The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

jiff QAvts m-k SknutUr McCreary of Keittu&jr m #s aatfefKy «si hiriorioil loci- , &«oi» of ite- %m> o f which be b«» been an laRrcstcd studeut, There is. &tribute to the courage of Jefferson Das£§ lie if fond o f xel*t- *ny* “ ft was during tfco Mexican war/ 1 he €Eid, “ A$ you' know, JefFewon Davis* had preyiVmriy doped with the daughter of Taylor, who wo* then in-command m the Texan bor­ der and apt in close touch with the White House, just as Dewey was out of roach by cable at Manila, The ' Atnericun troops crossed the bor- j/*r, The Mexicans made trouble, 'and Taylor went ahead, and the vic­ tories of Palo Alto and Monterey were won. In the famous battle in which Bragg- was told to Toad you® cannon with grape, sir!* Davis, who was then under command of Taylor, went ahead and won a notable vie- ry in a certain part of the field, Wlien hi- returned Taylor grasped his hand cordially and after con- ■gratulatmg him said, *Le| me tell yon, sir, that you displayed better judgment in the selection, of a hus­ band for my daughter than I did myself/^Baltimore Sun, Running a Paper In Russia, Running a newspaper in Russia is pre-eminently a risky operation, . The czar’s government spends more • on the press censorship than it does on education, and quite recently the , stuff of press .censors has been in­ creased by teiglit. Certainly the censor earns his sal­ ary in Russia. . Last year eighty- ihree *newspapers were suspended for periods amounting in all to thir­ ty-one years and ten days, twenty- six papers were forbidden to accept advertisements and 259 editors were officially threatened with Siberia if they did not mend their ways. The censorship even pursues the : unfortunate editor after it .ejects 1 him, ' One eminent conductor of a sci­ entific journal who was dismissed , at the instance of the censor is prac­ tically condemned to starve or emi- 7 grate. All the papers and publish . ers in Russia arp forbidden to ac cept' “ copy” frOm him, — London ■ Tatier, ' rnr r T r ^ n -^ j r r o f l l,firniM,jr >MT"1^ * " 1,11 " t _ ; ;r -,— — — - -« **********— -* — r- - - - -* „ T H E E D W A R D W R E N C O , S P R I N G F I E L D , O H I O , W h a t a great tim e Christm as is for every body at th is store th is year. There are m an y incentives, m ak ing up the wonderful progress of th is store, besides the creation of the m igh ty dollar. W e are proud o r its individual greatness. We" sa y individual, because look where, you w ill in Ohio there is no duplicate or equal of the Wrea Store of Springfield; such is the public verdict. It enjoys ah exclusivness equal on ly , and ^then on ly h i som respects, of largest metropolitan stores of the country. In its appointment its o f the Twentieth Century excell­ ence hence unsurpassed. In the matter of light, an invaluable characteristic, it leads the world . ings in our Busy Basement aud Furniture Department, 4th floor, Hints For Xmas Shoppers in The Busy Basement. FINE CHINA, RICH CUT GLASS, BRIC=A^BRAC LampslorOil,Gasand Electricity. Rough on Jefferson, Mftrie Cabiil, the c,lever come­ dienne, onc-e gave some of her fa­ mous songs at a benefit- in Hew. York for a worthy, hospital.-- While awaiting her turn' to go on Bhe . stood in the wings and listened to ' a -speech on dramatic aft by Joseph . Jefferson, the veteran actor.- Pres­ ently a giddy song and dance gir. came down from her dressing room and-leaned over Miss Cahill’s shoul­ der to see what was going on. The • comedienne gently attempted to shake her off, but such a hint was unavailing with such a performer. A moment later the song and dance girl’s partner joined her and asked “ Say, Mag, who’s on?” “ I dunno,” was the reply. “Some old guy doing a monologue.” “How’s be going?” “ Rotten, He’s been on fifteen min­ utes and ain’t got a laugh yet.” Silk From Wood, A plant for making silk from wood, erected near Sydowsaue, Ger­ many, is at present turning out fifty pounds of skein silk a day, which product can be increased in quanti­ ty to 2,000 pounds. The silk is soft in texture and ereamy in color. Each thread is made up of eighteen single strands. A single strand is hardly perceptible to the naked eye. In strength it is but one-third that of the real-silk. When woven into pieces the new substitute is said to have the appearance of real silk. The pulp undergoes a chemical process and is pressed through very fine tubes by hydraulic pressure, forming the single'strands which got fo wake tip the thread. Frankness, ' “ Frankness,” said Speaker Can non, “ is an attribute greatly to bo admired. The frankest man I ever knew was a chap out in Illinois who served several terms in the legisla­ ture, Then he came home and built himself a fine house. It was a beau­ ty and cost a power of money! “ Tvice house you’ve got there/ said a visitor in the town wbcreTthe C’x-legislator lived. Ye.*,* he replied, ‘it is a nice house/ “ ‘ Where did you n<?t the money?* “ ‘Down at Bpringlietd/of course/ the ex-legislator replied, ‘ I tell you, my friend, there is a heap of veas •and nays in that house/” — Hew York World. Concentrated Wealth. One*tfvelftli of the estiihafed wealth of the United States is rep­ resented at the meeting of the hoard of directors of the United States Steel corporation when all the di­ rector,} are present. They also rep* resellf t?(i0 other companies operat- uig one-half o f the railroad mileage In the country and control corpora­ tions who a» aggregate capitalization I f!)ji0itff)00,(»00.—'World’s Work. Hfe Duty, , A pMly little girl some five years of irjts unwed Ro::o, was teased, ft good deal by u gentleman visiting the family, who finally wound up by ravinu ■ ' * “ Rosin t don’ t love you” “ Alt, bid ymt have got to,” re- Lifted the thild, “ How m V r.riscd her tormentor. “ Why/ 5said Rosa, “ yotrmnst loro them that hate you, and Fm sure I hat* v<m/’ Everything W e Sell is Marked at 1-4 Less Than Elsewhere. Very many things we offer at still lower prices. No­ where in the state can you get for your Christmas money so much.that is either useful or beautiful. Avoid the crowds by coming early., As a Xmas Offering in Our Dinner- ware Department. We sell .fine Haviland china sets for $19,05, $23.95 and up tq_$85.00. - , Display of Odd P lates and Placques. We ask you particularly to. visit this department where will he found a collection of’over 500 different styles, ranging in’price from 10c to $5.00. Ramekins and Plates. In French and German China, neat and. dainty. decor­ ations ganging in price from $2.59 to $9.00 doz. Fish and Game S e ts . In American, ware German and French China $3,98 to $30.00, Fern Dishes. In domestic pottery, French and German China and Japanese ware 15, 29, 48, 58,- 69, 79, 93 and up Jardinieres.. Over'50 styles to select from 10c to $5.00. Chocolate Pots and Cracker Jars. Over 300. different styles and decorations 29q to $6,00 each, Candle Sticks and Candelabra ■ In silver plated, colonial glass and bisque, prices range at from 10c to $7.00 each. Sugars and Creams. •24c $3,00 per set. . . Art Glass. ' ' . Bohemian and Austrian ware, a sample line consisting of over 300 pieces ranging" in price from 24c to $5.00 CUT GLASS A T CUT PRICES DGRFLINGER’ S CUT tiLASS The Most brilliant in the Market. None better at any price. Now Guttings and Shapes. Not to be found elsewhere. Eight-inch Bowls, from ..,.....,.,....... $3.98 to $15 Water Bottles...... ............ ..$2.48 to $10 Olives.............. ................. .........,...... $1.49 to . $5 Cream Pitchers.,...,........... ........................ 97c Up* Knife and Fork Rests................................... ....... 29c Vinegar and Oil Ciuets...,,........... !..$1.59 to $5 Boquet Holders................. ...,....98c /to $23.50 Cut Tumblers, doz!..,......................... $2.98 to' $15 Mustard Pots..... ....................... ......................... ..97c ' * 1 * . / * » ’ Sugar and Creams, pair ........1,49 to $9 Celery Trays;...... '............................ .... .$3.98 up. H and Painted F ren ch ,Limoges C h i n a s ' Every,'piece positively hand painted, “ not •Ten- ' ciled.” Prices at least half regular price. Ideal Xmas gifts. Prices range from 98c to;........ $ 10.00 PLATES, ,CUPS and SAUCERS, SUGARS and CREAMS, TRAYS, CHOP PLATES, HAIR RE­ CEIVERS, COCOA ’POTS, CRACKES JARS, SAL­ AD DISHES, ETC. Silver Plated Baking Dishes Plated on white metal, fully warranted, new shapes, bright or satin finish. . . . . $WS. 2 .%, $ 3 . 98 , $ 4 . 98 , a i l up. C H R I S T M A S B U Y E R S ^ W ren ’s Furniture Department offers you twofold advan tages. The stock is the largest and m ost complete, in fact you are offerd an advantage you have never had before. A first=class Furniture Stock from wh ich you can with ease and comfort make a selection of desirable pieces of every description w ith wh ich to gladden the hearts of your friends. The price is o f course an important factor, where one has a number of presents to buy. In a very terse w a y let us say , th a t We w ill guarantee every price in th is m agn ificen t department* quality for quality, for below those offered yon elsewhere, and most important, YOU ARE SELECTING FROM A CLEAN N E W AND UP=TO=DATE STOCK. For those who have but a sm a ll am ount of money to expend w e have made ample provision; and for those who are unlimited we can say the sam e . Goods to su it every purse and every person. ■ GlobeWernicke Elastic Book Cases. As usual heads the list* It is inexpen­ sive, comes in all the woods and finishes and grows with your library, » Small enough for twenty books* pt large, enough for twenty thousand. It’s elastic. We carry the complete line of LIBRARY CASES Oakand itiahogany; single, double and three door style; hanging book shelves and cabinet book cases in bamboo and wood. Combination Book Cases. Oak and mahogany. A large and hand­ some lifte to select from, ahd at the right price, Have one style, quartered oak front..,.,. $ 11.98 Knowing the utility of you dining room we have prepared a feast of Sideboards. Over one hundred styles ranging in price from $9.50 up to $150. China Closets and Buffets. Invaluable additions to yolir home and in­ valuable line to select from. Every style from the modest serving table up to solid mahogany ones of the highest grade. Morris Chairs 'Originated by Morris and used by evfery one, The most comfortable chair, and your home is not complete without one. Golden Antwerp and weathered oak and mahogany, velour chase leather and genu­ ine leather cushions, all seasonable and fully guaranteed. The ohe shown is lowest priced one we carry and a good one, Trice is......... J BIIUWJl IS 1UWI‘SG $ 4 .9 8 Couches , Genuine Leather, Chase Leather, Pan- tasote, Verona and Velour Coverings. Contentment prevails where luxury is, and . luxury is where you find a WREN couch, Davenport or sofa bed. Davenport sofa beds in velour or leather, .Davenports in velour from d ! 1 A A $24 to..!.......... ................... $ 1 U U Davenports with adjustable head and foot either plain or can be converted into a full size comfortable bed. Couches, leather, 12 styles as d* 4 f } low as,..... ......... ............... I M Couches, Pantasote, 9 1 f C A styles, as low as.......1 1 » v v Couches/velour, 45 Styles, as low a s ......,..,,,..,.,.,..... « p U # y O Presents of furniture are substancial ones and appreciated. Brass and Iron Beds $18 C T | A solid brass bed full •*-^.” size, fully guaranteed, the latest shape curved head and foot. Brass beds at $27.00, $31.00, $36,00 and up to $75.00, No need of going out of the city now, we have the selection on the fourth floor ready for delivery, o Iron beds, white enameled, full sized of 3-4 size and a selection of seventy other styles to Select from, all the colorings....,,,,..,.,.,,., uwi $ 1.98 Odd Parlor, Library and Den Pieces, * Weathered and Antwerp Oak, Leather, Rush, and Wood Seats, Rockers, Morris Chairs, Library and Den Tables, Odd Arm Chairs, Stools, Etc. Odd Parlor Rockers, Divans,-Sofas, in Mohogany or,.Gold frames Wren’s Rockers . 200 Styles, 200! Prices We can please every rocker buyer in Ce- darvilje. Price, quality, just the thing for a Christmas present—actually two hundred styles to select from—ranging in price from 98 c to $25 Each . Odd Princess Dressers, Chiffo­ niers, Toilet Tables,Odd Fancy Wood Beds, antique reproduc­ tions in Bed Room and Din­ ing Room Furniture, in Solid Mahogany Bird’ s Eye Maple Etc, Order G lobe-Wernicke Book casts now. You w on ’ t be d is­ appointed in the prompt deliv­ ery o f them . Others are do ­ ing so. W hy don ’ t yoti? A STOftY WITH A MORAL.; Tftv'tf Are Way* and Waya of Adver- tUing One’s Business, There wits once an advertising agent who called on a business man ■ ;o prove to him that advertising in a newspaper was more effective than advertising on billboards, The busi­ ness man was skeptical on this mint. He had been in the habit of (istribufing bis business signs all over the face of the landscape, and ie regarded this sort o f exaggerated tattooing tin no less wise than pic- luresqtie, as perhaps it was. His idea of the picturesque differed from that of the Barbizonschoolof paint*, ing, v i The agent said,“ 1 will prove t o 1 yen that a sign painted on a dead wall is of very little practical val­ ue/’ ; The business man said, “ If vott cfth I will advertise in vonr paper/ ’ 1 The agent made out his contract. Then he said; “ There is an adver­ tisement seven feet by four painted in large letters on the wall o f a sev­ en story building which you pass on your way to your office every morning. Can you tell’me what it' ■:iS?” -r" ■ •. > ■ The business man racked his memory hi vain. He could remem­ ber that there was a sign there in white letters on a blue ground, but though' ho hud seen it every morn­ ing for many years lie could not re­ member anything more, Then the agent led him out and showed him that it was nn advertisement of somebody’s liver pills. /Phis story carries its own moral. When the first mlvertmoment was painted on a trail for those to read, who never read newspapers it doubt­ less did attract attention. But when a dozen hrass bands are tooting at a time, it would marie an expert,.to' tell' what tune any of them is play­ ing. In passing along the street the brain can only take in a certain number of impressions and instinc­ tively rejects those hot of immedi­ ate interest, In reading a newspa­ per the attention of the reader is given to the space before him for several minutes, perhaps half nn hour. Ho sees things which* ho would not notice in an instant’s sur­ vey^ If lie lmppehs to want some particular kind of goods ho cannot go out on the streets and scan the buildings for the sign of the dealer, Ho looks in the paper or in the di­ rectory. Any one who wishes to test the comparative value of. the. street sign and the newspaper need only minimthe experiment described in the story. The elmtioo^ are that' ho cannot tell the mimes o f three of the numerous firms whose goods he lias: seen advertised on walls and fences between his home and his. f piiue of uuijiuess. — Mashiiigton ! Times, I A Matter of Teeth, He was a Cornish miner, and ho went to the local dentist to have a troublesome tooth drawn. “ I want a tooth hold out/* lie announced, with a line air of unconcern, taking his scat in the chair of torture and opening his mouth for inspection. “ Which one is it?” asked the den­ tist. “ Thh-ky there. 1" reckon/' lie replied, pointing a coal grimed fin­ ger toward the om> which seemed lo him to lie the seat of torment. There was brief silence, « long, sickening wrench, and out the supposed of­ fender came, “ Wiiv, this bit'i the one, man. It's, perfectly sound/ said the man with4the forceps. Tim miner looked at the (noth gravely, returned it, leaned hack In the (hair composedly, gripped its arms, ready !!10 P'w>’ quietly remarked, Woll* 1 vc*ckoD yoU Tfeuer go straight on till ye eoJrie to uji ” 1 There are 800 UliintBe students in the colleges of Japan and 500 more are to be rout. Fight Will Bt BHttr, Thoie Who will persist in closing their cure against the continual re­ commendation of I)r. King’s New Discovery for consumption, ,will haV( a long aud bitter fight with Ihcii troubles, if not ended earlier by fetal termiUHtjon. Tlemi what T. Heel!, of Beall, Mbs., has to ray; Lad fell my wife lnid every Symplon of con* sumption. ' trim took Dr. King’s New Discovery after everyilfing else had failed, Improvement c#nm at once and four bottles entirely eared berk Guaranteed by all (Irtuadst. Price 50e flndfU, Trial buttlet free, 4 . * -------f-,n ; ^ Haiti devotes almost ore sixth of Jits revenues <0 fieo School#, QUESTION ANSWERED, S Yes, August Flower still has ihe largest sale of aiiy medicine iu the civ­ ilized world. Your mothers sad grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bili­ ousness, Doctors were scarce, Rud they seldom heard of appendicitis, nervous prostration or heart failure, eld. They used August Flower to , dean out the systemand Mop fennen- mthm of *undigested food, regulate the aeihm o f the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the sys­ tem, end that is all they took when feeling dull trad bad with headache* and other nrheii, Yon only need ft few doses of Green’s August Flower, tu liquid form,' to make you satisfied there-in r.otbing serious the matter with you. You Canget this reliable remedy at all druggists. Price 25o nrnl I5c, —-Aerne Stock Food for sale by L H. Uullenberger,