The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26
)m n v x u & > oij I0 W m oTMerehants **, J Jo«*la abated, C o lfS* ' ' »mde and remitted, TMon Hew York *n,T f, %ti SOWAt lowest rate* 2 * and most convenient ‘ 'ey by mail, " i made on lien} Estate u I or Collateral Security P* j Wildman, Pres., m o i - Product o f the and stock farm Caa ways be found at t j Meat Store o f 1 Irles ‘W'eitaer. together with every I thing to be found in , f first-class meat market: Also handles the qe^l bratcd Swift Company,] Hams. And courteqm] and honest, treatment# goes with the above. I)eiivered. |ne 60. Presh Fish and Icel b HaD MClMNAtt South,., . -''To Cincinnati, LouisvileJ and all Mthmm>\ Special Low j Hound Trip , Winter Mm « - '-‘ t o \ l Lookout Asheville, If,C. Charleston, 6 ,C. Jacksonville, Tlx, ; St. Augustins, Fla Pensacola, FJk Balm'Beach, Ms, Tampa, Ilia. ' J IHavana. Cuba, jKe.wOrleans, Ls, ,-j j Also to points in ' ’ * :ico, -Texas *and* f California, •afos and particulars regarding ind limits, inquire" o f 0. H. & its Or representative ) . G . EDWARDS , raf, Mgr. CINCINNATI, 0. lily Meai Market. j r the above firm name, the irket of 0. W. Crouse will, he I ed. All product in the mentij be the best that *money -esn ; ieh fact combined with honest fl ordugh business methods w|j assurance to the public, whoj want the worth o f their moneyj r respect, nsending, children, direct the®j ,ve always give them the bed >. k for. |?00D3 DELIVERED Telephone No. 74. - F6H. tm p f k u i I t o l n i t ^ j RAINFUL * * * % Partly V* MM 1.00 rt<*ipt*r MytefoftdsdftnofMwaT ItaaiOo+khiMHitr**, sale by GrM\ Rldgway. Headache? doesn ’ t d iges t w e ll? h e p o o r i iir ? 3 ow e ft , d ? T on gu e coated? ir l iv e r ! A y e r $ M l* r p ills j th e y cure dy i- jbiliousnesa. '%tti Ah ifrMgtkhg the checkiev system ; Last week ,w« reviewed a work of fiction and this Week we give to our readers our opinion on a physical cub lure treatise, entitled MA Natural Method of Physical Training,” by Ed winCheckley. It is wradical depart ure In many respects from the many Systems advocated, but the philosophy is based on scientific, priuiiplea and is treated in so simple, yet forcible man. nar as to cafry conviction of the truth. tWuWa the author’s photo at the frontispiece is a magnificent proof of the effectiveness of his teaching, He differs radically from Boecbroan on breathing; from Macfadden on the, use of apparatus, and from' Swoboda •and Stone on tensing o f muscles while making movements, He believes, nay proves, that men ami-women reh develop good figures, keep' well and; be etrong in the exercise derived from daily duties, provide they have a care that all joints and muscles are brought into play, It not, then the muscles aud joints not-used .should be exer cised by simple movements after daily Msks are done. is a book that should be iq .the bauds of every parent and • teacher, - who should know how-to start-jvchild right., Wroug habits acquired in school as to posture, in bending, in standing, in sitting, often .bring dire- results and always prevent perfect developments „Lack of knowledge of how to teach a child to breathe lathe cause of seuding hupdreds of youths to uutiinely graves by the pneumonia and consumption routes - The chapter ’addressed, to women-is a revelation, and any proud, self-re specting woman will find it a boon without price. He does not demand the discarding of. corsets, but tells in simplelanguage how almost hopeless shapes can be rounded into pretty fontts.. . „ * The' chapter on the.method of re’ doeing flesh without dieting or use of drugs or apparatus will be hailed as a Godsend by all -fleshjbqrdetted people ‘ who wish to reduce theiravoirdupois. The author thoroughly understands anatomy and discusses the relation ef the bones' and muscles in such an in teresting way that fhe student forgets .the despised school, physiology and reads with interest and understanding-. -The book appeale directly to the common sense, and tiie man who wants better health and a better physique;, the woman who desires a rudre grace- -ftll carriage and more rounded pro . portion' o f figure;' the parents who want their child to grow up into a ” .beiug ns the Greater intended,, should not fail to.jread and study Mr. Check* ■fey's hook. , * , - It is beautifully boUnd iu red cloth, 200 pages, illustrated, $1.60. Brook lyn, N. Y., William 0. Bryaut & Go., • «• . - r ' " r, ’ •' W. M. A / . ' ' . Review of Prof. Schmidt's book next week, ■ 1 i ’ ♦.-*. , ft. 1 ' - .. , . SABBATHFIRE Sqbbath morning at about 11:30, while Rev. D. Brodnjee. the pastor of thePresbyterian Church at OJiftpn, was just in the midst of his sermon, an alarm.of fire was given. . Upon in vestigation it was found thaV a spark from the.fjirnace had ignited the roof and it was burning fiercely, with a high wind blowing. It was very for tunate that the roof was covered with askift ofenow as it served to dampen the shingles, * A bucket brigade was formed apd water carried from ail available quar ters. The seats were torn up as was also the new carpet, and things in general distributed about the yiird, . Outside of a good portion of the roof being burnt the church Was little damaged; The church, had just recently un dergone some extensive repairs and the affair is to be much* regretted, The members, as.well sb outsiders, all worked likeTrojans and some narrow escapes from"accidents are reported* The building -was insured in' the Greene County Mutual Insurance Association for $2,500. . ' BeatOut «f on Increase of His Penslwi. A' Mexican war veteran and prom inent editor writes: “ Seeing advertise- meut of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am remind ed that as a soldier iu 'Mexico In ’47 and '46, I contracted Mexican diar rhoea and this remedy hss„ kept me from getting an increase, in my pen sion for on every' renewal a dose of it restores me.* It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoea and is pleat- nbt and safe to take* Pot sale fay 0 * M, Rldgway* _ Only five in' one thousand criminal! are under twelve years of age.* Gnustinatidii and health never - gb together, DeWitfs Little Hatty Risers promote easy action o f the bow els without distress. **I have been troubled with oosUveness nine years,* sayaL tfc Oreefie* Depauw, Iwd« **$ Intva tried many remedies, but Little E»tty Ittitft |lv* best resett* BOOKS FOB COLLEOELIBRARY, The following new b^ks wereadded to the college library, last week. An exoelleut aelectioru ••, . Shakespeare, 23 volumes, Emits. Shelley, Longfellow* • Tennyson. Whittier, Lowell. Glaciera ofAmerica, - . Lakes o f Americn. ^ ■“ "s Our Gcuutry, The New Era, iJ ? Expansion. The 20th Ceutury City* Shori History of Revolution. Life and Character.of Grant, Creneey’s Decisive Battles. Bryer'aAm. Commonwealth, 2 vois, McCarthy's History o f the Pour Georges, 4 volumes. McCarthy’s Epocfa of Reform, •. ’ , McCarthy’s History of Our Times, 3 volumes. Telman’s Act .ofTrauelaring. •The Workers—The East. , The- Workers—The West. Ladd's Psychology, Nuu-Euciideun Geometry. ’ . How the Other Half Lives. Psychic Factors of-Civilization. - Civil War and Constitution. A Duy with a Tramp. ‘Parts o f Speech* Moimy anc! Banking. TRUEFAME A ladTrqm the Groton school in ‘Massachusetts called on President Roosevelt the other day, and in the course of conversation asked the pres ident for bio autograph, observing- that it'bright inspire him to be preai*' dentsome day, .“ Don’t you try to be president, my 1 hoy,'*' replied Mr Roose velt!- / “Anybody cau be president* If you want to 'bo really famous see if you can’t get to bp captain of' your foot-ball team. Why sonie years ago General Lucius Fairchild, then g o v ernor of Wisconsin nnd a famous sol dier o f the war, went down to Boston to make a.speech. He was surprised to learn, that every one had heard of " V -! 1 ' * < * v f him.. He was a famous .man,even- in New England, But it wssu’t as a herb -of, the war or the governor. o'f Wisconsin they knew, him—4t was as the father of- .Quarterback Fairchild of the.Harvard eleven.” YOUCAN'TTELL ’ An excliange hits tlm nail on the head when > tsays: * ‘You don’t know* Yvu can’t tell, You may be on the list, so don’t get gay, If the town was permitted by ballot to banish tew of its most undesirable citizens, we are dead sure we would receive a whale lot of votes, Did itever occur to yoq that your name might also appear on the listof those who AI bo Ran? When you areawiping your neighbors, very likplyyour neighbors ureawipiug you* You don’t know* You can’t tell* There is something good, ■something ;oadmire in every man. .No person is wholly had. Did tyou ever think ofthqt? You are really not much: better than those with. whom you as sociate. Bo, fpr fear -that tiie town wili go‘to voting and that you might jo included .in the list Also Ran can didates to be invited to take your foot in your hand and getbut, you should-: not be so clipper in pcqjawagging others. Die] it ever occur to you that the goBStppfng habit grows on you,- just like the whiskey habit? Well, it does, and if you are told that you me counted among tiie biggest gossips iu, town you would get mad and want to right. Better be*kind to your family and just to your neighbors, The town wili be herejust tiie same Ipug after yon are forgotten. A Poffilnpnt Chicago Woman Speaks. Prof. RoxaTylpr, of Chicago, Vice- President Illinois- .Woman’s Alliauee, in speaking of Chamberlain’s Gough Remedy, says;- “ I suffered with a severe cyldithia winter which threat ened to run into pneumonia. I tried different,remedies- but I seemed to grow worse aud the medicine upset my stomach. A friend advised me to try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and I found it was pleasant to take and it relieved me at Opce. ' I'bm now en tirely recovered, saved a doctor’s-bill, time and suffering, andT will never be, .without this splendid medicine again,” For sale by Cj, M. Ridgway. t v ‘ ..........»>u —...................... . There are some men who will kick no matter koWwell they .are treated. A kicker kicks because he'is a kicker, and to attempt to please him is only so much time waisted. BECAME IN&lGtyANT* . Several of Spriugfield’s fashionable set called upon the Mayor of the city several-days ago, nud in,their petition i;o him asked .that an anti,spitting nr dinanco be passed by the council and that he' see that such is enforced. They state in their arguments that pwing to -fashion nowadays women are compelled-to wear skirts ibat have what seem to men an extravagant amount of goods, and -that in their daily shopping tours they are -com-*, pelted to carry that which seems to be intended to sweep the sidewalks. The Mayor in order to equalize things made the proposition that.'he would authorize such an ordinance, providing the ladies would agree t.» wear shorter, dresses on the streets., Here is where rthe women went into hysteria, they could not think for one moment of n man dictating to them as (o what to wear, and rather than compromise the matter., they decided to drop it. ‘ The ladies left ilie May or’s office perfectly horrified at the thought of a iuhu dictating the fashiou. The .incident is just another case of where woman was “ right,” and that was all there Wft 8 ,to it, “ because’’ if they don’t get their way a compromise would only be adding fuel to the firr. Rosy Cheeks. Do you want them? Do you aim ply want to glow with health? Do you want to eat well, sleep well .and work well? Try Liebty’s Celery Nerve Compound*. Sold :by C. M* Ridgway. To Opeh a New Book*. Hero are a well known booksell er’s directions for opening a new book: . “ Hold the book with its back On a smooth or covered table; let the front board downr then the' Other, holding the leaves in one. hand, while you Open m feWleaves nt the back,, then a few at the front, and So on, alternately opening back and front,- gently pressing open the sec tions till you reach the center of the volume* * . “ Do this two or three times, and you will Obtain the best results* " “ Open the volume violently or carelessly in any one place, and yon Will likely break the back and cause a start in tfae leaves* Eever force the back of the book.” Talc; - . Talc is employed in the arts In two distinct forms—as powdered Or “ flour tale” and as sawed pieces of various sizes and shapes. 'The flour talc is used in the manufacture of wall papers to give them a glossy Appearance* Borne of the ordinary flour tale is used as a flUer to the manufacture o f pspor* .but the ground fibrous talc is utilised, most extensively for this purpore. The fibrous and pliable character o f the thineral make! it valuable to t thla purpose and causes the ta*o to be retained in tire paper pulp, ring additional strength and weight Oil has beau discovered in Russia atadepthoffiOOfffesL They must Have struck an underground wheel o f ifttifi - *- . The U. 8 ; Civil Service Commission will hold exammationSateevenil places in euefa state during March and April, to secure young men «u women for the govermentservice. 9,389 persons secured positions last, year through these examinations.. Probably 10,- 009 appointments will be made this year. , All appointments are for life aud for most positious only a common school education is ’ required. Salar ies nt appointment .vary from $660 to ♦ 1200 a year with liberal promotion* Afterward. .Politics is not considered. This affords' a good opportunity for people between 18 and 45yeareof age.. Those desiring places of this kind can get full information about them, free, by writing-to the.-Columbian Correa pondence College; Washington, D. C. and asking tor its Civil Service cata log, number three. Library Benefit Concert, January 31, at Opera House. Two farmers At Dyea, Alask, raised 125,000 bushels of -potatoes this year and will receive for theft! $2 a hushej. They ate described, as large, solid, mealy and paltoable, and contain moreBUgar than potatoes growu iu lower latitude* Women and Jew e ls. Jewels, candy, flowers, man—that is the order of a Woman’s preference Jewels form ft magnet of mighty pow er to timaverage womafi, Even that greatest of all Jewels, health, is often ru'iued in the strenuous efforts tomake or save the inoneiy to purchase them. I f « women will risk her health to get a covet gem, them,let her fortify her self against the insidious cotirequences o f coughs, coldfs and bronchial affec turns by the regular use of Dr. Bos chee’sGerman Syrup. It will promptly arrest, consumption in its early stages and fawri the affected lungs and bron- ehal tithes aud drive.* the dread disease from the system* It is not a cure-all. but it is a certasn cure for COugbs, colds and all bronchial troubles.* You can get Dr* G. G* Green’s reliable remedies at Ridgway & Co’sv, Oedarville, 0 * .Get Green’s Special Almanac. C A S T 0 F H A fo r Xafenti and flhUdrtfi. . tlwKMYi«HittAlwajsSo#! B*Sr» ttm .Mgfeatareof . *r ■ ■ ,v OUR G R E A T MidWintet Clearance Sale That much-inquired-after a id watched-for evenly for which you have been Waiting. ^Nlost attractive merchandise at small cost. Inspired, by a greater increase in our business during the past year than ever before made in the same time, and the fact that we have doubled our sales, since the present quarters were erected for us nearly ten years ago, causes us to offer a whirl wind of money-saving bargains in this our largest sacrince sale, and we hope tq thereby add as many new customers in the fu ture as we have in the past! Men's Suits . -SPECIAL CLEARANCE of«U Men'i .Suits in' Hlscks, Biiiesand Fancy Vt t- terns, the $ 7 . 50 , $3, and cone $10 ones -..IIO.W: :■# .A- * • • ;• ' >' « . M , \ • * ' , ' *' ’ ’ EXTRA SPECIAL—Over 100 suits in evsrr style, fine tailoring and alpwool, , the $10 and $12 kind, now *, 1 ■ : i .*■•: •..•. - ... H f '• "I -J STEIN BLOCH and ojher high classmakes in this assortment. 75 to sell, former, prices $ 14 , $* 6 , and some $18 and $20 . ’ suits, sale price . , . . . FINEST SUITS in Stein Bloch, Adler and .other high class makes, 60 to offer, sold *! $ 20 , $12 and £ 3 $, npw , . , , $ 4 . 9 8 $ 8 .2 5 * ! $ 1 1 .5 0 $ 1 4 - 7 5 .SPECIAL .NOTICE—All «ur Ely Meyer-special-to our ‘order suits in Black, Blue, Oxford’ and Scotch effect^ so per cent discount from our regular'price,' Men's Overcoats l CLEARANCE "of all .our Overcoats in $ 7 .So, $ 8 , and some $fo*» Men's and Vou hs* Overcoats, sale price . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . SPECIAL OFFER—About 25 Overcoats in long and stylish effects; sortiewith the joke Shoulder, $«2 and $14 values, clearance p rice ................... ' . . . SPECIAL OFFER—Nearly 50 coa's in smart 5 and natty' Chesterfield and ;*'Esse»” styles, the $ 15 , $tfi, and some $18 kind* note ................ CHOICE- of all our finest-styles in Stein Bloch, Adler and other high grade makes, everythin1* included in this range but the Ely Meyer custom, line,. - va.ues.$i 8 ,.$ 20 , $22 and'$ 25 , now in sale a t. . . . . _ . , . . SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the fact that the Ely Mayen to order.line discount of 20.per cent during this Bale only. . $ 4 . 9 8 $ 0 - 7 5 $ 1 1 .5 0 $ 1 4 7 5 will be sold at a- f , V Men's and Youths’ Trousers. $ 9 - 7 5 Boys' Department CHOICE OF aU-ourfoncy suits, including Navy Slue and Black styles Boys' Long Trouser Suits, 14 to 19 years, regular prices $ 1 ?, $14 and $ 1 $, special now YOlfR* CHOICE of about' 50 ,suits in the $8 Hpckett Carhart .mstte, sxme as finest lines, the $8 and . $10 grades, clearance price. . . . ............................................................................ ................. * CHILDREN'S KNEE-PANTS SUITS, ages 3 to '16 years. Reefers, U'stersand Short Overcoats, all were $ 6 , $7 and $3, and some $ 10 , all thrown on the bargain counter at- • Srccial all-Boys^ Sails, 17 to 19 years, in $$, $5 and $7 grades now thrown in to’ the, clearance sale at . Ove 100 snits, 3 to 16 years, the regular $5 and $6 kind, cut to • - About 25 Boys’ Overcoats and Reefera/the $3 50 and $ 4 .kind, .now ............... , A big line'o f Boys' Suits, $ 2 , 50 , $3 and $ 3.50 values, now go at .................. About too pair Youths’ Trousers, the $( 25 and $ 1.50 kind, special price .. ................ Men's perfectly‘fitting Trousers in nest patterns and well made, the $ 1.75 and $2 grades, ndw . . . . . . . Men's tailor made Trousers, our-,entire line’at $ 2.50 and $ 3 , now. * ............... Choice of our fine Paragon make,ja11.woo), and <he best fitting trousers we have,ever sold, values and $ 6 , now Choice of all finest Paragon make, the $ 6 . 50 ; $7 and .$8 grades, now £ut t o ..........................! i * ................. . - $3*8j> $3 .89 ;. $a.4? $I;9$ $ 1.98 $3r8p $4 73 Men’s Furnishings. Good Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, ' white and fancy borders . . . . . 4 c One lot Fancy Shirts, ‘stiff bosom, the $1 kind, s-rcs 14 , 16 , 16 ^ , 17 and iSj, now 2 5 c ' •-About 40 do*. ^"Msscot" Negligee Shirts, the 50 and 73 c kind, now. . 3 9 c Men’s Furnishings. Silk. Cravats, the a$c kind, in sale at 9 c Choice ofall FancyStiffBosomShirts, •“ American" brand, $1 -vainer now 75c Fleecedined Underwear, the 40 c kind, clearance sale price . . * . 25c Men’s $ 2.50 and $3 Stiff Hats in this sslcat. . . » * » J/-9*f The Lowest Priced Clothier. R. S. 50 and 52 E. Main St.,'Xenia. 'I -* > i' l . 4 ’ i BEST FOR THE BOWELS If you haven'* a reanfeV, hpalthr moveuant of the bonats avert <1*2- jou’ralll or wili ha. Koen yanr hawaisenan.aneba w®11" LiHJ CANDY CATHARtlO EAT »EM LIRE OANbY” Vlrtaeat, Vatktahle, Pdtcnt, Twti qood, ttoOooa, health. ASdraa® . ** mxiiso atnrar coxnxt, cmrAeoav hxwtoa* KEEP YOUR BLOD CLEAN GHICHESTEB’S ENGLISH p en n y r o y a l FILLS S ifr . Alw. CIIICHO) « o i « metal .. ... Take wo attier,, Kt’fliae SMstmea mkati* la u e a i nw«l lm ilkUM r, linyoryourUmirttM, it send 4c. In stamps fat JParSfcwlont, T e ll- monlnla ant! “ Rallcrror- MmMWteteUer, W rc<nrnar«ff. lo,e«o Testimonial*. SoKthy ail nmsxiatB. ohiohbstkh OBBMXOAI. 00. Slav VadbanSxaare, r i i l U MIPA* . JHaatlaaUU*tw w Anything Needed Can be supplied from McMillan?s furniture house where you have a good line from which to select* —F ob B ale —A. nice young- Po land China male hog, largo enough for service ‘ Satriucl Ranoy. Head fe e ls U h e B u rsU n fl.' Maybe you were out late last night? I f yon had taken if Krause’s Headnche Capsule before retiring your head ; trmtld be cool Snd clear this foorning* 'Take Ohe no H and you will 1re all Tight' in a halt hour. Price 25c* Sold by 0. M. Ridgway. - Cures a Cougti or Cold lit onedayI Why cough and risk Consumption? This famous remedy will cure you h i once. F>ortirl 0 pef Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Asthma*and other Throat and Lung troubles* It is ihe b b * i medicinemade« Pleasant ta take* Doctohi •f#eommend its A V dU dru|| fN ts* iPriea^aetitt* ■ ' C h a i r s ' B e d i t c a c l s C o u c h e s ^ S p r i n g s * C e n t e r T 'a b le s i • W a s h ^ t a n d s S i d e b o a r d s inspect Our carpets and compare Our prices with Other houses. m i # • # J . H jo f lcM illa n , C e d a rv ille , 0 , Funeral Director* Furniture Dealer* W A IT E D ! Reliable man for Muhag&f o f a Branoh Office wo wish to open in this vicinity* Here la a good opening for the right man. (Kindly give gootl refferenoe when writing. W i A. T.MOfttwwnotrsuf House, CWfottthrAtT, fpro. " - Ilinttreted «*t«tog 9 t 4 ott stamps. CharteeteatxftoaUkm. I jow fores to Charleston, Carolina, for the Interstate triad Indian Exposition are offered Via Pennsylvania Lines. Two (m # ekftnrrion iiok^tia, season k id -ifikamr day, may heobtained at t^etfla! r&foL For,informaIfon aheah fores trekii- mm% 13.S. k f f t t Tfok#* . ‘t pi l f fat
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