The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26
r> fip-5; h; ■ i % k:.. & h *^ S tif f * t mj £„#t P ”, , > i i t t Store Open Evenings U n t i l C 3 X * t* t& tm n & Store Open Evenings ■ . . U n t i l C ? t * r l ® t m » « ¥ - - , Excursion Day Dec. 20. THE BIG STORE ;I« now Ladies’ No ridered. All this is now immensely augmented hy our tremendous displ and Jardiniere, RoyMB«jw« Vases, etc. Utopian Vases end ..... ~u~ - r- . boxes. Etc,, Etc., Etc, More goods here to select from than prices and better discount than any other Springfield store r_.. „ ----- ----------------------- ----------- ----- , ~ T.~ - . , seasott'e leavings are here. Everything in Holiday Goods as iu regular stocks at Wren’s are new and prices the lowest in the city by front 20 to 40 per cent Things for the Little Ones. jhiers, side, hoards, etc., either in oak or white cantael, small/ medium and large sizes, doll beds and cradles; foiaitjg; extension and square tables doll houses/feitchens, stables, foundry Bets:and' P‘an®*j> ] and’ gold, rockers with" handsomely turned posts and arms, carved backs, leather, cane, plush or veneer geatq and brick upholstered with figured velour, Child s Morris chairs, maple finished m oak, velour box,tu h one, nli well j ■ and carts,, huekboards, etc., etc. China closets, bureaus,,dressers, chiffoni rs, finished in maple hr oak, reed or-enamel finished and extremely low in,price. , , , , _ . , , l(r), . , . „ ,Dog carriages,and go-carts, We have them. Reed willow frame and enamel bodies, upholstered with parasol, to match wood and-steel wheels, steel wheels with ruoher tires, steel axle and c .springs. „ , •» , . , I 1Child's combination black hoard,,.revolving roll with popular and appropriate designs. Tray top, hoard swings down!to form a desk. •'Compartments inside for paper, etc. Childs deslcrmakes fi handsbme present, to any boy or girl sstrong. a d el piece of,I ' ’■ ~ * ■* J - olden dak, roll top? pigeon holes, extension bed, etc, etc. ‘ ' r ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 furniture and an ornament to any room. Finished ?n g { f l o c a l -a n d P e r s o n a l . - ' «Swiss Cheese at Cooper's, ' 'A.- merry Christmas to' all opr , readers*, • ^ ‘ Mia. Or D. Marchnnt «s visiting friends at Wavorly, Ohio. ’ The trial' of Eicfiardson for man-. - slaughter, is now going On: The fol lowing jurymen from this place being ' drawn and accepted: 'David Cooney, '=>R,- B. Barber and Samuel HaglCr. ,1 a v , a 1,5 ; - > -Mrand^Mrs J..H . Stormont’ enter- - tnined # riufnber. pi their friends, ' Wednesday and Thursday evenings, . a t their home west of town. ■ ■ , , ’ . The Greene County Farmers’ In stitute'will be held in Xenia, .land- "ary,3rd and- 4th. The state speakers are; 0 . H. .McCormick and T. J. Miller. Miss Eleanor Smith is on for a reading, Saturday afternoon.". The following invitutions Were is aired last-Saturday: “Mr. and Mrs'. John Towosley invite you to be pres ent rit'tffe marriage of their.daughter, ’ Clara Viola to Calvin Crawford Mor ton, Tuesday evening, December - twenty-fourth, nineteen hundred arid ' one,, at five-thirty o’clock, Cedarville, Ohio. * ■Buy ybu’r Oysters, Celery,'Oran, berries, etc,, for your Christmas dim -ner of Cooper.' Mr. aud Mrs. A. R, Bull will cele brate the; 5Qih anniversary of their marriage at their home, west of town, Monday' Invitations wero sent out Wednesday, ' ’ The citizeus of Osborn are en deavoring to .Vote out the saloons of their town, but at a recent meeting of the town council the proposition Was defeated by a vote of four to two —Susan.—The pimples, sores and blackheads are danger signals, Take Rocky Mountain Tea, you’ll give n farewell reception to your" troubles, 35c, Ask your druggist. Today is the last day of school in the public schools for this year.' Ex aminations are over, much to the joy Of the students.- The'’ prospects are _ good at present for a white Christmas, with plenty of snow and ice for sled ding and skating, Mr, and Mrs, Homer McMillan left Monday for Texas, where ihey have f eme for the benefit of Mr. McMillan's offtb. Mrs. Will Turnbull gave a parcel shoWer at her country home today for 'Mis3Clara Townsley, s ■ <, For Bale—A nice Seven-eighths red polled yearling heifer, also three- fourths red polled heifer calf* t - . Andrew Winter. ' To-morrow will ‘be thevhortest day of. the year. From that on the days will begin to* lengthen. The present weather is proving a harvest for.the blacksmiths in that a Jifrge number of the' horses are being shod ' for the icy rOads. *T, H, Wol ford reports that Wednesday was their'largest day. for a, number of years', they huyfug driven 80 shoes bn that .day. Other smiths about town had their share of the harvest also. Ely Kinetoscope this and tomorrow evening's at the opera liouse, Adniis* I eion 10; 2Qaiid 25 cent8. * t 4 ,**'•*► 'L » , d ( No better .performance • has been given in Sabiua and ' a number of - The Sewer. Muddle Ageiin. Xenia’s sewer muddle is.agoiu boil ing up, this tiriie,at the., instance of the city solicitor, I t will be remem bered that the Herald called.pardon iur attention to. the server commiseian- ers* work some lime ago, in that they endeavored to hold up the county for something like three thousand dollars. At that time a bitter fight was wagcdj against us by the newspapers of that city,-but the more they fought and endeavored to-“smooth over” by re ported interviews' the more the pot would boil, and finally the county papers gave up the fight at the request towns of'that^sectiou than the;E'y'j of those interested, showing.directly »j- - Prices M), 20 auddtincier:Wh0Be management thoy were. WHY SANTA DIDN’T ’ Aecordiogto the Bpringfidld Bun Harry Frey has seea m his franchise in this county, after nearly a year’s struggle, Tlie ynad, he says, will be built next summer. - Mr. fJomer Henderson Uft Tues day for hh home in Iberia. He Will return the first of the year to his cchrm) duties. —If you would- have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals tales Chamberlain'sStomach andLiver Tablet*. They correct disorders of the Stomach ami regulate the liver anti howafs. Price, So cents, Bam pies free, a t (V M, Ridgway's drug store, East Friday afternoon the thermom e te r tod at #2 degrees. Exactly thirty-six hour* later the the ther mometor stood at 10 degree* below, a drop of 72 degrees. Is ft any won* day pimple in tfat* section ar« subject to con*umpiit)», rheuifiattsrr; and all fciaffrsd dlstaaes? Buy youf Obrisfmts candiei, or angtoXod nutauft.loopef,. Xunetoscop’e Co. 2fi cents. Leroy Storrett left on'Monday for Pittsburg, where ho lias. a position offered him. I t i*.very probable that he will accept it. , Tpe Ely .Einetoscope company ap peared at Wilmington Wednesday’ evening and those who.saw the. per formance pronounce it first class. Better see it. - • Messrs; .James Smiley, John Mc Call, Will Pollock, Floyd McAllister, left this . week for their respective homes to spend the holiday* •We are informed that 01 in, Dob bin's"who recently passed the state ex amination and was admitted to prac tice lnw.wilUn a tew days open up an office in .our town. He will have his officewith W. L. Clemnns. , For Christinas at Gray’*. Fancy Celery and Cranberries, ' Oysters, Custard rPumpkin, Heinz Mince Meat, Oranges, Lemons, Huts, Malaga and Catawba Grnpes, ' Olives and Pickles, Fancy. Colorado Honey, A fall line of Canned Goods, - New Crop Sorghum aud New Orman Molasses, Crackers all kinds, Other things good to eat. Messrs Kyle & Tate of Xenia, are presenting their gentleman friends with a neat bill and card bbok. Mr. and Mrs. J . P, Barr, of Dayton. Were called hero Wednesday by the death of Win Walker, There has been 'some rumors iu Dayton that the Dayton & Xenia Traction cpmpany are going to take up the Rapid Transit, tracks and ex tend the road east or south of X b U i S, This means that the road. wilLbe ex tended to Cedarville or Wilmington is not known which. However there can be no dependanee put in these re ports for they are like aii ofh t. i, if rumors and reports would build reads Cedarville would be swamped With lines. ■' George Atkinson received a tele grnnf of the death of his father at his home in Btroud, Oklahoma, and left for that place Saturday. • There is nothing your wife, mother or friend would appreciate more for Christmas than a few pieces of nice ohinaware. Bee what ^Cooper has in that line. - » Manager Greed stated, ri few days ago to a Springfield paper that the mad-of the Dayton, &' Bpringfield Southwestern Railway1! 1o» would be begun carly’ln the’spring, I t will M through Yellow Springs,’Clifton, Ce* darville and Jamestown, Associated Press' dispatches way that Capt. Hobson Is soon to wed Mis# Eleanor Ludlow daughter, of Dr* Chasi Ludlow, of Springfield: I t la denied by the irisnds of Miss LndloW Dr, P, R.Maddou, Frnnfcido llm* Itod to ’EYBf H ap , MOSE AND • Gilotoei'Ai^irittotyAd1* twitted. AllowBuilding,Xenia* 0 . ■Tri*wtoa»!•»>ones tftfe'wt, w#, j}< Citizens o f the town procured sev eral- copies of the Herald;'and circu lated them, among the" influential cit izens,’thisbeing-the cause for the ex posure ot the sewer commissioners' work, for tliei,r knowledge of affairs forbid any further work Under the shot at\d shell they received from the taxpayer*. Our only rpaBon for “ hatch ing the egg” at the present time is to infoYm {hepublic as to where we stand and a t tire sftme time turn the reflec tion on our contemporaries who seem so very anxious to disregard the truth. I f there was nothing in the work of the sewer commision that deserved criticism why. is it that one or two at torneys «pd members of.the commis sion are. everlastingly trying to make an explanation as To how he came to linve ‘‘anythi ng to do with it?” Even to this day they are still endeavoring to clear themselves This matter ‘of sewerage Tor Xenia is a problem for the citizens of that place to Solve while the coutfty in gen eral would not care one w»t, yet when we fiud Such an organization before a county board using every means available to force them into the pay raent of- a sum o f .money for Xenia’s direct benefit, then those on the out side would kick, and are justified in doing bo . This is the reason tbe^Her- aid took up the matter aed_gave the Work such caustic criticism, There is yet One matter of which We wish to speak And that is this “ large whole soul man with such immense shoulders,” that he now attempts to take the blame, How loyal ho must be, or any other that would so will idgly undertake' such a task. There must be some motive behind, that would drive this man to the front. As for the lateral sewers an at* tempt will'be made to petition fo{ them, but the sentiment is so strong against the present board it is feared that there will be no further work until a new board is appointed, is it any wr>nder”the people refuse to sign away their .righto. Don’t always believe the average “ puff” given. by the,r newspaper to a candidate. The editor will state the candidate is honest, faithful to ail ob ligations, over*bttrdenfed with integ rity, yet wouldn’t trust him for the price of the announcement. They are ail fitted fur the officethey seek if they plank down the $2 to get their “ puff. ’ Mrs. Belle McMillan, mother of •L H, McMillan, who is engaged in the furniture business at this place met with a very uMinunate accident last Sabbath while on her way to church* The pavement being icy and- slippery was the cause for Mrs. Me- ilhirrs fail, She was 'taken to her home anti -a physician called intt it was found that no tones were broken, yetstf* was badly bruised She is im proving ver/nieely at this Urns. A Christmas Story .Fof Good Little ' Girl's and Boys. - BY HOWARD'EARL. ’ [Copyright, lBOl, by Hamilton M ust], ^•YERY child who reads this story doubtless remembers, the time, .not long ago, when Santp Claus appar ently forgot to put In his or her Stocking, the toys that had been, especially asked for, when, In short, it- really looked In the morning as though Santa Claus had actually failed ,to Icome at all. Now, the fact is that Santa' • did not come,1and, though the neWs of his fdllure was suppressed at.the time, I nm at lost able to reveal the secret. One day shortly before- that Christ mas Santa Claus was feeling very'blue because Francer and Dancer were get ting old, and Bllfzen was so much "off his feed”- that It was very doubtful whether-the reindeer team could start on it* great-annual present delivery run .on Christmas eve. Santa knew that millions of children would be very "much disappointed If he did not -visit their homes. He had; received such A lot of letters and telephone messages from good little gitls and boys asking for drums and dolls and bicycles and all sorts of toys that a Wg tear or two rolled down pis bearded-cheek as he thought of the* sad .looks the children- Would wear should ,he fail to come, Suddenly Santa’s face brightened. "Sayl” he shouted. "What’s the mat ter with my trying one of those new naughtymobilea? They never get old and stiff In the Joints like Francer and Dancer and aro never 'off their feed’ like poor Blitzen. -The reindeerless age has come, and I must be strictly up to date. I’ll order a naugbtymoblle this very day.” ' When the beautiful machine came, Santa was as tickled as a little boy with a new red wagon. He was so anxious to take a spin In his big Uew reindeerless toy delivery wagon that he did not wait for the automobile teacher to come and eho# him how it worked, Leaping In, he turned the power on suddenly, and the machine gave such a Jump forward tbftt poor fat Santa bounded up in the air like a rubber ball and then nearly bounced off into the snow when he came down on the seat again. He. flit his tongue terribly, too, and you know bow that hnrts, but be bad'Ho time to think Of (t because the machine was zipping toward the north pole like the lightning exprer-t going down grade. Dozens of explorers are anxious to moke dashes for the pole, hut as It Is Very icy and Very hard none of them Would care to run into it With an auto mobile going a mile a minute. Santa Claus felt exactly the same way about It, and, giving the steering gear a quick twist, he jnsf mlssed-flndlng thC pole by about two inches and dashed straight for bis big toy factory at the same terrific speed. "Heavonsl I wish somebody’d move that building out Of the way, and move it mighty quick!” he though! clinch* Ing his teeth and giving the Steering rod another Jerk, "if I ever hit that toy factory, there won’t be even a pink elephant left for the children to smash, and thUe won't be any Santa Clans left, either! Who*! Hawl £leel“ The automobile swerved sharply to tlie left on two wheels, ran over a polar bear that didn't turn out quick enough And then made a bee tine tor the big barn and yard where the reindeer were kept, Wheu they saw the strange thing coming, the reindeer snorted in stirprlto and began pawing the snow, Blitzen, who was rather hgly because he had the stomach ache, Jumped the fence, lowered his head afid’ charged straight thWard the machine, which doubled him up like a Jackknife and sent him dying over the bam aa easily as n toy Would bat a rubber ball. l*oor BHtsenl Be never knew what struck him. m tor? the other reindeer, they kicked up thefr heels, broke down the fence and ran for dear life Just-as 3ania m a the Automobile, or, to to more- exact, the i automobile and Santa, tore the bam doors from their hinges, roared through * the bam into & cyclone and then start-5 #d straight for the south pole, j We are Headquarters for Holidays. In th e S tap le Goods fo r H o lid ay Hresftnta, we have a very ,la rg e se lec tioa , o f th e la te s t ■and new est D ress Goods, "Waist C loths, S ilk s fo f watsto, C loak s.and F u r s *of a ll k ind s . ~tr-^ Books for (Sfn’istmHL Juvenile Books by the hundreds nt 10,15 and 25c{ cloth touudgift Books, more than 200 topics, ex- • celleut books at 15c. Very fine well-made books at . 25c, Datest books of fiction $1.10. Excellent flexible back, indexed Bible, .81,25. . . £ , ,, * , C„ ** i f Silver aitdebonyEovettiu, *’ Dresser Pieces of all kinds. Black Goods, silver trimmed 10c. Sterling Silver .pieces 25c, _Large assortment of brushes of- all kinds for ladios and gents, v • Pure Etaen fja«dkmWtf$. By the thousands for everybody. Ladies’ In itial 5c, • Finer grades 15 and 25o, ,W« liAve .the largest collection of Pure Linen Embroidered Hand kerchiefs at 15,25, 50; 75 c and 81.00.ever seen, * ' Burnt Wood and Burnt Leather Novelties of all kinds ,nt 25, 50, 75o, 81,00 and up. Japanese goods from Vantiues. make nice gilts, 10c to 81.00 ' each. Baskets of all kinds from 20c to $1.50 each. Bladkets for Bath Robes at 84,00 and $5,00 each. 0 i i t e a . • w - ^ ; ■, . .Nappirs j$1.68 up; Orertin and Sugar SetsfilfiO ; up, Sniair odd pieces, 39c and op *Vases 75 cents t ■«up to'83.00- " . ’ , -* * ’ , . f . i ’* Ifoliclay E iim is. , . 7 . To'VeJe, en<-h, from 81.50-. Lunch Cloths 75e to'82.50j Table Giotto $2.50 to.$5.00; Napkins per dozen‘$I to‘85; Table Damask, a yard 750 to.82.' Ghoice new designs iii Liueus of all kinds. ‘ Heck KlbDOtts. Fijrcinoh Satin Ribbons J.5 cts. New Satin Liberty Ribb'ou”25 cts. Soft Taffeta Ribbon. 25c. Ah’ kind* narrow ribbon for • holiday uses at low ‘prices. ‘ / . , ■ - fiollDay W cflifB . Rouiid framed ;pictutos, 25c. Gilt framed pic tures, good size, 50c. Laige assortment.of popular pictures cheap, : - KM Giotws for f ia ts . A t 81.00 and 81-50,' Fitted after Ghristmas. ♦ ' .>v..., . ,'t - ■ ». • - j "-11 • •• - * t * ' Rope Portieres in five colors at 98c. Jobe Brothers. & Go. O p e r a H o u s e a i d « ^ rr c T i E f c t > ^ " 1s r ^ . D E C EMB E R 20-21, 1S01 T h e G r e a t e s t o f A l l - - T h e F a m o u s E l y - Keftetoscope - Co. . ,*••'* •' nt ■> ■ ' ■ ' Introducing, the latest illustrated songs,- published by Charles < K. Harris and sung by Mr, Thomas G, Fortune, -the silver- voiced baritone; also Various views, of the Boer, Philippine, Chinese and Cuban war; and last all the Great McKinley pits* tores from Oath of Office—Assassination-—Funeral at Canton, and scones in Buffalo and Canton. Berg, Ely, who was ser geant of Government Guard at Buffato and witnessed the ns- ; pnssiuation, wilt appear iu full dress uniform and relates to you ' ‘ 1 the thrilling story of that tragedy, -v “ \ • -a / - \ * , *r-"v mm * . Largest Variety hi town. Mix P r i c e s XOo, 2 ()c, at m to eoc. pound, m * Ito to 12.50, package oofitaiti»g * ini lift# Ladies and Gents’ Pocket Books, lieautifui ones, Sterling Silver Trimming............. .50c to $3,00 Perfumes, Exquisite Odors, Fancy » Bottles.. . . . . , ,«2£o to $2.50 Boudoir Sets, Very haudsome, Silver,- Gold or China......82 75to «6.00 Photo Frames,' Fancy Metal,, very pretty..,..,...... .150 to.$1,00 And hundreds of other beautiful atid useful articlea. And don’t forget ho see our stock of GAUDIER." Seats now on Sale. statute miles away, as if they were wanted there, ana wanted badly. 'TR, Jilt Head us off, somebody; head to off!” yelled tonto Clan#. , He tugged frantically at the steering gear and tried to shut off the power, but all hi* effort* were In vain. klpl Bong! Burnpty-homp, bumgfy* bumpl' 2ipl WhiM'-r-rl ‘'Stop ust Tfhcal Saekl steady, boy; StOadyl Niughtymobiie? I should my so—the very naughtiest that*ever got looscl'’ poor Jkihfa tlAto erhto. isfpi Bnmpiy-burnp! whir-rir-rl o& and on they sped, feanta Clato was j powerless, or had too much power, and {toe machine never stopped unUi it reached the s&estfcpole, <n,j8 &iot •if* ttoe,irmd, m Saala, of coarse, had ‘to b«ck those iX W statute miles, he didn’t rtoeh his toy shop and the northpole and the dear old tenable rein deer until about the middle of Fehm, ary, all of which explains why he and the reindeer, fened to make their usual toy delivery trip on that parUctfk* Christmas you remember when yon d i| not get all the tilings you tod asked hlift for. . x m u a , Mgr, *lr»’OppositeOpera ' f p r emu m t . m We. are excli ? trade, Yo fore. and. faav n u At the Mitf M a y o jOClETY’i AJoybus^hridr of Mr.”and M , .«A Sjxto Records will dings at high whether there v midnight hour, the .draperies ol to lie' down in j> most - remarkabi-’ brated at the c and Mrs. Ge> their daughter, iu marriage to - Th e story, oi ' lated to‘ us, is »~ way aud the left this place - nesday for XeD. search pf an Iio bate Judge, h< -tahl; .factor in, deal out 'the proper person two lives till de /With the ne( and after recei*- . eucoiiragement father and. gro< wkj.homeward p f the "coming • town they core tome One must the nuptial ku oration,'Mr Ci they secure M - an intimate fri frequently h» since the I fefred upon hi At about tel left for the see- which, with Mayor secure, • in tip top shaj Upon reach or Was introdi ity of the Cal little prCparat appeared umv cleVen-forty-fi usual grace m them man nth followed, afte fuous repast, oy8te«, ctanb caries of the if Bdme twen ' the first iabii now being'j comes in lint breakfasts, et Thei or rather m social mauhe yet reached t month or « passed some finding a Hie The newly side in Sprit] somewhat o repairer. »! Trii In additic exposition t~ the hesdqui dirt-toters. of seventy-f believe that . do away w devotees o f ; figuratively man who finds out tl rovmtenant- Their dirlec, id '^Itoy hfclh ve! *wh, linfft th j , rooster, ^ . ] l h e 4 4 * -I nut have to dibit!*, and r d tl a M mx , 4, J V m u U . k
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