The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 27-52

■*>1 »$g*1*'^. -Y-Sl •. f . ’3? ' i » . * M : t f r ft: fri\c t{ci<;tld, #1.00 A YEAR. ' kahlh agu.v' |(4itou«*#Pv*#r(»«gw. FRIDAY, JUNE 27, laoa. The postal rsosipto for May were 11 per cent above those of last year. A* ftnhnHcalton of the condition of buw- neW thin I* proqf that tbs wave of prosperity wstill ririog. I t » stated that Dr. E. H. Koonce; no Alaskan romioimry, drove 3,200 miles oo a dogaled on bis way to at; tend the recent Presbyterian confer­ ence held in New York, • c' • , ■ / •; •_:— Western rural correspondents say that it is impossible to hiregood work*’ med even at higher wages than usual Thus the testimony of prosperity con­ tinues to he volunteered from. *11 sources. Among the centennial messages to West Point was one from Field Mar­ shal Viscount Wolseleyv of England, in which he said; l‘I slwp; i quote ■the American army as being, in my. Views o f soldiers, the best army in the world. ’ The Treasury Deparmeift has de­ cided the state of Ohio is entitled to about $46,000 interest, etc., on loans made to arm and equip her soldiers during the civil war. Congress will, be asked to appropriate the necessary payment. , v —~ — —- - '■ JTo Cure a Cold in One Day. Take -Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets. All druggists refun(I the money if it fails to cure. '35. W. Grove’s signature is on each box, 25c. ^ ■' ’ -.j .. . ‘ '( A Frenchman has devfse a^cable . laying plow which cuts the earth to a depth ot three feet and lays a cable at the bottom'of the cut at one operation. If is designed for use across the desert ' of Sahara to connect the Lake Tchad, region with civilization, a t the same time obviating the difficulties exper­ ienced with pole-strung wires which - am opt by hostile natives; , * • |p .. :...:.........• . ThosewhoriseMapleCity Bdf Washing Ybmkmt Cnncar Cgrwt.' Httrtling pmof of a wonderful ad­ vance to moau-ine is given by drug­ gist G. W. Roberts o fElis*beth, W. Ya, An old man them bad long euf fertd with what good' doctors pro­ nounced iucuralde cancer. They be­ lieved bis case hopeless til! he used (I ALL OVER THE HOUSE What t e Do If a Child la AoeidaiHalty Poisonad. ffome children m m to have the knack of endangering th d r -small lives with alarming frequency, and Electric Bittern and Applied Bueklin’e | ^ 5.® ^ I)rj-l,arcu for all sorts Aruiea Halve, which treatment coni*j and conurums of emergoneift?. pletly cured him. . When Electriot There i> tho child, lor instance, Bitters am used to expel bilious, kid j who has the mania for tasting, nay and microbe jwiaemsat the mine | Nothing is safe from its small lips, time this salve exerts its matchless healing power, hlood diseases, skin eruptions, - ulcers and sores vanish. Bittern Stic, Halve 2ye ni Ilidgway & Co’s . : . •' - Borne time ago we sp ite of the record o f Mr< Patterson, of Colorado, who had addressed the United States Senate about 600 times at that writ­ ing, Row Im record shows 7SH re­ marks, elalxnate and incidental, in a. Senatorial career of only four months. Caution! This Isnot a gentleword- from the dregs left a t the bottomof fathers coffee cup to the fascinat­ ing bottles on mother’s washstand. This fasting mania is very ap t to end with the child being poisoned sooner or la te r ..AU lotions and ifo* iments should be kept under lock and key, Some cough mixtures contain large percentage of opium, and a t they are sweet to the taste a tiny child is yery apt to seize tho bottles if- left within its reach and drink th l entire contents. Fortunately some poisons bfVe the effect of making the child sick , . . iand so lessening the danger. But but when U not wait for nature Iherself in this way, hut give the to relieve had the largest Jale of any in the world since 1866 for the cure and treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubleswithout los­ ing. its great popularity all these yearn you will be thankful ’we called your mixed in half a teacupful of warm water. Should iliia not act in fif­ teen minutes, repeat the dose. Aft­ er the child has been sick give cop! ous drafts of warm water. The symptoms of opium poison­ ing are vomiting; drowsiness, end- Soap will uanally Lave no other kind, be­ cause it does better work and docs it easier. Leads Them Alt. “One Minute Cough Cure beats all Other medicines I- ever tried for coughs, colds, croup and throat uud lung troubles,’*says D. Scott Curriii, of Loganton, Pa. One Minute Cough ■Cure is tho only absolutely safe Cough remedy . which acts immediately. Mothers everywhere testify to this good it has done their little ones. Croup is so sudden in its attacks that the doctor often arrives too late, yields at once to One Minute Cough -Cure.. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure for grip,' bronchitis, coughs. You’ve gqt to hustle all the time to keep in the Bwim. I f yon are slip ping down the ladder of prosperity, take Rocky Mountain Tea. Makes people strenuous. Ask you druggist The report on the mule camp New Orleans has been made public, showing that $18,000,000 worth horses and moles were shipped from that port, about 175,000 animals be­ ing sent in no less than 166 voyages. The station was not used for recruit­ ing men or operating in any way against the neutrality laws, FHfliy Temptoa ta India. Sacred cows often defile Indian iem pies, but worse yet is a bod/ that’s polluted by constipation. Don’t per­ mit it.' Cleanse your systemwith Dr. King’s New Life Pills and avoid, urn told misery, They give livers, active bowels, good digestion, fine appetite, Only 25c at Ridgway & Go’s, drug store, Indiana democrats refused to in­ dorse Bryan and the Kansas City platform, while theLiberal Democrats of New York hold to the Nebraskan, and denounce Hill as an arch traitor. Thus the breach widens, „ - Catarrh C m m i he Cared^ - - With Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of j^he disease. Catarrh is a blood dr constitutional disease, and iu order to ours it you «W*t take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure h token internally and arts directly on the blood and mucous Surfaces, Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. I t was prescribed by one ot the heat physicians in the country fur years, and is a regular prescription. I t is composed of the beet tonics known, combined with the best blood putifif-re, acting directly on the mucous aurf.ioee. Tins perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produce* such wonderful result* in curing Eatonb. Bend fiw teati* V. L t HENRY A t o . , Toledo, 0 . IWd by Druggist*, <»V, HuBk FawNiy Pills « n thabsst. attention to BoschceVGerman Byrun. There are so many ordinary cough .. remedies made by druggisto'and others Iiug finally; in stupor. At all costs that a^e cheapand good for Ught colds the little one must be kept awake, perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bron- or, poor mite, he will never wake ehttis, Croup—and especially for Com 1again. Resort to smart slaps, if nec- sunjption, where there 5s diffieiilt. ex- [essary,- to effect this and carry, him pec'toration and coughing during the} into the air. In all easel of poison- nights and mornings, there is nothing ing remember: like GermaU Byrup. , Sold, by all]-- First,—Send druggists in the civilized world. * , ’ ' G. G. Q u een , Woodbury, N. J, Mark Twain and the Prince. While ho was in England Mark Twain says his head was once taxed' as gasworks. He wrote Queen Yie- toria a friendly letter of protest, Saying: *1 don’t know you, but I’ve met your son. •He wus at tho head of a procession in. the Strand,1and I was on a bus.” Years afterward he met the Prince of Wales, now King Edward VII,, at Homburg. They had a long walk and talk together. When bidding him goodby, the prince said, ‘T am glad to have met yoit again.” This remark troubled Twain, who instantly for the doctor. . 'Second.—Make the.child violent­ ly sick, Tlurilf—KeepTmnrawake.' And, finally, I would suggest that* a ■ child with a ‘Tasting -mania” should be cured of its propensity by leaving an attractive looking but bitter tasting liquid within its reach. ■ ■ . Saved from an Awful Fate. , “Everybody said I had conaump- {tion,” writes Mrs. A.-M. Shields, of Chambersburg, Pa., “I-was so low nftcr six ponths of severe sickness, can id byJHay Fever and Asthma, | that few thought I could get well, but I learned of the marvelous merit of . . . Dr, King’s New Discovery' for Con feared that he had been mistaken . sumption, used it, and was completely fo r some else.—He .communi- jeuted.” For desperate- Throat and cated this suspicion to, the, prince, who replied, “Why, don’t fyou re­ member when'you met me in tho Strand and I was a t tho head of a procession and you were on a bus ?” —Tell us why a druggist offers you a substitute for the Madison Medi­ cine Co’s. RockyMouatnin Tea. Does he love you or is he after the bigger I profit? Think it. over. As ’your J druggist,- !:lAin^:Di8easesif safest curein the world, and is infallible for.Coughs Coldsand Bronchial Affections, Guar­ anteed bottles 50e aud 81,00 ' Trial bottles free a t Ridgivay & Co’s: Tbis iBthts onc montb of -the 'year when the girls seem ipyfeli oVef each' other fo be referred to as the ‘'beauti ful, charming and talented daughters” From nn inspection of the marriage columns of tho papers one is ^Agrees* The. latea t. positive 1 cyidenco .that Ied. with the inference that there niust railroads are soulless corporations isj i>fea reinarkable eimilarity in their ap an order issued by a superintendent pearance. of the Pennsylvania Railroads -com­ pany to gatekeepers at all stations in APocket ColdCore, his division to-forbid passengers from Krause’s Cold Cure is prepared in kissing friends and relatives good-bye W ‘l0 ,fo™ ftnd ,wi!1 cure 8 cold iu wUan ’ the head, throat, chest or any portion when getting on trains.' 1of tho btnly in 24 hours. Yc ' ‘ ~ r. . , , , , have to stop work either^ ■Wise is the girl whoso sense of [gold by C. M. Ridgway, interest prpmpts her to take' ou don’t Price 25c. Self Rocky Mountain Tea. I t fills her full of vigor and there is always honey in her heart for you. Ask your druggist. -If you AH Size*. A lawyer was questioning a wit- Iness about Bomo chickens that had want Hemp Twine get Idisappeared from the hack yard of 8-ply Kentucky River Mills, insect old negro, who accused several of hia neighbors of stealing them, [The examination of one witness is reported by tho Atlanta Journal as follows; “Were the chickens in the yard P* “Yessar.” ' ■ *T)i&yon see them in the yard?” “Yesaar,” "Were they in a coop?” "Were they n t large?” "What, sar.P’ ' "Were the chickens at large?” "Well, ear, some or ’em was large, but mos* or ’emwas li’P ones” *fRIEwFfA^NOTiCE. proof, sold only by * Kerr & Hastings Bros, Plngpong and Dlulpation, Pingpong has a t last fallen tinder the ban of the law keepers of Scot­ land. In the city of Dundee tho po­ lice magistrates have decided that this, latest fashionable game is det­ rimental to the morals of a sober city. I t seems that all public houses of that town or nearly all have pro vided pingpong tables for their pa irons, ( ahd the custom of playing for drinks has grown so rapidly that the jails arc not large enough to ac commodate all the victims of the game. Consequently, greatly arous­ ed by this Budden increase of intem­ perance, the magistrates haye decid­ ed that henceforth pingpong may not be played in places where liquor t o sold. _____ _ AGREATRELIEF Tho K ind Yon H ave Always B ough t, a n d w hich h** beem In uso fo r over SO years, h a s bo rn e th e sign a tu re o r an d h a s been m ade u nd e r h la p e r­ sonal supervision since its infancy* Allow n o one to deceive you in th is. A ll Counterfeits, Im itations an d “ Jn st-as-good ” a re b u t Experim ents th a t trifle w ith an d endanger th e h ea lth o f In&uits and ChilOrexx-Experience again st Experim ent. What Is GASTORIA Cfcuitoria is a harm less su b stitu te Tor Cantor O il, Bare* goric, D rops an d Soothing Syrups. I t Is Pleasant* I t contains n e ith e r Opium, M orphine n o r o th e r N arcotic substance. I ts age is its guarantee* I t destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. I t cures D iarrhoea an d W ind Oolfo. I t relieves T ee th ing T roubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. I t assim ilates th e Food , regu la tes th e Stomach an d Bowels, giving healthy an d n a tu ra l sleep. The Children’s P an acea—Tho M o ther's F riend . G E N U I N E CASTORIA A L W A Y S Bears the Signature of I A O arsfo l [ i. [Buyw , ’ • TMMi-fkjtmim •. TteBBtkiwfi.aiL Meats are deceptive. Unless you !are a good judge, you can never fol what you ae getting until you have it served and partially oaten. We know meats. W.e select stock with view to having the-bost meats, Wq know how to select stock and there [fo.e have meats ■you may depew upon—meats that will please you. Exchange m CEDAIiVILLK OHIO, C.W.CHOSE & SON GOODS DELIVERED » Telephone No. 74. !*®“Fresh Fish Always on Hand. C. E. TODD, Livery, FeedandGoach Stable 2% and 24 North Limestone St., Phone, Main 737, Springfield. O, In Use For Over 3 0 Years. TOcegNTAUff COttPAKV* 7 T MURHAV9TM8KT, W*WtPHKCVltV«‘ l ***Hot W eather Fabrics... -AT- stJTOHisoir & ‘GMrarrSe Our P la te Glass S h ow Cases D isp lay W a ists, Collars, TIes-»AII Naw Cesigns. Over MATTING—The Twine Chain Carpet Patterns, very choice, 10,000 yds received this season—10c up. WINDOW TRIMMINGS-Arabiau J ^ b le Warp, Swiss Calais j jSrnssells, etc,, etc. PORTEIRES- -All colors 98c up. HOSIERY—Black Cat, great wearers, great sellers; 35 cent quality, very popular,, MUSLIN UNDERWEAR—-Not made in sweat-shops, Defender Brand. • . Double Daily Train Service VIA TUB [jouisvIHe & IS fa sh v ille R. R. • Between' Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago and St. Louis and Nashville, Memphis A tlanta, Birmingham Mobile, New Orleans Florida and Oulf Coast P o in ts . TLrongli Sleeping Cara and- Chair Cars. An Unexcelled D in­ ing Car ’Service . Low Rate Excursions ,First and Third Tuesday each Month For rr.tea, mops, foHere and time tables, address C. L, STONE, Oen. Pass. Agt., Xouisviiie, i£y. DRESS GOODS Dimities, Organdies, Mulls, Chiffontlte, Linens, Bilk Ginghams, Lawn, Mercerized Ginglmm, Khaki Silk, Taffeta, Peau De Soue-, etc., etc. • KervotiHneaiLache-^-Pnin ,Uer- riffic —M im l Ooiiftincd— T ile KevvpH a t F a u l t — N e rve Pillni Never Fail. Sirs. B. ituhbln*. of Wt stern Ate., don, O., *T have sullym l for some I ,tears from Severe nerroMSiWHn an 1 nritons j fawdiKhe*. 1 fill a box of l)r. A, W ( base's J N*rW* Pills and after,h good test o{ tin'- med W ftsl ran my m y nervous syatem hs.Hken [ toned up and 1 a,;n uotn-.ov a -victim of l th-w-rArkbitf hi »dvc!'.-“'. 1 ran apeak very [ highly Of this rm< 1 fcine as a nerve tonic. hr. A. W (. hate's-Verve Pills are sold at I (ids a lx x at riMlerk nr Ur. A. W, ( has* Madielni'fVi., Bnlftdo, N, V. Ht-e thatthej portrait and algaatara of A. W. i tiasoM. J>. j art on atefy fwkake. For sate by Ridgway ft 'Prueyisia HahmiU JW th* HeraM, Wheat harvest is at hand. Will you kindly return our sacks, and we will pay you for same which will save us from buying otm thousand new ones, and oblige. Yours Trulv, The D. S.Ervih Co, Fancy lemons and oranges at Gray & Co.’s. Happy Time la Ofd Town. I ‘‘We felt very happy,” writes R. N, IBevill, Old Town, Va„ when Buck- lens Arnica Halve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald head.” I t delights all who use it for puts, ICorns, Burns, Bruises, Boils, Ulcers, [Eruptions. Infallible for Piles. Only j 25o at Ridgway & Co's drug store, BUY ONLY. OF Ac. O . I 3 3 T V 3 B Y . S u m m e r » # • j •— Ithis, and the good purpose is served H <1 *1 ? v n T T * 1 "1 * P O j I*1^bat the president's equipage can J L J . JLJLX U L L JL v«7 jbe recognized at a distance merely THE ROOSEVELT LIVERY. President Roosovblt has adopted- t hew livery for his coachman and footman. I t consist* of the. regula­ tion coat and trousers. The trou­ sers are very faint cream doeskin,; cut to the knee, with patent leather Wellington boots. The coat and vest are slashed with yellow and green, and the beaver hat is adorn­ ed with the tricolor cockade which Was introduced early to this admin­ istration. This livery was used for the first time recently when the presjdent drove to the depot on his way to distribute diplomas , to the Annapolis cadets. The footman’s livery differs slightly from that of the coachman, as the coat is cut away almost to the ex' m t of a Bwallowtail, and the skirts or spikes are very long. The effect is strik­ ing, The green and yellow trim­ mings are noticeable a t a distance. No other livery in the city is like Tha t will lx* mutable for all classes, as our stock is complete in every respect ami comprises different lines of : : C h a i r s R o e k e r s C o u e l i e s C c i i t D r T a b l e s S i d f i b o a r d s B e d s t e a d s M a t t r e s s e s "Wa s l i s t a n d s D j c e s s i t t g S t a n d s LOSING FLESH L e n t l w-avamwd S ( ik S f tn A In sum m e r c*n foe byt*ki«a Scott’s Emulsio ft* a* tomafiolal in *umm*r art In w ln ttr, if you *r* w**k o r ru n down, It will b un a you u|p. . fntftrf tntrrpty, KCfJTTft aoWHH, U mt MM l . KtWTWk, Carpets! Carpets! We represent some of the largest manufacturing concerns in this line which enables us to quote prices tha t surprise a ll ; : ; ; : : * 4 • B 4: m • 3 . R. TBclBillan, Ccdaroilk, 0 iby the livery of his attendants, Wanted. We would like to ask, through the’ | the columns of your paper, if there is ha* not been cured—and we also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costive- neee, nervous dyspepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness—in jfact, any trouble connected with the !stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civil­ ized countries, and we with to octree- j pond with you and Bend ycu one of Jour books free of ooet. I f you never , August Flower, try one bottle ; nrat. We have never known of its failing. I f so, somethingmore serious ' m the matter with you. Ask your toldest druggist, G, G. Gsasor, Woodbury, N, J , a ^ c c o u N r e # **- dmduals sfiieUcd. promptly made ar.d remiticd, ^ TlRAFTH on New York tad ft. Cttinati sold at lowest r*us ® cheapest and most convenient send money by mail. . ^ ! TOANH made on Real Es(at« il X l sonal or Collateral Heeuriq’ ^ Williara Wildman^Pres .; Seth W^Smith, Vicepr« ' W. J- Wildmnn. C&J -t, THE BEST Product of the ma and stock farru ways be found n Meat Store of-. Charles Weimeij together with ereq « thing to be found in a ■ first-class meat m*der Also handles foe cell .brated Swift Compwj1 Hams. And courtwdj : and honest treatmeil goes with the above, 1 GoodeDelivered. Telephone 60. FreBh Fish, Adam's Resraurant and DiningBon Corner High and Limestone 6tr< Springfield, Ohio. Red Cross Tansy Pills for Suppressed Menstr PAINFUL Mensfnal AnJ«PRBVENTlVaii ........................................................... IRR£GUUJlIIIO,?j ' Are SafaaxidRolf* 13B~ PerfectlyHr TheLadies S C f ip i ^00N M r / J U i receipt of i * n n t k a V t P R IC E $1.C Sentpostp*!d on i price. Moneyrefunded if not as iijrTSaSrploMufrBbaklattlSfUMT ViatieCinchonaCo* For sale by C. M. Ilidgway. Caveiu,*ndTrede-Marliiolitainedind*11J entbminej*conductedfor M oderate Pec*. O ur OrricclaoetoeiTcU-*.R atent ornctU Andwe cansecure sAtentrn lees timethintk- remote fr«mWAxltlngton. ' ,, Sendmodel, drewinx or photo., withdeMtiyi tion. We idrire, if p»tenUble or not, fr« r* chenre. OurfeenotaucSU patentis secured, AlUMtMWT./'HowLMObfon P*tenU,"wHl co*t of Mtrie in the UVS. end foreign counlrin (cntfree. Addrett, , C . A . S N O W & C O . One.WAtENTOrrlCC.WA»HIN0T0N,D.C. ---vW--vvvvv»wvvvvvvvvvvvM»i] D o n * t B e F oo led S Take tire genuine, wlfM [ ROCKY MOUNTAIN W l Made only by Midlien M«*f| cine Co., MedUon, Wli. jt| koep* you well. Our tnH'fl mark cut on -eech pecfctfiJ Price, 35 cent*. Never * m H I* bulk. Accept no ntWh-I «Hem*iru ihi tutc. A*k your dructlet. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYALPILLS? buy Funeral Director Furniture Dealer, BiXDlnt T wink .—Tlie time to » right now, and the place is 68 8fc W. R. S tkbrkt P s , K K K tx K K ' K K fr K K t , BLOOD DISEASE CURED. II youevercoatrxcted*ttyBloodof Prltst*. Itim«ot poisonha*been eradiOAted front the >mw***rt*M**i ><nl ti A«Wi ,n-Atlstreet, ^ »nd Alt t C w M W k w d l E l M n i t l M 1 y img wen. «Atjy ludlecrttloue, U t e . . . . . . . “—-lit emit gate m « fellel-W iMnotci;f*a& tr '' FotiMb_*fOt*th#i ifl*fdoctortr.AtMmebu * jm t Spriuge m m me, bat did fe re*5T < retafned. MercuryandP aabd-ro# w ^*te«d of driving it umt. l.Wm the^ . 1njf»helpedat* at d Mtamtd. Mercury and' -inten i I tw i, . . mtnwnt woe teooMnwaded to ate. | f i t were*r*t, uud Sndlagto*hadt ■“ - " ^toitMbie Saattcleit; iotec3*ye*ra' *m X SB FARES. ICiMMIC# fo f Trilrt. Vfo PtMHM^h-IHtto tfoM - - *tSrt*HCo*L Tb MinttoapolM, Mthii., in ly Sth to XK Itn-ludte, acctmnt National KUucatloua! A*eomtk>n. JssetLSiW- ***'■-1 r*,M To Ban Fumnfaoo or Lott A » W C*}„ I- P C S * * " ™r. I'Wi, a i m , . I. isshiffls&ifri titoto 10 Tkfcrt A** Pennni- >«•< \ * \ t !-1- ,V P, 1 \ MSi « • ! * m«»lllc MEM, *ea)M With blue r»*t I ®Ak« * • » i t,r r . Jtoftoeo d an g erow . »■*# f* InllaUMm. Smlrei'DiWA ot Mnl do. in a u i m for r a r t l n l i n , T o * { *4Kt «Relief for j J#,*#*Test!mor.;*!J. BsUlfj OHICHBSTIIB OHSMIOAI j CO. ttH.*»dhm U onak , p inuuM ] S « h i UJ*eootur. Sick Headache? Food doesn’t digest well? Appetite poor? Bov/els constipated? Tongue coatfedr It’s your liver ! Ayer’s Pill* are liver pills; they cure dys­ pepsia, biliousness. 2Sc. All drui’ ^Isls. . W**t f n t mau,t»<h«or 5i:.-.r.l a ln»*UM brown or rtohhkch” 'n'h.’.sr-.,'- BUCKINGHAM’SDVESf.i“« . *eon.0.iwi..^»T». mih . p . I m a C' ».»\ WINONA LU4L (a#***’* F mhh MSummer Report* Winono T^ikf, ihtl., tlio pretty, *«* rrtort cmthe I’tntHtvhdnn J.u<^rt M-n ImHan**l!<»m«“r.'st, toirmiftit, *tnM (Uli^hliisl s'mrtm* for |>Mwm# tlcuiriux to enjuv , Itijft. Till* rmort Itrthe site of V>w m J rtniWy ami Mummer SeTiunl. aftu >***^ tinU'-o bv many ,who ore rt ftte-l In mind l»v thoetid leu t X. ml Mueuifonnl work, anil invlc.«3tc>* tor tba towitli giving iuihieiiu-5 wlCoua !<ak« 1* famous „ ., tin Mat l.tth. the iqxb5ii>; JHiy N wmk 'B of IP02, txMirrion ti>ktta »-■* Lake wiil bt on » lr vialMiriXb'-rei*' . That may he obtain* <1 to-fn Bfptewbet- ISth. imbialti’- . F*r warHrntor infotuialb-a <-a . fori nr m r i M Ume of *N5! Tk-ket Axenftof Uw JVfturvJum-al w jJ to F. VA*Dt*tt*. t ’hfof Assjt-t'tJJf Fafa*n**r Agent, Flttomutr’i l •"* tto» ntomiMttewvtloiW»t W«;;t.*.*- WrUttMuento, the Huftini- r .......... ^ .w illto te^ iY nW -i.lvb .j* Jtfc, - 1 « ! » I ! Ww 1 R BU il UQtY C O R D 1 I THE HIGH Si COMES IN ANDA COL FOR EVEI THE BOOK! TRACTIVE H HELP YOU LEMS. Pal Has noqseer-il ting. Mills and I m n as as NOTICE TO At Toledo the \1 Steamers connect w| Manufacturers R, R a t Company’s Warcl transfer of about 51 Steamers leave whdT| arrive Detroit 1:15 A1gonad, Marine Oil Huron and other pij Michigan afternooij Low rates. Fronq j . M Hu. r. x im k « v , W h ets W«dd| Most clergymen] present their vriv] tha t arc hande ^ formancc of t h e 1 I t is probable, a I recently, that not cent, oi clergymc| nied these little si expoet them as r.J the bishop said ," marries a clergy] the two one tofoi ilc-go she may ec her to demand ai her husband pcrfl owl * the fee to ha A clergyman’! street has invest tf came from weddj woman keeps lu dren in shoes Ira of revenue.—Fh | ■ c A ll **1 suffered from i gi stiiiii for fiftt Rturdevaut of i| “After I had tri«| toedieinea to tu friends persuade gfcve immediatel hiosL anything digmttan is g<Hxl oimwnd Kodolf stMtiaeh trout only further You need who’i foist. K ih I u ! w whal ymi eat the stomach’s *k AMI lrttatiw Br * «4d hi «we L4 .- v - J f