The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26
'■ # ■ "■4 | lOCAt AND PERSONAL | Now you must write 1003, Leroy Sierrett left Tuesday for * ' week**writ iii FUtebuqg*- ; Attorney ,Magruder 0/ Xenia was la town Thursday On business. —Call-op Kerr A Hastings Bros, for anything In stove, ranges, coal hod*,etc. Cbsujt. Johnson, who has been in the west for some time, returned home Thursday. Titos, Fields, Bouth" of town, won first prize in the corn contest held by the Peoples Bank of Jamestown. Mias Carrie Hutchison - will enter tain several of her Cedarville friends at her home near Alpha, tonight. ' Sir..and Mrs, Charles Finks, of Lockport, Ind„ spent several .days Vjjjh'Mr* and Mrs. Calvin Wright, Mr, John Kyle and sister, Clara, have issued invitations for Thursday evening, January *8tb, at seven o'clock. Messrs. John Phillips and Lewis. -Hilbert attended the funeral of John. Eyter at Xenia Monday and acted as pallbearers. Look out! Look. out! Look out ' for what? ' Why, the Brockway Ju bilee Singers, at the opera house, Jau, 6,1903. Mrs, William Shuil and grandson, Frank .Yaun, who have been in Kan sas City for several months, returned home Tuesday evening. Messrs, Orville Ford and Reece ^Barber leave tomorrow for VVashing- Top D. C«, where they take up their ■work with the American Cereal Com pany. ’ Mrs, 8. 0 , Stevenson has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hubert Bird, after an extended visit with another daughter, Mrs. William Bull,-of near. Wilderforfe. ; Mr. Arch Anderson, a well known farmer on the Jamestown, pike has been appointed township trustee of Xeriia trtwhsbip to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Mr,, John Eyler. - t Elmer Elder; who is attending a .. i medical college in Cincinnati, is .spcndiugltis vacation with his par ents at Clifton. Elmer was in town Wednesday shaking hands with friends. ‘ . John I) Rockefeller has given Chi cago University nuother $1,000,000 gift and at the same -time raised the price of coal- oil one cent on the gallon. This is what might he termed “ Stealing from tho poor for the bene .fit of the rich." Mr, S. L, Stewart has sold out his stock of boots, shoes and dry good to a Cincinnati firm. The agent was hero last Saturday and directed the boxing and shipping of the goods. Mr. Stewart will retire temporary from business.. - . —C hoice F aim Foil ’B ale :—Tho farm of the late Daniel J. McMillnn situated 3 miles east of Cedarville on ' the Columbus pike and containing 140 acres. Terms and price reason able, Inquire of.J, C Barber or JR, 8. Townsley. On Monday it will be SheriffFrank Tarbax. Hood-bye Mr, Beal, G„ A, McClellan, of Mancie, Jud,, Uspending today with hia mother. Mike Sullivan, of’ upper Sandusky, was the guest of John and Pan Cof fey, Saturday, Mrs, W, J, Smiley expects to leavo for her home in Sparta, 111., some time next week. The children of the late Will iam Truesdale wish to thank their many friends for theirkindness during her sickness and death. The years have fuught usmnny things, But none so sore as this; That peace and comfort, joy and love Is always where God is. * fl$ OleStart Upon ■ « « At tho’ advent o f the mw year we wish to ekfend to our frieiiji the romplimsnts of the Settmtt, and to express our ap preciation of the favors shown us by the people of tills com munity. y: Jf. i« * ;i- ;j> To old customers, to new ones, and to those we hope to •ei ve during the-coming year, we extend wishes fora Now Year o f happiness and prosper ity* # ifc # # $ * $ fjj The year's business just closed has been very satisfactory, and we fully appreciate the public confidence J.tjd good will which contributed to this result, • We thank you for the patronage extended ami hope to merit its continuance during the coming * * * « * >. * Bttt 0 , Ridgway, ,8r*#*W. QmtiU dpm IteKte, (KM«riii«, oiito. 'tu p& to r -'. Elkanny Finney of the Ohio State: University, is spending his vacation’ with his parents. The ladies o f the B, P church will servo dinner during the days of the farmers institute. Mr. and Mrs. D, H. Marshall gave a dinner Wednesday to quite a num ber of their friends, Mr, and Mrs, Orin Mathews enter tained a number of their friends at dinner, Wednesday, . Mr, and Mrs. Silas Murdock enter tained a large- number of their rela tives at dinner New Years. Lovers of good music should not fail to hear the Brockway Jubilee Singers, the leading0 colored con cert company of America. ■■ Squire Bradford sold his property, on College Avenue this week to Wm. Northnp. -Mr. Northup sold his lust week to the Nagley brothers. Word has. been received here that the condition of Mr. David Burns, of Santa Anna. Cnl., who hasbeen quite sick for some time, is not much im proved. Hay McFarland has .been confined to his.bed since last Saturday with a bad case of tonsilitis. He is much better at present'and we hope to -soon ■,see him among bis friends agaiu. Messrs. Clayton anj Jasen McMill an leave Tuesday, for Turkic, Kansas, where they will enter college. Clay ton will take a commercial course while Jasen is in the college proper. E, C. Miller, postmaster of New. Carlisle,'brushed a revolver frbt^ his office desk. The weapon was dis charged,the bullet striking him in the right leg, cutting the flesh from heel to knee, •' According to reports Mr, Stunuel Oreswell has received 70 cents from a woman whose conscience smote her because,she took a pumpkin from his field,, some.twenty years ago, without hie knowing it. The fuuerai services of the late Dr. J. B, McMichael will be held at the Stlgarcreek U. P. churoh., Saturday moring at ten o’clok, Interment in BeDbrook cemetery, Mr. John Lott, who has a" respon sible position with an electrical con struction company of Pittsburg, cante home yesterday tor a short vacation,’ This is his first visit home since lie went enBt last July. William Crawford has arranged to leave the 10th of this month for Okla homa, where ho will take charge of his brother's farm of 160 acres, His wife and daugter will not go at pres ent but expect to go inter. Mr. H, M J Barber fell on the ice at the paper ■mill, Monday, while looking after his duties, causing a bruised place on bis left limb, and owing to bis heavy weight the fall was more serious, Mr, John W. McLean was success fill in getting the contract for cbnng* ing the furnitnre of the c urt room at* Xenia, his bid being $310. Ho reports the work about complete, the. only draw-hack being the hand rail, which divides the room. As the new One must be much longer than the former another will have to he made, The Xenia Farmers Institute is be ing held this year at Alpha with John Beggs of Columhtis Grove and Bern ard Quinn of Laredo as state speak ers. The opening session Was held Wednesday morning. Hon, Horace Ankeney made anaddress of welcome. J. N, Wolford, of this place, was on the program Thursday afternoon for an oration, while Frank Youug gave a declamation. The icy streets in many cities have been the source of many humorous verse*. Here is one from Saturday’s Boiler published nt Canton: maiden fair, with sun-kissed hair, came tripping down the street; her face serene, her ago 10—gee whiz, but she Wn* sweet. On tho sidewalk flick she came down quick, with a jolt that shook her' cftrls, but the words elmused, must he excused—for she's one of our nicest girl*. , It is said that there was some little excitement down about the depot last Monday morning upon the arrival of Prof, J. Hobb Harper, The train i«d already pulled, up to the Marion but tlm professor hadn’t In's ticket yet and for those mound there was some amusement ns the professor was sclicd* tiled to leave on tho waiting train. The query comes as ,to whether mm could reach West Superior. Wis, by touching Loudonville, 0 ,, without <taking a very indirect route, •—Fancy lemons and orange* at Gray A Go's. ^ . Try that bulk mince meat at Coop oris, 31b for 25c.. Prof, HI A. Brown returned last evening from Gallipoli*. H. It. Knowk-s h;is sold his farm northeast of Xenia to D. G. Dean for $7,833. W asted —Girls to work in our Mills. The- Hooven & Allison Co,, Xenia, Ohio. Mr. and Sir** Ellsworth Lowery gave dinner yesterday to a number of their friends. A, D. Easley, 6f the Tore turn, Pa., public schools, is the guest of Miss Daisy Gray. • ' Bee Held, of Cedarville, was in town Monday slmkirig^he Is with old friends,—Jeffersonville Citizen. Misses Louise Reynolds and Helen Jenks of Xenia were the guests of Mies Margaretta Watt, Monday. Helen, the jdaughfer of Dr. and Mrs, E, C, Cglesbee, who has been quite sk^f^mprdving-at-tMHimer"""* ‘ The beginning of another year be ing at ^anj, quite a number of mer- ehantetave put out.some very attrac tive calauders. A family dinner was given New Years at the home of J. D. William son. All the children and grand children were present Miss Marie Caldwell, a niece of Mrs. Martha Brown, is spending a few days here before going to her home in Pueblo, Colorado. Mr, Oscar George and family of Bellefontain, ami.Cecil of the Cincin- nai Medical College arc spending the holidays with their parents. Dr. P. R,-Madden, Practice lim ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad Justed. Allen Building, Xenia, O. ■ 'Vleolionc.—Office No. 72, H-ssideiice No, j; A number of cases for collection of Dow taxwiir come up at the next term of court. They are against owners of property in , which liquor .was Bold. Auditor Dodds has appointed. Mr, Znntruyer, -san-in-Iaw of E. P, Hoov en to act as deputy iu the absence Of Deputy Auditor J. E., Collins who starts Tuesday for Arizona on account of, poor health.' PRESERVED FOODS. "The chief chemist of the depart ment of agriculture," says Profess or Winters of Baltimore, "has de cided to investigate the methods of food preservation in this country. Only a short time ago Gfermany prohibited tho use of borax in pre serving meats, If people knew the processes which tlieir meat under went, they would hesitate about eating so much of it. Take corned hoof, for instance. A flank of beef is put in a vat filled wdtlx a solution of borax, saltpeter and hard water, and it is loft to soak several weeks before ready .to cat. What kind of a digestion could stand that? Al most all meats are preserved by borax. Salicylic add,, also used in preserving some things, is a power ful stomaclh destroyer, and there are other substances used daily by 'pure food dealers' that are equally de structive. A rigorous investigation, followed’ by a genuine .reform, would vastly benefit the public health."—New York Tribune. Loose Railroading. Not long a&o the state railway authorities in Melbourne, Australia, had to investigate a case of a guard’s leaving his van, walking along the footplates, clambering up the engine and making a furious as sault upon the driver, the train go ‘ ft!....................................... ing at ull speed all tho while They are now inquiring into another curi ous incident. In this case somebody forgot to fix the couplings between the engine and the train. ‘ When tho signal was given, tho engine steamed out of the station by itself, leaving carriages and passengers in tho lurch. Guard, station' master, porters and spectators yelled, but without effect. The engine ran -for Six miles before it was discovered that it had nothing behind it. The most disquieting fentutc of tho in cident was the fact that it passed several signal boxes without receiv ing any warning lo stop. A Mystery 6t the Trees, ' One^ of tho most puzzling ques tions in botany- is, "Why or how does water riso to the top of a tree.?" Marions explanations of tho phenomenon have been proposed, but none is regarded as altogether satisfactory. Dr. 15. B. Copeland recently attacked the problem by means of interesting and novel ex periments. For instance, bo con structed an "artificial tree" of plas ter of paris and found that water " m m ji ____________________ I ' T H O M S O N S ii mm- A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! e*a «■ W ork 'w ill ox that W *>t I T o our hundreds o f friends and customers, w e extend ^greetings” for the New F U £ c * s ~ ir ;£m * ?n j- Vear, W e take this opportunity of thanking a il fo r the grand support JT J ‘ . forded us, and in order to merit a continued patronage we quote a few prices i nfj.Tp on m any hargains that w ill a lw a y s be found in bur store during y e a r of xgpg,.■••* tw en t y - s i : CT k *? m P f ® j 'SUMS. •>- * > '1 ,* sa» tei' -<V -(-If.fiT . J r _____ - nmAVAm*- 4> CORSET 4 T H E A C H E 0 ? C O R S E T E L E G A f i t E Flanneletts, . A ll colors, ‘ per yard * 8c * Fo rm e r ly io, 12^ and 15 cents, Clark’s O, N. T., B e s t made. 6 spools for ; 25c. ' Men ’ s H e av y Fleeced Underwear Ju s t when you need them . - 43c - a garment. Fo rm er ly 50c. M en ’ s. F a n c y D ress Sh ir t s , 38c * w h ile they last. I p. CHURCH H! BY R McCORKELL’S POPULAR PRICED STORE. O AV/ si ' tov ,,, <{.■3 , k r ,;- moved upward in it niore tlmn forfy feet high. Yet be was unable to base any definite conclusion upon the results that he obtained. The ti ter travels a large part of the Way in a film, between bubble* on one side and flic wall of the con ducting vessel on tho other. But the physical properties of tho film arc yet unknown, •N 1% m o.wiz m H E ’ S L 1K £ MOST M E.N h e ’ l l apprec - ® something' practical. Christmas shoppers sh ou ld rem em ber that we are recogn ised headquarters for "f ix in g s ” T H A T W I L L P L E A S E T h £ MEN* *vt>-**’ IMMM I'i'D "4m fflsm■3 - VJ m Smoking JacK'ets Batin Robes. m & m n f- 0 A beautiful assortment of Men's Smoking .Jackets, made of jauus (or, two faced (Totfij all tbe newes;, smartest effects in plain and fancy patterns.. Prices range »from $ 5 . 0 0 to $ 1 2 ,0 0 r M B2-V/.NS’ FSS £\<: Oj MEN’S JUNE BATH ROBES in- Turkish and Blanket Cloth,. $ 3 .5 0 to $ 7 , 0 0 Holiday Neckwear (£L Mufflers. COTTMOKTMb •VVC.MTK Wilsou Bros.’ Celebrated --Neckwear, a'l styles and kinds. The shape be likes best you’iosure to .find in this line. Prices frdm.......... • 25c to $ 2 . 0 0 w Our Hat Business. MUFFLERS in every conceivable shapevand material, prices from. 25c to $ 5 . 0 0 This fall has been phenomenal, owing to the fact that we’ ve had the most desirable styles in the market. The new *‘Four-in-One” Soft Hat is a beauty and has caught the pop ularTaney. Stetson Hats have surpassed themselves-, still the best, of course. Hat prices............. $ 1 .0 0 to $ 3 .5 0 SilK and W a sh Vests, $ 2 to $ 5 * 0 0 . M a k e Ear ly S e le c t ion s W h i l e Sto cK i s ’ C om p le te . Gloves, Kids and Dog- skins, Mochas, Furs, Cape Goats, etc.; wool-lined, fur lined, silk lined, full lines 50c to $5,00. Manhattan Shirts, Silk Suspenders and fancy Hosiery, Um brellas. etc. H S. KINGSBURY CLOTHING...HATS^.FURNiaHlNOS W *ad 52 EAST MW STHEXX m * Two Extreme*, In one of the cases he tried re cently a New York attorney met with two jurors in succession who had opposite Views on the subject of the death penalty, The first man called was asked; "Ilavo-you any scruples against the infliction of the death penalty?” “No, b I t ." "What Is your business?" "Slaughtering," The next man - exarained wasj asked: "'Have j?ou any scruples against tho infliction of the death penalty?" "Yes, sir." "What is your business ?” "Life insurance.” — Now York Times, • . The Golden Rule, Two men became engaged in a fight in the Btreet. Instantly their hats went,off and rolled in the dust. One of the men was entirely bald, and the other had a thick head o f hair. Tho bald man seized the oth er by the hair and began to drag him about: "Stop hithl" cried a bystander. "Why should you stop him?" asked another. "He's only practic ing the Golden Rule." ' "The Golden Rule ? What'dd you mean?” "Why, he’s doing to the othefr man what he wishes to goodness thi other man might be able to do to him” At, DM HALF THE COST Lion Coffee has better strength and flavor than fnanvso-call- f ed"fancy” brands. Bulkcoffeeatthesame price is not to be com* paredwithUoninquality, fat HaMr tight, J Mated p*ckwg#s< ■I. Applet Fruits have always been-consid ered a valuable remedy for invalids Suffering from almost every kind of disease, /With rare exception ap ples are good for those disposed to gout and sluggish’ liver and for those who follow ja sedentary life. The juice of apples without sugar will often reduce ’acidity of the stomach, becoming changed into the Alkaline correctives and thus Cur ing sour fermentation. Where un sweetened Cider is used as a common beverage stone or calculus is un known, But how much better the fresh ripe fruit must bri -> Subscribe for the Herald. , Comparative Illiteracy. Eight par cent of the population of this country is still illiterate. In Germany only 1 per cent ef illiter ates exist, and in Bavaria, Baden, Wurttemberg and Scandinavia there are fio totally uneducated people.-r- Success. ' , A Privilege In Peril. Hair Falls u I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling, One- half a bottle cured me." J, C. Baxter, Breidwood, 111. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of Itgoes a longWay, It doesn’t take much of it to stop falling of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. kNtjfe; At| 4 r , I ** . Masler-^Janc, what is that terri ble racket going on outside ? Jane—One of tho children fell downstairs, sir,, , Master-—Wellj you tell them that if they cannot fall downstairs with out making so much noise I won't Allow them to fall down at all. 1 A Timely Warning. "Now, my child,” said the dwr mother ns she selected a niceplace for tho little deer, “if you want to Sco the real thing in deer hunts, sit hero by the roadsideand becareful not to move or tlm hunter may takeyon for a manand shoot you*” For the idtcer mother was up to dateand read the dailypapers.-** Baltimore American, >■ „ The congregation *ftb the dmreb mil plfliout a 'military u wll was made in defend rite'Union, t gregation were read; yere among the fir&i vices, which in the meant for some their lives. While »n sonie cfl difficult, and in oU Impossible to gathd desired- yet we-liavi the following in« While searching for soldier buys o f this c writer has keen H .BSerfof some ready - up the data and wri tory of-CedarviUe t , Among those who j.ect from the cougn communicants and « of families of the ffiul the following ils them, not because oi rapgemenfc, but beca feeing np bis life for place the name of D He enlisted in April 0. V. I. Co. D, -H phold fever in the bs Oct. 18, 1861, near Va., oti board - the transporting them d( River. He was bur comrades and aftei about six weeks hi . ‘brought home to Ced t. where he was-buried! of war—the first of' 1 ’ to be so honored,-, x of the G. A. R, local was named in honor ■ The rest of the soli [. ^alphabetical order . Francis: G. Barbe 20, 1861 in Go. D. J J;- He was appointed co; II. 1864 and transferred 0. V . L, veteran on Samuel A. Barr 1 s 1861 in the 10th 01 was discharged pu Fe count of wounds re 1862, at the battle of ' James R. Bull end as corporal in Co. F# on July 2-5, 1801, wt Go. F. 36th 0 . V. 1865, veteran. t Daniel ConHard ex % 1862 in Co H, 94 was appointed corpoi was captured Sept* 3 ingtefn, Ky., and mil the company June 6, John R, Crain « 1863 in the 10th 01 appointed 2nd Lieut promoted to 1st Lied and Captain t>QC. 14 mustered out with 17,1865. A. Stewart- Fraz '25,1861 m Co- Fi was elected 2nd Lid promoted to 1st Lie pointed Captain bt wounds was never named grade. Ho Fayetteville, \V, i 1862 and on accoui was discharged Jttte James R, Frazier 1861 iu the 10th■< Was transferred to serve Corps on Sep date of bis discbai found, Thomas Hunter 1861 in Co, D. ?4 Was appointed Scfl and mustered, otttl July 25,1865. Andrew Jacksoi 8*1862 in Co. 11, was wounded id tb ville, Ky., on 061. mustered out bn Ji Joshua M. J a # % 1864 in Co, F, was appointed serg OutSept. 1, 1864. Alexander Kyle 1861 in Co.-F,‘ 5: intone-year in unteers, Co, A* i 34,1864* Samuel Kvie e 1862inik).F,.|4 Inkeii prisoner Oe *r Cm.-{r, Va., an Wlsuuit Mi!,, id ho was btth Item the efleetM a % 1862 ^ tbomaiB. ^'^ion ns recruit S'* ^
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