The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

T l ( K C K ? ) . a f i \ ?I I t I s E O n e D o l la r a Y e a r . i&JNSXM BULL, E d it o r aadL P ropx lo tor. & v FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1901 ’ Ration is made only by j WenWoakJn’t HaveDone So,. Worthy cUij£iKrv Charie? Dudley l By invitation of the officers of the Warner. INational' Cash Register Company, the , ;delegates to the convention of Wo* It:; v Civil Service Oom wiseioiiei-Harlow ^dioes-resignation U b “quitting work . at the other fellow's request,” Madame Wu has .jmpoite^ some beautiful Chinesemaideos. Wealthy bachelors please take notice, , If General Chaffee don’t de-sensa- „tfonalfre. those reports o,f, crime in the Philippines, the dime novel publishers 1 won't survive the compeiition. President Roosevelt once saved front * drowning the Hon, R, North, a de­ scend-.ini of that Cord North whose advice lost this, country to Eng- • hind, Mr, North fell into a, stveain and Mr. Roosevelt,froped" him. - ■ '• j’riygrcfAJf twctieies l »' “ I have taken- Kodol -Hyspepsta „ Cure am. havanevever nsec anything . rio my life that did me the good that did/’ says-Opunty Physician Geo.W. , Sqrbggs,'or Hal! county, Ga. ‘'Being „ n physreiam I hav% prcscribed'it and . ' found it to give the best- results." If the food yon-eat remains undigested in ypiir gtowpeh- it decays there and poisons the system You cab prevent this by dieting but that means starva­ tion! *Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests ■> what yon eat.;. You need suffer from ’ neither dyspepsia, nor starvation. The yvorst eases quickly cured, Nev er fails, -0 . at. Ridgway, X r ' - One of the features of the beautiful j}a§tpral comedy’drama, “The Night Before Christmas” this season is the I singiiSgmHhe Buckeye Comedy Four j- which quartette .appears in “the. first ncUj,' They, come to serenade ,the . ’ judge wh'Ois ho,me for his Christmas. ' This quartette is an excellent one and / , lWy mug s/mie of the old ‘songs' that stir the hearts of the audience.. .This attraction will appear--at the . opera house, Thursday, November 14!' . , ftELrA&LttAND GEHTLJS..’ - “ Apill’s ap ili/’ eays the saw. • But there are pills and pills. You want a Litriq Early Risers fill the bill. Pure vege$$felq. 'Do not- force hut assist tlie «boWhls to act, Strengthen, and invigorate,, Small and easy to take, C, M, Ridgway. The attendance at the Pan*Ameri canexpoeition, whiclrclosed Saturday, was over 8,000,000. The financial loss is $3,000,000;'; 1 .THBdHU,D^Kk’S 'FKllND. You'll have pt- cold this winter. Maybe you. have one now. Your chihlrea vrill isufier too. For coughs croup, bronchitis, grip and other, win* ter complaints One Minute Cough pure never fails. Acts promptly. It is very pleasant to the iaBte and per* fcctly harmless. C. B. George1, Win­ chester, Ky., writes, “Our little girl wearattacked with croup lat one bight and was SO hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cotigh Cure, It relieved her immediately aud she went to Bleep When she awoke next morning she had no signs hoarseness or cronp.'” '15, M, Ridgway, South ‘Charleston is to have a lec* ture course tins winter. The Chicago .Glee Club, which gave no. entertain­ ment here, is one of the numbers. MOlJimV.fft:ltG£RY mthFASRXD, a“While suffering front bad case of piles I consulted a physician who ad­ vised me to try a box of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve," »yv G. F. Car­ ter, Atlanta, Ga* “I procpted a box and was entirely , cured. DeWitt’s .JWnteh Hazel Salve U a splendid cure £il«j pResr, giving relief instantly, heartilv recomtsetid it to all suf ferns" Surgery is unnecessary to to euro piles. HeWill's Witch Hazel ftitye will euro any case. Guts,burns hrtifecs and all other wounds are also quickly ciired by it* Beware of coun­ terfeit, V. M, Ilidgway. * TheMiami Telephone (k»,,of Xenia, Is no longer a home institutiofi. The ftfttifn slock, has been Sold to the Ceu- ffttl f 'uion of Chicago. The business will still be conducted under tbe name of The Miami Telephone. Go., hut the principal office wilt lie in Chicago. the detriments in Email companies. I o ’ oks ofthe special rooms whre found tables spread attractively for a1' royal feast; in fact, a regular course banquet Nothing loth, a number of the women not from Springfield, o f course; seat­ ed themselves and jfrepared to enjoy an unapproachable menu. . Their fond hopes and anticipations were dashed however when an atten­ dant approached aud, excusing bim: self, courteously informed the women, that .that particular spread -was in bpnor of a member of the company who was going to Start for .Europe fcbat.pight,;hofc that they Would find light refreshments provided for them in a robin above, which proved Jfcohe the case. The banqueters aggreed to say nothing about it,, hut the. Story found its way'into circulation.some- how.-^-'Fress Republic. ' ■ , . UP LAVE T j AS'I' KlOHT? ' Then, you (font feel just the best to­ day, Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effective for £>ick Headache, Bib ipusness Ur disordered stomach, Bold by C, M, Ridgway, . The residence of Henry Kyle, east of town, caUght fire last Friday, from a, spark from an engine #which was furnishing-power for a com busker. The blaze was extinguished before any. serious damage.was done. A patch of roof about, four feet square Was burned. - •*’ PERSONAL, Will the lady who fell in aswnnn last Thursday, in front Of the post- office, call at our store? She suffers from ,Biliousness, Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will surely cure her. Sold by G, M. Ridgway. Tlw White kf.CWiw* 1 Hon- Albert J. Beveridge, United State# Senator from Indiana, .has spent the past five mr.nths in tho Fur East investigating commercial and political couditions, studying interna­ tional relations, appraising National resources, and conferring with the men who are establishing tho Eastern policy of the European powers. - Tile vast amount of information, thus ftp* cured at first hand Senator Beveridge will embody in a series of noteworthy papers, the first of.which will appear* November 1C in the Saturday Even­ ing Post, of Philadelphia, ■'* _’ *■. ^e»4- LOWHATES TO TEXAS, -.. November 10th and 11th, excursion tickets to Ft. Worth, Texas, account Woman’sCJuktiim Temperance Union National Convention, Will be sold via Pennsylvania'Lines, Bee local Ticket Agents for particulars. HOME SEEKERS’ EXCURSION ' v.L?w rate Home-Beebers' excursion tickets io points iu West and South will bo sold via Pennsylvania. Lines November 5th and 19th; also on De­ cember 3d and lVth. Particular inr‘ formation about fares, Time of trains anti .other details will be 'furnished upon application <:o passenger and Tjcket AgentB of tbq Pennsylvania Lines. "Jmnestown corporation •has passed a bill posting ordinance and the Mayor is instructed to collect $7.50 for all not'residents of tbe town who want to post bills redistribute advertising mat ter. '' - ^ • ' A _Kentucky man 49 years old maintains that thirteen is not an un­ lucky number, because one hour after he was divorced from his thirteenth wife he was joined to number 14, —If you believe everything you bear'from some of the one-horse shoe dealers around- town, you may not call on us. I f you .do not, it will'he your ■loss. We will uot insist upou your bgying, hut want you to come in and became acquainted and See wha? ’we arc doing for your neighbors. Btiirkey’s Arcade Shoe House, , *' . 'Springfield, O, Farmers hear Clifton are oxperienc ing difficulty iu securing -corn -busk­ ers, and many of them are patronrz ing a shredder. The cost of shred­ ding the fodder and husking the corn at1'same time, is about the same as husking by hand'with only the ad- . t t a n l s f r a * t w . - f i » r UA» i*> convenient form ot feed. I’d 'leave my happy home and cross the/ieep blue sea, Rathpr than -be without Charley and my Rocky Mountain Tea. ' • , Ask your druggist. Mrs, Deborah Doan King, of Meigs township, Ohio, celebrated her 105th birthday last week in good health and spirits, She is a lineal descendant of Deacon John Doan, who caine from England to the Plymouth colony in 1630, and was one o f the founders of Eastham and Capo Cod. -—One of the sights that visitors should not miss iu Springfield,. Is Starkey’s Arcade-Shoe House, where you can get the greatest $2.50, $3.00 aud $3,50 hand sewed shoes in Amer­ ica. Io medium grade shoes from 75 cents to $1.95. Will save 26 to 50 cents a pair on combinations, felt, rubber and on kip boots. We have a uig inside on these goods. You can save just tbe difference between an or­ dinary retail and a wholesale price, about 20 per cent. We carry Hanan & Sous’ shoes for ladies. We invite you to visit this famous house, • LIST OJP LETTERS. List o f letters remaining uncalled for i» the CedarvillO postoffice for the month ending Nov. 9> 1901, List No. 44. Fairbanks, H. O, Homan, Dr. W..G. * James, James T N, T arbox , P. M. —New Crpp California Aj Peacheg, Primus, Grapes and I at Gray’s. f iricols Lisins t m to m u a colp 1f'you go 'aboot it right. Take two or thrc,» Krause’* <>*ld Cure Capsules during the day and two before retiring at night, This will insure a good uiCrht* rest and « free movement of the lumels next morning, Cqntmue the ffrattMjcut i«:xt day and your cold melt itWay, Price 25c, .Sold by C. M- Ritlgway,. Every.girl expects^ that tbe man she"marries will'be* different front other men, And as loug ns she does not find out that he isn’t she is just as happy as if he were unique. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re* ward for any case of Catarrh that can­ not tie cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. *F, J , CtipNEY A-Co., Props, Toledo, We, the undereigned, have known F, J, Cheney for the last* 16 years* and believe himperfectly honorable in in all business transactions and finch* rialJy able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . Wcstdt Trnux, Whofsrlc Drugiafs, Toledo, (). Wattling, Kinaft A Marvin, Whole- -H ile Drugglfits'/Toledo, O. j Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter* Miallyr setiug - directly uimn tile uiMrtimmisyerdicf-rtt .tlm people who i U,m* >«»wriaert o f the sys- n*e Dr ( ’aldweH’s %rup IViAiu. 50c Price i6e per h»ttle. Bold by and $U>0ri,es. Hr‘d.1 by C >L Ridg- all Druggists, Testimonials free. PAV‘ . i Hall's Family pills arc the best, Morrow once n\°re bas light—glee trie light, after a long period of dark ness. - The service was ushered with a good deal of ceremony.* . in -i,-----uerCardorihonks. * I desire' to thank "the friends and neighbors mosfheartily in this manner for their eo-operation during the ill­ nessAnd death of my late lnisband.wl'O escapeu tram, me-by the baud of death ou last Friday while eating breakfaat. To my many friends hud all who con­ tributed so Willingly toward making the last moment# and the funeral of my husband a success, I desire to re­ member most kindly,:hoping These lines will find them enjoying the same blessing, I have also a good milch cow abd a roan gelding horse, eight years old which I will sell cheap. “God moves in a mysterious •'way, Hid wonders to perform. He plants his footsteps in the sea and rides upon the storm.” * Atso a black and White/boat Very low.—Ex. Stop the BUght It is a sad thing to see fine fruit trees spoiled by the blight. You can always tell them from the rest They never do well afterwards but stay small and sickly. * It is Worse to ,see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children. But some of tliem don’t get their rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. Scotty Emulsion can stop* that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott’s Emulsion is a, medicine with ’ lots of strength in it— the kind of strength that, makes things grow. Scott’s Emulsion makes children grow, make$ them eat, makes them sleep, makes them play,. ..Give the weak child a chance, Scott’s Emulsion will make it catch up with the rest* • Thl* pScWi'O wriltitltiiv the TradeMark or ScoH'a JKfti&hrloh wrapperrtfevery lx>trt«, _ $«adforfrMwfttlpb, . scott & t m a % ' H09 Teail St, -tfa# . y»cawl $i, alt m 4 ' The K ind y o u Have Always Bought, and Wbieli has Been, in u se for over 3 0 years, lia s borne th e etgnatnre o f " and lias heen made under Ws pet>- sonal supervision etnee 118 infancy* ■ ’ ■ Allow no one to deceive you In tliis. A ll Counterfeits, Imitations and **d'ust-as-good, * axo huh ' Experiments tha t trifle w ith and endanger tho health o f Infhnta add eiiUdrenr-Experiettce against Experimentw What is CASTOB IA tDm torm is a harmless substitute fo r Castor Oil, Pare­ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups., I t is P leasant. Io contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. I ts age is its guarantee. I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures Diarrhoea and Wind CoUc. I t relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assimilates th e Food , regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Motlier’s Friend. G E N U I N E C A S T O R f A A L W A Y S Bear® the Signature o f m TheEMYouHave In Use For Over 30 Years. THECCNTAUHCOMPANY, I t MURHAYSTncCT, HEWYOKRCITY. E a r } y S h i p m e n t s / ! ■ 1 -----— AT-------- “ - $ i g i b n e y s . . ! ■Mbst6 Jackets for Bchim!, latest stylo. a. | ’ WALKING RAINY DAY BKIRT—Btruok fi.c- - | tory-that weaves the gooffs, cuts, inakt'S up f * the goods. Looks at tho prices, $1.75, $2.75, J, | and 83.75? '* ( SILK AND WOOL WAISTS.—-The make up price seents’to fit our eoaoniera,. price 5.00. .Best made Wool Waists, 1.00 to1.00. DRESSING SAQUES.—The / most' comfortable gatmeiit for home wear at 85c to 2.50. • - ” COTTON jJJARGAIN S . Outing, 5, '6 and 8Je. Flannelette, §Jc. . „ , . Waist Flannels, 12£ to 75c. 38 inch Sheeting, 5o. * 27 inch Sheeting, 4c. 2A- yds \vide Bleeched Sheeting, new case just in. Sheet Blankets, 45c a pair, - Stilting, Chiviot, Covert Cloth, Rugs, Lace Cur - y tains, Matting, Linoleum, Window Shades Bros. & Go. C l o a k s f o r L a d i e s a n d C h i l d r e n . Ladies’ All-wool Kersey Jackets, we ll lined, correct style, at $5.00, $6.50, $8.50, $10,00 and^$12.00. e Ladies’ 42-inch.Coat, exceptional values at $10 to $20. Misses’ Cloaks at $2.50, $4.00, $5.00, and up to $io ,ool Child’s Cloaks at $1,50, $2.50, $4.00 and $5.00. W a lk ing Skirt's for Ladies at $4.00 and $5.00. J i o s i e r y — P o h y S t o c k i n g s * For boys and girls in both plaid and fleeced lined, the best in the world for 25c a pair* W e guarantee.our. boys* heavy hose to ou-wear any tw o , pair of 25c other makes made. A guess on free pony with every pair* Ladies* hose worth and 50c, odds and ends of fall weight, wh ile they last,.",.,..,. B a r g a i n i n C o t t o n G o o d s . 2 0 C 2000 yards short lengths Seersucker Gingham, 12^c quality, next spring styles ...^......... I*,...:*.;*.'.;*.*.'**..10c i*>oo yards short lengths light Outing Flannels, 10 cents qu a lify .,............................... .*................... ...... ..........l~2c Case of dark Outing F lannel, best .made X- 3 c Percale, 27-inch, choice colors a t ...,;..... .................... 5 c . U n d e r w e a r S p e c i a l s . Child’s Gray Ribbed Fleeced, good^quality 18 and 12 t ;2 Boys’ Heavy Fleeced lined Underwear. *.......*, . : . 29 c Men’s Extra heavy Fleeced, fine quality.......... , , 50 c ,So the South * K Tln*{ Direct Tjipe Is - V m The s d 1 i • -T6 Olnclnnatit Louisyille v ■/'. Hit * Soiiihcni Feints, , bptH'kil Low ' Round Trip }B p - L . H . M c O A ^ T N E Y i . ; O B T JSO PAm IEtesle Bttihlipgt' t X e a i a , t)U% ffXt" WtbbeInCt-darviJtso'n.Tcrcfey m A FfWay f o r e O S I r c iu J. p, Wikiiaa., aor/s reiisracc. i w in ier Ra’8 s 3 ■TO - » , -.1 ■: • Texju tAihcriife,.N..C- ' jf'Jjartetoij, 8, * Our Serv ice .and f ’onneetiuns IT .W> Are . The Best. . jJacksumitle, Ha. 1St. Augustine, Ha j I'ensaeola, Ha. jFaina Ii:;a.vh, Fla. | Tampa, Hn, jHavana, Cuba, j New Otleans, La; Abo to points in Mexico, Texas and Cajifomia. CBDARVILLE, OHIO.. A CCOUNTS of Merchants aud la. diviiilials solicited. Collections promptly made and remitted. 1 ' TIRA l FTS m New York and Cin* cinnati sold'at lowest rates. The cheapest and most convenient way to' send money by mail. T OANB made on Real Estate, Pei, **■* Bona! 0 / Collateral Bee'nrity. William Wildmitn* Pros;, Betb W» Smith, Vice Pres;, W. if Wildman, Cashier. For rates and particulars regarding routes and limits, iuquire of O, H. & Df agents qr representative. D. G. EDWARDS. Pass. Traf. Mgr. CINCINNATI, O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio. - ! Blue Front Stable! Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on the inside, out of the rain and storm. . ■ ." 22-24 N. Limestone St. Springfield^ O, -C haries E. ToPP/TVop . Daily Heat Market. Under the' above firm name, the j moat market, of C. W, Crouse will be> conducted, ■All product in the- meaWj line will'be the best that money can buy, which fact combined with honest 1 and thorough business methods is I enough assurance to the,, public, who always,want the worth of their money/ ,in every respect; . Wheu sending children, direct them ] to ufc; we always-give.them the best they ask for. , - ' , - SAVED THEEEPE.OEHIS SON, - ; Mr. H, H, Black, the well-known village blacksmith at Grnhsiusvjll.e,' Sullivan Co., N; Y., says: “Our little $on, the years old, has always been subject to Croup, and so bad have the attacks been that we have (cured many times that lie would die.. ..We have bad the doctor and used, tunny medi- 'cinee, but Chainberlaui’s Cough Rem­ edy is miw our sole reliance. It 'seems to dissolve the tough mucus and by giving frequentdoses when the crottpy symptoms appear we have found Unit the dreaded croup is cured before j i gets settled:1* ’There is no danger in giving this remedy for it contains no opium or other injurious drug and inay be given as confidently to a babe as to an adult. Fov sale by O. M. Ridgway. —“I have usedChamberlain’s Colic,, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine,” says Mr. E. S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark- “It cured me of bloody flux. I cannot speak too highly of if.” This remedy always wins the good opinion, if hot- praise, o f those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite every­ where, For sale by O, M, Ridgway. FOEOHATTBBED'NERVES. A remedy thatwill soothe, build up the wasted tissues and eerich the blood is indispehsribie Nerve Compound has ,beeu Wonder- G 00D3 DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. D o n ’ t B e F o o l e d i Tak# the getuiin*. •rlclcxt aqcKY mountain tea MaSa ocly by Maditioa McdN , -cine- Co., Madlaot), W ii. lt 1 keep* *oO well. Our treSe nuiric.cut On each package. ■ ■ 'Price; as ■ __ in fiulfc. Accept no aubrtl- <xoonron*T»tMt tute. Ask your druggUt. WINTER : TOURIST : TICKETS Now or» sale via ' Lniisviilc & Uivilio Railroad ' . ~TO ~ . ' , FLORIDA .AND / ■ GULF COAST ; POINTS FINlST- DININGOAR SERVICE IN SODljS For tlescri]>tive matter, time-InWa And’ maps, address . O. L. STONE, Gen, .Pass, Agt, ^ Ijouisville, Ky. Licbty’s, Celery fully successful in cases' of nervous*. T H E S S S T ness, as-thoiisands of grateful people wifl testify. Sold by C. M. Ridgway PLEASURESEEKERS. The * Great - Restorative.' Pleasure Seekers are tho most wou- deriul known remedy a sa nerve tonic. They crjnte solid flesh, muscle and strength* Pleasure Seekers give vim, vigor and vitality to weak, wasting men, Completely curing nervgus de­ bility, Weak back, clears the brain, -makes the blow! 'pure ntld rich, whether it be a young or old man* Pleasure Seekers go directly •to the seat of the weakness and do all that is claimed for, their, even exceeding y >fir fondest hopes. Try them and you will no be disappointed. 50c a box or by express 65c- D r , 0 , C. G arter , Box 328, Springfield, O. For sale by Ridgway &Co, *6 S3 C3 to £ i i n *>.>2 g <u ( f o o t s m i s s i s s i l l i o i & i t . 1 Product of tlie market and stock farm* can al- * ways be 'found at the Meat Store of Oiailes mirner. together wife every* tiling to be found in t . first-class meat market. Also handies the cele­ brated Swift Company’* Hams. And eourtSoy* and honest frealmtflt Jgoes with the above. Goods Delivered. Telephone 66.. - Fresh Fish and Its Red Cross Tansy Rills - — MpWVMN .WWW! G a i n f u l AftaqPRBVgffrNEMI *W m ti uasraST AtaS*f«ktiS a rPotfcaiTWrijssa TheLadles’ PRICE $1*00 R«nt poripakl on rccript ot pifta. Moae^frefnndftdttnoti m . SttHpU»tt4Bo*kMatttttm, Vifl id CkllOM Cd., Moines, t m For sateby C. M. Ridgway. S i c k H e a d a c h e ? Food doesn’t digest well? Appetite ppor? Bowels constipated? Tongue coated? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills are liver pills; they cured)** pepsia, biliousness. . fftciU tw.-f1nti'Btn11,*'*.;•'u- o,i .1I a - u W" M oth oti tHWitf.:?’ .'I'rvt*A . . © ! ' I f"- $ - n 1 • B L O r & ji aceountof ltn ter: m It|,niar..I>a eitlier litre. tlie oleeMCf Itis a criti V t 3 Itself In tUo form of 6 >&i iteliliiesa of five akin, o :ftS sd;-a throat, fa ille s o: ;V2 th e sratenf. I f you hx J ' no time te lo^e, B6w beware of Quacks an *P is guaranteed' to cure 1 ‘ Onr treatment la not Is and eliminates all.poi; ‘ appear. Tho blood I purified, atrdthe j o w v c d » b s :< (Bo,*: 380,000 C' ^CwWiltattOTFrM. D r s KI KEAUSE'S hbadac Will instantly cure li kind. -Being pure Vi harmless c od leave ut We Offer $500 rewari antipyrene, morphia^ injurious substance Price 25C, Sold by —Briiigsattractive lovable girls, making marriageable womei Rocky Mountain Te Ask your druggist, „ A ll : I Flooring, Bhling, Ceiling, . Richmond Fu < Gates, Cuiftbihati m Sit ' f ' « f'd- ExicosiottJUtddt * f t ’ ,!* *