _ ws TW ENT^FOURTH YEAR , NO . 50. GE 0 ARVIL 1 E. ODIO, JUJ.Y 15 , 190 f . , PRICE $1.00 A Y EA R . A « w ha t th ey shou ld be, in Shape, .Style and Q ua lity . v . » T J 3 » a a i f l 3 B a ! f e f c " » T ry on e a t 25 ^ 50 P, 75 c. or? $ l,q o . B a l^ g g a n , basket w eave, s ilk trimm ed, tan color, 30 to 44 , a t 30 c per garm ent. T an B a lpriggan Sh irts and D raw ers, sizes 30 to 42 , a t 25 c per garm en t.” Cotton . . . . _ ‘P in o Balbriggarj Sh irt or D rawers, blue, a t 25 c per garm ent t t. • F illed M esh Sh irts, a t 25 c pergarm en t. * ' ’ ( t }! ‘ r fj, U 4 ' * ' _ i 4‘ , \ » ' 1 ' ' ' A t *'* ‘ ‘ 1 < 1 « ^ - o q 4 *pPiwa.€!s t p > O r d w . ^ o t u r - S u i t ; P ? < r w v I , O . D A V I S , T a ilo r , H a tte r , a n d Fu rn ishe r. H«S GONE To W a sh H is.‘ F e e t N ear . M ontague, M ich . D O W I E , .A L IA S E L I J A H . , ^ ' rt. w Editor of Iho Ashtabula Beacon-Recordin a HumorousManner Skew*up the Prophet in HisTriwfoiors, /Giri»% DupesAskaf 5 ’ The announeerheut comes that John Alexander DoWie, rebentlyelected by an overwhelming* majority, prihisown count,Elijah II,, has gone-to Wash his feet.' By special meteSge from , White Lake,1pear, Montague,' Mich,, ,Whe.propltet ihforhisWi^!fyil<wers4hat his pedal ablutions may occupy him % two weeks, „ This *is strong ‘tteti- , mony against th e prophet's feet, hut disinterested observers are inclined to the view that, whatever the ^condition ofhijs pedal extremities, his heart and spirit aic in more urgent need of thor- ongh ablution, ’ - ' . a Howie promises his dupes a wonder- ' fulA'transformation” when he returns. H e js lik e ly using that brand o^soaj tdaijWndyertised ‘ from .Zions- pulpit Thn/I»ijy doings p£ this focal p o in to f 'American1, superstition and folly are pea rly ' parodied by a Chicago Writer Elijah I k is shpvm in-'M b trti^cp lari- -The writer thus ndc|r' h the Bowie- ii®« J " - V "> T ' 1? ' * “ Greeting! Ye Slaves, Destined Soon to Bow Your -Dusty Hecks to the Might of Zion. We are goitigto tie It, We ate going to run the world, and dm tag of Zdou shall wave high above all"the trumpet banners of 1the ao 9 »*to toe-extinguished nations. Ah, what a reward i t will be .for the faithful—and it cannot fail to come. The Overseer has said so We,the ex­ tremely faithful, who deserve some thihg held a meeting today.** Elijah II is described m asking what eaghrojt lus», dupes wanted when the earth should be theirs: " I would like,**said Elder Spiper, “ to he Osar of Russia,” “Have you got $9 about yout” asked the Great One. “I have,” said the elder1 “Pro­ duce,* Mid the Master, “and I will give yon an officially stamped writ of t zarsbip, -mfeble the very minute we take poeswssiej) of the earth. What would you like, Brother Lieverr* “ I would rather like,” said I modestly, to have J . Fietpont Morgen's job,” “ I t ie yottm,” said the Overseer, “If you have 60 cents you ere not using.” “ I p*ki*and *h*ll soon handle the finances of the wflfkJ,” Sister Blnli said she wanted to be a Cleopatra and rid* up amt down the river in a golden barge. I t cost the sfet^r 111 to have this wish gratified, and she isnow busy cutting np cbeert-cloth'and Spangles for the nocturne, Everybody wanted t« he something big, end everybody Some l\m n jthn TO i n v e s t I o a t e if * ' t and th is is one o f the tim es, TH IS MONTH* (J u ly ) w e w ill m ake a Sp ec ia l d is­ count on A d iscount th a t m ean t m oney saved to you if you b u y ’nou&t ’ ! * ■ # 1 .. r-n> -■ . ■ .• . . B J k k s m « W )& s tV a c » got what -was desired, on payment of whatever was In their jeans” <■ Great, indeed, isDowie,- butgreSter still will he no douht be in the .eyes o schemers, idiots, hapless victims ape ’ ranting fanatics when he returns from White Bake, with feet cleansed, it may be,1hut heart as corrupt aod pur* pose as degrading and demoralising os ever afflicted^ country hr darkened a human generation. It is certainly almost in evitahle that in-'ah Intel' ligent >eommunity,'-among.a reading, thoughtCujfepeopie/ .any^man,with' a and creed ^p monstrously capacious, should flourish. ’1But flourish'does John Alexander,Dowie,- addflourish or Nation, or both step in to protect his victims, ?actual and prospective^ from their own lolly, Slavery-hi its worst fotrms preflented’-nothing more degrading than powieisnu' ; 4- f $) T-^i * *fr , PisordertyHouse. - ' ''A.complaiht-f^ Mitchell building, for running a dis- orde.iy ‘house: JMfm. ,'CondOn who 'conducts a millinery store fiear’there laid in the complaint, as it' -wa?,Very anhoyeome to her business, ^he c'aSe was, set for: Tuesday and ^a mim- jherof witnesses wereanbpcen'eaed<j,but things- took a turn just before the time for the -case to. come off, nn<] it was compromised by tbe’ defendant paying the' posts, which Ummouuted to 16,50, and promising to run a more orderly hbuse in th&; future. 'The de- febCelwasi. ippresented- by 1attorney Hurry Armstrong, ofXenia: . ‘- : 4 , Do youKnowMadante Col Vive? - Probably you do, for ‘ Mm. Qui -Vive h^s ^national reputation as dp inspiring friend to every womaii with n beauty woe. Her-“ Woman Beau t i f « r departrtmnt 'in the. dd'dy um( ijuriduy issues of The ChicagoRecord Herald is a perebnial source ofjoyous helpfulness to womankind. Her in­ structions on complectioU ills are in­ terlarded here *hd there with snappy little epigrams as “cheerers” /The weapons she suggests to beauty seek, era for the complete annihilation'' of uututy grievances do notinciude.arti- icial methods—“ factory” frizzes,rouge and other horrors being barred. 3he gives' instructions on correct rathing, what to eat, how to bathe— in,brief, howjto become M healthy, wholesome woman. No, wonder she s popularly known to many thousands of women. Pafefal lya. Mr, Ed Hastings, of the •firm ol- te rr & Hastings Bros, met with quit* an accident on Wednesday. In som manner not quite exactly known, Mr, lasting happened to get some grayed in his left eye, and it was tlmngbt that the particle* had ail been taken out, hut not so, and some of Jhe re­ maining particles ground into the eye* mil. The patient suffered severe pain Wednesday night. The eye is in a aid. condition but is not thought seri­ ous; t m iow ti^ ^ m w m k OHIO. - Or^aaoce Passed. At a meeting o f the Jamestown council on Monday night the prohibi­ tory ordinance for the closing of Sa* oons was passed without a' diseeniing Vote, I t will go into effect ten days after Its .publication, after which time the saiodffs Wili have to shut up and quit business. The council a t James­ town has acted very honorable with the people as each «*ml**r “*!*~*V*- , m y , y lb u it m to vote accord­ ing to the out com* of the election, and thi# they have, KKAimft‘8 HBAfcAOJff! OAt*»W,T.S Were th* ffrat headache napsnfes put. ou tha. market. Their immcdiiite Sue1 oes* resulted in a fmst-of imitalioos, containing antipyrine, chloml, mor­ phine and other injurious drugs, par- boriSng fo b* “jw* as good,” Avoid these imitations and jurist on tour having Xmoss’s, which *pf*ddy m t $ ih# M & * f m kave* «o bad after affitete. Price 25c, Bold , 1 , NoClosingOnRnance. , Upon investigation Wafind that the. town ha?'no,closing ordinance for' the splqops, somethjng which.' neatly al other towns have^ and - something badly needed be rths some of our Saloons are, continuing business after midnight, especially is this soOn Bat- jurflaynights,/ Now ns 'the local; ojij tiop matter has beep, were, we-would"suggest, that the- cotinci make some effort Howards- controlling Tbe screen ordinance .has been ces« heie. I t would undoubtedly have n tendency to stop this ioud | and boisterous talk if theie were no screens and passers-bygiven nh pp- portupity to view the erpWd.., <‘ ’^ W h f l e - ^ legal­ ized and protected by our laws, yet the council has the power to put heavy restrictions upon it1to bring it within the bounds of decency," . , ' Up- to a few- months/ngoour saloon proprietors Veto very quiet, coqrteoW men, and some are yet, but We-phave one house that has caused more years, -Thia-’pln'ce' is > un fit?t o r ' any qpp to bo neighbor .to or Cveh ’ paSssJ for at most any luomtot, some foul mouthed; drunken'’reprobate is, liable to wabble towards tbe sidewalk. and com* in direct; contact, wjth the' pedes- terian: - . //Wo know how niany member* of council fed about, this matter, as the corporation, hasnt various times'spent several hundfed/doltats jn 'trying* to prosecute suph violations of thd law, and what' bnve'ye reaped? Tile case could easily be disposed Of here in the jroper ,manner, but after i t reached the county courts i t went,' we . know pot where,' yel we think we are safe u making the ascertion tlm men we mve in office at-the. present ttnife are not of the same stamp as^ were the former officers, In taking up such fights, as ha* menatated, .more than the moral side of the question must be considered,' andlhat is straigh/fc business principals whichT often Appeal* to most men. Although the two can be worked to a: joed advantage but must he handled, with discretion. * 0. tr *, tr Bathing the Mutes, The p«)>er mill mules Were given a »th Thqnday morning at the portion of the creek known as the “flax,” in the old stone quarries east of town Toon* who has never witnessed the irobess of bathing it forms quite an amusing spectacle. A few of them went through thcprocess without much ouble but some of tbe younger ones qt up a fight, aiid are only taken through the milt after considerable jemtasion, One of The teamsters mount the animal and proceeds for the water, here they are riddefi to the deepest part of the creek and the ani­ mal is forced to swim.' The boys had considerable fun in getting them into the deep place* and ducking them, The niUlr certainly enjoy it after they once enter the water. * * ' VHMiC 1 - llEJAlHimitN. When the quantity of food taken is too large Or the quality too rich/heart- urn is likely fo follow,and especially so if the digestion has hecil weaken by constipation.'. Eat slowly and not too ireely ofeasily digested food, Masti­ cate the food thoroughly, Bet six tours elapse betWet? meals And when . J t i . i i i M i g h t in th& region of' the stomach alter eating, indicating that you’ have .oaten too much, /take otto of Chamberlain's Btomaeh and Diver Tablets aud Hie heartburn may be avoided, Eor sale by C, M, Kidgway* Cff M cL ean X M c ts H is Res- ig ifittio n , t o r NOT* ACCEPTED. A Local Option"a t a Cheese A Cetfarville The regular meeting of tho council WitBlield/Mondtiy/ evening, all mem- hers being present. .Considerable bus­ iness vwas, tranwteted. The usual monthly/bills/wer* read and allowed. Reports of the different committees were read ‘and n|pepted. The /post ( . . *BYTHEWAY; The other day a number of women had gathered a( a neighbors for, we} wo did riot' learn,. but never-the-Jess dur|hg the*afternoon while the ladies were, discussing the affairs of the na tion, a raonse made its appearance* and then the crowd wasin a perfect uproar; 'Tables,’ chairs and every thing in the room was soon put into use in order to escape from’the wan­ dering* pf this littfe ■monster. Ope of the ladies remarked after everything had quieted down, that she th°ught *he should he/congratulated for not aoj^aming, and so she ought;- So then the- women’ themselves, .realize how silly they act bit such occasibhs/;\ ; 1 ■*^ V, tVt■> ‘ ». -!*, - « / * \ \ ' y \ . } the report of the. the local option mittec consisted of (1that the mat- ote of thevoters' Mr, Ed Nisbet and Mis* BauHnb Rom qntolly riipped away last Thurs­ day to' Richmond,‘Ind., wliere they were -married. The matriagw Was kept u secret not’d a tew days ago when it leaked out. Tbe couple will lihfly go to hottee keeping within tlj* iwiit wetk, 1 important ofall w speciHrCommitte it question,- Thecoi McLean, Denn nul Northup. Their rephyl ' Cedaryille, m , 3Tu}y 8,1001. The Hon. Mayor and Village Council: 5 /Your Special ||/umUte'e, to take -Under advisement |E# Petition'by citi- zebs.Of the 'village^aaking for- a pro­ hibitory,ja\v i^kidk saloons; •would, respectfully i;efer matter'back-to councifand'recomn ter he submitted to/ of the village. ^ - . .. obu.W. Mfil/ean W. W. Northup y C.WlDeau. DpOn inotion by. Andrew the latte? p a r t was stricken out, that which re- feredto tlio spepml election,; as rip provision was mad* for bearing the ex­ pense o f *a‘mb,:and he did not think the corporation should stand it. - The matter is" qriw where it was several mouths ago, Counqilraab McLean, offered his resignation, owing to his business du­ ties being euoh that he could not de­ vote any ^jmS to municipal, affair*. However when a vote whs taken there wore three nays and two ayes. It seems as though this was only a com* plirueotary vote as the other members promised to take it up at the next meeting,. » The next matter before the houorr able body, and that to which caused Anumber of our citizens to become so interested in just one council meeting w** tbe introduction o f Cedarville cheese. This product hod been before the honorable body for several hours and was the source -of many pert re1 marks from both members and audi tors. MayOr Wolford made a neat speech accepting the cheese from Messrs Gibson and Postle, and denom inated the genial corporation clerk to cut the first cheese. As was suggested >y several members of council the cheese was cut into' eight psft* “Cork” is an old hand at this busincsi; hut like all professionals iu this line could hardly rfrAin from putting the cnife to his. proboscis to see if i t was still green. The members of council with' the Mayor and Olerfc then in dulged in the fancies to their fullest extent, while the audlenCCwas attent­ ive but looked with a vicious eye. Some remained but a number left and did wot Come in for wshare. .wiHfcA-. .Wif HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re­ ward for any case of Catarrh that cah * not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure, J . C«r«vv A- fj«v. Pran#. Toledo. Wfc, theumtemigned, have known' P. J« Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in' in all business transactions and finan­ cially able tocariy outahy obligations teadc by their firm, * West A Traux* Whotsale-Drugiste, Toledo* 0 , Waldittg, Kinan & Marvin, Whole­ sale Druggist*, Toledo, 0^ Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter­ nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surface* of the sys­ tem; Brio* 75e per bout*. Bold by all Dnmghrts., T»admcnialaJM, Hsjl’s Family Nila at* ^tw best. The time of year is at hand for hatlung afrdcertainly the boys of town arc enjoying it to their fullest'extent, some going down after noon and stay­ ing the tomaincTer/of the;day, A number of jokes have, been fold, but the latest ia that a mother did not dd- sire-her son to go/near the dangefoUa spof, and informed him .thus: “Now don't you go near that water 'till you know howto Bwirqi.” While 'making our rounda a, few days ago we camq across a,man*who had difficulty in remembering things he was told to do../ He -had ratbef-- a novel way of reminding himself, and that was by disconnecting hia chain frombia WCtsh and leaving-it thus till timerrancl wsS' disposetl of. ^ y - rx * t ^ y , ‘ . % An exchange says that .shocking time,I*goingqta in the wheat fieldsof Logan county. - >X ’ *> t . , T* .; We noticed a peculiar circumstance some time ago in'a depot restaurant. A man was .carrying a baby which seemed warm and tired. .; In order to pleas*, the little one the man bought it a stick of candy And at the same time bought himself a cigar. As the man proceeded to Walk about carry­ ing' the .infant and puffing away at his cigar,-, the babej- became stran­ gled, and ' it seenied to puzzle the father Asto toe cause, Whether.he found thecaute or not wedonotknow, hut the real cause whs that e^ery gulp of smoke went' direct into the baby’s face, causing it to/strangle. Howin­ human some people are towards the little ones, , -^o— 1 : The poet of the S. Charleston Echo broke out aa follows: “Foiirtb of July’s come and gone* We’re broke, and also vexed, We will not celebrate agaih Till Fourtli of July next,” Farm bands have been very scarce this summer and farmers* are experi­ encing considerable trouble in'getting their crops tip. One thing, it is good for the. day laborer, as wages are some higher. We heard one matt say that he was getting $L50 per day* two meals and a home and buggy to rid* back, and forth.. He 4*eemed well pleased with hi*job. Some otic has' said that not one o f the millionaires in tho H. 8. can write poetry* I t might truthfully be added that riot One of the poet* of this country laa millionaire, animate!1 takas tetiroMEtfs Arivtck* Gb?* Til : Dear wish to add my en­ dorsement and recommendation a* to the merit* of Dr, Caldwell's Syrup of Pepsin. I have told it a# a druggist and It always gives satisfaefion, and: my customer* are loud in its praise, Imyseifhatl beeri troubled with my1 stonmoh, and hearing so miny Of my customers s|)eaking of Byriip Pepsin, I tried it, with the result it cured my trouble, I unhesitatingly reewrimaad I)r, Oaldwetfs Syrup Pepsin aa * la i- aliv# and stomach remedy, , Yours, d. M» Hawkhta. So|d by tX BMiway, All ShouldReadlt. The. Xenia Republican this week contains an editorial, “We Must do Something.” and 'much credit isdue Brother Marshall, ' If time .and Apace would permit w* would be pleased to reproduce, the entire article* hut -such, ‘is" nOt the .case, and we earnestlyhope that each loyal citizen1 may. have the .privilege of reading this',, strong disc'oUrse. ,Although it waitwrittefi pripcipaily,fOr ;Xenia, it ^p/easi|y;jhp/appli^ The following is fromthe article: ; /‘The /retee'dy/ for '/a /bad' /state /of affairs consequent upon violations of tbe law is involved in uo obscurity. F rom . O fficial C ircles In REAC ESTATE DEALS, far as ft can.vestj’upon the moral, law- abiding arid upright citizeus them-, tolves. • In- tho^ present -instance it can be traqeddirectly to their >'doors< What right have these- good, people to Complain when they join hands with the evildoers themselves over the ballot-box?,. Tt is nOt the business of the people generally to,execute thfe la’ws; but it is,toeir business, i f they want thejaws/executed,' itoelect men. WhoWill execute tliem. ’ , ' The “sometbiug’?that we must do, Ifwe .want something done,, clear as the noon-day, sun, and riot until it isdopeWill the liquor, gambling and rither laws/andordinance* be of any avail. Tom, Dick and Harry' will not execute the law, no' matter what sign; they may hold otijt to catch votes, or what church, their wives or mother-in- laws .belong to, unite* their heartsare The County Seat Set up In Con­ cise Farm for the Herld’s Busy Readers. >vl -• GbaBMendenhall, ’of Jamestown i# lying in the countyjail,- He hasbeen sufferingWith kidney troublp, -He ifi the man who confessed to having - stolen goods from j ./ F. Martini,' of Jamestown* H is. brother and father ere now iii jaih, , . ■ f'; . rifeAri riSTATn TBAMSI?jaRS, ’ , Arren .'and Rosella ‘Weight to W. H. and, S. E*' Wais°ni lot’in Spring ‘ Talley, $050.'. . ; ■'f t / , AlfredWysong to/Jacob' Marshall/ lot in Spring Talley, $1,00. Jacob Mafsfcali to.Eva Wysong, Jot , in Spriing VaHey, 81,; .,l ‘ . AlpheUs Tlion/as to Flora Starling,o 2'tracte in Caisardreefe, tp,, $600, Geov S. Penn to/Benjamin Jones, '1,80-aqres in Xenia,;?360; in the business. It h the business, $ Ohas/ G; nnd pm id . Hatch, to L. nnv d,.tv. of ell ^orn! o,f,7PnH to Vo E],en BealJ( {a JambSJOWn, $1650. A. A;; James Watkins, 1 * acre In Rosa tp.* np’consideration* W, A, and Addie JenkinB to Nek- tie and Laura Curl,,lot inXenia* f27/>t ay u y, a g odcitize s* see t t, that men4of intelligence, ofability, and, above ail^ men of sound princi­ ple* and moral rectitude be elected to office, and,when they do not seOto it that euch men are, elected,, but scatter ;heir votes among .Tom, Dick and Harry, moreespeciallywhen theylink their Votes with the' evil-doers them­ selves,, they should blame nobody but themselves. ‘ * . iVYOXJJIAVJ3HEADACHES * . don't experiment with alleged- cures, toy Krause’s- Headache Capsules which will cure any headache in half an hour, no matter what causes it. Price 25c. Sold byC.M. Ridgway. BEST REMEDY ROE STOMACH AffD ROWELS* “1 have been in the dfug business for twenty years arid have sold x^ost all the proprietary medicine* of note. Remedy for all stomach and boWel complaints,” says 0 . W* Wakefield* of Columbus* Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera mor* jus in tnyfattiilyaud I have recom­ mended and sol'd hundreds ‘of bottles of i t to my customers to their entire satisfaction,'1 I t affords, a quick and sure cure in a pleasant form.” sale by C. M. Ridgway*, - • ' t ' t t - * * Jr >«j “ , t y ,‘I ■ HEWBUXTS. *Mary Anri Miller, efchi, va.;Jacob Lantz, Rxtr, et al. Parties mutually agree to set aside will rind cause is die- missed. Emery JD. Kelly vs The Miami, Telephone Go. - Cause having been - 'settled by parties is dismissed, ~ / / The Weakley Worman C6, et al vs‘ Chari M. Hunt, et al* Finding in favor of the defend EaVey ds Co, who are dismissed from the case* Sarah J* DarnervaFranees C. Dar­ ner et ril. Order of sate issued. ;Ih e Gem Shirt Co* vriC, M. Hunt* et al-c Jury fail to agree* George-White vs theTillage of Ce­ darville. Judgment of circuit contt , affirmed* Sarah Middleton, et al,rvs. Adalirie Middleton*, et al. Petition dismbeed at plaintiff's Costs. G. H* Phillips vs Angie Thompson. Amount claimed, 155 with interest* Asa Little as Treasurer of Green# county, v* Geo. F* Jobe* Extr,* J* For'Harvey Jobe, dec'4. Amft claimed* 11011,40 with interest. HYPES, 4 I , ..................... *, j ;, , .... THE HATTER | SOFT SHIRTS 1 .IPS!?™!!//,.,.,,,.,...... ...... -■•_» -.T; UNDERWEAR ] # # fleet Goods* low est Prices*- # * • # * » ' H Y P E S HAT a SHIRT STORE, O hm , tl