The Cedarville Herald, Volume 24, Numbers 27-52

W'.V ? : „ ■ *• . e t n H tw t ( N r 3 0 KMH aim y>»m w» my MMr T in* . When this item is marked by &» Index, ifcdenote* tb it you r aubsonp. turn m overdue and * prompt payment is desired# Our Assortment of Qloves For Fall and Winter wear is now complete in every particular. W e have increased our glove stockdo supply our increased demand and you will find the newest and best styles on the market for Men arid Boys P r i c e s . g f c t e j i ' 5 0 o ,. - 7 S o - a n d # 1 . 0 0 . M o n a r c h S h i r t s Swe" d' signs'rnfancy - Madras and Percale, stiff bosom, o fe pair detached cuffs at $1.00 and $1*50* White Monarch Shirts, long or short bosom at $1,00. * , ‘ "» 'V Fall andulatef Saltings, Trouserings, &e. I. O. D A V I S , TAILOR HATTER " ^ ' ■ "■ J k .T * fX> * ■' FURNISHER Offered To Council For Dif­ ferent ilight.—Council.. W IL L M E E T T O - N I O H T . merchants?. ^Theseare the people that wild animals is comparatively thin, , cry, for electric lights and. other public-* "All these signer indicate au open] irap.rovemeflts# winter, Not within the memory «f{ . We favor public’improvement in the oldest inhabitant have the indi- every respect,, bat there, is nrUnfit mad cations been so pronounced- ' •we must keep-within same.* To illus- ■ It is on record that in 1800 the irate the spirit of a property holder great-great-grandfather of Bug-ah-na- rs stich- improvements,' we’geshig noticedithnt the maize cult!vat- desired to pay-fins taxes and -it was ,nu8K#,tnat year too moss man t grow, found:that he paid only on$900, wh6n and the muskrats scarcely took the wln’Minviimn 1 o 4 am tifinlLAei /la^i«t«(irl iiA IfAlthlh, in. tilllift .1IIYf llAilflAK flf*.'flit. MwtyfmportantQaeatioas Before-Coundl. —Preseut System Not Satisfac-* ■ tOry—Corporatloa vNeeds * M«iy Things Be- , side Light. * „ -* j \ A ' % , r - «♦> Council met in regular session Mon­ day evening, all members being 1 pres­ ent Except' Andrew and NorthUp, The .usual routine of business was,car, tied throj$g$), in&luding the. payment of’mlarited-’the village officers and other exp^cs, which amounted to $149. The ordinance, as presented by tbs' fire company,"Was readfur the second time but was lair) over, owing to some amendments. The resolution providing for the of­ fice of night policeman waS passed. Councilman Shull offered a resolu­ tion proyidiugfor a committee of thred to examine and investigate.the light question. The resolution calls for the Cleveland Vapor Lamp for afreet lighting purposes. I t only received one readiug, * Council recessed until this evening when the question wilt again be taken up. * ‘ ' 1 Most every one has an opinion as to what,lights the corporation should purchase and (what would be the cheapest, , t To argue that the present system is Satisfactory would be absurd, bnt can ws better it any without a gritat ex* petiditure oi money? The Herald „f*vojW no particular lampor.kiiJcW' light; ail tie care for is that fbfc pbblio Money is spent hi a judicious manner Rnd that we will In thru have Rome* thing to show for such expeaditute. If |hcre is any light we would advd* cafe the purchase of# it would be elec­ tric light, but by, the experience of ether fowna of timihit site, we mtist profit. It is an.established iaot that we cannot have city luxuries in a country village, tot a village we are, because people on the outskirts refuse to eorne into mir bounds and those already ftf, place their property on the tax list for at least 50 percent lower than they would #11 it for# is it way wonder that Cedarville lags-behted id amount of taxable property? So much money U required yearly tor villa#* govern* metit, and unless our property Is V#i* bed higher we need never expect the talc to be lowered# Such statement* as these are all bosh to a number of people. Who arc they? How tttuvh du 8*4$*$*$ fib? flow many of them hf f# I w RRMta entered on tfe# beck# &f ro r same ti e later another desired to purchase, the property, when- ,-fiho owner wanted 82000 cash. T t is evi­ dent that it was valued low or1else it it bad advanced, in value wonderfully in the past year, The ovyue-i of this property is one of the ones that favors tlto expenditure ofpublic funds for most any'thing, and is it nnywon* der. - * As’for the gasoline lamp we do not think-the council should make a pur­ chase until we have a thorough knowledge o ft ho different kinds and makes. Then let the representatives exhibit same, before the public so the merits of each Can easily be deter- mined, then counpit can call for bids. Obe plan would be,, after making the Selection, -to purchase only a few and give them a good trial. We have other things to take, into consideration besides lights first and above all the peopluWill no dbubf be called flpon in another year to pre­ pare for better school accommodations, which will mean that the fnflda must be raised by taxation* This school problem should be carefully consid­ ered, for ouivcbUdreii must have the best of accommodation's, which is of greater Importance than all the Hghta that could he faiiftg in the town. What education the child will re­ ceive a t onr schools and what few beams he may receive from ihe-pres­ ent lamps wo think be will be able to push his way through the streets.' There are many things that the cor­ poration need worse than lights—we need fire protection, and should the Introduced tUdinnUCe pass, Council mightjas well take steps towards pur chasing a team of horses and provide for keeping same, Should council decide -to invest in a flew system of of lights, we *Rk in. be­ half of the taxpayers' of this corpora­ tion that there be nd great abiount of money spent until the system has been thoroughly tried. NfiM’wfiater/Uumrad. Unless all signs'' fail — and th« Woaihaf isn't particularly dry just at present—the present winter will be » hard one—for coal barons. During the recent cold snap Ute muskrats, prognosUufctow extraordi­ nary to the American people, began work upon their winter homes, Vfhey are constructing their houses wiih thin walls, an unfailingrigrt of* mild win* ter# 1 * ,* , Horn shucks this year are unusuah |y light. Mom, growing on the north aide of trees, hi mneh less luxuriant than in former years, and the fur of From Our County Courts of. Justice. . . . „ w , ................ ...........largely to-the Support ofthe company ewvmis&rwet'r'-xopoft,— Unit'.i. d Of ahnni"ir ,W\%»»*» o/v'nnftt- Hunt' .• ■ ■ > ■ ■ ■ , rkt^itiVr.Wnrwiina> trouble to build .any houses at all. The season of winter arrived,'hut still the great Northwest remained warm. Bven Medicine Hat sweltefed in the heat, ' Birds neglected to migrate. In fact,, the season was most remark­ able in every respect, Its memory has been handed'down i n . Indian tradition's, and the abori­ gines say that uot since that time has there been such complete unanimity of signs presaging warm weather as are to be seen this fall—-Minneapolis (Minn.) Journal, - Pod rrightens a BargUr. Officer Kennon and his dog wore the means of frightening a burglar trom the depot last Friday night. The fellow was making an effort to pry the door open when first seen. However he did not like the appear­ ance of the officer’s Jog and took down the railroad ah lightning speed. Offi­ cer Kennon gave chase and fired sev­ eral shots at the fleeing burglar, but he made .good^ls escape by leaving track at Mitchell’s mill and taking out across the fields. The fellow certain ly wasn’t onto his job or he would not have attempted to gain his entrance to the depot as there is nothing of great value left there at night. One of the railroad detectives ?ame up Sat­ urday morning but was unable to get any clue, l argest Dry Town, . Xenia is now the largest dry town in the state.' The city passed the pro­ hibitory ordinance last Friday evening aud will go into effect on the §7ih The iollowiug is from a dis­ patch, to ^Cincinnati papers " i t is StateJ that had the breWers from out of town come to the aid of the local saloons the dry ordinance could have been defeated, but it is claimed that the Dayton brewcw positively refused to render anyaesisteflee whatever, say*, iug that they would bring alf the sa­ loon trade direct to Dayton and in order to accomplish this would rim special cars at the lowest fares from Xenia to Dayton on Saturday -nights and carry hundreds of factory people to theOem City” ’ . The effect ofthe ordinance upon the business interests of the city will be watched with interest by the entire state. REAL ESTATE PEALS, Auditor’s Orders, Marriage- Licenses and Various Other Court Matters of General Interest., Last Saturday James Kennon and Guta Bruce, two tmpermilf employee#, became engaged m a wrestling match’ *nd It seems that Btyloe was far the best man# as Kennon had an ankle bona fractured in the rough treatment he received,'- • The trial of Bnicry Oglesbee for shooting with intent to.WoundAVm, Bacer attracted -large crowds to the Court of Common Pleas. Attorneys dowdy and Kyle aud the famous criminal lawyer,. Ulrick Sloan, ap­ peared for the defendant, while Pros­ ecutingAttorney Howard, (insisted by, H. L Smith, represented' the state,' The jury received the case Tuesday eveniug aud wefo out a li(tle over two hours, A verdict oi ucquitsl -for Oglesbee was rendered. I t seems as though there has been a feud between the two families and Pacer attempted to take I t out On the Oglesbee boy, who is but 22 yenrs of age. - f f t . . Willie Stirling, a colored boy, was brought before Judge Dean, Tuesday, charged with truancy and incorrigi­ bility. He was ordered _8eut to the reformatory at Lancaster. His mother Bled the complaint. + f f AUDITORSORDERS ISSUED. Nov# 2, Matt Kurap, $17 coitnty fund for printing fot county offices# allowed by the commissioners. J , N, Dean, 10.38, county, fees in lunacy cases, law. J , H. Mathews, 9,50; county, fees in lunacy eases, law. D. L, Bates, 90.00, bridge fund, work, com. Geo, II. Drake, 26.67# bridge, lumber; com. M, A. Broadstoue, 44, county, indexing land lots, com. Sla­ vey & Hated, $4, bridge, material, com. At Johnson, $8, bridge, com# John B Bteveusofl;,4i#50rcot«ity, bal­ ance on salary, com# J . M# Tarbox <fcBon# 40.13, bridge, lumber, com, E. 0. Beall, 97.20, county,' board for codnty prisoners, Com. J . \V. Sfeveusoti, 22.90, bridge, work, in Xenia tp., com. J- H, Dean, 10.08, county, Cooper lunacy cose, law* Nov. 4, t t W, Mathews, 10,24, County, Hooper luttaty, law, , Henry Andtsson etai., $422, Infirmary fund, pay roll, Inf. directors. Matt Ivump, $10; Inf,, printing for Inf board, Inf, directors. Kelso JtBon, $132, Inf,* coal, Inf, directors, Nov. 6 W#B, Chew 18 , 90 , conn* ty, questions forexamines, com# H. Adam*&Bod, 72 , 29 , Inf.; Dry goods for Inf., Inf- diraotots. M r - gruder dfeBhotip, $200, Inf.jMlfieryt OrttatteHo., Infdireotersi Bull,; $.19, county, printing for county, offices.; com. *J,,. N. Dean, $9.98 county,?lunacy, law., » .Nov, 12, Hentiesy B ro s .E v a n s Co., $12812, Estimate on'court house, EEA i / e ST a T’E TRANSPERe; John Sinnard qt pi, to Eden Bin- uard; lot 8, Spring Valley, $l and other.conBideratiou. ■ • * 4 , Sydndy Brock to H .'E Bateman; 43 a,*ROSS, $2178. ; . ‘ V , John McCanipbell toJ Luther Mc- .Nov. 9, Matt Knmp;’$52, print- NewTriumphs in Power Tran-qnission. ing for clerk of court, ’com. Xenia ' ,The completion, o f Jibe,second great Herald, 225,75, county, publishing wheel pit of the Niagara Falls Power tux hst, com. ChaB, H- -Howard,, Company cqlls; attention* not. Onjy fp 52.68, county,, raontli’s Halmj, lav,. Li#M ^it-iuesc bicvnivoi t■ %■ Mg W. E , Kiser, $64,' county, courtsteiHUcldevemrent of modern :-titbes'-but^aleo ographer„ law. - ' Howard; .Applegate j to tlie! woiiderfuV develop)aenf in & H# Sch.lessinger," $ 60 ,-examining’power transmission in all parte of the tion.about .fourteen months and haaT something like one hundred and fifty .boxes,-while Charleston' has hfld &n - Independent system , for over ; two' hiiadred m£rk;ye{.^;The citizens of this 'community Jhave dontirlbuted •firstharnessed. r - -This second wheel ,pi.t js-eaid to be the greatest slot 5 ever cut in the earth by man.*: >This -slot, -which was -cut through the Solid; rock, ifi 463 feet long, 178 teet deep atid lS^feet’wide. Atithe bottom, of,this pit will,.he fhc turbine wheels, working under a head of 145 feet of water, capable of fur­ nishing electrical,-energy.estimated at 55,000 horse power each# • »■' Thia achievemeut a t 'Niagara Palls is- Campbell; 47.41. acres, Cedarville, tfie patent of rriiiny wonderfnl power $2844.60.- ' | transmission plants that have been ifl- Chas.;Ai Barkley to -Annin Hess; J stalled in various*parts of thecountry, *fifidr iridehijhdiitaite- -tha-vBlmoat 'Utfii^. less poteibiiities' of’thiskitfd dfpOWer 218 a. Yellow Springs, $725, ^ , marriage licenses * ., ' W-ni* £». Ary andLNnnni& Riden boufie; .Gideon Seslar and Mary Cur­ tis# v:,;.' - t\ \i * ; '\\i> Lindfey Clark 'v«; J r Mi Cooler'et at. Common Pleas affirmed^- - -, Jami s Haya va, JElIen, Com­ mon Pleas reverted and caOte. re- mauded. Ralph Scbardt, by next friend, vs. P, C. C. & St. L. R. R. Co. Com­ mon. Pleas reversed *and cause re­ manded; * First National-Bank of Chicago et al, vs. The F, C# Trebein Cp. et al. dn appeal# Finding for the plaintiffs, anti that money in possession of trus­ tees be paid to them in proportion to their respective claims, to Which the Bank of Dayton, National of Xenia and Farmers aud Trader* of Jamse- town eccept, cmotuT coWRf* •Frederick Leffel vs#G. \V* and Jos# Bhartlc. Amount claimed, $200# \V, II# Rahnels, treasurer of Clin­ ton county; vs. Zell &Johnson Ap­ peal Jrom Galloway, J . P._ ' John M. Stine vs# Eugene Keiter. Appeal from Sellars,' I . P# Executors of M, BerryhiH vs. Pres­ byterian Church of Bellbrook and Lane Seminary, Error to Probate Court. . F. M- Ltekhart vs# Ex. of F . N# Shaffer. Amount claimed, $869. ’ Bcott tVdsoa ys/Chas. Ritenomy Appeal from ToWell, J . t*. BteoMflwadedanAfattMteieat. production; I t ! has been noted' from timfe- to time the more ex*, .penriyo installations of thie-cbaracter, »udiH 3 thoonc on -jthe Upper Yuba {flyer, California,- which *furnish#' electricity to run the street cars in Oakland and San Jose; the one in the mountains of San Bernardino, which sends electric power # Loa.Angeles, and the SnoqtialmieFills powerplant, which carries power to Seattle to Ta* oonja, Washington.* One of the most interesting projects of this kine now under way is thift undertaken by President Hill of the Great^orthern Railway, by wldch it is proposed to run cars on that road between Skykomiah and Leavenworth, a distance of sixty-six mil#, by elec* tricity, the power to be supplied hy some of the streams that aboundla the Cascade Mountains#. -The project is big With possibilities, aud Waecon­ ceived by President Hill as a measure ofccottomv to do" awa-* with them# of coal, Which, it is claimed, costa^ft, Great Northern $1#50 mere pcrlpfl than its rival, the Northern Pacific* The# are only a fewof the mote notable power transmission plants Which indicate that the achievements in the Work Of yoking electricity 00 ; hydraulics in the next quarter century Will be far beyond the dreams of mod* ern engineering enthuriaste. r\ Two NewUnas, The Telephone company are pre­ paring for some iroprovemente and ex* tensions. This Week two more flf# fines were staked off which -bring in softie fifteen flew stiWtibers. The Messrs Schlesinger and Applegate * tq. ubecri io finished their examination of the (present tine,will also extend to Clifton wh Commissiotter’s report, last Beturday found everything, satisfactory. They ’White 't i i i j i t t suited',; fttWftll wflfc. . The company has ordered a newSwitch recomrasbd that Bectiott 917. of the hoard which will ho placed in position statwt# he itevfeed, aft to requite flm ” *■ *-*- - tegal pttbficatten of *11 the Vouchers that show the -payment of mopay osrt of the county irtesury,ad aatolnnlndat plant is taxed to its limit, consequent-' m soon **it arrives* There are a numlwr ofenliecribers at present want ing phen# but the capadity of the oting to giyes the best of'Service, ■. ! rt’ ' . ; t ^ *" sLoses#Finger,*'! J ‘‘ ‘ « : ,)Pted McElwain/ a iSoR'Ofi’Denriia’- McEi'waittJ' With a fery painful accident/Wednesday -afternoon. He WasengagedJu somework aboui a corn.' husker and fttiempted to remove an ear of corn that in sdmd Way* was af­ fecting the working order of the ma­ chinery, When his hand wda drawn itj By sbme ot the^phrts of the machine. He had tt glbve on his right hand, the injured member, which possibly pre­ lected th e ' hand to 'some ektent. < At the- time i t was drawn in thb belt was tbtewii Cff, but those who came to his assistance were unable to give., the victim of the accident immediate relief, and he-was forced to remain in the horrible position, until the parts of the maqhine binding him could be taken apart and thuagive him his re­ lease. A telephone meseage brought Drs. Marshand Stewart, to the scene. The little finger #was amputated but it is thought the other fingers.will be saved,, although the band is badly out and bruited. . The injury is causing the boy considerable pain. Played to « Smelt He*#. “The Night Before Christmas" wm given by a strong company a t the opera house, Thursday evening, to a Very smalt hut appreciative audience, Our citizens have complained in re­ gard to cheap shows, end yet when we have one of the season’s Success# with us they fail to come out, True, many here saw a show by the same title some time ago as pmfed by Hal Reid, but we can truthfully say that ^ those absent oa Thursday evening never saw the show as it appeared oa last night. Aside from the.C*at of Judge John Phillips, which part Was carried by Hal, the show oh Thursday evening was te every respect tar Superior to the first performance a couple of years ago, Special mention is due Grace Estelle Clerk as Marion Wfifiem#, aud Helen Gurney as Mrs, Judge - JohnFbiltipe,, The drama Is*story* so pure, end so perfectly natural that all who wUne# it. are taken back to the tend# memori# of childhood, Trobete Judge Dean has tendered a derision In Whichhe gives theSpring- field Traction Co. the right to con­ demn arigh t of way tiirough certain property, * the disftetoements that ate allowed by law as Well * those upon which, the ly they must wait until the. pteut k enlarged. ■ v' eomrabrioflftte ate required to pass, > The local system has Wen hi opera* Mr, Merchant, of Cedarville, was amongthe callers at the home Moa- day-Jlome .Weekly, Men’s dunk coat* $1.25, $1.66 and vtt