The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 1-26
1This week we offer you to select froiii an entire New Line of v . / Wash Dress Goods. Figured Swisses, Dimities, Organdies, Lawns and White Goods, also a choice lot of Fancy Ginghams at 10,121-2, 16 2-3c yard that Will surprise you. ; Corded Wash Silks In a variety'of Patterns and Colorings at 471-2c per yard. Ladies Shirt Waists ; w nr In Newest Styles and Patterns at 50c to $3.00 CAEPETS, MATTINGS, EGGS and LINO LEUM at Correct Prices. W ALT. PAPER at 2 to 15c per bolt. LACE CURTAINS at $1.00 to $4.00 per pair. B * ' Local and Personal. 1 ' Use Golden Rule flour. *—Crepe Paper at.B. G. Ridgway’s. Robert Hood is composing sacred music. . —Coapu’s Sheep Dip at, B. G.Uidjg- . Way's. Editor Whiteman Of the Xenia Her: aid was in town Tuesday. Rev. Walter Hopping and wife are ’ visiting a t the former’s home south of town. ' . * W . J* Smith returned from Mam cie, Ind., the, first of .the week. While in that City he was the guest of Mr. George McClellan, Fancy dried fruits o f all kinds a t Gray & Co’s.': i The Chicago Record-Herald say • ‘“ Chicago is pretty lucky after all, Dowie is the only old volcano that cyer breaks loose around here.” N o tic e *—Fo r the benefit of farmers and others who are too buisy to come in during the day, I will keep o p e n after 8- o ’c l o c k p . zn. Merchant Misses Olive Coe and Bertha Knott, two former students ; and graduates of the local college have been elected as teachers in the Clifton public schools for the coming year. Dr* P* R, Madden. Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. (HaasesAccurately Ad justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0» telephone.-* Office 2to. ?i, BcsidencS Ko. ly The Xema Board e f Health has had considerable difficulty in effecting an organization under the rulings of Mayor Linkhart. The division he tween the"wels” and “ drys” and the action o f the mayor in refusing-to on* tertain fnotions pu l by the “ drys” hag caused no end of talk in Xenia. Bu t then the citizens should be satisfied with Boss Schmidt and his ‘ring rule,* HMKNi H a lf- Sick first used Ayer’s Sarsaparilla In the fall of i 848, Since then 1 have taken it every spring as a b lo o d - p u r if y in g and nerve* strengthening medicine.” ' .8. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans. ' If you feel run down, I fire easily tired, if your J nerves areweak and your * blood is thin, then begin to take thegoodoldstand ard family medicine Aycr'a Sarsaparilla. I f * i , j u g u l a r f t o r v e lifter* a perfect blood W i d e r * r—Ervin Bros.’ Perfection Flour ou Exchange a t Sterrett’s. l Tiie twelve-year-old son of Nelson Corbin, who resides on the paper mill farm vest of town, has been suffering; with a sore .finger, and for several days -lockjaw has been feared. At present the lad shows some, signs of improvement. s Olney brand b f peas, tomatoes, corn and beets a t Gray & Go.’s. ... 1 Mrs. Alexander, widow of the late Jacob Alexander has -been granted a pension of $8 per month and the two children $2 each per month,, The pension was gotton through Squire Bradford. , New and fresh confectionery a t - B. G. Ridgway’s. The recent law passed,by the legia tature exempting the railroads from lighting their Crossing with electricity will in no manner effect the system used-at the crossings here. In fact we would like to see Some legislation for improvement,, Comb and extracted honey a t Gray & C„o,’s. Lester Hauler left last Monday for New York city to accept a position with the Bell Telephone company, The company first wanted him to go to Texas, bu t afterwards, transferred him to one of their New York branches. —SchrafiVs Bon B obs and Choco lates a t B, G« Ridgway’s. Dr. 0 ,F . McCaughn, of Winterset, Iowa, was ini town last Saturday meet ing and friends' and acquaintances. Rev. McCaugbn was the organizer of. the present U , P . Church congrega tion in 1844. H e is"88 years of age and seems in the best o f health. He is on his way to the General Aaseirt bly which meets in,Allegheny, Pa. Fancy lemons and. oranges at Gray & Co.’s. School board met last Friday even ing, the principal object being to elect school teachers for the coming year. The present corps of teachers was re elected with Miss Alma Dobbins in addition, As the lower grades have become crowded there has only been school for some of the classes a half day. For the coming year a room will he rented on the hill,' probably the one in the I, 0 , O. F . building, and two. of the lower classes taught there, John Rosp was re-elected jan itor and truan t officer. . # • .. We are in receipt of a booklet giv ittg the advantages of the Muncic Morning 'Star as an advertising me' diutn over all other Indiana papers. The book is a splendid specimen o f the advertising writer and printer’s arts. I t is the compliments of G, A, dcOielian, a former citizen of tlm place. George is secretary and treas urer as well as business manager of of the company arid h rapidly pushing his paper to the front, I t already en joy* the second largest circulation .of SfiypaperInthe t ^lusicnl, Thursday, May 22, college chapel. Admission 20 cents. ■Word was received here Tusdnv of the death of Mr. John Sterrett Reid, ofMuncie, Ind. Mr. Reid was born and raised'north of town ou the farm now occupied b y .Mp Calvin Stor mont and was well acquainted with the older citizens. Ho was'78 years o f age and died of cancer of the liver. The funeral w‘aa..held from in’s resi- Mun’cie on Thursday, Especial low prices on all kinds of paints—house paint, barn paint, bug gy paint, floor paint, japalac, varnish* white lead, rend lead and oil. All kinds of lumber, sash and , doors. A lot of plank and scantling a t about the price of stove wood. Picket and wire,fence a t unheard of low prices* Bound to soil and sell quick. A t Mitchell’s. Rev, Homer McMillan will’ preach uext Sabbath in the R. P . church a t 11 o’clock a. m. - ' * A number of Xenians came up Tuesday and Spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. D . Marchabt. In the crowd were Dr. A. C* and Mrs, Messenger, Mrs. Dunbar, Mrs. Pierce, Misses Wilson, Porter, Stratton, Wet- more and Ruasel, of the O. S. &S . 0 , Home and Mr, Ed*.Gilliland of Wash ington C, H , . F or S ale —P ure fcimethy hay Ben, G»' Ridgway* The question of metal furniture for the court house still hangs fire, the commission having failed to reach an agreement and the matter has "been placed in the hands of arbitrators, John A. Nisbet and Geo. Kendall, The Cornell company is •about 8800 higher than the A rt MetalCo,* and it- is over this amount that part of the board refuse to give the contract to the Cornell company. They have fal len *400 and still want the contract* If they should not have it.a t *800 over the A rt Metal Co., why should they a t 8400? The board must de termine this question.soon. l u e Republican county convention will be held in Xenia May, 24. Robbers attempted to break into the home of Mr. Harry Johnson, who lives east of town, a few evenings ago, In the attempt a window glass was broken and is supposed to have fright ened them away, ■The firm of McGorkell & Gillaugh has opened its dry goods house to tlm public. They carry a compltte line. Something you have , never heard Imfore- Musical Recital a t the college chapel Thursday evening. Better ar range to go. s Mrs. John McElroy ,of Dayton, visited Mrs. Bamucl Kildow several daysutln* week. A plat has been arranged lor the seating in the college chapel for the musical recital which takes place next Thursday evening, The- plat will open a t McCollum's Monday afternoon a t % o’clock, Eorerved seats 20 A reception was held M the U- IV parsonage, last Monday eve«irigr in hpno.r o f Miss Dickey, a, returned mis*, sionary from India. Rev, and Mrs, J . 0 . Warnock, o f College Corner, were also present and met many of their former acquaintances, A Xenia papery in head lines refer ring to the Convention of Woman’s Clubs a t L qs Angeles, said that “ the brainiest women *of the world would he there,” which statement was fol lowed by the remark .‘that “ no Xen.ia woman would be present. Was this meant to give an inkling of the men tal status of the' Xenia woman?-— Jamestown Journal* Mr, and Mrs, J . P , ‘Rogers, of Wheeling, W. Va., arrived Thursday, evenipg and are guests a t the hpme of Mr, and Mrs; R. F . Kerr. S, S, Qurry, a student, a t the theo logical seminary at Wilbexforce, com- •milted suicide by hanging himself in his room some time during Wednes day night, He was a native o f Flor ida and was to have graduated nex t month. A recital by the musical depart meat of the college will be given Thursday evening. As tlie people are all interested in a local instftutiim there will be. a good crowd out on that night. The recital this year will be quite different from any heretofore ns it will .be the first time for four or eight band music. A small fee of 20 cents will be charged'to bear the ex* pense of the entertainment. . F ire destroyed the home of Albert Burrill ou the'Wilberforceand Clifton pike,”Thursday morning at-about six o’clock. The fire originated from a flue. The contents of' the lower part of the house were saved but the fur niture upstairs was lost; . - MissLula Donnan, ol Cochranton, Pa,, Mrs. Bell Blair, of Washington, Pa,, Mrs. Ada Thompson, of Beaver Falls, Pa,, and Mrs. E 'la Weir,' of Sparta, 111,, are guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Robh Jackson during the Nils slonary Convention being held In Xenia. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Anderson, of Clifton,..have issued invitations tor Friday evening, May 28, at 6:30 .o'clock, Mrs. McMillan, wife of Prof. J . II. McMillan, acting- president ,of Mon mouth College, Monmouth, III., spent part of the week|wilh relatives. Mrs McMillan is-a delegate to the. mis sionary' convention being held in Xenia, ' • ■ ■ Commencement exercises at Yellow Springs' take place Tuesday, May 27. Mrs. J . II. Kennedy and Mrs* JeBse Johnson, of New Concord,'at tended the missionary convention at Xenfa, and also visited a t tlm homes o f Messrs. Frnnk and Ed Hastings, Rev. Sanderson returned this morn ing from Iowa, where he had been for several weeks. Mrs. A. M. Campbell,-of St. Louis is visiting- W »M« Barber and family, A runaway took place.this morning near the railroad that caused consid erable commotion for a time, A team belonging to Andrew Bros, became unmanageable out on South Main Btreet and came into town a t a lively rate, When in front of Ketr # Hast ings the frightened horses turned into some farm implements, which checked their speed and they were soon con quered* The street a t this point was filled with wagons and buggies and had the wagon not struck the farm implements the result would doubtlem have been different. The principal damage was to a wheel on a corn plow. Mrs. J . W. Pollock is expected home tomorrow morning from Cql» orado. . A PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT* Mrs, T. B. Andrew and daughter* Vera, entertained about seventy-five of their lady friends in a very charm ing manner, Thursday evening* The invitations called for five o’clock niul from this time until late in the even ing the ladies were royally enter- taiued* A three-course supper was served in the latest style, the guests finding their places by cards that were placed on the table at each plate. For entertainment cards were given out, and each •was to draw a Prince Henry pig and write k verse of poetry. A number of the young ladies dis played considerable ability as artists as well as in a literary line. After some deliberation the judges awarded the prize to Miss Kate N isbet/ The following is the prize poem and wo .would ,sa>* that one should see the pic- lure to appreciate the third verse, This 1»a fine Trine# Henry pig, AUiuntRh he is not very big; llis (Sil, is Crooked ids nos# is fist, ■He makes .Ids jt#et go pitapat. IViieii lie was young and h#tl no sense, He iried to jmtip a barb wire fence; We’ll Send him to llo/irie and have him made Htraighl,, it is too everlastingly late, j'rince Henry I*ajool tvs know, When ho came {<> America to make i If he is mmHlike tlmpig we have here, n* Surely is very fond of h tf, New, - . - ; New Stock '. ; ■. '^==---^New.' Price! Latest, Brightest and fnost Artistic Designs, together0with PRICES, which your personal inspection of the VALDES, will prove to you are not obtainable elsewhere. ' Authorized Agents for the Celebrated “Radctiff” Shoes , Also a complete line *of Staple and Fancy Groceries at prices that will suit and please you. We want yotjr Country Produce and will pay BETTER Than Market Price. Try ns once and you will come again. - »•' • . 1 ■ i ■ . ’ Fresh Strawberries and Vegetables. 1 J k I l l 'S DEATH OF MRS, HARRIETKYLE, A telephone message was1 received here Thursday morning, announcing the sudden death of Mrs. Harriet Atwood Kyle, of Xenia. She bad been ill, on ly . about two hours, taking sick after breakfast. She suf fered an attack of acute indigestion which caused the heart to become af fected. The physician that was called had left only a few minutes, thinking her condition to be so improved as to not be serious, when the final sum mons came „Mrs. Kyle came to this county from Maine in 1858, ftnd in 1871'wflS married to Mr, JamesKyle, who lived about lyilf a mile southwest of this place; In 1885 they moved to Xenia-where,Mr. Kyle, died in- 1897. She leaves hut one brother, John M, Tarbox, of, this-' place. At fhe time ofher'deatb ^ihe was makimr.lur home with Deputy BiierifF T.-ubox. The funeral services take place Hat urdoy afternoon at 1:30’, oV-loek Burial at Massie’a Creek cemetery. / r , Volcanoes in all the islands of ti e Caribbean > sea are showing signs off activity as well as many other, plac s in that sectiou of the globe. Syient ists are claiming that ‘these volcanic- disturbances are extending from. Nic- araugua northwest1and that the sup posedly extinct mountains of the west ern part of this country are likely to immitate those in the southern seas. Great precaution is being taken -by cities in these districts to be on- the lookout for any unusual disturbances, and some one has suggested that it might he well to -examine the ludiau mound west of town for fear that i t may cause scSme disturbance after re maining quiet for so many years; The M. E . church is undergoing a course of, repuirs, papering and paint ing.' Walter Condon will preach a t Fall Creek, neaH Greenfield, Sabbath; M ORDINANCE. Granting a Franchise,to E/G* Lowry to Erect and Maintain a Electric Light Plant* Be It Ordained by the Village Council of the Villageof Cedarville, Greene County* Ohio. Section.i;—That there be, and hereby is grunted to E. G. Lowry, Ills successors, heirs and assigns, for the period of twenty-five years fr<m and after the oassatre of this Or dinance,the m ill to crctt,construct,operate and maintain an electric light plant in said Village of Cedarville, and also to eract, con- stuct, operate and maintain poles and wires upon any and all streets and alley# of. said village under the conditions and regula tions in this ordinance provided, for the purpose of furniihing light or newer by electricity either to the said ylUas.'# or pri* tat# parties, citizens thereof, or both SectioU'2,—Said poles when located shall hoat the curb line of the streets, utiles* otherwise ordered by the council, and ao placed and arranged as to cause the least Inconvenience to the public. Such poles shall he of white cedar or of other suitable material as may be.directed by the afreet committee, and shall be of neat appearance and their erection ahd stringing of wires upon them shall be to the satisfaUtioh of street committee, and said poles shall be painted Up front the ground at least ten feet with three coats of good point. In the construction and roainlninnnce of said plant and said poles and wires, all debris of ever kind ahftll'he promptly ahd carefully removed from such streets and alleys. The location of pole lines and wire lines shall be subjected to the approval of the street Committee of the Council of said village. Section 3,r-This ordinance Shall take ef fect and be in force at the earliest day «1- lowed by law. Passed May 13tli, 1002, , I). H* MeFAtthANI), Mayor. Attest: JOHN G, McCOHJiULL, COrp. Clerk. When you need Hats, Caps, Shirts/ Collars, Guffsor furnishings . Of any description Visit Suliim I fiatRr Wo can save yoii from 15 to 20 per cent on purchases,. 2,1 Lmaitoms Bt,., Hpringfleld* Ohio i THIS LABEL15FAVORABLY KNOWNTOMORfMWWHOWEAR GOODCiOTHLSTHANANYOTHER INSPRINfiflEID. IFYOUWANTTOWEAR CLOIRB BEARINGIT, CALLON IViMKAUFMW THE LEADING C10TH1ER, KAUFMWA*£0Sliftt. I F R £ 5 ;H P a in t WHY SO I T 1Si Lowe Brothers because it covers the surface so well. It’s the kind . I wool. For Sale by W .R , STERRETT* Cedarville, O. Buhflcribo for the Herald. In this issue will be found the laws recently enacted by the legislature; These changes are very important and by preserved the copy it may prove useful at some future date! 1 State, of Ohio, Oily of Toledo, 1,, - "Lucas Comity* . ..Frank'J, Cheney makes outh that he is Senior partner of the firm of F . J . CJmfley & Co., doing tHisiiiess in the City of Toledo, County and 'Stare fiforesaid* and that said firm ■will pay the sum of ofUE hpndiied doi ,baits for each and every ease of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the hse of -Hall’s Catarrh Cure, ihamk j* ( thinly . 8 worn to before me and subscribed id my presence, Ibis 5th day o f De*„ eembor, A. D. 1888. / * A, tV. IliiCasnsr j SHALL . -Notary rubPc. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- toriinlljyand acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces o f tho system. Bend for testimonials, free. ! b \ J . .CHENEY & C t)„ Toledo, 0* Bold by Drugifisis, 75e* Hill’sFamilyFills art tbs beat Any style you want in a m You call find at I the HATTER 27 Limestone St.r '■ Bpringfiield, - - Ohio PASTURE TO RENT. 1 have one hnndtod acres of g«xl pasture for Cattle.v Plenty of frrt^ running water* Anyone wishing to rent pasture should call on or address A* J McISIrey. N O f I 0 B . • I f you want the priz* wvmert irt U* vagetable line you must get your sweat potato* tomato ami cabbage plant* ** M* W* >
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