The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
^ar—4Hfj^ <5—*- jjgp. NE CO. |OHIO. . [jckswnlj BfiJ Of iingino fPlMoery Specialty Machinery d ts , P a t c h '®. Hang - fan an d roods. ‘W iit e ii J J s G r o w / ’ . |MBtM1^aa^^j;i«T»j-T»W>''»'»wtr,)^lii»lilwwrw|;|li«iltil»l'il,i1w■^»Wn!i«n^i»|iw«uipiMnrBmtj —TTT '"i«nfia.-i«»-min»i»i'i Gifts by Mail from the Davlight Store W e ’ll select to please you. Tell us what you want and about what you wish to pay and w e ’ll do the rest. I f not O. K , “fire” it back. 11Hi'ikerehhdri’put up Jo neat fancy boxes', ti ;sii linen ILudkerebids i»/aiiey has 89c. J. u!i-s Handkerchiefs, a bux $J $5 ami $1,50. xiuuu iumm -iiuuuiMsrvuicip-row iu *u,uu. Liuiies’ dwxed Oollur and culls, sets 25c, 50c, 75c aud $1.00 box. v Fascinators, Glove*, Hose Suspender.-, Ties, Furs,' Coats, Fur Robes for the Baby Cab, *2'.98 to $5.00. Order by. mail, * Gift goods mailed free in neat fancy boxes. Order Umbrellas by mail. Men’s paddedmu filers, ties, soxa, etc., all in fancy gift boxes, T. D. BENDURE, Daylight Sicre. Springfield, 0 . fra, Coof [m, e fpany A Full Assortment Of £bia,; "Wgla$$ Bric-a Brac, BmnerandCoilctSets, Parlor Lamps, Salads, Jardcniers, etc Buy s80U)etbiug useful as well -,s ornamental that Christmas ■dinner will tasce better on a new.set o f dishes. See us be fore buying. We wiHr save you money. • . aa^M^paLa 0 ■_ Impmn —*V“ 0 . 44 S. F o u n ta in A y e . . Springfield, Ohio. ss ? dels* . [luring quote . I T ire Dealer. ford / Siting [achine. listing type- wo of which typewriters. ■I- Oltalher Strip. Butcher c m Bods Stout Pipe 1 and elbows We want them- We.give them attention , The,'very best '. ,We make a specialty Of orders out of town, •/• ,, . f And by mail. • (Don’t forget us when you Arc thinking about ordering , Anything in our line. Don’t bei afraid to ■ Send the money, Wo’il teturn any surplus By the next mail. You cun buy just as cheap As if in our store And often save a tlip. mashing ItVchines Clothes Olringers Bent mood Churns X-Cnl Satos meat Choppers THE SPRINGF ELD 36 and 38 East MainSircet, IE Cl Springfield, O. SHORTJ.liMjjfl .w*. Zr*.T o., Lav, onto fftid*h4 ItaArt rev*. V yATiarornae > Itirttethin th<MMSj f i., with d*Hrip for *<><, ir tt ei at l* « * » r « f,, wn«Ntt* SPECIAL 3 WTHERSRAILWAY UWItl Tliroitttlf PullmanWrvIce'front CHICAGO,B(<r Tnur, and1 mnr.i) Route*; CLEVELAND, BinPour Route: DETROIT andTOLEDO,M. C,R, R,todC.H.* D.Ky.{LOUISVILLE, Southern Hjo, to JaetttDhvUla and fit. A a g a a tia e Solid! train*Cincinnati to CHATTANOOGA,ATLANTA, BIRMINGHAM. SHREVEPORT,NEWORLEANS, JACKSONVILLEandST, AUGUSTINE, Also through Pullmanservice to KNOXVILLE, ASHEVILLE, SAVANNAH,AndCHARLESTON, Vlnlngkad OhservaltehCarsonailthroughtrains. WinterTouristTicket#Oh*ah»at reducedtotes. Fo?Information,addreo* . W.A#»i»lf,#,E, W.C.*lswrt«,e.M, CfsdSMlI CiKhHMti IA Iren, m Bougiif Tin1 Uiforma Mcdira slate* that >ixty.idup pulse-heats to the iMrttiti, ihf> blood flows ft dHlniiPe rtf ^vonmiles rmhoujr A gl*!*« or two of. water taken half . *« hftur bidbre breakfast will usually *!'tp tlii* bowels regular, Harsh wtariifft i,In,aidbe avoided When •FjigiMvp L nroded, fftfee Chambor- •■unset-, hih -I, aiid liver tablets. They , ■' ’ ‘1 v * ' '■ . •' • ■ A FAITHFUL DQG, , He Paid For His Fidelity to His Mas- ter With Hl3 Life. In-the early days of Korth Car olina a man rode ajong distance on horseback to collect a debt of sev eral hundred.doHars. lie took with hjla for company and as, a protcc-. iion against robbers a' do^ to which ho had long felt much attached. He collected the money, nil in. silver dollars. These ho tied up in a strong sack, lashed it, to the saddle behind him and started for home. ' ■When ’ they had traveled about ■half o.f ihe.homcvju'd-jotirney the dog manifested a great deal ox un- ■casiness, ‘ to which-1he gave c'xpros- eion by nervous barking and fre quent dives at the horse’s fore legs. The man •was sorely puzzled and ' watehedLjthe dog for some time to sec if he eould find an explanation of its strange conduct, Uis reluc tant conclusion was that it bad been bitten by a .mad dog and was’ the. .victim.of hydrophobia, and so to save his horse and .to put the poor dog out of the misery he suppa-ed -■it was suffering ho drew srpistol hud .shot it, Hot wishing to see it die, he applied the spurs to his horse and rode rapidly for sonic distance. The thought came to him, “ I woitld rat it er h’ave lost the money than to.have j been forced to kill that good dog.” i Thus reminded of the treasure, he put his hand around behind the saddle to see i f the hag was safe, but it was nob there,, lie turned j and rapidly rode back. When he I'Teaehed the point where the -dog’ Jfirst commenced to bark and plunge ■at the horse’s legs he found «the bag of coin, and'tbe poor'victim of his cruel ^mistake dying there, with his, paws resting patiently on either side of his master’s treasure. He had tried so hard to .make the master understand, but had failed, and paid his Ufa as the price of his fidelity.— Springfield Republican, - Would Not Advertise. Once upon a time a donkey fell into a' d,eep hole and' after, nearly starving caught sight of a passing, fox and implored the stranger to , help him aut. ) ; “ I am too small to aid you,” said the fox, "but 1 will give you some advice.- .Only % few- rods' away is a . big, strong elepijgnt. Call to him, l and he will get you out in a jiffy.” [ After the fox had gone .the don key thus reasoned: "X arn very weak ; from want of nourishment Every , move Xmake is just so much addi- : tional loss of strength. Xf I raise *my voice to call the elephant I shall »he weaker yet, Ho, Xwill not waste fmy substance that way. It is the i duty of the elephant to come with* [out calling.” So the donkey settled himself hack and eventually starved to death. Long afterward the fox on pass ing the hole saw within mwhitened skeleton and remarked: 1 “I f it be that the souls oftanimals are transmigrated into men that donkey will become one of those who can never afford to advertise/’ —Cassell’s. CONDENSED. STORIES. When Sir William Acted as Substi tute. For the Band. It is not often one hears of peo ple telling stories against them selves, but in .the ease of Sir William lT’eece, late engineer in chief to the post office, the- story which he tells so illustrates his own versatility that it is worth repeating, , ■ At the time a telephone had just been set up between London and Osborne,':where the late queen was thett'residing. In ofdgr that Queen Victoria might have an exhibition of the wonderful possibilities of the telephone certain tests were carried out,- One of them-was the playing of a band in London, so that her majes ty might hear it in the Isle of Wight. By some unfortunate occurrence the band did not arrive at the ap pointed time, and Sir.William heard- that the queen was waiting at the other end of the wire. • ■Sir Williamwas distracted. There was only one thing to be done, The engineer in .thief' hummed ah air Hie receiver and afterward in quired if her majesty had recognized the tune. ’ ‘ “ Oh, yes,” she' replied. "It was the national anthem, and very bad ly played too.”—London Answers. Why He Came. Lev. E! A. llorton of Boston at a ’banquet of. the Unitarian club there' tohVof a fellow minister who went fishing last summer, lie was perch- * ■} a 4 ■ « hf«wsv C-V'-v tfefq. w i Our Stoves W e have made a careful study of the requirements of our. customers, and our success is largely due to the fact that, we have always tried to supply . them with just what they wanted. Our display of stoves is unquestion- _____ ably the largest in the city and they are to be sold, if low prices can do it. R A N G E S . Our line of Ranges com prises-the following makes: Round. Oak, Foster’s Prize, Climax, Peninsular, Eurekah, S lack Burners. We evidently have the leading slack burner, in the’Foster stove,- (exactly like cut), if sales are to be taken as a standard. They are just the thing when the price of coni is high. In England ninety-nine towns own their own gas works, the average net income being 81,974,125 per annum. w< M . H A R B fS O N , Practical Miller And Engineer. Mem ber of the M. E. Uhureh, and Gtirrie Post, No, 94, Gv A, It. C*d*rvHl*i ohm 1” t* 1* * ***** it u y u inuitnn-' t uhimjh * > . . mul gpfit.b* in their action, i ....... . , 'by M, Uidgtvay, f pictures am ! picture .training, . 'A, va b<,'Uhg slows, ranges, for f d s f f cmupelifirm, 30t» Wml* of pk M or %i j ^ r £ HftKtinni Jar* wlwt ,rrtm We"t,‘ ‘ : DAINTY C O N F E C T IO N S One thing you can give to hi lh young and and he sure to please is good candy, 'We haven lull assortment of the good kinds, all just received absolutely received absolute ly fresh, and . all delicious. What is more important they 'are os* pure and wholesome as ihey are dainty and de- ■ lightful to tho taste, Im- candies not only taste infer ior but are dangerous. You take no. chances by buying, them here. . The prices on these fine Lowney, Hehrafit and Gun ther candies are no higher than you are often asked to pay. for greatly, inferior ftnndy,'of doubtful purity. "J ohn wt&nrSc5** ISAAC WISTBRMAN, " I DIDN'T COME T o'VA L t, IN.” ed in a precarious position when he got a bite, and in his excitement he fell into the stream. He yelled lustily for help, and a farmer’ came .along and pulled him out, "How did you come to fall in?” inquired his rescuer. "X didn’t come to fall in,” replied the dripping preacher. "I came to fish,” __ _ Pleaded Guilty. James R, Slack, the attorney, tells this reminiscence of his law prac tice in Ohio: "One Ham Johnson, a negro, was indicted iii Cincinnati; charged with the theft of a ham. Johnson Was stiff necked, for the only witness against him was a man Of his own color, and 'one nigger’s word is as good as ’ anther’s / said Sam. ‘He’d swar I did, an’ I ’ll swar I didn’t / The case came up for trial, and the indictment Was read, ‘The state b£ Ohio against Samuel Johnson, de fendant/ ete. "As lie listened Johnson grew nervous and at the demahd for a plea rose to his feet, ignoring tho counsel assigned to him, "'Youah honah/ said Johnson, Tzc not been treated right nohow. I fought dar wttz only one nigger ’gainst me, an’ hqah’s de whole state ob Ohio. Xwu3 not ’feared of dat nigger wat seen me book do ham, hut I ’zo got no show now. He whole blame state ’gainst mo’s too much. 'Yessir, I took do ham. X pleads guilty, But I’d like to know wlmr all de watchers wuz hidin’, 1 suttinly would/ Philadelphia Ledger, A ’ Dr, Harper’* Retort, President Harper of tho Univer sity of Chicago was departing from a banquet in Hew \ork when a young clubman, who had sat beside him* said, with u slight sneer: "X had always thought that phi losophers and teamed men. ate only plain food, hut there are a number of philosopher* and learned men h*t* tonight, md it »s<mw to m Fire Shovels* pokeres and tongs. In fncl. anything -Needediu the' StoreLine, • < H E A T E R S . You do not have to buy our goods because yon look at them, but you will want to buy, for the price coupled with the quality anrl merits of the store are hound to sell them, Beckwith ftobnd Oak, Florence Hot Blast, . (air tight.) Garland, Jewel. COAL BUCKETS In all styles and grades, either the • Black or Galvanized Iron. Prices to suit the purchaser Stove Pipe. We carry a full line of 1 - .\* * , HANDMADESI0YEPIPE , ’ • • <1, - Any Size. O . I V E . O Gidarville, Ohio, where a full line of Hardware, Pumps add Paints can always be -.found. To Cure a Cold in One Bay TakeLaxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, £ t v / & SevenMfflkmboxes sold Inpast 12 months. Th is Signature, ^ * Cttr®* ®rip . In Two Days. on every f%m rtrt*** box. 25c. that they arc going In lor an these rich dishes ns heavily as' the rest of us.” ■ "Well,” said Ur. Harper, "why Shouldn’ t they? Do you think the good things of life are intended only for fools?” When you look at our Christmas slippers you will fund the best assortment in the city, and prices lower than any other. B , G. S ie g e n th a le r & Son* SPRINGFELD, OHIO. Gloves We have many styles iu gloves to select from in dress, street and driying. Also a lull line of golf in plain: ami fancy colors and many styles in heavy working, gloves, Dress gloves from $2, . Driving gloves from 99c to 1.12, ■ Golf gloves from 2Gc to 75c. Working gloves from 25c to $1,50. StiLUVAN The hatter,-.. 87 0 , Limestone s i Bpriftgfhdd, O* $100 DOLLARS IN GOLD To be distributed in four premiums of $50 $25, $15 and $ro, onJune x, 1904 . Buy yotir F re sh and Salt Meats, F ish and Oysters At my Meat Market andgeta ticket with each 25 c cash purchase. Save yQ.ur tickets WEI MER. HCIMIIGE BANK CEDAIIVILLE, OHIO. A CGOUNT8 of Merchants nndjn- * * divldusls solicited. Golle.'’tiohc promptly made and remitted. ’ ■nRAFXB on New Y^k and Ciu* D cinnati sold at Invest rates. The cheapest and most convenient tray to send money by mail. OAKS made on Real -Estate, Pei- i Sonnl or ColIateraVScewrity. William Wildiiasti, Pres., Heth AY Smith, VicePrw., W, J Wildrimn, Cashier, —Just received some Raist(mb .Breakfast, Pood;Health Oats, Hum* iny (frits and Ponoiko Flour. Any 0*10 ia # fine breakfast difli, at Gray and Go’s. if Job Printing ttf all kinds cxetulHl at this office with mmi&ess and di*- patoh. A Careful Buyer. iV| Mcofsaro deceptive. Unless you are a good judge, you can never tell what you arc getting until yon have it served a«<P partially eaten. We know meats- We select stock with a. view to having the best meats. We know how to select stock and there fore have meats you ,may depend upou'—mcats that will please you. C, H. GROUSE. GOOD* DELIVERED Telephone No* 74 mriftiih Always m
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