The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

t 'F t l > K « # vPi‘0 UMF J t% "Wiii’h w ill cosuparo witli tli&t, t»f any otlios,* firm i f v j V’Av f. —rf^5,tST^Si/w ffcit item whim m iricd wit j an jttdex, denote* that your subcrrip* ir, pa«t 4? c m& » prompt *c:;;c- wejit in ekm it lydesired, * .«,.*** TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NO. 20. CEDARVILLE, OHIO. FRIDAY. MAY S. 1905. PRICE $1.00 A YEAR. M ------ ”*»r " - ..........■ ■ — — s $ ww w w S» S » ¥ ¥ ¥ w w ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ w ¥ Solve the Spring Suit problem. We will be glad to show you qur assortment of superior goods l ............................ and new styles,’ at moderate prices. The better judge you are, of goods, workmanship and general make-up', the more you will appreciate our stock of Ready-made Clothing that fits. C lo th in g Ira & Davis Hats ? um i$ b ittg $ . I F i n d i n g ¥ 'L-*. Tf * . . a THE GERMOFSMALLPOX. f? -■= t Is like finding (anything . else, it makes the find- - or happy: You will be happy ifyou make your purchases a t our store. ¥ Our Business Card ■Lo\v Prices Child’s Fancy Strap Slippers, sizes 5 to S,C-A,~ t t. Ask for them,. Men’s Duck Leather . Select Shoes, a lo w .f e .- r - priced luxu ry .. Ladies’ Genuine “Vici Kid”Qxford Ties white Kid Lined straighfcdjf A A patent to p s .......... L ittle Gents’ Yici Kid , Shoes spring heel, sizes (I to 8, new- toe$ 1 . 0 0 i.......***’ ■: ...., very stylish, Radcliff.Shoe brightens yUlir shoes. f Creasing . y » - McCorkell’s Popular Priced S to re. BLOODHOUNDSLOSE TRAIL A robbery something ou t of the or*, dinary took place/ near Selma Tues­ day night when thieves entered the feed lot of Seth W. Smith and drove out eight head of his fat hogs. The hogs wete driven to H . P . Stewart’s Wood where a pen was built and the throats of five were cut; one baying escaped near Roht. Tindall’s farinand two in the Stewart wood. From the wood the slaughtered hogs were taken in a wagon down • the Toad and as things are a t present there is little clue as to which way they were taken, •Layton bloodhounds were s e n t. for and put on the trail, following it un­ til they refiched Clifton, The trail was lost there when opposite Lave Ilifi ’s residence, although Mr# Iliff is vtiot the least h it suspected. A tele­ phone m e£ jge to the -flearld this morning states tha t there is nothing new in the case and that it is as much o f a mystery us befor the arrival of the dogs, • To prevent disease is better than to cure if and toabolish it will be best of all:'" Smallpox has been oqe of man­ kind’s curses -lor ages, and even in these enlightened times' its ravages have more than once caused almost .-a panic in communities that pride them­ selves upon their sanitary ' conditions, Jenner’s great dicovery has robbed the pefet of much of its terrors, and only, recently*the press has ^commented in' several.cities on the fact that the dis­ appearance'of smallpox from Cleve­ land was coincident with the general resort- to "vaccination, But something better than vaccination is in store if the expectation of a Boston physician shall be realized, . Dr, W. T , Coun­ cilman of the Harvard medical school announces that he has discovered the germ of smallpox. H e finds that the disease is due to ' a micro-organism which represents the lowest form of qpimal life,. The cause once found, the' cure \vill soon follow. I f D r, Councilman’s theory shall be proved it will be another of those triumphs for medical science which have been 'scored in such hewilderibgly rapid succession in recent years. Yellow fever has been,,exterminated ,in its home; diptheria and lockjaw liitve suf* rendered„to anti-toxins; the causes of typhoid and other .fovers have been learned; even consumption is begin­ ning to yeild to modern treatment, and nothing in the wide field Of medi­ cal research now seems impossible. The days of the great .epidemics are clearly numbered. Diseases can' never be wholly banishgd, but whole nation's no longer live ip dread of pleagues, and individual suffering has been vastly mitigated. Prof. W. W. Moorehead D. D ., L . L , D . preached the Baccalaureate ser- mon,to a graduating clas3 of nine a t the Xenia Theological Seminary last Sabbath evening. The annual ad­ dress Was delivered by Rev. J . P . San* ky D. D4 V Rochester, JSf. Y ., Wednesday evening. Rev. F . O. Ross and Walter Condon were among those present from here. The Board of Managers a t their last meeting de­ cided to erect a 81000 building for libra,*y and chapel. Take your children in on Friday and have them photographed at Downing’s. Jim Dump* had tried dome time In Vain *” 0 ease *n after-dinner pain Which gnawed a t him his belt below, And filled hi* world w ith indigo. Dyspepsia now can’t bother him, F o r “ F o rc e ” has matf* him “ Sunny Jim,” orce” A to tttdfisetien, “ Every WUnmttr I hste had to take tonfm, but now 1 two ‘force.’ Ismenjojln# « tM * H it health; Jt hik hulk me up, I eat ‘force’ fcfc night m d it Ant to ea i Mui 4 geetkrft. *■ “IfSi. KM* W, MW ttk* Baadr-lo-ierr* Cttmi jtfhrMWOfM t o w e a k ' d igw iio u * . : a n d s a p p liw i t h f i t n w t f y . IT15UPTOCHARLEY. A t the present time the Committee of One Hundred have arrested three offenders for selling liquor, Two ot them were former saloonists and the third a druggist. When the two sa­ loon men were arrested it seemed to be the general opinion that the com* mitten was acting wisely, in seeing that the laws were inforced, hut since last Saturday, when. Charles Ridgway was arrested and appeared in Mayor Lipinas’ court at Jamestown, the sen* timent, amoug a certain few, has changed. Just why it wan right for the two saloon men to be drawn over the coals and §bt so for Mr. Ridgway is more than we are able to explain. As Mr. Ridgway’s case. stands a t present he is no better than either of the former saloonists and must stand so until be is proven innocents of the charge. From the reports that are in circulation in regard' to the arrest of Mr. Ridgway they all bear the ear marks, as haying come from a few dis­ gruntled politicanS who have their headquarters a t Mr. Ridgway’s place and have used the proprietor "and his business, particularly the latter, to in fiuence a certain class when it came time to decide a measure at the polls, I f close watch is kept on these men that complain of H r, Ridgway’s arrest by the commitee they will find that they are no t only frequenters of the saloon-drugstore but political bed­ fellows as .well, and it is. with regret that these .same men cannot be taken along With their friend, “ Old Bill” as beds known among the common herd. One reason this case will prove quite interesting is that his arrest wits, somewhat a senation after the pre­ tended stand he took last fall in the local option election. To have heen caught after such steps as these showB that be fayored the voting out of the saloons for his oWn financial gain, I t is up -to-Mr, Ridgway and -his friends to prove his innocence and an anxious public awaits to see the list of wit­ nesses that will testify in his behalf. The CU§e Is set for nex t Tuesday a t Jamestown and there will he a good attendance at the trial. In order t h a t th e readers of the Herald may have some knowledge o f the case we will endeavor to arrange for a' com­ plete report giving the list- of wit* nesses, testimony, etc. FIREORDINANCE REPEALED. TWOINDICTMENTS FOUND. The Grand Ju ry which was in ses­ sion the1first three days this week finished their work Wednesday and! have reported two. indictments after examining fifty , witnesses. Fou r Cases were ignored, The most im­ portant case was that of James Foley who committed an assault on D r. Ben McClellan. Foley/was a saloon keeper and was taking revenge on this gentlemen because ho ' was a prominent citizen in the fight against saloons. The ju ry found an. indict­ ment of assault to kill against .Foley, Foster Weaklin was indicted for larceny he having stole $245 from 0 . W. Whitmer’s safe. . In temperance circles the most im­ portant Case at the present waft that of Joseph L ittler and WreX Henderson, Cedarville men whom 8quire*RarneS of Xenia bound over last week on ihe charge of perjury against Michael Carroll before Mayor Thomas. Carroll had been arrested for violating the Real Jaw and later charged tbo men with having given' perjuryed testimony. • A murder charge against Alice Munce, a mulatto girl was ignored. The ju ry passed resolutions con­ gratulating the tax payers of this county on the magnificent new court house which was recently completed and furnished, all within the appro* priation provided by. Jaw. Recom­ mendations were made to the com- ftiissioners to improve the sanitary conditions of the jail and also to heat •same from the court house heating plaut, /■: . WHO’$ TO BESHOT. , A t the meeting of council Monday evening the business for the year just closed was finished or’ taken as far os it could be a t the time, ■Owing to the absence of Messrs. North up and Smith the hills and monthly sal­ aries could not be ordered paid, They were approved aad turned over to the new council. Some of the funds are over drawn and the new members are now endeavoring to p lan . a way-to meet the payment of these bills. After adjournment of the old board the new members were sworn in and took their seats, f Mayor McFarland has announced the following standing committees: Street: Fields, Andrew, 'Walker, Gil- laugh; Finance: Andrew, Caldwell, Bull, Fields; Fife; Caldwell; Light,^ Walker; Pumps, Bull; Levy: Bull, Andrew, Gillough, Caldwell, ; The bonds for different officers were read and approved by council and signed as follows: Mayor, J . C, Bar­ ber, J . W. McLean: treasurer, T, B. Andrew, Exchange ‘ Bank; marshal, J . C. Barber, Jacob Siegler;, clerk, W, H , Owens, J R» Cooper. The first official business of the new council was to repeal the ordinance for the organization of a" new fire company. The resolution was offered' by J . H . Andrew and- was passed that evening. I t read as follow: Whereas, the village funds are. com pletely exausted and in the judgment of the village council -It would be a detriment to the tax payers o f !the village to incur any •unnecessary ex­ pense, and, whereas; by .the organiza­ tion of another volunteer fire com­ pany it Would the purchase of more hose, rent fpf another room and other incidental expenses. There­ fore be it resolved by the village council of Cedarville that a resolution empowering a volunteer fire company to remove tbe engine, house, one or any yart of the fire apparatus belong­ ing to the village of Cedaryi’le' passed March 11, -1308, be aqd is hereby, repealed. _ - > —Pure apple cider vinegar a t Cooper’s, . Wallace Hifib left Wednesyay For Duanesberg, N, Y. . \ -j J . J . McClellan, of Hartford ’City, Ind., was lb town Monday. Mrs, D. A. Royce has returned, from the South where she spent the winter. Try Downing . for large portrait work in erayon, pastel and water color. Nothing but the highest grade pictures turned out. A t a meeting o f the G. A. R. last bight arrangements were completed for Decoration Day. Dr. Carson, of Xenia, will deliver the address in the afternoon. The Edgefield band has been secured for the day. The Cedarville Township Sabbath 3ehool Assouation held its annual con­ vention in the R. P church Tuesday. Miss Murl McFarland read a paper oil “ The Sabbath School Teacher.’* Rev. Hume, of Springfield, gave the address of the evening. Rev. W. J . Sanderson was elected president; F . F . -Hastings, vice-president; Misu Murl McFarland, seretary; and 8 . C. Wright, treasurer. It Is1 I t was on Monday that Kentucky brought herself belore the public in the Hssiontioii of Attorney J . B. Marcum; I t was on Monday th a t there was some chance for the scene of action to he changed to this place, when a member of the Committee of One Hundred waft called up by tele­ phone and warned if tilings did not stop very soon, having referance to the fight against the alleged liquor dealers, there would he somebody shot. The conversation must have been rather warm between the two for shortly alter i t was found that the i telephone would not work and it was supposed that the fuse was burnt out. The member of tbe committee 1ms the name of fluhpftrty doing thp talking. I t came from a woman’* tongue. Spraying Time I t is tirao to give your trees a spraying if you want to make sure of some fruit this year. There is no longer any doubt of the value of spraying, . I t is often worth to you all your fruit crop is worth. We can give you in­ formation find suggest­ ions about sprays, and tell you when ami how to use them, « « « Materials « * « Make sure of tbe right materials and siighest cost by getting your supplies here. W 0 buy these drugs i u ^quantities and c it n make c l o s e prices. B. G. Ridgway, * Druggist * Crouse Stock, Thofift 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT Blackandfinthonv 31-33 South Limestone St. Springfield. PER CENT DISCOUNT Springfield’s y Fast Growing 4 . # • • W H 7 KT? - Because when you spend your honest dollar ip, this store ypu get an honest Dollar’s worth of First Class Honest rierchandiser for it, and .this is why you come again and ■ again and this is why your friends come, and this is why ' ..this store has been enjoying such a constant Increase of trade, from week to week, month to month and year to year and this is why the, sales of this store are more than double what they were two years ago. Best Qualities for the Lowest Prices Every Time. I r4 OLTET 1 -4 O F F aoc worth of Merchandise iqr 15c; 50c worth for 37IC; $1.00 worth for 75c, and $2.00 worth for $1.50, etc. On Silks, Dress Goods, Tailor Made Suits, - Separate JSkirts, Children's Dresses, White Madras Shirt Wdists, Plain and Fancy Hosiery, Underwear, Corsets, Notions, Fan­ cy Goods, Ribbons, Umbrellas, Parasols, Leather Goods, Dress Trimmings and Men’s Furnishings. ** The Quality of our Merchandise is so high and the profit so low that an honest discount of 25 per cent, means .a sac­ rifice and a big loss, and considering the fact that we han­ dle no trash, no Seconds, no Remnant Lots, no .Mill Ends or Job Lot Truck and that we do not buy odds and ends of trash by the ground and sell them out by the yard at an enormous profit. This, will be the greatest money saving sale ever attended in this vicinity. You will find nothing but first class legitimate merchandise at, this sale and plenty of clerks to measure off the goods. . . . . . . . No Dickering, Everything Sold as Advertised. 25 BlackandJtotboity 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT . ; 31*33 South Limestone St. Springfield. PER CENT DISCOUNT Dr; and Mr*. M. I . Marsh re­ turned Tuesday evening from Cincin­ nati where the Dr. attended the cum? mfeiiccment exercises and banquet a t the Ohio Medical college. Mr*. Marsh also visited a t Milford With her mother, who recently moved there frotd Owensvilic. Wnbaeribe for The Herald, Elza Bhingledccker was taken to the workhouse Thursday morning to serve out * fine of $1$, w att and thirty days for assault. Bhingladeek- had some trouble with Mia* Lor* Gaines and struuk h e r ,' Tb# wiutaui waa awow out by her ’fkthsr, 3mm Gains*. Dart your ojrtk* cm tits ad*. . Th0*i Who l6f* •pftpaW aatnl fw of “My Ow* tMisdI m m **Wkm Qm** Marehtag, Hot**,* Ift hi* jwwtt m pepwltr m i that it k Uu* t«gM I k TVs I M i ter f l f t i J e |