The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

D o in Show You the Newest and Most Complete Line of Fall and n - ( Boots, & vFor Men, Women and Children, the town afforded, . Guarantee them made of the best grade stock by skilled workman and after th^latest styles- Sell them to you a t prices below a ll competition. Our £gE£&» SFeH CteanfcbaA t i o s t at prices that w ill please you. It w ill cost you nothing to come and look, W e invite you when in our c ity to leave your package, meet your friends, and make headquarters at our store. 7 E. flain St * & ] Local and. Personal, - “The Night / Before Christmas” Thursday, Nov. 14. Plat opens at „MoCoilurn’s store tomorrow, Safur- ■day,- . > . ‘ '■ , Jttmto Holmes, of Columbus, was m- town Monday of this week <' Springfield has been flooded with jS?5counterfeit bills. Tbev were first detected atone of the banks. BiffBros, are in London this week putting in'some cement sidewalk, Sweaters for men and boys at w . ^ - Bird’s. Mrs. jliobert; Ford/ and two daugh- ' tors spent Saturday in Springfield. For thfe best fkr unbleached muslin in town gp to Bird's.. Guard Silyey "of the Ohio State ' Prison at Columbus and Chas. Gaines 'and Wal'-er Procter whoam employed in tbe ^Capital" City spent Tuesday •here. .Tbe three came down to cast tbeir vote for the next governor. - Blankets and comforts at Bird’s. . A, peculiar situation still exists ,in* connection with the Sprlngfield/Xeniaj branch of .the .Pau-Hft'nqie road,in! that while all operations looking to j electrifying tbe road have ceased ma' terial ior this purpose still continues to qrrive.. The roundhouse contains .several carloads of wire, and other: material designed for this' purpose. _ The inlerence is that the refusal.of, ContractorAppleyard to proceed with the work has forced the Pan Handle to rely upon its own resources and disarranged plans, cans ug delay. It is still believed that .the road equipped with electricity. The melodrama, “The Night Be* fore Christmas," was played here a year or so ego to the second largest crowd that ever attended anything of the kind in the opera house. I t is endorsed by all who saw it. —I f you to Gray's- want anything" good, go James McCall, formerly of this place, but now of Findlay, O., yens martried“last Wednesdays,* Toledo lady. Mr. McCall is a partner of Harry Tarbbx iu the stone crushing business,. . . When yo.u feel that life' is hardly worth the candle take a. dose of Cham­ berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, They will cleanse your stomach, tone up.yo«r liver.and -regulate your bbw- els making you feel like a new man.' tFor sale C. M. Kidgway, M«. Claude Phillips, who went to luffklci last week to bring back cattk belonging to J. & Brown and Mr _____ __ ^ The election is now over atul by- B alo u le slanders will be without a subject of great importance for discussion. Elec­ tric railroad interest, which lias been dormant for several months, is,likely to be brought up shortly.. The hoys must have something" fbhdiscuesion, Forbes of Clifton, arrived home Tues iky night- Mr/'J: It. Orr had a hue cow at the Exposition* but sold it Our stockmen who had stock at the ■Pan-American, have reason to feel proud over their record gained there Boys’ knee panto 25c and 50c a pair at Bird’s. \ 'v- - ,i t Mr- and Mrs, Thoraaa Moore, of ir/earJamestown, returned from Vir- .ginia last Friday,- where they visited with Mr. Moore’s mother. ! ■ 1 ' I , , Several of the petitjurors have been excused and Clerk Hale has drawn the following names: David Cooney, W. II, Glotfeltor, Leonard Barth, * 'mV . - - 4- ■+ri> '}*«*. . m Albert Ankeny, V. B. Conklin and ft. B. Barber. French flannels in. all the new plain Colors for waists, at Bird's, The Republicans in this state cer- tainly .upheld Marcus Hanna in. “Let well Enough Alone,” Men’s dress pants $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 a pair i t Bird’s. Air. G*. E. Boyd attended the Lon don stock sales Wednesday. Go to Cooper’s for the best bread, cakes and crackers. * Air. ftoht. BFrd expects to move to his new residence next .week. The iiouse is complete and a model one in every respect, Coal hods, fire shovels and Coopers, Miss Myrtle Gillespie, who teaches tit district number lour, was taken sick Monday and consequently has been alwent' from her school work. Alies Mabel Owens has been filling the vacancy. Men’s corduroy pants at $2,50 and $3.00 a pair are splendid valtie. At Bird’s. It is Rtdled that there are some com* plications likely to' arise over the vot­ ing ns- to whether, to issue $12,000 in bonds in Xenia for fire improve; meats. „There were several hundred ballots that were folded slid placed in tlm ballot box without being marked. As far as marked ballots are concern­ ed tho vole carried by 147, but it is said the unmarked ballots amounted to twice or thrice this number which would overcome the majority, The Jaw says Ihere must be a majority of the votes eaj?t and this will kill the bond i'-sue which seems to have become chronic among tho citizens of the county capital* Air, 3; G. MnCorkeH is doing an ■f-xteosive business in raising and shin­ ing Helghur Hares, Last week h shsppwf one to Buffalo, to Go to Cooper's for gloves and mil- Una Jf>. Bradf«to «fe£5on ;»ro for the fat Hock show Co hold in ( ’ill*, ago tho last of;,1thi.i month* Tho show prnfnkiM to Ik*-'tho greatest yet. Tin-y will fate a csrhmk of show cat tfp/i-air (if sale cattle and one car (iiUto for butchers, ©oerricard at tbe telephone* ■ Ting aliug-atihg-aliug-ating. ' “Hello! Hello Central 1Give me the whole dffiec, please.” ' * “Hello, whose this?" “Ho! 1‘mMollie Moneysaver and say, down at Met* Uum’s- Jewelry Store, tills morning I bought the prettiest little watch you ever saw and*-----Hello! Say, wait ft minute; I want to- tell you that I only paid $15,00 for it, and I know Carrie Care­ less paid $20 for hers and mine is better. And sayl McCollum has such a lot of watches that he can suit anyone, ior he will sell-you^ft watch for a dollar i f you want that kind* His priced fit any purse. Oh, sayl Don’t ring me off yet; wait till I tell you i bout tbe rings,” “Can’t wait. I’Jl listen to yon some other time* Good bye, Mollis*” Ting-aling. I J -—A thousand things by it ate done far better than most things do one. We refer to ftocky Mountain Tea made by Madison Aledicme Co. 35c. Ask your druggist, •' Tad.Morris, a formerXenia citizen, became blind from a kick in the face frdm a horse. All known remedies failed to restore sight The other day he got onadrnnk, somemutual friend smote biro between the eyes"with a brick and when he recovered con­ sciousness, lo, he could see! “An ill wind——” you know the rest. Magic Safety Oil gives a clear light and Is guaranteed not to smoke the chimney. Get it at Cooper’s. w .wwwwww i lillffl It c. PEALEK 8 . IX 'f jL . fc jP - „ i Dru^s, Medicines, J ^4w - “ i f / / • Chemicals,- It ufstated, on good authority that there' will be another daily paper in the Cincinnati field. Mayor Tom Johnson, of Cleveland, is to back the enterprise and has 'associated with him N. G. Cochran, editor of the To­ ledo Bee* Air* Cochran is one pf tbe best known newspaper men in the state. It is intended to give the new paper a-Democratic editorial. They all. come and go.butthe Enquirer will doubtless hold its'own, it being, the only paper in the country that has been able to bold its circulation on a straight five cent rate. Gun shells, powder, shot, wads and caps at Cooper’s. «, ' ’ ' >, ' - Those who are iatere,-)led in 'the Enquirer guessing contest'on the total number of votes cast on the election in Ohio are becoming quite anxious to know the result and see if they have qome in under the wire. By the payment'of one dollar you bad the.privilege of guessing with the year’s subscription to the Weekly En­ quirer. It is stated that the company were greatly benefited financially, .Floor oilcloth in 1,14 and 2 yards wide, at Bird’s. That '’One touch of nature’ that makes the whole world kin "thehigh­ est development of tbe playwright’s art, is said to be fully exemplified in Hal fteid’a latoat success, “The Night Before Christmas,"which comesThurs­ day, Nov* 14* This play ib peopled with quaint, lovable characters pecu­ liar to the rural districts of the Alid- dle West, drawn true to nature and surrounded with the familiar home scenes that carry the thoughts o f au­ ditors back to the happy days of child­ hood. - I t has been earnoMbis pretty production that no man or woman can Bee it without being made the better For it. A fine company and an immense amount of beautiful special scenery is announced and Manager Jackson is confident that patrons will unanimously endorse the favorable \ verdict of every other city visited. The Cedarvillejime kilo club de­ feated Xenia colored high school boys Monday in a foot bait game by a score' Of 15 toO. The Cedarvillians aft excellent game, especially Hamil­ ton and Webster, Jones acted as cap­ tain of the lime kiln shamrocks. Iu the first ftalf the Cedarville hoys made two touch-downs and one in the last. The line up was as follows: ftohin- son r e„ Combs 11,, Gaines 1g,/Jura. Hamilton c., Spencer r t , Banks l h., Jones r In, Hamilton q b., Banks 1e., Leeg., Webster f b. Official, .Har­ per, There will likely he a return game in Xenia Monday. • ™F{m R ext —Best office rooffi in Cedarville- Over Hitchcock’s billiard room, J. P; .Chew* Xenia, > Messrs. It. F, Kerr. and IB AI. Berber were tn Xenia Tucsilay and Wednesday,'looking after the duties of tbeir,office, they being members, of the election board. Vegetarian. Baked Beans. 1 With Tohiatoe Sauce. « No Meat* No Fat. At Gray's* The Xenia city council meets to­ night at which time the prohibition ordinance will come up tor its final reading and passage. W E G U A RA N ­ TEE . Personal attention to j ’ Prescriptions. - Only Purest Drugs Used. | Lowest Prices. Quality the very Jesi.’ Open Sundays Only Between the Hours8to 10a. m. ' arid4to6p, m. Opposite Opera House. B e n G. R idgw ay , Mgr. ikikitik ikikikik , Court News NEWSUITS, Philip Alatthews wants a divorce from Nettie Arattliews, They were married in Xenia in 1889. He charges wilful absence aud Unfaithfulness and that she has in every way possible neglected her duties As a wife. Maty J. Johnson against Ambrose Johnson is another divorce suit. They were married in 1885 at Delaware, Ohio, but wu**e later residents of Yel­ low Springs, She charges him with habitual intoxication, and says he has struck and heat her with his fist and then left her without cure or support, and has threatened her life. She asks for divorce and temporary alimony, ft. Hood, attorney* A motion for a new trial has been filed in the case of Edward Clevcl vs. Thus. Helriggle. _ The case of E. C. Rader vs. the Colonial Distilling ( 0. was dismissed. t t t Chamberlain's^ Stomach and Liver Tablets C'lfe biliousness, coustipatiop and headache. They are easy to take and pleasiiat in effect. For -sale by J. Ms ftidgW' —'•A choice Mine of all- kindstof Groceries, at Ora -—Buying shoes is not a matter of obligation, friendship or - relationship —but business. If we can eonvidee you of a saving of fifteen to twenty per cent on your shoe bill, you are not doing yourself or family justice by not giving' us a call. We have a big inside on the rubber and Bhoe bus­ iness and you enn be benefited if you will call and see us. . Starkey’s Arcade Bhoe House, Springfield, O. Dr* P. ft. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to BYE, BAR, NOSE AND THROAT* Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed, Allen Building, Xenia, O. Tel^nhone.—•Ofate No. jj , Residence No, jj . We pay 20c per dozen for eggs at BirdV. REAf*ESTATE TRANSFERS. George Carter and wife to Laura E. Thompson, 50 acres of land in Jefferson tp*, $3,250. » Fred Haller -and Jane Haller to Jacob Siegler,' lot in Xenia, $1370. W. J. Oglesbec and Elia Ogiesbee, to John A, lines, 00 acres of land in Jefferson ip., $1. iSimri Davis and Mary Davis to Wm. H* Davie, 57,43 acres of land in counties of Clinton andGreene, $2000, and other Considerations* Rebecca Miller and Moses Miller to Win, Houle, house and lot in Osborn $500, lleirs of Mary Turtle,' to Jesse Turner, 103 acres of land in Silver- creek tp , $700, ‘ . «. ■ BESTFDRTHE BOWELS At Reasonable Prices Trade With M. M. L e a d i n g ; O l o t i i i e r , Kaufman’s Corner, Springfield, OMo, Brother Galvin and son, of James­ town ,'Vbo have charge of the Journal have branched out considerably, in that their field will be covered by a daily known as tbe Evening Journal. We wish them success in their new’ undertaking. Overcoats and Clothing- assortment is at Bird’s. • -the best SPECIAL SALE 1 The exnmiuera appointed by Judge Bcroggy to examine the commission­ ers’ report have finished tbeir work ahd found everything in the proper condition* This statement only gives the expenditures of the commissioners and will not show the amounts in the different funds. • MenVDnck Coats in sll. grades at ■ Bird's. Mr. E. C. Fleming, a prominent pharmacist of Xenia, was married Thursday evening to Airs.- Gfeorgie Bigger, White Star Coffee is warranted to give satisfaction. For sale at Bird's. There were seventeen passengers from here this morning to Cincinnati, a special train being sent here lo ac­ commodate those who wished to visit the Queen,City and take in the teach- ers?meeting that is in session there this week. The Jow rate of $1.30 for round trip, good for three days, brought out several other.than teach­ ers. There is no school In any of the rooms except with Alessrs. K, E, Randall and Foster Alexander. W, II. Blair has taken charge the Register, u paper published Ijovoland, (.)*, near Cineiiimiti. Wanted, Potatoes at Bird’s/ Alessrs, BamuefAlcCidium and CL| t MissKnte Mi!lwro, of Indianapolis, K; Jobe and their wiw*k.attended a .is the ‘guest of her aunt, Airs J, P, , given by Mr* and A: ryeon iiist’Fridsy evening. Robert Natterfieldy Misft Alilburn expects to " " ispend the winter here. *ScWpujn'CS, raisin*, figs nod cur j Lidics’fleeced wrappers$l.{M),$I,l?ifK_ Ladies’ golf gloves in all color* at rants a t Cooper’*, * ’and I t Jiff each a t Bird's, * ' . Bird's, m>worn open* a n u n o vvoiii i?wrccs ill ill© tn n p o OE ▼10*' I s iitf tiT jta o r itm p o lio n ,I , d atiK frou*. ?fcn tm o o ttt- . C A N D Y i CATHARTIC rnauRi R«tMf mxroiri ssataaif. KEPYBIIHBLODGLEAN Dark Hair “ I have used Ayer’s HairVigor tat i great many years, and al­ though I am past eighty years of age, yet 1 have not a gray hair in my head,” Geo, Yeliott, Towsoti, Md. We mean all that rich, dark, color your hair used to have* If it’s gray now, no matter; for Ayer’s Heir Vigor always t 0* stores color to gray fcpfr. Sometimes it makes the I hair grow very heavy and 1 long; and It stops falling of the hair, tco. H . t t i n a is* *t, a All »*■ V*t vi«iiv>4 snttjply ywn, Artdfwsi, J, i.. A VJ;Rtu , tomhliMlBii '-'^1^'nr niftrtTririwffiMl|ipi|(i SUITS TEAT ARE MADE RIGHT! CLOTHIUC- THAT'S CORRECT! . Having an opportunity to secure some extraordinary values iu BOYS’ SUITS They are here now, within “reach of anyone who needs a Suit of Clothe! for the boys; but remember that such bargains as we are offering do not go hepgmg* We have them as low as 76 cents tor a Suit that will fit a hoy froto 4 to 14 years of age, and much better ones for $1.00, 1.28,1.50, at» 2.00 will buy onu that is all wool; yet $2.50 or 3,00 gets a better one, while $4.00, 4.50 and 5 00 will buy an imported Scotch Cassimere, Serge, or CUy Worsted* And in _ * MEN’S SUITS well Wd have the reliable kind to showyou, goods.that are strong and wahD, lined, and have hair cloth stiffening that holds the sbouldsra up, i n ■■ 'a ' ■— . —- ——-——— ——— ———*•»*<**•jQ| a a. m lu ll a jui —a v*%sw jw •■B'lna ■ prevents collar arid front of the coat from wilting and drawing out of shape. The styles are correct, the make and trimming all that cab be desired. Ye» *j*'>° v 4\ q <u& vuucv»iq u y iimaw ug i>riiuti iu^ n i vunv vBu uv ucnrQQt m i will find it to your interest to examine our Suits and compare prices btfoft you pay out your money elsewhere. .* , IN QVERCOATS Wc make the same broad claim that there is »6 place In Sprin where you gefc as touch for your money as here*JWe hive n good war* strong Coat for .the boys a* low as $1,50, and a very .good one for $2,00; We can fit tbe young man. for $3,50, 4.00,5.00, 6.50; and for the ft^ i r if r iv u n t u a i i v m i» m i l o f s o n tU f t *»i\ o J rt * n u t 4 l. - ^ grown map you must see the eiaids t o appreciate the nrices. iu Oxfords, Blues, Black and Grays find in LinedCanvas feed Coats We are selling them for less than anybody* To prove this aMsrtk*, look elsewhere aud then come aud see what we will give you for 75c. Gooi heavy flnnnel-liaed duck Coat for teen only 75 cents! Men’s black or bro*» duck, waterproof, heavy blanket lined, large high coduroy collar, $135 i 1.50 and 2.00. made VWi, r « i . «... u*.*.. SHIRTS AH styles of working or dres* Bhirt*, Overall* and FUvne) BhirU. GLOVES, NECKWEAR, Hats, Caps, Trunfes, &o. Jv M . .K N O T S 11 E> Main Bffief BpHngfleld, Ohio, I] m Qw ofher fir TW E F T ^ PO U R T i Our A For Kall anc have Increase will find the P r iq ^ s 3, ' .f- ‘ ^ *s ' Jq , “j j’'v,M ’Z> - V,!' , ti >^ ' Offered To Council ferent Light.—C WILL MEET TO iHaflyImportantQuestioos —PrjfMsut System Not . tOry—Corporation- Many Things I side light. *•.■- , ■:"'l.'.■ "> >v Council met in regul day evening, all memt ent' exisept' Andrew : The usual routine of bi ried throa t, ineluding of salnLa qf'tbe villag other exfij^cB, which $149. The ordinance, ob pi fire company, .'Warread time bat was laid over, amendments. The resolution provi fice of night policettlat Councilman Shull c turn providiug tora con to examine and invest .question. The resoli the Cleveland Vapor! lighting purposes. It one reading* Council recessed un when tbe question wil UP: Most every one has what lights the corj purchase and what cheapest. To argue that the j satisfactory would be we better it any with penditure of money! favors no particular light; *Uwe care for i money Isspent in a jo and that we will in i llfing to shew for sut If Uiere is any ligl ate the c ms purchase «f trie light, but fey i other tortoii of simf profit. It is atiesiab' cabaot have city lus village, for a villa) people on theoulski ioto otw bounds tint place their property inset-56 pet cent wouldtoll it for. that Cedarville lag* of taxable property’ 1 * required yearly I went, and unless ou bedhigher we nasi rate to be lowered. Biivh statemeiite btodi to* number *to'4h«ft How mac . out How ur.*uy « bwnto entored «»n