The Cedarville Herald, Volume 25, Numbers 27-52

- % lo c a l and I ta cm aL D it Bahama or holies, •Width? i’owB mj *#Hats, 50 c *t McCorkeil’s Mn, I. G, Bavwis in Dayton ^**U- mg relatives, CffiM, Gilbert of Smith Charleston wtt f» townyeatcrlsyt Horaro GiHsughhasMsahl his farm to,aClinton county toaa for $70 per sore. Fancy-dried fruits of fell kinds at, - Bray & CVs. Editor Woolpert, and family of Osborn etoppedin town yesterday on their way to Jamestown. n»y« •tftnriiq*#** * p § -.5. fl v-1 For Sale—-One canopy top buggy , in, fair condition. Inquire at tills 'office Thomas Tomer of New York City arrived Tuesday igr a visit .with bis many friends, . Come no wf let ns vote for lower ctaxes, bettor improvements, peace* purity, law and order, and a model town by. caetingour ballots for ‘’ho saloons.5’ - . - t ■. Jamestown is endeavoring to haven free readingr-oem and library. Mr. W. O, Qustis has offered the use of a room over the post office free. j * *■' 1 ’*), * Use1Golden Rule flouh ' Mr. Frank McFarland of Colorado was the.guesfc OfMr. D. S. Frvin and, .family, a few days, this week,; - ■'* EdNisbet left Monday for Rich*, mood, In‘d., where .he has secure! a ‘ position in a large paper house of that city. ‘ /- f f\'\ 1Call and .See the Finest Range On ., .the piarket. Pricts' unequaled, * GeOr A,.8hro!;('cs;, ■ Every lu'w-nhiding and law loving . citizen wants,Cedarvilie to ho a clean ■ town, free front danger and'schools of ' vice anu crime. Tomorrow is your ' chance to make R so.-,- Go early am! ■>east your ballot right, ' It' is ymir highest*duty to vote for “.no saloons." " s9 , Don't forget that new 'pair of shots ; you are going to buy at McCorkeli’S‘, W, R. SterretC -who was injured last weelc while eudevoring to ‘free a' horsethat-had fallen, at his elevator, is not yet'able tq be oUt, , The injury, is’much Worse \tbanvat first supposed. Olney brand of peas, tomatoes, corn and beets at Gray & Oo.’s. ,' ' At a.recent meeting of. the directors of the .Dayton, Springfield & Urbaua electric'railway it Was resolved .that ii special meeting of the Stockholders of the corapauy be Called for October Id to consider the advisability of increas­ ing the capital stock io §1,500,000.. - ‘F ob Sinn.^Cheap," 'four store counters and. a 'lot. of shelving. In , quire o f J , O. Grindle, I f you ore in doubt bow to vote, spend tonight in’the vicinity of the saloons. Watch the boys and men going in. and drinking. Hear them swearing and see them reeling and ob­ serve other things Unnamcable, and you will have no doubt how yon ought to vote. Mens extra henvy -.Fleeced Under­ wear at McCorkell’s , r M i. and Mrs, Louis Sulleuberger attended the wedding of Mr. G. W. Sullenberger at Oxford this week. At a meeting of the Court House commission, Monday, it was decided not' to make any change in the court room as had been asked for by the members of the bar, The Judges bench will be moved back against the ’ wall. A motion was made by Mr, Wickersharn of Jamestown and each member of the commission voted to make no further changes than the one mentioned. Another meeting will be held next week when the question of j metal furniture will come up. WAHfjen—GoOd man £0 take posi­ tion a# foreman in this office. Steady work to right man. COREYOURHAIR?' Comb it or Brush it? Clean your teeth? Brushyour clothes? Wash your face? Polish your ■ shots? Perfume yo^r bsndket* effiwf? Take a hath? Shave? Write letters, or eat candy? If an WE have all the requisites to perform the tusk nr pleasure, which eVerifewto yon. H % l i ii j? I # y o u n ow * ’ * SEN O. RIDOWAV We Are Giving a Ticket For This Buggy to our Cus­ tomers With Each 50. Gents ' r t *r ,/-r s - t, ■ . ’ < Cash Purchase. In Making a Purchase do not Fail to ask for your tickets. A Rubber-tired BuggyPiano Box 22x54 Inch Bed, Full .Wrought Gear With Brews­ ter Slot Fifth .Wheel, Arch Axles, Oollinge Collar, Dust Proof, Wheels Compressed band, Rubber Tired. Spring Back and cushions. New l York Red Running Gear and Black Body. HartSchaffoer Marx HandTailored We are now showing a satisfying variety, of high class clothing, for Fall andWinter, that possess Quality, Character, Style, Fit and WearabiUty, made by such eminently reliable « *- * <r . . ?> r * flrms^as; ' Hart, Schaffner & flax, The Criterion Brand, Sweet, Orr & Go, filwo w exciBrtct Ot aiiH 0 o»part otter “ tWENTY- O fU . P . Cha u e d B y R ev J in t e r e s t i 1jpoocJrnung Ww Or| oT tiie Muslwary S d Cfiurtiu The Aios| -■Have been Furnish ings maintain the same high, standard as our Clothing1. Correct styles and reliable qualities. Tou w ill find ou^ prices just as attractive, as I. G DAVIS,Clothing, Idtiiiii mm MINN MiasEva <'reswell has given,opher p!$Ulo!>asassistant b-tbo telephone exchtfigeand has taken u ptstUinn as clerk in R){ kt { Blrd’e sforc, Mlsv H.trah Coffey has taken MI m CV cu - well's place. *fc theexchange. lijnbsyrilTe for tbs Herald )V " ; The ladles about town have been holding prayer merftifigs each After­ noon this week. The meetings have been well attended and were very inter* tug,' Tomorrow an all day session will he held. New dried fruits a t O opcr’s. Newcanned goods afcCooper’s, Pustmasler Tnrhox is moving part of his Imnsf lndd goods to Ids nb'w home on North'Abdn sh‘«:t. Henry Hlierrin will occupy the hoiue vneated by Mr; Tafbox, ■ A nice line of cakes am) craokcrs a t Cooper’s. Wo have star, butter, oys­ ter, lemon and milk crackers, Tlneeda miik biscuit, grnhotn crackers, recep­ tion Hakes, lirrtmncr butter wafers, stuzu cheese saudwiches,. social tea m* blsoos and a nice line of cakes in bulk, The week has bscn rather a wot one hoi from all indications now the peo­ ple of Cedarvilte will dry things In proper, order tomorrow* . Keep your home by all meant, then, td make it cozy get a carpet ! MeOorkellV. lO V M ltiS TO CHICAGO. . Excursion tickets to Chicago, no- count National Encampment, tbiian ‘ Veteran Legion, will bo sold \oa Psunsylvama Lines, October fi ami 7. ®V>rparticulars apply toFanhsylvapia lArtaa Tkrket Aganti 'r4L' ’zz-rsibsytw* ’* , v J ' The Ladies MisaJOin1. Organized Dec. 'jf^pOnse to a r^sfiutnnl ■Oenerid' So a f formation of such wniil oongregatiop.- . fim| offices® 1m l 1 3 , Wallace, pt®tifectf • Kerr, vice .pne&ta3$ I . Hsbet, rec. secreteo-;-'j ' her, cor. secretary acS lifts; treasurer. The funds at fires, we hy 0 peony'per day; this Avas afterward cha “a pennyper day wem . the model constitutionf mm ‘tied by thVGcnenl | name incladed the Wt this was rejected by ti­ the next year the Gen changed the name of 1 - ciety to correspond wi by this' auxiliary soei "words this society was of the General So'ciej least. ■The first reported no made in the spring of was given to Horoe'Mj to ministerial relief, sent to the Freedmcn ■32, 1879, and was senj • Tenn. . . At that time;,ther sionary Magazine pill General society,and tl and missionary in-foi through “The Gospel which was taken b The iirst thank offfi in 1883 and amour Since that date the have been regular anil • liie society, but not u| they made in connectf ular Sabbath serviw gate of all these oflei present has been 8o| Up to April* 1, 1902.1 On Oct. 1, 18f)| were made to conduc ciety in connection the control" of the| ciety, but of its tory nothing is onj : fate can easily be September 23, 11 ., pledged itself to. assi and payment of tli Bailie E . Dickey, India, lor the term The pledge, which has been, more tbai while iS^Xpires thisl strong desJtfc'to.reni . ftiiothtr term, sboulf turn to the field. This society has and barrels of clot men, estimated in has contributed to §915; to- Home Frcedmen’s-missio extension, §230; t( . §180; to Warm Bf to district work $8 work, $39; to i ’ll §4130; to the Me| and to the Aged making an flg^ which with the T l §2602.17 contrilf twenty-six ye^lSA little4over §100 || tory. . While these fi} of what it has * . siwlher result wl mated, and that the needy inissh spread, and lh«; *w.«od in tlffi: kork o f evangel ’ The first tffi dnuhir Missiotm by the, Womcn’i 1§^2. i'he umj eensideratiofi M toade »f H ooe members with a Contribt., whetttj 128, Afltb; *j ther tmilea p flj