The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 1-26

I f e « silt4ic-D t i n r J o b \VW!v %viU l‘uMp8Vt* w itf i that »f m y otlm* r i m . . . , Tb'i* Hem wtien marked wWi #» Index, denote# that your «ab«cnp’ in. part dae and » prompt fettle* went i* caraeKly d«#tr#d, ..**«.<>, TWENTY-SIXTH. YEAR*. NO. 21 CEDARVILiE, OHIO. BIDAY. MAY’ 15 . 190 $, PRICE $ 1.00 A YEAR, COUNCIL MEETING, 1' - A. re rea meeting of council was held Monday evening at which Mayor McFarland announced his appoint;-. meat for street coaunfosioner, Rebt, Ford, Jr-, being named, h , G, Bull >yas appointed lire chief. A paper was read and passed upon authorizing Umreiunval of the hitching rack near ' tho Kerr &■ Huntings warehouse. T. B. Andrew presented the paper to . council, The question of removing this rack has been before council be­ fore and this action, of council is prob­ ably the first step toward the yltiipate removal o f all hitching ra ks on Main Street. A communication, signed by Mr, and Mrs. J . D. George, ivas read asking council to declare the sheds, on the old It. lb church property, a nui­ sance and order them removed. The matter was laid on the fable ns-ifc was understood the owners are soon to move'theta. . ' ’■7 t ,f * ff - 4,*' All bills were allowed paid, with the exception of a.certificate of indebted­ ness for $150. Tinder the new code council hah • found some tangled questions and the greater part of the evening was spent in reading and studying certain points particularly the ones in reference to the corporation finances. I t seems to be the opinion of council’ that some cuts will havetb' be made in expenses as the funds are low, A recess meeting will be held Mon­ day eveu’g, May 25, a t which time the finance, levy, and street comraittShB must report on questions given them for investigation. SCHOOL TEACHERS ELECTED. A t a meeting of the school hoard last Friday evening- teachers were se- . lected for the coming year, K. E- -Bandall was elected superintendent; . Miss Mattie Crawford, assistant sup­ erintendent; Miss Mattie Broroagem, ( room 6; Miss Merle McFarland, roonf " op Miss Effie jDpffield," room 3 ; ’Miss Clara Jackson, room 2; Misses Alma Dobbins and Sosa Stormont for the ‘ two primary .rooms. F . A., Alexander was selected for room 4, the colored school*’ . Miss Jennie Morton was re­ elected music teacher. John Boss will continue to be jan itor and truant officer. ■ WATCHES* LAD IES ' AND GENTLE ­ MEN’S WATCHES in great variety ofi styles, grades- and prices. What more-pleasing gift can you give to the hoy 1 or girt graduate. We have them that range in price from Sl.QO up to $50.00. O u r U m b r e l l a L i n e is as good as you ever get to see. They make acceptable presents. A Waist Bag is something that will please the girl. We have gome excep­ tionally pretty things In chains and lockets; girls all want them. Can't mentioe all the good things. Com® and £f,o f o r ' yourselves. THE AMENDMENTS. * I t is exceedingly proper to remind the. voters of Ohio o f ’ the pending amendments to the constitution of the State upon which they are to pass judgement in the next election. Both political parties will,, by resolution ..or Otherwise, endorse or reject each amendment individually in their re­ spective conventions. They will prob­ ably be endorsed in entirety by the .Republican conventions as they are the result of the wisdom of a Republican legislature. The amendments are as follows; > First—To piQyide for the classifica tion o f paopeHy for taxation purposes and permitting the legislature to adopt different methods of taxation for the different classes. Second—To provide for a classifica­ tion of cities into,not to exceed four classes, • Third—To give the Governor of the State the power * j veto: Fou rth—To strike out the double liability clause of the constitution which makes stockholders corporations doubly responsible. Fifth—To give to each county the state a t least one representative in the general assembly, . The elector will have the privelege of voting yes or no., on each amend ment, and first, third and. fifth shoulc be adopted without a dissenting vote they are so obviously right and prop per. The second and fourth are de batable ques lions. in^ Ohio m DISAPPEARED AT NIGHT. Frank, the eldest son of Joseph Johnson, colored, disappeared last Sunday evening, about eight o’clock from his parent’s home o n . the Ale Clellan farm north-west of town. The boy,- taking his coat and hat, left, the house, For an htiur or so nothing was thought of his absence but when a search was instigated ho was no where to be found, .Neighbors were called upon to assist in the search, but up to the present time no trade of the boy has been found, nor has anyone been found who has Seen him. Of­ ficers have been informed to keep sharp look-out for the twelve-year-olt run-away boy. No reason iB known for the boy wanting to leave borne*. ZION’S CITY EDITOR; The many friends here of Will M. Hundley will be pleased to learn that he has been selected by John Alexan der Dowio as city editor bn a daily paper that is puplisbed in'Zion City, A few weeks ago articles, giving a glowing account of the wonderful work that is going on in the newly founded Zion City, appeared in sever­ al magazines and dftTly papers, one of which Was’ the Cincinnati Enquire. The articles were from the pen o f Air. Hundley and are largely responsible for the position tendered him. I t was Only last June that Mr. Hundley- resigned from the Herald force to nc cep ta more lucrative position in Chicago office. His writings commanded attention of those nected in the newspaper world* a have cbn- . The auditors have appraised the L it tie Miami a t $14000 per mile, second track $5000 a mile, sidings $2500 a mile, rolling stock $2000 a mile and tools, machinery, moneys and credits $00 q a mile. The total appraisement per mile for the Bystem is placed at $24700. T H E R E I S NO B E T T E R R E L ­ ISH TH AN GOOD Apple Butter Made of selected ta rt apple3npuM cider, granulated sugar and pure apices* We sell that (and—-made by HEINZ ; 1 » which Is amide guaranty of its po lity , whokaoiueness and fine flavor; and above all, that it is made by approved methods, amid cleanly surroundings, Ond of tho celebrated 57 Varieties Do you know that tho Heinz; kitchens are always open to tho public - are visited by thousands annually and are world-renowned lot* their wonderful brightness and neatnre;? Wo utts authorized to refund full purchase) money if the-js goods fail to give entire satisfaction HEINZ APPLE BUTTER IN STONE CROOKS . OF VARIOUS SIZES FROM 3 POUNDS UP, BIRD’S :MAMMOTH tSTORE. PAINFUL COLLISION. A t the game of base ball between the Wilberforco and CedarviHo col­ lege teams, on the grounds of the for- ner, Charles Glenn met with an acci- dem that came near proving fatal. Wilberforce was' at the hat and a ball was sent Viidway between shortstop and center fielder. These positions Were played by ,Claude Philtps and Chas. Glenn respectively, Each man ran for the ball neither seeing the other, owing to the sun's rays and the ball being in the air. .. The collision which followed resulted In Philips Ter ceiviug a bad wound oyer the left eye while Glenn •received a similar bu,t more severe injury. He was carried from the field in an unconscious con­ dition to one of the college rooms where he remained that night, opt being able to be moved until late Tuesday morning. Dr. E , O, Ogles- bee was called and'dressed the wound. This accident terminated the game. LUTZ ON THE SOUTH. Mr. J , E , Lutz, o f Vernon, Texas, writes the Gazette in reference to a recent article published in regard to Mr. Howard C’orry's volunteer wheat crop. Mr, Lutz comes out in his let­ ter with the statement that h e ' has a volunteer oat crop that was pastur­ ed all winte rwith ns many as seventy- five head of cattle, and a t this time is two feet tall and will be ready for the' harvesters in about a week or. ten days. He thinks there will he a yield of at least forty bushels to the acre. CLOSING EXERCISES, The baccalaureate sermon will be preached by Rev, Homer Middleton in the opera house Sabbath, tlie 17tb, a t 7;30 p, m. Qn Wednesday a t 2 p. m, the first three grades of the High School will entertain - visitors- with songs, recitations, debates, etc,, end­ ing with a little comedy, entitled “ Frank Glynn’s Wife or An Ameri­ can Harem.” On Thursday a t 9;30 &. m. Miss Stormont’s room, will give an appropriate and interesting pro­ gram which will be continued at 1:30 We desire hereby to express our appreciation and thanks to the man-, ager of the Wilberforce University Base Ball team, the team itself, tbe students, and the citizens of Wilber- force for the kindness and sympathy shown us and especially the young men of our team who met with an ac­ cident a t Wilberforce, Monday, May 11th. Mgr. of Oedarviile Base Ball Team For his wheat he expects twenty-five jp, m. by rooms4 ,5 and 6. The week's, bushels after pasturing it all winter, exercises will be -brought to an end Mr. Lutz writes in regard to Mr, Will Crawford and family that they are enjoying life ict the Sunny South, H e says they like their new home and the climate. The 6rftwford boys, Will and John, have in their oats and corn crops. The corn was knee high a t the time. the. letter was writ­ ten. J N THE TOILS AGAIN. Michael Carrol, Sr,, the Xenia sa­ loonists who has been arrested twice for illegally selling liquors, was again taken in by the Xenia police last Sun­ day for keeping an openhouse. He has shown fight against the* temper­ ance people from the very start but it now looks as though he was finding his road a little’rough for travel. Car­ rol, a t the time of his arrest, was be hind the bar pouring out the goods to two customers. Charles, his son, took the father’s place behind the bar ant he, too, waB placed under arrest ant taken to the city jail. The officers secured.the partially emptied bottles from the bar. AN EQUIVOCABLE VICTORY. The $10000 libel suit ofL. D. Abell against H , E. and- J . R. Alexander of the Zanesville Signal Publishing Company resulted in a complete and unequivocable victory for the defend ants. . Tbe jury was out ju st long enough to elect a foremun, take one ballot and write their verdict. The suit is tlie outcome o f an editorial charging Abell with unfitness for political position which he was seeding. The defence, not only proved every statement made but also found Mr. Abell guilty of political corruption, he having, accepted money from candi­ dates for “ boodle” purposes. A Farmer Straightened Out. “ A man Irving on &farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism, landed him a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and told him to use it free- y and if not satisfied after using it be need not pay a cent for it,” says C. A Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y. (A few days later he walked into the store as straight as a string and handed mo a dollar saying* ‘give me another Hittlo of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, 1 want it in the house all the time for it cured me,” F o r sale fay C. M. idgway, , A Tight Squeeze. Brazils, Ark., May 11th.—-To ba Snatched from the very brink of tho grave is a some­ what thrilling experience and One which Mfo. M. O, Garret of this-place has just passed through. * Mrs, Garret suffered with a Cerebro-Spin* al auction, and had been treated by the beat physicians,*1rat without the slightest improvement, Bor the last twelve months two doctors were in constant attendance, hut she only grew worse and Worse, till slip could hot walk, and did not kayo any poWer to move atoll, ' $ho was so low that for tho greater part of tho timershe was perfectly unconscious of what was going on about her, and her iteatt-broken husband and frlcnns were hourly expecting her death. Tho doctors had given up all hope and no one thought she could possibly live. la thi JpUremity Mr. Garret sent for a bo* of Dodd's Kidney 1*1Us, Tt Was a last hope, hut happily It did not fall. Mss. Garret used In all si* boxes of the •ftttieily* and is completely cured. She says: t am doing my own work now and feel | ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Cast your optics on; the ads. Mrs. George Boyd/faas been quite sick, —Fo r Red Gross wind mills see John Pierce. A dollar well spent, when you sub; scribe for the Herald.." Get a good rubber- tire buggy of Kerr & Hastings. Brosi . . ' James Brown, of hear Mansfield, is the guest of his son,- J . 8. Brown. Editpr Vance, of’West Alexandria, was the guest o f W. H* Owen3 -and family Sunday. D r, Elmer Elder, of Clifton, was in town Tuesday morning greeting his many friends. A little girl arrived n t the home of Mr. and Mr. George, Powers last Thursday evening. . ; Miss Xua Murdock entertained, n lumber of young persons a t her home last Friday evening. Walter Condon left yesterday for Union Grovcu Wisconsin, where be will preach this summer. A, W, Creswell had a barn raising Wednesday, Estel and Wilson of Clifton are doing tiie work. , F rank Creswell, oldest son of Mr, and Mrs. James Creswell, is suffering with an attack of pneumonia. Buff Plymouth Rock Eggs for sale, Nuggett Strain, Price 75o per lf£ J . E . Hastings. 2 ld Tuesday was the 17th anniversary of the May flood which caused so much damage in this section, Xenia in particular* William Pickerel, of Dayton, vis­ ited friends here last week, F rank Jenkins went home with him to spend a few days. " ' Mr. and Mrs. M, W, Collins had for their guests last Saturday and Sab­ bath Deputy Auditor Ed. Collins and family of Yellow Springs. E . W. Hagar and his automobile were t e attraction on our streets for several days. The machine is of the atest pattern and will Carry four pas- with Commencement Friday 22 at 8 p. m.’ for which plat will be open Wednesday at 8 a,, ra. "All these ex- exercises are to- be held in the opera house; standard time. Everyone cor­ dially invited, Admission free to. all except Commencement’exercises. A FOOL AND HD MONEY. “A fool and 'his money are soon parted.” This is a saying as old as tbe hills and it is a true one. -Here is --a sample: A certain fellow who answered advertisements in cheap story papers has had some interesting experiences. H e learned that by sending $100 t<> a Yankee he could get a cure for drunk­ enness, And he did.. I t was to “ take' the pledge and keep it.” Then he sent fifty 2-cent stamps to find out how to- raise turnips successfully. He found out—“ Ju st take hold of the tops and piill,” Being young, he wished to marry, and sent thirty-four 1-cent stamps to a Chicago firm for informa­ tion as to how to make an-impresaion; When the answer came back it read, “ Sit down on a pan o f dough.” I t was a little rough, but he was a patient j^nan, and thought he. would yet suc­ ceed; Next advertisement he answered read, “How to double your money in six months.” He was told to convert his money into hills, fold them and he would see his moriey doubled. Next he sent for twelve useful household ar­ ticles and go t a package of needles. H e was slow to learn, so he sent $1.00 to find out “ how to get rich.’’ “ Work like the devil and never spend a cent,” and that stopped him. B u t his brother wrote to find out how to write without pen or ink. H e was told td use a lead pencil. Ho paid $1,00 to learn how to live without work and was told on a postal card, “ Fish for suckers, as we do.” seugers. as well as <*«■1 did. Doml'sKidney terteiiily saved me from death, fnis! < i Cbc Tun * * of Drinking. Wedoubt if you will ever realize the blessing o f thirst tihless you refresh yourself With our soda. People have been trying to improve oti beverages ever since Noah’s time, and all the progress which has bsc-n.made id the right direction i s exemplified at our fountain, We have nil the popular beverages. They a r e made right atid served right; ju st as pure and wholesome as they are do* licious. Bring iu you r' thirst and let us quench it. ( h to John Pierce for lift and pitcher pumps, piiies, etc. * I ft. 6 . mm ay, * D n tM U f • Gmtetaiotk. f b m i h SALT IS SALT. I have a good supply just. in. . W. R . Sterrett. Mrs. Nellie Milburn Stern, daugh­ ter of Postmaster Milburn of Xenia, line recently been granted a divorce from her husband, Bernard Stern* of Ann Arbor, Mich. The Postal Telegraph company, whose lines were bablydemolished by the sleet last February, have a large shipment of poles here ready to recon­ struct their lino. Their men are work­ ing this way, from London, —■Do you know what you eat? A great many people arc not careful of the qunlity of food which they eat They should he. Pure food, is a de­ veloper of brain and muscle, which . means a superior man: Our reputa­ tion for sclliug pure food is known far and wide. We select and keep in stock only the pure kind o f food. Get the kind we sell. Gray & Co. A Nervous Headache Breeds Insanity, Many a pfcrsdifs.whole pleasure in life Is ruinfcd by the tear of nervous headaches. Any Uttte excitement, no matter what, bus­ iness or social* brings them bn. The feet and hands prow cold, the head is hot, tho eyes Stiff, the temples throb, and only in tho quiet of a darkened room is relief ob­ tained. This Condition must ho checked Or it means complete mental ruin. To those people Dr. A. W. Chase'# Nerve Bills come as a blessing. They do not stop, they cure the headaches. They do not blanket, they build up. They put tho nervous tystem in a Strong, Vigorous*, fiturdy condition—aCondi­ tion that gives one rostivo power and en­ ables thotit to again enjoy life’s pleasures. Mrs. Kolbenstotlar vof 125 Clark St., Springfield, Ohio, lays: I was troubled With, severe nervousness, ntrvflas headaches sod indigestion. I wa#advised to try Dr. AAV, Chase's Nerve Bills and got some and after taking three hosts of tlie pills I can say my nervous system is in splendid shape again— tho old troublesome headaches entirely cured and tho stomach and digestion la perfect order, I consider tho medicine the best iterve tonic and health builder I aver took,” Foe further information call at KidgWay k Co’s. Drugstore, CedarnUle, O, 500 « box at dealers Or Dr. A, W. Chww Mddirine Co., Buffalo, N. Y, flee, that pur* Irate kndMguatara of A. VT. Chase IS. 1). gre on everypackage, • * Ert IDPlrtVMi « • On tbe Inside of a Good thing One of our Suits for this season. In quality and style they are equal to the best,, and in price you will find them below that asked for first-ejass clothing* We are now making a specialty this season of * * $ 1.(9 NEGLIGEESHIRTS « * Variety enough to please"'any one. Ira C . Danis ij<m f u r t tf sM tt g i. Valued at $100 will be given away, November 15, 1963, to the person who holds /the lucky number ______ . . . . . , . ---- *— - % ^ — - : , A ticket given with each 2 5 ' cent cash purchase . . . • e ft C. C. Weimer, Dealer in Fish, Ice, Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and Vegetables — \ . Cedarvllle, Ohio. EVERYONE WAMTS ^ NICE *SHOES FOR THIS SEASOPi OF THE YEAR. W e make a specialtyoffine footwear fo r men, women an d children. The n ew e s t creations can always be seen at this store at prices to sti lt the buyer. W e call special at­ tention to our men’s and wom­ en’s Shoes, in all leathers, at $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, Frazer’s * Shoe * Store EastMainStmt, Xenia, Ohio, RIDGWAYS CASE. « • • ' ■********r Tho case o f Charles# Eidgway* fa t tiolatibg t,ho Baal law, wa# po«tp<Hi#d front Tuesday until Saturday* ih# *t» tornoy# boihg unable to argue the ise on the day fust set lor It#hearing, . large number o f our citizen# were tmbjKHHMrttf Ife d ia id a y to appear k Mayor Tho***' I t jk iw liw i# .Saturday* 1 BA$mu challenge . tj »>ntea» ' Thfc y a m and FlmW* U M l mm of S p ring !!^ hereby oha lkftge i^yeaittew u m k m irldaky k-again* and m om m m oJ.bwbeH, ooa»»a*h*» - • .— *-** h * * % ^ ■Tk> Bmm t ikm tm , tm M & e