The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

CincinnatiDivision, ensulvaniaurag. $ Ti#***e*r Tml#* KfHiaa<v> (*.stfjVKj AH' AM fifit if Alton-...... ” .... tr9 f { ......... 9 a £ -....-,., , w-JV-- ■ todKSft I Mima CellarvIHo.-, ■ft’sa-tirfiiKe* -iSSf tiJlMIli.*... ‘ Kt, ApciCBt|| Morrow,,..,, Ho.I^lianon || Uovelaiut... | Milford Batavia Jc.. * QHii;inR» 3 3fcr.-. .... ’s’ JOS *AM i s i s i f f t t e : : : : ; i>B6f8 15tsj-~ JUslwJ. p *' am fi*clM»ji" *0 00 humJs." MrUcr*., . knUWl. , Kl«til»<i8,u JlCUfO*.,. “ riAaciist" Oftpiii..1; W'/’jrtUs<| fj-rinfftl1 ***»-■{“ 'Tfmnrftl “ CeJurUlt v M m ..." ■i. CVltiV Ixiicn ..." T.WfcV UUa .....* CiJualmur. -^103312 EOj S * *AM1M il MO **»*«»•.. 90$ ! «,*»*»• l 9 32 : ••**»«♦»!A,' SI! 8 49 fS 41 MB am 10 ja .< £*201017, 7f28........ f P 35... . 7 44»•»♦•>*» * 7 G*10T44 am ioo i »*«*< '2 t „. fl Aar '<«»«*»»♦< 1! IdU. f d n tH E U T T t e ONES, i*W #ncf, Harry carf the Dell* That War* Mixed. June and H airy wVro-eon'dns. Janedid not have any Huh .girl tou§in>butshe£*utl thatHurrywas wj&ostasgood m agiri coucinbe- pausehe wore frocks and played withaoliee. ' > ’* And Harry, did not have any little m cousins,, hnt he said that dans Wa^ almost aa good as a hoy cousin because she could climb fences and »hoot marbles. - And that is win they were so hap­ py when Aunt Clara took them both to seo the big Christmas tree at her house. And what do you suppose was on that tree? “Why, a top and a ball and a box of tools and a train o f ’ears and a big doll for Harry and a music box and a thimble and a little kitchen apd a,dollies’1bed and*a big doll for Jane. ■ Jane named her doll. Maud and Harry- named bis dolt Bessie. Maud and Bessie were just alike, IWgi&tijn * TRYfflB WAIT. ! VX DMVMllM. tX‘K Bfltwsen.Sprfngfield, Xenia, Dayton*Richmond. ■ - 6pr!nafleld1v JtUowSy’g*. " Xenta,.; 0aytqn-|iy‘^ 35 Ri<lauiid, Eldorado |‘ flodson.." .Dayton jj* waps t £ iriiedenati t6 20, ■ s - ij I) Brin it11m a n . ,pe.detaintimefrom l2COa«itti4T200nuJ' , from1200midnightto1200noon. S leeping C?«r on 3Vos. » .5 , fl, l i, 19,SO, HIana 108, eitherran through: via ■. Columbus andPittsburgh, dr connectthrough Pittsburgh Union-'Station to mi clfrom Battl- • more, Washington, iPhllaOelphia and Now York. Tfqa. 0, 301 wul HUconnect at Ttlch- mood for Indianapolis and.St., hauls; Nos. 31 ithd 3for Chicago. • .. .• • G. h. pKCKr IB, A, FORD, GencralKwager, C4noraVP*sHaj«rigfnt, 24-02.-I3 ' Pm-sBtrn&H, P ekn ’A. Fortimecards, rates offare, through tickets, fiagKngo checks and further Information regarding the running of trains, .apply to any Agent ofthe I'ennsylvania tines.. ' ' * ‘"Vn '■><•■,iw »r. WoulU Smosh the tlhb. , I f members of tbe^“H«y 'Pevw'As Fnciatfon*' would use Hi. King’s jNe.w Discovery for Consumption,'.the club would go to pieces, for it.nlwnye cures , this nmlndy—and Astlmiu, the kinif that baffles the doctors—ii, wlioliy- drivesiYom the system; Thousands of oneedmpeb-ss sufferers from-. Oomminp-- tioo, Vneuinohui, Bronchitis oweiheir lung and health to it- It conquets '<)i ip. saves little ones from Croup and ' Whooping Cough, and is positively guaranteed fo** nil .Throat and Lung troubles. 60 pv.$T. 00 . 'Trial bottle free at ftidgwny & Co. One of the Drawbacks. “ I wish I wasn’t a boy fo r about . half an hour,” he said as h e looked " ' o g ta t th e show. - “Why?” 'they asked. . “Because,” ho answered, “girls ■don’t ’have to shovel the snow off the walks; and in ha lf an hour it’ll all be done.”—Chicago Tost, - , * The Model'Farm, “Does your aon know mueji about farming?” “ I should say hie does,” answered Farmer Corntosseh “He says,-he -reckons lie’ll go to town an’ make about a million dollars an’ then cuih back an ’ run th is farm proper.** —Washington Star- * For The Comxiepfon. The t-nmplexiotj always suffers from biliousness or constipation. Uulesa the bowels arc kept open the impurifcie- from the body appear in the form of unsightly eruptions, Da W itt’s Little E rly Risers keep the liver ami bowels i;. h lilthv condition nurl f-emnvo the- e.iu- of such troubles. C. 12. Hooper, A bmv. Gu., si vs; “ I look I)a\Vij.tTs Lillie Early Risers for biliousness They were ju st what I needed, 1 am ffcling le tte r now than in /ears.” Never gripe or distress. Safe, ihftr oiigh and gentle. The very best pills ■ ' (J. M iiitlgway UnconseioUB Humor, An Iowan has written to his rep* rc^efflafive fo r volumes of The Con- gre:,/tonal Record containing obitu­ a ries saying, “There h nothing I read with so much pleasure as obit-, tames of dead congressmen.” The best humor is unconscious. N-w’s the time, spring ‘ time. T.t.> R f ky U»uui!;vin ten; keeps the wholt I'amiiv* well, A great medicino f*>r Hiring liwlflr-ss. Jo'ets. Ask vottrdrtiggisf. The.Nasty Fly. You see ib is funny little g irf in the p icture,' Well, what do you th ink is' the matter with her ? Shall. I tell you? She is. frightened a t a wasp which came buzzing round.. And her screams—you should -ju st have heard them ! And he r mother and nurse -aud the cook all came running out^-to See what was the m atter with her. ' , They found -her jammed tigh tly into a corner of the porch with her mr A Pearl Famine, A pearl famine is the latest cry in the jewelry market, ami Farit £spe- r-bllv is the d tv in which if is rag- in,, at the present time, , TJm supply ’thies not nearly equal the demand, midThe higher prices go the more a f ; there is for the precious gems. Already they a-’e worth from three to lour times what they were fetch- hr: ten years ago, and the price is still rising. The cause le t this ab­ normal state of affairs is, it h de­ clared, that large numbers of rich Ami:rieiios have been buying up the gems, eapeeially during the last few - mouths. ^ ^ ; To Cure # fold M One Usy* T !■»' H u dm* (iaitihie Tab- ; lets. All titofif »»ts n>f«o-i Rm nmoey »' ,U '■--)!• m cure. E. W. 0tri*te> S^ii.Uim i* «:i each liOX» BADJjV I'ftlOHTJENJGD. eyes very big and bCr aTm raised fo protect iter little nose." “Why, Violet, w h a the mat- *tor?” ssixd b e t mother, ‘ * “Oh, oh, ohf” sobbed Violet. “The nasty fly l He wilt sting mol Look, there he is l” ‘ And When* they looked, sure enough there was the wasp flying about tbe ilowers and quite four yards away from her. Now, wasn’t She a silly little girl?. Precocity of the Hub Youngster. Nothing, says the Boston H er­ ald, feezes the twentieth century child. A handsome little chap of, •seven years o f age was awakenwl in. the n igh t by the suddon illneSs of his mother, and the next day,-as soon as he was dressed, h e went and asked her fo r a dollar. I t was giv­ en to him without demur o r inquiry as to its purpose. Then the hoy hied him fo rth .to the nearest tela- 'graph office, and this was th e mes­ sage he wired to his papa in Cali-, fe ru la : Dear Daddy-Mother M »lek. U mi » hum* at oftce after the funeral. The operator suggested “ functaV* m ight alarm th e father, but she w a s, told, with an exu ltan t laugh, th a t of course i t wasn’t h ia , mother’s, funeral, bu t his uncle’s. ’‘Then you' should say so,” was her smiling sug­ gestion. “All right,” replied the hoy, “Write ‘unde ’s.* You, ,«ec, this is the first telegram 1 ever sent.*’ The following morning *. telegram , reached the youngster- worded;, * l Drar Dwlsht^YouT* all ri*hh Take **r* at mother. ,D aiidt . And th a t was the first “mother” knew what care he r seven-year-old son had taken of her. . .............. ........ . except th a t Islaud had a pinlc dress i.PJ’l I J?n.5qi?90,li.5S and Bessie’s dress was blue. “ Let’s pu t our babies to sleep in my pew bed,” said Jane, Then they look bff the dollies’ dresses and pu t the dollies to bed. . But, oh, dear; and,, oh, dear me, .when they wanted’to wake them up again, they couldn’t tell with the dresses off which was Bessie and which was Maud. And how sad those, dollies would •Haro -felt with the' wrong parents 1 Jan e was ju st going to cry about it and H arry ■was already, cryipg when Aunt Clara came/ ' . She turned the^riollies, and on. eaeli dolly’s- buck was a little string with a bead, on the end of it. Aunt Clara pulled the ?iHng on one dolly, and the dolly said, “Mamma!” .'“T ha t must he Maud,” said Aunt Clara. “She is calling Jarie,” ‘ Then she pulled the .strinsr on the o ther dolly,-and the dolly said,. “Fa- pa!” “That must, be BeSfs,” -said Aunt. Clara., “She is calling Harry,” Wasn’t th a t the kind of on aunty to have ?—New Orleans Times-D.em- ocrat. PATENTS M S B I^afp. ; Mftl ftrW. A44r***» m t m ■ 'w fw * O . A . S N O W & C O ® W l N N P # . !. Albert W. Horton, former chief justice of-the #upmmi court of K a n - 1 b « s , and George R, P* ek, now chief j ebunael of Milwaukt^ ‘ and St, Paul rw lr'T h met nemo years ago in New York, I t was be­ fore either had gahud his pse.eht distinetb n and independence. Bor* ‘ ton was in the city on legal hurinCM. Feck had lieen sighlaeemg, j Horton accepted Peck’a invitation' * to dine a t Delmonico’s. ffhe check’ was ?2G and some cents. Peek’s ex­ chequer was not adequate to l i q u i ­ date, a n d . he asked Horton fo r a temporary loan. Horton had $18 and bis railroad ticket.. The latter ; was not considered collateral. “ I ’ll tell you,” said Horton, “ You busy yourself eating- while I go down Broadway to my client ahd get an advance-” Horton was gone, more than an hour. To Peck it was like .the Iron Duka’s, wait for Blucher, When Horton returned* Peek said he had cleaned up all the scraps and emp­ tied six, p in t carafes of water in hia effort to appear unconcerned.—Les­ lie’s Weekly. Houseboats at Chicago. > Formerly the Chicago river was merely dirty. Now it is becoming picturesque in the magnitude of its industries and the strange and star­ tling'contrasts, that it presents, Before long .the river will be one,s of the great sights of the city, a characteristic panorama, showing in a most favorable ligh t more that has conduced to Chicago’s commer­ cial greatness than can be seen, in any other way in the same length* of time/ Indeed, already there, are ex­ cursion steamers that make daily' Jrips to tbe drainage canal, carrying passengors along this great artery of trade that until very recently was considered by all but vesselmen an unmitigated nuisance. A few steam ‘launches have ap­ peared as well, and not long-ago a. houseboat was launched—a house­ boat on the .Chicago'river! And yet ivhy not? With a houseboat or a launch one can go from Lake Mich? igan to the gulf of Mexico, and va­ cation trips of this description are certain to grow in popularity.—Cen­ tury; ■ 5 Rather Badly Expressed. “Speaking of James J . Hill,’’ said a St. Paul man at the Holland House ,the other evening, “ I. can tell you a story of him, , “ I t was away back, in the eighties "when the late lamented Harry Ives was Mr. Hill^s private secretary and Mr. Hill was giving away pigs of purest breed to th farmers of the northwest in ordci to encourage Stock raising along-the line of th e Great Northern road and thus build up its triilfic. ' The -state fair was in progress in St. Pau l when one September morning Ives opened Mir. . Hill’s mail and found a letter from a farmer, which read aS follows: ' “Mr. J. J: Hill; •• “Dear SIS—I -Went to St. P*.ut and-to tho fair, as you told me. 1 looked (ox you at your utllee nnd.elso at the fair groupda. -I, found plenty of. hoy* at your specie*, hut could not, (lnd you anywhere.” ' s—New" York Times. 4 Flowers’ For the Slimmer Garden. - The lovers of flowers will find i t a difficult matter to. select frem tho seedsmen’s catalogues sum­ mer’s ,garden. Every ■ flower -men­ tioned is described so attractively that it will seem as. if the garden must bo sadly incomplete without it. But do not let enthusiasm, g c e better of your good judgment. -Mqke up your mind to have only as many flowers as you can grow well and,* having done this, select such kinds as will adapt themselves most read­ ily and most fully to the; carezyou can give them. Do not experiment with “novelties.”—Eben E , Retford in Ladies* Home Jou rnal. * Her VAetflht In Silver. ; On the betrothal of his daughter ! H e rr Duehatscbek of F ra n k fo rt Germany/ announced th a t hi? would * give her as a marriage portion her weight in silver currency. Accord­ ingly on th e wedding day recently the bride Was formally weighed in the drawing Toom in the presence of the assembled guests before proceed­ ing to church. The lady tu rn in g ’ the scales a t sixty-two' kilogram#* (about 15?1 pounds), a Sack waa ftL once filled w ith silver crowns to th e same weight. t The exact number off crowns was 13,^60, about $2,715* . Pivmbf-okfng In Austria. ^ Pawftbrokiug in Austria is in the hands of private persons eycept i h : the capital, where tho emperor s in c e ; the time of Joseph I I . lias- been the ‘ pawnbroker general." The imperial • .pawning office has lately experienced: a complete transfofpiation. O rig i-! nally •formed oht o f an ancient con­ vent and adjoining church, i t long' agb became fa r too small for th# volume 61 business and ha# been rated and . replaced by very fine of- flees, With spacious auction rodin#. Henceforth the in terest op loans will neve^ exceed, iff per cent. Hk Hiid Mi# Doubt#, “You promised" me a tip/* sug­ gested the district messenger boy.- “True,” admitted the stingy man; “but l understand you’re no t kb lrwftrl to accept tips.” “Of course,” said th e hoy, you might give me a chance to re - fuse i t / ’ The, stingy man fingered a dime for a m inute and then shook h it head. - . . . T .m igh t/’ ho conceded,, “but I ’m afraid to t r a i t you.”— Chicago Post, ALL’ (1VEB THE HOUSE. ' Hew t» Mate* * Oaffdotia fata# Out af - -.v SHPtMWeitta. • . . . Few people aye-aw^ro th a t owing to the cultivation of pineapple# for medicine they may be found, ripe, high flavored and inexpensive, even during wintry weather. For 10 cents sue was bought recently tha t be- tama the foundation Tor a salad “ fit for th e gods” When jt ig remem­ bered th a t invalids who crave, meat and hitherto have been denied i t on account o f its bad effect# in. certain flisekses are now allowed it if eaten, ih conjunction with this delightful fruit. I t is no t to be wondered at, as it takeB a higher gastronomic place than ever. For the salad choose a tender, juicy pineapple. Mind th a t it has bouquet. I f not just ripe, keep it until satisfactory, as every­ thing depends on due ripenesB. Peel ' the fru it and cut in dice, , Avoid sugar* Prepare' a nice'head of let­ tuce and spread fru it on the heart leaves in the center ,of the bowl. ; Add a little celery, also cut. in dice, if liked. At the last cover with a thick mayonnaise and serve with saltino biscuits. Unless the f ru it has a full pineapple aroma the salad will no t be a success, and as i t is when this fru it is too ripe to keep \ well that it may he bought cheap it is a luxury the home caterer who watches the market properly may allow, though she must use strict economy. The Decorative Plate Shelf. An attractive addition to dining * room or den is. a plate .shelf eight or ten inches in width. In the dining room it may extend’ all around/ if desired, to hold ornamental china," pitchers or .other, objects o f which the housekeeper has a collection. *' The height should conform to the wall decoration, and the shelf may be as high as the- door casing, with advantage. - - In a den or sitting room, where it is intended for bric-a-brac, photo­ graphs, and such trifles, it is better not to pu t the shelving entirely aroqnd the room, but in sections,. and/even .at'ifregffhtr'heightsi---------- There is room 'for the display,of a good deal of taste in the placingrof the plate rack. .The articles th a t- are to stand upon it, the furniture of the room, the arrangement of doors-and windows, all have to he taken into consideration. The.fin­ ish o f the shelf, too, is of; impor­ tance. I t is better,, to match .the woodwork of the room if possible. Arranging a Bedroom. ■ A pretty arrangement for a bed*" found- in of furni-, ture sketched in an English paper. A tali cheval glass has before it a low square seat and a t one- side a double tie r wicker table with a wide arehing handle, used often as a nee­ dlework' table, hut in, this instance holding the impedimenta of the dressing table, brushes, combs, mir­ rors, bottles and the like. The frame o f the glass, the seat and .tho') frill around th e upper shelf of thfe' table were of cretonne matching tho ' hangings o f . the room! This ar­ rangement is to be recommended i where, space must be considered and is of value also in.securing the best possible light for hairdressing, a# the scat and table are easily Bhuted about the room when no t imus6.’ ; - For-ai-Cough* ■ This homemade medicine “will of­ ten loosen a hard tough : Pour one cup of cold**water over two ounces of pulverized gum arable and twor thirds of a cup of sugar. P u t two heaping tablespoons of unbruised flaxseed to steep in three cup* of cold water. Set in a hot' place, but not where it will boil, says a w ritet in Good Housekeeping. ^Then this growSithick, strain I f over the sugar *nd gum arsbic, which ought to be like,a thins jelly. Add the juice of two lemons, Take a tablespoonful every half hour till the cough be1-' gins to loosen. Serving Grip* Juice, Grape juice for a first course a t luncheon may be served in a lemon Cup, The t ip of the lemon is .cut to form a-.cover, the meat of the shell .being Entirely removed} In to th is is put the grape juice flavored with ft little of tlie lemon juice, the top restored, a perforation made in it permitting, two straw# to be in- jserted, Atiny ribbon bow tied found them a t the point of insertion; Through these., without .removing the cover the contents of the lemon cup are taken* v . *■ To Re-#namal a Bathtub. To t,c-ehamei a bathtub huy prop­ er, enamel. Wash the tub thorough­ ly, with hot soap water first and rub all over with sandpaper to make the surface smooth before using the enamel. Heat the enamel slightly by standing .the tin in a bowl of hot water before using. This--thins it> and. i t is-easier to apply it evenly* I t will need two or three coats, and each most be allowed-to thoroughly dry, befmfe the next is applied.. Reliable mmi for Manager of a Branch Office we wish to open in this vicinity. Here is a good opening for the right man* Kiudly give good reference when writing, THE A.T.HOSRIH WWMESALt HWSE, cm cRm ir* onto. Illustrated catalogue 4 cts stamp* I C o ^ o l D | * t i N » p l l i i CONDENSED^TORIES, Th*r* Was Plenty af Boom Asher# For th# "Gentlemen.” J . S- Y* Oddie, eic reta ry of tho New York Yaoht'cUjb, who died the' other day,-Was one of tho firM io make it understood to some of the members of the dub th a t the inter­ national yacht races fo r the Amer­ ica’s cup were sailed for the benefit of the general public and not for the exclusive amusement of a few of the club members, When the races were first revived about twelve year ago, all the newspapers did not go to the expense ©f sending special tugs. One representative j from each paper was welcomed on } the committee’s tug, which was in • charge of .Mr, Oddie. One morning J , Frederick Tams, a yacht design­ er, boarded the committee boat with two friends, who had no t been in­ vited, and, looking'around on the. group of newspaper men, he said to Mr, Oddie: • * ' “Why, there seem fo he more re­ porters aboard than gentlemen.” “Well,” responded Mr* Oddie quietly, “ there is plenty of room ashore ”—Philadelphia Press! Uncle Russ’ New Hat. “We may freely accord Russell Sage the, d istinction ,of being .one pf the most unpretentious of our great m en /' said Mr. J . Edward Sim­ mons, “Nevertheless.,1 once, saw Anything Needed ,Can be.'supplied from McMillan’s furniture . house where you have a good line from which to select ■ ! i C l m i i ' H /. I H O l l H ’l* rI 1} j l ) l< N S S i d c ' b p m ’d H H e d s t P t M l s I V I n v t t- - "V . . ■ Inspect pur carpets and, compare our prices with other houses. - s • • # • J , H . i l c i y i i l l a n , C e d a r v i l e , 0 . Funeral Pi-ector Furniture Dealer, Moiliersl This wonder- ful remedywill saveyour ] child's lifewhen attacked by Croup. It a lw ays cures Whooping and MeasleCough. For a bad, stubborn cold inthehead, chest throflt or lungs, it is invaluable. Doses are small. Children like Its* ftold by all ariiggifcts. Price ceaM, How He Worked It, “I don’t see why they call y.6u .tho' star boarder/’ complained the fellow who always got the wing. “That’s easy,” replied the other in his copyrighted superior style. “I ,ius't .twinkle, twinkle, and the landladyl doesn’t know what I am and lets me stay on blind fa ith ”— Baltimore;Worid, BESTFORTHE BOWELS It yon haven’t t\ j?ecu1a*Yhealthyinov'emebl howolu«YoryGuy, yotrro ill ov win bo, Keep you* boivdflO]>e«tttn<lbo tvc H. Fm'ce, Jn <hp shape of vlt> IcntphTfciooFpjll poison,Is-danjrevoud* ThetunOoth*^ o»t. cuMcut. most perfect way or koenltiK the howeie clear And ctafrh 4a to t&We c a n d y C A T H A R T IC ■- ' m t SAGESTRArantJifvED tU’, him in Nassau street, with, just the, ' suspicion of a swagger. As he came • •out of his office building an irre­ pressible street urchin ran along the curb, howling to a comrade: “ H i , Dinny, yo.ur Uncle Russ is wearin’ a new. hat.!’ / - “Mr. Sage straightened up per­ ceptibly, ' n o ' doubt with' secret •pride.”—New York Times. Didn’t Lose Much. • Colonel William. Greene Sterett of Texas, Washington imd the world in. general used to sitlSin a poker, game in his native state, where i t is related the-passions of -the players -were frequently expressed by violent means. Casualties in Texas poker games wero no t uncommon (in.those days. The enemies of Colonel Ste­ re tt relate with glee th a t oh one oc­ casion ju st as tneAnorning sun was reddening the horizon the warrior emerged from the game and into the street with a haggard and harried look. A fr‘iend> or perhaps an enq- my, meeting him. ftt the crisis, clap- ,ped him on. the back and said: “Well, Cojonel Bill, how much did you lose?” . “Not very much,” replied Colonel BUI wearily? “$8 and an uncle.” In Line With Marconi. Hugh McLaughlin and several of his friends were chatting together in the Willoughby street .auction, room the other day when the con- •vorsaiion turned to, Marconi’s feat of sending a wireless telegraphic message across the sea. “There was a reporter in here to see me about that a few days ago,” remarked . Mr, McLaughlin.' “lie wanted to get my views on the sub­ je c t fo r his paner.” * ' “I dare say you gave him- some­ th ing interesting,” said one of the group. “Well,” returned Mr. McLaughlin slowly, “ I got right in line with Marconi anyway. I gave the report­ er a wordless interview/’—-Brooklyn -®s8^e‘ . A Thirty Dollar tenor. The recent order of E. IL H am - man, chairman of the board of di­ rectors of the Union Pacific rail­ road, th a t persons who are ejected from trains for, not paying their fare must be treated tenderly and with consideration recalls a famous order o f Chaunccy 1L Depcw when he fust./became president pf tbe ,New York Central. Brakemen on the line were instructed to call.Off the names of stations in a “clear tenor voice.” On# morning Mr, Depew received a letter from a young man in Bough-- kcepsie asking: “What sort of a tenor do yon ex­ pect fo r $30 a month?” . Woman, Nobody who ever loves a vomnit ever asks himself why he loves her? ho doesn’t care why, - Some women arc happiest whop they are miserable, bu t just to bo unhappy they’ll qu it being misera­ ble sometimes. f Tell A girl she’s pretty, and sh§ will like it, bu t will no t he sure you itito itf earnest. Tell her she is pret­ tie r th an some girl she knows is pretty , *hd you’ve got her,-^Nefr York JfoMi, 0 A Mows Average. , Hustling Editor—-How many mur­ ders did th a t man commit? / ' Assistant — One reporter say3 three, another says five anil another says nine. - ' . . Hustling E d ito r-T h ree ,fiv e ,n in e ,; EAT ’ EM LIKE CANDY eh? Oh, Veil, we’ll have to strike \ an average.. 'Make it -359'.—New « » '? « » “ * ,MKrt?nJg* : York Weekly ' s*®#0*0 manor cojim-r, CHICAGOor KEir_to_nc. No Hypocrite. Farmer Prymm -(in city theater) ' -Better- take off yer hat, Sary: • All the other winjin folks lias theirs off. His Wife—L e t them,, the brazen things! Nobody’ll ever, have a chance to say tliot I’d do anything in a show place thet I wouldn’t do in church.—Brooklyn Life. KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN i p i i m a i ’s * u s h .-■ o° Sut,Us° t,h Motive Suspected. | Tsn t your father kind1 to take Jj3or<-. AhvwciroiiaWo. x*diciuiia 5 :nttig*i»t you riding bn your new sled ?,” I ‘T Iuh /’ exclaimed the obtrusive child, “father has more fun than. I. have. ,Y°u ought to sec him laugh- when he bumps me over a gu tter and -makes me holler.”—-Washing­ ton ______ _________ _____ ,, "WoKl Ji).‘t:iUic box"’, with blue ribbon, %'aitoue ofliw, iteOne U shko / toj ,*ftubsit- JKUoiinmnl ictiratloiie. Iiuyoi'yoei-Jjrufclst, »r sonrt to. in Mumps for IPprHoulnrii. Xeetl* m anlalu nml “ lio llo f Ib r Im llM ," {i*U r , liy r-odtrsi.Sluts. 10,00.1)Tenllrooulele, SOIdbjr all Druggists, ■ cmoBERSBit OH&noAn aa. £100 MrtilInna-.Square, - TTA. ■ 37tnt!aii iS,i. .... , Humorbu3 to the Last. “So you’ve been through.bur big shoo„martufaetdry, cb ? ' What did .you think of all that modern ma­ chinery?” / ' ' - “Well,” .replied tho old fashioned cobbler, “ it certainly does beat aw).” .—‘Fhiladclphia-Press. - . The Critic. Big Schoolgirl—Ain’t you got no grammar yet? L ittle Schoolgirl—Nope? not till next year* Big Girl—Why, gracious, I ’ve took grammar two hull years a’readyl Quiet Game. lie—I t is only a quiet little game. She—What do you moan by a quiet game ? He—Oh, one in which money doe* nearly all the talking.—Judge. MrS, Bacon—I t ’s surprising! John ­ nie went through that su it of clothes tin two .months! Mr. Bacon—Well, dear, you know you go through mine in one night* Yeast—What is the m atter with your’wife ? I see she’s got her arm in a sling. Grimsonbeak—Reekless driving, “ Horse?” “No? nail.”—-Yonkers Statesman, 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCE T rade M arkr - D e « iqn *_ .. . . C opyright # A c . Anyone Bonding*»k«tchend dteeripUqnisav tlonaBtrtctl/wnfidMtlVl. H#ndboo1cOoP«tonu n*ntfree. Oldb»t ncenpj-for«ecurtnfrwU»ntiu VAtanU tikan i rough -Wnnn A Co, no*tre ipitUUnMit, irittu utabunre, ta tho SdenflficJIntcrican. 7MT1 ............. r»»oiOM(», (K V BUWMhlncton.D. C, L l v 6 f P i l l s That’s v/hni youneed; some­ thing to euro your bilious­ ness and give yju a good digestion, Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. Thoy cure con­ stipation find biliousness* Gently laxative* AnM. br/i’.-virf.ft: BUSKIHfiiif.S’S DIE - f.r.yNr* A fj*, f- stag* tiw Co«gW Artd Works off tho fold. I/ixalivo Bromo-Qiiiuine Talflets cur# a cold in o-ie day. No Cure, No P*y* Price 2d tents. “ Do;’ ; \«>i .};;uU il would look "better i* vnuM V.*or!% i ; . < 1 of beg- gisi-T?” " • “ tMi, i-iv, Imi 1 never witf v/at jw hi ecfj a j.aM L r h r appear* m r Ancient Warka uf Sronze, , Tho use anil application of latfti. work and dcepralion, both fix­ tures for appliances a!*.u usefffl do- mesiio articles, are very anchnsti' We find record* of bronze bring #&* tensively used by the ‘Greek* irn^t Romans, Greece especially feriagla# tlie arts of working hroiiBe to p*t- fcction. Not only are works of e o -. lossnl form produced by thorn t a " this metal, nut the ornament* o l i their temples, doors, woaponny «sf- t mor and tbe prows of their j wero made of it. They had akso ' process of hardening and temparis^f which ambled them to ' this mc.tvil into many imptew®W ‘ requiring a ket-n edge, tu<!h w *ag#*fe j saws, and so on. ii