The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

1 1 *> t'<**_,»<*. ‘ Sv* r&L r r Tlui item wiisu «*rk*d vitk «tt Iwftk, driUHt* Hut your MbK*i|»> u {.-.»( due *iid * ptoatpt a**tUr* incut i»v«rt.e»tly deirwt.............. H O W . CEDAKVILUi. OHIO. MhDAY, .M'KIL 5, 1903. - PK1CE $1.00 A Y IA I . \ *v. IV*v 1>V * b m «. ■b*» jm * «fty elite 9m 3*- i i rititiil -*-1 _ l ySf ifMsr mfflfo&fe «** *&»*# *od m* .„4piSt tite RapubUoao# i $ M>* Smith i* 48 W * & f*M J** %»dto f tb county •it'hfc. Uto, K®Bsidon» form until ® of attending dtofcric* 3 ^ ^ School and An- $&IS?f h*«®gftgfcd in {/»&**&■ '^mti&ri&IbnA&ut busima* In to that bmstoews Ijptil wtoto ho moved to Yellow [*tm*dw««*nd wm* f f a > SJ*> fTOOL TW k»f«et abipmw* of < m UU of #KT ftM n u t ftedtog, *v*r •hipped cmi tit JafltoieeviH*. vr« loaded on the XXS. Ry., *t that plae* thu mora- tog- The eattte werv fad by Mr. W, W. J jumw and gold by him to Muhian Feroaan, of Bttobriilge, for ttn Beat­ en* firm There were one hundred •ad seventy head, landed on ten ears, They averaged 1335 ft*., and were sold for $4 86 per cwt. Mr. Janes has twen­ ty-six head yet on hand. He also sold ISO h<)gs on Tuesday that averaged 285 pounds.—Jeffersonville Citizen. ! In a eoRTersatws with Sb B. Gordin he stated that the com now cowtug to market is very unsatisfactory to the lniyer as well as the seller, He thinks that this corn now cowing to market ph i ® GBJccno^s SAs&vnt Last feabhutb a paper was filed with * Robt. H. Thompson, Cleric of the Board of Dopstj| But* Butysr/aor of Kfeetiowi, at Xapia that would effect the school tWwte that are to lie on the ballpu this year, Andrew Jack* Mm, although a member of the pres­ ent board and a wan who has held numerous public office, gilts from the Republican,party, now ask that this party name b* omitted from the wbool tiekef, Mr. Jackson called at the of ALLEGED VlOLAT^t ARRESTED, CHARITYBALL. The Committee uf lino Huivhv i On Tw -Jay, April l-ltlMM'xt, Xenia ; still coinituir* to make good their, L-xlge No. LMJHB. V. O, yHlks, will; promise to the peophsol thie vicinity; give, at the rink in Xenia, their Hi;c-1 that they wilt seek «*t the violators nfj nnd Charity Ball. X^rt year this j ihe Beal law and »M|)kat the offenders | lodge gave a charity ball, one-half of are driven from our Aown or prose-, the net proceeds realized from the sale anted. One by oofi the ealoonistJH]ot tickets being given to me varioua' EASTER NECKWEAR have dropped out null1wo have not a saloon in town. Xh«*cnter of attrac­ tion for the Anti-«*$gou people has charitable ovgaui. .itions in, Xenia thus carrying out one of the chiefaims of the Order of Elks—Charity, The store, which he hasttwsoeee- jf held in, the dry in the crib will be syor '-eptmi&d for the la*t seven yewra, his reside®^ in CHfton he was o fthe vUlagfifbnr yeans, Town alp Tjanttee six year% aad'postmarter dnrin|p-;fhe admuji«ftt«4ons of Arthur ’ saa^lKinsrfson* He was also Trnstoe of . Payton Bute Hospital for a term • " r ^ l ^ y p u a , end & thOpresent Mayor of lfellow Springs. He Is an enthnsi- ’t Bjiternity raau a p ja past chan, fn the Knighte of Rythjaa,— ’Springfield Press-Republic. TBie pditiesi pot continues to boil. ' j^pltdoianfl and ward hosiers are on go night and day apd it is self evi- ' ^sui-fihat there will be “something do- iag” early Monday morning,- With the Gi&en’e ticket iu the field ih'a Rc^ Jl^licaa nominees arc doing a l i t t l e ’m#e-hastlrng than usual. Headers of both tickets are using every4nfiu- un'oe to make the campaign a hot one ;afe,the scratch Monday. . Predictions are being made that men on each tick- ^ et wlll be chosen, from the fact that /* .’ei^gSdiimcntheema to be that the. ■ best men for thp different- offices will be eebected. Tbfe will cause the voting H a mixed ticket - and the greatest must be exercised or the ballot .*may be thrown out. If you vVmh to %>te. a straight ticket place your mark *aflpx the emblem, if a mixed Ticket, ijdwr mark oppojtite-the nsilae o f hdsfto far whom you wisl( to einbleme. ’ Although tbite^tem has been in vogue seveyal years there are a great many tickets spoiled wsdbt spring and fall. Ira Tronte, who was nominated at jthe Repnblican primary for council­ man, has notified the Board of Elec­ tions to take his name from the ticket. ,Thh Jett a vacancy for that place and Mr. John Fields, the livery, has been put on to fill the ticket. DAMAGESUIT SETTLED. , The salt of Mrs, Charles Weiiper, against the American Railways; Qnn- p*ny of Philadelphia, which operitea tiie cjty Sues in Springfield, has bW oompromiaed. Bevexal months dgo Mir. WelmAr* hia wife and abter-m-llw ware driaiag nfar the corner of Hi^i stm ts when theyweffj rua- down by a city oar. Their lmggl WHSoverturned and Mr*. Weimer re- oaJjfed h^oriss which caused a $10000 dasfaga suit against the company, ths oas* was oompromised for IfOOO afad Mr. Weimer paya the -coela rto #747. Attorney Zim- repraeanto the plaintiff’. worth 5Q to filSe in Ju ly or August, bbt if it is still forced on the dealer it will break down the recorid and price of Ohio corn, and the price will be necessarily lower.-So, Solon Advance. One of the wqst convenient inven­ tions for farmers who live back from the public road is the trolly mail box. This apparatus is so constructed that yopr'mail is delivered at your door. Mr. Charles Stuckey has taken the agency for this invention and is meet­ ing with great success^ Boxes-have already heCn pu t in forEatie & -Wit- son, R. J» Corry and Ed. Turnbull, J , H. Williamson Ihsfc a valuable young horse 1Tuesday, The animal1 was standing, in .an old shed on the place dud the building, beingJ n a di­ lapidated condition, fell in upon the horse, The animal had been dead quite a while when found. Turphnll Brothers sold to Harve Cummins about twenty head of fine cattle. The shipment will be sent out today tuid* speaks well for the boys as cattle feeders, John Townsley has sold to his brother, .Robert, 80 acres of land that lies next to the latter's -farm, the con­ sideration being #1600. been the Charles itid^p’ivydrug store, | Ball last year wasa grand success* five as it is alleged that l* has been a vio- j hundre couples assembled at the rink do* et the Board of Elections laatBab- later of that kw. All foubt was lifted j a,,a enjoyed one of the most delight- bath and, using one of the board’s Saturday night when-jaembers of the j fid times given to Xenia society in lettiir heads, wrote his objection* to a committee called at tf-wmayor's office Jmany years. Heidelberg's Orchestra o partyname, to which b* shwsMbe gm t and bad papers sworn Tttt for the ar-j Dayton and the Sons ofVeterans Bant ly indebted, fidlcwlng is a ;iopy} rest of Charles W .£ T.TJ.MEETING. ti»># # » t>isft''"totoetifcgsdM lA ff Greene CofintY W, C. T. TJ. will be held in the Christian church, Yellow Springe, Thursday, April ff. All are cordially invited. The following pro­ gram will be carried out: 9:80, Devo­ tions led by Alrfi* I’rof, Tufts of Yel­ low Springs. 9:45, Roll call of officers, reading of minutes and appointment of.committees, 10:00, President's ad­ dress. 10:15, Report of work done by local union, 10:30, Miscellaneous bus-; iueto, U;00r Report of State midyear meeting by Mrs. H . I/, Monroe of Xenia, 11:30, Noontide hour con­ ducted by Mrs. Martha Brown of Ce- darville. 12 m. Adjournment. 1:30. Session opened with devotion. 1:45, Reading ol minutes and hearing ' re­ port of committee. 2:00, Address by’ Mrs, Lillian Burt of Columbus, editor of the Ohio Messenger, collection. 2:30, Report of National Convention, Mrs. Josephine Oldham of Springfield president of Clark Co. 2:45, Reading by Mrs. Conover of Yellow Springs, p:00, Round Table. 3:30, Miscellane- us butinew. Miss Mary Murdock* Pres. I Mrs, Xiouisa Uiff, Cor. Sec. FORSALE. Heifar calf, 8 month# old, J«nMjr, and 2 nie* young sows, qflfawof B. G. Ridjpray, part In- IIMilpiMMWMMMMVMaliMilWIMi One of our umbrel- lae. They’ll keep off either rain or lthine. : We have m excellent amort- ment of atylea, in- darling fancy col- ora: red%blue* and green*, with natu- 2tl wood hanrllea. Jfywtt want to keep &rf off fa the shade w t m * w t can please you with u*hed” p^aco, TO $**#. ifii>i¥< iii iniirTiiiim«iwtfiiiriArlTrfrTiiri^i f, ■#, ROAD NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that a peti­ tion will be presented to the Com­ missioners of Greene County, at their n«xt session, the first Monday in May A. D, 1903, praying for the location ofa mad on the folIowinfl^Kn&Ko-wit: Beginning at a point in Ihe fede ra l pike a t fhe N. W. Corner of the lands ofHarah J . Wilson and N. E, Corner oflAlexander Bailey's running thence will the land line of said Bailey and Wikm southward to their corner tbetoe with said Bailey’s line wester­ ly the N. E. Comer of Mary E. Mc^anghlin’s land thence with the line if said McLaughlin and Bailey jKHtdWard to the N. E. Corner of kaddformarly owned by Elia XT. Hoa«ir thence in a southerly direction aloof ihe land line of said Houser and M[s* William Harrison to the ooanrty road running southeasterly along 4td land* and there ending, Alexander Bailey. L« ifW# I n 24 ItMtrs. N# MNdy equals Waiwuea’# Wjciitt 7nut ny T a « Bvmu* fbr thk |td jktel distato. I f taken aad in titne, R will care a and lot the oo'tiglt %* GH|to* R never M l %to m £ W*. Bao. G. gway. Mayor •e the papers served until Mond^vwhen Ridgway appeared and the ciis was set .for YVednesday,. April A , The bond was eigned by Mr. Rldgnay's wife. The Re Interesting brt mode to .he state’s sev there are a ^>f‘ this place ,j>Jefamilies and easing as to be called npon vc his iiino- been told of the objection: Csdarviile, Ohio, jMcFarland did not March 29th, 1908, To the, Deputy 1 Supervisors pf Rfiectiona. Gentlemens A* an elector of the Cedarville Yillagc School District I enquire as to your arrangement of the .School Ticket of Said District, I find that you have decided to Use the word .“Republican ticket” a t the bead of one petition, claim under the election laws where candidates are nominated by petition no party name can be UBed, but if* a petition selects a name other Than party such as “Reform,” “ Gitizens,” etc. you mast use it. Otherwise' ft must ba called Independent. T object to Ihe name Republican, Democrat or any other party name a t the head of any school ticket and am willing to submit it the State Supervisor of Elections, Yonre truly, Andrew Jackson.” f The board was called together Mon­ day*morning to consider Mr. Jucksou’s paper along-with some other, business. Thera was no action taken as the paper was considered void ,hy the hoard from the fact that the law does not recognise a document filed on Sabbath. Mr, JaCksou’a long public career ha# failed to impress upon Mm the value of public documents filed on the Sabbath day, . ,. “MURDkdWILLOUT” The old saying*, “ murder will out/ is about true and if reports are correct it wUlprove so agate • in the Jacob . ^ldS<uy» 'rtv club, ‘ He waft case promises to I hj a* tiiere.Wtll be juti prove the character eral witnesses. number of fro^uenh who belong to reepefi there ia consider,tbl* whether these men w by Mr. Ridguay to ceuce. Anyhow we that there Is more thao oiic Win un­ easy, fearing that he wdl hc eajled up­ on in behalf of the alte’scd violator of this law, {since tim Vrrest of Mr. Xiidgway the town h;xp been “ dry,” Even the old “ stautMi/H” have hutl to •give in that they .«*»<. tip against it” good and strong. Li* -dwmby was Uterrible day with w r.iu iit element and many a thirst wan, jgenehed at tim town pump when only a few days previous tbfe goods om $ ‘ have., been procured li('oma kin tea’ door where the mistresi of the hou-f dealt out the StutiV . . f ASSAULTED W-GtSG MAN. . ; v ^ * ~ ” I An unusual W’cn.rei f» took place Monday evening, wh*>I Mr. Berry Britton war ammub,;d*jfhile on Ins way home. About o'clock he Was passing the •>!<’ Xri*£ property when some one fc-u.'I. at him with a of Xenia rendered the musical selec­ tions, the former the waltzes, thsiMat ter the two-steps. This arrangemen. will also be carried out next ^yetti*. The Womans Relief Corps, which at the last Charity Ball had the privilege of serving the refreshments* to the guests, havo been given the same priv­ ilege again, the sum,realized by them from the sale of refreshments going to that association entirely, in addi­ tion to their share of the net proceeds from the safe of tickets. A much lar­ ger crowd is expected to be in attend mee this year than last, the sale of tickets,being far iu excess*of the num­ ber sold for the same time last "year. We anticipate that] the highest liope of the Elks will be realized, for, what they have done in charitable wori^.m the past convinces us they are doing a splendid work in a good causa and are deserving of a full measure of success. . - . , that time two of the suspects were held in jail ior several, days but noth* ing could be found against them.1 Now one of the families represented and Which resides in one of the D, fc>. Ervin houses, has lately, been “seem’ things at night,” iu fact they are al­ most raidtogohoi oin the day time, I t is said that a weird mysterious noise was heard at this house the other night and when the man of the house went to the door with his gun he saw an image of Harris, and when he at­ tempted to shoot the gun refused to go Offand there was consternation for awhile sb it looked, like, the image bad complete control of everything. 'This family has been acting rather suspicious the"pust two or three Weeks and itTs believed by many that they have retained their knowledge of the horrible deed as long as they can. I t might beadded that the familyreferred to was largely responsible for the find­ ing of Harris the morning after the murder. POLTJCAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce that George Irvin will be a candidate for Central Committeeman, in the North Precinct, subject to the Republican primary, April 6. eaiterOpening ' Tins- milinery at- W W W If)?** W W W Condon’s, on TrMdy ami Saturday, April 3 dand 4 lt dO* All nm cord ia lly invited to attend. hu raatJ*. irWH' mediately struck a blow at the assail} ant that brought him to the ground The force of Ms strength was landed on the fellow’s jaw. Atthia'timea second man appeared, but Mr. Britton walked on down the street. The two men then went on out the alley: There is n,o cause assigned for the ’assault on Mr. Britton hut it is thought now that these men were waiting for a person thus lives in that part of town who was responsible for tho arrest o f one of the violators of the Beal low. While the men were strangers to Mr, Brittou there is u strong belief that they were at one time connected with a saloon here. Mr. Britton now has & euro hand and arm, all caused from the force of the blow he dealt his assailant. PLANERT RECEIVES USUAL FINE. Some twelve or fifteen of om* citi­ zens, including several butitiosa men, were in Jame3town Tuesday as wit­ nesses in tlio ease of Emil Plaucrt, of. Xenia, for violating the Beal law. Several persons were over to testify as to the character of Joe Hitler, who is responsible for the Xenia ealoonist'e arrest, Only one witness could testify that ho would not believe him under oath. The object was to break down Hitlers testimony so that when tho Itidgway ease came up his word would not go in court. Mayor Thomas fined Plnuert $200 and costs. An unusual politcal story Cowe-s from the Nifty-sixth Bonatorial Dis­ trict, composed of Clinton, Layette, Greene, Highland and Ross counties, to the effect that “Doc” J . J . Snider, one of thecandidates fpr Grrnio Coun­ ty's support iu the Republican Sena­ torial convention of that district, has been notified by the leaders of other counties that if ho should be given Greene County’s support, they will break the rule of rotation and nomi­ nate a man from outside of that coun­ ty, Snider gave somuch troublodur- ing the Hanna Legislation that he is not apt to life again tru-*trd. Mayor Bmith, of Yellow Springs, and Dr. Carson, a retired minister, are the other Greane County candidate*. The odda *cem to favor riudth. I ’reaa Republic. D. C. Weolpert, who but baa* with fit fH. Marys Graphle Jto two or Ite## y*iw, ha*awvwrad Dad M, D. Mritari i« to ORDINANCES RECEIVED. : At a recent meeting of council Cor­ poration Clerk J . G, MoCorkellwas instructed to Correspond with the superintendent.of the Pennsylvania railroad in refemme to n .wutchman at the Main street crossing, ■.A com-,; maaieatioo has been received in which the railroad company agtees to place, a avatehmaa at tltesaid crossing pro­ vided that council patacaan ordinance prohibiting loitering about the rail­ road station and that •no ordinance will be passed to restrict the speed of trains tkrougn the Corporation, Abe watchman will be maintained as long ns the above ordinance ia in force and ; no restriction placed on the speed of: trains. There i3 no Jaw that covers trespassing but it is made a niisde menorand the mayor or Justice of the Peacejejm enforce same. Tho or­ dinances to ,be passed are in the hands of the clerk and are; “ An .ordinance to prohibit loitering about the railway station” arid “An ordinance to be passed by council accepting tho propo­ sition for a watchman.” Council will meet Monday evening, April 13. Four-in-hands in'excellent qualities of Hilk, in new and ax- eltn ive designs, that will please the most fa*tidious. String Ties in light and- dark effects, email figure#, very patty, in idnb and widget lengths. Satisfactory prices, - ■»*■.■ * . Shield Bows and Tecly that will satisfy your necktie want#. Von Will Appreciate a neckwear stock combining excellence of material, variety of pattern and correct styles. ARE YOU GO^G WEST? #Beginning February loth and con­ tinuing every day .'thereafter until April 30th, there will be a special rate to all points in Washington, Oregon," Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. For maps, rates, routes ami other information write at once to T„ D. Campbell, District Passen­ ger Agent, Wisconsin Central Rail­ way, 218 Pike Building, Cincinnati, ()3iio. Brain Food Nonsense. Another rcdiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent au­ thorities. They have dispelled thcBilly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain, another for muscles, and still another for bones. A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body, but it will sustain every other part. Yet, however good "your food may be, its nutriment is destroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia. You must prepare for their appear­ ance or prevent their coming by tak­ ing regular doses ofGreen’s August Flower, the favorite medicine of the healthy millions, A few doses aids digestion, stimulates the liver to healthy action, purifies the blood, nnd makes you feel buoyant and vigorous. You can get this reliable remedy at all druggist?, Thu Herald is prepared to get out horse bills or gale bills on short notice and at a very reasonable price,. The success of our rain proof board lias been wonderful. Those who have Used it speak of its merit in the high­ est praise. This specially prepared board is furnished at the same price as the eoit pulp boards, why not use the very best? —“8tre»glh and vigor coho '# o f X»ftl feed, d«ly d%wtod. ‘R om * ,’ « n*fdy-kHWTv« whott wod b triij A nn f, edit m hardUo, bat s&tttitu, noats* Mm, Invigorates.” I* 0 . Clothing * Hats * Furnishings We sell lots of hats to Cedarville people j& But we want to sellmore. And we will sell more i f we can oniygetyon to compare1 our’s with the other fel-« low’s. The hat business is not a side issue with us but for over fifty years has been our specialty. We controls for this territory the goods of the best hat makers in America —that’s why we can sell you a t 98c ; what most stores price a t $1.25 and $1.50, In $2 and $3 grads the the saving is even mores. Give us a chance to prove this and to show you more new styles than any three other dealers in Springfield, < v* 38 A / Soie agent for Dunlaps and Dawes New York Hals#««««* Sole agent for Dunlap# and Hawes New York Hat#..,... We Will Leave It To ■ tf .......... \ You To Say After visiting our store w he the r o r riot our two floors packed w ith Spring Foo tw ear do not contain the finest, most up-to-date an d stylish Shoes, in high-cut, Oxfords an d slippers for Spring wear, of any house in th e city, and quality considered a t a lower price th a n yon can get a t any other place. You w ill find in Easter Shoes ,—^ • Ju s t w ha t you a re looking for, and w e assu re you th a t the prices are right. W q kindly invite you to call and inspect Our stock and prices. W e assure you it will be a pleasure to show you the goods. Horner Bros. & Company 39 S. Limestone St., Springfield, O, Springfield’s Retailers of the World’s EM Footwear, vi*: TTui W . I,, I k>ugl«m <md the W a n h ln t t o n ttentleuieu, «r»rt tlje W r lg lit * p«t*r<«, llo w m iin nnd celehmt«<3 Sar Paul Guam?, ot IM to f sn toy , k l M h h M M l ' i r i ^ l M i a laal «f m htaeku K«rie»sni> » * | S w \i 4 i i l i •‘t.-sffi. Vs. Utiist <,>