The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

D o n ’ t F 4 I I t o A t t e n d O u r Sale Begins Monday, February % and E nd s Saturday, February 28. « Everything Reduced from 10 to 20 per cent, an d a * N. B ,-E v e ry person who attended our Sale one year ago, knows th a t everything was ju s t as few lo ts a t One-Half N o th ing Reserved, represented, i ’ Horner Bros. & Co. fS * f N o , 3 9 S o u t h L i m e s t o n e S t r e e t * * « Springfield, Ohio. | hOCAb AND PERSONAL ^ Subscribe for tbe Herald. -s-Freah dried fruits of all kinds at- Cray &Co’s. Bee stock and prices on evaporated fruits at Cooper's, • Mr, J . W. Pollock was in Colum­ bus op business, Wednesday. You "frill find a nice line of cakes, crackers nod candies at Cooper’s. Miss Ma»-ia*Tarbox is taking .« va­ cation from her duties at- the post* Ofitce. ' „’■<,<■ , ^ ' V A-.,y, . \ * ' Mrs. WalterMurdoek left for Cin- i t t i t A ■. ■’H Y m >1 ‘ , l , U n n A n?-» r\ , ITT t i l ’ . cinnati, Wednesday, where she will ‘ visit fotafew days. The work on the new addition* of the paper mill is being pushed as fast *<■ as the weather will permit, - W. Hi Xliffis doiug the stone work L pri, tbe new. Implement' house "to be 1, erected by W* B, Sterrett. ' ‘ > If - Mrs, L* G. Bull, who has been suf- *’■ / .faring,from pneumonia, is somewhat I' /better, although she is unable to leave f -.heri bedl‘' J ^r,V( ^ f \ - r-Uee Golden Buie Flour. -Fancy lemons and oranges - at Gray & Go’s, Mrs, F. B, Turnbull visited ip South Charlestou'Wednesday. . Walter Murdobk left Wednesday for Kansas City where he will remain for some, time.- The third bi-monthlymeeting of the Greene County. Teachers Association will be held tomorrow ja Xenia. .' Messrs. TL M. Barber and R, E. Kerr.were in Xenia- Monday attend­ ing a meeting of tbe election board. J, D, Williamson ’sold a. piece of property this week■ to Mrs. Ellen Boss for $200. The lot- is - in the Holmes addition, t ’ , Messrs, John and f i, H. Stormput and Lee .Nash, of near Xenia, *hre in The 1 ‘egUlar monthly meeting- of jjp the W. O* 1L at the home of Mrs JT. N, Tarboxf Friday, Feb. 2<V 1QD3 lit 2;30 p,,m.tBun timer ^ " . Kerr and Hastings Bros., dealers in Graip. Beedsi Wool* Coal, "Hard- &J ware, and Implements, Agents - for *r the America n Steel Wire Fence', ' a*tendance,»t tbe Ohio Dairymens’ association meeting at Columbus. Dr. P. B„Madden,-Practice lim­ ited ip EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. ' AlloaBuilding, Xenia, 0 - /''p!c;t,l,o»c,—Office Hrp,-yg; .Bcitdeace No, r< During the Farmers’ Institute the ladieis of the-R R congregation will 'furnish meals,'at2acentseach, in the basement of their church. All are cordially invited.., 4 Bessie Hickman appealed before -' Mayor McFarland and was fined/for .house anddot at rear,"and three acreis on the Yellow Springs road, nil be­ longing to the Townsley estate, C ■ "A. 0 . B kadtout ), ?• -' the .theft of a gold -stjck pin from fj’ Mrs’/ Oiin Dobbins 'at Downing’s , p i ’ *». T T l *■J __ * 1 * studio .last*Friday. Biff Bros, this week recemd a par load bf cement fpr their work this summer, <■ This fr o has gained quite .n.repntatiop’fas expert cement workers both at home and in ;’ neighboring towns Mies Martha Cooley ja quite sick with appendicitis, Prof. J; F; Hutchison,, of Xenia, fills the TJ. P. church pulpit Babbath. Mr. E, 8 , Keyes- returned - last evening from Florida much improved in health. Lee Spencer, who ■ has been indis­ posed for spme time, is • able to be among his friends- again, . Probate JugdeMarcus Skoup took his seat Monday morning, with Okas. Davis as his deputy.- His friends pre­ sented him with a portrait of the late President McKinley, .. J Rev. A* Hamilton, who is now lo­ cated at Now Vienna, Clinton county, spent Monday evening greeting"bis many friends at this place,1 ■' Rbv,. Hamilton is well pleased with his pew charge • ■ J, E. Mathews, manager of the W, U. Smith CpMof Columbus,’ was the guest of Dr, J. 6 , Stewart Wednes­ day. Mr. Mathews is looking .after tho 'interests'ot The York Ridge Oil Company. AV. H. IlifF & Sons this week closed a contract withJudge Summers of Springfield to-build a large barn and do cement work amounting to Shod: .They will also build a cement dam aefoss tbe‘ Miami river on the . F ob S ai / e ;—Vacant lbt at cbmer of | XhOrnas Farm tiyomiles from Clifton. Chillicothe an'd Main streets ■Also l ” * The Hefald is under obligations to. g 1' County Auditor Win. Dodds for a tV-' (Copy of the new municipal - code, as !U passed by the Seventy-fifth General J^Assenbly, The books have just been"j '^jieceivedin.this county.’ 1 The’term of•Joseph E. Blackburn, ps state dairy find food’ commissioner, ,,-ends next Tuesday and Hon. Horace * Ankeney will be Sworu into office. Ankeney has hot yeh’.given put "4be remainder o f HiSappointments. The two ladies’ basket ball teams of the college -played a good exhibition jff'Jitst Monday evening before a large ji, crowd* This game seems to be quite w' b favorite with the young folks about p town. Miss Iua Murdock is credited with w number of excellent plays. ,r'fho garae is a healthful exercise, ex- f- ,{*’ Siting and very interesting and is le^, dangerous than foot ball, as played at &.present day. m m We carry four stand­ ard Stbbk Foodat— ' Pratt’s, Q u a k e r , , Turkish,. and Wil­ bur’s. They are all. good, diflerent kinds o f food. Each’ baa spguial purposes fiif which it fa best adapt; ad. AH answer thn purpose of a general stock remedy,, * . , . i f you wish to feed a high-grade stock food ' you must choose one of these, We know their dis­ tinctive merits and can advise you aS to which will meet ymp; rtqtrirements best, ». M m 1 . 6 . R i d M 11 » n r s id a « The Formers’ Institute will be .held in opera'house next Wednesday and. Thursday. , Thc state speakers are: J. A Sheffield and George Scott,' Prof. Plumb, of tbe 0 - S. tk , will also give several addressees.' Music by the Ottcrbein Quartette. ■ - . \ / At the election"of directors for the tfie loCat Building ’<$5 Loan Associa­ tion iast Saturday evening tbe three Tetirinig directors wero re-elected, Messrs. J. H, AVolford, J. W, Mc­ Lean and W. H. Barber. The board will .re-organize Monday evening. The township trustees have had some additional lights, placed in the opera house and the house .is much brighter. The. greatest, trouble at present is that there is nOt, sufficient light on the stage when ' the audi­ torium" is lighted. . - Mr. Lucy Barber \yas in Colum- biis yesterday as a delegate, to tlic 6th annual meeting of the Ohio’kSchool Jjloard Members Association. This is the first year the local board has ever been represented at these meetings. The meeting took place In the Great Southern Assembly room. 1 Mrs. J, II, Wolford this week re eeived a letter from Mis3 Susie Leary of California, Many citizens here remember this family owing to their long residence here. The letter states that Miss Leary’s mother is improving from an attack of paralysis which she suffered some months ago. Auditor of State Gilbert has order ed J. O. 'Wood to examine the War­ ren county offices. It is stated that the’commissioners have bech doing some crooked work in fbat county Mr, Wood was the examiner who epeut’Severnl months on the Greene couhty hooks and reports $10000 in illegal fees. The company which played “The Tiije of Life” at the opera house Wed­ nesday evening was greeted by a -fair sized audience, The play is a thrill­ ing melodrama with plenty of shoot? Ing to keep the1gallery gods from go nig to sleep. The character of “Jill” by Miss Myia Jefferson was well act­ ed, in, fact was the Only one that brought out much .applause. Mrs, Frantz presided at the piano furnish­ ing some excellent music. The Ladies Aid Society of the tb P church have decided to place a handsome ehanllelior in the building and tbe committee uccprdiugly met with Mr. \V m. Ib Firth* representa­ tive of “The David J- Braun Maou- factury Company” of Chicago, Wed nesdoy and Selected a design, Newel lights of an odd destgu will also be phe er? iff. the corners o f"the railing around the ohofr This same com­ pany furnished the fixtursrf for the new court house in th^ county. . The game of basket ball last Friday night betweemthe Springfield Y. M. 0. A. team and tha-local college team resulted in a victory'to the farmer by a score of 28 to 15. ‘The gnnle. was free from sensational features and the Springfield team was a little too fast for the home -boys. The local team put up a good game considering it their first against professionals. - The 84th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Mary Qsboyn . was held the homo,of Sheriff Tar- boxin Xenia, Mrs Osborn was'a resident, bf OedArville for .a .long ntimbor-of years but shortly after the death of her husband, she moved to make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Tarbpx, Mrs, Jacob .Seigler and daugter, Lottie, .rind Mrs. Elmer Keyes were present. .The dinner was also a farewell reception to Mrs. D, M. Burns and sou, Elmer, who left Wednesday morning fo.r their hom e in California, The Herald is the only weekly pa­ per published inf the' county that is listed by . “The ’ Newspaper Blue Book,’’ which publishers liftvo not been misled in giving us the above rating. As proof of the advertising merits of the Herald, Mr. N. L. Ram­ sey placed a three-lino local" in its columns last .week advertising chick­ ens for sale. The order was for three insertions but Mr, Ramsey was com- pled to cancel the ad as he had sold out j>y the following Monday evening. I f you have anything to sell or wish to buy, a few cents invested with the Herald may bring you ’several dol­ lars. There will bodo electric lights in the mornings after the 15th of Februaryt High price of coal and the short morn­ ings are responsible for the change. _ The annnaLmeeting of _the. -Ohio Dairymens’ Association is taking place at Columbus today. Hon. Horace Ankeney is on program for an ad­ dress. ■ - The change jn time of trains on the Pennsylvania road, the' first of the week, was quite- a radical oue, All trains are now running as they were about a year ago. The" change is gladly welcomed fiy the people em­ ployed at the station as they will have shorter hours for work. Agent Keyes who is in Florida at present will im­ prove in health much faster upon hearing of this change. ' The attention of the ladies is called to the-course of lessons in “Domestic Science anrl Health Culture” to be giybn by Mrs. Carrie Tves Saunders, of Sa^.miw, Mich., under the auspices of the ladies auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A., Xenia, Ohio, Special attention should be given notice of free lecture on “Modern Bread Making” to begin Saturday, Feb. 28th. Full course tickets for 12 lessons "beginning Mon­ day,. March 2nd, S2*.Q0, Single tick­ ets. 25 cents. • Rawliu McLean who left here sev­ eral months ago for Oklahoma has se­ cured a fine position in that terri­ tory.' He has been given , charg of the National Cash Register business and is getting along" nicely, Rawliu Will likely come home in a short time and spend several weeks at the com­ pany's immense plant, in Dayton, to become more familiar with tbe con­ struction of tbe machines We are glad to note that Rawliu has secured a position with such a concern as the Nation Cash Register company. ■ This morning while Mayor .McFar­ land was in his office consulting with several of the local option supporters in regard to the Crawford. case, Mr, T. B. Andrew came in aud handed His Honor the morning Enquirer which stated that the Bertl !q\V waS" uncoustitutioual. Tbs article find no reference to the Crawford case as the .decision was given by ■a Probate Judge'to release a man on habeas cor. pus proceedings. Thp mayor rend the article and declared that,such a decision would have no bearing on cases lii his cCurt, - NEWHBRARY BQOKS, Word Was roceived hero Monday morning of the burning of a farm in Ross township belonging, Mr. ‘ Tbeo, 0 . Pauiliu. Mr, W. L. CJemans was informed of the loss he having written the insurance. The barn con­ tained fifteen tons of hay and cohsid- erable farm machinery, and nothing could be douc towards checking the fire. Two horses and two cows were burned to death, the property ot the tenant. There was no insurance on the animals* Mr. - Olemans informs Us that there was S140O insurance on barn and contents.- CoAd ailvcrtlg lhg r itt tbe m u g iie t t v lik h p a lln trade." You may have just as good values as the other fellow, but if he tolls the public about hfs ability to do better for them than any one else and you do not lie wilt got the trade. people why It Is to their mivaiitaso to trace with y<ia. Toil them e.niivihi’liicJy unti keep teillnx them, COMMITTEE'S FIRST ARREST, The Committee of One hundred have fulfilled their promise to the peo­ p le of Cedarville. The object of this organization was fo enforce the local Option law and bring the offenders to justice* Thursday afternoon papers were gotten out in Mayor McFarland’s court for Oscar Crawford’s arrest, ho having conducted a saloon in the, Mitchell room up to the time the pres­ ent man took possession. Crawford was brought to the mayor’s office last night about nine o’clock but being unable to furnish bond, he’ signed a contract surrendering a draft for $400 on the Exchauge Bank, which he had in his possession, should he fail to ap­ pear this morning. Mayor McFarland set Thursday, Feb. 26 for the day of trial, Thomas Mitchell g"iog Crawford’s bond. Har­ ry Armstrong represents the deffendent while Milo Snodgrass will assist. lh$ Committee ofOne Hundred, -Chicago Dry Woods tieporter. The dm#))*# j»ower of an *<t, i» SrhtixM by in elCCntn- U ah . It yittt w*m to r<mel» .*&# sfa* tbta 'mMi iAiSai L-,h* - Al'iW 'in r^fri tfiTia ■ jrM tr - k*’-‘k .A ^ - A . . a * i<f MARDi ORAS EXCURSION To New Orleans, Mobile and, Pen­ sacola via Pen ...ytvmua lines Febru­ ary 17»}’>*■<22. h ', inclusive, excursion tickets l'- vv Orleans, La,, Mobile, Ala., Br.d Pcnsacol, Fla,, will be sold vjst? Pcmmylv min I/mes, Consult Ticket Agents of iVmisylvnnia lanes »bont rates m3 time of train*. (Continued fromFirst Page,) ’ Tony tbe Maid, Howard, Marcella, 2 Vol,, Mrs. Ward. A Little-Grey" Sheep, Fraser, -- - The Fortune of War, Barrow,, A Tangled Web, Raymond* Donna Teresa, Peard. No Other Way,*W. Bcsant. Cardigan, Chambers. Adventures of Francois, W. Mitchell, April Hopes, W. D*' Howells," . , Pine Knot, Barton. Long Live the King, Boothby. The Valley of the Great Shadow; Holdeworth. ■ ■ The Ladder of Fortune, Baylor* The Bowers, Merrirann.' • The Ralstons, F. SL;Crawford. Quality Corner, Antrobus, John Halifax, Bronte, Search Light Letters, Grant, Landlord at Lion’s Head, Hdweljs, Sons of the Morning, Phillpotts, Young Maids add Old, C. Burnham. The Gentleman 'from Indiana, Tar- .kin'gton. Who Goes There? Benson. A Club of One, - Deacon Breadbury, Dix. A Diplomat in London, Gavnrd. The Love" of un Uncrowded "Queen, Wilkins. j The Passing of Thomas, Jurtvieiv Wounds in the Rains, ,S. Crane. Charles Aucllester, 2 vol., Sheppard. An English Girl in Paris. ■ Life ol Dorothea Lyude 'Dix,-, Tif­ fany Koutuclcy Cardinal, Allen, r The Making of Christopher Ferring- ham, Dix, The Quicksand of Sactolns, Vachell. Richard Yea and Nay, Hewlett. Smith College Stories, Pasknm. - Nulma, Mrs. Campbell-Praed The Startling Exploits of Dr, Quies, "Celiere. Social Pictorial Battle, du Mfturier. f Tommy and Grizel, Bmiie. Millionares of a Day, T. S. Van ■Dyke. - Captain Macklin, R, H* Davis, The Girl and the Governor, Warren, Quo Vadis, Sienkiewp^z, The Alurket Pluce, Frederic.* A Book of Christmas Verse. A'Diplomats Diary, Gordon. Tlie Grip of Honor, C. T. Brady* Senator North, G. Atherton. Dorathy, 0. F. Woolson." I j O vg and Mr. Lewisham, Wells, Via Crncis, F. M, Crawford. Robert Toneway, Win. Sage, Mona jMaclean, G, Truvers. Penelope’s Progress, VViggin. . , A Soil Of Gad, J. A. Stewart. No, 5 John Street, R. Whiteing. Paul Kelvcr, Jerome K, Jerome. MR. DEAN’S SOFT DRINKS. Saturday night seems to bo rather a bad night for George Dean, ,pro­ prietor of "the “soft drink house.” This house again has come to the at­ tention of the public and just what is to be (lone, is what the officers and public are wanting to know. Mr, Dean’s “soft drinks”are having a bad effect on those who drink there, as is evidenced by the amount of trouble that is reported from the joint. Last Saturday Inight Sylvester Sherrin, a former saloonist, and Elmer. Robin­ son, colored, loaded to heuvey on “malt extract” and about eight o'clock .became engaged in a puglistio encounter. Office Kennon forced his way into the house, which was crowd­ ed, to the doors, and srrosted the two men. Their appearance in court Monday morning cost each five dol* lara and costs, It is the opinion of many that Dean should have bedn pulled for running a disorderly house, given a heavy fine and sent to the work house,, Such chances as these the officers arc overlooking. A chance for a grand-stand play by some one, for the publicwill not stand this business much longer. ’ , Wist of Mrftefco, - List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Cedarville postoffice for the month ending Fob, 13,1903, List No, 7, i Giliaiii, Joe. , ’ " Green, Mrs, Francis, CARD. lteidig, Miss Jo, ' T. N* Tannox, P, M, Charles Raft, of Djytap, Bundnyed here- Removal Sale! Our-rocm h a s been leased to F-, DESOR- MOUX & CO., P lum bers and Steam Fit- ters, for. to years and we must vacate the same a t once, w No other location secur­ ed as yet, we are therefore forced to sacri­ fice our big stock of. P i a n o s , O r g a n s , S e w i n g M a c h i n e s , Forced to sell at. some price. * Terms of P aym en t to su it customers. V, Flanery’s Big Piano House, >53 South Fountain Avenue. Springfield, .Ohio, EXAMINER WOOD’S REPORT. 1- (COntimied irOm first imge,] The court hduse coinuiiasion should hqVe drawn--their Salary each month, hut {his was not done. We quote,as fallows: “The members of the commis­ sion having mileage to travel erred in their construction Oftho section in re­ gard to"allowance ot mileage. This misunderstanding and construction off that clause is that they would -be eh-J titled to mileage in addition to the1 sum $200 (iuri $100 respectively.; We beii'eye that they are only en titled to the $200^ and $100 respec­ tively, ' If the limit applied to per day aud itof. to.mileage, then the mem­ bers could continue to charge mileage after the limit" of charge for per day -had been exhausted, which,, they dtd not'appear' to lirvp done.” A-AYick .ershau $120MO^W. -W, Ferguson 103.95; H. M. Bavber‘80; total 8804- ,.05 Mias Leila Harley was allowed 8170 for copying.minutes and acting as stenographer'and “Judge Shearer, $825, which Mr, Woods holds as con­ trary to law. Tlie report condems the commission and then praises their work. Tlie .members of the commis­ sion deservo great credit for having succeded in securing for, the people of Greene county a substiiooial Court house and aii object of pride for the whole county. The result shows the wisdom exercised by Judge Scroggy in his selection of men to act Upon this commission whoso official acts have been free from tho taint of the scandal so often connected with mat­ ters of such magnitude without just cause. The fees overdrawn by assessors' are hb follows: Bath, C. L Routzong $18; Osborn, O. P, Johnson $48; Beavercreek, J. O. Luidz $92; Oaesar- ereek, Frank Johnson $24;- Cedar- ville. Z. T. Phillips $46: Jefferson, F» L. Oxley $10; .Miami E., B, W. An­ derson $6; Miami W., J, B. Steven­ son $84; New Jasper, J, A. Fudge 8; Ross, B. M. D.wyer 20; Silvercreek It. W. Zimmerman 92; Spring Val- 'ley, T, A. Boyd 48; . Sugarcreek, J, U . Bwigert 44; Xenia tp., T, Ken­ nedy and J, U. Watts 92; Xenia, Dt Ward, Isaac Karch 12} Xenia 2nd Ward, L 0 . Cline 10; Xenift 3rd Ward, H. B, Williams,6; Xenin, 4th Ward, Alphonso Lane 6; Xenirf, Oth Ward, Patrick Lane 6; Xenia, 6th Ward, Albert Kendrick 6; Xenia 7th Ward, G. W. Hamilton none. Total $534.00. Mnyoi* C. W. Linkhart, of Xenia, $1137,80 iusfead of the proper amount, $200 and -Chief o f Police Smith drew $579.90 instead of $200. Nothing was found against the election1)Q«rd, R. F . Kerr, H. M, "Barber, I. Stewart and J, Raynor The total amount of shortage is $10,455.65,illegal contracts. $18148- .77 and unauthorized loans $37000. Total $65604.42* Mr, Wood’s expenses lor thp ex­ amination was $1096,43' His fees were $5 a day and expenses while his daughter, as st mogrophov receiv­ ed $3 and expenses. W h a t i s Y o u r L i f e W o r t h ? A HARD ROAD TO TRAVEL Even iii San Francisco the way of TDAPA , if you were going on a -t long journey, you would leave mamma and me some rtioney to use until,your return, wouldn’t you? LHow about that"journey you will soma (lay be compelled t o take, nnd from which you will never re­ turn? "■Don’t you think you ought to leave us tt little money then? ’I f yon are a salaried man, you are earning, by tbe exercise ofyour brains Or muscle, say $3,000 a year, at. least oue-half of. which' you employ in the support of. your family. Then the money producing value of your life to yotir family is worth $30,000, since a poliey of $30,000, when realized, will yield a sum which if invested at five per cent, would give your family $1,500 inebme a year. Is your life insured for anything like its full value? \V. L. CLEMANS, Special Agent, Mutual Life Insurance Co., o f New York* Aft^t«w-W4frtor, SqliciU^ Agfcnt,; ^ iGwUryiile, Ohio, campaign of righteousness goes on not only surely but rapidly, and now that it has crossed the country there is every reason to believe that it has gained an impetus which will at no distant day entirely crush out this traffic, which is hut the meanest form counterfeiting anil pettiest of larceny. --From the Brooklyn Standard- Union. Mr Horace Giliaugh wifi hold a pub­ lic sale, Tuesday, Feb. 24th. Watch for posters, < “Human nature’s a queer thing, especially female human nature,’* “What are yon thinking about now?” ' b ' “For instance, if a young man Eld tl fritil. AW'ir nuwl .4hi44» a T4 a » tells a girl, any girl, that she’s alto the ticket “scalper” is hard, one hav-’E^her different froto Iter sisters she ing been ot Tuesday fined $300 and takes it as a complimeht,"- Philadelphia Press* jailed for wo days for ignoring a court injunction in August, prohibit* Philosophy, Ancient «nd Modern, ing him fifpu manipulating round*^ “Epidteths said all philosophy lies in two words, ’restrain’ and ‘ah- trip ticket*,W which heuhad become possessed,*' The actiou o f the San Francisco ( In • e clurt is particularly rigid s ta in /” “Well, Epictetus may hate bad it fieatit and healthful, funee the {figured out all right in his day, but amount involved in those long-die lance ticket# am usually Iftrges, and the lorn to the unlucky tp>ys«*ng*r word* ‘gain* and 1 compelled to pay twice, wnous, Th« *go Rccord-HeraJd. In these timfcK philosophy seems t* be pretty fully expressed‘in the Ivto word* ‘gain* and ‘rctain*, ^-^-Chies* F o r K kc I W o rk 4 tha t of n TW E^T I r P ,C H U R I ' With ibis (I history of the[ aration has the gathering! begun long bef tbe first articll .The writer ord bis sincerd ’ -' have renderedl undertaking. I - While Gpr,c<j mention ofall I . special mentioj .able and timcll assistance o f ' son, Joseph Kl A- M, Carnpbl J, Cv 'Warnncl Kyle, "who kin| ", a sketch "that '- time ago; of T| of U S, Senatl valuable facts i and of his son’i members of th ever ready to i . narrative inter "'The desire h without bias o give'credit to 1 work without With malice 0 charity for all . "deavored to po| ence of the cor .‘vidnai, "the cor ■ a t large. ■.Taking as , < therefore to al4 whom tribute honor,” we hi -only those- fact - ed to the growl congregation. I f the picturl ' background! sire to see, it h| . purpose of mal , ures more pronj - features'have it ha's been heel important parti ry, not only of -.of the entire dt belongs, for he the denpminati • ‘ Here great i •have passed on fer decision, ' touching disci; a solution four gregarious, been Bafely pail ■overwhelmed e| greater than ' strength, _and of the £xigenCi| shaped the lav denomination. I The task o f l the many iul) that would son covery has uoj ward. No one Can| out being im; ness bf purpn Master, on till tbe history wf Tbose'of whe been written ished, their dj from a tonguij plaudits of a than he who toritial pCh. 1 Where the estlug it is to the character Where it has unpleasant ej[ charged to wj parttof the Thanking rentjered assi sincere hope ftiay have asl lightful worff “Y'our fatj the prophet^ They have have jeft us I Bcbievemeni back uport t] tbe former these, it i s ' ' W# yfosecs# i are the heir great thong bech left to wider beeav estal ereete .Stirred by i ad by ptocil noble exam| better and Our jstamla venrional * ■moms, o f f uorbf the ■ m m fere KJsr S P