The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 27-52

n L . to a l and Personal, Mfsa, BfBtr Dafildd has for has gue;-t M m E lla Bnzxarif* of Irfouth Ubarkstoii, - T Bay Rrospgem, of l > a j |« , k spending his vacation hero with Ms Either and elder, Olney brand nfpeas, torantoea* com .and beets at Gray & Uo.’e, ,Mrs. Alva ling ler returned .home Thursday, after a visit with Mr. and ■Mrs, Samuel H a g lsr , W akti : i >—An apprentice girl, a t once, a t Stewart & Ustick milliner}*: shop, • Mrs. Mary Dnfneld, who has been the guest of her son Will a t Dayton, returned home Thursday. WH ITE STAR COFE3SB, 20, 2D, . 30 and 3;jo per,lb, at. Bird’s, Charles Bruce has secured a posi­ tion hi Indianapolis and with his fam­ ily will move to thatplace. No better time to pajmt the buggy than right now. A t Wolford's. Mr, and Mrs, 0 , D, Marchapt vis* ited near Washington C, H ., the first of the week. Mrs, J^W . Dixon and children re turned Monday evening from an ex­ tended visit with ‘relatives in Ross county. - -F o r anything in the harness line, goto Dorn’s. Prof. McChesney will preach in the R. P , church next Sabbath a t 11 a. ml. Save money b y getting prices on' fertilizer before you purchase, Kerr & Hasting Bros, Tlje GJark County Pair a t Spring-. ■ field and the' Gentry Dog and Pony Circus a t Xenia were the attractions for a good many people yesterday. J . Cecil George, after a visit cover ring several weeks in Chicago and Denver has returned home. Fancy lemons and oranges at ■ Gray & Co.’s. ” Mr. J .H . Milbnrn ?was called to Dayton Tuesday, owing to the illness of Mrs. Wilson Walker. - ' Miss Eleanor Smith entertained a number of lady frieuds last Saturday morning at a “ Jacket party.” STILL PAYING . ISc per doz. for Fresh Eggs 20c per lb. for Choice Butter at Bird’s. Mr. James Andrew made quite a find in his garden recently, a radish measuring twenty inches in circum­ ference, ■ The latest word received from Miss Lillie Stewart, who is in Denver, Colorado, for her healtli, is that she is much improved. ; - I f you want goods at reasonable prices go to Dorn tlie» Harness Man. Messrs. Howard Shanks and Emer­ son Alexander, of Steubenville, 0 ., are visiting Charles Hopping. They Were all classmates! a t Muskingum college last year, Misses Ada. Stormont, Mattie Bromagem and Carrie Cline have re-, turned from a trip to Niagara Falls and Chautauqua, N, Y, •Tin F ru it Cans per doz, 45c, Jelly Tumblers per doz. 30c, _ A t Bird’s, • A new delivery wagon is on our streets with the name of Chas. Gil- laugh on the side, Mr, Gillaugh ex­ pects to use the wagon through the country to gather produce. iGREATFUTUREUES shipped hero Mtiiusy, amen t;*the eat- Soap I t is needless, perhaps to Cau> [ tion people against using impure toilet and bath soaps.- No one lists harmful -soaps willingly, but many use them unwittingly, - You are most apt to get right soaps a t a drug storc-^-for in­ stance, you never in your life saw a bit of gehuine castiio soap sold anywhere faufcnldrug stores, Wo arc something of cranks in this matter oF purity, and guarantee the quality of every soap we sell, (V>e prices you are also sure of, • Btii.6' m s m , Druggist, -Opp. Optra Heme, r c i 8 XRvTirp 7 ''~'''''T^?]ir 0 r ssfaetsw o f the railroad employe.? who always Joel? forward ■to its coining with pleasure. D r, F ; 3L Madden, P rac tice lim* ited to EYE, PAR , NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad** ju sted , A llen Bu ild ing , X en ia, (I, Veicpjisso-,^.00(js Ka. y,, Kfsidecec i'o, jj» Yerca Bird and Janet Tarbox are spending the week with Rev, J , . C Wfirqock and family, of College Cor­ ner, Ohio. IliFB rcs, are constructing cement gutters in front of the Jacob Seigler and J , Hv Milburn properties. The improvement was much needed,; Save money by getting prices bn fertilizer before you purchase, Kerr & IJaeting Bros, Eben Archer, who has been on 'western trip to Tacoma, Wash., lias returned, Mrs, Archer has not re­ turned yet. . . ■“ Since bills have been p u t out for the basket meeting August 31, the program has been changed sonic, There will be no address by Mayo McFarland at 10 o’clock, —For anything in ihe harness line go to Dorn’s. . Miss Simpson, of , Louisville, TCy, Miss Simpson, of Bardstown, Ky and Mrs. W . H, King were enter­ tained by Mrs. Robert Bird, Tues day. Comb and, extracted honey at y Gray & Co,’s. Mr, aiid Mrs. Will Torrence, of South Charleston, were guests of Mr and _Mrs. Will Blair Tuesday .eve uing. ' ' A number of frieuds were enter tained by Mr, Leroy and' Miss Echo Sterrett, at their home Tuesday even ing, in honor of Mr. Herbert Scott arid-sister Elizabeth, of Caunonsburg Pa. 5 gallons of gasoline 65c at- Bird’s, Miss Daisy Gray and sister Lucile left tliis-morning for Sarnia, Canada where they will be the guests of their uncle, James Gray, of Cincinnati Who is ju Canada at present, . High Proof Gasoline, 13c per gal 5 gal. for 60c, Marchiuit’s Miss Bell Gatch,-of Xenia, visitec Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Smith and fiimi iy this week. Mr, S, K. Mitchell is able to be out and around after his shakeupTaS; Saturday, when he was badly bruisec and scarred by being dragged by-bis liorse/and -buggy. In .some manner Mr. Mitchell became entangled ju the rig as he- was attempting jto get iu The horse started, causing him to lose his balance. —F ok R ent —Best office room- in Cedarville—over Hitchcock’s billinrt room. J , P . Chow. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tarbox and two children leave today for Aslivillo, N, .0. where they will Bpebd ten days oil an outing. . While there they wil visit Postmaster Tarbox and family, A t last report T. N.. was much im­ proved in health. • • Choice bacon, per lb 14c, pickled pork per lb 12^c a t Bird’s. Mrs. Robert Ervin* and daughters expect to leave next week for Pitts burg, where they will make their future home. Mr, Ervin has been there several months. Girl wanted, at once, 'as apprentice at the m illinery shop of Stewart & Ustick. The Madison county fair will he held nfcLondon, August 26-29, The agriculture society report a large number of entries in nil classes and that inclement weather is all that will k^epj them from having a large crowd. lA S T CUT ON MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT PANTS. $3. pauts for §2, $2,50 pants, for $1.75, $2 pants for $1,50. Ask to see them a t Bird's. Mr,- Howard Bratton was on Wed­ nesday married to Miss Helen Leon­ ard at Jacksonville, 111. The young coitplc will spend part o f their wed* ding trip about Chicago and the lakes and will return to -Xenia about the first of September. They expect to reside with Mr, and Mrs. J . 0 . Bratton for the present. LAST CUT ON SHIRT WAISTS, Entire stock, / This season* patterns. $3. waists $1.95. $2.50 waists for $1,50, $2 waists for $1.25, $1.25 waists for 82e. Ask to sec them at Bird's. 4 ■ Those carrying the local option petition have met with good success <:,¥t \ lU&S&lf required and already 170 have signed. The petition will still bo circulated and presented to council a t the next regular meeting. What .is needed tmwjs. airorgauwaibitt-aiuilwui- Xenia atul Jamestown have toward# looking after this matter, . BEFOREOURPEOPLE i f ) re,f>ntinacl From I-trot I \uy]> f-aid to ho the exact ardor at a natural gas Mato, , ■■ ’ The finding u i gas a t the surface is something remarkable- am iwe are told' Is the regular gas field this I? consid­ ered a good sign. I t is evident iha„ If wo have gas a t the surface .there must be more below. Many havc-heard this story in the last Uav or two to and • seemed to doubt it. That gas is there we can vouch for, A visit to the spot Thurs­ day afternoon verified the report to the writer. Mr,.Hogar was asked as to his opin­ ion but lui refuses to be interviewed, his reply being that no developments would be given out until a company js formed fo develope the, laud, He furthbv informed, the' writer that so great is the 'demand for stock a t the present .time that the company could easily disposed of the stock at par. There is to bo no cheap Btock offered to “ boom” the company. I t is an un­ disputed question that there is gas,,. This recent discovery will recall the days to many of the stock holders of the company that drilled for gas and all the company got was a hole ill tLe ground. ;It will recall the time when the stoekholds with watchful eye one throbbing heart, stood at the' derrio night after night and waited for their fortune in gas, '■ In never came nor little did we ever hear of it after. But then this company acted so foo .ish in drilling where there was no gas. The new compaiiy . will drill wher they know gas exists, Wo await pa tiently. BIG SALE Another one of those great cut price sales for which we are noted. ' We have cut the price on all our Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Suits, and all Summer and Bight Weight Clothing of every kind, - - 71 7 “ Everybody who has attended our sales in the past, know that when we advertise an article it will always he found just as we say, No fakes, no substituting other articles than th'e ones advertised, You will find everything, just as we advertise or your money refunded. We quote a few prices to convince you of what we are dipng. ^ CORPORATION WINS SUIT, The case of ihc Village, of Cedar ville against William Timmons was heard/ in Mayor. McFarland’s, cour Wednesday morning. The ca. comes out of the ordinance for com polling males oy-ar 21 and under 55 to work the streets two days or pay the sum'of three dollars. Attorney Cook, oF Xenia,' repre­ sented Timmons while Squire Brad­ ford appeared for the corporation Considerable time was occupied in arguing Cook’s motion to set the. case aside but the Mayor overruled the motion. Mr. Cook-then'moved that the be allowed to ' offer any evidence on the bill of particulars and lie was again set hack by the Mayor overruling his motion. Only ono witness was examined and that was for the corporation, and tile defence and plaintiff decided to submit the caser^Mayor McFarlnm' then rendered judgment in favor of the. plaintiff and the sum of $6,05 was held against Timmons. . The case will again come up on Monday, when it will be argued as to error' iu the bill of particulars. THOMPSON JONES INJURED. is A t the works {if the D. S. .Ervin Co." Tuesday morning, Thompson Jones, a farm hand employed by Mf« Alexander Turnbull, was injured by the falling of a heavy iron screen usee to separate the rock as it falls from the stone ’ crueller... The screen quite heavy and fell some little dis­ tance before, it hit Mr. Jones, who was directly under it scraping up some crushed rock. As there is al ways considerable noise about this part of the plant, Mr. Jones could not make any one hear and come to his assistance. He 'finally mai to free himself before help arrived. He was a t onco taken to 'the' office of Dr. E . V, Oglesbcc who examined him closely as to his injuries and dressed his wounds. His right ear was cut in two, and there was a gash on the let’- side of his face which re juired several stitches. On the left side of his head was u good size bruise and a flesh wound on the left shoul­ der. Mr, Jones was fortunate iu bo­ ng injured no worse than lie Mae. The crusher was not in operation a t the time of the accident and it is not mown what caused the screen to fail. Kaper Wade is certainly entitled to the championship for potato raising. "We have been presented with six that weigh four and one-half pounds. They are the Carmen variety and are very smooth. The crop was raised on the farm belonging to the Misses Gib­ son, Atone HALF THE COST Lion Coffee Hmf tA-ttcr sfrengtft and flavor th an m any so-call­ ed “fancy" brands, Bulk coffee a t the sant# price is not to be com* pared with tion in quality - f « v ) b .M r iiih t » Men’s S u i t s $6.00to&7.0Qvalues..,. $4.35 8.0Q to 10.00 values - 12.00 to 14.00 values. 15.00-to 22,00 values. ........ -6.75 -•-.‘•-10.25 ........13.75 Youths’ Suits $6.00 to $7.00 valves............. . 8.00 to 10.00 valves............... 12.00 to 14.00 values.. 15.00 to 18.Q0 values.,..,.......... -$4.35 • 6.75 - 9.75 12.50 Children’s Suits 81.50to$2.00values.....; ........ . $1,00. 2.50 to 3.00 values.,.,.. -.............. 1.75 3.50to 400values.,.;....,.,,..... 2.50 4.50-to 7,00 v a lu e s................... 3 .7 5 All odd Trousers iu the house have been discounted 25 per cent. Our summer goods, Flannel suits, serges, straw hats, etc.,.have received a like cut, amftbey must vacate.. Bring the above list of prices with you and see that you pay no more than we advertise. XENIAj, OHIO. Geo. Halier, A. W„ Haines, H. A. Higgins, Resident Partners, PEOPLE BECOMING ANXIOUS. From ihe number of requests that have been received a t this office in re­ gard to the coming of “Ben H u r” to Cincinnati, one is forced to believe that there will bo a good size delega­ tion go from this place. Numerous requests haveBeen received here in regard to-the railroad rate, price of admission, .exact dates, and when seats go on sale. As there lias been no railroad rate announced officially, Agent Keyes informs us that .there will probably be a rouud trip for one and one third farea.and possibly a one fare for the round trip oil certain days duriug the Fall Festival which is to be held Sept, 15 to 27, As for prices of admission, and date when seats go on sale, we have not yet learned,..but these will be.givcn out in plenty of time. One can rest assured that the price of admission will be far above the average for it is the opening of new Grand Opera House which is one of the finest in the coun­ try, and then the “Ben Hur” com­ pany is .one o f 350 people, Cincin­ nati is one of the eight cities that is to be visited this, year. In reply to other requests .as to the opening of the Victoria a t Dayton, and the- Grand at Springfield, the former opens with Al G. Fields Minstrels, Friday, Aug, 22, while the latter will likely ripen with Henrietta Crosman in her new production “ The Sword of the King.” The announcement hat been made that Otis Skinner will ap pear a t Dayton in “ Lazarre” also James K. Hackett in the “ Crisis” this winter. Dramatization of popular novels and comic opera will he the rage in theatrical circles this winter,. BROWN. LOST THE GAME. The Cedarville Shamrocks played a game of ball .Wednesday, with_a WH- and defeated them with a score of 9 to 2. As Wilbefforce’s regular pitcher was "absent, one of Cedarvilla's baseball wonders, by the name of Brown, decided to do the twirling. In the first inning Cedar- villc brought in four runs oiFof him, and after he jowl thrown, .one..**; iytt- overtfttf haekatbih'lK! was pu t out of the box Lew Smith pitelud the rest of the game.- Smith struck out 8 and gave 2 base on halls. Grindlc struck t »f 20 and gave one base on balls. ilcMUlfttrmsdartlrtr “s k r 't d r o f Hie gamo, it being a homo run. Another game is expected next Tuesday. ENTERTAINING FICTION. One advantage of reading, a serial story in a daily newspaper is that an installment of convenient length is re­ ceived every day that' does not con­ sume an. undue amount of the reader’s time installment of a high-grade serial Bath fp,, $3000. Oscar and Ella Roeber to Conrad Gillough, oiie acre' in Cedarville/ $1 and other considerations, Conrad Gillough to Laura Weller, one acre iu Cedarville $800. People's Building and Savings Co., story ap p e a l in every jssue of the ° * S t e p h e n Sbouks, lot in Chicago Record-Herald, a popular feature of that enterprising Chicago daily. Among the successful stories which have recently been enjoyed, by Record-Herald readers are “ When Knighthood Was in Flower,” by Charles Major, “ Gniuelnrk,” by George B. McCutcheon, and “Alice of O ld : Vincennes,” by Maurice Thompson, Every issue contains also a short illustrated" “ humau inter­ est” story on the editorial page Readers of the Chicago Record-Herald can depend upon a never-failing source of pleasant entertainment in the noteworthy fiction that is always to be found in its columns A NEW HARVESTER CO. The International Harvester Com­ pany with a capita] of 8120,000,000, has bought the entire - plant aijd out put of the Warder, Bushnell & Gloss her Co., Springfield, The latter company was capitalized a t $2000000, ex-Go'vernor Bushnell holding about one third of the stock. The past sea* sod this compaiiy pu t out 90000 ma­ chines and had a pay roll numbering 2000 men. The McCormick, Deer* ing and Osborne plants are the only others in the big truBt. A -dispatch from Chicago states that 10000 men are expected to lose their positions as office men and salesmen for the differ­ ent companies. This may by exag­ gerated, though there will bo re­ trenchments in these forces to meet the economical policy of doing bush ness on the trust plan ' a COURT NEWS. * H.-WMUtttl’.W- . RHA I, fcSTATR TRANSFERS. Katherine Louisa and Addison Leffel and Elizabeth M. Kendall to Lowell Waring Baker, 5 acres in Xenia tp,T8500. , „ " j v 6 thwart"'to' M.' K."~Htewart, undivided one-fourth interest in lots iu Cedarville, $800. R , K, Knowles to 1), & & U. Electric Railway Co., land in Bath t[KT-2 acres, $472,50. . .......... - R, R, Knowles to- D . B, dfc IT. Electric Railway Co., 81 acres in Xenia, $300, Trustees of M, E . church, Bowers- ville, to Mellissa Lynch, 23 square pples in Bowersville, $50* W. H, Corfy to Herman C, and Earnest E . Corry, undivided one half of 25 acres in Cedarville tp,, $750. R. W. and Mary E . Christy to Alpha Skyles, lot in Jamestown, $1250. Prof, J , Robb Harper, who lias been attending the Chicago Univer­ sity this summer, returned home Wednesday evening. Robb left Chi­ cago about a week ugo and took a trip to the northern part of this state. The exact spot is not ju st known hu t it is surmised' that the week was spent in Loudenvilie. Use Golden Rule flour. The funeral of the L ie Amos Bull was held Tuesday at his late residence near Yellow Springs. The deceased Was eighty-two years of age and was a brother to A, E , and R. S, Bull of this place. The exercises Were con­ ducted by Rev. Davidson of Clifton. Burial took place a t the Stevenson cemetery near Wilberforce, “ My hair came oat by the hand­ ful, and the gr^y l,sirs began to creep in. I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and it Stopped th'e hair from com­ ing, out arid restored the color,” -— Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. There’s s pleasure in offering such a prepara­ tion as Ayer’s HairVigor, It gives to all who use it such sa t is fa c t ion . The hair becom es thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara­ tion. S1.90 t bottle. Ail <rtrtW«. I f your druggist cam iot supply you, send n s ono dollar and-wo will express you a bottle. ISo suro and plvo tti« name of yournearont express ofiire. Address, J . AVER CO., Lowell, Ma'3. No better time to paint the buggy than right now. A t Wolford s. fin envelope w ill often g ive you an inkljng o f w ho the letter is from. Sta- t i o n e r y impresses your taste. W e have stationery to suit all S u it a l l p u r s e s . During the past week the carpet has been laid in the new R. P , church by the contractors, Hutchison & Gibney of Xenia, and the seats are being erected a t.p re sen t. I t will require several days to finish this work. The dedication of the new building has been definitely set for Tuesday, September 9. A neat sou­ venir program in booklet form v.iili half tone picture of the new church on the title page is being gotten out. BENG. RIDGWAY A union basket meeting ,will bf held Sunday, Aug. 31, in Mr, Silas Murdock’s woods. Under the au­ spices of the Baptist and Methodbt churches. A t 9;30 prayer .service will be conducted by Rev. J . B. Brown; and preaching al 11:00,1:80 and 3:00.' Pastors ami congregations from Jamestown,'-Xenia. Springfield, Bclma and Yellow Springs will be present - ^ Mrs. Sue Harper expects to move her household effects to Bcilbruok nex t week, wliero she will reside this coming winter. Her son, George, is superintendent o f the schools at jwill return . t o Chicago about the 1 first of October, where he will tala' ftp special work a t the Uhirago Uni­ versity. : ' Th e Druggist, ' Opp, Opera House, — Coimmm ims-servicea-nt-the R.-IV- chftrch (O. H.l Rabbath will tie con­ ducted by Ri-v. I), O. Jack, ( ’ineiti* *tiati, Prcaehitig riaturd&y at 2 p, tu . .