The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

/j*2 i 4 |>* t ■V for &cMe«cf m t Ulprk] UIH€war$ wil ) any , mtrJ\m. £jf "n* 3 ^ W ien this Item h marked hy ' *n Index, it denotes that your suhtorip- titior. >a overdue and a prompt payment is desired , . j J .,-. _ 5> TWENTY-FOURTH YEAR. SO . 4 2 . »OBl» CEPARYJLIE, OHIO. OCTOBER 5 , 1901 . PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAR, W e a r e n o w s h o w i n g ■ tits The popular narrow ^-in-hand, extra long, jn all the proper shades «* Bat Wings in plain and fattey designs **• Band Bows ^ Windsor Bows-** Teclcs, rand every. [-thing that is right ip Men and Boys’ neckwpar. " •- ORDER YOUR f a l l S a i t a n d O v e r c o a t I t a . ■ ■■;W: ’.. - ■■.-*■: ■-"■ . . ■> ■-■ ,■ . r . ■ -. Heavyweight woolens, worsteds- and overcoatings from^which"'toSelectj . \ ‘ . v . ■ *■ • . , • I . G . D A V I S , TAILOR - • A N D ' FURNISHER ’ */ . tiers. \ * . i K'r V" h former. Cedar- ' ] la located in UI0, t J IrA 'arrived -hero' ■ ;VViii icinain here 1 sretor. I Ug .wonder— r r h n ....... ......•......... I. M. Crouse’s. . - Jmesort and „ Roy ' 11 at/the*,Day ton f over1oh, the nf- spent the even- ^eturnel ^ ft 'tlie *c ' • ' L 4 - 5 t> not. fail-tof see ., r lade, Sprjngfield, lyou r purchase in - |4»id combination' .Your, time, or'-,.; - . * ’ ^ - W»Y ‘ ■ ' V , ' ' 1 * - i . The Big Store s , With Little Brices ■ ■ f y »c i 4 w'/*; s ^ * /v Ik s ^ + p * ^ *■ ( , - WBmm. M'-- , 1 v>, e’re ndt p, muffs* Alaska,* m Rus-, i Paris, s H a |so | S ; 1 fi ■i■'■TCC*?.,deT,-'<-i member. ade th e , hio peo- - ;w York i / : -5- , >h ./■'.iv -v-'.'f’- i i - • '*M t ^ ' V } ’ ‘ " t r t * (^ >‘'l;j *' '>.1 iiPiiPSi. r t v , . ", r > • . • * - l' J" , - } i 0 > vigorous values with business. The character of the godds justifies all or more than we claim. We submit a few of the many splendid money saving op­ portunities to be had here. r r. «S®!5 Hr- «.• : - * ‘ . ' 1 100 .men’s suits, full winter weight, tailored substantially and will wear well ■ S ims 85 to 42. P r i c e d . . , ................. ..................... ......?2<94, §3.9/ *" * * I / * ># ’ '200 men’s suits, neut cassimeies, iti desirable patterns suitable for most any occa­ sion, Slade and trimmed properly all through. Price..........$5.96, $7.40. Men b *suits, iii tins range yrtu will - find the best style of i/npdrted and domestic •: worsteds and scotches carotully tailored and designed, to take care of the S12.00 and $15.00 trade. Price.;................. ............................................... $9,80,. $12 85 Men’s finest'suits. Here are represented the finest worsteds and scotches, made Up and without exaggeration are as neat as the inerchant.lailor can produce. . I t will be to your, advantage to look thk'line over before placing your order. Price......................................................................................................$14 90, 818 40 /•" Young'men’s suits, sizes 16 to 19i several xieat pntterns to.chdose from, suitable - for dress wear and sold remarkably close. P ric e ................. ....... $3 98, $5 96 3 ' Young men’s suits,' A very nobby line, extremely stylish, various patterns, all shapes that are out tor fall, sure to please the youtig men at a moderate cost and sa\ iiig, P r i c e . *,,,•... ,$7 89, $9 86, $1146 Men’s Pants. Men’s corduroy pants that you have'paid $2,00 for. Price .....'..,<....,,.<,.,$1.29 150 pairs men’s working pants, good, strong.durable ones, Price • *«:■**V :«'i 79c, 98c . . 20*0 pairs men’s pauts, fully twenty patterns to choose fromj every one represent# . a positive Baving. ' Price/..*............................,..,,...........,$ 1 48, $1 98, $2 48 line of oifr plots telb fstylesaad ClothesforLittle Men Boys’ double breasted suits eqiiftl in * a ll respects to regular $1.50 and *$2.00 suits, price,..... ;.98c. to $1 48 ■B.,ys’ double breasted, 'suits double seat and knee, all seems taped, in the f ew shades and patterns, good values a t $3 and $4, prifce............ .................98 to $2 46 B op ’ double breasted suits in all the (proper colorings, special good val- ^ ^ ^ } r e s , p r i c e . . •*■•83 48 to $4 96 "Men and boy’s crush, golf and pasha hats, all colors, 75c quality................ .........................................48c Men and boys’ golf,, crush* and stiff lints, many new nov­ elties in shapes and colors, $1.50 quality ,..,,........98c Men’s golf, fredora and stiff hats, swell 'blocks and color­ ings, $2 quality ............. ,,....,....-.,...,$1.48^ Men’s golf, fredora and stiff hats;, high crowns, colors blue- pearl, gray mixed, brown ami black. Worn by .,*.$198 „ „ | p 8 : Spring- field’s correct dre§Sef4 *******$3,00 ClothesfopLittleJlen Boys’ tLree piece suits sizes 10 to 16, 20 different styles of elegant high grade worsteds add scotch cheviots,- * priced,, **•*•*#**##***#*$2 24 to $6 98 JSTearly an endless variety o f swell ju ­ venile effects. The sailor, tiissian blouse coatee and Norfolk suits, some extremely pretty effects,....., ......................„ ..;,„89 c to $6 98 .100 boys’ vestec suits, dhrle blue, good Winter weight, very Special 98o Boys’ knee pants special leaders .,«* a il3cj 23c to 29c * ?! rd to buy Shifts, • Bsundricd stiff bosom percale Shirts, neat patterns, de­ tached cuffs, 50c quality :........ .....••••.♦•*|8t 25 styles lgundried■ stiff bosom shirts, detached link etuis, Garner's percales, stripes find figures tlmt are nbff and tle-irable,'Too quality .,................................Y 'c 15 Styles madras bosom shirts, detached link cuffs, all the ; late fall ctyleS in stripes, the 85c quality .. ‘10 styles laiimlriedjkiff bosom ehlrte, open front ami backs' exqitsite patterns that are entirely now this Season, made of madnis aml fast colored percales, in stripes, figures and dots, Celebrated Columbia atld Lidjpsc makes, the $1,25 quality', (irent bargain..... „,..,r) 8 .’» Marihattaii .fliirtK, the heft 'irinwri, kpovur as die best, .............................................. . ....... 81.50and 82-00 " , ‘ . * t C h lM fS y _ . ; Corahs cnr»n linen Collars, tier, style wing and double baud 15stud IV ffaeliiien collars, these ere tin?'best »mde--*-*25e ■ M e n ’s H o s i e r y , Men\ grey mixed hese.- -paii'..-«. .............. Men’s red, hi.ue, tsiVaiul hosiery, semukto abd s ta in -.. ' m Jew .. i4«OnW**«>*****?*****r*»*>********’” ' *• ' '• v Fancy striped and plain colored ho.-iery, 2ycqt!ft!hy.“ *,l--,;b Shiuv feuifc hosiwy, .plain Mil famy 'colnra I.%h grade imported' inw ie ry /w ik u l stripes, eombimv. «■»—,•«*-<****" fePkhoileryjdMhmid fimey coloriugf -pair .Handkefchiefs. Men’s Handkerchiefs plain and fancy borders.'....,......- 3 c Men’s handkerchiefs plain white and fancy co ors....„...Oc Men’s handkerchiefs jnptmette mith fancy borders... Men’s white linen handkerchiefs assorted widths in hems ir ........................................ Men’s imported linen handkerchiefs.,.,..,........ >23c to 48c Gloves,. Men’s goat and moleskin working, uniinotl* ...,,23c ITnliued working gloves, all styles, * these are elegaiir goods ....... tmimed I t J l gauntlets, improved asbestos ttm, sleatm- p roof. ................. .................... .................... . ...» <’•>!' Mon’S dress gloves, dog skin, unlined, snap button,' as­ sorted eolors.,,............................ ,...48c Men’s dress gloves, n.oeha or dress kldt perfect fitting, neat and genteel., ............................................... ,98c Adler’s dress gloves; new and swell shades in tnoclmft and ' *- kids........ ................ ..............................'.,.$1 48 1 ^Sufcpeftdefs, ’ * /.? t * Men’s a*n "lnyf Itm suspenders,..,......................„.8o Men’s and boys' 2()U suspenders hi k 4 * t»v* * t ‘ t ttre.i 18c Meids ftltd boys’ 25c suspender 39c Mcn’rt ruifqiMub'iY Ml styles Mohuii-or- bather eisdsffbc s Vaiues...^-. ................... .............. Men’s suspenders nil slylw 50c vn1 l i e s ' - ,.....dlffn , Fresidcnt, I ’armetiter and Krmtiie fine suspenders.,,„v45,k vr\% Jy a: k.- ^ 200 do* neckwear,, latest’ up*to date, shapes,. hi tecks, narrow fmir-in- imnd, striiigt band- and , shield hows, everything new in colorings, 50c quality..,, »2t3e 20 kyles o f ‘toeks, impc-' rials, reversible# and m il narrow loiirin- * hands. Bvery good thing in this season’s, fads in hudiiotiftblo neck ‘ weir will he found in ; fUtr -d isp la y 7 5 c - mid , $1 quality...... . ......-J 8.5 Underw^Af. . *' k r Meids tneuium weight nti- denvc«r> r/inddm mixed. made extra good,for only................. ..'..,..,i„48c Mfen’s medium weight undetwear, .natural color, nicely. finished1......... . ...,98c American hosieryunderwear,medium weight, fino grade - ................. ,.......*1 .39 Working Shirts. . Men and boy’s pereale shirts, aborted patterns.......... 286 Men’s double front and back, sfiimlftrd drill working shirts,, cut 36 inches long, 50c valno. } ’ . . Caps,' . Men, boys and eeildren’s cays, fall styles, 25c quality, 12c Long visored "college,caps, popular among' the boys and girls, 25o quality Men, hoys hud children’s caps, all snyles, 35c quality, 23c Men, hoys Sfid children’s Caps, newest fall,styles and col­ ors,'75c q u a l i t y ' . . , . . . . . , , . . , , , . 4 8 e Men, hoys and ctpldren’s fine caps 78c to $2 Darters* * ,. Men’s lisle garters, Boston and Brighton Slide, Men’s Boston and Brigliton garters, 25c quality 39c S w e a tf e tS i .v * ..............* Men hud hoys’ heavy sweaters, colors 'b lu e / black ‘And . , garnet. yy*4*4- ft*-*** 18c- Meii and boys’ all wool sweaters,plain and fancy’colors 9.% MehV.fino wool awcilem cross and vertical Mripei, college colors' $1(48 to H ’ , - ,, - ' i . ■ •i UK • ■ , > . * • . • *. ' •. t . -J I'i ■■il \ r " / f ■ri 1 ?^i 1 ■I , ^ ........ ,_ Jr ,,