The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

ered with Patton*& S un -P roof Paint and the paint cov- " ered by a 5 year guaranty you have the best possible protection to •your house and purse. Guar- ana rain, heat a«a cold twice as long as handmadepaint, , • atiteed to'wearwell,for five years-r-usualiylast*twice that lone. Scad for hook of PaintKnowledge andAdvice (free) to ^ PATTON PAINT CO.,' Lake S t., Mllwaukaa.Wle. I :ii SaLE BY KERR & HASTINGS BROS., CEDARVILLE„ OHIO, T ha i will, bo. suitable for all classes, as our stock is complete‘in every respect and comprises different lines of : : h a l r $ .o e l£O k * s* ■ b i i e h e s J e n t e r T a b l c s i i d e b o ^ r d s . . B e d s t e a d ^ 'W a s l i s t a n d s i P r e s s i n g * ^ 'tanc lis i Carpets! Carpets! yv e represent some of the largest manufacturing concerns in th is line which;enables us to quote prices th a t surprise a ll t ; ■ : : : J . H. M 0 M IL LA N ; ’uneral D irector Furniture Dealer. If you are thinking of taking-up the ildy of SHORTHAND, it would iy yon to write'to Mr, Selby. A. ior«n. Principal of the Stenographic istitute, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Mr. "oraii has one of the most successful •hools in Michigan. - His pupils ways secure good positions as soon they are prepared for them and ion hold the position they tecure. A regular professorship pf railroad ig is to be created at the Technical gh school of Berlin. mberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar* rhea Remedy Is everywhere recogniled as the one medy that can depended pon and that is pleasant to .take. I t especially valuable For summer diar­ ea in children and is undoubtedly le means of saving lives of a great muy children each year; For sale y (5. M, Ridgway. , > - Vienna is contemplating the mu* icipalization of the business of under­ akers, Driven to Desperation; Living at an out of the way place, erimte from CivilivaiioU, a family is; fled driven to desperation in case of .ccidenf, resulting m Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay in it sup-. Jy of Buoklen’s Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth* 54c, at B, G* Ridg- way’a Drug Store, MBS* CECELIA StOWE, Orator, BiitrteNuJi*Club. 176 Wntmi Avenue, CHICAGO, IfcJUr Ott. 28, lS02. For nearly four years I suffered from ovarian trounks. The doc­ tor insisted e;i an operation as the only way to get wen, 1, however, shoiigty objected to an operation. My husband felt disheartened _»(» well as I, for homo with a Sick ypotuan is a df-emnokte place at best. A friendly druggist advised him to get a hoitte of Wine of <:ardai for mo to try. and he did so, I began toisnprove it) afewdaya and myrecoverywas very rapid, w ith­ in eighteen weeks l was another tiffing. . ' Worst of A(! Experiences. . Can anything be worse than to feel that every minute will- bp your last? Sgcli was,the experience of .Mrs. S. Newson, Decatur, Ala, “For three years” she writes, “I endured insuf-v ferahle pain fromindigestion, stomach iind bowel trouble. Death seemed in­ evitable when doctors and all remedies failed. At length I was. induced to try Electric Bitters and the result'was miraculous. I improved at once and I'm now completely recovered.” For Liver, Kidney, Stomach and Bowel trouble's Electric Bitters is the • onlv medicine. Only 50c. It's guarantee * 1* by B. G, Ridgway, Druggist. —Strawberries and Ralstons Break­ fast Food are delicious, Order a box of Strawberries and a package of Ralston’s Breakfast Food today rind try it. At Gray. & Co’s. t f ' —For Red Cross wind mills John Fierce. see THE CIRCUY Next week will be a gala week in Ncpia, at the circus which the Elks Jm e stowed will own the city front June Ifl |o and inrludkig the 27th, Farties o f loyal j£lk* have-during the pari wuik"bu'» going lu all ibis tui- rounding towns and thoroughly bill­ ing the circus, and from' all appear­ ances and the way tickets arc selling, esch town will be le tte r’than well representer1* Each performer in this great aggre­ gation consisting nf-over 100 is a pro* fesfjioual, who has spent his life in preparing for his own special act. There are no fakirs who try tnsqueele the money out of you and leave you holding the bag, hut a straight l e g i t JU,d mate circus within the reach Of all, bull, twenty cents, No stone is being left Unturned to make this a success, The streets of Xenia are now full of the boys wearing jaunty little' caps of, purple and white,. the Elk's 1 colors, advertising Let no one miss the chance of seeing a good mor. al show, one th a t,you need not be afraid of bringing voqr wife, sweet­ heart, or sisters. A performance will be given every afternoon and evening, Tain or shine, undetan enormons rain proof tent erected oft the Robert show grounds. Children 10c, faults 20c. ■ In connection with the show, a due runabout costing $250 will be chanced off* at the show grounds, Saturday, June 27. Chances a t 10c apiece are now being sold by members of the Lodge. ' You may he the lucky one. ' PUBLICSALE. Offteglsfeni BreetliifCattlc-W As* * . gK$ ««{ SwrAmif. OnTuesday, Jane 23 , I jk > 3 , at Hug. 4 ef%rfiviemile,northwest of- Waehtng* URCENT REQUEST any of my"grain bags on their prem­ ises retiirn same at once. 1A fiig wheat harvest is very near and .every bag will be needed, I thank you iu advance for this favor, ns well as for your patronage. 26d . ,W. R. S terhett .-. —When you need anything in im­ plements call on Kerr & Hastings iros. -rA complete , 1 'rne of breakfast bods at Gray & Co’s. tf L ost ;—‘-A class pin “ M. C, ’01,’ Wednesday evening in college chapel. !finder please leave at this office, The knowledge that President Loosevelt will be nominated in 1904 'jend-tbe almost -certain knowledge Ini.tbe will be elected will go- far to offset the business depression usuul in a presidential year.- •When you want a good draft or mggytrarness, call on me as I have them of excellent quality." Dorn, the Harness Man. —“Strength and vigor comes of jood food, duly-digested, ‘Force,’ a ready-to-serve wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but„.suatains, nour­ ishes, invigorates.” ton C, H., Ohio, we will sell all the registered cattle belonging to Jesse Hsgler, as follows: 60 Aberdeen Angus, consisting of high class lot ol cows, heifers and young bulls, to­ gether with the herd bulls, one bred by L, H.. Kuuie and one by T lW Matiuson. 40 Short Horns, cows that* are good breeders and good milkers, heifers good enough for any one; a few yotiug bulls of serviceable the imported Scotch bred The whole lot wiil be sold without reserve oil the farm tinder. cover/ the shorthorns at 10:00 p, »n. and the Angus at J:00 p. .ro, Lunch of 12. O. 8 . trains stop at Huglers’ and run so that the sale cap beattended easily, C. H. & D* trains stop atLury. Both stations right at barn. Full conveyances from Wa'shington C. H. to those unable to. connect with above trains. Write for catalogue, stating which you want, ' “ , 26«l H oward and Roy H agler , . Cuts; Bruisesand Burns Quickly Heated. Chamberlain's Pain Balm is an an­ tiseptic liniment, and when, applied to cuts, bruises and burns, causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treat­ ment, For sale. by (?, M» Ridgway, The Stenographic Institute, at Ann Arbor, -Mich., is prepared to' give some enterprising-young man who is a printer a chance to earn nearly ,all, and possibly all, of his excuses "while taking a complete course in shorthand and typewriting at that school, Every young man who has taken our course for the past teu years has at once ' se- cureda good position. Write for par­ ticulars, ’ 28d ' „ Saved HU Life.1 Whitehall, 111., Juno 8th,—.Mr. Ion Man ley hud Brlgut'a Diaoiiso and after his home doctor had treated him for Sometime' be finally told him that he could do nothing more for .him, and that he would surely die. . . . A friend who had heard.of what Dodd’s Kidney Fills had done in gases of Kidney Trouble; advised Mr. Manley to try a treat­ ment of this remedy, He did so and everyone was Surprised and delighted to see an improvement in a very short time. This improvement 'gradually kept on as the treatment proceeded, till now Mr. Manley is well. He says: "The doctor said he had'done all be could 'Jmefor. lie gave me Up., A freind advised^ me to take Dodd’s Kidney.Fills, and in a lew weeks I was nearly all right again. "I am hot dead, and can' truthfully, say that I feel better today than I have for years. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are a wonder­ ful remedy and.I will olways pralsofhem to everyone suffering as I did.” Mr, Manley’s recovery has caused a pro­ found sensation as no one over thought he could recover,. R em em b e r l£ u n rm r te e « RUBBER TIRE BUGGIES W O Iy F O K S tk - a p p lie s f* I » o w n K t r t ib e r JT | r e » m u f m e r p , J iu b b e -s r a p p l i e d 5 Ha s h o r t n u tle t? . repreeeutga combmatiDU rurt-about top buggyf^with iiaked tfaobsand-mile axle and open head spring, els are 42-44 rubber tirfe while tne track/J b 4 feet 8 inches., The body is 22 inches wide with 3‘bow full leather lop auu hangs ou the Hailey Lody/loopr The cloth triftimings are green. The body is black * lyhila the gear is painted-with the fashionable New ” - - - - - - The above The whe , . , . York red- .There is a full length Btrip of velvet carpet. The shafts have the quick shiftingisbaft coupler. 1 X T J l j L, X e n ia - A v e n u e , C e d a r y ille , O CautionI This is'not a gentle word-^butwhen you think hoWliable yon are not, to purchase for 75c'the only remedy-uni­ versally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1868 for the cure and treatment "ef*Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without los; ing its great popularity all these years you will be thankful we called ' your attention to Bosohee’s German Syrup. .There are bo many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and 'good for ltght colds perhaps, but idr severe Coughs, Bron­ chitis, Crotip—and especially for Con­ sumption, where there is difficult ex­ pectoration and, coughing" during the nights and mornings, there is nothing like German Syrup. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Regular .size 75 cents.- At all drug­ gists. S T O R E W JSW S S ., LADIES?. RIBBED VE_STS,| plain,.and-fancy, excellent quality, taped .sleeves and neck,;as good as usually sell for 15c.. Now—<-IOC .Finer Summer Vests, at 12jc,fl5e, 25c and,,,....,.....,................ 50 c Men^ Balbriggan,Shirts and Drawees, two qualities, 2oe and...„. 5 oc ( fe rn : (Heather • FaMesI CHANGE IN T’ME OF TRAINS Tinder a new nt, * schedule m ef­ fect May 24, passenger trains' over the Pennsylvania Lihes leave Cedar, ville as follows? " ■ -EAST. No. 34 , 1 8:24 a; m. No. 32, 4:42 p. m. No; 126 *, .11 p. m ,' * Stop for Columbus passengers rind east and. passengers from Motrow and w.est. WEST, ' No. 33, 10:21 n. m. Xo. 31, 5:3$ p. m. No. 8 ;49 p* m. ' , For particular information on the subject apply to ticket agent, E. S. ’Keyes. Muslin Underware for Summer. New styles, new ideas, new values for mid-summer sale. Ladies* Cor­ set Covers, ten different styles,-each.................. ...... ,.,,,...,..,..,.>250 Besidss a large asSortment at, each 39c, 50o, 75c and.,,,.......... $ 1 ,0 0 White Skirts a t 50c, 75c, 8L00 and $1.25, up. At $ 1.00 we have, six new styles eqiial to any $1(50 skirt evrir sold. - See them at .once. Muslin Drawers. Five styles at 25c. Excellentiyalues and a large assortment at 39 c, 50c,- 75o and $1.00; The (Kofld’s Playgpoand *r■ Colorado, Michigan, Canada, The Adirondacks, vSt. Lawreuce River, White Mountains or the 5 ea Const of New England Best reached by the “BIGFOUR.” Write lor Summer toutffts Books For full information and particulars as to.rates, routes, tickets, limits, call on agents ‘‘Big Four Route/’ or ad­ dress the undersigned. WARRENJ. LYNCH, W. P. DEPPE, Gctt’l Uekfct agt. Ass, CLF. & T. A. {'fUdnnatt, O. E. B, Gottuch, Springfield, 0 . Commencement Day Chiffs A Dainty Cleau FabrifijmsurpaMe3~1orBUch goodsjgd^hevigfiTprices please all; per yard.* Hi##*#*#* occasions. The ...45c; 50c, 75c. Cool Dress Goods for Summer. Dimities marked down to lOc, Grenadine?, Etaraineff, figured Brillianteeu, Doilies, Silkdownes, Pean de Crepe, Eakai, and rill the new weaves. Solid Colored Silks 371c, . White Dress Goods,. Summer; All signs indicatC'this as the great season lor white goods.. We 0are all well fixed in India Linen, Persian Lawn, Swisses, plain and dotted* The new fabrics in Oxford, Madras, Chevoita, Mercerized, figured and plain, solid and stripe are selling fast. Silk Tissue, Japs, China, Tafletta, Peau de Bom, Peau de Gygrie, figured Brilliantee. Come in early and inspect tho|n*( 7 7 $ 7 7 V l 7 !' I f 7 -7 f 7 . The “ Bee Hive Store,*’ ' *| N. Detroit St. *■ ■ ; * Xenia, Ohin«|p * - ” i , tf-" House Cleaning Time. Makes our Carpet men hustle and our beriutiful patterns go fast. Most everyone are buying new Mattings, Gurtains, Sh ' Linoleum, SledalinOFortiers, etc*, from our well selected 7 77 7 7 W inona lake , 'I ndiana . Delightful SkmriieV R iw rt ba the Pena ,avlvanlA Indiana’s famous summer rrisort, Winona Lake on the Pennsylvania Lints, is an attractive place for per­ sons desiring to combine devotion, rest and recreation. This resort is the sight of Winona Assembly, and Summer School, and is annually vis­ ited by many persons.frotri all parts of the United'States. Beginning May 15tb, the opening ofthe season at-Winona Lake, ex­ cursion tickets to-that resort will be placed oft salevia Pennsylvania Lines. For particular.Information about fares and time of trains aplly to Tick­ et Agents,of the Pennsylvania Lines, or to F, Vaix Dusen, Chief Assistant General Passenger Agent, Pittsburg, Pa, Information about attractions at Winona Lake furnished in reply to inquiries addressed to Mr* S. C Dickey, Secretary and General .Man* Ladies’ Gowns. ” !Fivir 8 lylsa^frfi 6 g'wmih;jiilbniaftly^trii)rimed and good- material. At 75o, $1.00, $1.25, $1,50 and $2.00 we have plenty df n SW ^ le a .^ cheaper than you,can make,them. Children’s Drill Waists 2 for 25c. Children’s Muslin Drawers 52for 25c. *See this line—it will help you. Wash Gopds. * The very latest and newest styles:—Batiste at 12£c and|15c; Printed Dimities, fine quality, 15c; Prihted .Lace Stripe, very new, 15c; 2000 yards more Bates Seersucker Gingham remnants. Just received a I2Jo Gingham for 10c a yard. Before baying elsewhere, look here. JO B E B R O S . & CO,, zs*x£r We Offer To-Day On Sound Ear Corn, knd Sweet, Delivered at Trebeins, Cool Lfr#, Ktiwn's letter shows every Womanhawa IiMn? icssaddrneil tif ftif.alfiweaknesandf jo W completely V ina d (,'ardut cures that sick* ftfraMd hriBgif health and haupi* cw igsift. do ml ?{» ou aaffer-' nifL tio to vi«tr draggiat today 1 tea aeWflaa fl.00 tisttio of Wins - t£ ftedal, L O W R A T E S r o w n *--*<i SOUTH. SOUTHEAST SOUTHWEST - m AWIA :-:M .. (JJfEN ft Cm sf.ENT ffCJUit nOtlffi I s AST m M WW m # w ttrre rQ ftftA tKw . 4 0 e Per Bushel, of 68 Pounds to Bushel 4 0 e No Shoveling, Good Dumps* Call, Write o r Telephone. ColonialDistillery Company Trebeins, Ohio. ReriuCedfares viaPennsylvaniaUses, Excursion tickcls willbe sold viaPennsyl­ vania Lines, as follows:. . a To Sr, Louis, M o ., June lGtli and lttb ,’ account Thirty-first Sategcrfest of North American SaengCrbound, To D obtox . Mass., July 2nd to 5th, tnela* sive, account National EdueAtioUal Associ­ ation. To California mid InfermedinteTerritory; One-Way Second Class Colonists1 Tickets, April 18th to Jnno 15th. To Foinfs fn the West, Northwest and and South. April 2lst. MayAth. 10th, June 2nd nrtd JGth tor Home-Seekers* Excursion.. To Points In South and Southwest Terri­ tory. April 2tsf, May 0 th, 10th, June 2nd; 10th, July 7th, and 2ist. One-Way Second* Clsse Settlors’Tickets For particulars regarding low tares, throiiRh trains, els., ripply to nearest ticket rigeUtot the Pennsylvania Lines. To Denver, Col., account Voting People** Society 0 ! Christian EndraVor, will be Sold July 0,7 and & To Boston acrCunt firs t Church of Christ, Scientist, Juno 23, 20 and 27. To Teftt City. (Brin DIc#o, C«l„y July 8 to August 31, inclusive/ To Baltimore, July 18 *hd 1ft, hccount Annual Meeting, Brand Lodge, Elks. jb t ihkiAiAA* 1 To Cure a Cold in One Day TAt LaxativeBromoQuinineTuoot*.^ pv A «a*w»y OMimhlJUHMMiM, OooalM andMl DpayHablta pemauently cured, without pain or detention from buaineM, leaving no craving for drew or other stimulanta. We restore the nervous and physical ayatems to theirnatural condition because,we removetin. cause*of disease. Ahomoremedy ,r8pw s . r a n t . TniALrnKATiiiHT Write today, Confidential oorreepOndence, e*ped«lly with physiciane, solicited. f M a n h a t t a n T h e r a | m i f o A ^ ^ a t t o a A . K H i t Wrsariway, HewYertt ASfitiMaAUi StattlingEvldence. Fresh testimony iu great quantity is cdnsjtantiy coming in, declaring Dr. King’s Hew Discovery for Consump­ tion, Cobgbs hud Colds to b* unequal ed, A recent expresriion from T, J , McFarland, Benforville. Va., serves as example. He writes; “ I baa Bron­ chitis for three years an* doctored all the time Without, bring benefited. Then I bdgah sekihg Dr* Itlng’s New CASTORIA For Infants and Children. toKMYMHinAhiijs&«tM *11 L u n g .......... sumption, Pneamonlx k and Grip. Guaranteed by B. G, Ridgway, Drug­ gist. Trial bottles free, regular sit* 50c, and # 1 . 00 . Bubemib* for the Herald* Bbsara the ;tt*akt!arb^ Chamberlain’s Stotftach and LWef Tablets arejust what you need when yod have no appetite* feel dull After eating and Wake tip With a bad tarte in your moatb. They will improve your appetite, cleanrie and iuvigorate your ktomaeb and gi«.e you a te!*h m ymt food. Female by C* It. r