The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52
MMummm s/ mm m v im m r n A LITTLE NONSENSE Aworted Chuckler* tp. Drive Pull part Into Temporary Exile, P»tieocc-«*\V.hett lie proposed to l you was be on. his mettle ? Patrice—-No; he was on bis knees. Bill—I, never like to have a man do a tiling behind my back. Jill—What do you do when you |hove your hair cut, then? “We may hmgh at the. man who, says ‘I done it / ■ remarked the ob server of events and things, “ but he j may be just as sincere as the man Who save *1 did it,” ” ' Mr. Brush—I see a woman threw an opal ring in the contribution box at n church the other day. ■Sir. Painter—Must have been the gem of the collection, Patience—I hear she has quite a Ireputation as an amateur cook . ' -Patrice—Oh, yes, “And that her husband was a fa- [mous eater before he married her/’ “ Yes; she married him to reform 1him,” . , Augustus— I hear you’ve been making a. bid for Miss Roxana’s hand ? Angie—I have, .' ■ “Did you know that her father re- ] served the right to throw ..out all Ibidders Yonkers Statesman. Hearty Co-operation. . Slippers and shoes to please”everybody; all kinds, all prices; all good; all ser viceable. Come and look at them. B; Gr. Siegentlialer & Son. . .SPRINGFELD, OHIO. w M vMih Mkh ... ii- ■ f p i t i t l J MUFFLERS Our assortment consists of Four-in- hands, English squares, Ascoss. Puffs, .'fecks, Bows, string ties in'black and Colors. ‘ Also a full line o f eight col ors' tor evening' dress. ' Ways'wooi mnffllets from 25c to | 75c. Silk mufflers square and folded; from 50c to S2.00. SULLIVAN The: hatter, ■27 S, Limestone st. Springfield, O. * First Actor—Was the banquet a success ? Second Actor—Yes, indeed. The audience supplied us with real eggs and vegetables. -Making Him Useful. “ So your Avife doesn’t object to your smoking in the hoUGe?” “Not a hit of it,” replied Mr. Meekton. “I often wish that Hen rietta objected to smoking. Then I shouldn’t lie obliged to sit for hours blowing tobacco smoke over her window plants to kill the insects.” —Washington Star. WellNaniidWirt T h ep ra ctica lpa in ter says, the man Who storms at the weather because the paint on his house won’t weather the storms, could live a life of sun shine by using r Patton’s S um -P r o o f Paint Patton’s Sun-Proof Paint gives double the service of all-white- lead or any ordinary paint It is made of the most perfect com bination o f pointmaterials to stand the severest trial the sun^md Weather can give it. Guaranteed to keep its gloss and wear well for five years. Send for book of PaintKntmledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Laic* St., Milwaukee, W(>. Jfciien'ai fiiw-riwo,I W L yrilp Ctites a Cough or Cold lit one day I Why cough and risk Consumption? This famous remedy will cure yoii at once. For Grippe, Bronchitis, Hoarsettessi Asthma, and other Throat and Lung troubles* it is the best medicine made. Pleasant to take. Doctors recommend i t At all druggists* Price 25 cents. K & K K*& K K r V K K & K K & K K u K BLOOD POISON* . OXatccant t>{iii <trri1>1« blooddiseaseIacalledtbe fefaf of ail diseases. « mavtis sutlerhereditaryrife.mtraetedj sftwiiUcItMay.nothe* crista loanee the (iinea«t,H1*a ecnae to permit Itto remain in the system. It may manifest itself Itt ttifl form of Sccofiiia,, rheitmatlc pains, atiff or swollenjoints, itchtM«sofiheekin, eruption*or bUmUm, hirers in tits month or on the tonnite, ware tlir-Mt, fallirijr out of hair. <U,».4#r*dstoittach, anan general dewrissloaof theSystem. IIjroghaveanyof the*#symptonMuidii’tneglect yourself, Toe have no time to fore. Beware of "6Jdfenr" treatment—frtwara Of mineral oolsous^- Iieware of n*aek* mi fakir*. OU« »BW MBTHSO TRWtATMKM'r !* (fneriiitw'd toepre this disease,neter to retard, Batik Bond* wilt protect yon, Ourteesttaetj11*notittjniriousin anyway, hut reaches thevery, tootof tfie aiseaee, endMiiiiltiatee rut poWut from the system, The symptoms of dUeaeSgraduallyI rtUanpesri .The.htoodb'ceme*pareand enriched, the whomsystem.1* e)e****dl .andrmtlflelvanAth*p*tierttJ>et<jNm*mi anewfor theduties and the pleasure*! loLllfe, .CO« BS^oyABAffTBBD. Ok NO PAY, BS y**r» In] / A CLEVER SWINDLE. Th, «h*fp Trtek That Wsw PUyid an a London Jeweler, There is one firm of jewelers in London which has the best of rea sons for remembering how efficient/ a detective may be in certain cir-f eumstanees. An American bishop entered the shop and asked tp tp permitted to see some jewelry, noth- mg very expensive, which he could not-afford, but something that |he might ask his wife to accept, gay £70 or £80. Charged, of coupe, the obliging shopman displayed! hia wares, and the bishop, with his/car riage at the door, did not hurry but was persuaded eventually to take a bracelet at £100, He produc id a note for £100, That happened to he all the money he had with him. It seemed all right to the Bhop nan, hut the good bishop, a string r to the firm, \yas scrupulous, “ pe: id it along to the bank and have b ex amined while I Avait,” he said.! “ I should prefer it,” Nothing sim pler.' An assistant was dispatched to the bank and returned to saylthe note was one of the, very best, and everything was very satisfactory. The bishop took the bracelet; the man behind the counter popped on to usher him into his carriage, when' up strode an unmannerly variet of a policeman in uniform and tapped the bishop on the shoulder, “Hello, Jim!” . he exclaimed fa miliarly to the good man in the shovel ‘ hat and gaiters. “Hello ! TJp. to your old tricks again, are you? You’ll just come along with me.” So saying, he roughly han dled the poor bishop back again into the shop. The proprietors, said tliat there was a very grave mis take here. The gentleman upon whom the constable had laid hands had just bought a bracelet for £100 and paid /for it with a note whose excellence, had been duly attested by the bank authorities.’ “Just let me look at that note, sir,” said the constable, unconvinced, lie scru tinized it closely. “ Ah, just as I, thought !’ *he exclaimed. “This note is one of a particularly clever batch of forgeries which are very difficult to detect, and-the man is no more a bishop than you arc. We will go off to the police station uf once.*- I will take the note and go oh with the prisoner in the carriage, and you must send your men in a cab to meet us and ghTe evidence.” So the policeman took his1 prisoner and the note and the necklace and.ivMrlcd' arvay in the carriage. Neither the bishop, the policeman, the note nor the bracelet has ever been seen or heard of since.—St. James Gazette, . Sister Hostesses. It cannot be denied that sisters make charming hostesses whenever one finds them keeping house to gether and hospitably inclined. For- one thing it is irgain to have tivo hostesses-instead of one, and sisters are accustomed to one another and can understand each other ivithout a Avord and instinctively feel Avhat is . going on. They can talk together [ of quite different things and yet keep tune. Many a sisterly shrine must occur to each one of us,with warming hearth and pleasant words of welcome. It matters not Avhether it is in Brighton or in London, past or present, or in .the murky Man chester or on ii Cornish crag or by some, distant Cumberland lake side. One„ altvays seems to be at ease where reflected kindness lights up the friendly hours of companionship and rest.—Mrs. Richmond Ritcliio in Cornhill, Was a Man of His Word. When' the old navy yard was at the foot of Federal street one of the employees opened a boarding house in tjhe vicinity. One day a young man applied and On learning the terms said he ivould come with his trunk that night. When bedtime came the boarding house keeper and his family retired, but the new boarder had not put in an appear ance. Next morning they found the house had been robbed during the night, and on the table in the dining room was a note from the young man saying he had arrived according to promise; but, not lik ing the looks of things, he Avould not be back.—Philadelphia Ledger. The Needle Was Strong. Mrs. N.ewlywed—No, I can’ t say that I think much of my new sew ing machine. It is disappointing. Mrs. Oldgirl—Why, it is a very good m&ke- What seems to be the trouble ? . Mrs, Newlywed—I don’t know ex actly, but when I tried to sew some buttons on Mr. Newlywed's shirts yesterday it broke every last one of them.—Cincinnati Times-Star, Powerful Argument, Hate—You knoAV Nellie has al ways said that she would never mar ry Tom, and yet when he brought around that solitaire diamond ring that she is wearing now she accept ed him right away. Mildred-—Yes; she told mo the next day that his argument that night had a very convincing ring.- Somerville Journal. £ i S f LOCAL AND PERSONAL S GO TO DORN’S. —Get lard cans at. Cooper’s. New sorghum at Gray & Co. *—Christinas candies at Cooper’s. . . . . • .j Lifis'bouy soajrat Gray & Co, . —Reduced prices pu all heatiug stoves at Kerr A Hustings Bros. —Something Cue are Heinz’s bulk preserves at Gray & Co, The Farmer*’ Institute will be held ilonday aud Tuesday, Dec, 23, 29. —The largest, best and cheapest me of robes and horse blankets ever uowu in Cedarville, at Kerr &H hsl - dgs Bros’. The folks who invested in Zion -Jiy are now more anxious than evei to know if their redeemer liyeth.— auufb Charleston Sentinel. ■*" —Candies, huts andorangeis for the olidays at Cooper’s, ’ It pays to feed Acme Food, h suh- . utute for'oil meal at one-third the cost; /Aidgjdigestipn and gives a fiulsh rfold ou guarantee by L. H. bulleu berger, According to the Xeuiu Gazette ir. Horace Gilluugh is about to trade is farm of 154 acres, located in the' outbern part of the county, for Mr. ‘•bn OgCsbee’s property in Xenia, be farm is to be taken in the trude c SCO per acre, the difference in cash going to Mr. Gillaugh. —Some fine inducements for the loliday tradiug at Dowuing’s Studio, do in early, as there is going to be a ,reat rush for, Christinas, work this •ear, and it is a mistake to ' leayjfc ,.our order until the last moment, Speaking generally, wild creatures iihsbitiug hot countries are more savage than those of cold or' temper ate countries. —Everything in the grocery line at | Cooper’s. P uooh 70. —C'hinaware, hooks, toys, games, etc,, at Cooper’s. Come tind 9te them. Mr. aud Mrs. James McMillan and sou, Paul, and Mrs. Homer iVljhMilmn who : has ueeu the guest of Columbus relatives left I h rday for Los Aug-j .c»,, wUbit. may will spaml iUc inter with their spu, Rev, Homei. .dcMiilan. —^Violins, guitars, accordeoua, ■...ndoliiia, burps, uil kinds of strings, loliu boAve, music rolls, and etd., foi ^hristmus, .Wests music store, Xenia. —,lt is time to think of your Christ- j mas presents; books, Bibles, pictures, cutgluss, Japanese ware, tea gets, five , o'clock teas, Boiihunian ware uuu CtOj.iau a..<L, .ut ii.Hb, collection : ever ... Xeuiu at \\ tbt b L. ok Store The indication* at' the present j uue are that tui keys for (Jbtmiuus will he near the quarter murk per pouud, During the Thanksgiving sale the prices were even higher bin suddenly dropped to ubouc twelve cents. -For fear of a coutiuuul rise 1 m iin pi ice ol turkeys many people are ordering ut the present time.' —Do not overlook the fact that Dowuiug is giving a half life size por- .rait free, with each dozen of hie •oroimovals. This cdfir is only to» die Holiday trade and people wishing pictutes, (mould Juok autr it, Heinzs bulk mince mfeat ut Gray & Co. GO TO DORN’S. The Yellow Springs Farmers’ In atitute was held Monday and fuetday it the opera house in , that village The state speakers were H. F. Me- j Mahan and O. G.. Williams. We notice that Messrs. J. W, Pollock and O. E. Bradfute were on the program for “ sheep” and Mr. R. C, Corry for “ Sale of Corn.” The institute whs attended by several from here and eadi session is reported as a very profitable and interesting one, Duluth, Mirfn., is to have an im mense electrical power plant which will rival that at the “ Soo /’ CtTT TH IS OUT. Ofelo, ^ 50,000 Cured, Co«iulla|l9o Free, Ossifies Mask for Homs trMfiri*nl amt 0?ok* free. D rs .KENNEDY&KERGAN a# PAf AwjMsHor fi*,- CievefAiid* 0 f n : » n . k .& k ‘ vk ..& h h % h k ^ k I f this “ ad” is presented whe» you, make ybur purshssea 6f toys and holi- |day goods, we will accept it as good for lOo off on every dollar you pur* SULLIYAN'S, Main aad Limestone street. $100 Reward. The readers of this paper will be pleased Id know that there is at least nnu dreaded lisenso that science hna been able to cure in dl its Stagesand that . is catarrh. Bail’s Catarrh Cure ii the only possitivetinw known to the medical fraternity. Cat rah b jttg a constitutional disease. r<quires a cniBiifnllorml treatment, Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood aml.ttiucons surfaces of tit* system, thereby destroying the foundations of the disease, and giving the patient strength by bnilding up the constitution andassisting hatnre $n doing its work. The proprietors have so much fmlh In Its Curative powers, that thoy offer liOOfor fthy •usethat.It fails to cur*. Send fbr list of testimonials. •’ 3. P. fbihney it Co„ Toledo, 0, 1 Sol V bjt druggists 1i>t\ Hajl>Fam'ly W}1« af« thebe/d. wr i .ONLY A'FEW MORE DAYS' “ ' In WhichtoSelect Yoar Ghfistroas Gifts. Come to us, ^arly and we will see that your wants are supplied. Our lines are how complete but being rapidly depleted. W e can’t name here all of the many 'useful and desirable things we’ re showing, but will mention just a few: y . WATCHESA SPECIALTY, We have them in such vari ety that.all tastes may be suited whether you want one of the one dollar kind or something up to the very finest, Jewels of EverlastingBeauty A gleaming, glittering Dia mond is a regal gift. We show some very fine ones, at prices that make us exceedingly small profit. Fine full-cut diamonds as low as 83.00 and up to gl!5. We’ have diamond rings,for chil dren at $1 25 up to what you wunt to pay. SILVER NOVELTIES, Brushes, mirrors, combs, mail files,Aeals, paper kDiyee, brioms, stamp aud match boxes, hut marks, blotters, -scissors, tooth' brushes,. comb and brush sets for the babies, shoe horns, per fume bottles and many other things at prices from 20c up to 25 dollars according to quality. Stud$( Cuff Links, Brooches, Scarf pins, hat pins chatluin pins, cuff pins, dress pin sets, neck chains, lockets,, guard chains, fobs,vest chains, charms, silk guards, chain bracelets, car men adjustable bracelets. A USEFUL, APPROPRIATE, and' always acceptable present for lady or gentleman is A N UM BRELLA . ' Our Hue is far better than .ever before. Handles are of gold and pearl, silver and pearl, ivory, horn, natural woods, in all the popular shapes , and mountings. Prices range from 50c to 12 dollars. s i l v e r w e a r . In solid sih’er and plated ware we lnive the bept line we've ever shown. If you look it over you’re sure to find something to please. ■, W e Want You to Buy Your Holiday Gifts Hjere. W e Guarantee/ Satisfaction; No Transaction too Small to Command our Attention. * McCOLtUM, The Jeweler. 5 With the passing of Thanksgiving our thoughts naturally turn to th e ’ great gift-giving day, Christmas, and vve wonder what we are going to .give ‘•him,’ ’ or what would please “ hifn” best. To entertain these thoughts in the most satisfactory manner, come and see us and lets us be your guide * and assist you in choosing,something that will be useful, and that “ he” will appreciate. ^ - Our ClothingStock - , EmbracesMany Varieties Our $ 6.00 and $ 8.00 Men's Suits in cassimers and making a strong l'nss to- choose from. $ 10.00 and $12 00 Suits, popular priced, lined lines areexcep. tionly good. . Our higher priced suits, up to $ 22 . 00 , show, careful selection The fit and workmanship we guarantee. , Collars, Cuffs, . Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, etc, Our Gvcrcocit Stock Is stronger thau ever, and the way they have sold thus fur is proof enough tliut they rank above all others. Then, in our other lines is found the usual snap and good tastes that char acterizes them above any others. Neckwear, Everthing from the narrow siring lie to. the large flowing end Aecoi, 25o to 81.50. Mufileis in. all shapes and designs and at a cost that will make your purse open with Smoking Jackets. Of two toned cloth in a variety of effects, $4 to $12. All these and tnany’ qtbers we will glad ly show you, if you Avill but give us the chance. Every article in our immense stock is not only useful, but practical as well, slid such ns every mm would appreciate. Remember to nsk for a calendar, BRADY & STE1NFELSCO, Geo, Hatter, XENIA, OHIO. A! W,Haynes, H. A. Higgins, Resident Partners. Hints For Housewivtt, , Browned flour should always ho kept oh hand th use for thickening, • Prepare it by putting n little dry. flour in tlie oven in a dripping pan,' stir it occasionally ahd cook it until it is a light brown, When washingsateen put a little borax in your last rinsing water, This will cause the material to he i glossy when ironed, .The great secret in window clean ing is to have perfcetly clcan cloths, and plenty o f them, and never to make the window whfwet. It i f cheaper and wiser, in the end to buy good carpets and good fur* 'future,,- After washing silk, or lace to give it the same stiffness as when now rinse in scalding water in which a ! little sugar has been added. j Bbersole Pianos ' ' ■ABSOL lJY r itY DURABL.U, , “Wo havoior aimmbOfol ysavsused KborsoiePianosInthe GonserAutoryA’liore they aid Cousfiintiysubjected to the lumb est kind of use. Wo have found the EbersolS to be a go»ul, durable piano, well able to stand thewenr andtearof tbemusic room,"’ Mms/hLAiwBAtntiBireetWMi;: . - OlnciansUOoftwivatwryolMmie. : MA'HqSAOtimlO ' ■ / 8m m NixDii. Pi$t«G C o . . liiiiiid te s b . ■ ■'ifciisfciNNAfii A,
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