The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

RPfrrpT r fT ” f w r ■Jjf s-p*«ir J ?-l\e < l\ e i ^ M , I i , j o 4 y b a r . ; I JUST ANY OLD PLEA. FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1902, 2 A bahst nf talking top much la its navy has worked so badly that It « writ to keep the eoptsghm out of the army. . , A Wsscpngia man named Creeper nygm&jhh daughter Atfefc Virginia ««4 apw her sehoolmalea iorprent her by writing It- “ A. Virginia Creeper.” Oo January fiTh, the President had to affix, with * pea on parchment, his signature to' aonte eighteen hundred army commissions. And some people . deny that the President is over­ worked, *" t Meo can’tbe too careful in their proposal* c f marriage. I f they are jret sincere trouble » liable to follow «a some technicality, especially if the man lute coin of the realm. Damage#' for some break or loss will be asked, The moat" original suit of .this kind, was brought in a Chicago court, last week by Mias lizzie Miller for jhOOQ for the loes o f thirty pounds as a re suit of grief lor being jilted. The de­ fease i* trying to prove that it was Indigestion instead of grief which causedher to lose weight. This incident ’ brings forcibly to mind the fact that thereare a number of gay beaux in, Cedarville who arc rather promiscous with" their display o f affections, but alas! {for thB .girls)- they’re always broke. •frOu'c‘o f 77,000- school children re- 1centl^ examined by physicians, 4,500 were feupd to beaufpsritig■ from cod- togeeu? diseases, This would suggest the necessity of the regular medical inspection of school children. ill „*t < The current ftambero f the -.Liberal Review, President Roosevelt, in an article ou “ Good Citizenship/* says tlje essentials <d a good citizen are, “ courage, honesty and common sense; 'and aTittle knowledge o f history.**, , The roost .encouraging feature of wireless telegraphy is the- possibility . that It will aSord complete -protection from collision to ocean vessels, Notb- ’ iog heretofore invented has secom- •plished this* but on her last voyage the Umbria was made aware, by wire- ' less telegraphy, of the presence' of another, vessel when it was still seven- ty-fiye miles distant. >*£t v , BlSIilll® A New York reporter stationed at a street corner in a shopping district, counted the long and short skirts worn by the ladies who passed during cue hour - Of the 320 women who went by, seventy-five per cent "wore .shortJskirts; The-, good sense of * American women is evidently effect-' ‘big a reform which legislation would he prtwerleskto. accomplish; ’ Iwas a False Alarm. T have Used your Dr '.Caldwell's %rup Pepsin and ean truthfully rec- ommeud it* Some four years agb ■doctors told.jne that 1 had Bright's Disease. I was laid up three months and'nothing I iised‘helped me lyid no food would stay on my . stomach, I Used one bottle o f your Dr, Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin and food would stay on inystomach "and I craved something to eat; ’ I gdt well. ■There was, no . Bright's Disease about me. Ever . since I have recommended Dr. Cald­ well's Syrup Pepsin to friends and strangers. It is just splendid. I have full confidence in it,-y-Geo. F. Bene­ dict, 630 West King St., Decatur, III. Sold by C. M. Ridgway, •AFrench-committee has been seat here to study the American “ bustle spirit/' but it in certain that ijiey will not be able to catch it. ' G e ttin g T h in Is all right, if you arc too fat; andall wrong, if too thin already. Fat, enough foryour habit, Is healthy; a little mote, or less , is no great harm. Too fat, consult n doctor; too thin, jpersistently thtri, no matterwhat?cause, take Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver O i l There aremany causes of get* . Hog too thin; they all come Uiitlcr these two heads; oyer-, work and under-digestion. Stop oVcr-work, j f you can; hut, whether you can or not, t u:e (icoft's Emulsion ofCcd i Oil, to balance yourself with your work. You can’t line on ii-*mte—but, by it, you c;; Time's a limit, however; yoa'ii pay for it he>iT vEmulsionofCod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for “can't cat,*’ unless it comes of your doing no W6rk**you can't long bewell and strong, without some sort of activity* /The genuine ha*’ this picture on It, vkak* no outer. . If you have not Irieo Ui send for Ft** tamh ie , HA* - greeabie t**t*will n w i™ * ' §0®* * « « tii.OOjttlj dftfgftftfrfe AProfitable luvestmeet. “ 1 was troubled? for about ec V ch years with my stomach and iu bed balf my time/’ says E. Demjck, Somer­ ville, Ind* “ I, spent about $1,000 and never could get anything to help me . until 1 tried - Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. £ have taken a few bottles and am entirely well." Yon don’t live by wbat you eat, but by what you digest and assimilate. If your stomach does nut digest your food you are really Etarvmg. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does the stomach’s work by digesting the- food. You don’ t have to diet. Eat all you waut. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cures all stomach trouble. C. M. Ridgway. Chili has been accusedo f cultivating a quarrelsome spirit and its appetite for a fight is at last likely to be prac­ tically rested by a near neighbor. BEAD OR ALIVE, WMCtf? On the authority- o f an extensivo peach grower, o f Clyde, the Tiffin Tribune, of Baturd*/ s^ubuaea* that the peacb crop baa l*en destroyed. The Fremont News of the same date, announces that the peacb crop is un­ hurt, at least in Ottawa county. The ’same authority has this tot say con­ cerning the disposition being made of lastyearia crop: The four distilleries are at present busily engaged In pro­ cessing the soft - peach produet of the past season, and- it is estimated that' some twenty-five thousand gallons of peach brandy will; be placed on^bood the year to come. - This alone repre­ sents a revenue to the United States government of over $50,000. A lady came into our store and said;’ ‘ *1 am going to take Dr. Caldwell’s Syrtfp Pepsin for naycold. Tt kept us free all last winter from every kind ‘ oi cold. It is a great remedy and a perfect laxative.” - Sold by C. 51, Ridgway. M c K inley day . / ChildWorth Millions. *‘My child is worth.millions to roc," says Mrs- Alary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa., “ yet I would have lost her by croup, had I not purchased a brittle of .One Minute Cough Cure." One Slip- ute Cough Cure is sure cure for toughs, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absolutely safe cough curo'Which acts .immediately. The youngest child cati take it with entire safety. The little ones like the taste and remember how oflen it helped them. - Every family ^should have a bottle of One Minute Cough Cure handy. At this season especially it may be needed suddenly. C, M, Ridgway. * . Wednesday, January 29th will be the 59th anniversary of the birth of the late -President McKinley and Governor Nash has named this day as McKinley Day with the suggestion that it he set apart for special exer­ cises iu all of the schools o f the state and that the pupils be given au op portunity to contribute toward the monuuent to be erected at Cauton. He also suggests that the Sunday pre­ vious be set apart for special purpose. . The monument is to cost $650,000; of which amount Ohio is expected to raise $100,000. Personal. ' The lady who had to leave, the do­ nation party the other night before it was over will please call at our drug store- and get a bottle lit Dr Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. She has Indigestion or she would not have taken sick and jf she had taken Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin she would not have had indi­ gestion. In 50c and fit bottles-at C. M- Ridgway’s. . The Xenia Seminary hasi bad its endowment increased some $20,000, bequests from Air and Mrs Robert Anderson, of - Washington, Iowa. With this sum. the endowment now amounts to about $165,000. There were 7,852 murders and 7,245 suicides in the United States in 1901—more actual killed in one year than- during the whole of the Spanish- American war, Churches better keep their'money and missionaries at .borne to christianize instead of go to ,China to disrupt a civilization twice 'as old as the Christian era. We could use Some of that money and spirtual mod­ ifier her id Greene county to a good advantage. Children Especially Liable. Burns, bruises and'dutsare extreme­ ly painful and if neglected oftev re­ sult in blood .poisouing. Children are especially liable to such mishaps because careful. As a remedy DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is uo; equalled. Draws out the fite, stops the pain,‘soon heals the wound. Be­ ware of counterfeits. Sure cure for piles, “ DeWitt’sWitch Hazel Salve cured mV baby o f eczema after two physicians gave her up/’ writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ihd. “ The sores were so bad she'soiled from two to five dresses a day/’ G, M. Ridgway. The Mother’s Favorite. Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the mother’s favorite. If “is pleasant and safe .for children to take and always cures. It is intended especially for cougbs, colds, croup and whooping cough, and Is the beat inediciue made for these diseases. There is not the least' danger in giving it to children for it contains no opiuiri or othe’r in­ jurious drug and may be.given as confidently to a babe a$ to uh adult. For sale by G, 51, Ridgway. The announcement that Julia Mar­ lowe in' “ When Knighthood was in Flower" is to be at the Victoria then tor, Dayton, Jatt. 29, will be well re, way & Go's, celved by the readers of that popular novel, % et Green’s Special Almanac. Overworked I t “ It is better, gcntkmen of the jury/* sonorously sa idA rk an sa s ■attorney wEb was defending a per­ son o f iiieasly looks and malodorous reputation,' “ that nine guilty men should' escape than that one inno­ cent man should suffer punishment. I therefore’*— “ That’s .ill right, Mr. Gabbleby/* interrupted Squire Peavy, a moss grown hut shrewd old justice of the peace, “ but I feel Obliged to sorter call the attention of the gentlemen o f the jury to the fact that durin* the time you have been practicin’ lafr in this yere cou’t your proratty o f nine guilty men have already done escaped, and I ’ll also inciden­ tally mention that I happen to have. * srAA/t irt'AA+llrtk tlrh M other “ My mother was troubled with consumption tor many years. - At* last she wasgiven up to die. Then she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, andwas speedily cured.” u. D. P, Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. a pretty good idee that the pris’mer at the usmr is guilty, and in addition Jo that 1 afn mighty shore that he is nifr/Cetly capable of eommitfm’ the |rime even if he hain’t actually,done 1 It is to lie recorded that the gen* Hemen o f the jury found the measly looking poison guilty without exam* ination.--Ht. Joseph Herald. No matter how hard yoar cough or how long you have had it, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is the- best thing yoti can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump* ASbwpffrCPfdCuMu Kmust’s Cold Cure, in capsule form, la easy to take ami dors not nf* feet the head or hearing like quinine. Try it today* Brice 26c* Bold by fVM/$id|^wiyi tlDn, If you arc coughing today, get a bottle o? Cherry Pectoral at once. nw, himvWirt*, #rv\t fl, mo.t OK*InkftMtnffmtnffi . J. V, AT£K CO, W * U , K e n s T O R H Forlnfemta and CMIdren. ^ g e to h le P r e p a ta lio n fo r A s - *irjtqtinOgtefoodaodBeguia- tingiheStoiaacfisaMBowelsof The Kind You Have Always Bought I.Nj-.W JS .* i HlUJRl.N PromotesDigesbon.Cheerfuf- neasandRest.Containsneither Opbun.MorplxinenorblineraL N O T X A a C O T IC . ’ jPmontnrSqi~ . -■ 'jtitSmit*? ' {M r r r . Aperiecl Remedy forCbnsUpa- Hon,SourStomach,Diarrhoea IVbrms.Convulsions.Fcverish- ness and L oss OF S leep . FacSuriie Signature of 24 EW YORK. \ t)b m o T 1 I}«N 1>1 fl j j D l l S I S - j j t l . M S In Usn Over Thirty Years E . EXACT COPV OF WRAPPED. THSClKTAUIICOttPAWY.«SWVOIKPITY- K6< K K & K K u K K & K K & K K*& K T H E O ED FO G Y DO CT O R TyAMlLY Doctors ato all tight as Reneral practHiortcrg, * bnttheyarenot spectalista. The geanaf i . . organs com* c the most Intricate a,n(l Important system in the nman body and. require the raost skillfal treatment. Pri*hnm Yoa might as sr^ll exneet a tiJaclfSinUh to repair r watch, as a Jamtly physician to care Sexqal complaints, *VVehaven,idea specialty of these diseases for over 30 years,Ua-einvestedteasof thousandsof dollarsandhave! every facility known, to medical science to cure'them.I I.----- .... I. ■.I... m UI. . .fl Every case is. lateen with.' a positive '.guarantee off XaCure-Ro Pay, BI/OOJO POIBOlf—Whether tnbrriled or au . is positively caredforever. The vim*' Is eliminated from i thesystemso no danger of return. .Hundreds of cases; ,cared by us£5years agoandno return; .best evldeoceof s C8*t©*”' ^ , * * ffSKVO lia DBBII.1TY—and other cdmpiicatious stfehaslerttlsKlonft,drains la the urine, varicocele. _ weakness, ere.,' arecured by ourNew Mot bort X r* i meat undera positiveguarantee— BOCUR i - 910PAT. WECUREALL DISEASESOPUEtt ANDWOMEN. Ctsielirtlta fret. SteksFres. Write forqncstionbhutkfor] private HomeTreatmeat. Everything confidential. DRS . KENNEDY & KERG^N . W ' • 3 4 t 8 PPEBIOB STB gBT , 3 C1.BVE1.ANP n - • ’ M g • # Brain-foodNonsense. ' Another rediciiloua food fad' haa been branded by the .most competent ttuthoritif They have dispelled the silty notion that one kind of food is needed for the brain, another lor mus­ cles, and still, another for. bones, A correct diet will not only nurish a particular part of the .body,but it will sustain every-other part. Yet, how­ ever good your food may be, its nu­ triment isdestroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia,. You must prepare for tbefr appearance or prevent; their comiugny taking regular doses oi Green’s August Flower, tbe favorite medicine of the healthy millions. A lew doses aid digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous; You can get Dr. G, G Green’s reliable Ridg- Rope, Portieres.....,,....,. ..fil.OO. Damask Portieres.. ............SI.75 up Boas and Scarf........... ........$2 50 up' Chiffon Scarfs....*,... ..........*..$2 00 up Silk Waists, Flannel Waist. Shoulder Shawl, Opera SbnWls, Dressing Sagues, Fascinators, Sofa Pillows of Denim and Silk, White Aprons......... .... 25, 40, 50c Scarfs and Ties,...,.,.. .25c to fil.OO Pocket Books, • Hand Bags, Mnreailles Quilts, Health GomfortS. HANDKERGTEFS—1000 to select from;'window full, 3 for 25c. GLOVES—Golf, Silk, Kid Knit fir ladies, misses and children. UMBRELLAS—All the new handles. * Have you seen those nice fitting loi/g Wraps worn on the street, bought of : : ; ■t ; •• ^ U t c l i l . S W O r i ' t o X A O V <•* Three hundred young Women of Chicago, who are to become pub ic school teachers, were recently pro* nounced physically perfect, including nerves and eyesight, Hever before had so large a porportion of the num­ ber examined stood the required tests. KERR &HASTINGS BROS., Service Eesumed SEASONttfS* FLORIDA - LIMITED ExetiafigeBank VIA CEDARVILLE, OHIO, i Uiinille &grille Bjilreal| —xip— * i |rpmptly madeasd remitted, JACKSONVILLE and TkRAFTS on New York anI CiB- __ _ ____ 1."u cmnati sold at lowest rates, q u ' ST, AUGUSTINE *ud most convenient wuj - send money by mall. AND ALUPOtSpi IN FLOBI 3 DA T .0A1!{B made oh Real Estate, Pe,. * * sons! or Collateral Security, A fAlLYs«u» m u Tbretjk C aac A h , UnwiBjf S oma BUepere tad ■ podngOtrs ' Steam Heat Pintch Ghas Fastest and Finest Service Sontti, For time tables, maps, rates and Bleeping Car reser­ vation, address C. I«, STONE, Gen. Pass, A gt. L ou isv ille , K y. William W’ildjaan, Pres., Seth W, Smith, Vice Pres., W, J Wildman, Cashier, THE BEST Product p f tbe market, and stock farm dta aj, ways be found at the blent'Store of . Charles ‘Weimer, Blue Front Stable. Leave your horses there and your rigs be kept on tbe inside, out of the rain and storm. -22-24 A , Limestone St. Springfield, CK , ' , C naiu ,£a E. T odp , Prep Adam’s Restaurant andDining Rooms together, with ' eve^/ thing to be found in & first-class meat market Also bandies tbe cele­ brated Swift Company's Hams. And courteous and' honest treatment goes with the above. Goods Delivered, Telephone 66. ' Fresh-Fish and Ice / Corner High and Limestone, street, Springfield, Qhio. ..To the South.. D o n ’ t B e F o o l e d ) Taketbegenuine,wlglMl ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA MeSe only byMedina Medi­ cine Co.,'MeiiisMv it keeps you well. Oar bade assrSc art on eeck peelcsge. Price, 35 cents. Never Mil In balk. Accept no substi­ tute. Aekymtr Oreggist. The Direct Line "Is * ' Via The i . To .I-'• ■',■ .: [Cincinnati, j louisyiiie jand sll Sontira Points. Caveats,andTiraJe^MarkeoMainedanda!!Pat­ entbusinessconductedforM oderate F ees , O ur 6 r r i« t » erposiTcU.S.PATCNTOrricc landwecansecure patentinlesstimethanthere remotef-w, Washingtop ^ 1 Sendmodel,drawingnrphoto.,withdescrip tion. Wc adviserif patentable pr not, free of; “ jo charge. Ourfeenotduetill patentissecured. APa kvw LET. “ 1lovrtoObtainPatents/*with cost of same intheU.S.and foreigncountries sentfree...Address,. C .A .SN OW dbC O . Or*, patentoffice .W j U minctdn , O. C. Special Low Round Trip Winter Rates ,O u r - Service and Connections A x* . The Best. ’ TO Lookout Mt, Tenn Aslievilte, N.C. ’ Charleston, 8. C, , Jacksonville, Fla, S e -’Augustine, Fla Fonracoia, Fla. Palm Beach, Fia. Tampa, Elx - Havana, Cuba1— Kerf Orleans, to. Also to points »nr WILL BERISIMED. Mexico, Texas andj Through Service to Florida Resorts via Pennsvlvflaia Hites. California; Nofinerasortmentever before shownby * , ( ' V [ H n t o h i s o n & G r iD n e y Through car service to Florida and winter resorts in the South vihCincinnati, Atlanta vnd MacoU. successfully inaugurated'on' the Pennsylvania Lines Inst winter rrilfbe resumed aboutJanual-y-Cth. 1802. Slbeiiing cars will bo run from Pittsburgh and from Chicago via Cincinnati, Atlanta and Macon to Jacksonville, and St. AUgustine, The Bervice the coming season wilt be da*ly ex­ cept Sunday, and tbe schedule will be about as follows: v , I^yive. CJiicago J2:00tnoon; Logansport, 3:10 p. m.; Kokomo, 3; i3 p, m.; Elwood, 4*.18 p. m.; Amicreon, 4:43 p. m.; Ilicli- mond, 6:C0 p. m.j and at. Eaton, Ohio, 6:00 p. m. j Hamilton, 7;05 p. m.; arriving Cin­ cinnati 8:00 p. m., faking.. passengers through that city without change or trans­ fer, leaving Cincinnati 0:30 p. in., via Queen & Crescent Route! arriving Clttiqo (Chat­ tanooga), 6:30 a. m.; Atlanta, l0;35 a, m,; Macon, 1:00 p: m .; Jacksonville. 8;10 p. m. j £t< Augustine, 0:30 p, tn, next day.- Y^avc. Pittsburg at 8 a. m. over the Pan Handle Route via Newark, Columbus and Snoig. Pa^angers for the South ..may go through to Florida without' changing bars For rates and particulars regarding I routes and limits, inquire b f G. H. j: 1 D. agents or representative. * D. G; EDWARDS, Fate. Traf. Mgr. CINCINNATI, 0. Dally Meat Market from the following stations, each WeelTday: Pittsburg, 8:00 a. m.t Steubenville. 9:28 a.. m.; Cadiz Junction, 10:10 a. ni.{ Dennison 10:52; Dhrielisville, 10:57a, m,;Newcumens- town,”H:23 a. ni.; Coehoeten, ll:4Ga. hi.; Tnnway, 12:10 noon; Newark, 12:60 noon; Columbus, 2:15 p m.; London, 2:67 p. m.; South Charleston, 3:13 p. m.; Cedarvilte, 3:30 p. m.: Xenia, 3:69 p. m.; Morrow 4*29 p. m,; lyOTeland, 4:60 p, m. Arrive Atlan­ ta, 10:35 a. m.; Macon, 1:00 p. m.; Jackson­ ville, 8:16 p. m.; St. Augustine, S:30p. m. Rctnrnihgtbc through Sleeping Cars for Chicago. Pittsburg and intermediatepoints via Cincinnati and the Pennsylvania Lines will leave St. Augustine.5:16 Am .; Jack­ sonville. 9:15 a. m<dallyeifcept Sunday. For particulars about £be through service communicate with local ticket agent of the Pennsylvania Lines Or address C, C. Hann, District Pawsenger Aei-nt, Dayton, O. Coder the above firm name, tbe meat market of XJ. W* Crouse will be conducted. AH product in the meat line will be the best that-money can | buy, which fact combined with honest and* thorough business methods is J enough assurance to' the public, who always want the Worth of theirmoney in every respect. ■* When sending children, direct them ;j to ns; we Xlways gi\ie them the best they ask for. GOODS DELIVERED TelephoneNo. 74. CfcfMge In Puna of Trains. Under a new schedule in effectNov. 24, 1901, passenger trains over the Pennsylvania’ Lines leave Cedarvllle etati m as follows: For the East, No. 10, 7:35 a, m.; No, 32, 4:41 p. iu.- For the West* No. 33,10:17 a. m,; No. 19, 3:30; No. 3, 8:54 p. nt, For particular information on the Subject apply to E. S. Keyes, Ticket Agent, Gcdarville, O, Red Cross Pills The Latin * roil i t t p r t t u i MMttntilP PAINFUL IM n i i l lN A»4■PBBVBSTIVafk , wwarAV.#.. ■ y m&mM tmn. Ar»SAte«ndK«ihM. MT*FffrcilTU«WH# | Jte.VarttrV»( 1st.Us Figure With VouonYourCoalBeforeBuying wmwttoaB, The *Srieat - ttastorative. ■ wimt won- 1/ JB» 141 . derful known remedya ml nerve tonic Kerr ec nastings Bros. Theycreate wm mnscie«nd ’ strength. Pleasure Seekers give vim, P R IC E $ 1 .0 0 S*wpoupAid«4 ntrtpt <rf prioa. MoMyKhmdMifaoti* . «*y< SgptpUaadffMiJaiaaiHtrm ViadaCiocboiia09., d « mo I m *, U* For rale by C. M. Ridgway. Sick Headache? OldFashionedColdCures. They are going out of date. The busy man of today cannot afford to He nbrd a wholp day and undergo the martyrdom o f the sweating process, Krause’s Cold Cure are capsules Of convenient site and can be takeii without dftngcf while performing your usual dutirff. They core In 24 houi s. Price 26e. Bolt! by 0 . M, Ridgway. A'THUSirSQITWWfiUb ■*. " AyWMMr. ttjikDfl MiwlUtaWwiinmhg' Kodol OyaveiMla S up * • I* w t i t titit# KNIiMto' yigor and vitality to weak,' wasting men, completely curing nervous A a* bility, -weak hack, clears the brain, makes the blood pure and rich, whether it be a young or old mam Pleasure Seekers go directly to the seat of the weakness ami do all that is claimed fbr them, even exbaeding your fondest hopes. Try them, and you will no las disappointed, 60c a box or by express 65c. ' !lii< 0 . C, O. a W R , Box nm, ; Bnrlagfield, O. For raleby Ridgway &Oo, uonstipatodr Tonguecoated? It’s your liver1’ Ayer’sPilw tre liver pills; theycure#** pepsis, biliousness, a dt rwh Vhi-hv,# BUCWNGMM'SDYE&f.aV. InfUHN#«nld. * ’< ilWi inlHAirfi^ f# K¥,e CltfiCKtEY SYS tout week W rft^wed fiction sod this week we r-|jera our opinion on a p| z : tr e a ts m M " * M e t h o d nflTySioalTraimt ^iflCljccktey. I t w » “« d i ^inmanyrrapects Jrom, Igtems b o o s ted , butthe j# barad on arientific prins^ treated in soAnple, yet foi D«r as W convictii truth- Besides tire author, the frontispiece la a msgnii . the effectiveness of his tf 0 e differs radically from oa hjesthingf from 'M-zciai am o f apparatus, and fron •gfid Stone on tensing o f mi making movements. Hi any proves, that men and develop good figures, kecj bo strong ip the exercise di daily duties, provide they 1 that all joints and muscles i into play. It not, then t and joiutB not- used BhoU s i r e d by simple movements tisks are done. • t It is a book that should bauds o f every parent m ^vho should know bow to R right. Wrong habits » school as to posture, in 1 standing, in sitting, often results and always previ development. , Lack of ki how to teach a child to br cause of seuding hundred to uutimely graves by ibe and consumption routes * \ The chapter 'addressed t & revelation* and any prt epeeling woman will fim without price. He does i the discarding of corsets,' simple language how alin< shapes caii be j rounded forms. <’ - ; Tile chapter On' the mei during flesh without dietii drugs-or apparatus will, bj Godsend by all flesh-burdi who wish to reduce thriri -•The author thoroughly, anatomy atod discusser th^ the bones and muscles in teresting way that the stu the- despised school phy reads with interestand uui ' The book appeals diri common sense, and the niq better health and a betto ■the woman who desires a fu) carriage, and more r portion of figure; the want their child to groi hauig as the Greutor inte not fail to i;'ead and stud; ley's book. It is beautifully bound ’ ,200 pages, illustrated, fil Jyn, N- .William G; J Review o f' Prat, next week. Si SABBATH FI Sabbath morning at while Rev. D- Brownie of thePresbyterian chui was just, in the midst o an alarm of fire was giv vestigatiou it was fount from the furnace had i and it was burning high wind blowing, tunate that the roof w; a afeift of bdow ns it se the shingles, A bucket brigade w water carried from all tere. The seats were I also the pew carpet, general distributed a . Outside o f a good po being burnt the cl damaged. The church bad jti dergdne some exten* the affair is to he The members, as well worked HkeTrojans escapes Trom’ Scciden! The building .was Greene County M Association' for $2,5 teat Oat of. ten Is .A Mexican war iiienteditorwrites: meutof Ch&mberlait *hd Diarrhoea Itomd edthat asa soldier] and*48, 1 contract rhwtt afirf this rem) fromgetting an ittij cion for onevery restores me.” It il quick'1 cure for dim nbt and rale total G. M. Bidgway, Only five inone *reunder twelveyJ * . iNpilthte CotiaMpation an together. DeWi lUserspromoterain vts diet# tfoubled with boid: iiys^ 0* 'Gtfeeite, tried Kinny i