The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

m ajjfrtnir MRSMI H r i WM P f i»a r #mt » 19, 31,23, 25 Limestone St., Springfield, Ohio Dry Gopds, Carpets, Wall Paper, Etc., Wholesale and Retail; W l i a t e v e r Y o u B e e • i n " W " r e n ’ s IS TWEW'rr-Foi S l I l B l Wear '■ ' N c * « ^ V 'J k v CONTINUING \ ONE WEEK ONLY,! vr^.te® 4 w , Vom one season to another, preferring tomalee ExtraurcHumy-Price Sacrifices rather, than do so, we shall* COMMENCING THURSDAY .MORNING, AUGUST-, fifty thousand dollars) worth of SEASONABLE, DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE, without reservoir restriction of any description, at prices far be|owatijj Our Object is to *Sell and SELL QUIOEIiY. 4 -r < l * f * , * P -■ wThese phenomenal price sacrifices apply to every Item, Fabric or.Garment n Fafilica, hundreds of thousands o f yarcis. Housekeeping Linens, Muslins, Dmnpsfk's 51Neckwear, Children’s Caps, Men and Boys’ Shirts and Furnishing, Fancy Jewelry Leather Goods,. fJ r (* . * ^ %f\ / ' su >tnM "■ * t; ' r *, ^ ^ H ^ * 1 .. kl ’NOTE—As ft further incentive to out-of-town,buyers to attend this sale, additional with the extraordinary values offered, wb- wijl pay the fare to Springfield on all Cash Purchases of S5.00.and,'over1; -* ■•’ ' \' ; . $$ 93 'tM $$ isl p $st $n Hoi adr m* *»« »#* ■ **•* *** »»*■ *** ** Local and Personal, f •Ti-rom ■*- several The; U, P, parsonage has been ,un­ dergoing some repairs .the past week. R. Bird arid family Visited in the Stevenson neighborhood^Thursday. —For the' best galvanized iron water tanks and troughs see Pierce & Stewart as they will quote'you lowest prices. 4 M j ' bs Fern Ervin returned Cincinnati,iMondayy after* a & . week#’ visit with friends in that city. Pfof, Br-owa left Thursday for a two weeks visit at points in the £ast- ern part o f the state. He will proba­ bly attend the exposition atBuffalo be­ fore his return, —The sixty-second annual fair o f Greene county, to be held in Xenia August 6, 7, 8 and 0, promises to he one of the best on record. Lend your influence ami sppport towardshelping out a local institution. Mr, Gibson, of the firm of Gibson & Poetle, proprietors of the cheese factory, is lying quite sick at Dr. J. O. Stewart’s residence suffering with fever, Both members of the firm have had this disease in the last month, . -NeWjOrop California Apricots ’ Raisins Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and at Gray’s.- ' Messrs, JET, M. Bather and R. F. Kerr have each received their papers for appointment ou the the Board of Elections, serving for two years each. The former was recommended to the the Becrefnry of State for appoint­ ment by the Democratic Central com­ mittee and the latter by the Republi­ can^ at be —Fly Nets, Horae Covers Dorn’s, at prices that no one need without. . . Mr. John Wade formerly o f this . place, but how o f Springfield, while? at Work at the (). ,8. Kelley Electric I Light plant had his left »rw broken and a bad cut on the head, [ , Ribbons wbrth,25, 35 and-loo per yard for ififi at Hutchison $ Gilmey* Xenia, Ohio. . In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then test easy andhave no feat;. The child will be all right,-!n a little while It never fail^» *Pleasant to take* ,al­ ways safe, sriro and almost ibstauta- neons in effect. C. M. Ridgway. One of the finest pieees’o f cabinet „ _____ work work wo have'bad the-privilege (fast ns possible, Ap OoVi*«r# in « Ijinirf ifitnft iCr a t ' flirt IT*«*¥ La m LI i of seeing in a long time is at' the Ex ■change Bank, and more over it -was' made right here in Ccdarville by J. fit. Tarbox &' Son. -The desks are made of finely .selected quartered oak,- afe first class in every respect. The work certainly reflects great credit to themanufacturers. f Special Spoon Sale; SOLID I STERLING SILVER. During: tliis .month [August]’ we will ’ give ,& Special 'Discount of ID per cent oft"of every _dol­ lar’s worth of Silver Spoons Bought at out store* .We have a var­ ied assortment of styles and Weights,' ami eiin please, you with our prices, . . . . . , A Dollar’s Worth for 90 Ceftta this Month, McCOLLUM, The Oedarville JcBvolt'r, ■Mr Jame<t McMillan1is in Kansas looking after his farm.hg-interests. Messrs T. B. Andrew and Postmas­ ter Tarbox were in Wilmington last Friday and Saturday, While there they'called on our Congressman, 0. Q. Hildebrandt, and secured his promise to push the the three rural routes as It is'thought that by Septeni- tliey will be able to start her 1st.,. j -—Send, to :,tbe Secretary of^ the Greene Gorin t* 'Agricultural Society for a list of premiums of the sixty-sec­ ond Agricultural Fair. * One of Jamestown’s mail routes is expected to start September 1st, .The postmaster has been notified to that effect. hittf; fof’:hwi^»;'«rov,|u;stMho things now e-days* h( llm eifu s al- ... a in buost every horse that b in use ou the, * from iSnilwb i t 't l I®fltm# l,fl* They Certainly Arc a ' ' i protection to the licast- froin the l ComtekCod Mgmg Kotlol Dyspepsia ^ vko Pthe mm. Out*, t hmk am fri bfittlcaand can d%eat ftuyfbiBg,” Kodot Dyspepsia Uurehi’lhJi only propamtioH contains «lt *h* iMturM d%ktlvn fluids. It glvit vr*ak atorhaebit *»ttas rest, re- tFtttrhmr thafr natural condition, U ■burning ray# of the sun, Mrs. fft’IL Allport, Johnstown, IV,, wysj **{)ur littm' giri almost stbm* gled to death With croup. The dot tors said she couldtft live, but*he was: instantly relieved hy One Mtnufrr ( ’ nigh Gure. M,”Ridgway, The Bible Society meets at the K* F, Church Tuesday! Aug. 1«1 at two o’clock sun time. The Board o f Man­ agers meet onc-half hour earlier. . I f a dealer asks you to take some­ thing said to be “just as gond asRocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Co,,” ask Idm if he makes more money. Ask your druggist —-A choice line ( of all kinds oi Groceries, at Gray’s,* 1 “ Bumpus” Jones, who played with Ft* Wayne last season, is. in Hpring fietd and is losing his eve-sight, lie has beeu sick ever since spring, and was in -the hospital in St. Paul prior to going to Springfield. His wile U also an invalid, Hon. Fricken 1has Started a subscription for “ Bumptis” and stll liis old team-mates will Con­ tribute. Anyone wishing to help hint can fend money to Eddie O’Meara, Ft. Wayne, and 51;-will be forwarded to bins. All who know "Bumpus” Jones Wilt'bo glad to help him, as a better fellow never played balk—„-En- quiver, . Helps young ladies withstand the shock of sudden proposals, that’s what Rocky Mountain Tea has done. Tie!? Made hy Madison Medicine Go. Ask your druggist A telephone was’ put in J, -G; Me- CorkoH's residence this week, ■*■ * Dr. E. t\ Ugleshec, wife anddaugh­ ter, Helen, and Mrs. J, R. Cooper mh L daughter. Mary, lyft Tuesday morning foiFetoitkey, Michigan,where they will spend several weeks about the lakes. Gisfed pttrfts are offered for ,,the; whiyfcruof Urnraces at the emmfy fair held Aug, fi to !h Aug, 7 ,2;4u pace purse A2fitk 2:50 trot t'JtiO; Thumlnv 2:IH pace ITKI; 2;2« trot $250; jlri'l > pace #TH); Friday 2:25 pace $T h ,); s sW iM f tm .Monday wassuccessful in gettiughis ordinance fur an electric _road recommended by theBoard of Public Affairs, and Tues­ day evening the council granted hhh a franchise!" Mr. Frey’has hada great fight in Springtieldj-jind since railroad talk has beep revived some body may conclude tb biiild w'lthin tne next, de­ cade, | •—-July 27th is the day of Meehling Colt Show. Prizes ot 810 each...:for;. the beet 2-year-old, yearling, add spring colt. j J) G. McCorkcll has been ofi’ duty this week 0 wining to lamness. Robt. Galbreatb has been filling the.vacancy at Bird’s store during John’s abscence. Jolm'Stine had his foot hurt at the paper mill this week and is not able to be at work. ............ «. «.. A crowd of young people are mak­ ing arrangements to go camping either, near Bcllbrook or Osborn, They expect to leaveTuesday. —I f you want anything good, go to Graya, Tbo beauty thier has come to stay, Unless you drive Ibe piniples and - blackheads away; Do this; don’t look like ft fright; Take Rocky Mountain Tea to-night* Ask your druggist. . Chausands o f people have been drawn to Oklalwfns, where the gov­ ernment has instituted a land lottery. The first drawings are said to he Val­ ued kt nearly $40,000. A few years Mr, Hurry Frev] Rev. Pressly Thompson, wife and children, of Washington, Pa., arrived here Wednesday, and will he the guests of:Mrs. Thompson's parents^ Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pollock and f’ani- At a meeting of the temperance committee in Xenia Monday evening, it was decided to hold an election Sep­ tember .3d, for determining ys to whether the town shall be wet or dry, ” 'vegetarian. Baked Jkahs ithTW ! omatoe Sauce. No Meat. No Fat, At Grav’s.. Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds and gores of all kinds quickly' healed by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Cer­ tain cure for piles. Beware of Coun­ terfeits;. Be sure you get the Origi­ nal—DeWitt’s. C. M. Ridgway. Mr. Andrew Hutchison! one _o f Greene county’s best citizens, died Monday at liis home west o f Xenia . He hail iiecu ill tOr Several months, suffering from a complication o f dis­ eases. Mr*.Hutchison was one of the; leading farmers in the county and the news o f his death will be received with sorrow by all who knew him. The funeral was held from his late resi­ dence. —Pickles, fcwcet, tour and mixed at GoopSr’s At Chautauqua there are nowalmost ten thousand people, art average jmri'» * . P ■ ., „ val o f from two to three bttndred ago a great, how went up from thej{1a}, &M flWut the same number # ,he " e r . M government has take up the same plan to dispose of this unoccupied ter­ ritory. It was wrong for individuals to oppcrnle such a scheme but right for Uncle 8am, or at least his repre­ sentatives. Mrs. S. 8, Ewing and daughter, Mary, of Louisville, Ky.,‘ have been visiting friends and relatives here for several days. During their stay here thev-madfe their stopping place with J, II. Nisbet and family. Miss Mary is private secretary to the postmaster atlmnisville. Dr. P. «R, Mmldon, Practice Bin- ifod fo BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Alh .11 Birildiug, Xenia, O. Vcteriurtte,-*dm.-s ko. ?2, n««Wcn«6 Uto. j;. Miss Ella Laudaker, of H, I'harics- to« spent several daya tins week with Mr. and Mrs, Ohas.Utonso Jr. The ladies of R P. chmvh will open i their exchange in the Orr building tft*r day, whcie the. Will be. glad to see their old customers. morning it was so cold there that C/ver- coats were in requisition. Theannouncement conceiniiig text* books in last week’s college report re­ quires explanation. Text-books are; never rented, but sold outright at the beginning'of the term, and redeemed at the end of the term at the pleasure ot the college, and then only at half-' price, —Go to Cooper’s for the best bread, cakes and crackers, I). S» Ervin has erectedVa steel: wind mill, and large tank on trasle work on his lot in ihfe rear of his rea- idence, Mr. Ervin expects to have his own water works .system* which f at this season of the year will prove a [ great convenience; We underatand * that one ‘ or two others are contem­ plating (ho same scheme, ■Andrew Bros will exhibit their cat­ tle at Xenia next week, and retnm home and remain until the Ohio Ex Big Clearance Sale .. !■"f"' ....................... ......... ...... of Shoes! For tfie inext three weeks W e will sell good'shoes cheaper than shoes were ever sold in Xenia. - Come in early while we have sizes. Here’ s a few purse ticklers: »#«*#.#«** **»•**« $3.00 3.75 «*4****k*«*4» T**t«**«k*» »********* 20 palrsHan&n & Son $5 Tati Shoes reduced to.. 3G pairs Men’s $5 Patent Kid and Enamel Sboea.....,., 18 pairs Men’s $3 Tan Oxford reduced to****«•••*•*«*a «iV*>'**#'*******«■2.00 40 pairs Men’s Tan and Black Shoes, this season’s styles, sizes 5J to 7, reduced from to..* .1,50 40 pairs Ladle’s hand turned show, were $3, now. 50 pairs Ladies* Patent Leather Shoes, Were $2.50.,..,.,, SOjiair Ladies $2 Kid Lace Lhoes, pnt. or kid t ip .................... 1.50 75 pairs slightly damaged Lace Shoes at $1 a n d * . . , . 1.25 61 pairs Ladies’ Patent Kid and Patent Leather Oxfords, slightly damaged, worth $1.50 and $2.00............................. 1,00 50 pairs Ladies’ Kid Oxfords at 75c and.................1.00 We will sell during this sale275 pairs of samples and slightly dam­ aged shoes o f Xenia Shoe Mfg, Co, ■ S a le 'd om it ie n c e a M y %% a n d E n d s A n g * ITo d o b d s C h a r g e d , : ’ - • , • I frdzer’sSHoe$tori, Xenia, S4W», Lightning struck one 6f Mr, Mitchell’s houses on Sawdust Tuesday evening during the’ storm, Slight damage-is re. At same time about severity of the J, M. Tarbox & Son lost their large black horse on Tuesday night. It is not known just what was the matter. It is said that tlfit was about the best known in tins vicinity for ..... ............... —- heavy hauling, as the horse did not ephoneftwere burnt out bythe I know the limit of hisstrength, jning D. Bradfute & Bon will thisseason, -—Teas, Coffee and CigarsatGf start put With two hdfdspf their ftt-{ mousPolled An^dh c«4tle^, 0 ie herd j , . th « will take the eastern circuit and the | of the American FederaUon of other the western. The gattle thk J * In year are m the finest cbndltitm promise to ■bring greater ■ jw c e w fW ^ : ^ l , - .......-..................... . their owners than ever. _They will; jots of gohd^tours Truly, Oee. position at ( ’oluftibus tho'fliwt o f nexti^P^fh® campaign at Xenia next Campbell, CfihWiwi. tew*-” Bold month, , ■ G, M, RUd^Way. '.................. School Book Quei The School Board Mayor’s office Mouda - ifdi up the business iu . iug the, the text bool ■' drscussion the hoard Language Lessons, ' tic and Metcalf and J fur higher gnuLs, C meettug, tin*, time wat . commenced uml ' co could not finish. Bit ' , furnishing two Car 1 Jivered to the cellar, Co. being the succest , board then took a r< - 1 ,‘ , day evening, Tuesday evening t. bers present and the ■ " was again taken 'op ,v-writing systeni was ai , Montgomery’s Jiistor) -grades,-and Moriey’s to History for.1the . board took no -radio school books aud Lnt / absence of the profeet The question then " J wlm should haudie tl Coming year, ‘ C. M, .filed them heretofore, ‘ballot, Ridgway was Ceiviug 4 -votes, Bir . the cull vote for -i lost by a vote o f 4 to her of ballots the vol way 3f Bird 3, Coop lug Birr! 4, Ridgway declared elected to,in; , ' The resignation * handed in at previot - - MSfs Della Gilbert’s ' whs ' accepted aud read,- Miss Merle elected tlie vac- then iKljdfitiied t o , the president.- MereNiMesti. - BlieUon Haggard t rough hi Ids doteesti Baturday' night”. It has frequently impos half and treated her 1 tier, ■On the above . taken in hy the pror spent the Babhatb ih die’s quarters., Mom 1 waft arraigned b-f ire i ou a cliarge of ilison . charge iieing sworn <n The Mayor was ve Shelton, as he ouijp tehee $5, costs and u Marshall Grindle to< -Xenia where he will * broom aud brush mul quire about 50 days entire sentence. „ Old “ Oce. Ike old fire euglnet has thine Service foi» years, was taken to £► lUwas used last Mono on the opening of iho bratlon o f tlmt city.*, the following to say: k “ Among the novel, parade was the old iu, Gedarville. Many wu idea whit it was. It hand engine type, an* of yeam 01 service. ■ antedated byjths (hot. jfitra, it is still in wo gives a definite idea our forefathers used . frrssd Cm Tim O, II. els at greatly Ville, Ky„ a KuighteTen on safe Augi good to ratui later than Be th*r parifeul jgjyso by D. HixtmtelJt Wifi ba aok August Btl oonntBtete ■Mlnli Abgu m Hoket,