The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
— y-jw#— J U ^BPf Y lf BREE2ES, ' offtceftai'fliamMv. w m m lm h r tZ.71 ty o«Chicago* t>,¥* , nd ulrriy hotel* e»tw lw » »nd tew***! wa them by visits* •milage in a ,traitH .romLakeMklUgJj effldit t o t a l i s ' ^ * r:j?K*ot thaasstKJafaa o amounted to $$;3l alance* ■were t t*, the wheat, core ey—-receiveddurlufcth* »ted to 185,537,574 •ewice* oflSJiifip^. a city’n business w $14,675,347.93 »#***£ rtlsta, 477Wfttchtnftkew architects, 826 b*k«* photosphere andl{ *■ •>% tines of the city areto chea, 25 convents, Zi it. t&ls and 292 pahlie •by 275,000 children, one hundred and twm. reddurlngl502,tavolv- he total value of jus,, a over fnsnrance Ws ational banks toadjust * ness of the metropolis le 39 state banka and are at.present bulging. • of the prosperous, in- udent. ND CHORCBL Schmidt, Jr,, -went to an in a special private is. fourth vice president nager of the Southern■ ts a t Oxford1and Cain- ,orted, exhibit a parHe x'- history? ,and at Ox- dents from India do- law. illy -Smith,’" who flo tation as a prise fighter o, has joined the Salva- is doing slum work i* oweiy. college Young Men’s tions, equaling in jmm- ociations. These have w men for foreign misv- lhst year. • . Norten., of Immanuel church, S t Louis, has er to tak e charge of a in Turkey. He says eed of- missionary Work an in the doman of the , Rev. W, A, Lewis, of ley (Pa.) Methodist io house of worship la gatlon assembled. He mason and carpenter airrled th e bricks and sot ladder. ; IDRIFT. 'emperor of the 8 a- a guillotine from will Use i t only on rths’ stay of soma it Halifax, N.S.,for t a single arrest for .early 1,000.pallors. V.est Australia, a by a family of fa me children, and is ,c rate of $75,000 per , home secretary of lpnwealtli, has late- nen are eligible for iwealth parliament, , president of the olttical association nnounced horlnten- s en a tc a t thcforlh- tions, d been placed on the if Ava was shot dur- ldysmith four year* , an unusually tall was a comparatively er "sniper." Just as ip dead one of W* ir by, located the i and when next the ired Tommy Atkin* KET REPORT. C.neinnaM, Dm mmea 50 <r . . . . . i 4(1 « tr a . . . . ft 75 acliofa .-f 45 ® ■ft; . . . . 4 .15 (fj a ....... s ts m a . . . . . (fi .ff pat. 4 59 e red. 0 <J0> v>> -mixed. snb.Td. othy .. fantilv. dairy, ary.. <-y . . . . ■r Tibi. !J 25 .\r . . . 3 5i» . . . . . . . 5 (JO Chicago. (v pat, -i 00 red . HI **«. * 7t* idiKt d. ; mixed. **,#•*-» 11 12*1 . ««««, b oil ew York. St’rt3. 3* 2 red . fixed. Ixed* . *.%*sl.fto alirriwre. i rod. ubfi’d. nixed. 1*3 . . . * f*s- a . . . . « « Ulsvilie. rod. ixfui. nixed< fsumpediu* * , rm} . f e d . 4 20,. % cr*% a m 2 12!’ ra "■’ * # S* # 8 53 V 4^ 4.10 •Id 43V r,l 40% h MV %•* @ i w f,i) M (,i) tV*A m 4 « l& 5 M w 55.* & i P m s fit I® 4 , m f op. hxeeneoGe Our Job Work will compare witii \ that of any otUw firm.. , . ; TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR NO § 0 . T CEDARViLLE. OHIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 , 1905 . THEOLDRELIABLE A NOVEL OCCURRENCE, in cm INFIFTYYEARS ^ IS Persons waiting for a car at the Sprjpgfieltl & Xenia tra^tfou office in Springfield u tew dS^s ago, were treated to rathec a poveNoccurreiiOe,/ when a well dressed man and woman ; — Tarb0,t Family R«uni»n an j 1Creditors Close in. on the "Elijah c.bair. Presently the persona in /he room were startled by the cry ‘>1/ nu infant that seemed to, come from/ the Annual Event forHaifa Cen- , to ry . i ■ III” and Havis Receivers Ap- r pointed. valise. The spectators were not/long > in suspense, as the. mother Im/tened over and jilted a Hup on the/grip i . ,ni , - . . dt»l«ing . pretty ? I- home oi {sheriff XVank lu rb i Absolutely’ Pure THEREIS NOSUBSTITUTE OUT THIS OUT. If this uad” is presented when you make your purchases of toys and holi day goods, we will accept it as good for 10c off on every dollar you pur chase, S U L L I V A N ’ S, Main nnd, Limestone street. . ■ Springfield, O^bip, baby, which lmd been pe/iceiully nestled among the velvets rfnd .rib bons with which the valise l/ad. been lined. The mother good ’humoredly hushed the baby and put iy back, in it’s nest just before boarding the car. The Epwovth League .will liold an ‘‘apple social” at the honta of Mr. and Mrs,' C. W. Crouse, Friday even ing, Dee. 4. ' Everybody come and bring a silver offering in /order to see who will get the B. A. I5/, L. A. P., or N. A. P. —Acme Stock Food fpr sale by. J j . H. SullenbergCr, UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS • Some people vyill ponder the puzzling problem of what gifts to give. 5" . Better come now and let us help solve the enigma.’ We are waiting, to help you, we think we can pit ase you. Our lines were never more complete. They are .full of things Pleasing, Popular, appropr ia te , Practical, And in every way desirable. 'The field for se lection is wide. Our prices are fair quality always as represented. We have pleasure in showing goods whether you buy or not. Cogie, see us. McCollum, J e ld e r . at medium Prices • ■ , ’ . * V IHurray Ramsey, M C a t t H ig h S t r i c t . S p rin g fie ld , OW o. T r a n k E . H a tf ie ld , C u t t e r . Uleatber Strip. Butcher Knives. Coal Bods Slope Pipe and € lb ow $ \Ve want them Wc give them attention The-very beet We make a specialty Of orders out of town. And by mail. Don’t iorget us when you Are thinking About ordering Anything in our line. Don’t be afraid to Send the money. We’ll return any surplus By the next mail. You can buy just as cheap A t if in.Our store And often save wttip. Slashing nvchiues Clothes Wringers Bent Olood Churns X-€ut Sants meat Choppers THE-SPRINGFIELD M'Bhd M IS m I Main Stmi,' Springfield, O* Hie Turbi.x fminly held its anniifil at the irbox ami One of the principle topics of con versation Wednesday after, the arrival of the morning papers was the news < fMsJtera vfficn tnwU-ai with n tn-1<?s, dcwti's i’js i yryr auhsc' *a« - Is par; ilua ac'j a r,recant ie t’.L- tr.c»t:s rzri'.txtiydemised. PK 1 CE S 1.00 A YEA:'. 'sgpjmEsm 7 T r W IN TER A N D O U E R G O A T S . wife iu this city. There were thirty-,that Dmvie, “Elijah III” was utterly two members of the. family present and-bankrupt; Upon a petition from, all its branches were represented with creditors Judge Kohlsaat appointed one exception. It is a somewhat not- Fred M. Blount, cashier of the Chi- able fact, that this family has a ever cago National Bank, and Albert O, missed a reunion of Thanksgiving day Currier under $100,000 bond each, for .fifty years. .There •were three to act as receivers of the Zion City persons at this reunion that attended the first one -,held fifty years ago. They were John M. Tarbox, of Ccdar- ville, Mrs. Ruth L, Tarbox and her son. SheriffFrank Tarbox, the latter at the time of the first reunion being five weeks of age. , There was not a death in the family the 'past yearl— Gazette. RIDES IN A "RED DEVIL.” ■ ' ‘ ■ / The SpringfieJ,d Democrat in speak ing of some newspaper men who have gone from that city and risen in the newspaper world, has the following to say of a former Cedarv'illian. “George McClellan, former adver tising manager of the Press Republic, is «0w general manager of the Mc Culloch string of papers in Indiana. This includes the Indianoplis Morn ing Star, nnd the Munde Evening Star, McClellan draws a salary of 36,000,a year, and" chases round in- Xudianapolis in a “ red 'devil” as he used to chase over Springfield ou a bicycle.” ' ■ LEMONS-JOHNSON. Mr. Clifford M. Lemons and Miss Grace M. Johnson, daughter of O. S. Johnson, were united iii marriage by Dr. \V, A- Robb, at high noon, yes terday. A wedding feast followed. The bride-received many useful pres ents. The happy couple will make their home at Gedarvsile.—-James town Journal. CASE SUBMITTED. The case of Charles ICusley 'for vio lating the- Beal -law which’ was ap pealed from Mayor McFarland’s court to the Court of Common Pleas was submitted to Judge Scroggy, .Monday, The case was given over without argu ment froth either side, In the trial it will be remembered that the state called all its witnesses but the defend ant made no contests and was fined $200 and costs, • '■ —Violins, guitars, , uccordeons, mandolins, harps, nil kinds of strings, violiu bows, music rolls, aud eld., for Christmas, West's music store, Xenia. —Just received some- Knlston’s Breakfast 'Food, Health Oafs, Hom iny Grits and Pancake Flour. Auy one is a fine breakfast dish, at Gray and Go’s. tf ■—Some fine inducements for the Holiday trading at Downing’s Studio. Go in early, as there is going to be a great rush for CbrislrmiGwork this year, nnd it is a mistake to leave your order until the last moment, —Murry Harness are the best at Kerr & Hastings Bros, One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectorol at bedtime prevents flight coughs of children. No croup.. Nobronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor’s medicine for all affections of the throat, bron chia) tubes, and lungs, Sold for over 60 years. M t hsv« turd Afer'n Chett f pretwAl in ns? family for «i*l<i■»?«», 'ihpi-cl»iioilii(iK< ♦oit forrmtidfnMil) ftslifa.rrnics'HlW tc.fclill- ‘ '•*' ’**' ----- - ^ **•' M»». W, If. JlRTMbli.SIlriliy, At*. it ,«s, Allrti'Qt l.iy t. AVEIT <‘<X, f.Wt-MI, M< vj « N i p t C o u g h s property, where improvements lmye been made to the extent of $20,000,- 000. Dowie’s luce and candy indust ries have never been a,paying invest ment. Then Duwie’s differences with bis brother-in-law cost him 8100,000 and at present there are suits for large sinus stauding agaiust the “prophet.” Dmvie made a great appeal from the pulpit a few days ago tor all to place their money in his bank, but many grew suspicions aud instead of a heavy deposit there was a small “ruff’ on the banking institution. It can now be understood why M,s. Dowie and her son left this country after the New York crusade with a sum that is said to be about 85,000,000. Fresh from the world’s most famous milkers, an endless variety, every garment this -sea son’s manufacture. There is character.and dignity in our new clothing. There is the touch of band-tailored garments, a made for- you appearance, that stands the scrutiny of the most expert tailor, NOT SATISFACTORY. The change in the time of trains has not met with the approval ,of all, while many find the change a con venient one. The worst feature \y - tlmt >ve. have not the convenient mail and express services that we had pre vious to, the change. As the late train at night does not atop any more, Cincinnati passengers must make other arrangements. —The plat foi‘the next number of the lecture course will be. opened at McCollum’s jewelry store at 2:30 Saturday afternoon. - " —It pays to feed Acme Food; a sub stitute for oil meai at one-third the cost. Aids digestion and gives a finish. Sold on guarantee by L. H. Sullen- bergor, ' ' r New sorghum at Gray & Co. Lucife Gray, -of Cedarville, was the guest of Mr. Torrence and wife over Suitdnv.—Clias, Crouse, Jr., anil wife, of Cedarville, were Sunday visi tors with James Landaker’s family.— Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Gilbert hail for their guests fin Thanksgiving, Mr. and Mrs. J. W, Johnson and daugh ter, and Mr. ahd Mrs. Lewis Gilbert, ot Cedarville, Mies Lena Gilbert, of Alpha, and Mr. and' Mrs. Timothy Wilson,—-Sou(li Charleston Sentinel. Miss Flora Nisbet, of Yellow Springs was the guest of Mrs. F, B. Turnbull oyer Sabbath. —The largest, best nnd cheapest line of robes and horse blankets ever shown in Cedarville, fttKeFr &Hast ings Bros’, Cecil George returned t , Cincin nati Monday, after spending his Thanksgiving at home. . . —It is time to think of your Christ mas presents; books, Bibles, pictures, eutglass,.Japanese ware, tea sets, five o’clock teas,"’ Bonhemian ware and Utopian ware, the finest collection ever in Xenia at West’s Book’ Store, A boy was born to Mr, and Mrs; Thomas Wolford last Sabbath, '—Wesly’nn Quartette will give an entertainmoot at the Opera house, Wednesday evening, December 9, at 7:30 standard time. -# ■? I. C. Davis made a business ttip to Cincinnati Monday. :S « « » th# bowel* op«n with ona of #«r« wil* m W»t on*u $100 Reward. Hie renders oi this paper will be yleased to kiioiv that there is ot least one dreaded dltraae that science lias been able to cure lit all its sfajr.-riand that Is catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Curt! is (lie only possitive now known to the modSt-al fraternity. Catawii b hi" a <(institutional disease, require; a l eobmUutlonai treatment. Hall’s Catarrh I cure Is taken internally, acting directly the blond amt mvieons' surfaces of the Mtdem, thereby dt straying the foundations of thu .IKeare, ami tdviriff the patient «.trifti,’»b by building up the constitution and agisting nature in doing its Work, Uiieproprk-foi'AbaVe far much faith in its ctiMtlve jvoAi-i,.'. that they offer $UK)for any < :lf\<ttut it fails t,, ,-nrp. rttiid for Hit «{ t<Misini;ii do. .1,-T1. Cli itite-ytCVo., Toledo. Kidd Ivv<dfuypstTiy.Vr,• llnll'r Fan- ix I’ilisarethfiln-U, Men’s Suits aiid Overcoats Young Men’s suits and Overcoats Children’s Suits arid Overcoats Hats, Underwear, Gloves, Shirts, Hosiery, Neck wear, Raincoats, Trunks, Valises, etc. $5.00 to $25.00 $4.00 to $20,00 $1.50 to $ 8150 I M. M. KAUFMAN, Springfield’sLeading Clothier apd Haberdasher, 19,. 21 and 23 South Limestone street, [Wren’sOld Stand] Sprjngfield, Ohio. Ivoknmo, Ind., Nov. 23.—Mrs, Anna M, Willis of this place, a .char ming old ladp of 71' years, has given for publication a very interesting let ter. V . - I ' ' Airs. Willis is widely known and highly respected, and the recommen dation she gives is well worth the Con sideration of anyone who may be. in terested. Mrs, Willis’ address is R. It. No. 6, Kokomo. ' Her letter rends as follows: I “I have been troubled with Kidney j trouble for 20 years. ■It was so bad i that it affected my heart and back. It hurt so that I could not get up when -down, and I began to think that I would be past doing anything, I was recommended to get Doddle Kid ney Pills add purchased some at the drug store of Air. G. E. Meek. After usiug several boxes I was completely restored, I feel twenty years yo.uug- er, ahd I am able to'do all the usual work in the house aud garden which n person who lives on the farm has to Jo, although I am 74 years of age. furs must Dross or driving gloves, 25e to $2.00 . . I SU L L IVA N ,’ The Hatter, 27 South Limestone street, Springfield, Ohio, Yon lack faith in an untiled remedy? YouWillHavaFaith XN LightningLaxative QuinineTablets after Oise trial, Sold with an ab soluteguarantee to euro or druggist will refund yourmoney. Will cure COLDS, LA GRIPPE, NEURALGIA, COUGHS, MALARIA, HEADACHE. Are perfectly harmless —11 o y e r gripe iior sicken—never cause dis tress—no badeffect upon the heart —never injure the most delicate stomach. ■ ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. Ask for and insist oh getting '-iSl-.l Q uinine T abi J ets AT ORUOatSTS. CraparftdOnlyfey th e herb MEDICINE CO- SPRlftdhELb. OHIO- Maunfacturers iff the LIGHTNING HOT DROPS, be bought on faitb YJOU MUST -have ^bsoluf^ 1 confidence you doubt—don’t. Yon must . not only h a# faith in the hon esty of your dealer, but you tttW8t feel confident^of Ms abil ity and skill is a buyer of furs. • Xot ‘every dettler who tells Jttfe- riat’furs'Is dishonest l>y any . means, Deception is so easy, and detection so hard whRe the furs sre new, that only some* elaborate pains in buying can protect you from if. Long ex perience has taught us what to buy un i what not to buy, and our certainty Is yours—sas well as the broad Bancroft guarantee. We want you to come expecting j not only to find just what you j want, hut to find it priced in ■ - most'instances at actually less than tbe inferior kinds are at most stores. There are no. “special price” favors awaiting you, or any one else, here—-as we have hut one price and that is marked in plain figures. Do you agror with us that this is the only honest way to do busimss? ®A ■ . VSHORT IVKKMHA4 tlOElHi sretui s o a m a a railway fUSKM, UUlTEa |r;-E , - ThtouRli fmrrtCHtCAQO,B-crF-;vif, mnp jjndT°l,ai>0.M.C. R,R.WrfC.rf.ftU.Rx,;I-OlUSViLMi, IKHitnwflRy*» jrA«K*t»Airill«»AAG *** Angnmium ® 8 SS 8 i S J g 5 !SSSgS 6 i*'m ,WK- «t sssmsExs **"fc Main* amt ONw-ytfttenC m *isn«u thra««UO'M . », «'f**uc«a fair*, i-xi-in- Iff-*. >.l.
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