The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

w *—r-r-— ■ w i niiinii^ n H igw m m ing happy ?rb Collect luctions of inoisseura reBuying. f unquestion- )0 to $750.00. 0$450 pianos and a $275.00 to 3$300 1 0 * in daily use egular price, i $275 Piano iction, design 150 to $500. 0$375 ANOS I 25 . l i k e t h s Je possible low prices i as low as ay! S90. 5 in solid t from u*«] i f m m l t h * j r o n f i * 0 0 , 1 b w H i* # # . FROMALL 0V6R THE STATE pt£D FROM FRIGHT. k,. r. patient Thrown into Convuj* Mon* By X*R»y. *■ j 'innsU, rm*\ 2.—Suddenly ush«r- ,; r jo * d;*r;Vn<?d room in which tins , ■<.< i?wwn light of the X-ray cart shadow atui the spluttering iKrt- gylns spari;;; of electricity acted L*j: fio many thunderbolts heating her already ’overtaxed heart, h ; :.« Bridget Farrell, US years .old, of [TRrr-worth avenue and B. Js O, It. R | , r ^ ta g ; Tuesday died from fright in sthf X-ray room at the city hospital. / f ypo aged woman on September M ■s']f.*^jned a fall in which her hip Was 'broken. ______ _ ON A SERIOUS CHARGE. ... > !<(<* -ft' ... • Pi-c’-'ncnt Physician, Lodgeman and Official Arrested. rAuesville, Q„ Dec. 2, —Dr, Daniel,' II. Crawford, prominent, physician, fra.' man and member of - the -city, ’.fcoo-d o f,education, v;as arrested on. (he charge of performing an illegal , operation. The arrest Is the outcome' of as Investigation made by the eoro*. nor of the death of Alice Coonses, IS, of Licking county, which occurred in this city November If). Dr. Crawford refused to make any statement re- ga'f'ng the affair. A BOXING CONTEST. A FATAL DOSE. W* Drank-CarbaRc Acid to th* Health , o fH fsB a b y . Cleveland, Q., p„e. 3-—Frank Mel- eh»r. of Longview, drank the health of hist newborn baby in carbolic acid early Tuesday, and a moment later dropped de?d. After having been up alt night caring for his baby he needed a , "bracer” for the day’s work, he thought, and, after kissing his wlfo and child good-by, took a boltlb from a cupboard. His wife beard hipi say: "well, boro's luck to the little Jun,” ho walked out of the side door and fell on the porch. Ho mistook the acid for whisky. ..EP ILEP TICS ’ NARROV/ESCAPE. The State Building a t Galllpolis De­ stroyed By Fire. . GallipoIJs, O., Doc. 1.-—Monday morn­ ing a t 3 o'clock Cottage B a t the Ohio .hospital for epileptics was almost to* •tally destroyed by lire. Fifty male pa­ tients were rescued ■ from a second* Htory window, many being iaken oul unconscious. The fire was put out aft­ e r burning fiercely for over an hour by the hospital’s fire company. It is sup­ posed to haVc? originated hi some old clothing in the basement." All the pa­ tients lost their personal effects. WANTS A NEW,TRIAL. Fate' Shooting May Grow Out of it a t Cadiz Junction. Detective Norri’3 Was Sentenced Two Years In .Prison.' to ■Sttubenvill1', O., Dec. I.—-’What may pravoto be a. fatal shooting grows out of a boxing contest held Sunday night at Cadiz Junction between Jerry Ar­ nold and Jacob Hinds, in which the latter got the worst of it. After tho crowd broke up Hinds followed Arnold home, it Is said, and calling hini to the door, it is-alleged, drew a revolver and shot Arnold in the breast. The wound .is pronounced fatal. Springfield, O., Nov.. 30. — Judge Fisher, of Treble county, before n bom Detective JOhn T. Norris was convict­ ed of blackmail, refused Sunday to grant the motion for a new trial, and sentenced^ Norris to the 'penitentiary for t'ivo years.' An effort will be made to get another hearing a t the circuit court’s sitting next week. Meanwhile Norris will remain in the county jail R e d u c e d f r e ig h t r a t e s . Missing Boj Returned. nc-TMontainc, <)., ,'r'ov. 30.'—Ora 1M <:■ , d.'ntiis.a runaway boy. who left his '„Mt, Victory home several weeks ago and who.war thought to be dead, has been located .by .Jus...parents and roe turned. A neighboring farm er no* ; Tired the boy’s name in some paper as a prize winner at a masquerade i-party '•‘ ' «y. Asphyxiated By Gas. Dayton, O., Nov. 30.—Joseph Ding* mor», aged fid, and an unknown wan- ten ai about, -id, were found dead in bed at a lodging house at,22S South Alan-, street Sunday afternoon. Investiga­ tion showed that >they had been as- pityA,nlcd by escaping gas. Dayton's Chief Is-Vindicated, • , Dayton, 6 ,,'Nov. so,—:Chief of BoUee Whitaker has been virtually, re'iiufiated hy .the board of public safety, - after having been suspended two weeks wi­ der ■'■cargos of failure to suppress gam- ’dine, and general ineompetOnpy, pro ferrei by Mayor Snyder, Mother and Child Burned-to Death,' Jit. Gilead, O- Nov. SO,—-Mrs.Trank , L 'eand her two children Were victims | of (a kerosene explosion and the worn- ; an c.rul one child are dead. She pout1' •d '>5? into a stove, when the explosion tficurrcU. The eider daughter, aged 5, | though horrihly burned, has a Vhant-e tlor recovery,. . ' • Maysr Weed Again. Akron, O,. Dee! 1.—Mayor Alonzo ■Weed, of Amcsvlile, wlio Was elected . for % joke and who is louringtthc coun­ try for his health, was before Mayor Kerripel Monday morning on the cjffrgo of intoxication. He claims he j was: -held up and robbed. Coroner Blames Motorman. Tlnyton, O., Nov. SO.-—Motorman Ru- d.dp'a Aepply is held responsible *(i Fnydncr \V. L. Kline's verdict for lbe 1 eTrion between two traction cars a t VAft Carrol itouj in which Geo, Weld* all wsa killed. Charged With Hunting on Sunday, J-tringfield, O.. Dec. t.—Charles Me* N’'?ffey and B. J. Dee. oE this city, .'-wre ffrrented by County Game Wnr* 1dns Fred \V. Oates, charged wltli 'onnt- ; h:u on Sunday. Both were e-augh* jvdf'r guns in the fieid«. I Ex-Mayor V/ecd Disappointed. ] Ks fft, O., Dee, 2.—ATofizo 'W'l ?!, iA ’etsvilio's midget mayor, established a rtw record in Kent Tuesday, He 'rja-b-the ronndu, but the police jefu ^ •d :t; lock him nji. ■Tie left town Toed*; <>.*' :,lght much dir,appointed, A Duel in MldalN ("dvcland, fX, I fee. 2.-—A desperate 'Del in midair was fought Tuesday be* ‘‘•’■I'n Frank Vorl/r-tsky-aPd Fred Cuip, end as a result the latter Is under ar* r«-r, charged with manslaughter. They Fugut on a high reaffold. Thirty-Seven Killed and Wounded* Goiambfic, 0 „ Dec,' 2.^D u ring the dpail and rabbit hunting season fu i. there were* 3T Ohio men and ■qo.Vfi killed or wounded. Ten deaths as* recorded as results of the hunting -tifi.n. Most of the deaths wore cann­ ed 'by carelessness. Had a Strange Pramonitiom Kpiingflelfl, O., Dee. 2,—*Andrew -D “.Vagner, of Dawroncovlltc, •was awak­ ened by a strange premonition about l> ‘■•Till’ *!: Tuesday mornibg, and found Vu.wlifo breathing hor last. When be ' eso hpfi her side slm was dead, Bey Feif i i Storm* and May Live.' f i-bfifiuatl.' Dee. T.- iienry Jtelterp. * »5 year old rofoicd hoy, tell l i «to- At the fyuv First r.aflonal banlt -b i.fti’ing Monday and, strange to re* ■ V*1- he gives every promSub of recov* *■ *K from the shock abd injuries h i t ■ irtfiittetf. A'^gcfj ‘T h itf Mahnily ' Vounded. . *• -aft, 6 ., Iter. j,*.-. He .ytive Bales*-' *}jf> FefinsyH’ania fallrnatl ptilh'D „ b j e b t datn'-'-ff.'Wooieyf, .who, It It- _ 2 t ;- d, *a.) i*i the act of sicallfig i w , the f-ftfftpaftyV : t-fifg h e re . T h e ® j ' ’•'ttfW tiitusm *4 hi* ; i It Enables Steel Makers,to Go Into .the Foreign Markets, Cleveland, O., Dec. 2.—The. rates oif .finished, export steel were Tuesday re­ duced 33 1-3 per cent, between Clove- land gud the past- also between all the iron and 'steel producing centers ant} the seaboard, Tho aim of this reduc­ tion is understood to enable steel male ei's to go into foreign markets ia opposition to' foreign steel producers, High School Lad to Study Congress,: 4 Oleveland, 0,. Dee. J.r-"Speclal cor­ respondent in Washington of the Com tral High School1—that is what James G. Card, a senior at the Central high school, will be f i r a week. Never be­ fore has a;studen t been 'sen t to tlip nation’s capital lo attend sessions Of congress an<l study politics in the big­ gest arena in the world. : — .— , • A Sad .Thanksgiving, ■Hamilton, O., Dee. 2.—Tho sloiy of a sad Thanksgiving is told by Miss Kmma Glsslcr in. a suit'for f ' 000 dam­ ages for alleged breach .of promise. Miss Gissler says that she-and W.. G, Harden were engaged to b-> piarried April 23 1003'. They .were f.o have been married last Thursday. Big Trust Dead Filed. Ke»tm, O., 'Dee, D—-The Sandusky Southwestern electric railway, which is building a line 70 miles long be­ tween Lima, Bcllefontaine, Wapako- aeta and Kenton, Monday filed in tlio county recorder's office a depd of tru st tottbo Cleveland ..Trust' Co. ttv lb® •amount of $2,000,000.___ Firat. Regiment Election. Columbus, O., Nov. 30.—Adjt. Gen, Gyger baa ordered a nominating con­ vention of the .First regiment for DC- comber 3, and election for December 1J. A lieutenant rr oriel, to take tire place formerly held by Col. Hake, will bo selected. Victim of Family Strife. Cincinnati. Dee. 1,*—Urged on by a s intense hatred existing between flic families for years. Henry Klein, a Be vlstown farmer, Monday shot and mor­ tally -wounded August Ilobhlns, a neighbor, according to the tale told the coroner by young Robbins’ father. New Hotel In Cincinnati. Cincinnati i>c, 2 —At last the site of the Pike theater, which wits de­ stroyed by fire February 21 last, will ho Improved, An immense H-stevf hotel will be built on the property by a company of local financier1. It will b a te a frontage, of feel. 6 Wilt Reduce the Force. ‘ ToF-do, O., Dee. 2.—Cob Howard, i .gf-KMal foreman of t a r Wabash ear j shops in this city, Tuesday received ■orders lo reduce, the force in the local ; uhope 70 per cent. One hundred men : ar<> affected. The shop is two months behind in Its work, ^ Attornoy Held In Contempt, c Rytlngfleld, G„ Dee, 2,—Judge J.u lO Mower,- held Attorney M, T. Buinham lit contempt of eont’t. The action fol­ lowed an exciting scene, In which Burnham lo alleged to have denounced a special jury drawn hy Judge Mower's direction.. ^ ___ _ ^ Convicted of Fitet Degree Murder* Cincinnati, Dee* S.—Tno jury In the criminal court returned a verdict of murder in t h e ' first degree against Isaac, Bandera, colored, for the murder of Bdward BaAtliamp, In the Ross-Moy- er factory, November 23, 1903, W*ii Known Attorney Suicide*. Columbus, (>., Dee, 1.--0, P. h. But­ ler, a well-known attotney, committed hnlcldfr ’by - shooting himself In the head. His net la attributed to melan­ cholia. lie was a bachelor* 47 years n? age, and prominent iw club and *«*- d a l circled. Duail Season Close*. Glnrlnnatl, Dec. I -The quail sftft* «on come* to a; close Tuesday, with the birds setting a t from #8.60 to $3 a doz­ en. Quail have been higher the paste twaaoft than for some time, prices a t time* raachitt* ah axoffcitaAt fi*nr<f. 25 A g h a s t l y jo k e . Le'ter Wrapped Around * Human Fsrigcr Sent to Adjt, Gen. Belt. Denver, fv.l. D-c, .2,-—Adjt. Gen, Sherman AT. Bell Tuesday rc-rrivcd from TtdinrJrto'-tun foliowing loiter y rappeff around a human finger; "Gen Belt: Wo sent you tho finger of a man who disappeared from the Telhiride som-x tune ago. Hia cars wtll follow and then hia head. 1C lift friends, want to aea him again In any other way but the way we send him you have to gotfodo one thing. We mrty want yon to withdraw’ th e troops from Tellucide a t once, If you don’t you will''receive his ears ,in a few day?;, Don't try to find ua for it is not in the power of a tin soldier to do it. (Sign­ ed) S. D." It developed Tuesday night th a t the bloody finger came from th e office of a local,surgeon and it is charged that it was sent to Gen. Bell as a joke by certain newspaper reporters. Gen. Bel! Tuesday night issued a statement in which ho declares th a t ho has placed the matter ir; the hands of the postal authorities and th a t’no effort wljl be ‘spared to.seeure the apprehension and punishment of the parties responsible for tliti hoax. v , EVACUATION OF MANCHUJRIA. State Department May Be the Means of Settling the Question. Washington, Dec. 2.-—The.state^ de­ partment may be the means of sug­ gesting a method of settlement of tho Manchurian question satisfactory to alt parties by submitting-the question as to when and how Russia shall evac­ uate Manchuria; 1f a t all. to Tho Hague tribunal.'' This proposition already has been broached in Europe, has attracted the attention of publicists, tuid it may he that the United States government as the. parly, In interest best situated to urge thq plan, upon the Russian government, will find it­ self able to do this. Mr. Wu, when Chinese minister to Washington, was an ardent' advocate of tho arbitration theory, but beyond securing the. moral support of the state department wan unable to accomplish much. Coming, as it now does from- Russian sources to this country, the plan to submit the vexed evacuation question to The Hague 1ms gaiped strength. FREDERICK STRU3E ARRESTED. Ha Confesses to the Mprclsr of Miss A|ioe Wenninger. Macon', .Mo,,., Dec, 2.-x»V..young, man who declares that bo is Frederick Strubo, wanted at Havana III,, on the charge "of having killed Alice Hen- ninger. was arrested t horn Tuesday. Strabo had been 'working for a. Macon county farmer and came to town, met Chief of Police Woods near .th e Wa­ bash. railroad station1and gave himself up. Later in tho rjuy lm was examined by City Attorney N.-M. Lacy.-and ad­ mitted the charges against him. He said he struck Miss Hehninger with a mop key wrench because, she laughed at. him when Tie pressed her to marry him. -They were In a. buggy, and, be said, fell oat of the vehicle during flic ^struggle, and on the ground he again struck iicr and killed, her and after* :wavd hurled her body. w. EXPLOSION IN A MINE. Two Convicts Killed aftd Eight Injur­ ed, One of Whom May Die. • Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 2.—-An explo­ sion at Fiat Top minx worked by stale convict1?, about 23 niUAr. from tills city, resulted in tlw death of two and the Injury or eight. On? of tho InjuvCd may die. The cause yf the..explosion Is unknown. Mine inspector Culver* house says, tho explosion probably was due to tho; carelessness of tho powder man, who was placing powder shots for the night shift in t i e storehouse. The fact that the powder was stored in ,a woi'lved-out heading averted a mbre dreadful catastrophe. The New Gold Fields. Topeka, Kan., Dee. 2,—W. ,T. Blade, gcperal passenger agent of the Santa Fe, lias just received a message ficm the agent a t Rincon, N, U., advising that the recent gold strike on tho west side of Caballo mountain axe even greater than indicated by first reports The gold fields run from the banks of the Rio Grande river back to the mountains. A stage line has been started between Rincon and tho gold fields, A Latirone Leader Sentenced to Death. Manila, Dec, 2.—Layado Toledo, tho Ladrane. leader who gave the military authorities considerable troublq hy his operations in tho province of Albany4, has been convicted nnd sentence,! to death. Trledo surrendered with 30 of his men and ten guns in October last;, • RdekefelfcFs Christman Present. Chicago, Dee. 2.—John D. RodvCfel- ler will malm his usual Christmas pres­ ent, to tho FMverMty of Chicago this year. Ills special educational pgciit, S tarr J. Murphy, is Inspecting the va-P otia departments of tho institution for the first time. Memorial Church Dedicated. / Gettysburg, Pa., Dec, 2.—Tho Get­ tysburg Battlefield Memorial church of the Prince of Peace, erected In this borough In .honor of tho soldiers of both the north and tho 3011th whoi took part. In tho battle of Gettysburg, wan dedicated Tuesday. An tricrealed Gold Supply. York, Dec." 2.—During the /.'New; .. month of November $8,898,009 gold ar rived from Europe In connection with the present importing movement, Ac* cording to the engagements up to date,! $i,417,0(>0 gold IS still due to arrive. Holds the City Responsible. Abilene, Ktiu., Dee., So"— Mrs, Mary Rickies uued the CHy. of Enterprise for $10,000 damages for tlm murder of her son by Horace Flnlstert, now In tho penitentiary, Sho Alleges that Flaisied was Urnnk a t tho time and tho city wad responsible, Lives Lost In a Collision, New York, Dec. 2.-‘~Thfpo lives Worn lost and one man wan badly bort Tues­ day by a collision between the lug* IrifrAiid nltd Hercules off Ellis Island. Y;i* Heft tiles Is owned by tho Ameri­ can Too boat Co., of Baitlittpra THE. TfBII SBNEDL of the- Junta Attached; Tlielp Jjipmtum,. ’ The Document Was Approved at Pana­ ma Without^Modification) and Unan- imousiy-rFrecauHons Taken For tits Safe Return. Panama, U *c. 3,--T)v<>- junta Y/cdn?> day morvin r yUute'd the canal treatv v k 1 th.- I n;*.*-*! State.' wlihnnt amend- monk Tim .-filming nf the paper has caused .tffkiri :U Hatinfaction in all clr- c I kv tm t t ■ Washington. ' Doc- 3,—Tiro toto* gi-pum* one .front the junta and tho btiu-i- from the- minister of foreign af­ fair* of the republic of Panama an­ nouncing tho approval pf the. llay- IhiiiamViirnia treaty were received by Minister 'Bunau-VarlUa Wednesday, They a;*o an follows; , "Panama, pee, j t—At a, m, the junta lias finished the examination and, approval and. signed the canal irr-Mly. (RigurpO KapricHa fminlstey.of 'tejoign rclatifms.*’l i “Panama, lice. 2.—\Vc ftw happy tc- eomimmleate to your excellency that xve. have just.ratified the ’Hay-JJimau- Y hi ’HI o treaty without .mOcHficatioir and unanimously. This official act has bp/m received with unanimous appro­ bation, (Signed) J. A. Arango. Tomas Anna- M. ICqjitiosa (members ,of tho junix.)’’ Minister Biinan-Varilla, communicate fid tlie news .received by hint to Snore? tau- Hay Tin- treaty ;tii approved and signed by-i hr Panama junta- will be promptly ret wood ,lo Minister Bimstu-VurJUa at ■Washington. To insure it;- safe and prompt, Iransmbisiou without, interfer­ ence by officials anywhere the treaty will la: out rusted to Consul General Gipigur a t Panama,'who will forward it to Washington in the American dip- lomatle. mail pouch. JnatrncUonn to tin's effect already have been sent to Mr. Cadger by Secretary Hay. This eomlt’sy was extended a t the icqnp-.t of Minister Bunnu-Varilla, who is ak-x- imr.’. that there shall bo no itiicrrnpUon to tlic safe, i eitu'n of the approved irtaly 10 Wastfingten. 'i’iio Panama treaty is expected back i/n Washington h.Y next Mrtuday or Tuesday, ami will be. at once taken up for Uu* senate. • Senator Culfom, ehairmuu of tho for­ eign relations committee of tho sen­ ate, said Wednesday, after discussing tho treaty with the president: , “I don’t son any .reason why the treaty should not bo passed without doiffy.’' DEATH OF JOSHUA WARD. He Was An Old-Time Champion . O.arfJman, Newburgh, N. Y.. Dee. 3,—Joshua Ward, thq old-time champion oarSman, died a t his home in G’qrnwall-on-l-lUd- son Wednesday of pneumonia. Ward war, born near NewburglPin ,1338. lu 1859 Ward won th e ’sculling''champion* ship a t Staten Island, rowing fivoi miles in 37 minuter and ten seconds.'; He held the championship-/ .dcteatteif' all comers until JUSO Jy^vhcn be was do- fcated by James Hamilton, of Schuyl­ kill. In J 871 the' four brothers, GU- berl,. Charles, Henry and Joshua won the international race at Saratoga L ak e ,. boating the Tyne and Taylor- Wlnship crows of England and others. Ward was a brother of Ellis Word, tho coach of Pennsylvania university crow. WbRLD’S fa ir b u ild in g s . The Majority of the Large Ofica Are 1 Nearly Completed. SI. Louis, Dec, 3.1—Director of Works Taylor lias submitted to. President' Francis- for tho presentation to the World's fair board of directors an es­ timate showing that the majority of tlm large buildings are 991,-: per cent. completed. Of the 27 state buildingo in the course of erection Louisiana, Oklahoma, Arizona and Nevada are completed: Michigan and Montana arc Ji'ist beginning, and the others aver­ age 75 pm* cent, completed. UTAH MINERS STRiKE. A Break in Their Rahks ftegarded ' as Probable* Scofield. Utah, Dec. 3.—A mass meeting of striking coal miners was held Wednesday afternoon in tho v.-et'il-; two miles below SeOfleld to con­ sider tlu* offer ot cop! officials to grant alt Urn demands or the men except rec- ogniilon #if the tmloti. Matty of tin* Milking miners arc disposed to accept the offer ami a break in the strikers* rank.-' U regarded as probable ttnlcsa favorable action is taken toward end­ ing the strike- Hundred and Fourteen Horses Burned- La. t Bf. Louis; Hi. Dec. 3.- A spark from a locomotive started a fire Wed­ nesday that destroyed the sta­ ble.; of tin* Rr, Louis; T ra n te r l ' u ., lo* rated near the IC’-cc, and causing an e.vt;mated bans of $50,turn. One hun­ dred and imirtcjn horsty perished. To/lpcraac6 Railroad Freight R*te3. WiiKln’ngten, Dee. 3.--Railroad freight rates arc to be increased on* many classifications' througisout the routhern states In tiio course of tho iif-xt l’cw weeks. This was the dc- cfalon vnat-ltert a t the meeting of tho Southeastern Traffic association. Number of Free Rural Delivery Route* Washington, Dec. 3:—There are now in operation )9,:',')8 rural free delivery rout os. It Is estimated that 3,26(1 ml* diflonnl fmuc.t *an be eatabllsaed out of the appropriation not/ available by March J, ^ Copt. William”” m itcheii Weds. ’ Uochf-stcr, N. Y., Dee. S.—Capt. Wil­ liam Mitchell 11L‘S. A., was married to M?ss Caroline Stoddard, daughter of Mr. and Sirs. Enoch B. Stoddard^ o t this t-Uy, CApt. Miteiteil nerved in Cuba and the FhIHppines during tho Spculsh Ainerit-an' war, , Thawed a Stick of Dynamite, La t ’fosse, WIs., Deo. «.■--William Herring; of tspfertn, was killed Wcitec.p day while thawing a fitick, r^f dyin* mite, Hat tie. Herring, his ee.-tcr, wag injured and their reCdom-a wag da* httdiAhcti, 1 ‘ FIFTV-Ei.GHTHl CQNSREG3* ... Extra- Session. 1 . • * ■ - ....... WaMiingten. Nov, 25,- -House—The house, mci Friday nnd after the intro­ duction a few bills and a debate on the- iTsoluti m to adjourn over, atl- journefi until Tuesday, ■Washington; Dee. 2,—-Renutc—-Sena­ tor Penrose, chairman of the commit­ tee of post ohires a°nd postroadH, Tnes* day introduced a resolution auteoriz- ing^th'at pommittoe to request tiio port- master general to send to the com­ mittee- alJ tho papers connected with the- recent investigation of thc’pout of- iice department, nnd if necessary, the committee is to make further investi­ gation and to report to the senate. The resolution without action was re­ ferred to tliq committee, on contingent expenses of tho senate. Following Is tho text o f tho Penrose resolution: “That the committee on post offices and postroads, in view of the- charges of corruption, extravagance and vio­ lations of law fn the administration oi the affairs of tho post office depart­ ment, is hereby authorised and bn strncted to request the postmaster gen­ eral'to send to the'committee alt pa­ pers connected with, the,, recent inves­ tigation of his department, and if nec­ essary to make further inquiry into tho administration of tho safd depart­ ment and to make report thereon to •congress upon completion of said in­ vestigation, Said committee shall have .power to send for persons, books and 'papers, examlno Witnesses under oath/ employ a stenographer and sit by sub­ committee or otherwise during thq sessions of the senate o r during the periods of its adjournment at such times and places as the committee may determine and the actual and nee- essary expenses of said investigation shall bo paid out of tho contingent fund of the senate upon vouchers ap­ proved by the chairman o f the com­ mittee.” The reference of tho resolu­ tion was necessary under the rules of the senate. . . House—The house, after,being in session for a liltlo more than- an hour, adjourned until Friday. The time was chiefly consumed in a ta riff.debate. "When Mr. Payne had offered the mo­ tion to adjourn over Mr, ■’Williams, tlie minority leader; suggested that they would like about 30 minutes on a side for debate on thb tariff question, whereupon Sir. Payne aslccd the- con­ sent of the house. Granted. ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION, President Mitchell, of the Mine Work­ ers, Arrives in Trinidad, Col, . Trinidad, ‘Col., Dec. 3.—Amid pro- tongdd- cheering, President MttchoU, of the United Mine Workers, of America, arrived In Trinidad Wednesday night. As Mitchell stepped from, the .train a squad of 30 policemen surrounded him to keep, back tho crowd. A thousand miners surrounded tlie carriage',eon- tain Ing Mr. Mitchell and escorted"'him. through the main street te a hotel. Mr. Mitchell immediately retired to his room with several, members of the national board. . Crowds paced tho streets,' stopping, all traffic for fully half an hour, clam­ oring for a speech. State Labor Com­ missioner Montgomery and John L. Geh,r, national organizer, addressed tlic crowds, • saying that President Mitchell had been sick and was tired out from his long'journey and was nn* aide to make an addresH Wednesday night, but would make a public ad­ dress before leaving Trlnidnd. The crowd immediately...dispersed, * COTTON BOLL WEEVIL. Tlie Louisiana Legislature to Consider the Pest in Extra Session. Raton Rouge, J a,, Dec. 3.—Gov, W, W. Heard ip/tted r, proclamation con- v.ning the ^carnal assembly of the state *u extraordinary session for a period Of 72 days beginning Thursday/ December 10 and designating tlie ob­ jects. to be considered. . Tho first of these is the “cotton boll weevil post" ami, tlie consideration of such laws ns tnpy be necessary to prevent, control and eradicate the same in the state of Louisiana and making an appropria­ tion to carry into effect all laws in relation thereto, ALLEGED "GRAFTING.*' Certain Omaha City Officials Are to Be Investigated. • Omaha, Nob.. Dec. 3.—Mayor Frank E. Moores announced his intention of investigating “grafting” by certain r.Jty officials, which lie says has been, going on for some time; He began by ratling before him City Poundmaster McLaughlin, whom he openly charged with receiving money for duties never performed.. He also announced his In­ tention of investigating blits present* pd by the city gnrbage haulers and others which he.says are excessive, And which lmve been paid without proper authority. Aged Woman Burned to Death. Elmwood. Neb,. Dee, 3.-—The cottage occupied by Mrs. Martha Bchloatman and her daughter was destroyed by fire and Mrs. Echlpatman was burned lo death. She wan n helpless Invalid. Her daughter tried to rescue her, but owing to the aged Woman's great weight, sl*a was unable to drag her from the room. Robert Gatling Found Ddad In Bed. New York, Dee. 3.—Robert Gatling,, son of the late Richard J. Gatling, in­ ventor of the gun which bears his name, was found dead In bed ift his apartments in this city, A doctor wlso w a s called naht Mr. Gatling had been dead for some hours. Presented to the president. Washington,. Dec. ?!.—*Sir Mortimer* Durand, British ambassador tf> the United States, was presented to Presl* i dent Roosevelt Wednesday, «Ho pre­ sented his credentials to the chief ex­ ecutive, ■ . "" ■ ■■■ Bookkeepers Moot In Chicago, Chicago, Dec. 3.*-Tlte annual ses* sion of the Northwestern Bookkeepers’ association commenced Wednesday and will continue three dayo. Mem­ bers of tho Association from Illinois, Michigan. IndlAim, Iowa and Missouri; are in n ile n d a h e e ^ __ ’ The Contract Labor LAW. Pittsburg. Dec. dV-FreelpBS In ifi units against the Ellsworth Goal Go., ni this city, were entered by United Sintra District Attorney James R. V>)uffg, alleging tidlntion of the nlieu rcntiArt labor la* THE JOLLY SERVING-MEN. . I have. n/Jther house nor castle. Nor a single foot of lane. But, , TO' ten jolly scrvlog-men Banged straight on either hand. BumeCmra tltey arc soch busy lad*. S-nm,:ttines they gro'gq'iffic/ (Scum,limes I hqvo to hitch them up With a chee!c-r<*l»and.a bridle. EU • ■- a I . In winter-time they- go 10 school -Drersod snugly all together; In Dunimer-tlrae'they berrying ga Quite free of fur or' leather, . ; If through the forest* green J ride, Or satl far o’e r tho sea/ ; An jn a row, on either side, My good mmfollowme. ' ■ .......... ' t . Tho captains theyarc dwarfmen, ■ And twh a re g ia n ts tall, • Just four ?>fthem,are middling, . And two are rather small. ‘ N■>w, come, put on your thlnklng-rajs— I'll give you guesses ten, If you will toll me who they are, My jolly sorvlng-inea. ; 1 . —Paulliio Q, JBouve, in Youth's Com­ panion. A BRAND NEW ANIMAL. It Ie Called tlie Zeliratle anil Is a C*a- MimtioH of Zebra aaa Shet­ land Bony. ‘ Hera is a brand new animal—the gebrule, sq called- It ia a combination of Burehell zebra and Shetland pony, and the breeders ate expecting all man­ ners of, wonderful things of R, particu­ larly in tho line qf mountain battery work for the British army, in northern India.. I t moves, more like a zebra than a horse and possesses tho best qualities AN AFRICAN ZEBRULE. of both, although the stubbornness of the zebra a t times is said to dominate. Tho New York Herald eays that for strength;'intelligence and, alertness this hybrid Is .greatly indebted to its zebra sire. It is more easily broken than the mule common in American commerce, and It is the expectation “of breeders that tlic zebrule wjil become tho “mule” of the twentieth century. ’ M u le C a u se s a T r a g e d y . , Because itp tail was twisted to make it move-faster, a mule ran. away a t FIo- villa, Fla., and wrecked the buggy to which it was attached, ^killing John Luster and his wife nnd injuring John King. Mrs! Lasler, when the animal was traveling a t too slow a pace, leaned over the dashboard and twisted (lie mule's tail. MAGS IS INTELLIGENT, *9*#*qf*»ii*» aye «N»ifcer*iM IWwatwiy .atctiw FftrfgeiiMi Mteay AjMwriiKjE. - lAtti* IUgs is a beautiful and perfectly tasked “raccoon eat” which was sent to Miss Tanner by pan at herradmlrer* from Maine, th f home Of some of th* finest coon cat*. * Ho has a mild, sweet face, with sea green eyes, and ia as proud as a peacock, of big long, busby tail, which be waves over his back like a plume. When hun- sry, he goes to his cup and plate, l«M>cS> ing one ggainst the other, making alt the uoi$e he can;" In this wsijF he re* minds Mis# Tanner that be IS ready to> Fat, If given any food he does not fancy, he will tip over his dish, spilling the contents on the floor and pawing ft around. He will then walk away as if disgusted. / Rags never cries during the .night when he wishes anything, but, jumping 1 on JHsa Tanner's, bed, ha gently pate her face until she wakens and waits on him- Strange to say, he cAn neither climb -nor jump high, perhaps because he is so large and heavy. Rags seldom plays with other cats, and prefers t» run away rather than fight. In the winter when hiS'paws arewet he places them oyer the warm .register to dry, standing there so gravely and with such a businesslike air that every one. laughs to see him: Rags submits to his dally combing with a martyr-like quietness, knowing Well that the big red bow that finishes; his toilet is all that he needs to complete ‘ it.—SL Louis Globe-Democrat.. GREAT TUNNEL IN THE ALPS. TrooblMome PreWem o# CnoIiaK tli* . Air la the Simplon Tape tin* »t t J.ast D cch SolyeS. Recent dispatches have suggested the probability that work upon the Simplon - tupnel tn the Alps would be abandoned because thq hot springs encountered made' the heat so great that it could ; not be borne. The difficulties, hoVBvei, have been s o l v e d . - , ,, - Vor a distance of 6%miles the moun- ' tain has been penetrated on the north and for 4% miles on the south side, ; leaving 1% miles to complete i t . . A juncture will he effected next year with " a maximum of error in direction, ofS seven or eight inches. Owing to the great height of the mountains above the tunnel, the pres­ sure is great', and the temperature o f ., the rocks and springs is corresponding­ ly high. The greatest heat encountered was 133 F. It Is now 12C!. This tem-" perature, with water falling upon the workmen, would injure 'thom; but this heat has been reduced hy diluting the air with, cold from, hydraulic" mains. To cool the air a large volume Df fresh -air, the temperature of. which'has been reduced by means pf a high’ pressure' • .water spray, is sent up to the working face of the tunnel, -where it is perfect- ly coo l and ,fresh in contrast with,the- .- foulness and' oppressiveness other tunnels. ■ There is'no sickness among the work­ men. A Brandt drill immediately sup- , presses the dust,. There has not been a single case 1 of miners’ phthisis, aV though 8,000 men have been .working for five years. . F lying '.Frau* n( Snnico, The -flying frog Is found in Borneo. It uses an expansive membrane on each, of his feet in sailing from tree to tree. ' The webs enable him to do this in the same way as the wings of modern flying machines enable tlielr Inventors to re­ main for a tjme is the air. - " G ACKLE must Rave stolon her nest again/* said Mrs. Borden, “I see' her go Into tho barn every day, and yet you- say that you cannot And a n / of hep eggs. Suppose you go now and toko another look; children; It's pretty late in the season and too warm fpr her to begin to set at this time of the year/* “I don't see how mother expects to find Cackle’s nest, when it's not light enough to see anything, and she never will let ns bring a lantern up here/* grumbled Rob, “I’ll tell you what I'll do, Jancy; I've got some matches in my pocket, and I’ll light them and find the eggs, and then we won't have to' •top our play every afternoon to come it carolessly on the floor and, followed closely by his si3fer, hastened to join his friend. . - • , After tho children's hasty exit, we rend in the Pueblo Chieftain, the at­ tention of tho old grayhep was attracted by a sputtering, cracking molso, and, peering from her lofty perch, she saw; tiny yellow flames fast spreading in all directions from the spot where Rob had dropped his match. At first she merely watched it curiously, but when some smoke suddenly came toward her she all a t once realized that danger was threatening her and her precious eggs. As soon as she came to this conclu­ sion, tlie old hen flew through the -fast mounting Volume of smoke and down. “BAN LIKE A MAD THING, CACKLING AT TOP OF HB11 VOICE.” up here and look for oid Cackle and h e r n e st" So he produced the few matches for which he had that noon traded several cookies a t th* village School and boldly lighted one. The first revealed nothing except the mounds of hay, nor was the second more successful, but by the light of the third he saw Cackle's red comb and bright teyes on a beam far above them. “Thera shelsl” cried Bob, overjoyed at the success of his expedient; “Now we can tell mother where the nest is, and father or on* of the men can go up after It. Hark! ” as a peculiarwhistle sounded front helOW. 'Them 's Charley Brown, W r « going down to the brook this Wtemoon; do you want 10comet’* Df course Jancy wanted to go to th* brook, m Boh (or thought I t # 4 ) *k* whhsl -It M i , te v rd . > , >, v ?, < *oaLu-«»trh*' * w£ > ^. « , , the, ladder to the ground, after which ah* ran like a mad thing, cackling a t the top of her voice (any on* Who had heard, her would have acknowledged th a t she had been well named), straight in tb* kitchen door. Mrs. Borden Was deep in a batch of broad,! hut she realized th a t something waswrong, and stoppedio th* door, from which, to her horror, ah* skw smoko curling upward from tho roof of tho bam in wore than on* place, But this unexpected sight did no t onus* her to lone her presenc* of kiind, flh* caught the dinner horn from it* place beside 5».h* door and blew several v3#om i* blasts. }. A btmkrt brig*** vra* a t once ' isatf,dnd, somaof th*tnighhors tmHRftf i iW r hatp, tM I t* wan w o » bm and imi tssra twved, though' the 0 - h. v