The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

'Our new FalJ an# Winter jLine of LADIES’ SHIRT WAISTS 'and WRAPPERS, In Shirts. Waist we will both please and surprise you in the Quality and Makeup of these goods Our prices are $1.00, $1,50, $3.00 and $3.oo, Ask to see them, , ; ...Fleeced Wrappers... In handsome new Patterns and Colorings, Well Made, Good Fitting Wrappers at. $x.oo, $1.25 and $1.60 each. ih Men and Boys’ .Pants, " "'Vi N THESE doobs WE LEAD. You *will find the Latest. Styles here. In ■»£ ■• Pants we show splendid "values at $ 1 . 50 , $ 2 * 00 , $ 2.50 and $ 3.00 per pair* Men’s $1.00, Boys’ Knee Pants, 25, 50, 75 and 90c a pair. New Fall Dress Goods in all the New Shades at prices to please all. ^ . - ■ .Sl* 4 k *‘T ' .*•„ |*V. Local andPersonal'. 4: John‘ A. Nisbet, o f Xenia, wasjhj toiyn Monday. 4 / Thomas Tindall is working in Day* - ton at thecarpenter trade. . J~-Fly- .Nets, Horse Covers at Dorn's^ at prices that no one need be '■ without. Gbas. Gntbreath left Saturday for / - Dayton where h6 has secured employ-' ‘ ment in theDayton State Hospitalv . Editor Whiteman,” of the Xenfa Herald,, was in town Monday, and .....................y, 1 tjjjis office a pleasant while here gave call. ■ , —Use Litngdoii’s ■Bread,"it’s the . .best,' get it at CooperW „ .' Brink McLean, \vho has lived near Xenia far some time has moved feia family back to this place. Mrs Gbas. Gillaugh and children ■ were, the guests of Dayton relatives „ Saturday and Sunday. ; -^Sid ;Darling, .1012 Howard, sti Port Huron; Mich, writes: 4‘I have tried many pills and laxatives but De- - Vyitt’s Little Early Kisers are far the. , best pills I have ever used.” They . never gripe. C.,M. Rjdgway.--, _ Mrs Frank Tarbox and daughter* *’ Ruth, of Xenia, Spent Sabbath here the guests of relatives, - "James A, Turner left Wednesday of last week for Arkansas City, Kan., to look alter the iuterests of his farm near that place, • ” v-B. W, Putsell, Kinterville, Pa., Bays he riuffered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until Dewitt’s '’Witch Hazel Salvo effected a perman* hut cure. Counterfeits are worthless. . C, M, Ridgway. , . ’ t„ Mrs A. W. Osborn, of Xenia, hns been spending several days here; the guest of friends; School in district No, 2,' known' as the Reid school did not Open Monday, owing to small pox in that district. —A never failing enre for cuts,, burns,'scalds; ulcers wounds and sores is DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A . most soothingand healing remedy for all skin affections. Accept only the genuine. C. M. Ridgway, Glen Hammond, who has been making his home with his- uncle, H, H , McMillan for some time’ left Tues­ day lor LoyelandjColo. The well known Lowry block of business rooms will be offered for sale at public auction, Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 2 o'clock, The residence will also be offered. Each of the proper­ ties are very desirable and. would make good investments. The sale is being made by Ida C, Lowry, Ad­ ministratrix. —Pickled Pork per lb, 10c, Jersey Sweet Potatoes per pk, 30c. 164 I ds Granulated Sugar for $1, *r M r' and Mrs Edwin Cobbler, of Pebbles, Adams county; O.rnro visit­ ingMrs 0 ’sparents, Mrand MrsLott, ■—The valuable property known as the Lowry Block, also a residence will be sold at Public Auction on premises in Oedarville, 0.. Sept. 21 5, 1901 at 2:00 P. M.'. By administratrix, Ida C. Lowry,. Miss Lula Smith will teach the In­ dependent school.near.Selma the c-lin­ ing bo H od I year. ■ —Haye,you a sence of' fullness in the regiqn of your stomach after eat­ ing? I f so you will be benefited by using Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver-Tablets. ..They also curebelch­ ing and sour stomach. Price 25 cents. Sold by C. M, Ridgway, . Miss Letha McFarland has returned from several month’s stay at London, Ohio. , —‘When you want ii pleasant physic try the new, remedy, Chamberlain’s Stomach und Liver Tablets They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Price 25. cents. Samples freo'at C, ,M.- Ridgway’s drug store, Mrs. Collett Satterfield aiid two children, of Chicago, after two week’s staydiere have returned home. 'A” Sugar for f 1 Tin Cans per dozed, 45c. A t Bird’s. Mrs E. A, and MissNettie Junfeins, of Jamestown and Miss Edna Walker, o f Chicago, were guests Sabbath of Mrs James Parr. MissFannie Jackson isspending the week with friends ip Dayton. —Don’t wait until you become chronically constipated but take De* Witt's Little Early Risers now and then. They.Will keep your liver and bowels In good order, Easy to take. Safe pills. C, M, Ridgway/ •We ate informed that the fatuous Prank Davidson company will posi­ tively be at oaf opera three mights only, beginning Sept. 30th. ThWattraction is of the highest class, carrying all its own elaborate outfit o f scenery, mechanical effects, musical and alt other details necessary to a finished performance, Crowds are tested* <( Mr and Mrs Atix Turnbull, Mr and Mrs W. J , Smith, John Tarbox. Albert Hopping and W, P, Towmrley MtTuesday morninglor theG. A. R. it at Cleveland, The party iWbox Will r#» “ The excavators of the Adena mound near Chillicothe have found seventeen skeleton's and several stone relics. The rare finds consist of many pieces of cloth which were -wrapped about some of the skeletons. The fabric is of two textures, one o f about the fine­ ness of our coarse cotton goods-^rcoarse shirting,—and' the other is more like coffee sack. —Mothers write, us .that they have solved the problem of keeping.their children, well. Give them Rocky Mduuiain Tea each week, A bessing to mother and child. Ask your,drug­ gist. • ■ Mrs J. M. Bull, of Springfield, has,been called here owing to the ill­ ness of Mrs Will Spencer. Last week I went about, Full of troube and-of doubt, Now I’msmiling and dance with de­ light, I had some Rocky Mountain Teu last night. Ask your druggist, Miss Amy Nagley, o f -Delaware is the guest of her brother S, W. Nag- ley’of this place. ” Dr and Mrs R. B. Raney left, yes­ terday (Thursday) for Buffalo. —Au English association regarding woman’s happiness has offered a re­ ward of £500 for a greater blessing to woman than Rocky Mountain Ted. Sensible move. Ask your druggist. Mr and Mrs T, Dales Kyle and family were guests o f relatives ' here the first of the week, —HenryBraydon,ofHarris,N. G., Bays: ‘.‘I took medicine 20 years for asthma but ope bottle of Oue Minute Cough Cure did me -more good than any thing else during that time,” C, M.' Ridgway. , During September. You can buy any Watch in our stock at a discount of 10 per cent, off of our already low price, irs a rare : cha N cei Now is the time to secure the Hampden, Elgin, Waltham or any other watch you’ve been thinking you’d buy Sometime, We guarantee any watch we sell to be perfectly satisfactory. I f not so bring it back, we’ll gladly exchange it for you time within a year of its chase, One of the Xenia hanks away a half, barrelpf pennies the day in order to get rid of them, barrel contained 40,000. shippt r oth ed er The -Geo. W. Lane, Pewano, Mich., writes: ‘ 'Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the best remedy for indigestion and BtomaCb trouble' that lever .used, I McCOLLIM, T h e Gedarville Jeweler. Rev A. Hamilton has been re­ turned to the M, E. Church here for the ensuing year and will fill bis pul­ pit in this place, Sabbath morning, and in Clifton, Sabbath evening, -Those wishing to investigate Os- fftk the exoepriw of*Mr* Tar w ' ran to BafiSlo, from the Eorert City. "Gwy McCollum,”bfNrehville/fenn, ! „ $ i f i ste#t»t>g»ert o f . on Tu esday s and F r id a y s , be­ tween the hours of 8 :00 a, mMand 3 :00 a. m,, (not later), I will be at the above place on those days at the stated hours. Respectfully, L. H, McCARTHtsv,. D. 0», Xenia, Ohio. . * ■ . . . , The township schools all opened Monday, the enrollment the opening day being up to the average, yet when the fall work is completed the schools Will be up to the usual number, —F or B alk ; Good second-hand bug- 8 t, Reasonable terms to purchaser .-L, Smith-at Exchange Bank,* F, II, Spencer's new barh, which .takes the place o f the one blown down by the storm lastMay,has been raised, Thaiiew building is 65x43 feet and modern in every way, Dr. P, ft. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to m -Bt EAR, N0SH AND THROAT, GlasseaAccurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Oflls* Pt Rtsidehtv W6, jj, 4‘Something doing every second1’ is the program tor Railroad Day at. the Pa'n-Amarieatt Exposition, Saturday, Sept; 14th/ Low rates viaThe Akron Rogte. . completly- cured by Kodol Dyf epsia Cure, In recommeding it to Viands who suffer from indigestion 1 always offer to pay for it if it fails. Thusfarl have never paid. C. M, Ridgway, Misses Jean Irvine and Luly John­ son were entertained by the latter’s sister at the O, 8. & 8. Q, Home, Thursday.. Mrs Will Dean, of Springfield, was the guests o f her parents, Mr and Mrs T, D, Williamson, Wednesday, Vegetarian. Baked Beans. With Tom.atoe Sauce. No Meat, No Fat, A t Gray’s, T MissAgnes Kyle, after a short visit with her father, Roland Kyle, has gone to Cindinnati to visit. Miss Bissie Hopping attended the Presbyterian Convention in session at Columbus, this week. _ —We pay 12c perdoz, for Eggs. We pay 18c per ft. far Butter . ’ at Bird’s, and Mrs Bretney, of Xenia, and Mrs 8haw, from Pennsylvania, Mr and Mrs J. C. Rambo and daughter, of Kansas, arrived Tuesday and are the guests of Rev and' Mrs F. O. Ross. * •Will Oreswell is able to be about after his long sLge of sickness,' N, H, Haywood, who has been con­ ducting the City Hotel here for some time;'moved hiB family to Dayton Wednesday, where he will engage in like business. He will be located on East Sixth Btreet a few doors ieast ot the .Union depot. Mr and Mire Mil- ton Keyes have taken charge of the hotel, and* have opened it up to the public. Hester, youugest daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Townsley, isseriously . —A full line times at Cobper’s. O.f groceries at all Last Thursday Mr 8. K. William- entertained a, number of. his friends at an afternoon dinner. Those present Were, Mr and Mrs Wullace Moore, Mrs Stewart, &ndJphnJphe, of Xenia, Rev and Mrs F, O/Ross and Mr.and Mrs W. B. Stevenson.’ Stewart Satterfield, o f Atlanta,III., who was called here by the death of his father, has returned houe. Albert McDill, former citizen of this place, now ot Oxford, spent sev­ eral days here this week. His1 daugh­ ter ftilla accompanied him —Stone Jars,. Fruit Jars, and cans of all kinds at Cooper’s. Still a few of the Weir Jars yet, try a few of them. . ‘ ' v . . \ . . Mrs Chas.Nisbet and children have returned to their home, in Loveland, after an extended visit with her tnother, Mrs Andrew Winter. . ; Atrs^Jacob Siegler was taken sud­ denly HI, Wednesday afternoon. . Rev Ross, Walter Condon and Miss Faye Lackey, of Jamestown, and Rev Davidson, of Oliften attended the Presbyterian convention at Columbus this week/ O. D. 'Marehant Has the agency fpr, the Buckeye Corn Box, a useful ar­ ticle in gatheringcorn. It isa saving in labor, time and corn; Mr Mar- chabt would be pleased to show this box to any-wishing to investigate its merits. ” Mr and Mrs Jacob Siegler were Called to Cincinnati, Sunday to attend the funeral of the wife of Mr Sieg- leris brother. A meeting o f the W. 0 . T. U. will be held next Thursday, Sept. 19th-at 2:30 pi-w,,-at the bome of M bs Lizzie Shroades, —New Crop California Apricots Peaches, Prumes, Grapes and Raisins at Gray’s. Messrs John Lott, Frank Bull and Edwin Cobler, of Adams County, re­ turned Thursday from Buffalo. Walterand Dwight Sterrett enter­ tainedabootj24 o f their young friends for supper Friday afternoon, Marion Silvey and Will Smith left last Sunday for Buffalo. Will re­ turned yesterday and what he didn’t see theysurely did not have on-exhlbi- tion, f Supt, Smith, of the,paper mill is spending the week in Cleveland. were entertained by Mrs obeli Thursday* Wallace Riff returned from Minne­ sota, Thursday, where he has been preaching during the summer. -Teas, Coffees, Cocoas, Postum Cereal and Cream Cereal at Cooper’s, Mrs Sylvia Kyle and Marguerite are home from a two months visit at the home o f Mr and Mr&Davld Cher­ ry near Xenia, A Mr McCoy of Iowa was the guest Rev Sanderson several days this week; —Clerk WabtedL-A man 25 to 40 years of age. ftobt. Bird. Mr John Andrew and daughter,; Grace, of St. Louie,- are. expected to* day irottt Cleveland, whore they have been attending jthe G. A, R. encamp* ment and the exposition at Bufiklo. They will remain here about two weeks visltiug among relatives. One Week from today a picnic will be held j iu .their honor at the home of Mr and I Mrs W. B. SteVepsen, * ioMit* . Therewerequitea number of elder- m ly citizens at the barn raising on the Frank Spencer farm', Wednesday, Among those present were James Spencer, ThomasSpencer, L. B. Dean and wife, ofJamestown, Nixon Brown atui Bingham Hnrlittaoh. Mrs L. B. Dean was present when the old barn Was raised - about sixty years ago. Pictures of the crowd and barb were taken. Gbas Dean had the contract, . Striking novelti(*a and special feat- urea will be .conspicuous at the Pan- American Exposition on Railroad Day, Sept,,j4th, They may be wit­ nessed at a small cost for tickets over The Akron Route. Consult Ticket Agent, E 8. Keyes,,Gedarville, 0 ,, for further information, '1 ’ ......... • M»T <1# UtttfiM * List o f letters remaining uncalled for in tlw Oedarville postoffice for the month ending Sept, 14,1961. •List No, 33. Coleman, Itev A, B, PRESIDENT'S CONDITION LATEST BULLETINS, Buffalo, N. Y „ Sept. 13 2:50 a, m,—The President's condition is very serious and gives rise to the great­ est apprehension; his;, bow­ els .haYe moved well, but his. heart does not respond properly to stimulation; is conscious, the. skin drawn and the pulse small, regular, easily compressible, 126; respiration, 3o;*temperature, 100. P. M. Rixley. Buffalo, N. y.», Sept. 13, ,g:oo a. m .~The President’s condition has somewhat improved during the l.ast two hours. There- is aebet­ ter responce to stimulation; he is free from pain.and is concious; pulse, 128; temper ature, 99.8, P. ,M. Prixley, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 13 12:30 p. m.—Sleeping quiet­ ly, condition unchanged. 2:30 p. m,—President is worse; physicians in. con­ sultation. Opening of PublicSchool., The^public schools opened for work Monday with a full attendance. Each of the rooms held opening exercises In the high school Rev Ross made a short address* While the school Aa* rollraerit does not number quite us large as it - did this time a year ‘ ago, yet it is plain that the board must take steps for. additional room before there is another opening of school. , The following numbers will .show the enrollment for the different room6: No. 1, Rosa Stormont, 36; No.,2, Clara JoCkson, 29; No, 3, Effie Duf- fieldyoS; No. 4,. Foster- Alexander, 37; No, 5, Merle AIcFarland, 30; No. 6, Martha Bromngem, 27; No. 7, K» E, Rnndali, 2fi; No, 7, Prof. Brown, 26. Total, 262, The enToll- ment this time last year was 270, the deficiency being caused by the large graduating.class that wont out." The fifat three rooms jnst year numbered 106, this.year, 120, so it can be seen, that the lower- rooms are crowded— too many for one teacher, to handle successfully,' It is expected that by the end of the mouth the enrollment will be greater than last year. The gradating class this year con sists of teu members, while the Ju­ nior has the same number. A young man from Clifton bad Ins foot almost severed yesterday on a sled corn cutter while cutting corn for John McMillan, ALL DUE TO PROTECTION, Erarjr time that any one reads about the expanding commerpe ot the United States and capture by this country of manufacturing markets of the world, along with that should he kept In mind, the fact that it is the protec­ tive tariff of the Republican party, and never the "traditional Democratic policy," that has made this the greats est manufacturing nation of the world, giving employment at the highest rate of wages t the pillllofli of American workmen, and making the home mar­ ket ot America the greatest to the farmers of this country that is enjoyed by the producers of any land under the sun. The Ohio Democratic policy demands toe undoing of ail. of this, Republican leaders have been great liberators. Lincoln liberated the slaves. Grant, Hayes, Garfield and Harrison liberated the country from an immense debt Contracted to put down the Democratic slave-holders’ re­ bellion, McKinley liberated the Cu­ bans, the Porto Hicans and the Fili­ pinos from Spanish tyranny, and his own country from an industrial bond­ age created by a Democratic free trade policy, ( ■' * * "The mill will never grind with the Weter that has passed," This maxim Is well illustrated hy the immense streams o f gold Which passed from Amerloa U foreign countries to put- chase good* for home consumption during the had years from 1893 to 1897 , Those vast sums, which should have been expended o give work to Idle, starving workmen, will never be em­ ployed far that purpose. Reciprocity, has been a Republican principle oinee Blaine bexan its agi­ tation, and McKinley mafe it part of his famous tariff law. The Democrats hastened to repeal that measure/and to toot out reciprocity in particular from toe 'statutes; Only by Republican continuance in power dan. reciprocity be made effective, m Why Should tha People PuH toe D*m- - derate Out Of the *Hr*f ■ "The Democratic .party therefore calls upon the people to unite with -It in'placing thr4conddct of municipal affairs upon a business basis, that they may be administered by the peo­ ple In the Interest of ftlj the pdople, on the principle of home rule. No fran­ chise, .extension op renewal thereof ever to he granted by any city or vil­ lage without first submitting the same, to a vote of toe peoplp/’^'Ohto Democratic Platform, Why should the people unite with the Democratic party to place its af­ fairs on “a tbusiness: basis," rather than with the Republican parjtyT Haa that partyi hee'n no successful in its management as to commend-if to toe confidence of the,people?—How wsm it. under Cleveland when he was com­ pelled to borrow money, to pay run­ ning expenses? Does any one want to return to his methods? No,w as he was • an , abler and more farapelng statesman than Bryan or than any other man who could ho said to be available/: how. could it be expected that the intelligent people of Ohio will exchange the present satisfactory ad­ ministration that the people, under­ stand and indorse for an, experiment with the experimenters ilirho would be placed in charge? To aslc the question is to answer' it,^ No though;ful man wtro'acquaints himself with the real situation and. the Interests at Issue can think or say that'Ohio^swtrtiTS^i benefited SOME' .s ■* The ,work of electing a Republican legislature which will guarantee the return of Joseph B, Fpraker to the United States seuate is what will most interest the people of Ohio this,fall.— Orville News Letter, The effort of Tom L.>Johnson In try­ ing to steal Republican thunder on the question of taxation In. Ohio is not meeting with a very liberal .response "from the galleries’.—Ohio -State Jour- fr'nal/ , ' . , It is well to remember that the great steel strike was not Caused by the Republican party. The employes In that Industry were receiving better Wages than;they ever did before in the history of the country- some of .them being paid as high as $200 per month.—-Henry County Signal. .The greenback- currency issued by Colombia 1 b now worth but 4 cents on the' dollar. •This is an object lesson to people who favor flat money, ft is a fraud of the first water;—Ohio State Journal. ' . ■ ' Judging from the sample platforms the' Democrats ore adopting in various Btates one would conclude they intend to .choose the most popular one for adoption at their national coaventton la 1904. This will beat the crazy quilt they put out in '98 and" 1900.* Jackson Sun. When one thinks of those Demo­ crats in Van Wert county, o „ who a few days ago indorsed the Kansas Qiiy platform and the peerless leader, Ad, followed this up by. indorsing too platform adopted by the Ohio Demo- tic convention at Columbus, one realizes the foggy condition of mind in which e committee on resolutions at a Democratic convention approach­ es its task this year.—Chicago Trib­ une. INCREASE OP MONEY. Uhder the Republican financial leg­ islation since McKinley’s election brought back the-Repdblicans to pow­ er, there has been forty million dol­ lars increase in national bank circu­ lation in Ohio and the states west of us, while there has been one hundred and sixty million dollars Increase in the circulation of gold certificates based upon the deposits o* gold in the United States treasury. ” That is the right kind of inflation, based upon cash and confidence, and is a plain business proposition that would be Upset Completely if the Democrats came back to power upon their pre­ sent Ohio platform. Not only, the. railroad earnings con­ stantly show a great increase, but there has been corresponding inotolule' in operating expenses by the same statistics, and toe most of that Is al­ ways a gam to labor, it was not So bfiore the Republicans came back to power, nor will it be so if the Repub­ licans are voted out of power in favor of the "traditional Democratic policy of a tariff for, revenue/*' Hon. John V. Green, of Cuyahoga county,,ono ot the best known leaders among (he miorea Republicans or the state, was he author of the law for toe observance of Labor Day in Ohio, introducing it In the 89th general as­ sembly. . The men who are asking for tariff totem are free traders. What thejr are aiming at is tariff destruction rather than tariff revision. CttAMBEftLAtN’S COUGH RKMLDV a ! OR feAT FA VO R ITE , ’ The edothing and healing properties of this remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt find permanent cures have made it a greet favorite with people everywhere. It :s especially prised by mothers of air 1 children, for colds, croup and whooping cough, 'As it al­ ways affords quick relief* And m I f contains no opium or ether harmful drug, it may bo given AAwnfidbntly to te an Adult. For.wig by M, JWjgWAy, “ My mother was troubled wi$ consumption for m*ny ye*rs, L last she was given up to die. Thea she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pector*L and was speedily cured,” D. P. Jolly* Avoca, N, V, No jnattcr how hard your cough or .ho# long you have had .it, Ayer’s fcherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take. It’s top risky to wait until you have consump- tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle o! Cherry Pectoral at once. Three tlzett tie. colai Me., j<ut rl jie»». Jj«d, coIU«, ... lor chronic c»«e»*ml to keep on h»nd. ’ - AVER CO., Lowell, Hut, i . C. OPERA HOUSE S NIGHT8 ONLY W ■ ■ v. - V -.-.i . /■*. / 5 v. -- v .■■•■ -■<■■ 1 " r *•- * 1 A ' , Beginning Monday eva BEE 30 / isoi. . . K ing o f Comedians F R A N K i l f l B i # and his famous Actors, Singers, Dancers t L fhoir J Latest Comedy Successes /Spare Tarfisof lapiflceiit Scenery.' Apropos of Labor day, it is gleaned from Statistics published by Cariroll D. Wright, United. States commissioner of Labor, that the workingmen of this country are by far the best paid labor­ ers in the worid, and that the condi­ tion of workingmen all oveV the, world has been steadily improved for years* and years, and their wages are higher ,now than ever before in the history of the .world apd more labor obtain­ able than Over before. This, of course, while good to contemplate; Is not to say that-it’s all that desired. —Xenia Gazette. , College Notes. , ' v ^ ’ ■ni'i i ii 11 ■ir ***.,' * , * , > A \ Prof’s. Anderson, Beazelj and Cost, arrived Tuesday evening. . ; ■ . President McKinney Was,oh .Banda early; , ; 4 f L r \ *^*1 i >» 1 { i - 1 t\j\ • Homer Hendeteon* of Iberia, 0., came in the first o f the week. r; Will Pollopk, of Philadelphia is back among his .associates-.; ■James .Smiley^ of Sparta, 111,, and John McCall, Uf Jdnville, IndMar-, rived Tuesday eVeningi - ■ Many of the students experienced. ,eome difficulty iu procuring boarding and roams. Public Sale. Crawford Bros.* will hold- thejr clos­ ing out sale -of the Wulnut Rihge Stock Farm, miles ' east of town* Sept., 25fh at 10 Vclock. The sale consists of J , head standard, bred, horses, including Gymnast 10523 (sire of Lebutine, trial 2:28J,'and Rex McDonald, 2:29 trial), 17 head of yearling steers and 3 milch cows, 30 head of Boland china,hogs, 50’head of yearling sheep, 400 shocks o f coni. All , farm implements, - harness and vehicles. Terms: 9 months credit on bankable note. W ,L . Marshall* nuct Excursion to Cincinnati. SepternbcB 16th to 28th, inclusive, excursion tickets to Cincinnati for Fall Festival will be sold at one and one-third fares for round trip* valid to return until Sept. 30th; also bn Sept. 27th* inclusive* at one fare for the,round trip, good returning one day from the- date o f sale, from Col­ umbus, 0 ., Springfield* Indianapolis, Hartford, Anderson, Oolutnbus, Ind., Madison, Martinsville and intermedi­ ate ticket stations On thePennsylvania Lines* . . . . . . . The corn drop o f the country js said to be much smaller than usual this year;, but if the entire crop could Be saved’ from the diatlUert, there would be enough probably to meet the needs of men and arrivals as food, •—Horae Weekly. TOCUkEAqoifj Iff OKEDAT Take Laxative BromO Quinine Tab­ lets. AU druggists refund the money if its fails te cure. E. W, Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c, John Smithian Osborn man* lifted a 1025 lb, librae off o f an Erie' rail- read trestle near. Osborn last weekjust in time to avoid wrecking an Erie passenger train which was rapidly nearing the spot* The hofae broke loose from Mr Smith while it was be­ ing led from pasture,.and dashed onto the tracks and through the trestle, It Was,”a Superb exhibition o f super­ human strength under great excite­ ment and Mr Smith is a hero.—Yel­ low Springs News. C, tew fare* to ImHaftnpoti** September 13th to 16th, inolnsive, for Maethig BoVereigtt Grand Lodge,1 L 0 , 0-E«* oxnunrion itekots will be sold to Indianapolis via Bennsylvauia Liites, good returning until 8opt*28d, with p r iv ity to wttond nniBOot. 7th. f o r partiouTara sue Ticket Agents of mnsylyanto Lines. < twenty - f -SWc It ig worth ■ m i /w m , . *V•. ' ■ 'v Considerable the Philadelphii Cedarville Coll that was held in evening in honor - At least a doze; ‘ including our ^n vand men Hie, have eithei approached us . fortunate affair, lag when the. wl in monming foi the Greatest Na .Many have . ‘ *roaBt” the colb an act, blit this . our aim only be criticism ia. ffi itfany^aralj wot and hiaitegh&ent. ' this disgraceful our duty to offe ■behalf o f the fat , will fully exm the literary some! tpe college, situa and a part of the faculty hai ever over tbt . that transpires ■count of the soci We'-recoguize work and; for throw a stoue ‘ Comes our son of a hcart-achi criticise the mo’ jzation>at. thia aud. gbovn'all President’', of- have been, c poBsibje, in J'pi cational ihffw organization fully mid oai official' deelafr Wo are inFori member of the ’ meeting be siisp cut eirchmstan that the idvitat out previous to that the CSkes to recall the gone even into Jamestown am ton. Imagine before the few know some o handed out on yet .it was recall tbs inV It seemed gFall Festival off a number displays, after preparation, thing possible ing in honor Chief, and could not : day notice v warded to a Chicago In 1 The act wi their membe they were could do wa* iny part wh Was being efc every tfeti ft ; is reported we regreb t think it statement drag down . . which ‘has by ib* mem the past. - - . To add* mteiwiou llkeneen hu , lege chapel were inffiit o f toe kffiiir ntort ■ ou itoefc . Weitef HHttf&& , ftameof K ia||f, T l » ’ ML • m . * 4 *.