The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

And, one tha wait until in this wee nvpr, for we H V* ?;■$ 35 Having to accomodate the thousands of dollars worth of HO L IDAY GOODfe now being prepared for sale and display, and the thousands of dollars worth in transit, we shall give 20 Per Gent Discount on ail Cash Purchases On all goods on the Second, Third and Fourth Floors. These Floors have been set apart for the sale and display o f Holiday Goods for which we have not the necessary room in our present heavily stocked conditibnf. , and in v I HORN $ No. 39 S. Lirr - I * * - m r SECOND FLOOR . 20 Per Cent Cash Discount On Wiles’, misses and children’s cloaks, suits and furs; ladies’ skirts, waists, dressing sacques and wrappers; ladies’ misses’ and children’s mujslin underwear; infants’ dresses and cloaks; misses and children’s dresses; corsets, millinery, etc. TH IRD FLOOR . 20 Per cent Cash Discount On all Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, flodt Oil Cloth,. Blan­ kets, Comforts, Lace Curtains, Upholstry Goods, Por- tiers, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, etc. FO U R TH FLOOR . ON EVERY PIECE OF FURN ITURE in our house during this week. When it is conceded'that our prices are always the lowest, no matter where you go, quality und style considered, in tend ing : buyers o f Furniture will readily appreciate the importance of this great discountBale. Furniture that is new, furniture that is useful and ornamental, , furniture that is the best in the United States, tor. the price, and still 20 per cent discount. TH IS E X C E P T IO N A L O F F E R IN G can be all the more appreciated when it is known , that every article mentioned in this gre^t cash discount sale of this season’s production-therefore the newest. Thousands of dollars worth of holiday goods will be on display and ready for sale Saturday morning, December 12, when this important cash discount sale will close. THE EDWARD CHRIS ' : i i 5 LOCAL and personal 2 •GO TO D O W S , —Reduced-prices on nil heating stoves a t Kerr & Hastings Bros, New sorghum a t Gray & Co. —Get lard cans .fit Cooper’s. Misses Hazel Stewart and Elberta Sellafs, of Springfield, were Miss Belt Winter’s guests Tuesday. —Christmas candies a t Cooper’s, —The largest, best and cheapest line of robes and horse blankets ever shown in Cedarvil!e,.at Kerr & Hast­ ings Bros’. 13, \V„ Tingsr is on a business trip to Philadelphia and New York. Our kip, rubber and combination boats are 50 cents below the market See our overgaiters and Iamb’s Wool lorfci^fft'ritar-tey’BArcade Shoe House, Springfield, O. "’■"“**** Robert Elder, of Selma, assisted in the Exchange Bank Wednesday* dur­ ing the absence of Paul Tindall, who was Called htanft owing to the serious illness and death of his mother, Mrs, Fred Tindall, -*It piles' to feed Acme Food, a sub­ stitute for oil meal nt one-third the cost. Aids digestion and gives a finish. Bold on guarantee by L« H . Sullen- larger, George Biegler who was recently ejected tm teacher of music for the public and township schools, entered ti:ion his duties Toes lay., •—Catidhs, not? and oranges for the holidays t»t Cooper’s. Mr. i), H , Kyle who has bteo in th;Tstate of New York for sonic time lift* returned, and is nt the home of Ms father, Henry Kyle, -Do hot overlook the ftet that Downing is giving n half life size por­ trait free, with tneli dozen o f his eotona ovals. This o!R-r is only for the Holiday trade and pimple, wishing t Promt, should look after it —Chinaware, books, toys, games, etc., i\t Cooper’s. Come and see them; One familiar character whom the people of Cedarville do not see any' more is Mr. Thomas Wade, it haying been nearly two years Since he 'has been in town. Mr. Wade is one of the best known men of the township and is probably the oldest,' he being in his 90 year a t this time. Owing to his immense weight and his frail condition he is unable to get out much even about his hbrae place. * —Ju st received some Ralston’s Breakfast Food, Health Oats, Hom­ iny Grits and Pancake Flour, Any one is a fine breakfast dish, at Gray and Co’s* t f —Everything in the grocery line a t Cooper’s* Phone 76, The Wesleyan Quartette, assisted by Miss Juanita Boyuton, reader and accompanist, the third number on the lecture court* pleased a large audience a t the Opera house Wednesday cve- uing. —Acme Stock Food for sale by L . H» Sullenberger. —Some fine inducements, for the Holiday trading at Downing’s Studio, Go in early, as there is going to be a great rush for Christmas work this year, and it is n mistake to leave your order until the last moment, Gloves We have many tyles in gloves to select from hi dffia.aiffcct and driying. Also a full line o f golf in plain and fancy colors and many styles in heavy Working gloves. Drews gloves from 50c to $2* Driving gloves from 99c to #12, Golf gloves from 2fie to 75c, , Working gloves from 25c to $1,59, SULLIVAN, The Hatter 27 Hutitli k im p h to rie stree t* S p r in p r f leH O h io , Hon, George Little, of Xenia, who has been quite sick for several days, is reported much better* When the recent act of congress be­ comes effective the navy will have al­ most 30,000 officers and men* —"Violins, guitars, nceordeons, mandolins, harps, all kinds of strings, violin bows, music rolls^and etd,, for Christmas, West's music store, Xenia, E , W, Hagar has purchased a new automobile, ‘•Searchlight,” The car will seat five passengers and is ele­ gantly finished, This machine is for pleasure trips alone while the “ OldB- mobile” will be kept in use for the Hagar paper company* The Home Telephone company of Springfield are fast getting their plant ready for operation. A large num­ ber of phones are already in place, but the plant is not yet open to the public* When everything is com­ pleted the patrons of the local company can have access into Spring- field, The trustees of the United Society of Believers, commonly known as Shakers have filed a petition in' the Common Pleas court asking the priv­ ilege o f selling the Watervliet farm situated jn Greene aqd Montgomery counties. There is about 666 acres In the tract, 100 acres of whjch is in this county. Notes to. the amount o f #40,000 have been standing against the property hu t all lias been paid blit #1600, Dennison holds the paper, CU T T H I S I f this “ ad” is presented when you make your purchases of toys and holi­ day goods, we will accept it as good for 10c off on every dollar you -pu r­ chase. S U L L I V A N ’S , Main and Limestone street*. -- . Springfield, Ohio. The Preston B. Keith for gentle-* men in all the leathers, and Patrician for ladies a t #3.50 are not equalled in this country for tho money, at Star­ key’s Arcade Shoe House, Spring- field, O* A t a recent meeting of the Interna­ tional Live Stock Exposition, O, E , Bradfute was elected a director for a term of two yeaas. There are twen­ ty-two directors of ‘ the association. He has also been honored by a fourth term of three years as a director of the Aberdeen-Angus association, and is a member of the Executive and Auditing committees of the same as­ sociation* John Finney,who has been visiting through Kansas Cud Texas for tile past three weeks returned home Wednesday morning* Mr* Finney seems well pleased with the country he visited and particularly in and about Vernon, Tex , where there are quite a number of GreCno conn tv people a t the present time, - He .re­ ports that D. S. Collins and family who recently moved there are well pleased with the country* Messrs. J , N. and Ralph Wolford who are also (here think the country good enough for them. They will remain until the spring. Mr. J , E. Lulz and family expect to leavb there the 20 of this month and will come north for a visit with Greene county rela­ tives and friends. The following contestants were elected today. Philosophic: debate, F. Young; oration, Fred jBarber; es say,Charles Nash; declamation, Carrie Hutchison Philadelphians: debate, Raymond Shaw; oration, N, E , Steele; essay, W* R , Graham; decla­ mation, Ethel Collins* NEWIDEA PATTERNS N e v e r b s h o w yc g o l d a m Diamonds, Watch retire S K Y ■ i L NO. 4, so ; No waiting on us to send for Patterns as have the entire line in stock Only 10 Cents Each we i iflNEj SREDIN :i Read* Like a Miracle. University Joseph Speer o f 3£aniit eemiusapyi -On the Inst ballot Rev, Chestnut had , , , ’. . ’ one-half ballot for n majority, The Rubber, .1 b u r k e ,’, , m tie Ar- vol, be i»geoe l«e » d l . i l l 1» * “ ? ' * / T J : Y F ! merle l e r t b e p r w e l r,Uppers for men 25c, for indies 20e, »t 1 Springfield, O, < ’The small building that waft recent JoespliD. Biackmore, an employee- ^ flenr the railroad for the use of the Atlas hotel at Xenia, haft been W the watc!m a n ’ JampS UaldWell, arrested for Violating the Beal J n w ?ew moved down the Liquor isaaid to have been sold t o! Sat ur day evening. The Wilber Ross, o f PaititeraVilJe, from I™ ? mftn 8nck from ‘,,e express room No. & Grassy Berry the pro- ,r*W 39»was thrown eut when prietor or the hotel, now bas s om e e,0#* ta watchman’s house, conse- four or five charges in the courts T f nl,T U fame againt the building against him for similar ofTensrft. Ross w't*1 R One cornet* was A t a congregational meeting of the R , P . church Monday, as to calling a pastor, there was nothing accomp-* fished. There were only three candi- * Friarspoint^ Miss., Nov. 30. The dates that came in for any large uum- Batler Case still continues to he the bet of vote,; R ot . Chcftmit oi BHooh, rh“ ' 11 Itev, Henry of Philadelphia and Rev, “ The doctor said my boy had dis­ ease of the spinal chord, and treated him for two montliB, dhring which he got worse a ll the time, ith a lly the is an agent of the committee of One Hundred o f Nenin, and has the “goods” When it comes to pfow ifion . crushed iu and the building moved slightly on its base. There was no one in the building at the time, > r doctor told me he did not know'what was the trouble. The boy would wake up during the night and say that he was dying. H e would be nervous and trembling and would want to run from the house, saying he saw ugly things which frightened him. After we had tried everything else, I read an advertisement o f Dodd’s Kidney Pills as a cure for Nervousi Troubles* I purchased Some and used theta until he had taken al­ together eight boxes, when h* w a r sound and well with not a single symptom of the old trouble. This was some months ago, and 1 /feel sure that he is permently cured. We owe to Dodd's Kidney Pill all the Credit for his restoration to good, hei ith,” THIS WEATHER Compells You to H ave Overcoats Blankets Clothing Comforts Underwear Hosiery* Gloves. to keep you warm. Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Arties to keep your feet warm W e have them in abundance. W e pay 18 cents per lb* for Butter* We pay ay cents per doz, for Eggs j it Bim ys - “Do not overlook the fact that Downing is giving a half life size por­ trait free, with each dozen o t his cOronft ovals, This offer is only lor the Holiday trade Ubd people wish pictures, should look after i t . mg OUT TH IS OUT. —I t is time to think o f your Christ­ mas presents; books, Bibles, pictures, cutglass, Japanese ware, tea sets, five o’clock teas, Bonhemian ware and Utopian ware, the finest collection ever in Xenia a t West’s Book Store* John Sharp Williams, the d&nfc* eratic leader of the House *of Repre­ sentatives, say* that tariff reform should be the issue of the next cam­ paign, Gorman favors the race ques­ tion; Ilearat declares for demotraoy labor’s ally; and Bryan insUti on the Kansas City platform and says ,tbat free silver is not dear. The prospects of a united Democracy are not bright, I f Ibis “ad” is presented, when you make yeui* purchases of-toys and lioll day goods, we will accept it as -good for lOo off on every dollar you purchase, SULL I VAN ’S, Main and Limestone sheets, Springfield, Ohio. O f the twenty-five men who have been president of. the United States tea have today »<r deefendauts. SenatorMitchell has introduced a bill providing that every carrier j» the rural free delivery mail serriee, addition to his salary fixed by l*w, Shall receive #260 a year for tfence. At an Illinois sale of a half Interest in a bo Prank Wolgamuth of ?4.t00, and the same paid $5,000 for n half Other hoar. It would b know how this capit: break even on his t\i and If ho can show us • uif're about booininjr boss, says Stockman an As to prices of Poisin' oral, they are no higher a year ago, If ns big want good pure bred them a t reasonable prit bs ‘eders Just as they Inflated values prevail boomed sales, atid the, stanilal foundation, Feiitlnn 1’ l have raised thonm Whites for the last ll bnvo a Utter-or eight weeks old from n Che tired to a Berkshire bo: have them eating out when they are three v ways keep n tn*:gh < where the pigs have f so they can eat at tl not be worrying llie I ^'w. At six weeks flt'QUf throe pailfuls % day. if you want 1 Pound a day afler wo: them good feed nml a I f* dry best to sleep in Agriculturist, Of t h e y ! Penning hogs a m a device for proving • bay, l-„ would sorely men of the genus sus mr such tiecommodaf tJOftrer spo'einien of tin tliat would furnish *a.vs Farm and Utmeh. on a .large farm we sr P‘'rk bogs in n turn : Rilflare where the hint billy dorp to ti,0 poor Was cold, wintry wt « nd the hogs had to r 5;w C»»»f05rt fatten rapidly i x>'?!t fHunfortftbte m « •-'‘d- Bating is merr-lj y-h‘t of the process wj f t fc^4i«estlou. Ii