The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 27-52

1 * ♦ & f- p* y k I ItCcal-anS Personal. 1Mi®Helen Euvey, of Xcabh'ia the gwfot q t M iss* Bmlyn ami Fannie r « r . ' . : A baseball game ms been arranged for Fatunlsy,- between the lf.tvd team *■ ami Selma; Olr.ey brand of*peas, tomatoes, earn and tects a t Gray & Vo.'s. ' M;®} Jcseie Smaii has returned to Xenia after a short visit here with William Rift ami family. The M jsscb McNeil have returned , from their vacation, i : Preserving kettles, stew pans,, tin. N ^ n s , glass cans, j|eUy glasses, etc., . sit Cooper’s- Mrs. Will Brad fate and children of Washington, C. H ., are guests of Mr, Jacob Lott and wife. A1iseEmma Templeton has returned home after a .brief visit with friends a t’Middleton. ' -—For anything in the harness line go to Corn’s. . ’ Miss Nellie Turnbull entertained a number of her lady friends Thursday afternoon. Robert Wilson will not return to ■\ the Presbyterian Seminary at Alle glieny, Pa., this fail but expects to enter the McCormick at Chicago; "Save money by getting *prices on fertilizer before you purchase. ■ Kerr & Basting Bros, Miss Bulu Henderson has issued in , vitatiOnS for a reception a t her homo. Friday afternoon, f -The township schools open Monday morning, Town school one wee later. . • Don’t forget the day and date of , the-circus. The only one that wil ' likely show here thin Season, t —F or anything in the harness line Our fall stock o f stationery and school supplies is here, and ex­ ceeds all past assortments. Wo believe we have been very for­ tunate in the buying also. This will insure your receiving high value for smallest possible cost, Boon be time to think o f school supplies, and we will want you to ■ Think of ns when you a rc ready for them. j Have bought stock with a view to doing our customers good, and want you to profit by it. Tablets, Pens, Pencils, Ink, Slates, Bunch. Boxes, Mucilage, Etc. . . . Ben. 6 . Riagwav, Druflaist, . Opp. Opera House, CEDARVILIR. ■ • OHIO. goto Dorn’s. - , Asa MeLefinP'ot Columbus, - spending his vacation here his. par­ ents, Mr- and Mrs.- John W. Me- ■ Lean.” , Mr,, George Riunsey left Tuesday ..foe Preble couuty to attend the Bam eey reunion, jthere being quite a num ' K her by that name in that county. , , D r. P . Rv Madden , P ractice lim ­ ite d -to EYE, EAR, NOSH AND THROAT. G lasses A ccu rately Ad­ justed.* A llen Bu ild ing , X en ia, 0> ‘ ■''eleyhone.—0£Kc* Na. 72 . Residence No. Homer Wade, of Wren's store Springfield, is spending his vacation with friends in this vicinity. .. Mrs.-JRobt Eifvin and two daugh­ ters took their departure Monday,-for their new home in Pittsburg, Pa. George Jeffries and Miss Jennie Bowers were married last Saturday night by Mayor McFarland. Ill this issue will be found a - half- page advertisement of Mr. 0 . A. Spabr, calling attention to the reduc­ tion of" his $20000 stock of goods which (he is to’dose out owing to a changeml his line. Some great bar­ gains are being offered. Howard L , Bui), of Kokomo, Ind. returned home Monday evening after a weeks visit with Greene county rel­ atives, A number of young folkrr picnicec a t CiJfton, Tuesday afternoon, and drovo.on to Springfield later in the evening. —For. R eno ?—Beat office room in Cedarville--over Hitchcock’s billiard room. J , P . Chew. Messrs. B* G. W att, D. Bradfute, J . 1*. Orr and Otis Wolford are in London this week attending the Mad­ ison eeuuty fair. Mr, R . F . Kerr, wife and Master James Hutchison left Tuesday room­ ing for Kushville* Ind .,-where they will be the guests of'Mr, Paul Kerr afid family. Comb and extracted honey at Gray & Co,’?. Air. and Mrs. J . H« Milbnru were in Dayton Monday evening, in at* tendance at the" funeral of Airs. Wil­ ts,m W»lker„ The Reformed Presbyterian church 0 . B; held their picnic in the Dallas wood?, Wednesday,. Sirs. F rank Reid and two children expect to leave tomorrow for their home in Atlanta, mnm£ whfefe mmt coffee ro ttttm use to glam th d r coffee, with—would you * a t t&tt kind , of eggs? Then why drink them” Mon Coffee has no Coatlngof storage egs^fe. unadulterated, fresh, strbhff' and of delightful t e w and aroma, S i«toMqs*s»riWf *»«».' tOh Mrs. Robert AIcCampbell has rented hev farm to Thomas Wolford. Ernest Smith and Rev. Adams and family'have returned to Mississippi, after a short visit with relatives here -< Carlcton McLean has given up his position a t Oxford, O. . Save mosey by getting prices on fertilizer before you purchase* Kerr &. Hasting Bros, Mrs. Charles Spencer* of Xenia, was the guest of Mrs, R. C. Watt several days this week. Air. 0 - H , Dickerson, a civil en­ gineer of Cincinnati, was the guest of Prof. F , A. Ju rka t this week.- The two were classmates in,college, Mr. Stewart Jackson, of Green­ field, was the guest of Mr., and Mrs*. Robert Jackson a day. ..or go this week. You can still get Langdoq bread a t. Cooper’s Also a fine line of cakes and crackers. Nabtscos, Charlotte Rnsse, Alpine and F ru it Nougat in bulk. Miss Lulu Barber , wil! leave next Thursday ' for Frederick; M d ., and Washington D, 0 . and expects to ^e absent several weeks. Mr. Lewis Gilbert attended the re­ union of his regiment, the 91th, a t piqua. Thursday. < - “ Aliss Jun ia Pollock is entertaining her cousin, Mr, Ben Sabring, of Col­ umbus, - Go to Cooper’s for anything in th e grocery liije. We advertise no cut prices, but each and every article purchased of ns will bo of the best quality and the price will be as low ns honest and fair dealing will permit, Air. Daniel Herlihyysecretary of the board o f Engineer Examiners, of Chicago, is the guest of A. Z, Smith add family. Misses Irene McClellan and Elea­ nor Smith leave Monday for Muhcie, Ind., where they will spend a week with Mr. and Airs. George AlcClel- lan. Fo r Sale—One canopy top buggy m fair condition. Inquire a t this office, The ball game Thursday between a team of colored boys, and another pick-up team resulted in a score of 7 to 8. Eleven innings were required to decide, Hnd the honore fell to the former. Air.'Frank Turnbull was quite sick the first of the week with something like lung trouble caused by exposure a t the fair with cattle. Mr, J . H . Nisbefc left last Friday for Baltimore* Aid., where lie will visit his son, 'S$. D, N iabet,' Airs, Nisbet went cast several weeks ago. Fancy lemons and oranges a t Gray & Co.’s. Prof, JR. A. Brown has been elect­ ed secretary of the Ohio Teachers tending Circle for this county. Dr, J . W, Ditfon and wife enter- ained the latter’s brother, Air, B. 35, Innna, and family* of Favetto conn** ,yt the first of the week. Miss Bernice Wolford lias returned mmc after her vacation along tho- alies. .She will not return to her work in Springfield. two lit fit?ftanght*Ts of Chicago. Mr, Hurley Is chief esaminei* of stationary engineers fur the city and is spending a weeka vacation here. A t the meeting »f the ‘ Greene County Central Committee last Satur­ day in Xenia, Air. John W. Hedge was nominated for the office of Comi­ ty Commissioner to fill the unexpTrcd term o f Lewis Smith, deceased. ■ Mr. John G. Bull of Toledo, Iowa* is visiting relatives in this county and attended the reunion of his regiment, the fifth, at Piqua, O., Thursday* Alias Ju lia Hopping eamo east with him aud will remain for some time, ' F oe S auk .—One second-tended Superior Disc drill,* Good as new. Cbas, Turnbull, Mr. and Airs, Beth Smith, of Sel­ ma, celebrated their twenty-fifth wed­ ding anniversary Wednesday. Among the many present were Dr, and Mrs. E . G. Oglesbee, Mr.'and Airs, Sam­ uel McCollum, Mr. and Airs. Walter Wifdman, blisses Blanch and Alary Ervin and Air. Fred Anderson. AlienAda Wylie who has bcou in Denver, Col., for some weeks' and Alias Fannie Townsley Who visited at Indianapolis returned home Thurs day. -Mrs. Thomas Moore, of near James­ town, entertained her uncles and aunts,*at dinner Thursday.- Those present were Air. and Airs. Alex. Turnbull, Air. and M rs.W ; At. Bar ber, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Jackson, Air-and -Mrs. James Townsley and Mrs, Sallie Barber. ■ -Fancy dried fruits of all kinds at - ’ Gray dp Co’s, Owing to the work being delayed on- the program’s for the. dedicatory exercises of the R, P. church, by’the lateness of the arrival of the half tones, there will be none ready for distribution before Saturday evening. Mr.* Clarence Young leaves this evening for Philadelphia where he takes up work for the Charity Organ­ ization Society, an organization that works among the lower classes in the city, Mr. Young secured his posi­ tion through the Pennsylvania Uni­ versity, he being a student there for the past two years. Ho will not* en­ ter the R. P, Seminary but devote his entire time towards his new work. Use Golden Rule lo u r. Airs. J . B. Smith and son, of Ham­ ilton j are being entertained by ,AIi. and Mrs, Lewis'. Sullenberger. Aliss Lydia Richardson, who has been a guest a t the Sullenberger homo, has returned to Hutchison, Allnn. Prof. W, B. McCheaney .left Thursday morning for Idavill'e, Ind., where he will conduct communion services for the R. P . congregation nt that place. A grand new departure'of Col. G. Halt’s shows that will exhibit nt Ced- niville, 0 . Sept. 3 is the uew trained animals consisting of Sonora Leortn and her den of; performing jaguars and leopards. One of. the most sensational and fear defying perfor­ mances ever presented to the public. Animals trained -to present the meet wonderful and unique displajymaui- festiug remarkable precision and understanding in their accomplish­ ments, an exhibition of animal intelligence that gives great credit to their trainer and is a source of wonder and astonishment to all beholders. I t # uftaVfW * fftrfrV"-*****-f■* *-j*Stf****j+mer* « -mw* - r M ft STFINFfIS dlMPtHT’ BIO m Another one of those great cot price sales for which we are noted* We have cut the price on all our Men’s, Boys’ and -Children’s Suits,-and-all Summer and Light Weight Clothing <jff every kind. Everybody who has attended our sales'in the past, know that when we advertise an article it. will always be found just as we say, / No fakes, no substituting other articles than the ones advertised. You w ill find everything just as we advertise or your money refunded. ( We quoted few prices to convince you of what we are doing. m m Men’s iSiiits Youths’ Suits ! Children’s Suits 86,00 to §7.00 values.............. ~ ,.$ 4 .3 5 86.00 to 87.00 values,......... 81.50,to $2.00 Values^..,.. ........ *$1 0 0 8;00 to 10.00 values .... i ........... . 6 . 7 5 8.00 to 10.00 values.................... 6 .7 '5 2..50 to 3.00 values-.,.'.......... *** 1 . 7 5 12.00 to 14,00 values.. ..... * .*10 .25 12.00 to 14.00 values...... 9 . 7 5 1 < , j 3.50 to 4 00 values........ . .. 2 .5 0 16.00 to 22.00 values...................1 3 , 7 5 15,00 to 18,00wo(ue8,.. . . . . . 1 2 . 5 0 ! 4.50 to 7,00 values .............. . •• 3 .7 5 All pdd Trousers in the house have been discounted 25 per cent. ^ Our summer goods, Flannel'suits, serges, straw bats, etc;, have received a like cut, and they- ,must vaente. Bring the above list ‘of-prices with you and see thal you pay no more than we advertise. \ - ■ XENIA, Geo, Haller, A. W* Haines, H. A. Higgins, Resident Partners. air : “ I hare used Ayer’s Hair Vigor tor o,*er tbs:.'/ years. It has kept fj' tny sCu.'p. free from dandruff and f. has prevented my heir from turn- ij ing gray.” —-Mrs. F. A. Soule, Bifiings, Atom. A Race of Warlike Dwarfs. The inhabitants of the Andaman islands arc the smallest race of known human beings—th a t is, 'taken' as an average. - Tho*height of a fall grown Andamandi eeldom exceeds three and a lialf feef, and few weigh over sixty-five pounds. They are said to ho marvelously swift oh foot as .well as being possessed with «x- iraordinary powers of endurance. The-few travelers who loccasioiially visit the islands avoid contact with the dwarfs as fa r as possible, par­ tially on account of their extreme, filthiness, hu t principally on ac­ count of their tvarlike dispositions and their handiness with poisoned spears. ___ . y Sour Cranberries, v A gentleman wishing to send to a friend in England a present chose a barrel of cranberries ns his gift. I t was in the early days before they had become well known in th a t country. To Ids surprise lie rc- leiyed a letter from Ids friend in which' ho said; _ “Your present of a barrel of berries arrived safely, but we were obliged to throw them all away, as they had soured upon the journey,”—Lippincolt’s. v? There is •this,peculiar thing about Ayers Hair Vigor— it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hairdoes not suddenly turn black, look ds'id ,and l i fel ess . ButgraduJlyihe old color comes back,—all the rich, dark color it used to have. The hairstops falling, too. ' ' il.M fi t-xirc. ,VI rfregitai*. f ~ ZHymamrtmmuiifrjfMxnryjmutfC.r'** iiw '—>■ II yoar Unti.rrlst c.umot Bnpply you. send tu i ll' and -w'o ylll express you s Itottie. Uc aarc and c I to tbs name v { your iitareijt express otlire. Addresg; J . C. AY Eft CO., Ijoyrll, H ass. *TT 1 - i t —-,TnnniMIIII America’s Grandest Peak. O f our thousands of high moun­ tains the loftiest, so far as known, is Afount AlcKinlcy, in Alaska, which reaches an altitude of 20,194 feet, Asia, with Afount 32vcrost, in the Himalayas, 29,002 feet high, and South America, with Aconca* 5 «a, in the Andes, 22,900 feet, alone exceed tins continent of ours in ex­ treme altitude, according to Every­ b o d y ’. Magazine, From this mass great glaciers flow down to the low country* one of them stretching from tin; central peak down to the Susliiina, a length of forty miles. No attempt lias yet been made upon this THE NEEDLE. rV ^ One of the Most Ancient Implement® vof Which' We Have Record, The needle is one of the moBt ancient implements or instruments o f which we have any record. The old time needles were’ unlike the modem luxury, they having been made of wood* bronze, bono, etc.* and without eyes, a circular depres­ sion a t 4ho b lun t -end having been so fashioned as to enable them to carry the thread. P liny describes the, needles of bronze which were used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, and since his day. similar instru­ ments have been found in compar­ ative abundance both a t Hercula­ neum and Pompeii. The. first account of the manu­ factu re of “white iron” or steel needles says th a t they were made a t Nuremberg in 1460* and while the exact date is in doubt, they are said to have been made in Britain as early as 1545. The account fu r­ the r adds th a t th e first needles man­ ufactured in England were made by a Spanish negro, who died without having taugh t any one Ills art. During the reign of Elizabeth the industry was revived, and, strange to say, also by a foreigner, a native of India. The forerunner of the present great Redditch needle man -1 Ufactory was established by Chris­ topher Greening and a Mr. Darner in 1650. Afany unsuccessful a t­ tempts wore made to h ring .pu t the “drilled eye” needle before it was finally introduced in 1826. Two* years later the “burnishing ma­ chine,” w ith .which the eyes of needles arc highly polished, was completed. I n tlm- machine* which is very- simple* the needles are all strung on a wire, which revolves m * . aam ton to davton . excursion tickets to Dayton will ho sold, account Fair, from Richmond, Springfield, London* Motrew and in teifiiC.liate ticket Uatiniw, Beating the taw . I n Arkansas there .once lived a certain' judge strongly opposed to th e game laws who presided a t the trial of a man'against whom it was proved* ih’jt, 11) it he had been in a. field with a gnu and two pointers) FCCOttdJv. i t e l to'.b'iU i'r r it 1)W 3y, th a t two of the covey hud fallen. Tho judge, told (lie jury that* In abnente of direct evidoiu o as to tho eatice of death* it its duty to nesmoo th a t the .birds died of fright. real moun- „*r ,, , . ta in j indeed no one has yet ap-. imparting a beau- preached i t nearer than fo rty miles, “ n,9“ ™e e?e. the height haying been determined ^ Korean SoQiuh. .Th is item is from a Korean newa- aper, published in English, a t eouli - v- ■ ■“Lately the Police He' dquarters -ordered, w fo rb id ’ tlie servants &o to run the horses lastly, on, th e big s tre e ts . t »-.they sometapes pressed the-children down aud hurted them on th e ground ,and th e poliea stopped a piapoo runn ing u horse hardly on his buck, b u t « number o f.soldiers by partial angles taken a t th a t dis­ tance. Even tho camera fiend has no t succeeded in stealing its por­ tra it. B u t tlu fact that hero stands* tuielimbed, the highest peak in North America, overtopping St. Elias by half a vertical, mile, is a standing challenge to adventurous spirits to whom labor, exposure and danger are trifles when there is a prospect of teaching its summit. ~ T U S t OF tE fTERR . List of letters remaining uncalled for, in tho Cedarville postofficc for tlie month ending Aug, 29,1902. ^ . Li8t N 0 . 35 , ...... Ail? Yur^.* *,'L - ___ ____ jil . flbompson, Miss A, B, * Cards, Davis, Enoch. WolflBaftc, . % N .-T ahuox * P* M> eaine along ouiekly and captured the police away.” EXCURSION TO CINCINNATI. ' Excursion tieketo will ha m August Slat, Special train leaves Cedarville at 9;00 a. m. Round trip rate HI,25. The above cut is a TRUE and correct PICTURE of Senora Leona us she appears at each performance with her den of fero­ cious Leopards trained by her kindness and skill to obey her every command* 2o Cages of Wild Animals. . • * , R . herd of Sacred.Cattle* Cancels, Drome­ daries and Elephants led by “Columbus,” the largest elephant now living. 40 Star Performers. 8 Funny Clowns Led by the Great Leon with his .Singing Donkey, a donkey that actually sings with his clown partner in perfect time to the • music; '*>.■. . • * - *- ■ • Xfce m e m b e r t h e Gfafid free Balloon Ascension A sight that makes women shriek and faint and strong men shudder. At Cedarville, September 3d f Bittecrite for tlm Hamid ■?the Herald. n . '■-« . Col. G. W. Hall’s Gifeas JIaseamandJffenageMe 1 a' I' tw enty - f i f The newest r the most reli A F ine assqr this a correct A Rubber Tii Of UL P . Chui u e d by Re CHOIR GIVES Second Article on Ihi count of Different C tatas, and the Proved Vere From 1S75 when removed to Xenia, 1 for about two years and following him sanie period by Mr. who had been tlie or years previous. He on account of years and George B. Oral his successor until 1880 or.abodt .two .Lucy Barber was cl she. has Jed continue ent time. Airs. Bi her appointment hat soprano voice for soi Among the cone the direction of the have already noti Festival” concert gr also the Cantata of on Dec, 28, I860.' any note was given years later. During the win • Women’s Aid Societ in the congregation, of that Society nppe to give, a concert, which were to bo set hopper sufferers o f l • time R oy . H. P* superintendent ol schools,and he was a Choral society nndd -, bis brother ’Robert the responsibility; Having made ou singers of the coma meeting, ouc evenp ed and the orgauiz in the High Sc Flora Frazier, (no U tter o f Crawford; ganist, Robert J r Dunlap accompat Rev. Joseph Kyh ‘ uel. Kyle, bass; (Barber) soprano 1 (Kerr) alto, wer parts. There we- formets* and it Wa , The concert was g ' • ehureb and was v about $7() was tm treasury of the A the a tti actions of solo euttg by **Di ho accompanied r titled* '*1 raw E h ; puc U a happy „ tiiauee is recalled who heard it. program 'were, a of the Mountain, duet, “ Couitmg box and Josep “ A, B. C.*' by t 1\ Jackson; B Boftly,” Josie Itestteis Bea” by Kyle and I I , other trio ofltitb % tho same p Farm Well M L Robert JackiOS fhe m i ofttte ip tetfrg and eltofti Concert in Viicd by tlm .d’anwsiowit.H., ’ "*o i'yud . about I # , - . ^Me; iu'-xi tn {bo choir nfM ■ |M* Thl dll.