The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

A YJ54B. ■ ' KAgWt UV-Uti * ^ fj|J**r**ftPragriOitar, ■ FRIDAY* M A R G IN » ' ^ Mr. Iky aa say* k e f* comlcfg Kept ' te gtvorby pairty Jioaii&ff •■good etsiV’ In which direction. Mr. •Bryan? , ' - 1 I f «S1 the ph/tafiA of Friftco Ileuiry t r t $i<iil fikctjea-cf wo «r« forced to the c'.-fidiHirm that Ua is not- «ply IVimm of PrttsBfa/hiit A m the Czar o f Ru«*!it xiiiif was formerly the Prince of Wales. The "’Congrtiswnal Record," hot e intent with being an illustrated sheet, ifcts4evetof®Ji n poete* cdraeri howR mct/a i pitgBLtfcs #?parfmifnit. &r.d ■•yet they «ay It z*-Mv&$*ty to try Jo W&dJwgtso iff atgw the greatest inap-hm&Mig city In' the "World1,, Inn bof.or formerly held by? Geneva, Switzerland. The national capital is irtniirg out more and betier orape than any other o f the globe and, as a - result, the fiufsfc cartographers and and map engravers in Europe have been aliraefed to this country, * « ^ ] The only opposition In the Senate " to the resolution calling for a change In the date of thtePiesideutiii innugn ■ j-iitlon was. by Senator Stewart of Me vsda who thmight, that Jibe pleasant , April Weather might attract too large crowds to Washington and cause too much inHi vary display, possibly lead* r iog to revoiutionary dernnnstratia n a. The olepujargerinc bijl afforded the House of Representatives inore amuse hieut than it has had for a long time. One member solemnly declared that all white horses should not -be ,*axed while all colored horses should he. Another wanted a bill to prohibit the sale Of ice save In 1-pound and 5 pound packages T he .sale of adub tended hiindy and* imifeifou sardines was attached by another member, and SOihe went so far .•as to '■ suggest the suppression of artificial eyes which . were.a fraud on the real article. A Western member of Congress received >yurd from his cadet appointee .a t Annapolis that the Academy au fhoritiefi were starving him, • Always eager, to right such wrong?/ portico larly after the recent expose at West Point, the Congressman made an in­ vestigation in hot haste and found that- hia protege was sleek and well fed and had gained 20 pounds since he entered the Academy in the fail. The trnsts have learned that they nuisfc give.good values in order to re­ tain their popularity with the con* Burners, In this they are conforming to the standards that all dealers have to.measure up to and, as they are in a- better position to turn o u t good products than the smaller manufac­ turers, it ennbo seen that; they are not the untnixed evil that tu r Demo* cratio friends Would have us believe,. me Blight It is a Sad thing to see fin£ fruit treesspoiled by the blight* You can always tell them from the rest. They never do well afterwards biit stay Small and fiekly. It is worse to see a blight strike children. Good health is the natural right of children, But some of them don't get thdr rights. While the rest grow big and strong one stays small and weak. 0 Scott’s Emulsion can stop that blight. There is no reason why such a child should stay small. Scott’s Emulsion U a medicine with lots of strength In if*—the kind of strength that makes things grow. Scott’s Emulsion makes oTihilrcngrow, mAkekthem eat* miiros them sleep,makes them play* Give the weak child a chance. Scott’s Emulsion will make it catch up with tlm ffst .v Tfcii piCtm S, buiw * tSs Tod* Maik of fksrtt’s LmiiLioii Atftl h on (h* wtajjiperuf every tetri*, . SCOTT AIKtWNty 4& iVm lSu J Sm Yo& Yea, August, Flower stilt few the 1 largest sate of any medki^e I» the riviiiitri world, l o u r mutters amt gOiwlmathers never thought o f usin*. auvthing else fur Ioi|ig«itl6« of- Bri iousness. Jkx-tor*. were scarce, a»u they seldom heard o f Appeuii:citie, N e t vout Prostration i>t Heart Failure, etc. They used Adgust Flower t« ctena ou t ibe syateift *ud stop fer«:«i; Utiori of unijfgesteil food, reguiate tht action of the Jfiver, stimulate the per you* and organic action of the system, atari that is all they took when feeling dull and bad, with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses o* Ureen’s August Flowv/,v )u liquid furm, to make you satisfied there , is nothing serious the matter .with you. Get Green’s Prize Almanac] -r Ridgway & Co. The news from South Africa is be ginning to have a hackueyed tone, DeWells either about to be captured or ha? just escape! capture, WheaVMCetwltoacfaciie dsn’t waste * minute but go to your drSjg^*t*w3 % t£* bone o f Krause's Headache. Capsules. They will pre­ vent pain, even though your skull w«f* crgchiBd* They are harmless, too. Read the guarantee, .Priee'25e. Sold by C. M„ Ridgway, ‘ : Mew York has more foreign: com*' mere© than all the other Atlantic ports o f the United; States put to­ gether, ' \ * V -nremft|n',vf ,-,.XjTtS> / ’ Howto Cure a Coid. . Don’t go to bed- Don’t atop work. Don’t take a Turkish hath and render yourself liable toon attack of pneu­ monia, Krause’s Cold Cure, in con­ venient capsule foim, will cure you in 24 houra,- They are pleasant to take and cause no singing in your head or other disagreeable sensations. Price 25c, Sold by O. Mi Ridgway.- HOME*?JiEKEKS’ EXCUUSIOHS. ■Low rate Home-Seekers’ excursion tickets to the West tin South will be Bold via Pennsylvania Lines, March 4th, 19th, April 1st, loth, May 6th and 20th. For fares*/ through time and other ’details, apply to Passenger and Ticket. Agents of the Pennsylva­ nia Lines, • file Vice of Nagging - 4 Clouds the happiness, of the home, hut' a nagging woman, often needs nelp,' She may be so nervous and run dowu in health that trifles annoy her., I f she is melancholy, excitable, trou bled with loss of appetite, headache, sleeplessness, constipation or fainting and dizzy spell?, she needs Electric Bitters, the most.wonderful remedy for ailing women, Thousands of suf­ ferers from female troubles, nervous troubles, backache and weak kidneys have used it, and become healthy and happy. Try it. Only 59c. Ridg way & Go. guarantee satisfact on. •''’■ V■ '!■—'W 1 I ■ 1 !'"I"!.1 ".I1 'I ■ . KEDUdEb BATES WEST & NORTHWEST, ’One way second-class colonist tickets to. the West and Northwest, will be sold a t special fates via Pennsylvania Lines, during March and April, 1902. Particular information about fares, through time and other details will be furnished upon application to Passen get and Ticket Agents' of the Penn­ sylvania Lines. ■■ SJ"-1 r*1 .H. ^ Nerves Like a Flat-tron. A woman who- suffered for three .years from nervous prostration says tyro bottles of Lichty’s( Nerve Coin- pound effected a complete cure, fihe hardly knows today whether she ha? nerves or not, a? she itevei feels them I t is certainly a wonderful remedy Sold by C. M, Ridgway. r UTfUZlHQ A PAWNSHOP* A pawnbroker with 4 shop up town thinks th a t a fte r *H tr.crp may |«,a< 3 ;SBetltsug new under the san , af- tLotlpi t»* a d ^ |e fays 4iff#re^ly* - f,A v r p r iE j'a rather hand* Sonia fu r lined oven, ca t eaatc into Tfty”i|We- one cold day 'recently/', said he one daydast week, “and a fte r removing bis ontsldo coal handed i t over to l?e pu t in pawn, " T rappose you'll allow jrm a dol­ la r p a it, won’t you ?’ he asked. “I said that be could have th a t r.tuch and more, too, U he wanted it. H e declined anything above * dollar advance on the garment and a fte r getting it went away. Op th e evening of the same day he came back fo r his coat and asked how much the interest on. the loan would he] I told him 3 cents. /This, he paid, and as he was going away I said to him ; „ , . . <r<I beg your pardon, bu t do you mind telling mo why you pu t that coat In pawn and took it out- on the same day ? “ 'Certainly I 'll tell you / said he, grinning mischievously, ‘I merely wanted to check my.coat fo r safe keeping fo r the day. A t the Grand Central station, parcel room they wanted,10 cents, bu t you kindly did R fo r 3, That’s a l l / "—New.York Tribune. • . « D o e s I t P a y t o B u y C h eap ?, A cheap remedy, for coughs, and colds is all right, hut you want-some* thing that will relieve and -cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer i>*d more’r«g- ular climate? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either ease take the ONbY' remedy" 'h a t ha? been introduced in a ll civilized countries with success in severe throatand lung troubles, “Boucliea’s German Byrup. ’ It not, uu | b - heals and stimulates the tissues todestroy the germ disease; but •allays inflammation, causes easy ex­ pectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient.' Try one hot*, tie. Recommended many years by all •b'uggisrs i-i ihe world. Get Given’s Prize Almanac, Ridgway & Co, The prompt censure by the Senate of the participants in the disgraceful Scene which violated its dignity on the 22d instant and the immediate intimation by the President that one of the Senators, who had been invited to djne with Prince Henry, was no longer “ persona grate” a t the White House, is a gratifying- evidence of higher standard o f decorum in tLe upper chamber of Congress than pre vailed in the ante-bellum days. No such prompt retribution was meted out to the participants in the Foote- Benton imbroglio nor the assailant o! Charles Bumher. Krause’s Cold Cure for colds in the head, chest, throat or any portion of the tedy. hreaks Up a cofd m 24 hours without interruption to work. Will prevent colds i f taken when first symptom? ’appear. Price 25e. Sold by L\ M, Ridg.vay, The Ways of the Walking' Stick. . An excited controversy is raging among the young swells of Paris as to the d isposal.of one’s walking Stick when making a call, M. Le Bargy, the well known actor, de­ clares th a t ft walking stick is a vital ■necessity to help out conversation, “In, the p lay /’ he says, “you may see it swinging backward and for­ ward when I ant arttious, affection­ ately caressing my collar when my mood Is endearing, vibrating with menace when I am angry, trailing in melancholy fashion bemad m t when t eckjawfrom Cotwebs- Cobwebs put otr a out lately gate woman lockjaw,' Millions khow that the test thing to put on a cut is IbicKlen’s Afohftt Bnlve, the infallible icsler of Wounds, Ulcere, Bures, Skin Eruptions, Bums, B'caids and Piles It cures Or no pay. Only 25 c at liidgwsy & Co/a drug store, Front S treet, ftome. I t ’s a .little zigzag street,. Every •building was erected according to an independent notion, as. to fron t­ age and renrage. The effect iff star­ tling, and after negotiating a- few blocks of it you feel likfe “ the crook­ ed man who walked the 'rooked mile." On. sunshiny day& the en­ tire population sallies forth' find oc­ cupies the Sidewalk, overflows into the street and, down the little By­ ways on to the. beach, with dogs fill­ ing all the intermediate Space on the ground floor.—Seattle Times, - - ’ H an ' t K eep I t S ecret ^, The splendid, work of Dr.] King’s New Life ,Fhl8' *® daily coming” to light. No such grand remedy for Liver had Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thousands bless them for curing Constipation, Sick Head­ ache, Biliousness, Jaundice and Iudi gestion. Try them. .’25o a t Ridg- .way & Co.’s drug Btorc. • A New Way to Dun. A Rochester (Micli.) physician re* cently caused the following card to he inserted in a local pap nr: Wake iipl Chart** car* I ' Don't you think you have been carrying my money Ion* enough? COmo in and secure my 'autograph on,a- receipted bill. You will feel better about It,' and I assure you the feeling Will bo mutual- Very truly your*, Practically Starving. “ After using a few bottle? o f Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received per­ fect and permanent relief from a se­ vere and chronic case of stomach trou­ ble,” saya J . R. Holly, real estate, in surance and loan agent, of Macomb 111. “Before using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat* an ordinary meal without intense suffering. She is now entirely cured, Several physi­ cians and many remedies had failed to •rive relief.” You don’t have to diet. Eat any good food you Want, hut don’t overload the stomach, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will always digest it for you. C, M; Ridgway. A Fwsll Quarry. One of the strangest quarries in the world exists near the town of Reramerer, Wy., a t an elevation of 6,200 feet above sea level. This quarry is worked by hand, no blast­ ing being permitted, owing' to the fragile natu re of its output* Tho latter consists solely of fossils, most­ ly those of a few y trie ties of fish ,; In operation the Shale1 is split into slabs, broken with sledge hammers and thrown over fho bank by hand. When slab3 containing Ihe speci­ mens are cut awl taken out, they are very moist and have to bo dried out to aboutrine-third of their orig­ inal Weight.*; After the drying.has S roceeded far enough to permit, of 10 easy manipulation of the mate­ rial th6 fossils are carefully cleaned by means o f special tools devised for the . purpose. Many Of these fish fossils are exceedingly beautiful, ev- ery«bonf being plainly shown in the outline. They rank as the finest specimens of fossil fishes yet dig* eovfired. ^ . ' , ' ’ Surgeon’s Knife Not Needed. Burgery is no.longer necessary,to cure piles, DcVi i M’ r Witch Hawl Halve f«res such cases at onee,„ removibg the nefiessfly for dangerous, painful uwl expensive operations. For scalds, nils, burns, wounds, bruises, wire? md skin diseases it is unequalled, Beware of cum nierfrit*. G; ?M. Ring* wav. ExehanfleBank T h e H ind i Y ou H a v e A lw ay s B o u g h t, a n d w h ic h h a s Been, in nae f o r o v e r GO y e a rs , h a s h o m e t h e a ig n a t a r e o f a n d h a s b e e n m a d e im d c r h la pear- A llow n o o n e t o deceive you i n tlils. A ll C o u n t e r f e it , Im ita tio n s a i d “ J u s t- a s - g o o d ” a r e b u t E x p e rim e n ts t h a t tr ifle w i t h a n d e tu ia n g e r t h e h e a lt h o f • .In fa n ts a n d ChBdrpn-~Experienoe a g a in s t E x p e rim e n t. What is CASTOR fA C a s to ria is a h a rm le s s s u b s titu te f o r C a s to r O il, P a r e ­ g o ric , D ro p s a n d S o o th in g S y ru p s . I t is P le a s a n t. I t • ' c o n ta in s n e itlie r O p ium , M o rp h in e n o r o t h e r N a rc o tic su b s tan c e . I t s a g e Is i t s g u a r a n te e . I t d e s tro y s W o rm s a n d a llays F ev e rish n e ss . I t c u re s D ia rrh o e a a n d W in d Colic. I t re liev e s T e e th in g T ro u b le s , c u re s C on s tip a tion a n d F latu lency* ' I t a s sim ila te s t h e F o o d , r e g u la te s t h e „ S tom ach a n d B ow e ls, g iv in g h e a lth y a n d n a tu r a l sleep . T h e C h ild ren ’s P a n a c e a—T h e M o th e r’s F r ie n d . GENUINE CAS TOR IA ALWAYS B e a t s tE e S ig n a tu r e o f In Use For Over 30 Years. . n t ecNTAunaoMntn., rr mommy * t *.* t ,'wtw vomk or/. * ? Our.great sales tor. December induced some good offers for Feb­ ruary appropriate to the season, . Great Skirt Sale Phtbl Buck, iiieely fitting......... ,82,75 All W oo l......,..,.....]....... 5.00 French Cheviot..... ...,.,..'3 ,75 |o 4 75’ Muhate............... ........2.75, 3.75, 0.75 •Rainy, Day..; Petticoats Mercerized Muslin...,...,...... ...1.90 up ;.1.00 up .....50 up ’ Great Bedding' Values Ciira fortB....................................... 75o , Oomtoris, Lamentine Hotton..,.. home m ade........................ 1.50 , SilkalineCovering.................. 2.50 Blankets--single beds, pair...... 374c ■Blankets—10*4 .... .........................65e Blankets—114. . . . . . . ...........; 1,00 Blankets—factory all wool......... .2.75. Blankets—-plaid, for dressing . sacks and bath robes,........ ,.,,..5.00 ' - r ’ , t. ..Hutchison & Qibney.. KERR &HASTINGS BROS. Ldt Us Figure W ith You ba Your Coal Before Buying ............................. ..... m . i .1* ..... ft,iV minii1i■*.■*. nr...r.1 Y . .■> .. .......... .. ---- - *■-!*■ f. - :.^-v • -6 * ^ w 1 ■- “: • K e r r & H a s t i n g s B r o s " K t e K K ht. K K o f K K S r K K S-. K K ^ K THE OLD FOOT OOGTOO Oocloi'tji.ta a llf/a h tis .gentrtil oractltfAnem, <*• bnt th«x ar* not apccialia!*. Tb« aetaaT oftratfs con* nrlsa jh a nii»t intrlrtt* mm w S l * 1‘ MBmadJjtMy and reqalr* th« most ilclflftei treain: Yon mlnlu a* w*ll expect a Ma.-kStnUh to «p » it i tMl * tro«at.| replit your | . . . . - L| n watch,** a famlly pbTCiclati to cure .Sexual cp'aipialat*, thes* 4l»e«*e*.for over 30 year*, n&VeInvented tea* of tbfmaini* ol doUara and Save 10 wedlcal science to cur* them, %ticerJl£i fA y wltl1 * ixwlttw “cnjirjuitaa of- ... UEOOU jPOnjOff—WhSther Inherited of acquired. j» posltlyelr oared jdrever. .The virne Is elitnlnatedfrom every facltl Eve Wo ******* wl‘,rM’ care. ,- t — tm .—-i .Uunatedi*.attasefef h» 25 yeare ngo and no retnrnj best evidenceof a I other coinpHcatlens, odChas emisaloes, dr.tina In the nrlifw varlcOCel*; ttexaR ■weak****,etc,, are curedbyonr Ne>WIW«tbo<iT#aaia. *»•*** ander a positive xRarani«e-H»;CUB&-«’!i« Ht, ■ ■’ wa cusa au oistA*ia.o«> mknanowamk X, ■■ e i ceneaiutuf, free. Bwkr ffee. Wfite for qnistf&ifhtaftkiorf^i privateHomeTreatment, ifte^thlM^ oonSdeniWT D F tS . K E N N E D Y A K E R S A N , w r o w w , .m m H LM frm tft, K u K K ^ K ' K A Hf c ' K K & 1V" K K .-.AitMst ,V!fcr*»4V5tS.,«tefe« tharfestort Ixfiosllioo. . sat fit the- t-ddc togt thcr. Low flirt s fit) Charleston, Bouth S t e carl a shy glaitci* over at me, Oarijliiia, for the, Infci’stam and West Bhc ccrfeinly looked likr*mi nrig<t Indian Kxporitinu arc offered via '* )h Charley! Plcuse order me Rocky ■.Moimtain ’tea,” Pcmisylvaina Lines. Two form? of excursion liekef?, season ««<{ fitVftif 1 dajMnny he ohl-.ihied at rates 1 For informationnlmnt iarctfnnd trains consult E.ri, K^ycs- Tiefo'- Agcnt, K o d o l « % # « » m r n | B s h m m IbrVie 11^414 I I yw h <£%/£ TfiUaimfttvir* Um everylwx of the ! laxative Broituf*Qu1^tie t * m ? u Ite Mrta«djr:t.h*t n » m # Mi' 'fw> day a w j j Meat Lm ltr ti;e above firm mane, the meat mnrktl of V W j Vwutt? will he conducted. AU prw lnctin the line will be the t e l lhai u;«ney can bny, which fact enmbined with honest stnl thorough ImslncES mcilimts is enough assurance to tb i poifii?, who always want tli? worth o f U» ir money in every" respect. When sending chlhlren, direct them ton s; wo always give ihem the heat they ask for. GEDAHVILLB , i l l l t o . <i cj.*I fo. 4jvhfH.4s s d h u td . _ ' l i ikciititr i yiro»3jii,y sm4 rm.jtfcd. ? T I ^ A F T j S fsn New York as-1 Csij. I * * rinpail$nW a t have# rates. qpe jtehcnjH'jyffnd mirsi«rive*«ic»t *,sav to, . send money by moil. j T OANri made cn ft^al Estate. pet. •Ad trila te ra l rScxinrify. . William Wiiffosun. Prrs., Beth W.Hmifh, V i c e lW . .W. 3 Wildn;aD,'Ci:&bi;.r i GOFDS DEL IVERED Telephone No. '74. Service-Besumed SEAfjO.Km'2 F L O R I D A - L I M I T E D '• '* . V,A _ . • > '■ Louisville & Nashville Railroad . , . ' — TOv— ' - JAEKSONVItlE and ] ST. AUOliSTiliE AND ALE POINTS IN - —ft-DAILYSOLIDT 3 A«t tChrongh Coactes, Drawing^Boom Sleaptra and < ' / , blnln Cars •' S t e a m H e a t P i a t e h G a s Fiistfstaufl FinestServiceSoaifr. For time rubles', map*, r.uteR and Sleeping Gsir rt-rer- validn, address C. L . S T O K E , G e n . p a s s . A g t . D o u is v iH e , K y . Tim m m PfYrflacl s*f the irsiket ijiti ffeck turn, e:--0 id- ways ’•<; p -m ’t ni (Itf. " • Meut Si* n *4 O M r i e s W s i m e r , togeiber with every] thing to be found in a first fclaH meat market. ' . >s-Ate> handles the cele- J r.iti«! Swift Company’s Ham*. Atid courteous , ami iiont'St treatment 1 ’ ' - . gftt s witls the ftteve. Givods DefiVvyed. Tt-iephone fit>. “ ‘ , Freeh Fish and K-e ..To t l i e S o u t J i . . C . E . T O D D , Livery, Feet} and Coach Stalife. 22 nml 24 North Limestoue St., . Phone] Main 737,. - Springfield. O. Adam’s Restaurant and Dining Rooms Corner High and Limestone street^ Springfield, Ohio, THE FL0RIB4 SPECIAL Through Service, to. Florida Resorts via Pennsylvania Lines. ‘ Through passenger service to w in ter re­ sorts in F lorida and th e South oyer th e Fennsylvuliiu Lines via Cineiiinati, A'thuitn Upd Macort to Jacksonville and Ft. Aligns- tine hits nocn resumed. Pr.iw ing to clip sleeping cats leave P ittshurgh in the nuirii- ing, GhSciigo Ot noon, ca<‘h week ilay, learh - ing Olncinnalr in th e evening; from w hich poin t th ey go through to Kloraiu in a solid truiu of coin|Hjsite *'luh car, sleeping, cart a n d ,dining ,c;irs. Only,, one nigjht.if sjient on the way. T he through schedule in given below; '• ..' Leave Pittsburg a t-.8a. m. over the Pan. Handle lloute via Newark, 'Columbus ami ... following station s,_____________ Pittsburg, fLOO n» rn.t fJieuiicnviJIe, >ij;‘28 n. m .t Cadiz Ju n ctio n , 10:10 n. m .; JL nnison 10:52; Chriclisville, I0:57=a. ni,'{Newcomers town, U i2J. a, in .; Coshocton^ T 1:411a, m .; TrinWay, 12:10 noon; Newark, lg:fj0 noon: Columbus, 2:15 p m .t I/sndon, 2;5< p. m .; HotUli Charleston, 3:l3 p. n i.; Ccdarville, 3-:;0 p. In.: Xenia, 3:30 p . m .; Morrow 4-20 p. m .; Ixivcland. 4:50 p. ni. Arrive 'A tlan­ ta, 10:35 a. rtu; Macon, 1:00 p. h i.; Jackson vide, 8:10 p. n i.; St. Augustine, D:30 p. fti.' n e x t day. . . IL tu rn in g th e through Sleeping Cars for Chicago," l’itt?. iiig n n d interm ediate points vin C incinnatt and the Pi nnsyl vania Lines will leave Si. A ugustine 8:15 a. rn.;. Jack ­ sonville. 0:15 a. nr, dally r-xeept Sunday. F o r inform ation al>otit special rate to u rist tickets to W int-r resorts In Florida and th e F onth, sleeping e a r reservations, on .Hie Florida Special, and o th er purticulars, con, s u it K. H. Keys*, tick et agent of ih e Pennsylvania'Lines or address V .t\ Haines, D lsttiet Passenger AetrtL D ayton, O, D on ’ t B e F ooledi .Take the genuine, origins! fcocKv M ountain tjca Mede only by Madison Modi* Cine Co,, Msrasen, w ia .. it keeps yu» w rit, r i a r trade mark cat an each package, prlMi.Jd cents. Never sold In belle. Accept ne attbsU*' mv euinji KrtMNiMwtiin t s h , Aak yo«r SracaUt. K o e f o l D y s p e p s i a C w r o mlHrt y o u o u t . «If i f ‘w?- iff.ltlinH'S OOftES ANYPAUf v«* figTseeler*. ThesL« w ^& uslalrreJoris.1 Cfiuld Not Breiithe, .a ' >Uiri*!L ei'mip, j{rij>, hroiiehit % flKT tbnvjt, unii iutfg itmibhs nr- quickly cnrwl by Oufs rtalnme. GoUa>., f Out- minute €<myh Cure i ' sdo a mere i'xpectrifiint, which gives rm|\ IHnponirv relief. Jt sutletiS finrl lmtf ties the mucous, draws oat ihe laflain tnntion and itnnovp* tlte causa o» th iliscsso. Ateolutdy Safe. " Acts ni once. *'One Minute Cough Cure wil ilu all ilmt i« daiuicfl for ft,” s,ty« due, tfec «if tlu» Fcafi« Jf, Ht**!, Crushy, M»s. ’’My’wife could tint get her bfeath sm l was rrifeveil 1>y tha first •luw, It hul txrtn a I k nefit to all mv fftwlly.” U Ridgway. !Cincinnati, j- imilsyilis Olid nl! im i o i ’li'PGiSlS, | .Special Low Round Trip Winter Rates' O u r S e rv ic p and ’ Conueetio iLs A r e ^ Thp. * Hegfc. TO , LookoutMt, Tcnn- Asheville, N, O. CJwrUsfOri. S. C, Jacksonville, Fla. Ft. Aagustine, Fla Pen&tcoln, l ’ia.^ Palm Bt-ni-h. Fla. Tampa, Fla. -* Havana, Cuba. X<VW:Oik-ans,La. Also to points m Mexico, Texias and .California For rates" arid regarding routes tfnd limits, inquire nf t \ H, & D. agents or rcprcBcmatlvW D, G. EDWARD.V Bass. Trqf. Mgr. CINCINN ATI, O. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure . Digests what yon eat. Thfe preparation contains all ot the digesiams and digests rd! lire’s ot food, Jtgii'eaInstant relit rn_,d m vet fails 1ocure. I t allows yon to t all thb fotid youwant. Then:. =: g l i v e stoniaehs eftn taken . } .n : j: .>iiui-.v thousands of dyapr-pUe;. !_■ -.•« Lv;-n cured after.everything i l*-r' f.'.sd . i t prevent;? furmatlon of gr.;i*»- tV*t un- ach, rdicviiifj; all distnw-iL '-;; ?■* ;nt:, Rielingylituv'; s?hry. V h '.’.utstJ .i .!. •■ I t c a y / t h e l p b u t d o yem ^ s s d Prepare “ V~bvE.O.l)r,Alrr%?:(o,.<'!r!ca?o; TJ jo - ’• * octntainsaii tltrestheSO.vsIz*. Red Cross Tansy Pills The Ladies • FOR^ Ib p p re s sM Msatfraaflsi) PAINFUL - ftegslreatis!! ArtelsPRRVLNXIVHfee Aro S«fa and Rtliable. ,3V* PeHerily UtnrttfH P R IC E ^ t.OO Sent postpaid on rtcslpt of price. Money refunded If not e*'**’ eay. Sample «#<f BetkMgoattin , ViadoCifiehofiaCfr.,tfeaaroine*,low*. For sale by C .^ l. ll'ii.;Wuy PfOrtt Door Mirror*. Rtfeently in passing through pos­ sibly th e p rettiest villagi i n . Hie Cotswohls I ssivr art, excellent idea th a t might With advantage be infra* duced elsewhere. Within the knock­ er on the fron t door, which in Ibis instance was about on a level with the face of the visitor, was placed a ihnall convex m irror. Supposing the visitor te paying a call of cither congratulation o r condolence, how advantageous must it be to put ths righ t expression on hi? countenance, c ithe r festive o r doleful, before he knocks a t th e door.—*Landjn Graph* io, - . Rin-ky Mountain Tea, fekcti tmW Will keep the whole fatnilp veil.- l f h toils, hrh g it hack and get /'<»«? rush, 38 cts, Ask yourdrUjtipfcti