The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26
* »4* 'r¥+ ► - * • T ; /■• ' " r.i *«S*wL' *.*»*/' ■ J>', l ^ v x l 5 ' &:*-C s~\ K * r . r , r ft § r ° ” " ' ; x f t p , MK«ftCliaf«M%. M M. 4ftd WW*|W I t Jfa tft Mm m. $i*wdyNi^y spent Tqewfay M lA ia if a F f a lk Pollock tin <i**grlt M k Ik V* Mbsmw wmfai 0 Mf Ml Imafaees. J M with John Wifaon and Wm, ■wet* la Springfield Monday, When fa need of anything in or granite ware go to OooporV M*m*s. George and At Boyd at* tended the London sale Tuesday. Highest market price paid for eggs, butter, lard and bacon at 'Cooper’s. ' Lewie Hensei of Dayton visited bis sfator, Mary, several day* thfa week. George Holland of South Charles ton wa# in town Wednesday on busi- new. 1 Attention is called to a proffession *1bard of tV. M. Harbisoa in this .issue. Mrs, Frank Tarbox of re- . ported as having an attach of French measles. J fra Townfdey of Bellbrook was the guest of hiftflon, Stewart, a day or so this week, "* Try Cooper for working shirts, overalls, jackets,, socks, bandanna kerchiefs, etc. Particular atteuton is called to the public sales'of J , , W. Pollock and Will McMillan. Mrs* Will Torrence, of South Charleston, is a guest at the home of . Mrs. BelleCray. Dr, Labron of Xenia was in town Wednesday looking after a sick horse ' belonging to Andrew Bros. ~ *- Frank Em u returned to Cincinati Mondaymorning tO.resume his studies a t Nelson's Business college, John Caylor, who resides east of town and has been quite siuk.for some time,'is reported much better. ' . ' • Mr, Earle Ustick and wiferetur’ned to Columbus last Sabbath evening after a visit with relatives here. C akbiage fob , S ate :—J ump Beatjagger carriage in good condition and at low price.*, 3, K. Mitchell. —Seed Corn for Sale, See samples a t Kerr & Hasting's, S, K. Williamson, . Sidney Smith, engineer at the pa per mill, will move neat week into the McAfee property on Xenia ave, A. R. Bull who has been in a ser ious condition for some time from the effects of a fill, is not much improved. Matthew,Wilson who recently went to Kansas to live has returned to this place not being satisfied with that oottutry* Wednesday was pension day and most of the old comrade were on hand to have their papers made out for thsir order. The Senior class, under the direc tion of Prof, Anderson, spent several bounrat the electric light plant Wed nesday morning. H, M. Stormont, who has been quite,rick with the “gripp” and pneu monia, is improving as rapidly as ooukf be expected. Fo* S al *—Several second hand baggie* with and without tops. Must be sold at once as we need the room at Wolford’s. -- -...... f t “H H j L # 0 *X3 m * * Tro*. ♦ * 4 ♦ Nature is signaling for iron when the isos is pale and tbs nervous, weak. Pallor always Indicate* a leek of iron ta the blood. Iron in its moat helpful and agreeable form can be teenrad in o u r a remedy so pleasant to take yon'd doubt it were a medicine but far toe bettor order, bet- ■ Nr appetite,/ -pd re* ***** strength hgives. , . . Trim 75 eeats., , . inf. a to le paricages 1C., -Fk**y Mn***w fanned meat to Qtey 41Cato .' .■ Ibssi deled peautba*to tows far 10c fmrito at HUmmcfa. Aayoae having Presto coupon* re- i t f The regular meeting uf» council M m up Monday evening- Good cooking and eating apple cbeepeet a t M, H , Hhroad*.. Dr, J . F . Morton hr reported at quite rick, tbougb bolter today, Whit.-wash brushes, Scrub brushes, horse brushes, etc., at Cooper's, Mrs. James Satterfield has retured after a week’s visit with Postmaster Millmrn at Xenia. ■ .......... V :■ ’ The mumps are furnishing a . good many school children entertainment for the.present time, Messrs; J . H* Wolford aud Will Turnbull were In South Charleston Wednesday on business, Dick Smith who has beeu teaching school a t Manchester, Ky., arrived: hirae last Friday evening, Lewis Gilbert is now walking with a cane haying sprained his ankle by falling from ft straw, rick. I t is reported that the geese areHy ing north, But don’t be a ’goose and shed your winter overcoat. —Shaving every day from 7 a. m. to 4 p. ro‘. for Scents, except Satur day, . - ' B. Pettiford, ‘—F ob S ale ;—One set o f double work harness, cheap. • S, K, Mitchell. Mr, and Mrs. James McMillan en tertained friends yesterday in honor of Miss Jennie McMaster of Marissa, m . .. John Giltaugh who has lived on the G, E, Jobe farm far1some time has moved into property on McMilan street, Mrs. Louis Gilbert returned last Saturday from South Charleston, where she visited her son, Charles, and wife. - Dr. W, G. Waddle, of Cadiz, Har rison county, spent several days the ■first of tbo week with Mr, and Mrs. H. H. McMillian. Mrs. J , 0 . Stewart accompanied by sons, John and George, and, Phil Dixon, attended the basket ball game at Xenia last night, - Dr. P, B. Madden, Practice lim feed t o EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT, CUassesAccurately Ad justed, Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . telephone.—Office No. 72 , Besldence JO), j> The coming land sale of the 75 acre tract of the Adam Turner estate on March 12 will attract good crowd as land is in great demand at the present time. The sales of Hemy Thompson and James Turner this week turned out to be quite successful. The weather was fine which enabled many farmers to be present. Harry Barber continues to improve since his eye was injured several days ago, though he may have to have bis eye ball removed to rave the sight of the other eye. There has'been no school in the primary department ot the public schools this week, Miss Boss Stor mont being absent owing to the sick* ness of her brother, Horace Gillaugh moved his farm implemements and household goods to his farm below Xenia, Tuesday. Mr, Hammond the purchaser o f the Gii- laugh farm has moved to this place. Last Saturday Miss Sallie McMill an entertained the following young sters in a pleasant manner; Masters Baymond Williamson, John Towns* leyj Paul, Waldo and Ixioft McMillan. -George Shroades will move his stock of hardware and stoves to the 3, L. Btewarfc room some time next week. A gentleman from South Charleston will in all probability rent the room vacated by Mr, Shroades. The local telephone company baa now 265 subscribers and still ca’ls for more boxes. There Were several new telephones put in this week, Messrs. Perry Britton,Mitchell Collins,Martin Daniel, Will McElroy and J . C. Bar* bar* .n ■ The condition of South Main street i* something terrible. One might imagine he was in Xenia when he at tempts to go d.iwn that way. I t has been several year* since the streets of Cedarviile were in the condition they are now, George Barber apent Sabbath with hie farmer friend* at this place. Mr. Barber k foreman in the carpenter shop at the National Cash Brgiater work* at Dayton at tb' present time, tori tombeen promf' d an advanced poritfea to a tow day*. It k always that (takrvi&f boyi are at 0 0 floto tm matter wfeat the w«k k i t td a f t 0m f ato kritfwt. D. B, Srvto was to fm m k f. ' —Fw*i» dried all ktode to Gray 41Goto Carl Iftoacr k tonaa from Urtorns far a few day’svaoarioa. —For strength end color Oaldeu Buie Hour cea’t ha beat, call far it. The Ohio State Oeatanial Celebration will be bald at Chillicothe, May 20, 21, 1908, Squire Altnon Bradford has been granted a incresse of pension. He will, now draw $17 a month. Matthew W, Gaga and John A Lowry, admrs, of John W. Stanley, to Matthew C. Bailey, 83 acres in Cedarvillefp., $3000, James Anderson, brother of Mrs. J . B. Winter, apentjaet night at her home. Mr. Anderson represents a shoe house in Columbus. Miss Bernice Wolford, of Dayton, and Mrs. Oliver Dodds, of Xepia, spent Sabbath with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J . H» Woltord. Mr.?Theodore Bennett and little daughter Nellie of Springfield Were the guests of 8. W. Nagley and fain*- ily a couple of days this week. J. Frank Orr has been recoinended by Congressman Hildebrand for Post- mastership, at Xenia, to succeed J . M, Milburn, tbe present postmaster, The deed for the Townsley property to the I. O. 0 F , has been returned from Illinois, but will have to for warded to Washington for Mr. Font Townsley’s signature.. . Mrs, W. M, Barber returned Tues day from Xenia, were she has been taking care of her dangler, Mrs. W^ L . Marshall, who baa been quite sick with lagrippo. Mr. and Mrs. B. C, Watt,' Marga- retta and William attended the mar riage of Mr, Bobt. Watt of Colmnbu3 a nephewt o Miss.Agusta Fouls, of the same city, Tuesday evening, s Mitchell Collins who has lived on the Barber farm far some time moved to town Monday. He with his fami ly will occupy the Andrew property, formerly owned by 3 ,IC. Mitchell, Reese Calvert, of Selma, completed a deal, on Monday, which disposed of alt his holdings in that village. He has sold his dwelling, elevator and all real estate to Wilson Seller* Of Hills boro, John McMillan intends to move to Virginia upon a farm recently pur chased. I t is expected that Clarence McMillan will farm the home place, John purchased the form while be and John Raney were in that'state oh a visit. The Ohio State Oratorical Associa tion, comprising the fallowing . col leges: Heidelberg, Otterbein., Antioch and Baldwin, will hold its annua] con test at Yellow Springs, March 13th, A banquet will be served after the contest. The death of Mrs. Annie Graham Higgins which occured last week a t her home in Portsmouth, is much re gretted by her friends here. Mrs. A, 0 . Bridgman and Mrs. Henry Towns ley, of this place', are aunts of the deceased. Word has been received here an nouncing the death of Ed. Reid, ton of John Bterrett Held, at his home in Muneie, Ind,, Wednesday morning. He had been in poor health for some time but was not bedfast. Tbe funer al will be held Saturday morning. Dr, M. I. Marshwas called to Xenia yesterday iu consultation in re gard to the condition of Mr. James Watson who is very low with inflama* tion of the brain caused from the lagrippe. Mr. Watson Jived here for a number of years and is well know. In this issue can be found the name of J , C. Grindle as a' candidate for marshall. He has served in this, capacity for some time and Is thoroughly acquainted with the du ties of the office. He asks for ■ the support of Republicans a t the prim ary, The monthly meeting of the fire company was held Monday evening. The regular routine of business was transacted. The petition far another fire company, and the hand engine, to be placed on.the north side of town, will be presented to council Monday evening. 0 , 1). Mitchell arrived in Oedar- ville March 1st from Otto, Ga„ where; he has been operating a large steam shovel in the Coos* Creek gold mines. He will spend a month with hk wife and baby, who are making their home with Mrs, Mitchell’s parents, Mr, and Mr*. Henry Walker. The paper mill is again in fail alteration, the force reiiuriftog by- Tuesday night. Henry Dnnkte, who ha* been foman ot the finishing de partment rittea the mill was balk, bat resigned to aeeept a rimlhtr ptoea in an ladkaa feik mill. Henry J to fty fa* beefs pmw»k4 to 111 the vwWfttf WSI^eatwriltoek to “Ftowriari*. to %t4s$Md to* aig|*. . Wasatari—-10© y#m a £ ao&ip in» Phene 1 2 . F, O. SUrtfawt, Mka Mattie Oagarfard who ha* beam Nfphfag adbool to CMbera, apfnt Bah- baftb wfeh her parents. The Greene Oewtoy Mediaal Boei* toy met a t Xedk yesterday. Dr. Lorimer of JameeWku read a papar. Dr. Marsh attended. Owing to the atekoea* of MissClara. Jeekaon, room number 2 had Mks Mae Matthews far a teacher thk week, She is a graduate ot the Ce* darvill High School and at prestent k attending Xenia High School. Her success as a teacher \H ansuyed if ’*the few day* trial can l>e taken as a standard. A change has been made iu a bush ness house at Glifton.. Mr. Charles Hackett having purchased the gener al store belonging to A. H . White, who will retire from merchantile busi ness, and look after his many finan cial affairs, Mr, Hackett has been connected with the store as .clerk far a number of years. We have not yet heard that J . G, McCorkell would have any opposition for corporation clerk aud we do not believe he need fear anything of the kind. Hie work bus been satisfactory in e«ery respect and we see no reason why he cannot he returned without opposition. His name can be found in the Herald’s announcement column, Mr. and, Mrs. Stuckey returned home Monday evening accompanied by their son, Edward, who was taken .sick in the east with appendicitis. They visited relatives euroute' home McKeesport aud, Pittshurg, Pa, We are glad to state that Edward has about fully recoved from the disease without having to under go an opper- ation, . For Itnfirmary Director our an nouncement column contains the name of W. B. Stevenson, one ot our most popular farmers. Mr. Stevenson will' make a thorough canvass far the place and if chosed by' the -voters at tbe county primary, will make an efficient officer. I t bas been a long time since Cedarville lias been represented on this board; The Washington C, H. Council has given the Apple-yard- syndicate a franchise over the streets of the city and the company has given a $25,000 bond that they will, by July* 1, have a street rail? road constructed and in operation, and also' use the franchise for the promotion of interban railway lines through the city, . The big musical offering, ‘'Flora- dora,” was at the Grand, in Spring- field, last night but it was not the same company that was in this part of' the country last year. Those who saw it then saw it at its beat. This same house has booked the pretty opera, “The Princes Chic,*' with Joseph Miron and Christine Hudson in the leading parts. This tome company was seen in Springfield earlier in the season and made such a hit that a re turn engagement was called for. , Springfield Democrat;*—I t is narrat ed that a good looking, well-to-do, bachetor, who has been teased by the young women of a club for not marry ing, offered to make the girl whom the club should elect hk wife, just, to show them that he was not averse to matrimony. Each girl went to a cor ner and wrote her choice on a piece of paper disguising her hand writting. There were fue members of the club, and the result showed one vote for’ each. The young man is still a bache lor, but the club is broken up and its members are all mad at each other, - -—ITse Golden Rule Flour, Th* tobto to «b* work of the Cost stotta of OasaHa*dr*d k bring riwwn. Just btofera going to pro#* wa are in- formed by th* Auditor that C. M. R34g**y and Osman Crawford were t» be put on far the Dow tax, upon affidavits furnkhed by th* committee. The tax fe$S50 and 20 per cent, pen alty, The property is good for the tax. There will be important work performed by this organization if given the support of the public.' W. M. HARBISON, Practical Miller and Engineer. Mem ber of the M. E. Church, and Currie Post, No. 94, G. A. B, . , . . . , Cedarville, •* Ohio “ Alywifai.';-><feop*$eatedcough forihicc J purchased two Fot.l. ?tf /V . . r's i r.-try Pectoral, largo rljc, a «I tt vtned her com- f'fe^ciy,,, 1 J. H, lhif.-e, Macon, Col, Coughs » Probably you knotsrof cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, off ernghst 4xc*pt dmp on**! The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty ypftrs Is Ayer's Cherry Pvt’oral. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. . We are authorized to announce the name of D. H, McFarland as a candi date for mayor before the primary, March 21. * ' ' We are authorized to announce that W, B. Stevenson will be a candidate for Imfirmary Director be fore the Republican primary election. We are authorized to announce the name,S,,K. Williamson as a Candidate far township trustee before tbe Re publican primary, Saturday, Mar. 21, We are authorized to announce the name of J . C. Grindle as a candidate for Village Marshal before theRepub lican primary, Saturday, March 21 We are authorized to announce the name of J . G. McCorkell as a candi date for Corporation Clerk, before tbe primary election, Saturday, March 2L . ' We are authorized to announce the name of George Little as a candidate far representative from Greene county subject ter the coning Republican pri mary. We are authorized to announce that 0 . A. Spahr will be a candi date for County Treasurer before the Republican primary election in April. We are authorized to announce jthat Q. B. Kauffman will be Candidate for County Treasurer before the Republican primary election iu April, We a re1authorized to announce Dr. J . J . Snider as a candidate for Greene, county’s choice for the -State Senate, subject to the BePubIman primary election, We aye authorized to announce J . W. Pollock1 as a candidate for Representative from Greene county to the legislature, subject to the Re publican primary election. We are authorized to aunounce that George Smith of Yellow Springs will be a candidate before the coming Republican primary far Greene Couuty’s choice for Senator from this district, The transfer has been made to Mr, John D. George by Alex. Ervin for 'the sale of three-fourths of an acre. The consideration was $262.50, Deputy Sheriff Applegate was iu town thiB morning serving papers on the D. S. Ervin Company to appear In the Cincinnati courts. Candidates who have announce ments in this issue and are not men tioned otherwise will please overlook same this week owing to the overflow of news. The College Basket Ball team went to Xenia last night to play the Y. M. C, A, but failed to return victorious owing to the strange floor. The score stood 14 to 26 in favor of Xenia. The local team will play Willis 'Busi ness college here tonight. S. K. Williamson, far trustee be fore the primary, will make a strong bid for the place. He has been road supervisor for several years aud hi* Work is higly spoken of. He is fa miliar with all the duties of this office and will make a good officer if given the place. One of the most enthusiastic meet ing* ever held in Cedarville was held in thb U. P. Church last Friday even ing. About fifty of th* Committee of One Hundred were present to nomi nate a ticket, There may tie some change in the action taken which will be given the Herald reader* in due time, In the Bible Rendition Contest at Monmouth college, Mias Paulin* M, Collins won first prize, ten dollars. Rev. Joseph Tracy, of Chicago gives twenty-five dollars away each year in prize* for thk contest. Miss Collins chose for her selection “Christ, the True Vine” from John 15/ 1-16 and her friends will bs pleased to known that she was given first place. Mrs. O. I). Merchant earn* over from Washington C. H,, Wednesday, to *e* about th* removal of theft household goods to that place. Mr, Marolant conducted a grocery here, until several weak* ago and has now purchased a sfeor*a t Washington C. H. Mr, toad Mr*. Merchant have th* tout wMiftto'ft trag*towN*? ftfotok jta>: twfimts to liwh mw ■ m awe vsin^toKiHBingpsv B e t o t t t ’ s B r f l . jUtniomary - The Event toSpriwefiddthe CcmfagWeek. OneYearAgo Thk MonthSince foe New Store Opened to 5pringBeTi We erietoafe the Event by Giving Oar Ptorom and friends 10 Per Cent Reduction on Every Item to the Store. ftd!<g04i!*rDWfiM& 100 pent* fur .00. *10.00 for jW.OO, $ 100 for m , $KWQfar $000. V»« hops to and ought to distribute f 1,000 in' this special event. GW IKparraiM Groaning with the weight of New Kpring and Summer goods, the most auberb we have ever shown. The regular low prices 3re marked in plain figures, each warranted unmatched in its quality tfluft T» tbfoStore No job lots nor auction goods. No article too good far this store if its cheap, none too cheap if good, hm m$ mm 10 percent refunded on every purchase in all departments of this new Store, ■ ■ ■ .... i- . mm ofembroidery White M $ and fttob Goods —•Easier to tell what We do not have—From sheir India linen at 5 per cent to;thc handsome and fashionable Oxford cloth in all its multplicity of weave rangjng to $1,60 per yd—simply everything new and nothing, did. # o m t $ Infants Wear, art Goods, Gloyes, Umbrellas, Fancy Neck Wear, Under Muslins, Knit Wear; Dress Trimmings Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Notions, Dress Goods, Silks, Linings, Mens Furnishings, Domestics,White Goods, Crash and Towels, Table Linen Napkins, Sheetings, Tubing Pil lowMuslin—In fact 'everything in this new store at the uniform 10 per cent reduction. tailored$«it$midnew3ael#t$ The swellest creations—the evolution of years of study and scientific en- Aeavor., Tailor Suits $5,$10,(and beautiful) up to $58. Misses Skirts and Suits, everything at 10 per cent cut. C D . murpfiy Room, Springfield, 0 . D I S T R I B U T I N G D E P O T F O R “PiTTSBOBGHiERFECF’ FENCES. ALL GALVANIZED STEEL W IRES. FOR FIELD, FAKM AOT> HOG FENCING. THEONLYELECTRICALLYWELDEDFENCE* E V E R Y R O D GTIARANTFEDSD P E R F E C T , The DURABLE Fence, None so STRONG. All large wires. •Highest E fficiency . LOWEST .COST. —L22a f 41 IN No Wraps *-.e. to hold 54 Moisture fi.n-,1cause Rust. ♦'PltTSBURGHPXRFKOT’' FENCING* (StfcHd&rdStyle.) absolutely STOCKPROOF* We can SAVEYODMONEYoilFusing* ' , CALL AND SEE IT. f. M_ emi ISFj hardware , nmvATsrovESCEDARVILLE. PUBLICSALE The undersigned will offer for sale at public auction on the farm known as the D. J , McMillan farm, 3 railed east of Cedarville and 3 west of Selma on the Colntnbus pike, Wednesday, March 18, 1903, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m,, sun time, the following property, to wit: 11 head of howto, consisting of 2 good brood marts, 1 black driving horse, city broke, 1 bay gelding, 1 filly coming 3 year old, 1) roan horse coming 3 year old, 1 sorrel j fi!ly coming 2 year old, 2 weanling! calls, 60 head of hogs—6 brood sows and 54 Bhoats, 43 head of sheep—25 breeding ewe* and 18 lambs, 14 head of cattle—6 milch cows with calves by side, 4 heifers and 4 steers, farm im-| plements—1 No. 3 Brown wagon, 1 feed wagon, 1Champion corn planter, 1 Whitley mower, 1 Aughey breaking plow, 2 doubk corn plows, 1 Buckey grafti drill, 1—46 tooth harrow, 1 pair h*y ladders 1 gravel lied, 1—28 ft. extension ladder, 1 phaeton buggy, 1 slop bantito eart and box complete, 1 grind stone, 4 set wark hornees, 125 ft. one inch hay rope, new fork and pulleys, 1 corn sbelier, 300 lb smooth wire, 6 hog coops, troughs, ets., sora* household goods end other articles too numerous to mention, Terms: All sums of 15 or under, cash; all sums over $5, a credit of 8 mouths will be given, purchaser giving note with ap proved security. W. R. McMillan. W. L. Marshall* Aac t R. F. Kerr, Clerk. Mrs, Dora Crawford and daughter, Ixm, left Toeeday momlag for Okla homa, where they will make theft fat- nre home, Mr. Crawford haying gone several week* age with some stock a id ft>neek>ld goods. Last Iktajjday and Sabtorth m e t days that will be re- LiemtorcdhMr the eHdrcn of Mr. and Mrs, J . B , Milbam a* them TOMORkrW MAYNEVER XOME was a family rcwg|wfai*m Mr*. Urawforifa departure, *MpiSftWis IHlfam, of Daytew, m i IMfaltodl FtisicrtBs, art 1 irsi 8M^fltoi Inriritafti Bltoto ~| YAPA.'if you were going on a A long journey, yon would leave [ mamma and me some money to use ] until your return, wouldn't you j How about that journey you will * some day be oonopolled to take, j and from which yon will never re- \ turn? Don’t you think you ought j to leave ns a little money then? ; _ _. , „ . ___ * I You may fully intend to insure to morrow. How do yon know there will be a tomorrow—far you? Insure today, Don’t wait because of your present inability to carry a large amount; a small policy fa bettor than none. BeeM-ss, while yon are waiting the cost fa increasing! Take out a policy ifor some amount Dow, while you oan gnt tt. The wore oonvenfan* season, for which so many vainly wait may never com* to you. The Mutual Ufa Ismrcne* Com pany ofNirw York Is tbe Largest Fi nancial lawltotkwi in Ufa World. W. U CLftMAN*, ^ Mutual lif o l WMwrYerit. fipecfali^rcit, n owi Dfa Im m u tt Bfatfattug dftpMfa ft*P ii*r» iK OWe. m \ x ‘I h w will <•<- io f May ‘*tl TwmTY-si; CASENOT CC The ease of Oatuaul ' §0bg whiskey in tow, was toh&ri] wm iij, but on Tees was imachod, ,whorcl)| joateesoeto trial, attorney for tho oef| tnwdgDuw, for the C'a Hundred, met at th^ Tnasday, and liusceed tarns* on the sgreeroel ibe committee The] some fa that there wal Tbfa fa not so. Ihefa mfae, The agretmen| the cage. I t 3 the Intention of the c | secuto any. one, they amp liquor traffic anc bouses. Though if a I self iu a disreepcctful| gard to these cases, duty bound to posh tl fullest extent of the lJ , *5( what it woull ment with Grawfordj surrender his govern| the Committee ofOne all costa In the case al present, pay the Dow] the present joint he i] leave the corporate .. -again come up March] ford must show that t | paid and that he is liv articles of agreement, 1 mittee can take up thj his government licenea receipt to prove his gu mittee be copgrafl success of doing away] they are getting more] sion of the case than il tried, As things nOW| dare not live in the less the committee see . or so the committee wa for the action taken k] done by parties who ei political favors. Tho-f stand, the Case heartill action of the committ] io the Crawford case: - .55, while the Dow ta] 20 per tsont. penalty | Cranford was notin year Which will reducl to about $ 380, with tl the total will Tbeaboutl amount was not made] hours in the saloon bt villa, so tbe offender bar Saturday, Octobej citizens, against 95J shall be no saloons.” I t was Tuesday mittee of One Hundrl against George Dean! Thomas Mitchell’s rc was prepared and while the attorney^ Dean was sent for charge read but thro] Armstrong, he will until next WcdnesdaJ when the caso will trial. Mayor ' Me Dean’s bond at $2] obeli going security, two charge* against 1 iug from an indicts grand jury. Hews poods at Xenia at th mittee of One Hunt secured the evidence! opened up a place room. Dean has ha| peranee in courts cases. Only about ] fined something like] legging” at Jamrttc arfioM by the local the first steps toward conviction of eterl whiskey celling drujj poration. I*et no A RIDEON A ride oft the el icreek was ■ an had Iftftt.J i bad drivett in ill tl» purpose of ’ imanner :wwiag to the i it* footit faftey and Mr. Mi JfaMfaf downetrefa Whan wear the el hmm wnwaged t o ; get a ~ 0 m wf Ufa enrrer riss^ttewatomt * IStNCftM :bridge' • There; :tothej Gss» » twft# it ►ifanM be ti ■47
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