The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

Peculiar Ting €mif*hmfm,ih» r#«& Ifc yrcfetft *!»*»'**& K*)|t Jr^uL^as p i * jf ?fpw 5pp spw ip* w . s »***** b **■#*j Calxatf arjsabw*W-# fcawsMMwy*w»t»V... - ©s*SE#f»’«i:JEswf.<««***#/*.*, iteyf. ***«[ ®*fe#A**C¥l# «K * * ••evil ** <|ili» I**** item*,baa^e-A**n4ir S#*»Pit®? «t # *•*«« «i P»rf—i»>T«iM< Watso WWWTaste ac (•M ljtalM kr. ic a v p iM l CfeS&fa1*S«»Ss.*da*...Jti£Cofe Ss»£Sv,fl^4©^3F#<* #».«*#*#•,fri&ttbift N,T« e#$r»„^.2$*f v •■> **V#•*W *Jfifa 8 ©y* Ifeae P *^ ,.* *^ .,* *® pair , Bays 8 aw n :e s..,. . . . . . 49 c pate fe fsem cqte„,*,*,.i'ffc #*<* gfdfeffSfip# Bnw*a®f»„*,§& 'A»* 1 McCorkel lopeitr. ; . « M f • -. '$&?*'' ^TWrjdiuHtfiI m ^I e id f a i nl'. : — iKHiidhlii # tt jfc i? jf|. Tplh m r In i l i d f i d l t% |v Ikw le jr, SalMl"foSijf [Twt teste* * $*&*£*, i tQ n j r * <2*. fiJfe# tj*jKa*a^*a*B**0Pfel*$ISf^a^pter* 'tTihwniV mskwtm W£* A* G**I & &?** * ^ —G» to Jolus Bieree for lift awl •pitel**' JWSSSpS, piJWXj ......." — ■ —The rafefear lira feiffyyw i sued, eaa feebad MKaraAHsatipf* Biro*. Take advantage of foe special price o» jboii>«i*t K « r *H a # tiii|»B r? » . t 3 T M r. U 4 M > H » H 8 Mc r , o r L * - « » l t a y j ~ ™ » < » « . do*. MMaiSabbath with their 'fiSeaili * la m -steal fete* fmmm for safe ehemp, Oal/ tm 4#P:B«®e, Mr. I f . 4 . « f i t iMMl aanitif t e »B« w 1 .TKipMMMp^. ™?r?.. 1%- ^bwiwt’;Mf^^jN««. Mi^ Btmtlra fort Xaeafo*r for Clu> «^iikere.*|tft<*iE d«og^ ter Mia M«rj Br»ttoa of tb*t city. 3fcr. sm4 H ue . Bnwde UH^r © Bjpnsgfidd,, w«? Sootby gwafciat 'l^:lH«MBr-a Wolford, 3>. Bndfota & Soo shipped tea headof esttfe huttBa&y to €h«a^> where they were placed in Acombi­ nation sale, Mr*. Soarn.J^roira.. of Vsa Wert, O., hwrdtotoedloBae after * piers' «nt ritat here, with her sister, Mrs. £*tjte*#ala^ i Messrs. Oharles CtHBpton and A . O. Bradford alteoded the I.O . O. P* jtneaHBisl Sooth o f Mr. and Mrs. J . H. >'1 ,, ! '' Ifi^t.week-’W ilbe*g rea& ’week io Xenia for the Elks Circus will he ■ ,.-f’ ■ ? , t . '; •;■ \ ->» l"f l ‘ 1, 1 1 , tOCAt-ANli m &W A L | Shirts and oreralkat CpopeA. Sirs. Wm Xortbup coatsauesj to ■ V' / . - \ . "’ - ' ■■ ’- _____ _ Pur fruit jars, for caps and rings J there from the~23 to the 21. Every- go to Coopers. J body is going fromhere, ^ r . ^ d Sh^das h able to he j Emeraon 2 TBbet ictt Tneaday oat after hisJongrilness, j foril vL,5t ^ his brother, E l, at . ^hrooah.turquotsesef. Finder H?chm0nd,and h» efeter, Mrs. Jzmes please leave at this office, ' j Mcdellan, ot Hartford City. There will be no delivery of mail Mi» E*ie Bridgman who h « held on thermal route, on July 4 , L ^ tha atIndia«polfehasreturned I. C. Davis was in the Queen Ihome and taken op a position as City,. Wednesday, on busineae. j c{erk at J . C. McCorielfs store. PaulTindal last hi# place in the | Hr, and Mrs. James McMillan re- , Exchange hank after hiswestern trip. Canned meats, pickles, cakes, crackers, etc., fbrjuneh at Cooper’s. Bev. W> R. Gray, of Iowa, wifi preach in the U, P. church Sabbath. Miss Lula Smith is the gueatof ChiiSiqothe relatives and friends this “Week. Prof. Drake and Mr. Suite* who eosspriee a musical first In Xenia were In lows Moaday In the interest o f theirbasiness. Asnowrtmrm at Eaon, Toasday, esosed acme little excitement. Hail toroed to^mowand the groacd was pototcovered, * - MissesSadie llifif^ Effie Boas and Agnus Stormont left Monday for Ox­ ford where they will attend a nomlsl school preparatory to tneir teaching n this fail. Mnf.J. a Gamble left th» more ing for her home at Alexandria, led., after a week’s visit a t the home of J |r, W- M, Eforiason. Mr. B. F . Eerr and wife returned Wedesday evening from Bnshville, led., wiiere they were called owing to the illness and death of Mrs. Paul Kerr. ,.. J Mesre. J , X,_ and Ralph Wolterd attended the Springfield high school commencement last, night, their cousin, Fred Berosberg feeing one of thegraioates. Mr, Balpfe.George, of Chicago, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . G. George, and his wife who ia vis- tingAt the home of her parents, Mr. and Hr*. Andrew Jackson. , While making die trip fromGreen- field to Goodfeope a distance of seven Far paipt «tJ Irwfcett spimgr* fpgqQffi,_ . ... ........ Ik t onedlfth of the .pepulatsw and *f&* ***«ofTarhey it fatE«K|Mr; 'The l* 3 m M3 B x k tj o f tfee' M- K. riutorit w0l hold * market Satur­ day, Jane 20th, ia the .Btewaiiroom, hegfeMi^ at 10 o'clock.' An iee social will feehelda t the tan* place in the evening. One Hemsgton, o f Dayton, owner! of the Wood hounds which figure-J in the Jacob Harris scrape, was In..fown Wednesday, He pronounce# the fefood hattmt recently purchased fey, the load officers as first elaas dogs. • * LADIES’SHIBTWAISX5—Jnat a few of last season’s stylesleft which I am offering at oue-halfprice todose out. SGcwaist for 25e, $1,00 irakt for 50c. Aak to see them at Birds Maminoth Store. ! Odd Fellow* Memoml sermon wifi; fee. preached in the M- % chureliSn»-? day morning, June 21, at 10:45 o’clock. Grand Army, K. of P. and] Junior Orders are cordially invited to attend this service. C. W, Crouse, Beo. rieo. L O. O. F . .Mr. Henry Bfeepfeent died- last Monday moruing, the funeral being held Tuesday affermwa- from ■ his late readence on the Jamestown pike. Forfenyeatefee was- the vferim of {wralyri*. He is survived .by a wife and fear, ebikiren. Messrs. John and Aaron Shepherd of this place were brother* while Mis, Harrison Tim­ mons wa* a sister. , ^ r4r$r * fl] wil i I to Goiitiime' Until Satalsy Itighl N O T O U R CH O IC E T O SE L L . SU C H & STO CK MS T H IS A T G R E A T A A G R IF A C E . Bat we mart torn $12,000wi»rii;ofXewG»o&Sofec«fe#fcOBee. TomoteflM this wehavei ifeepriceofever item(hmevet mw'mS.’ phpohte) t* tfe&tfere, $»* me*m t&ja* n ^vfeg fr^m 29e to 2-5eon everydslIar^pe.Et darihg tfeesrie, - I t samm**mthe exchacge- o f jrcur good ewll for the best regBkr'teereliaE!!:^ that fi*n;tef3a»J la any marke't~-u?i a^fci of^plunder w q $ .je ^ | brought so from uncer!a!os qaarter? for the purpose o f a *'s*IeJ' ^ ’ I T S A M O N E Y R A I S I N G O C C A S IO N , A«d caet^say nothing ofprcSt) &net cansidered. Every article In tweBty fattt and well awerted dfe.’| ^irtmenta 5*offeredat safe prise. * ' ' m m m m m m Sett! ^ flge m a w s , Every artldesarS® Deparimod. Everyarttsle ia B«». Gootfe-Depf. EvetytHcg m Latn^. Bvayl . piece is Mta’s fwnishing Dept. Every stem. InArt Dept. Every artlefe of fn&af*Toggrty. EvCiy Csof sefeBosfie and Pad, Everything in Table linen. Wahl liarn, Towefe and every yarJ o f Dash. Every Spread and every ^wrdo fTride OS Cfcfh. A ll Criko^ Gfej^i^ TidtiBg. EveryEbiafe fet hfeSea < Every Handkercblef in H«dte«hfef Secrian. Every yard of lace'and &abroidey. Em yfha^ I# T# mlngh -Everythingin IamyGooes Dept, EveryGloye and Mfii-T-wbfetber cotton, late, aSJk or “ EveryMockaigand Sodu Every garment In KsKa^ar, Evety ShirtWaet—cotton o# » l k . , Every ' and Swt» Cttftains. Eyery yard of Utrffe, Cam&ac, fafeso^ ^ Ondcnnedira. Every ^ andyard of Ifrifing. ’Everyttiing io Ladte^ffeckwear. Every Parse, Bag *n& Bek. Eveiythii^g Iw Trif Dept, Every yard of Sfobon sod Velvet ffihbon. Every Raratol acd llmfenfia. Every T^srS^. Eve BrewSkM. •Every.WaS#*gSS&f. Every Madfedosh.; Every Wrapper E^ery yard s f Brt^r|>^wl fe hosteiy (feotfe. AB hSe and ColwdWashGood*. AllBlaaiJ^ ^ Coasforfs, ^ *. —And if yon thing, o fany ’say article thatahojuld be in a Gry Goads Store,'we'll likely feavie' < and the price?' That wi0 fee right, . ' , f * ?* •’ . XeMidOffered / ” drew.<"Cot ■ th e 1 '£%**, ' Jl ft M isses’ and children’s slippers o f every Mad and Springfield, O. mike, Mr. William ISfortfeupcoveted thedistancein eighfeea rainnles ou Iprices at Siegenthaler’s, h» motorcycle teat Monday* Wordwas received here this week of the death ofMrs. J . A Stoiaiaat'# initber, Mr. Elmer Sturger, of Princton, Iud., Mr*. Btomoat feting turned from the South last Saturday *t his bedside at the time ofbisdeath. an extensive vkit with Mrs. Andriwm Cojlius entertaittes relatives rn that pari of the country, Jabout eighty of feet lady frisad* this Mr. and Mr*. A T. Phillips pleas- j afternoon at a missionary reception in antly entertained yestesday, in honor I honor of Mias ElI* Kyle. Mim Kyle of Mr*. Patton anddaughter, of Col- j will giver an addreaa during the recep- umbu*. and Mr*. Brown, of Cedar- j tion, rille. I- Mr*. K. P. McLean left Tuesday , Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Ctelvert^ left I for Oklahoma, where shewill join her brought suit against Thomas Mr* and Mm. B. B. Barber enter-1 yesterday forthe Weat, Mr. Calvert I husband, who bold* a responsible po-iilltcbe3!. owner of saloon property in mined a number of friends at dinner j going to the state of Washington j rition in the branch office of fee IGcdarville, inorder torecover Daw Thursday. {while Mr*. Calvert will riot, near | Natiouxl Caah Register company in I **x amounting to $103,0$. ; The The wonderfal-respond sa Bsturttey demonsfiate the ifost thatEpringgefei pe^fe app s ^ i t e A gem . . ’ arie- oa dean, new nier-sbahdt*. , * - , ' - -■/ SPOT CASH ONLY D A Y L IG H T STO R E . S P R IN G F IE L D , WB ARE SE 1 .MSO Canned Tomatoes,per can 10a, Ko-WeJEteSuccotash per tab 10c, Floor (all brands) 2&tb sacks 50c, Malte-D>res per package 10c, At Bird’s Mammoth Store.; Asa Little, asf Goanty Treasurer, Miss Lulu Feed, o f Huntsville, j Chicago, was the guest of Mias Mary Dobbins | Earnest Aahbaugb, an employee at I last week, I the paper mill fell into a hole in the j The halftones used ia pur l« t lame {&*>***. m 3I» Tuesday morning were fnwh photographa made by [ *««* »*» somewhat bruised but noth- j Downing. . J ing eeriooa. Ill,, Mr, Arthur Brown, of Monmouth,.1 ‘L F. Dora wra in Canton, Tuea- thatplace. WE ARE PAYING ldfc per doz. for Fresh Eggs, 14c per lb, for Fresh Butte * IN TRADE OKEY, . Aa Bird’s Mammoth Store* E. O. Bradfute attended the cote' Iplaintiffseeks to have the lien on the jproperty foreclosed that he may be awarded the amount of -the Dow tax and his collection fee of 4 per cent, 10 jail $107,82. WEARE SELLING IHymouth Standard Binder Twice Our women’s low shoes a t $1, $1.25 and $1.50 are not equaled in the c ity a t the prices. G . B . Siegenthaler & Son Springfield, O. POETRY ,Mias Kittle Smith,'of Xeftia, and Sir. Oscar C. Groce, o f Daytae, = Tm - " ? r o i s - s - 5 •- wa# Pollock thia week. size A, §, f , and 1 of State Grand Lodge of Knights of | £r*t o f the week and latter- went to, . ,* . . Pythiaa, fee being a rtprerentative of j Wooater to attend a meeting of the i - . 5° “ ■’ Mrs. Sylvia Kyle moved from the j the local lodge. board of control of the state expert-, f(S. ' S w E S m i 1* U' E **> “ "■ J .O . S U .u t .t -U i.U l* ,l» m H^v«ler Whip, (splendid ona) V It* J • j tended the recital and addreaa by Dr. J The drugstore, long conducted by I each 50c Miai Pearl Bakeatraw represents! Weaton of^AntiochcollegeWedueaday R, G. BMgway, baa been aold to! A t Bird’s Mammoth Store, tote township at thePatterson com- j evening and the reception at the prea-1 Utnts Wkterman/ of New Bockfoid, dent’s home Thursday evening. | Mercer county. Tbeo. Trump, of i * mencemet at Xenia Saturday. We offerbuggies for the next two weeks at a special price. Come and aceus, Kerr. &, Hastings Brea. . The annual Cony picnic will be bold Saturday at the old William Corry homestead on the Clifton pike. Mi* Mary Erne k it thi. week for J^ ^ " 7 ^ family iaat Chicago where she will take a ri* Mr. Morrow expect* to leave this week course at the Chicago Hmyer- L ^ j , for C a l i £ owing to bfc ml** [health. Mr* and Sirs. It. G, Calvert, of Keyta. The 4Rh of the Xenia high school was held Tuewtey* A number from irere .at­ tended. Mewra. B. F. Kerr, J . W. Pollock, . 0 . . . . , „ „ P,R. O- :Watt, D. Bradfute, J* E. i ^ A ^ 'm * * ™ * * ^ E E S * llS ; 5 " ? * ^ *Bd. -W' ?* °f Hastings, W. J . Tarbox, B. B. Bar- ^ I ^ mr0iClDe Jber and Jeeee Townsley have pur- justed. Allen Building, Xenra, O. I Tueaday, June 23, is the day set Tr-Vcbo.*.—o*« W*. n EeaMeace Xo. a I for the cidlectioBh of (axes. I t was J to Ike U . P. church. Mrs. George Mr. Arlhor Mono*, of Ctadsmli, 1 t t .t lln .iw k woiJa m l be|H.rprrr«»ntlrF areIajed lh i, prop- rt - * « n mr .. 1 /J ’ / j port was handed In but it is a con- jmen at the aame figures. They will weelc *rieace that the puWic must have. Ihold if until theE* T*; congregsiion Mr. and lira, Lonis Sulknberger I<»» tehe some action as to adding this have for their gneate, Mr*. J. A, |fe their present holding. White and three eons, of Oxford, and MasterWalter Ballinger, of Ramil- teat*. . Mr*J*A White spent . Sunday with Mr. add Mr*. Sullrtilberger, Teacher* for. the Xenk township' out'-of were married Wednesday evening .at the* home o f Ex-Sherriff Beal io Xenial Mia?Smith is the daughter of Mr, Fred, Smith, well known to Cedarville people be having con­ ducted a music store in Xeaia several year ago. Contracts for the construction of the proposed inUrurban road frtmr this mty to HBfehoro have signed and Harry Frey says the men will start to work about foe first of August Mr*Frey obtained an extension of time for the completion ot the line from City Council Tuesday nigh. Xow he must have the road in opera­ tion by July 1, 1904.—Press Repub­ lic. Com fortable house $hoe for women at Siegenthal­ er’s, Springfield, O* U n til further notice \ w ill p a y th e folic cash prices for and eggs deliver® C. If Gil augh^s Cedarville; Live. Spring GhstkeUs, I f to 2 fe ,i6 e p e r fo— „ Live Hens per lb.»■ Old roosters per lb. E^* W-**•)>» » iHT J. W. Salmons, Xenia, 0. HIEMamStreet Ciftoaf’s le&ftMei A .Shetland Po a lu t t_tJ THEDRUGGISTSHELP achook have been elected and Emiaett William** h expected l.ume from Chicago today or tomor* tow having gone there with s car Ot o ttSe for Ife Bradfute A Bon. This was commencement week at Antioch college, the exercise* taking place Weditreday. Th# bring foe hTtictfe auuivenwry of Antioch col* lege. Meresrif. J , WV Pollock and Foater Alexander were selected by Dr. J . G. Carson m hk sklsgatee from foktowusliip fe foe aenatorkl ton- t sotion. Tbe Patterren commencemertt for Greta* county will be held Saturday M.r i t ih« opera house in Xenk* Each township will be rep- r rented hy a pup!! fe reciutiou, dec* Um*tknt w ressy, w«Hkwai % tr.r*Wt phm tek^tfetirethat foe regular reretfog of the makty for June 10, few hren changed 0ti ncrateot of other iwret5»|» toTnrefotf, >Um M, at 2 Pi ?'* riandawl, at the h m of Mix, Hale (.Vdlimi. Wfeeo ssckyow' wrert . S i* hast, p h y sk k n , smd the heat physkisai ,it§j quire* foe aid of foe beat drog^at* Pharm­ acy know* more ex­ acting ecknre than it used to be.' Hew die- eovariet, wew nm tfm , and new* ideas require the modern druggist to be up, to date. This is a thoroughly modem afore. It ex­ emplifies all that ts lat­ est and best on the pro­ fessional aide of pharm­ acy. iThoas who are careful in foefr drug feuyipg, wantto fed ee- care, can find good rea* torts for bringing us their prereriptioos, ISAAC WSTERMAN . { ■ Crowe Bfock - Cedwviiie thirteen distrieU three of them will be given to teachers from Cedarville. Mm Mary Dobbin*, Ho. 3; Mire Delta Tonkrason, Ho. 7; Mire Marf Sterrett, Ho* 8. The 4hth anniversary of the mar­ riage of Mr, and Mrs. 3* K. Surnbult took place today at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobbins. About twenty-five were present, mostly fo# children and grand children o f Mr* and Mrs. Turnbull. Mire Dora Anderson left Monday for her home in LoUdortrille. Miss Anderson has resigned her position at professor of mathematics and will no longer be connected with Cedar Villa college, mdeh to the regret of all who knew her. Mr. Will Hundley, Until * year ago, this month one of the Herald force k spending tha week with Mrs, Irvin and family* Mr. Hundley has been, chosen to fob poaiifcm o f city ed ­ itor on a daily th a t» to he started in JSionGUy, Ilb,wnd will enter upon hi* wurk this S ^ sm b « r. Baring h k May In Gedarrilk he U Ifyidg to ac­ quaint himself With foe Herald plant, there having bawl m m m * daingea «* nw feeteft fo* forte. Badweather has kept backstrawhat sales Wt'Ve bound to make up for this lost time and are going to make prices do the Work, We've twice the largest stock’ia Springfield to select from -—baa fo be to supply this big trade of ours. Everything ia straw that anyone else has and dez- Cus of styles that are ex­ clusive with us. Here are some maguefe foal cannot fail to attractyou. Valued at $100 will be given away, November 15, 1903, to the person who holds the lucky number r A ticket given with each 25 . . . cent cash purchase # « tr Mca’a Sennit or Canton flat brim sailors, Bhausi soft braids, hoys’ and children’s rough and smooth braid sailora—regnkt ' 75c qualities for 50c. English split braid yachts, fine Sennits, dented or telewoped crown, soft braids, etc., honestly worth ♦1,50 for |1 , Still finer hate in French Balm#, Dunstables, Milens in foe most extreme styles from $2 to $3.50, Genuine Jhand-madc Panama*, $5 to $15. C -/-V r * . C. Weimer, Dtalff in Ffah, le t, fresh >hd S>HMats, Poulfay and V' Cedarville, Ohio.: Bqvnrt Bradford has just received wenl from fewson in Tojwka, Kanaas, teliiBg of tWft terrible state of affaire Mr* Bhtjfotd w ii to folfetl H« Mtempted to« fw « ..lril, ing in water to fakitW psft' W* Miwrf.1Cttrrentw«*«)strotig fee hd dJffev1 t t tm ^xtartin^-prict, $M l *« 4 Pwt Vtrift Strcfe Springfield, Ohio. 4riac* the high, water, l*%fete«tt feet b f wgfer attdfoat*8|*H% -reridenteeffo*worth wet*^^fLowS^oft^lfeS f to ic to tf e e o o f f o tiy o r m k % tm im r* * * * 1 • ia iU eotifo m of tie city. Wfeettfoe kimwm jwagonfeae bm wed to takingwo»»ea|¥^ to'kdfotdVfejme ** •jandcfeitdrea toplacetoftofetyisd|»i*mliagiufott#rrelbfyak* tttfl rd - Hie called mee y ^ * Friday night did ay. .Afowgbrin^accor otto ,...iStoaeirt iu the hi fen wWhich is holding Indc ■c<*uncii as well ai :It, ( Aftueetiqn of Ev ■fog was raised bj ird -ground? that tin teoiftd not report re> • unices si yreafen. - .The report of , ■’ •.catted for 1 ;>adMnqnesrien • dlrided aa to wfe ^recommended 1 -rirideaud Gilla ■* ’ 'toraq __ -Orew ana vyau •pommittee feeingM | there »«B tWO ___ emovq aiuitti rirne^^ommit tim -r de 'rerobvp the reck rr <*"A^r e t i o i i w t il| ' f t * * ? * I p ‘ k was.-estate h October 10,1 , - I drew Bros, asket 4 l y-& % g rack in front H ■ \ draw’s residence. tnr, ^ fo hitch in that | rack w»» to be si - - up alongside tha minutes show th . atten property a •' .M l power to rei f ’ ' r M r .t/B . Ai Hon to couhit ft to remove t h e i proceed in a leg put up an inder rite corporation foe -case have ' court# for set roll call was ans propoaifton Mai fo* proposition stood, yeas, A naya, Gillaiugh w*»«ae»uaed fo, ■Wilabseat ons Sp 2lb He fOOSt per. COLLEG At ite kst . finned of foe I J l^arok appoint, J l mm to raise tv* ■41* Caakrville • fm u The r |a Mr*Thomas 1 (j ■ ' tie local n: t v -M in C o , 5 > Job Printing fjO ] to firat-daw sly • • (ford ited ti tr to iafefti aiepc «t far *»l pftfec M f o f o t *"*• {four ■i*t