The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 27-52

I XiOcal andPersonal T John L o ti loft last Saturday for BiUrinirg'Whero bo has secured a po sltb n with an dcotiical 'eonunisskin company. Tin cans per doz. 45c a t Bud’s, - Alias Jeunie Cooper is. visiting rela­ tives at Washington tJ. I I ., 0 . ~-AU persons having rooms'to rent, for either boys or girls who will attend coltego this fall, report same to. .. . . J , Williamson. Kites Jessie Bennett, after a three weeks visit with Air, and .Mrs, 0 . AL ■GrouSC returned Monday to her home in Washington, P , C. Dr, .and'Airs, J . W. pixon nncl - family are visiting, friends and rela­ tives in Boss comity. —F qh BjiUT'—Best office room in Uedtirvllle—over Ilitebeock’s billiard room. J . P , Chew, Mr- and Airs. Itefua Syfers, of In­ dianapolis, Ind.,autl Air. Harper, an­ nex of Wooster, Q., were the,guests this of Mr, and Mrs, G. W, Harper, / ° _j _—Fo r anything in the harness line goto Dorn’s.' . Mrs, Robert MeOampbeli has rented the Osborn property and ex- - pecta to move some time this month. Thomas Tindall' has accepted a posi­ tion iuj the .Arcade restaurant at Springfield. ■. • —An excellent. family horse for sale. Inquire of B. H ood . 1 ; , Mr. .and Mrs. Oliver Anderson of Springfield;- leave soon for California, >vhere they expect to majke their fu­ tu re home. , / , '* Fancy dried fruits of all hinds at Gray <&Co’s. “5 ' ■ * ’ -i j. * ’ Orville Ford a former Cedarvillian b u t at piesent traveling for the Arner- ' ican Cereal company of Chicago is - visiting his parents Mr. and Alis Jaeob F o rd .' I t has been two years ’ since Orville has been home. '• F o r a good “ Hammock” : , • go to Bird’s. ■' lit the Mayor’s court Monday, Ed ' W e st/D ick Jones, Ellis McMillan' and * Mdse Jones answered to the ' charge of disorderly conduct and were each assessed $8.60. .■The trou •• ble took place hear the railroad Sat­ urday night a u d it is said that/'W est Was Used roughly. —For anything in the harness line go tb Dorn’s . . , ‘ , ■ Clarence Young has returned from, Hew York where he has been attend­ ing a summer school. He will he at „ *r ( . \ t -home- until, the first of September when lie returns to Philadelphia to ■ take up his work at the University of , Pennsylvania. Ho better time to paint the buggy than right now. A t Wolford's. J Airs. Hardy nnd children of Hew Y.erk city who-have been the guests • of Air, and Aire. Bobert W att for sev­ eral weeks took their departure AIbu day evening for their home, ■ .. v If you want goods at reasonable prices go to Dorn the Harness Man W. J , Smith was in Columbus this week in attendance a t the Grand Circuit races which were held 5u the •Capital city, . The yield of outs this year has been something-wonderfu). Andrew Bros, report a yield of over eighty bushels to fhe acre, Alias K ina Tnwmdey left Thursday evening ibr a two weeks vi-it with friend a t Detroit, AUeh, For EmbrniJerks and Laces, Lace Headings anil Ribbons go to Bird’s. Air. Thompson, agent for Belscn* burger and Swartzchihl of Hew York bought fourteen two year old short­ horn Cattle of Air. J . 10. Turnbull for $1200. Save money by getting prices on fertilizer before you purchase, Ivorr & Ha3tiug Bros. Air, Clarence Young will preach in E, P , church next Sabbath a t eleven, a. m. • The Greene county Fair this year will be the best within its history. Alaster Fred Bird entertained a number of'his hoy friends, Monday in honor of his thirteenth birthday, Olney brand of peas, tomatoes, corn and beets at G ray& Co.’s. Albert Bridgman visited friends! several days this Cootb Brushes Direct f r o m Paris We have ju s t received, a full line o f Imported tooth brushes, direct from the makers—-the two best brush makers in all France -rB upon t and Loonen Either of these names on a brush stands for' quality. These brushes run from 0 to SO cents each. All arc bargains bu t real economy and tooth saving power comes in a t least a 20 cent, brush. ■This quality we guarantee not to shed a bristle. You get a new brush if they do Buying direct en­ ables us to give you a better brush, at a lower price,, Can. supply yon with an entire tooth saying outfit-^dcitfrifiee nnd all <: for very little money. B t n . & ' R f d M Opj), Optra Home, , C E & A llV lu k ' v - OH IO . Airs. Dayton week. Ho better time to paint the buggy than right now. Wolford’s, Master Harold Bradfnte ofpYarii- ingtem 0^ H ., is visiting his vrand parents Air. and Airs. Jacob Loti A full line o f Womens, Misses Children’s BLACK lA C E HQSE / a tB ir Mr. John Hisbet! of Xenia, was in town Alonday evening, bringing his son Lee, who will spend some time with.his aunts, blisses Flora and Nan Nisbefc. J. , , ' * ? ’ * 3 l 'Several of the colored boys have rented J . C. Barber’s hall and will bave a dancing contest there this eve­ n in g .-A prize of §5 w ill'b e giyen the best.dancer. Save m oney 'by getting prices' on fertilizer before you purchase. Ker.r & Hasting Bros. •, Airs,1 James Alilburn was the guest of Dayton relatives the first of the week, , ■' * -o c* * , Comb and extracted honey at .Gray & Co,’s. Airs. William Spencer entertained {/number ofhor lady friends Tuesday afternoon and evening- in honor oF her sister-in-law Airs. J , AI. Bull' of Springfield, who is visiting friends here. Aleet mo at "the .Greene County Fair. Aug. 6, 7, 8,. Airs M. A , CresweU entertained last Saturday evening in honor of. Air. Clay Banoy of Iowa. The. annual meeting of the Greene •County Alutual Insurance Association wilbbe at the Mayor’s office, Gedur- ville, August 16th, at 1;3G p. m. A full attendance is desired. A number of citizens of this county are contemplating a trip on one of the coming excursions to DenYer. Alisses Lillie Stewart and Hollie Ustick from this place will probably go. s ' • * . I f you want goods, a t reasonable prices go to Dorn the/ Harness ‘Alan, | Airs. W, H . Blair and daughter, Kathleen j. of Loveland, are visiting Airs. James Satterfield. Next week is the time for the Greene County Fair and everything about the grounds is being pu t in readiness. The management js a r­ ranging for a large crowd, Air, John Hichol, of St. Louie, visited Airs. Buth Tarbpx and other rulativesabout here this week. Air. Hicbols is selling a file for newspaper clippings, Grtene County Fair, August G, 7 and 8, Air. E . W. Ilngar, President of the paper company of the same name, with his wife and daughter, have gone on an extensive trip through the East. They will visit Hiagara Falls, and points along the picturesque St. Lawrence, river. They expect-io-spcnd some time about Boston before returning home. An attempt was made several days ago to wreck a threshing machine be longing to Fawcett and Brickie on ‘ tliC farm of Alnrcifs1Shoup west of Xenia, Horse shoes had been placed in the sheaves of wheat. There* was some damage but to no great extent, H ouck —I am selling out my sash, doors and blinds, flooring, house and barn siding, joist, scantling and the Other articles usually kept in a lum­ ber yard a t much less than the pur­ chase price in car lots, t bave n large quantity of picket and wire fenc­ ing, oak sawed fence posts, oak scantling, and plank that I am almost giving away, in . fact I am selling a largo quantity .of 1 inch plank as low «# 00 cents per hundred, I have some feed slcdn and grain' fanning mills} also a jutnp seat earriagejand a piano box buggy nfid many other ar­ ticles at very low prices, In paints, varnish lower prices than wholesale, W. Al, Mt mmhi,, Air. Matthew. Wilson, J r ., died Thursday evening a t the home i>f Jus father, Matthew Wilson, . The de­ ceased'had been ailing for some time, fie was about fifty-two years of age, ’Bio funeral,'will bo held, Saturday-ai tho house at 1:30 p, m. Services .conducted by Revs, Boss and Robb. Burial a t Cherry Grove, Those who wish to see Downing’s large views of the recent wreck, can call today a t his Cedar villa galiery'or any time at Xenia studio. The or­ ders for tbe?q cannot be filled as fast they come In. See them. /Contractor J , W. AlcLean was in Charleston Thursday for the purpose of putting in his bid on the new church which the Presbyterian con­ gregation expects to build this fall. The plana were drawn by Architect Gotwald of Springfield and the build­ ing be planned after the new B, P , church a t .this place. The com* mittea at last reports had not given out the successful bidder, Mrs. M. I . Alarsh has issued invi­ tations for Saturday afternoon from three to six i,n honor of her sister,' Aliss Eoudebush,. of Owensville, Big. Bargains in Ladies’ Shirt Waists. They are all last season’s styles, but among' them are some handsome ones. They sold a t §1,00 to §2.00 each. Your choice while thhy last for 39c a t Bird’s. The lower rooms under the I, 0 . O. F , hall are being put in condition and arranged for school purposes.. The board have to rent outside rooms owing to the crowded condition of the public school building. The new rooms will be fitted up in a very commodious manner and will have all' the advantages that are given at the central building. ' ’ ’ ' - ' \ The officials of the Pennsylvania railroad met^n Xenia Alonday nnd after an investigation exonerated Yard Master Daniel. Sullivan. . He was also heartily commended for doing’all that he did after the coal car got away from- him. The officials decided to pu t in derailers at the lower end of the yard. (- F or S ale —Two Kiddell Atlases ol Greene County, new. Cost §8.00. Will sell for $8.00 each. One Hang­ ing Map of Greene. Regular price §5.00. Will sell for §1.00. Write this week. R, W. D enver , Boom 50 GotwaldBlocte,* - Springfield, O. Press reports have been going the rounds that ‘'H al” Bold died recently in Chicago^ where he placed himself .-tinder surgical! treatment. The real name is H . W.’ Beid, of Indianapolis, familiarly known as “H a l.” He was a well known - sporting editor, being recognized as authority on base ball, Some have the name confused with “Hal” Beid tho play writer. Buggies painted a t Wolford's. . A new development has come up in the local option cause at Xenia, I t is said that n e a r of “ wot-’-, goods arrived a day or so ago over the C. H . & D. railroad for a new organ­ ization known as the “ Alonarch” club. The agent is said to be an ex-Bnlopbist and has taken out the government tax , ■ ■'■■■ * v . As an afterthought let me say I am closing out all my paints, varnish, lead and oil a t less than wholesale prices,/' W, AI. Mitchell. ■ The wife of a Alethodist minister in West Viiginia has been married three times. Her maiden name was Pa rt­ ridge, H er first husband was named Bobbin, her second Bpairow and the present husband’s name is Quayle, There are now two Bobbins, one Sparrow and three little Quayles in the family. One grandfather was a Swann, and another was a Jay , but lie’s dead and Is now a bird of Para­ dise. They live on Hawk avenue, EaglcVille,-Canary Islands, The fel­ low who wrote this article is a lyre­ bird. . STILL PAYING— lOc per doz, for Fresh Eggs 18o per lb. for Choice Butter 12c peril), for Lard and Bacon . at Bird’s, Homer Wade of Springfield is in town today distributing bills for bis firm, Edward Wren of that city. " Pickled Pork per lb. 12J a t Bird’s, The congregation of the U, P. Church is' holding its annual picnic today . in the Dallas- grove, south’ of town. The weather, is ideal and tfie day will he thoroughly enjoyed by Al. ' Miss Alary Dobbins has boon ti e guest of her sister Alma m u i' Miss Della Tonkihson, who have lieeri nl* tending the summer normal itt Leb anon. The term closes this week, tvlieh they are expected home, Bargains in Straw -HM s - h A lot of Men’s and Boys’ last seasons 8 [raw Hats, a t 2*>o ciielij regular price was 00c, ?oc and §J a t Bird’s ■ BIG SALE Another one of those great' cut price sales for which- we are rioted, A5/e have cut the price on all our JV^rett’s / Boys’ ’arid Children's Suits, and all Sumriier. arid Light Weight Clothing of every kind. • , .. . Everybody who has attended our sales in the past, know that when we.advertise anr article it will always be found just as we say, , • • No fakes, no substituting other articles than the ones, advertised. You will find everything just as we advertise pr your money refunded. We quote a few prices to convince you of what we are doing. , - v" •• ’ j Men’s Suits „ _ . * _ fit* * ' Youths’ Suits ^ Children’s Suits 86.00 to 87.00 values.,..,..:.......... $ 4 , 3 5 8.00 to.10.00 values .... ............... 6 .7 - 5 12.00 to 14.00 values......................1 Q»2 5 15100 io 22.00 v a l u e s - . . . . - 1 3 . 7 5 §6.00 to §7.00 valves..... ................. $ 4 . 3 5 ^ i ' ‘ • •'• . f . < 8.00 to 10.00 valves..... ................ 6 . 7 5 12.00 to 14.00 values.............. 9 , 7 5 15.00 to 18,00 values............ ......... 1 2 . 5 0 j " • ' . / , ; ' l ' Y , ‘ ‘ ' ’ - §1,50 to §2,00 values....... 2.50 to 3,00 values....... 3.50 to ‘4 00 values....... 4.50 to 7,00 va lue s...... ............ $ 1 0 0 .............. 1 . 7 5 2 * 5 0 , .............. 3 7 5 All odd Trousers in the house have been discounted 25 per cent. Our glimmer goods, Flannel suits, serges, straw hats, etc,, have rccejved a like cut, and they must vacate. Bring the .above list of prices with you and see that you pay no more than wo advertise. X en ia , ohio . ' V . . ' • • • ‘ •• * - " Ged. Haller, A. W. Haines, H. A. Higgins, Resident Partners. BOYS FOUND GUILTY. [Oontimiert From F irst Page.] Airs. Kohir. Tho two women met in the hall and burst into tears. Wliilo Attorney Fake concluded bis convinc­ ing argument the two women paced up and down outside,-wringing' their hands and weeping. Their cries could be beard in all parts of tho building. Airs. ShVondes sat quietly in the courtroom. A ’ , After the jury retired the mothers of the two defendants waited until 0 o’clock for the verdict, Then they w'e’nt home and escaped hearing the words which ■doomed their boys to prison unless higher courts interfere. —Chicngo American; Tuesday, Ju ly 29. ' ' . v/ ■. URGES HIS ELECTION. Attorney .Wbqeler, of the Anti- Saloon League, informs us that it is very important that Hon. Horace Adkeney, candidate for State Dairy and Food Commissioner, be elected at tho coming election this fall.. Under the laws a t present this officer has great power over the saloons and drugstores as to the quality of the product that is pu t on the market. In Air, Ankenoy tile league feels that they have 'the proper than for this place and that ho will be of great ser­ vice to them in their, work. The work of the Anti-Saloon League is recognized by all parties'at the pres­ ent day, it having grown to be of great influence over the people of this state. As all are desirous of assisting the league then they should pu t forth an extra effort to elect Air. Attkeney to the office, for which he has been nomhated. Bather than. Ipse your bulbil in voting n mixed ticket it might he just as well to pu t your murk iu. tlic circle under the eagle. This would insure a vote for Air. Ankeitey. <, WANTED GROCERIES. • Last Friday night Kir. Otis Alarch- an t was awakened by a noise at the rear of bis building, and upon, invest! gation it was soon learned that, burg­ lars were endeavoring to efteot an en­ trance into the building a t the rear doori As Mr. Alarcliant resides over store lie was very fortunate in hear­ ing tlio noise or ho might have suf­ fered. a loss.' The fellows succeeded iq,Opening the door bu t were fright­ ened away. Higlit Officer Kennon heard the noise' when the ‘door- was opened but was of the opinion Jh a t it was a t the rear of the Barber block and made an investigation there but found nothing. By this time the fel­ lows bad made good their escape. , ■ . .............. t FACTS FOR BUYERS AND SELLERS. THE party ; LINE. ' m m : :; H f e s # - * , S e n s e tbaches thktgteb afid’ ,old eggs(used toglaze i some cofteef'Mtn;#f# itiot fit lo drink* ''LionQofteo is 'never fflaredHTo pure, undoefored coffee. *‘Every city id the country is being flooded just now with catalogues from the department stores in the large cities, Aluch of the goods they after is trash, and whatever they bave that Is good can be purchased in your home towu for the same or less money. , I t is the duty of every, community tojielp its member?: they live in it, pay taxes and help in every way to its upbuilding and betterment, while every dollar sent away helps build up another town. One of Ottr exchanges in ’a recent issue clinches an argument against out of town trading in the following: ‘Who sympathized with yoiY when yoflr lit' tie girl was sick? Was it your merchant or was it Sears & Roebuck?' Who car­ ried you when you were out ot a job or bad do money? Was it Aloutgoniery Ward &Co,, or was it yourliomo mer­ chant? When you want to raise money for the church or for some needy person in town, do you write to the Fair store in Chicago, or do; you go to your home merchant? Hew much docs Siegel, Cooper & Co., of: Chicago give toward keeping the side­ walks of your town or paying-the preacher’s ^salary? When you are sick how many nights do Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlct & Co,, sit up with you?'-) W1 .m your loved one'was bur­ ied Was it your home merchant who dropped a tear of sympathy nud u t­ tered the cheering, word, or was i t Ahirriial, Field & ('<> ?”—-Hnekensnck Index. - ‘ . Rev, Pressley Thompson niffi four- lly, o f \VivJiirisft<m, Pq.f nve expected to arrive today, or tomorrow and will be guests a t the home of Mr, J* W. Pollock and family for several-Weeks, - The woes of the party-lino | has caused some ozie to write the follow- ing. • ’ ‘ neighborhood not far from here, P u t iu telephone last year} Farmers built a rural line, - Instruments all ‘.‘talked up” line. Al’ you find to do was ring; EyCry bell, wont ting-a-ling, One for Swanson, two for Boggs, / Lobg and short for old man Scroggs, Every neighbor had his call; Twist tile crank and that was all, Mighty nice, when work was through, To gossip lor an hour or two With your neighbors, one by one; Aligbty nice but lots more fun To overhear some other two Telling what was not for you, ' Every time the signal rang To the ’phone each farmer sprang, Slyly grinned and softly took The receiver from the hook} Other people’s secrets dear Poured into Ins large red ear; Troubles dark began to brew. Telephon’s lots of fun,” Somehow iu a Week or two Troubles dark began to brew. Farmer Jones got ligliing hot, Heard Scroggs calling him a sot. Farmer Scroggs seemed angry, too, Heard Smith telling what ho knew. Slapped his teg and said: “ I swunn Paid him off with two black eyes. Johnson heard young Ezra Boggs Underbid him On his hogs. Boggs o’erheard a sneaking churl Making love to his best girl, Women, too, were in the muss Raised a most tremendous fuss. Every one from Scroggs to Jones In glass houses throwing stones. How the line has silent grown, Wires rusted, poles o’srthrown, Twenty friends arc deadly foes, Lack one full of griefs and woes, Each too mad to speak a word, ’Cause of. things they’ve overheard, " J O E ” GETS CAPSIZED. Joe LaVcrdie, the boy Italian bana­ na yender well known hero to lovers of this fruit, met with quite an acci­ dent Wednesday evening south of town on the Jamestown pike. He attempted to:pass a threshing' outfit belotigiug to John Shepard and for some reason the machine caught one w heel'o f “Joe’s*’ wagm/"and unset him in the ditch,. The Wagou was heavily loaded with watermelons, i guanas, pnaehe# «pd lamdtff and the entire lo t was in a heap on the road side. The consignment' was being sent to Jamestown where the elder LuVerdie'conducts a fruit stand simi­ lar to the one formerly conducted, here. The accident happened about eight o’clock and Joe cried bitterly over,the loss, fearing that his father would bring him to task for the loss. The wagon was considerably damaged ns was some of. the fruit. Alorslml Grindle was informed of the accident nnd assisted in getting affairs straight­ ened out. ‘Air.. Shepard will he asked to pu t up for tho loss. SQUIRE TIES THE KNOT. Harry Barlow was mnrried lest Saturday evening to Airs. “Buster” Jones a t the homo of Mr. Barlow’s sister, Mrs. Burbee, west of town Squire J , H . Wolford was called up­ on to perform the ceremony. As a witness is required, the “ Squire” took H . AL Barber nlong to see that the knot was tied in the proper manner and that the vows taken would be binding. The “ Squire” is gaining considerable reputation for bimself in the matrimonial field and unless tho the ministers effect some kind of an organization, he likely will have the business “ cornered.” The hell from the old R. P. churcl was removed the first Of the weei from the position where it has been for .years, to the tower on the new edifice. The Sound Was very familiar but nuujiy a t first were not able to locate it. .... ....-. . . . . . . . , , . __________ _ Rodatoiif itteWi. 1 Brownie Camera - - -i $L0( 1 Brownie Finder ' - «2f 1 Brownie Printing and Devel­ oping Outfit . - - - ,11 1 Roll Brownie Film - - .R 12 Sheets Solio Paper - .11 12 Gatthi for Alounting - .!« I Bottle Paste - - - .0; Cost of 12 pictures 2J x 2$ about 4c each, Each pict­ ure will give you a dollar’s worth o f pleasure. RIDGWAY & CO. f l i e D r u g g e t s , OpjL Opera House.