The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
ttr fc-:: 2Z> lor#',' *fr o 0mr*t tm% &: h t * hgm . © f t h e V c # b » f t*® d o ^ a m of * «Ki#*»jr vfcit. «&* **# 5fa st's I f am -fe? asps"# aS&aift tike pic* | ts s sw li e l S et " s tiis p s lo t**■$«#p * t * |; *{ft i s is®-? » *0 t3.^4lsen»ei3S. •' |. m4& i. its. fag, yea isssi*'- 1ft m%$ I im &'t i**t -Ms A*£ffl51'itss41 * t ? wi&gir §«I2& I css? I I wk 3I4 o ^»&oi s#*»case,, thes&etar. Ild fgS ’ns** «?issp«3 ©ftftteJta wteteg».&; I II ium i *, of mstse» yo* hxnm, -0. ®fe*t i * * » f * » r '2l . ; t"it$ nr t < r * v v :' j £-.z:ac# C-r<p- ' < £ ,5*,^rc- *y<as " . c Itr.t. . J f t j , a n ft'r ■ 'J 45vM* „w.'i-a th$ Hf'xU n s ’s : jA,!, 4 fft? fcrfc’r.j qc j. f Ves cax$ cfr,» £1, c; et2Tem» *£ -«j irt&?t/c*b *t» S'.:* £*c ta i* e*£b iK-c*-C-sf #£*VN(, ■As f-j o, irs|t«?^'S'3 4ft fpam*: ' gr..s~s ~y a »-te Csi^pvatte* . . ■C&-&crjxteJ ietJ*c*<Jw*» tlx*, Cens tfaas? sf# A’js’s t ^ oJ nfc* »ea*v iVttrns eSafe 3 ffgbt otrashkf** **y:*i with o. 'Tafsir fc*xvy *"0K Trias s.««r*r ftsfcs <W4 coi kw * . Did c si osy Vifatiicgive, ■ ' Bi£ n$t dpt make • Jtoi.'Bb Seas,' trial sraaojf awaltoktos os* Smhii'intrS » mistake? p o w e r f u l m&RC&Tia J3at» aT fj>te» fcrwiteKi&rtMi rtcse oft tie rt, | "It's **falfy sw&vftjrd,’* Ktsfsere^5 ;Jfatrty Je>K*i "fcoft of e-aznm yen meat- j0ye ». sqsiJto ftcrnqp* ffif S&e thteg— iherw's zo ^oa tii a f fttou/' „ , . "You ssr.ari~ftE;l Of-. Eelt&? 0! 3Cs£« 'If” . ' **tk*t*s ft* I’m afrftM. You see it . looks *x M i ' worked mischief. Of f coarse Kfftb eoci-lafifi the girl M i f jsect It Mrself, aod t i e feij&w'g awfully G U ST FLASHLIGHT. C orew -1 im w>t i»aif!S iM i/*i"*ere #mK?S'£ f jfcr -fi.r-P soaa es3 rodet. 'f te lntsixcsf^,a ts i! ■ |>3SS tliltlfc: ft iTSR !?'•« Istsif |>ali£it *M ^rsKdibr « w * T itv M bs , R9t tiEft-siraSwXl? , . »>;, 4o ifcy Ae»S> aM ’ta re «o feats; t-st tf)e atstaace of «M j■«*»; - J j.iit U May, l» atfcagt? Adpasse. ahanzed r.'.pca.' I I» a quiet gl»3e* apart fr«tu ®th$r ■ I uaesfs, Mrs, jire&li jsssSe 'her jw afe. I s e r t & l by l i e keen. 1Mttm ° f gieittiM r i a e it® ' . A S i feey-lfefejsier .sMwered sever a . wori, I gue' iS m k e i^ im k .-^: fear a t' tout, falLe.ecded^ 'ffce,«0|afrrs*#4 3lp. t i e Is* i'asfeft.Sdstrtt* 'Ug&t ^Me& i'j^awcefi i s ijiaeye&^-ail revealed,t i e in- |.iefliEe-,eOQrift..Mfeltisr'.'lieift '• ., >. ,■.- '.■ f - f:A t last bdbroKetteaileBce. . .. . '' '• I- to'feJ».d'd* 'to War- fren’a -.addreas^-yoH. icentkjRed .that you ;■ '.....-. •.’:•. ■ •','.. •.: ; J ‘"Dr* Smith’s xjrlvafe hospital, Harley I t / I B DUDLEY KEITH left hia. stree t She is lady superintendent there, j y i w .iig fiam. < 1 C returning from a j She left m y anni—Mrs, Annesley—four pryfessiosal call, and stepped Into his ! years, ago,? faltered Mrs, Arnold, 1 } With a chllUng bow Dr.Keith turned Two men whom he Mew leaned and left her, against the writing table, by which he Five Lost Years H app iness^ B y P . K . SYMBS ' It Han I.rrrtr< k f M U t Kt |I«lIgCltsl*<l VlutUe IV K iln , Df spe i a l Interest to the wmmereial trorld is the Jstttr fiashlight wMth |a s .’ Iw a erected by the GSfmmt govern-- mts?, on the Island of HeJigoiand. i n ' the JJc n h je a . _ ___ j The Sight is hot only tie largest t o , Ifee world, byt also the Oddest, for ■Germans derlar* shat It never had s i giodei. The ;« hslejacs enjP'WEd o e , the- wor»£ maintained th a t the .Qenam ? reffector, with Its exactly parabo!:';. . grottod we¥k glass mirror, or spent-- lam, wool prove 'superior to every* othe? devin which M s hitherto been I nsed for this purpose, and the great i aa&xss f the Heligoland fast flash-f tog lights. Shows that they were rig h t j ,E3»r-erin;ehia were then made In Nii- ‘ remberg and proved far- more success- * ful ■than •had been deemed possible,;1' The revolving reflector of the German* apparatus was fully equal to thej. hurriedly sat down. The younger—an embryoM- P.—owing much of what sue- In the lady superintendent's privs ttt room a t tbe. hospital, one band resting fdm he had attained to Dr. Keith a n d , oa the table with unconscious force, standing consequently not a little in {Dr. Dudley Keith stands. He has de- awe.of Mm, was laughing with hla com-1 sired tbe page to announce him only pardon, who just- tfcCn exclaimed: ] as "a gentleman wishing to see Miss “You're aq awful scoundrel, Jdyce?” |,Warren." "O. conm, Mountfort! That's a big | What a contrast to the calm around word; it's only a joke, you know,. I f him, was, the tumult of emotions raging, haven’t the Mist idea who she may be." ] in hie breast! The stinging pain of self- “Show It to Keith,” and before Joyce ‘ reproach which had possessed him since coaid remonstrate Mounfcfort. handingJ bis interview with Mrs- Arnold, was fast a photograph across the table, said; sbeing pverwhelmed by the agony of sue- "Look at that, Keith; perhaps you pense, and the Wild delight of the know the original?. Joyce to-day } thought that in one moment he would^ in answer to a matrimonial humbug, I }see her again, tril. him its is an awful cad," j So he waited and then watched her ?n silence, with a heart like stone in ] coming. Up the narrow qity garden hte breast, Dudley Keith devoured eyery [ path the graceful figure moved, now in lineament of the grave, sweet face of th e ' the shadow, now in the sunlight, slowly, girl he had met and loved two months’ thoughtfully. ago-7-be, the guest of Col. Norton, and j She hid reached1 the terrace now on She iho orphan companion of the , which the glass doo rs. of the room colonel's nearest neighbor, Mrs..Annes- ; opened. The cold drops gathered on hfa lej. Tbe girl from whom he hail parted *brow, as hix keen, hungry glance read one month since under the mutual nn- ‘ the sweet, unconscious face with these ' derglanding that he Would' claim an an - 1 sad lines of Up and brow so new to iiwer to that, as yet Informally spoken j W e . 1question, when be returned, as he m eant! With tremendous effort he held hlm- to do now. In a few days' time, ; self perfectly still as she-quickly cn- ilisfnug to Me feet he confronted the ■tered and lifted her dark eyes inquiring- two wondering men, j ly to his, "Yon are right." he aaid, between hia | A breathless silence. One low cry, teeth, "None but a 'cad' would play Jthen, grasping the back, of a chair ,sbe such a low, dishonorable game! Sit stood as rigidly upright as be, down." he cohtinued to young Joyce,' Me drew back a step and extended his pointing to the-writing materials: “In- tonne, his eyes—glowing with a strange ilore and return that at once!" <mingling of unutterable tenderness. And, awed by that tone of a thorlty, 5 passionate yeirhing, and suppressed trl- ti;e- shame-fetrteken Joyce did his bid-humph—fixed on the delicate purity of her ding, and then, still "under that stern ‘ agitated face, eye, dropped the.letter into the club let- f . "I will not ask you," in low.' husky Spr box and went oh his way anathema- j tones, he said, “so much a s to touch my tizlng hta weakness in JetHng that dom-*,hand In formal greeting until I have inverting fellow dictate to hlhi, ‘-spokpn—tbe vilest criminal can speak in And Dudley Keith drove home to h is . Ms own defense. It will be for- you handsome house, within the shadow o ri then, to pronounce iny doom, but speak ' the gray pile of the solemn abbey, in a j 1. will, end answer, me you must!" wh'rt of anger, scorn, and wounded love. And in short, deliberate sentences, turnnd thought her dOpure, so womanly! which could not disguise the passionate Diit nhe was like the rest, ready to sell eloquence, the underlying vibration of hcreelf—whether'ip a joke or In earnest feeling, without seeking to excuse hia lf mattered nothing. - i unjust suspicion'—he told hia story. The • Half an hour later, with a fiercely pas- s revelation of-the Idle, dishonorable act, . .sloijAte gesture, he flung open hia desk,! the miserable mistake which - had “and rapidly wrote a letter fo Col. 3vor-, wrecked their lives., ton, excusing himself from accepting h is ) Then he waited—every nerve braced proffered hospitality for the next week, j to an agony .of tension,, while the time- blind to the fact that the substance o f; piece on the-mantel ticked loud and tMf curt note was weighted with cruel] tost on (he pain fraught stillness, force to crush tlm sensitive pride and ! Only’ for one brief moment. Then, n* destroy the sweet dreams, of a gen-1 with trembling steps, but the radiant tic heart waiting, in trustful security, a; light of a great gladness on herbeautl- longcd-for jto-morrow, , }ful face, she crossed the room, and fell -------- j with a shuddering sob on his breast-^ ' It Is MrS, Arnold’s "at home," five felt, his strong arms cloae around her 5 ear® taler. Her gardens are gay with with the quick rapture of possession, the brilliant color* of nature and of • heard his voice in broken accents whia- fashloii. She herself—the gayest of a ll' per to her ear: ■—rest* a moment from her duties a* j "My darling! At last!" hostess, with her intimate friend, Harry ] And the timepiece ticked on through Joyce, now a qualified m . D,- I a deeper silence than before, while they “t am surprised to see Keith here," he J stood—heart fo heart—in thafaupremo was Shying, "He is such a recluse, and , moment of perfect happiness too sa- « veritable misogynist as well." j cra l for words, "Really! Nevertheless, I Once knew j — :— ■ him to pay marked attentions to th e 1 The moonlight is tolling on Lake Ln« HfiWGOr.AND FLASHLIGHT. . . . . . * . ■ French revolving light- . as soon as this became manifest, work was- begun on a light reflector or' projector equal to |h e largest ever used. It was to represent 30,000,000- candle .power and Xo last no longer than oiie-tenth. of a second, the flashes following each oth er every five seconds. This wonderful light now illumines the entire horizon arqund Heligoland, In normal wea.iber it can be seen for 23 leagues, and In favorable weather the beams go far beyond the central flres or light rays. On the first night that the new light was used its- beams 'were seen by people standing on the mole a t Busum, a distance of 40 miles, and since then the watchers in the lighthouse a t Amruni. about the same distance, have been able in unfavorable weather to see the Same beauty- and were strvek by the fact that the other wise bluish-white of tbe light of the electric ale appeared red. DETERIORATION OF COAL. •ffty X iftb li Amldfcra t» A tfPml tA iw r i C tfS lft «* I*»o«we^ t *- •le n t t 'i—®” ' ■ . ■ Storing fee .Sacth Afrisen campang*. the British jxddiew dtocowred a and «sttaffinSjoMy farm e l iotcsJcsitfco- The lo'senlons priva n s I tbaft ehey eonfd get all the xjsdtemesf of a paw-, erfal mrcetk.' by eating % -ccrdlto charge of cartridges, each of WMeh. oontaSms & eJrands of ecrdlto and i* very similar in appeatacce to vermf' csfH,' The British ..•Medhn! Joanjal give* particulars of this form, of ntoxlca- t£cn. It says that Jlajnr Jennings; oh learning that the men had been eating cordite, made. experiments • himself. On sacking a strand he found ft sweet, pleasant and pungent, but it resulted . t o a headache which ■lasted •for. -36 hours- Dissolved to tea, it produces almost immediate exhilaration, “incit ing almost demostora'i salons," fol lowed by a heavy stupor of from five to 12 hoars; according to quantity taken, Added to beer it prnflarhs th& worst efforts, exiitfng a quairelsome and destructive mania and producing the most rapid intoxication: SEF-OM FOR H a T f EVER, I n l i n e e r r >Iatie liy tier wen P r o ie iw o r A f te r S e e n i r n r « o f K c n e a rc h . 1 Announcement is made xhat hay fever- can be cured, by inccaiaringanimals with -a • jison.or toxin extracted from the pol len of flowers, and then injecting the serum obtained from the animal's blood into the patiem. The discovery was made by Prof. Dunbar, of Hamburg, Germany, after .seven years of research, and it dis proves popular medical theory as to the nature of the disease.. The six or eight weeks of \ lolent sneez ing called "hay fever" are variously blamed' on -the summer heat, exhalation 'from grass and new mown hay. mechan ical irritation by pollen from grasses and other plants, and recently to bactema- . According to Dr. Dunbar the disease is caused by the pollen of grasses, but not by mechanical irritation. He has extracted from the pollen a poison or toxin, a solu tion of which dropped Into the eye or' nose at once produces the characteristic symptoms of hay fever., This discovery suggested treatment by the serum meth od,and Dr.Dunbar set t o work to produce a curative serum by inoculating animals with pollen toxin. INSECT THERMOMETER- Claim Slade* That Fuel Kep< In Free Air tiUst-K Wiu-li .at 1«» Menni- tiiir J'on-cr. 'companion' of an aunt of mine, but h e , failed, unaccounklbljr, to put in an ap pearance when expected. My aunt told rue the Story. Stic was quite disappoint ed in him, he had gone so f a t T h e girt never married,' though, to my knowl edge, she had two good offrir." "you don’t say So! 1 should never have suspected'Keith guilty of a ftti*- - ratios. 1 recollect, some years ago, bf gave me the greatest taking down I ever had in my life to connection with an unknown lady." And Harry Joyce related the episode, of the photograph, ’ "Whhfc was ft like?” Mrs, Arnold gasped, ag she paled with fear before : a sudden thought, ( the sweeter for the contrast of those "O, an awfully iifCe looking girl fn ; weary years. 1 WAtif to forget all—ohiy white, holding a violin. Why, what’s ! that wear© together at last!" the maltor?" ' I “Thahk Heavenl” hOwhispered, hold* “O, what Shalt I do?” faintly aftlcu- Uwg her more .closely to him, "Thank iated Mrs, Arnold, "It was I sent tti ] Itoaven—now and always, till death and i n tv e t thought of harm!" ! through eternity—my wlfei'VChieago And hastily she told how, t,o enliven ?Tribune, corns in tranquil bcaiity, At a win dow of a hotel overlooking the lake stand Dr, Dudley Keith and his wife. "Five years ago tbl^ evening we first met," she says, softly, raising her hand to touCh his hair. "You had gray hairs even then, Dudley, though you were Only 30.” "Ay, darling! And some are even sliver now,' ' “I like them," she whispered. "How nappy we arc." “God help me," he whispered, solemn* :,r, "to keep those awcet words ever on ?kur lips, Have I not five years of lost happircss to atone to you for?" *Ah!" she said, "perhaps life Is all BASKET BALL DENOUNCED. tto rsien t Director o l Wellesley t'Ol* ie*e Says, It I* Detiw iiir* #f .Many fierfon* Altiarnis. At, A rourontioa el the physical di rectors of eastern women's sr-hooto mixed audiences and Ito cultivation of ferifl in Boston MU* tactile E, Hlii, t *i*,o ftvlu-at-any-cOst spirit, waft hot f>h,:-slettl director of WclIe«fey college, ]womaMy and made neither tor cimr- manertt tojury to beauty and health, the evil influence of such excitement upon the emotional and nervous fem inine nature and tlm tendency to un- cox the player—for she declared that »he cOMpetiifve game,' with Its trav eling about, its exhibitions before 3K.BI w it iu in ,-wencsm uiu ^ , W E i'iu o n uu uic i uar- — . rai tnillHoilcntinn nf dedared that badicf ball, i»p> * mtor nor reflnement-were all «W-d- f , £ £ I t . Ular, a t Ihe various inaiilutions o f ; rt/.alnst the game for young girls. For darning, is a grave amiss of physical j its vogue she blamed not so much ■‘Store, 4 th 0 :;e who reveled in play as the s’chooj . , *Bcai Hill,-according to the fihicngo, board.; and the principals who permit j.lironlde, said that it was more im portant to have healthy mothers ban bKUifcy father*, and basket bail anouid nrid in some cases encourage it, The ship Terra Nov* has now called i * stopped at once «fo far as girls tin- Rpgto&d to telleth the Discovery. tier IM college age are cowerned, and *The British gover«m«M, which hwap* ^Sirtuld bw admitted among the aporto [ proprtated4200,000for the expedition, (a ;>*r women of any age only under pro*! *«uttg without the advice of the Koyal iftiStonat supervision, | Geographical society, afidthe Royal so* The physical effects upon young girls, riety, which originally sent the expcdl* *t a critical period to their growth; tlon, a»«fst«d by a grant from the got* toto womanhood, the chances- of-psr-f ttomsst- Tbo question of storing coal for fleelJ has assumed such Importance that the experiments made in England to over come the deterioratI-73 due to,continual s.owagn possess a definite Interest. sa>*B the New York Herald. It is claimed that coal kept in free air quick*- ly loses between 10 and 20 per cent, of its steaming power, while coal deposited under water in prepared basins suffers hut lltlle lo?,s. In the experiments un dertaken a t the suggestion of- the,ad miralty coal that had been submerged' from three to ten years a t the Alexandra docks, Newport, and other specimens that, had drifted from wrecks into the KIver Uslt were suhmiCtcd to a compar ative test: with the best fresh mined Monmouthshire Coal. The result was that the Uslt coal stood first and the Alexandra dock second, both by a sur prising margin of superiority, . Our experience in the Philippines, whore the conditions are especially se vere, does not show the asserted deteri oration of 10 percent. In 12 months, but there is such a sensible loss in efficiency that the new idea seems worth a eareful examination; Submerged storage is cheap, and the coal, easily recovered When^needed, can bo dried so speedily by exposure to the sun that the danger of spontaneous combustion in the- bunkers is obviated. Coal is a prime es sential of war power, and we must father extend than diminish our efforts to store it. . , Dints' Guided tijr Stars, Do you ever venture any conjecture as to how migratory birds manage to keep up their flight to a due north di rection after'night? It has been proven that on clear nights they often "wing their northern fllgl. in the rarlfied ntnlbsphere three miles above the earth’s surface. This being true, it is clear that guidance by the topography of the country is out of the question; hoW, then, are they able to keep their beaks pointing toward tbe north pole? The scientific ornithologist comes to the rescue with the declaration that they afe guided by the stars, and in support of his opinion cites ds evidence tire facie that, when the stars are ob scured by the clouds the birds become bewildered and seek the ground.—St, Louis Republic. Dnnger in T»*nd Bacterid, - One result of bacteriological research fa the distinction between infective and infoxlcative’ diseases. In the forma* organisms in the body of the patient1 Is the salient feature, while to the lat ter poisoning is tlm cause of the mala dy, Tima, Dr. Allan Macfdyden says, the dontl bodies of typhoid bacilli, al though destitute of all Infective prop erties, are yet toxic when Introduced •uto animals In virtue of tho thtra- rcUnlar poisons that they contain. Accordingly, to the case of many dia* sases formerly regarded as purely in active, It has now become apparent .hat, to addition to the infective, the .joisonous properties o f the Invading bacterial ceLu have to he taken Into ac- souftli fk B*,#t***« ***»e»***»«. A c ?& hf -A «t3 tom k rg fcsxass of Mj* I r r % vtcj* rsspime l cv see a jr*yfcs-_#a eg. m tfce. ch :sd& tfce fctefcf* dtov -14$ to ’* kn jxrftn , tad * dog/ ;»k* 2ji~e '.afc ilium ': r-1era »rt :a r55 xcam. , *Sloa- tijot « fcjjrpcn I Saw* r-ever vee® b;r> .o alcr.g I o - tv r • “ f t e dzs-t, a.k>w fa*« fo teave t k - f e i t waftj.” Mr*. Ireks. %:%h ezzgr^:*- Hftt.s?. k.r.a at ?i»'ASitcrtta»r-i w*a;a be f.w a 'boaftfcrg h'xzm m i-Avoa cscafto-c as j-vm -w thst <it>s r* flat-dteg rosni to feess a ftF’—Vcstov TXioc« F1**S, Tfa<* saatber w »C j ?;,er Lisle ten ycir-o’d | JaaguStr wa». remroiag £o her t.r.y tint % ust'f » call i s a Srec l vrfco resiled ro a {4?g-,* l.riaw, fcl.t spac'rtw gfear. i* aV»oS- ■- rt. As a’/' Rjarej sfce-lj;aae ske * gbt-i , Scii rtrBarhed to lift i;tS’e 'tongaMf: I ’•Dolly wfcca -I masse fcaclr bwsa after % VssstsajJ Mss. \V a 15 js I feel to*, if I b**.-J ’ . SPB :e la-.k'ta sac ,n a loft Jbfon/’ ^ Doily gs»e a Vgl* enci-tiy i t«sr, loothcr'*, ft-'ts:k tl^ssAnsgi •"And I-frcJ cs ti I ;s r f eoate 2aek‘to live ti* a keyhele."—bf« Y- Taaes. _ ; ‘B a k in 1 * p i t f f t t t r ■\\'<nk w ill F<RiiXKP ’ . tlg lt >* ‘W , ’il'HL ♦ t W £ N T Y -* S IX T H Y l we OLDREL i T b e U flH o r’j. S t a te m e n t , - j 'St. John, Kans».. Nov, 16th.—' f i s a m i ' has a geuasae eetuzutiti m He nr a : Isftle L*v, the hots of Mr, ana Mm. W«-j to-o M-’iitrie.- Dr. Liiaes, the attending j '■ Fc-vf-r r,t a rety type | ’brcrtirfjt tfei^ y w xi««r £& 4catl* ana l tke'f'V&r M t hunr he %ra« {* H 7 r ?3 in XUi r.gut lej; ?*ndi nRht arm.; He aL/> ir*t bwnii? tn hh right- ear acd iiH ^ sn?'r>d affeitede - | *“His pareels tried Dnot!ieT treattoent for ' 4 time £ 3 id when •I i w muiltsi t found - h*i v ? jw Having s|<^n# Jtfee | sv slid was W bad. and gradually a rowing j. v’or-’. J advised the use of D&d-i’s .Kid ney Pills arid in a short time- the ibiki be gan to Improve- Inside of a week Use riervoi;- spasm* or epileptic seizures ceased ■ ojrogether/' ’ • . • _/• Mr. and Mrs. McBride have made a ; (tworn.fUatemcnt o{ tlsc- facts and Dr. .Tcssc i L. Limes has added his .-worn statement! saylna: that Dodd's Kidney Pliis and noth-1 insf rise cured the fits. f **' - ‘ ^ i f.x , „ ' ■.'* '■J "Yes, he foolcil roe complcsciv. He bad such a sroootii vaj. with ,hi»tt.” "A\‘htc!t: proves that the r,.;,s of the transgressor ts : roast sweessfi .wiit-ft it* smooth.” --I’btla- j deiphi-i ijcdger. J ABSOLUTELY PURE . T h e r e i s a q u a l i t y a d d e d t o t h e c a k e a n d , b i s c u i t b y t b e R c r a l B a k i n g P o w d e r w h i c h p r o m o t e s d i g e s t i o n . T h i s p e c u l i a r i t y o f “ R o y a l ” h a s b e e n r i o t e d b y p h y s i c i a n s , a n d t h e y a c c o r d i n g l y e n d o r s e a n d r e c o m m e n d i t . R o y a l B a k i n g P o w d e i i s u s e d i n b a k i n g b y t h e b e s t p e o p l e e v e r y w h e r e . Absolutely Pure I THERE I S m S U B S T / T i APPOINTMENT MADE.| ROYALBAKINGPOWDERCO., NEWYORK. Clilrp. of the Lively Little Crtetcet S ear a Clout Iteljitlon to the • Temperature. DoaWe DailyThrough Srrvh e to California vittMissouri Pacific Railway and Insuilouu- taln Route. Choice of Centra! route through Colorado or vfa the True Southern Route through ■.Texas, Arizona, etc. Through sleeper to LosApgeies. .Only line _operat .xig through sieetpjng ears!, St. Lotus to San Francisco. Touriiif enr service to California Tour day* In ti e week. For rates noil fall infortnatioft.address any agent ot Missouri Pacific Rtkilway. or Iron Mountain Route, or if, C. TowNsKVri, General' Passenger and Ticket Agent, Ht ’ouia, . One lload to Sncce**. “Did she succeed as a cook?” “Oh, dear, no! she couldn't, cook at a il” ' "Et’.t she seems to be prosperous,” “Of course- You see, after she failed as a practical coo!: she got up a cook- bookandit has had a big sale.”—Chicago P o st • ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine On an autumn evening, when the crickets are out epjoylng life too, it is very ‘interesting to he, able to tell the temperature ot the air by -the num ber of chirps the cricket makes por minute. ft seems that the rate of chirps is affected by the temperature, and the exact relation of the temperature to the number of chirps l*as been ■ esti mated, .'WUh a httie care In counting, one soon becomes expert enough to tell ?he temperature within one, or two de grees Fahrenheit. , Oxte meets with many discourage ments at first as he tries hard to count every tihirp: the cricket stops before the rsunuit; Is up;, other insects’ notea irown-out tho cricket’s; the noise of passing vehicles, etc., are very apt to interrupt at tbe critical moment of ■Only « qtrcKtton ol Time. “Oar minister always hits it right when 'he prays for rain." ‘ ’ ’ “Does It always come when he prays for it?" ' ■ •• “Weil, no, not exactly; hut when he starts in he always.pravs for it till i t comes..".—Brooklyn Eagle.' C a r ter ’s j Little Liver Pills. | M u s t B e a r S i g n a t u r e o f | See Fe£»9mlle Wrapper Below.... I S m o k e l e s * P o w d e r KITRO CLUB &HBR0W SHOT SHELLS t Get<ln& it 3Iov«* or Hostess—Won't' yon sing something : for us, Miss Srreecher? Miss Screecher—Why—er—-most of the guests have gone home, have they not? Hostess—Yes; but-some.of,them seem inclined to stray here all night,—Judge! . A Itcpcntcr, He—I never saw such it man for re peating things as your brother, ' She—Why, vihat do you mean? ‘T borrowed five dollars from him a year ago. and he is repeatedly asking me for it.”—Yongers Statesman. Xx-r-overexit. The Contributor—My friends all laughed heartily at those jokes;' What doyouthink? • The editor—Humph! 1 think they ought io have more respect for old age!— Chicago American, . a r c w i n n i n g everywhere at • the trap-shoot- ingtouraatnents., 'Loaded:, ''With A N Y standard smokeless pow der, .and JpjrshJe- .uvEinrwscpfe'_ .. 's: | Specify U .M .C .] iScndtorcaZa/oy/ree. [The UnionMetallicCartridge Co. | Bridgeport,Conn. ' Governor Nnsiriias appointedl 0. C. Shearer, of Xenia, to ij vacancy ou the Board of Trust! S tiie Dayton State hospital, caul the rcsignation of Hon. George I the newly elected representattvl this county. Greene countl lad a representative on this bof ‘aiveral years. \ Judge Sheared polutment meets with tbe apprl ilie public at large, J Hidb £1 Very «auU iaS u easy to take as sugar. CARTER'S ™ 'u°'£EiE 'I93> iPILLS. FORDIZZINESS. FORBlUOUSIiiESS. ' FORTORPIDUVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FORSALLOWSKIN. ______________FOR THECOMPLEXION •' . .f- CE^ON'S jiVKrtiMt gjpMATunc* 25 1cunts! Teget^lOv^&>«^&«nrtt BSSPSSSPSS^’^v^T’^"" $5.00 PER n A y t e E H T S w a n t e d CORE SiCK HEADACHE; j; H.UKEBB. rrosident, Hacttii^toa, VT.Va. SS5JSEXCIS:4*J&aiiilastfijta. B E G G S ’ C H E R R Y C O U G H SYRUP cures coughs and colds.' Itturrl n Cast i)i$b Street T ra n K WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG. - THAT ACHE AND HEADS W I S E W O M E N B R O M O - S E L T Z E R \ T A R E ' T R I A L , B O T T L E l O C E N T S . Hero-Worjililp. "I see to de paper dat Jim McSlugger, de heavyweight dhampeen, was Inter- dooced to de king of England de odder day." i “Say. Bill, don't yer envy de king?" ■ -Brooklyn Life. BESTFORTHE BOWELS A Small Vocabulary, “He seem3 to be amah of few words." “I should say so. He calls every girl, actress, horse,drink, hat, razor, bad cola, automobile, or pleasure trip of which h>t speaks either a 'corker* or a ‘humm er/1 —N. Y. Titties. QUICK RESULTS, ClflUPS TELL TKMI'ERATUilE counting. But a little patiehce will easily overcome such difficulties. When one has ihe average number of chirps per minute, take one-fourth of that number, and add 10 to that; the result will, be the temperature within a degree or two of the actual tempera ture as read from a thermometer hung out of doors. Another experiment is to capture a cricket and take him into the house and see how much faster he • chirps wltott lie is warm. To count the chirps per minute, tak ing bnc-fourth of that number and add ing 40 to It may teem a little compli cated—btit, it is really very simple, anti is Hkc-thc.gamo. "Think of a numkfcr, and double if, ‘ put to an interesting purpose.—St, Nicholas. ' Tlie Wtif Attntnfit Mnlnrin. The war against malaria and mos quitoes la fo be fought out-in tropical Africa, Dr. Dutton, in a .report to the Liverpool school of tropical medicine, Stated that eight per cent, of the na tive children examined In British Gambia showed tho malaria parapit# in the blood, and that the liability of infection by Europeans continues dur ing the rainy season, the time of mos quitoes. The breeding places of the insects include wells, canoes, boats, lighters, barrels, tubs and various dt/i- usod household utensils and. grass- clogged street trenches. Bathurst, tha capital of the colony, offers an uimsutA field for a test of extermination plans, as the land to be dealt whh has an aspa of only a square mile, and is iso lated by a bromlfcxpansc of sea water, while rain om ifa in only four months of Ihe year. Tho removal of breed ing places, now several months !h progress, la aided by a grant ot .c 200 ft year l/iisinyc Mnme* She—What did you marry me for, anyway? Hd—For better or for worst- -and 1 lo*t,—ToYtt Topic** _w. J , Hjl], of Concord, \ N* c., Justice of t h e i Pence, s a y s : - “ DoUh'sKidney 5 Pills ftroved a | v e r y efficient; remedy In iny : otise. f u s e d ’ them for disor-1 de/ed * iridneys, juid backnche, J from which I b/tdexperienced | '■S'-greivt ’J e a l of .t r o u b l e ' h fid : ,phtov. T h e kid- j ncy secretions were very Irregular, dark Colored and full of sediment. The. Pills cleared it.: nil Up nod I have not h:id tin a'elte in my buck since taking the. last dose. ; My health generally is improved it ' great dca)/' FOSTEU-MTDBDBH CO., Buffalo,.; N Y. F<tr sale by all dealers, pi See 60 - eents per box. . ;■ GDARASTKEDCORKfor»11twwel.tronW9»,»pt»ndlolt1», liUlontnM*, liedUreeth,kedlil^od, vied oa .tho etamech, foal ncvatb. lndlr«*tlnn. pimple*, paini after eatlne. llrer trootla; •allowumjilcxlon. »aa dUitnei*., Whoa jonr bowels don'tjnorn ri-enloTlr Too areelcV. Coe- Tonwill never i*x well and atalrw»U _ . -tnp e l , a lnlatM, en r _. ........ ...... •MpstloobtlUmorepeoplethan alt elhrirnlnea***Uu-etlier. t a ••otll r<tt p.ntyour bowel*rlcht. Star*withVASOAKF.TBtoday under»V*olutopiaraMtea toear* vr monrr rutundM. Samplsaod booklet free, Addra**SterllDKRemedyC<i.,CJlilc»coorNi>wTort* O U R A IM la to have n complete line o lar priced goods.- Just the Place to Ge t Wedding Presents. ,We figure oa a verj',small and guarantee to sell" y< made furniture and carj prices 10 to 15 per ceut le any one else in the cb You are invited, to look our stock, whether you are to buy or not.* We have a complete ]| Round Oaks, Ranges* S< 2 2 SOUTHWEST NOVEMBER 2 4 th TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY There a hi Backkt Vetf LawRate* 5 2 0 CHICAGO $15 HANNIBAL s i s s t . L o u i s s is k a n s a s c i t y Pr*wrlUn»te Halt* from inlffmediale Poinlj, Slop'orm. Final Limit, Dec. 15 . ****rVt»«»s»*M ' M issouri , K ansas & t e I cas R- y . AOk Nearest Ticket ARent Or Write CEO. W. SMITH, H. p. A.. M.K. 4 T, Ry.. H i Marquette 5 M*., Cliicaeo, l!l. . wh Rammwm There no aatisfoctioh keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest atoim YOUARE SURE OP TH15 IP YOU WEAR rtGWESS « . WATEBPCOOP ILED CLOTH1N MADSINMACKOSYCU.OW JOBACKiDRYOUROUARANtC lowt? *A4K Youh pftAUlfcrt, If he will tv>t *»»!>>oii trek far ew *„ kfli kndtiktA RBADRftSOP THIS l'ACKft DK3HUSUTOB t't AKT'riilNO AftVlSUTISKl) IN ITS COl.UMNS BUtnmi) INSIST UPON HAVING WHATTiliaY ASKkou, llKFUhHfa ALL,SlJBSrrrt'TKS OR imitations BREECH LOADINGI Slackl.ftl baaMekrt* BigFourRort ; ■TO TUB WORLD FAMED Virginia Hot Sjpiftfig^ ' 2-VXl feet elevAtion on Cheaspcrikc&0>'D*f' Frc-ewlneot among ali-jcar-ro-.ind **«(“* '• TUB NEW Homestead H o te l, U nder tho m«rtttffcmenl of flr „ ■'Thits I t t d l i l i n w fully ee«?W ^j ' rlaa rooms nnUCOft prlvat®batlis. aitlipiled wltlt long din*nM mttrfWr m>pnltU.menis> Brokers' ollieo wltb wi** * VMAONtiTekNT" BATff*iiW^ 2 ^ MlratSvo Whiers Known. fAt tbenoi*tl*nl, ‘ obMIty and.nervous ironnjSv,*!, m fftsfl®:-' ---------------- - FINBOOtF LINKSandNKWC^t,S,2 n n u . T a r V i n , with Bqiiash Court, Imtnglng room*, * NPORT-Mt.v^ptrruitft . r-HRAPKiUbWWiiKWUlRf, l tWmf«ioNW fefMtftWtiA- rl m i n i m u m w. 41A«ftl$SMIKC19NAT1. ELECT80TTPES 1 1n eroSkvAKety kt tbe W*e«t erbv* bv NT E A I i E T J | ! S t F I W » W S I i BOD’ S D EFEND ER -Wpr.pclxiOk pfttfi, —.hisite'.i TPfprenm. H a t H.WaehinKtobj X). C, for sstc oimsti to Noribweatern (ihio1 sloNrr.vrATAt, nmo. innasements.eOrcbo»tt*. f - OCTOBER end NOVEMBER Tits G randest Months la «>» ie *r Mairnlfleent T r a i n ^ k . DInlnjf Car* Iteilntsh .Sleeper*, Observation ««• Reduced Rate Tlckcto now on «*» Forfull information teflon BIO FOUR R0UTEu iw B A. N, K.-K PUTNAM FADELESS _ _ jraas far Ahead of the ol.) fetolohed live* a* rioMHcuv i» ot ABush liRht csnflle. IMttmtn Fadeless lives ate slesely, **ftt.rv i^«fJ* Hariils nor spot ihe kettle. One to,! piekuSe rout* aiiher silk, weoi or cotton equally well, and ts vustatiroed to wive neplect ttv-tU jje* Fuasuts Bjci m * lorgaiabj all fovd irftRjir.s areri wucte, ofttutiicil .uttect at iflva package. jftffitBOt BXVti CO.* Vttltmv” w* iUcaiher strip. Butcher We K«iws. Wej OfJ Coal Don’t] Are th] Boas Anl ij Stove ' . W h irl Pipe m Yott | ana tea , ' A tkj Elbows . thespring 3 8 E a* t M ain S t H M B MI —-.U L : t a -r:, ?. i%,„*
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