The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

•HTNEY X**U*, Ohio; t N.tTf8BK Bank OHIO, z*~-s*icr--xT'-&^K s** -rsc-x — —y of M e S igh ts th a tY i^ ito rs Should, n o t M is s is ■*4* o . r% [mcbants ajjd la. Lolleetiona butted, < J ; y ~ * |¥oi*k and & n. m t meg.. The |ivenient way i0 eai-Estate, Pei. Security. > . VieePreB., [Idman, ’Cashier, ■; :*■ C% ■ *i>: .■ ‘ ■' ■• • • ■ ■.a- . • *•* / ^ . . * ’ •' • • . .. X.' -**. • •• - ■ - ■••■••. . . • r . . ” . .• # ' 4 . . * ... • ' • ' V • V ., .*•..■• ,t ■ • - •■•••■ V • Where you can get the Greatest $2.50, $3:00 and 3.50 Hand sewed Shoes in Aineriqa, in Me­ dium Grade Shoes from 75e to $1.95. Will save you 25 to 50 cents oh Combinations, Pelt, Rubber or 3pp Boots, We have a big inside on these goods. . You can. save just the differ- enoQ between an ordinary retail and a wholesale price—about 20 per cent* "We carry : ' ‘ :M. ■v .-I- . :v: "> "■ - ■■': 1 ■; '■■’.■**■.: ' ■" ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■■■-■. *.v. ■'■■■,' . * '.,!v v .'/* ■ ■ ■■.'. >. . ■ ■'./ ■ ■V i ; -■•.■! o.. • •. ‘ , . •, -W . . ■ ' • •■•fl;...; J , -! 7 • . .. m -' ' ■ • ;•. ■; -x". ■ v ' ■ .••.■,"v • •-v >a- . • . Hanan & 5 on’s Fine Shoes for Men*= Famous Sorosis for Ladies Market ■ .... *.*■■■■r.» i':' ; . ' firm name, the K Crouse will be* inctin the-.meat | that money can [blued with honest - Itfesa methods is |th e . public, who icb of their money Ifdren,-direct ihem . re,them the best. ILIYEBEB I No. 74. F o o l e t d i Itiieeen«in#,«rtcliia) ■ I y m o u n t a in yea Vnty by Madison M«dl- k Madison, -Wji!. It lyou tv«ll. .Owr trad* lent on etch paektgt. I3S cents.-. Never soli Ik. Accept no enbstl* I Ask your d n in b t. p : lOKETS 1 ‘iale via ' IOAST ’TS IflEEVIOSIH 8001a. gtor, titne-t/i'hlf’s inul B, Cert. Pass. Alii. Ixiuisvllle, ICy. * 1ST Let of the marhet [lock farm can al* be found at the, [Store of . "eimer. ier with every- to lie found In a [dags meat market, handles the cele- kd Swift Company’* Is* Ami cmirteoift honest treatment Iwith the above. Fresh Fish and Ics JWWj : > A lN V O L HIM Uatt» 'waaeaD ,DcaMoiae*, ient** M , n u ^ m y . i d a c h e ? digest well? P? Howe J ifigiie caatcd? *A y t t ’aW I fe 3 its* >' fsN* . ,„„• ***•(. : r i>. **„i (vMt. *™**1 . £• !.*.* #3“ We Invite You to Visit this Famous House. , t . Hie Greene County Press says that! Hurry ErCy has successfully financed > his electric line from Springfield to 1 Hillsboro,-and will have an outlet t o 1 Cincinnati; over the Cineinua'ti-Hilb-5 horn !ine.v / v fall Twrtiiture « | 'The Jamestown postoffice is cramped for room and will .move unless the ’present room is enlarged by the opera , house board. ; are receiving our y fa ll lines daily. Call - and. let us show you the- t most complete line of furni- ' * , /> - ture ever displayed in Ce- darville*. J. H. M cM I^ L A p . Funeral Director. , Ca lls1promptly attended. ' ■ y “ . ■" * ’-wx - ; , r Kk ■ § BLOOD POISON diseases.I V>have. ................ . . . . iiiu lta t 1ilsoif Itt the form of Scrofula, rbctimailc 'uatns, wliff d r ewdlfcu jo iu ta , ! ltcU iucsaoftbeB kla.eraptloa*orblotcliet.alxret«tac moutu or oo t,iie t>ii<|i<o, 1 ’ - - ............ ’ —’ --- - 7f Adolph-.- Koeiin, a , patient in. the Cincinnati hospital,-made .the start­ ling announcement the past week that when he dies he wants to be buried in a metallic casket,at the bottom of tlm Ohio river; v Sam Gadfield of Mansfield yawned the other dayj and hud to hunt a’ physician to place bis jaw- back in its proper position. . . ■ The next attraction ut the opera house is the beautiful comedy drama ‘'The Night Before Christmas” which has been doing- u record breaking business since the, season opened. Manager Frank Jackson niificipfttes Ifor ‘‘The Night Before Christmas” ca­ pacity business. Seats will go <msale on. Saturday, Nov 9, iit 2 o’clock p. m.,' MeCollum’s store, and patrons of tlie home should secure tickets early. sore tliroat, raniajjt' ao t tUearatem, If you hivo Ino tlrni to lojie. .Bewaro; biVare' at QiS^Sts a»d itakiM. OUifi. M liW M t i r a O D T B 8 A V M U . « ia (ruarauteed toctfirffthbi aiiteaae, ne»«r to n.acrli. Baafc Bonds "wilt pro fsetyotf. Oar treatment Is Hot Idjurlons la any v a y , b u t readies tba very root o* tbe disease land elimhiatea alVOOlsoa from the system. ,TUe,symptoms of dleeaoa gradually sannear. TUe blood b-tomes pure ami cnrtcUed, lUe trliolo .ayatenl, is cleansed *“ |iurlGed,and ttii! patient feeltjareoared'anew for ilia duties and tho pleasures i ii u u1 IBS^GOABANTEED j o 9uiredi. OR NO P A Y . a s Y e a r n t a l ttouFro?;;- QuwlionBlankforBom#Troatmoril andBooks Free. D rs .KENNEDY& kergan - 34Y O U p e rto r S i,, C ltY e ld a d , O. K & K ' K & K K & K K & K K 3 < K K « K . eb I hqe 'S headache capsules Will instantly, cure headnehea of any kind. Being pure vegetable they are harmless and leaveHPhwd alter effects. We Oiler $500 reward for nay trace of sntipyrene, morphine, chloral or any injurious substance fonnd in them. Price 25e, Sold by 0 . M. RidgWaV, “—Bringsattractiveness to listless,un- lovable girls, making them handsome, marriageable women. That’s what Kocky Mouutaiu Ted will do. Sue. Askyour d” ggist, ^ Corning, O’, Nov. 5,^1900. Pepsin Syrup Oo.r * , (Moflticello, 111. WJlile visiting in Taylorvillc, 111., I chine acroMyour Hr. Caldwell’s Syrup *Pepsin. Have used two and one half bottles and it has doue me more good than all the medicine I have i^sed in two years, Pjcase let me know* if you will fiend me three or four.bottlee and wiiat it Will coal to send it to Corning, Perry county, Ohio, and oblige, Mrs Sarah A. McCracken* Sold by 0 M, Ridgway. Jaa. Anderson’s stone house, north of Clifton, ia nearing completion, The .stone Used for it was once in u atone church .that stood on the Collins farm, northwest of-this place. The church was abandoned quite a num­ ber of years ago. Mr, Anderson benight the Collins larra and conceived the idea of utilizing the stone to build h house, so he tore down the church and used it for that purpose, Messrs, Biff & Sons getting the contract ko do the stone work!’ "It is covered with n slate roof and presedts a fine appear. nnce. ■ The Bellbrook Moon .has changed hands, Mr, J. F. Newland hriving charge, Mr, J, H. Racer, tho former editor, has accepted a. position with the Dayton & Troy Electric Railroad company. • —sTo remove a troublesome corn or bunion; first soak the corn or bunion in warm water to eo'tCfl it, then pare it down » b closely a? possible without drawing blood and apply Chamber. Iain's Pain Balm twice daily, rubbihg vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster should be worn fora few days, to protect It j from the,shoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, Jnmeucss ami rheumatism, Pain Balm is unequalcd. For sale by C. M.' Ridgway. wa I I S e e - J. M. TAEBOX &'SON. I -FOR PRICES ON- All : Kinds’: of t Lumber, riLatb, : Shingles, I I Flooring, , Siding, ■ Ceiling, Itichhinnd Fei c ' Gates,'Bteps, and Extension*Laddera, Thri above cuts, are exact repro- ____ duction? of the articles that we are going to give away, and dan be, seen *iti our window at 35 East. Main St, from now until the day they are given away, January 14, 1902, ATicket GivenWilli Every 25 Cent Pnrekasn! These articles forma grand aggregation, any one of which would tnakc a present of which to feel proud, Come m and yiew these: presents* and at the same time take a look at the ' , Suits and Overcoats THAT WEt ARE SHOWING FOR F A t t ANO -W INTER . Men’s All-Wool Suits $6.50, $8, $10, $12.50 andUpwards.' These are of the very choicest selections, “both in workmanship and pattern of cloth. For the young man—the neat dresser—we have the new Yoke Overcoat, neat, nobby and up- to-date, and just the thing fdf this kind of weather. Made up in Oxfords, Fancy Plaids, etc. Our Boys’ Department is also well stocked, showing careful and prudent buying. Everything to keep the little folks warm and comfortable, and remember, a ticket with every aSc purchase. & STEISFELS CO GEO. HALLER, A. W. HAINES, H. A. HIGGINS, nSSSm.. 35 EAST MAIN STREET, XENIA, OHIO. l s s s s s s ® s s w s w s s s s s s s s s s # s s e # w s i it Tim first mouih of'the mute 1ms p;t.**rd and a very credible allowing iamade. The total number o f ph'ies delivered was IS049, total rol- (ecied 1173. There'wore thirteen money oulers issued and five rCpia- tevul letters It is expiated that Urn total number of pieees/lpHvered will in u month or so near!/double. “A million f o r »omft‘TarlM>5t.ff'U(C, 4eo4 and Low Prices; m m tm m m w o t i i i i in iwiiii* m w t ' a hh - e B«otrlo W*L fcfh*m a n WHEI YOUBETAHFADA0HE Don’t waste a minute but go to your druggist and get a’ box of Krause’s Headache Capsules. They will pre­ vent paid, even though your skull ;were cracked. They are hsiiiileas, too. Read the guarantee. Price 25c. Sold ! by C, M. Ridgway. . CASTOR IA Fc* InfluJi* and Childro’’ . tinKindY m HUAhRjiOMiW | »•«* / 7 ? ,Ja X e7 T ’ For Sohool Teachers. NEWWALLMAP, FREE The Louisville & Nashville R, R, has just Issued a most complete Walt Map of tho United States, Mexico, and the West Indies. This map is printed in Colors, mounted on linen, with*rollers at, -top and”bottom ready to hang on wall. B ums is 3dx36 inches. We will be pleased to send t'KKRto every teacher who m name and address if ' # C. h , STONE, General Passenger \ copy ill send IiouisviUc, Ky. — > —-- i o TCIdii* f x p tm P t c t *s ATENTS . l.:ftA'lt#W»F1IWW AtirnttSMnatG* m .... V