The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26

t a A % m m s l , t Ivsie Northup and f '« il y will ec j “ aupy Ifct* Hayet M eL ftn property- j •< . • $- ’ —Fall Jiae o f «€*■r aimed good* a t ' Gray &{k>/t* . Lewi* Heawrl, of Day too, spent several d»y« here this *eek- Fo r brooms, mop# *»d whttr-wiwb bfiwhw go to Marchaut’s, Boro to Mr, and Mrs, Al Stormont, Wednesday, a boy. M hhu , trimmed in fur, cap be had by calling a t this office. Article waa fouud in opera buyse. Sirs, U'jjl Stevenson entertained a ftuisber of her lady friends a t dinner yesterday. —Go to Gray & Co. ter , oranges and lemons, olives and pickles, fancy ■cake#. *, - , Rev. F, (>. Boos was confined to the house for several days this week,; stif" feriog with the grippe. F lou r Is sure to advance in price, • boy now a t poo per sack, MarqlianL Mr,.and Mrs. J . .Hale Collins were ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Gregg Wednesday. ’ Apples, bananas, oranges and lem oils fit Ooepeffe Miss Lunette McMillan and James jSmlley were guests of ,.Mr. and Mrs. ' J . C. McMillan, of South Charleston, ■ the first o f the week, Mrs, J . B . Winter entertained .ten of her lady friends’Tuesday in honor of Miss Slollie Martin, of Indiana, ' ‘ JDou’t forget to hear Dr.,Brown, . The Bum’s Horn Man, next.Tuesday , evening. Mrs. J . A, tffievplrt ami ehildnn le ft Sabbath evening for thejr ne>v home in Wisconsin. ' —Go to Gray & Co. for Hooker ’ puncakafiour, pure-New .York buck- -wheat. . ' Mrs.' Ervin Kyles who has beep ‘seriously ill for some time with in- ilamnUitory rheumatism, is reported ' Wsouie betters ' ■ ; - . F ob S a IE—Good driving home. . perfectly gentle and quiet; will work single or double. Also phaeton and harness in good order. ■, •314 3 t ' Mus, A nna H ess a* - .'■ < j, _ i ’; > Miss Carrie Hutchison, of hear Xenia,, who is attending college here rentertained quite a number ot her student friends Monday evening* One-half gah Syrup 20c a t Marchsmtfc , ' , , ’ , ’ . Bee Spencer, the efficient Deputy Clerk of Court, is taking a vacation spending the time at his home south o f town* " You can not go to Columbus, Day ton or Springfield and get work that will compare with Downing’s at the same price, and. the best time to de aide this is. before you pay out money for something inferior. - . Mrs. Will Bradfute and. children o t Washington C, H ., were callet here Monday, owing to the sickness of her mother, Mrs, Jacob Lott* Dr. Brown is noted for his brilliant wit, sparkling humor and convincing logic. ' • * Hayes McLean moved his householi goods to Port William Thursday, where he has opened a billiard hall* Harvey Ford will assist in operating* < You will, not soon have a chance to hear another lecturer ^o'humorousand entertaining as Dr* Bjfowh, Edward Steel, o f Indiana, a former student of tliis College, returned to hi* studies here, after about a year’s at/sence. Attend the opening at Stewart & Ustick’s March 28 and 20 and see the latest creations in spring M illi­ nery, Representative Atikeneys bill tela tive to abducting children frothy lh$ state homes pawed the senateTuesday* The bill applies to the 0 , B, <fcB, 0* Hoffic at Xenia and the Girls’ Indus trial Home «t Delaware, ■ J M illinery Opening .. fi .a t " * .■ ' Mr*. ComloiTs. Friday and Sa tu rday ,. . M arch 28th andag th , 1902. AU are cordially invited. Men cap now' carry their drinks In their vest pockets, as an Eastern turn has invented a. whiskey pellet which, when dissolved in the mouth, leaves the taste sod effect of liquor. The discovery will prove a startling one to; the distillers anda puzzling one to the ,%LS, revenue officials, who will be called upon to tax the product. The. plat is now open fo£ Dr* Brown’s lecture end seam are going fast. The D*yto« Hospital Board on \ Tneeday evening selected E . M* Gsr- j | rett, of Toledo, a* Steward to succeed ‘ It. R Knowles, who has become fa- ijKiuz over the recent'eeaudal a t lira# iubtitution. Mr. Garrett comes highly recomwfiHled sod bis ‘appointment came ae a surprise to many people, as there were several applicants from this county that claimed to. have a string to this position. The ealary o f Stew anl is $800 per year, but the Steward is generally appointed superintendent o f the electric light plant, which gives a salary o f $100 per year, all about $1,200 salary. * PROCLAMATION, How’s Tfrift? Wo oiler One Hundred Dollars lie* ward for uny ease of Catarrh that ramdot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Care, • F. J* O iiksuy & Co,, Toledo, O. ' We, th$ uridersigne t, have known F , J . -Cheney fbr the last 15 yearn, *ud'believe him jHTfectly honorable hf all hitsium transactions and fin»n* sswlfy able to carry out any obiigs msdi- by iheir firm. W**r & TfirAx, -Wholesale Drug* ■jftoti, Toledo, 0* WAttHlWf, KtHSFASf & M abv r,»rr Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 , B r il’# Catarrh Cure is taken inter acting directly upoft the blood *tod miirtiu^ rurffieo «? the, system. Tssthmuiisl* sent free. Price 7lfc per C. W.„Orouec &»>3 or on" Wednes day butchered twelve head of calves, 'fliis*seems like a pretty large slaugh ter for ooe day, but the firm, is now wholesaling meat in Springfield, Mr, and Mrs. Cha#. Dobbins have issued invitations to the number of 150 for a reception this'evening ip honor o f their sun Olin - and bride, who were married Wednesday of last week a t Rawson, D. Seed potatoes—Bose, Hebron, and Triumph—a t Cooper’s, . . ; Rev. James MeQuSlken, of McCor­ mick Seminary, Chicago, seems to he quite popular with the Chicago press, as roostall the city papers have bad his picture,, and in each instance speak in glowing terms of the new pastor oi the F irst U. F. church. ' Dr, David MacDill, of Xenin. has be’en 'appointed, by the Governor, as oue of t-he trustees of Miami Univer rity* James F. Raukiu. o f Sout Ghiuieston, was reappointed as trustee of the uorrhal departrtient of- Wilher- force. 'Lettuce and celery at Cooper’s , . Spring term of college opened Wednesday morning, with a good at­ tendance, Therew/ae a. vacation .of few days before the present term ^opened, which-enabled several ot the students to vieU- tbeir hotiies. The Pennsylvania Railway Com pany is. putting in-a new side true near Selma. The work strain passes through here several times’daily wit dirt for grading purposes .4 Spring will soon be here, and then perhaps yon will want gome -Harness Collars, Gurry Combs a n d , Brushes, Halters and many other articles per­ mitting .10 a harness shop, ami when yon want those things remember you can get them, of tnq a t lowest prices^ Special prices to cash customers, T . Dorn, the imruess iran* A bill-has been introduced into the legislature by Representative Price to increase the Dow tax from $350 to $500. Should this pass it is evident that hundreds of snloous would have to close their doors. Bulk garden seeds, Onion sets am seed potatoes al Cooper's, < Antioch College won the sevent 1 annual contest of the Ohio Oratorica Association* The contest was held a t Westernville last Friday evening. F H. Peters represented Antioch, his average being 9 5 per cent. Easter Patterns at Stewart & Ustick*s. The ladies of the R. P . church have secured the “Ram’s H o r n Mau” for next Tuesday evening, the proceeds to be used in the completion of their new church building. Prospects at present are for a good attendance. Dispatches from Washington state that Will Iliff has been granted a pen Sion o f thirty dollars' per month Will’s friends here will be pleased of his good fortune in securing such au increase, Dr. P, R*Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0, VeTephoae.—OfSce No, it, fftsldeace No. The elector# of the Village of CedarviUe will trice .notice tlftfc an election will, be held at the usual voting places in said Vii Jage on Monday, the 7 th day of April, lbOi, between the hours of mx o'clock tu m, and six oVIoefc p. m„ at which election the fol­ lowing officers will be chosen: One Mayor, one Marshal, one Corpora­ tion Clerk, ope Treasurer, one Street.Coin- mjseioper ahd four Cotincilmen—rtree for two years and ope for one year. Made at Cedarvllle this 14 th day of March, 1902. • j . h . W o l fo rd , Mayor, kwrtf* Bold bf *11DfUgiftris, Bril'# Family Filfe are'the b «if, I t is remarkable the number of far* mere and their tenants that are indy* ing this Spring. Older citizens say they never sawso many people change about in cud spring. One cause, w£ think, is that quite a number of farms mve changed bands during the last ifew months, which has caused the icople to look for new locations, • A t iresent farms arc very scarce iu this section* . Thursday’s Ohio State Journal tells of the monster petition which Probate Judge Dean presented Wednesday evening to the Legislators a t Colum ins. I t waft for the purpose of urging separation of Greene county from the Hijtth district and its addition -to the Third, It. is said that the petition contained ovcf one tjmuwimJ names. He also presented files of the Xenia papers that favored the change, O U N X ~ rS 0 B f e l N S f A-iTftitfNftY-ATLAW. fieidu, Murifages amt Alwlrafts, Oftliewtth W. L ilematw, Hots], The amount o f smoking that is in Bulged }u by young man, and particu larly boys,.has caused the ladies about tq\yn ’ to take some steps towards checking the smoking habit. For their benefit we give.below a section of the Ohio laws, passed March. 17th, 1895, that refers to this matter; ^ ’Sec­ tion 8 ,., Ohio Laws, That whoever sells, gives or furnishes to any minor under sixteen years of age any cigar* ettc, cigarette wrapper, or any substi­ tute for either, or any .cigar dr to bacco, upon conviction thereof ehnl be fined not legs .than twepty-five dol tarn nor more than oue' hundred dol­ lars, or imprisoned not less than two nor more than thirty days, or both for the first o dense aud fined not less than fifty dollars nor mpretbaff three hundred dollars, aud. imprisoned not less than five .nor more than sixty days, for the second or any subsequent oflf&nie.” Easter display of Hats and Bonnets Fr iday -anc Saturday, March 28 and 29, &t Stewart SrtJstick’s. E v ­ erybody cordially Invited to attend. TheEpwortb League social given last Friday evening a t the Methodist parsonage wa.^j, well attended anc proved an eiyoyable affair,' ‘A “ Mu sical Romance,” iu Winch the answers to quotations were discovered in vari ous musical pieces that were rendered, proved to be a most enjoyable fea­ ture of the evening. Today is the last winter day, ac cording to astronomical laws. Dr* Buntie, Who field fortfi a t the' opera’ house for almost tWo weeks closed his engagement Wednesday eVeniftg.. Tbe doctor had a prepara tion that cures the usual run of dig eases, The first part of tbe evening 'was . usually devoted to the -iale of medicine, after which came a comedy farce and some specialties. A voting ConteBt as to who was the most poptf lar young lady in town drew but goo< 'sized crowds in order that friends o; the'contestants could vote. Miss-Dora .Siegler won the silver set, consisting of thirty-seven pieces, Aa’Misa Sieg ler was formerly a teacher in the pri msry room of J h e public schools, her former pupils worked hard to secure the prize for her. ■T Besides being conferred with the honor o f appointment on the board that governs the Ohio Experimental Sta tion a t Wooster, Mr. Oscar Bradfute was a t the organization of that body chosen as its-secretary. There is no question but that Mr, Bradfute will prove a valuable member as well as ah officer of the board* Farmers in this vicinity' .that have of late been troubled with the repre sedtaiives o f different electric lines, arc beginning to lose patience, for they are continually being disturbed* Possibly if some little headway Were made towards starting the construc­ tion things would take a different aspect. 80 far, the electric road bus­ iness has proveu a farce; the only ones benefited being the 'surveyors and their assistant#. ~ 1, Thoughtful men wilt' consider broad*, y any question which H up for deci sion* They may bo controlled by >rejudice, passion or interest but to hemselvcs they will admit the justice of the opposition,-if it is just, and one ucpfl never hesitate to do the right thing <»• assume h position which is defetisihh? upon high moral grounds, b r (-vervone knows the right from the wrong whether he 3ft .governed by it proof. * k E. COBBY, A U C T I O N E E R . ' I'otopUirw. Frtirmm find 8,lisf*c’ tion Guaranteed. ft ?,“11 Triephows Ot-dmille, Ohio. . A l U t o L *1 w*s full of men and women of all kind# o f belfefa, most of whom were opposed, to th e object o f the meeting/ Generously, bu t unwisely the caller# ot the meeting' gave *11 present the right to vote on resolutions proposed ffir adoption, and » lot of rascals there that night, combined to defeat the xeeolutiiHis/Whif'b they did, amending them so that they meant Inst tbe op­ posite o f the intent ,o f those that called the fpeeting. O f course it was St merry time for those ; rascals, and they chuckted'over it. “Then Rev, J . P. Wright eroee and delivered a m>>st scathing, biitrieserved' jrebuke to tbe rowdy, unmaunered crowd, and told them, among., other tfiiugs, that the time was near a t hand when they would have’t(r wade iir blood to their ankles to settle this question. That wosin I860,, ju st the year before the dreadful civil war. His words came true sooner than anyone then expect* ed /’ , ; .. ■ ' The utterances of the pastor added to the feverish state, o f feeling’on po­ litical -questions, in the country and community, threatened to. tear the congregating asunder., Those, who approved and tho*,e who opposed the utterances of their pastor on the quea- tion of the day took sides and on Jan , fi, 3880/ no less than thirty-eight members, who were Mr, Wright’s warmest friends, naked .for certificates pf dismissal. Their request was, laid ou. the table. The petitioners ap­ pealed from the jactiou to the Presby­ tery ami also asked the Presbytery to organize a seconiV congregation iu Cedai ville, ,Tlje appeal Was eustaim d by Presbytery • on Jan . 18, and the petition for.n Second church was not granted. , That body ordered the cer tificutes to be granted and appointed a commission to adjust.the-differencye. But 'the commission was not successful for ajt the next meeting of Prfehy tcry, on March 27, Mr. Wright offered Jus resignation,., Action on it was de­ ferred until the report o f the commis­ sion was received. On April .24 a call was.received from the congrega­ tion of Unity (now Jordan’s Grove), in the hounds o f St, Louis (n'ow Illi­ nois Southern) Presbytery, for hie services which- he accepted'; nnd his resignation waft accepted by the’Pres­ bytery, ;- Some Of 8 ur oUt o f town subscribers may wonder Why their paperii .were late in reaching them last week. The fast train-failed to catch the mail sack and it fell tbeneath the train And Was ground to pieces. A portion of tbe •papers wereeaved and others sent iu place of tlie-destroyed. Mrs. Wallace Barber has sold • her property to Mrs. Hitgler, mother of Saniual Hftgler; Calvin Wright and family have of late occupied the' Bar­ ber property but on Monday exchang­ ed houses with Mr* Haglcr, who hns beefi living In tbe Iliff property on ibe same street. John Iliff, who for some eighteen; months hns been a t the Soldiers’ Home a t Sandusky, came down from, that city Thursday to visit his old com­ rades and.- friends, John has been promoted to, Sergeant o f his cottage, and speaks , in the highest praise-of their treatment by .the Government officials/ The Ladies’ Aid Society of the IT, P . church will hold an Easter market Saturday, March 29lh, in J . ( H. Wolford’s buggy sales room. The ladies are preparing for a nice assort ■went o f” Easter delicacies, such as home-made pies, bread and cakes. . Messrs* Gibson & Foatle, the pro­ prietors o f the cheese factory, are in town this week, looking up business. They report prospects good fpf plenty of milk this spring. }Ve are pleased to know this institution is to be re­ opened. ,, rm I **For. 25 years I hay* never missed taking Ayer’s Ssraapafill* every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong,-and in ev«?ry way*” — John P. Hodnetfe, Brooklyn, N.Y. ^— 1 ■i[ 1 1 Pure!and rich blood carries" new life to every pert of the body. You areinvigorated*refreshed. You feel anxious to he active.YbUbecomestrong, $teady,cot«rageous*Thsfs what Ayer’s Sarsaparilla will do for you* , O v e r s l * a t e L a s t S u m m e r we closed the en- j tire gtpek ot fine suits from the S t e i n - , B l o c K C op * of Rochester* New York, t We h^veleftof these suits 175 al* told- ' The ,; patterns are neat, some^ftlue serge and some j black cheviots. The cut, military, semi-mili- j. tary and conservative shapes, ana uoarly , the i same as this’season* The cheapest suit made1 j, by;this firmretails for$15 and on up to $25. ; -There are m o r e m e d i u m - \ p r i c e d s t i l t s in this lot and we offer un- j restricted choice for A, ' ‘* ; 1 ' ' . * * * Every size and regular $15, $20-and $25 suits. . -/•• R e m e m b e r ^ First-Class Stem- Blocb S a l e o p e n s -S a tu rd c y , M a r c h 1 5 th , a n d e a r l y p u r c h a s e r s w i l l g e t b e s t s e l e c t i o n s . Continuation of VinterBargains. $14-75 MEN’S FINE SUITS ANO OVERCOATS* ap to $25 in, value, now . * . . . ' MEN'S FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS, tip to $16 in value, now * ■ - * • MEN’S FINE SUITS AND OVERCOATS, up to $10 in. value, now . . . . . . . $ 11.50 $4-98 S p e c ia l L o w P r i c e s six B o y s* a n d C h i ld r e n ' s D e p a r tm e n t . R .S L o w e s t - P r i c e C l o tK i e r , 5 0 a n d 5 2 E . M a i n S t .* X e n i a * 0 . f 7 ANNOUNCEMENTS. t PROBATE TODUE We are authorized to announce R. L. GOWDY as a candidate for Probate Judge, subject to the April Republican prhnnry election. • * We arc authorized to announce W. F. | TRADER as a candidate for Probate Judge. | subject to the April Republican primary j election. We arc authorized ionunou/tce JlARGUg A, SHODP ns a candidate for Probate Judge, subject to the .April- Republican primary election. 1 . .COUNTY COMSIieStONEIl, .We are authorized to announce JOSHUA BARNETT as a Candidate for coustv ' com - subject to the April Republican Primary election. We are authorized to announce that J. F. HARSHMAN will boa candidate for Coun­ ty Commissioner, before the Republican primary election. SHERIFF. We art- authorized to announce the name oi MU. 0 . WHITSON as a candidate fbr Sheriff of Greene County, subject to the April Republican primary election. Wear'cotithqrtzed to announce FRANK T. TARBOX asTTcandidalc for Sficriff of Greene county, subject to the April Repub­ lican, primary election. Ii$RS GkERM SEMHflTOfi H a s no peer in the pritnary-' essentials for cream get­ ting* M ilk and water are not mixed* T h e water can is round. M ilk can is fiat—s ligh tly ovaled at'the sides to make it strong, Am p le space between m iik and water, can for ice if n^C- esssary. T h e u Arras” Cream Separator w ill save your wife the can lifting, skim­ m ing and w ash ing crocks tw ice a day. « c , n . C R O U S E • w - - . - *Cedarville, Ohio. RTotice o f A p p o i n tm e n t . t * Notice is’hereby given that Daisy E Gray has been appointed and qual­ ified as administratrix of tbe estate of the late Robert Gray. J . N. D ean , Feb. 7,1902. . Probate Judge. Notice is hereby given that \V. B. Harrison baft been appointed and qualified as administrator of the estate of the laie Bu rr R. Harrison. < J , N, D ean , Probate Judge, Mar$h 10, 1902, After nearly a ■vVeek’s close down, the Electric Company lias arranged to give ns lights. Some time ago the dynamo burnt oiit and Mr. Lowry was compelled to purchasen new ono. This time liejina a five hundred light machine'vif a 220 voltage. This has necessitated a majority of the'custom*; erg to pu t iu new lights, ns the old globes were only 110 volts. | r-’h ’ ■■* .... " ! The Republican County Convention for Clark county was held in Spring- field Thursday afternpou. There were * ■ •> Mrs. Samuel Bromagem died a t her'| hpffic iu Patoka, Ind,, Wednesday, of dropsy. The resignation of D r. hlesseuger, of the U< S, & S, C. Home, along with several of the other bends of de* partments, is iooked Upon as rather suspicious. I t is known that Gov eriitir Nash waft working bis way to this institution, os i f has held the rep-* utation of being rather corrupt in the matter of furnishing the supplies for the tables. If is likely that other resignations will lie ha it(fed iu a t the next meeting of the board, 'The report o f three revolver shots from the gun of Night Officer Wylie Ivennon, attracted considerable atten­ tion Thursday evening about 7;30. Tho officer had arrested one of the Whiiiglcdecker boys for assault and bath i f «.n a boy by the name of Ger­ many 'Smith. When at the Mayor’s office the SHIngledecker boy broke loose from tbe officer and ran a t breakneck speed Up Main street, with Officer Ken non in hot. pursuit.' A t the earner o f Cedar mid Mifin streets A 1 ■>« . * I a«wv-Mi*ivI . « mj . j A A i*i£. i*Z,/ ■ a . S.. i .* a* ot I « Courtroom Humor-i Not long ago' Judge Dickey of the supreme court who liailft front Newhuyg, was holding court in BrOoklj l. The lawyer for the de*' fefidant in the case before him oc­ cupied the time of the court by ask­ ing practically the same question over and over again. Judge Dickey called hia attention to this factoncd or twice nnd finally became provok­ ed nml said to the lawyer: 4 _^-Ytfu have gone over that ground time and time again, counselor, Yout questions , suggest ‘crabs’ to me—they always go sideways aud do not get ahead—and I do not like crabs/* The lawyer pleasantly replied! “Well, I am sorry that your honor does not like crabs, and I most re­ spectfully differ Withyou in that re- speefc, as well as others. For my part, I like crabs, but I do not like ?. lobsters, especially lobsters a la Ner.- burgl”-—New York Times. > .. *A Juflsjler** Feat. , ____ Three turnipsWere thrown recent*- the officer fired three shots, hu t the ly from the roof of the Masonic boy continued on in^ his race for free dorn. _ A large portion of the night was given in search and this nmrnihg it was learned that the boy wits iu hiding and would give himself up to the authorities! although nothing of the kind has been reported a t "this writing. I t was only a few months ago,that ShingletlecKer was released from the penitentiary, where he was eeut for robbery of the Dallas goods, H , M«. Barfier, A lf Johnson and seven candidates in the field for colder. Among the number Frank Mills, « brother of Mrs, J . fi, Wolford. MV. Mills Was micccsftful in getting the nomination on the. Second ha« been / (uite sick for some ballot. The, office o f County Recorder - in!t !,t P^aent to improving > of . the highest femmierativeJWHit Rv. Ab. Garpeuter were appointed-by the Probate Oourt as appraisers of the Burr It Harrison estate, 'Gilbert Hanna, who resides north is one offices Ju the county, • ' Subsci^b* for the Herald, $1 year. j > Oscar George haa left the farm ami >moved to the I), H . McFarland prop \* tty. r temple in Cliicftgd to tlic street, wherd BcdiUi, the juggler, stood With a fork in his mouth to catch them after their drop of 310 feet. A syndicate, of sporting men hot that he could not catch a turnip droppedfrom that height with safe­ ty to himself and the vegetable. If was agreed, that the juggler should have three trials, and the turnip* were wrapped in yam, so that they would not go to pieces as they whiz* zed through the air. The first two attempts Were unsuccessful, but at the third the turnip came down straight, and it was caught fairly on the prongs of, the fork-in the mouth of Bedim, The man reeled from the blow, but recovered at once, and said later that a alight headache and a shock to his teeth were Utc only inconveniences hesuf- fared. f a r € » mm t w e $ Is fry_ a n .d f . ' . - - ' f V i , . , . , . I , ,V . 'v. . 1