The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

local a m Wm B ttk l Tnjrbo* k te %hti City. •J-Tb* Green* County Fair August 4 ,M , 7 . —Far JM C*«*» w*nd >»it?a» Bee Pierce, —Pare Manilla hay ropea t Kerr & Hasting* Brw - Are you going? Where? To the Greene County Fair, Tom Smith now has charge of the Mitchell toosoriil parlor, *~Olive 0il{St»table tor Baled drew* lag. At Gray & Cora. tf —August 4, 5, 6, 7, what? The Greene county fair of course, At Boyd attended the stock sale a t Washington, 0 . H., Tuesday, Paul Tindall was the .guest of a Xenia friend Saturday evening. ' M«se« Dora .Sbroufe and Della Ford Sundayed in Yellow Spriugs. » Tho latestthing out—Egg-O-Sc-e, Ten cents a package, at Gray. & CVs,. Woodbridge TJstick left Thursday for Iowa, where be will visit his aunt. Mrs, J, A. Berg, of Chicago, is vis­ ing her sister, Mrs, A. 55. Smith and family* ■A complete line of His harvest, gatheredwith a great d«a! of comfort and satisfaction this year, knowing that the pne** wilt aHow.him a-surplus, after th# fad purchases are made, We *r* in a position to save you money on your purchases. Can We SenYoti this Week? J"k-v—-XF-r— .V Misses Covert Cloth tag* $ho#s, sues 13 to. 2, soW everywhere for $1.25. O n l y 7 8 c a P a i r . Ladies' Oxfords, patent and vici, that sold the first of the season for $ 1,25 and $1.50, O n l y $ 1 . 0 0 a P a i r . Men's tow Cut Shoes, In patent, vici and velour, odds and efids, • A T C O S T , Let us take cure of your horse while it town, trading. WILL CONSIDER IT A FAVOR. M c C o r k e lF s PopularPriced Store. L i r r i - I 1 f „ <Xi wilPpfeach in the TL P. church. •. Sabbath, ; " ' ; Misa Carrie Eife is spending a1few dayswith Miss Carrie Hutchison, of Sear Xenia,' „ Robert Walker left Wednesday for Anderson, Ind., where he has a posi­ tion on the railroad, Karl TJstick and wife, ofCoinmbus, -Were guests at the home of Miss Lillie Stewart oyer Sabbath, Ed, Bpahr left Friday evening for Dark county, where be will visit his sister, Mrs, RueselJ Fields, dohn’Stewart, who moved to Wis Cotisin a couple oTyears ago,, is ex­ pected to return next week. ’ Mrs. J . A.' Sormont returned (Wednesday after a lengthy Visit with fner parents in Prirjceton, Ind. • / -Go to John Pierce for lift and hreakfast t f foods, at Gray & Co’s, ; .Mr. Elkany Finney arrived home Wednesday after several Weeks in Michigan. - -, J. L. Mercer, of Hillsboro, is the guest o f , his sister, Mrs. Orin Mat­ thews. 'Miss Emma Patterson,, of Xenia, is visiting' her, niece, Airs. J . H, Drake. —7Anyone wishing a well driller may have the same by calling on W. H.- Strain, - . 4t Geo. Boyd is remodling and im prbving ‘ the residence south of his restaurant. Miss Irene McClellan leaves the first of the next week for a ■visit - with' Indiana relatives. " Mrs. Lydia Weymouth is seriously ill a t herhome on Cedar Street; being Take advantage of1 the special price threatened with an attack, of typhoid | on, buggies at Kerr & Hastings Bros, - fever- ‘ ■. Iand buy'yourself one; i < ’"—Greater than Tast year' will be tbe J ’ Miss Arina Belle Murdock, of At*. Greene County Fair, August 4, 5, 6 Manta, Ga„ is a t the home of her and° 7 ' at' Xenia, Beraember the j father, John Murdock, dates. . ' r‘ I ’ , , | Mrs. Cha£. Crouse, Jr., and Mrs, Alias Gwra McMillan is home from JSidney Smith visited South Charles- Greenville, Texas, where. she has toli friends, Wednesday; charge o f the'elocution in a. College a t 1 .that place,. ‘ Miss Flora IlifTe left Tuesday for her home in Chicago, after a two weeks’ visit with Mr. W. H, .Owens and family. . P I? K ' Mrs. T, W, •-Luckey, of South Charleston* Sppnt Tuesday with W. J . Wildman and family. , Mrs. J . J . McClellan and daugh­ ters- will return tomorrow to. their „ . , , home in Hartford City, Tad. -Now is the time to get your Fly J • Nets and ybucatt purchase them at We offer buggies for the next two right prices of Dorn, the Harness wee^s at a special price. Come and Man, where cask wins. ' see us, Kerr & Hastings Bros. 0, T, W, Suilenberger and wife, of Take your crayon, pastel and water Oxford, were guests of Mr. Lewis I m}°r P°m*ite to Downing, where you Suilenberger and wife from Sunday JWl fiecUre something fine. 33d Until Mondny evening. Prof. W. R. McGhesney and wife, Chas. Crouse, J r., and wife visited !?d Mis8jef nie Mort'° ^tended the Mr* and Mira.1Horace Gillaugh Sun-1 H»T»*AndeKon wedding at Lou day. Mr* Gillaugh has recovered suf- Jdonv| e*00 Wednesday, fieiently to be about after'a long sick* j , Mr. Frank Hastings, wife and ness. j daughter, Mary, expect to leave next The thirty-sixth annual reunion 0f Tu68da/ t6r ^'bois, where he will the 44th 0 V. I. and the 3th O, V. 8Pelld h,s vacat,0n v,8lUnf?*»*■brother. C,, will be held this year at Gordon* I Clark Lodge No. 166, L Q.O. F» O., August 6. Several will be in at-1 will hold a carnival in Watson’s grove* /tendance from here. South Charleston, August 6th, The Mr. J . R. Kyle and wife, ofXenia, bi,lB an“oUntce aU kjad8 of Bffili8e are spending the week at the home of I™ent8' /roM borse raciD8 to 8 babT Charles Cooley and family. Mr. j bovr* f Kyle is is a member of the firm ofl The firm of Kerr & Hastings Kyle t&Tate, jewelers, Jshipped out another mammoth Car of Miss Katherine Eavey, of Xenia* ^beat.thw week, tbe car being one of accompanied tier father, Will Eavey, thri W® phtterns and was loaded with oFEavey A Co,, on his trip Tuesday bushels of wheat for export *ad spent the day befe witb Lucile MroWBalt{wor6* Gray and Mary Bird. Miss Agnes Kyle, after taking I Misses Mae and Stella Matthews I bourse of private instructions in Day* wstamed Friday from Oxford, nccom-1 too* returned to her home here, Tues. S t*d by their cmisins, Dora and j day. She will remain at the home of Hi* Hover, of Lima, who will I her father until taking up her work *1sp*t>d a few daya with them. j in the Osborn schools. Fred Ross had the misfortune to] The door of I, C. Davis’ tailoring i m a finger from bis left hand, while | establishment bore the sign* “ Davis (M work at the paper mill, Wedne#-1A Son, Tailors,* Wednesday morn- day. The member was caught be* j leg, Mr. and Mrs, Davis being the ; #w*au two large steam rollers, proud parents of.a teu pound hoy ; Mato,, Ralph Wolford and his prho arrived that morning. M i n , Fred Kcmslwrg. of Spring- Mr. and Mrs. B. G, Rldgway have fwo, left Wcdneatlay for Toledo I arrived borne from their eastern trip, i will visit a cousin. They! Mr, Eidgway ekfiects to move his ■ to spend mrast of the time on I family to Dayton soon where he has a iwlsaka, Jposition. lie will rent his residence; ,A atmnlerof stockmeu will start to the college for boarding and room* #ut on • circuit atieuding the fairs, j log purposes, bring Greene county fair. Rev. Alvin Orr,wifff«nd sou arrived MaFarlaud will awitt R, 0 . Jhere Tuewlav for a short May vrfth I with hw sheep and hogs, James J relatives, ,Mr. Orr will preschln the y go** with J . R. Orris Jersey JR, p, chttreh, Sabbath, bis togl .for w5lf *li w*tb w l t l w rnornirtg servloea being “The tk*®rmirat# A Hon herds, An* J traniftmmatlort of a human aoul,*1 * t® rw . will mart at the Green* I while In the evening ha will give i f f i p t John Piaref was a busiiMWS vmter In Dayton yesterday. Go to Downing on Friday and have your picture taken. Work finer than ever. 33d "—The rublier tire bn *gy you need can lie had of Kerr A Hasting* Bros, Misses Grace and Denna cFipney, of Los Angeles, Cal,* visted relatives hero the first of the week. AR fs Dorathea Brotherton, of De­ troit, Mich., and Alisft Will* Hemp-; hill, ofSouth Charleston, are visiting this week with Air. J . H, .Brotherton; and wife. Owing to an oversight J , W, Sal­ mon’s ad in our la s t,issue read live spring chickens 14c per pound, At-; tentiou is called to this advertisement this week. Dr. P. E. Madden, Practice lim­ ited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Glasses Accurately Ad­ justed. Allen Building, Xenia, 0 . Office Wo, 7 *, XpaMence Wo, Xt ; Dr., T. E. Baldridge and family, of Dayton, were guests of relatives here Wednesd y. Mrs. Baldridge will re-: main for several days. Misses Euth and Lucile Warnock returned to their li.ome in College Corner, Wednesday, after a very pleasant with friends here, August 3th to 7th, inclusive, ■ tbe Pennsylvania Lines will sell, excur­ sion tickets to Xenia, from London, Morrow, Dayton? Springfield and in­ termediate ticket stations on those railroads. Yellow Springs has. an ordinance that requires owners to have a tag on all dogs that-run at large. Pecans failing to comply with,this ordinance’ are liable to a fine from one to ten dollars, Mrs. Ralph George and daughter returned Wednesday to their home in Chicago after an extended visit with her parents." They were accompanied to Dayton by Aliases Clara and' Fari- nie Jackson and spent the day, with Aliss Carrie Eeif, After nearly a month’s vacation Mr. C, A. Young retumB to Phila­ delphia today, to take-up bis work in that city. He will stop over in Pitts-/ burg enroute for several hours visit with'Mr. Fred Sproul who is engaged ip business in that city. ' The • families of Messrs. , Harry Stormont, and William Conley, and Mr. John Stormont and sister, Ada," and'Mr. James ErviU and family, of Xenia, spent Wednesday a t the, Sol­ diers’ Home at Dayton, W. H, Lackey and wife were also- among the dumber, W« B, Bryson’s two-year old phe­ nomenal trotter by Wilmons and the sensational wonder of 1902, as a year, ling .will give an. exhibition. mile at the Xenia fair, Thursday afternoon, An effort will be made to beat 2:30. On Friday, Little Frank, 2 :09$- will go against the%track record of 2;11}, and also. attempt to lower bis own record.. ' . 1 —The Sixty-fottrth Annual Fair of the Greene County Agricultural Society will-be held at Xenia, Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Fri­ day, August 4 to ,7 inclusive. I t ive, the fact that this year will find the greatest display in each depart metit that wis ever known. The people of Greene county are anxious for a great big fair and this they will have on the above dates. hronic atarrh URED Grand 25 Per Cent Is Now Going on It is a R ad ica l Clearance of $25,000 Worth of Clothing* H a ts and Furn ish ings , T h is is our regular mid­ summer sacrifice. En t ire Stock , regardless o f cost or character must be reduced, and only one method is em p lo y ed -R ED U C T IO N . 25 per cent discount on every piece of merchandise in the store. Some certain lines down to a mere fraction of the usual low price. Profits and margins are out of the question, It ’s necessary to se ll. These prices are but a hint of the hundred bargains offered. R ead every line and attend this sa le a t your earliest’possible convenience. H e n ’s S u i t s , Remember the one lot of which we sell you the pants and G I V E you the coat and vest. One lot worth $3.50 and $4.00 now going fo r ,,.,....,... Men ’s elegant, stylish suits, pure all-wool fabrics, cut and trimmed .in the height of fashion, in a ll the latest colorings, splendid form­ fitting shape, retaining qualities. Tnese are bargains at $ 10 . Go in this sale ,at 25 per cent (£ *7 C A Men’ s high c lass suits, made frorrji pure all-wool, Scotch Chev­ iot, C lay Worsteds and Tweeds in up-to-date patterns; made and trimmed to guarantee satisfaction; equal to tailor-made and consid­ ered bargaing at $ 1 5 ( j» 1 1 ^ Go in this sale a t . 1 1 * J u O N e c k W e a r W e cut right in two, 50c ties sell­ ing for 25c. W e have a large line of washab le four-in-hands, late styles, 25c goods now sell­ ing for 15c . S ilk B pw s , in an endless variety, the; 25c kind now going for 15c . U n d e r w e a r . Spring weights in fancy blues, black, g ray s and white, extra . va lues at 25c, less 25 per | cent, they a re you rs a t .,. I / v H o s i e r y B la c k and tart seam less l ’ so ck s ...,..,., .... * « . 1 Regu lar 25c silk stripe in black, blues, tans and modes, | ^ 1 se lling at h a lf price ....... 1 a *2 v Children’s Suits. W a sh Goods in sizes 4 to 15 years 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c and 75c H eav ier weight suits 65c, 79c , 98c and $ 1.0 0 Double breasted wear resistors, neatly made and- w e ll trimmed, ages 8 to 16 y e a r s , $ 1 .1 5 , $ 1 40, -up to $2-75- ; The Young Men Are the most‘cxacting customers. W e know that.they w an t goods that have snap and style, a t moderate prices, that fit as if m ade , to measure. W e. i ia y e several lines that are a l l wool and worth from 75c to $8.56 and $9.00. To close them y out they go for...,... Rejnember, every article in our store will be sold at 25'per cent dis- count-~except overalls and jackets—as this stock -must be turned into money,/and we will do as we advertise. All we ask is your investigation. NO. 11 East flain 5t., ) SPRINGFIELD,OHIO. Alter Catarrh becomeschron­ ic all the washes mid salves you can apply can only give temporary relief. They can not effect a cure. Nothing but a thorough constitutional remedy can rid the system of its insidious poison. After seeing all the various remedies in scores of more or less dificult cases, the one remedy that never failed to cute, when used as directed, was Primley’sSarsparilk I t cures by going to the root of the trouble and ex­ pelling tbe poison from the blood* and by replacing the diseased tissue with healthy mucuouB membrane, ' No matter hew often you may have been disappointed in catarrh Cures before, you owe it to yourself to give this ra­ tional, constitutional remedy a trial. I t never faiJs when used as directed and you will not have to wait long before you will begin to realize it is helping you. Bold here only, PricePerBottle$1.25. JOHNWEST & Cdl," HHtXRimTSL ISAAC WlSTEfyHAN, Manage?. I ' A new time table will be. put into service Sunday. Several important changes Ore expected. ^ Mrs,. Oliver Dodds, of Xenia, spent several days this week with her par* ents, Air. and Mrs. J . H, Wolford. The railroad company has. men at work putting up the signal (or tbO Miller street crossing.' The watch* man’s house will be brought here in a few days and put at the Alain street crossing.* Ticket Agent, Keyes, has arranged to have train No.( 126 to stop here next Wednesday and Thursday nights owing to the Greene County Fair. Persona can remain all day and get home about eleven o’clock at night. \V. J . Smith, who has been with * pleasure party at Mtiskoka lake, On* tario* Canada, will return tomorrow. Tbe remainder of the party, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. McClellan and Mrs. Lucy McClellan will proceed later to In* diaua. Martin F, Davis representing the largest furniture house in Dayton, May & Co., was in town, Monday looking after the distribution of some advertising matter. H is' company have eighteen retail stores in this country and are recognized as leaner* in their line. ‘ Different papers have published ar tides id regard, to.volunteer wheat crops, but t crop threshed out last Friday on the farm owned by Mr. W« H. Corry is ahead of anything re* ported yet. The field contains about 10 acres and produced 310 bushels or an average of n little-over 19 bushels to the the acre. Are you thinking oflmviug a sale, if so, you will do yourself justice and save money by calling at the Herald office and getting our price on the water proof stock. Dotf.t be de crived, we are the only bouse that use the genuine water-proof board, which if properly put up can be guaranted h t a year. Cheap.colored boards of a soft substance iade and will not stand the ikeather. We have this also but cannot recommend it against the rain proof board, tt Mr, H, Af.-Reid and wife will spend .Sabbath with Mrs. A. G, Miller' and daughter, Anna Townsley, returning from Now York, to their home in Min neapolis, Minn, Probate' Judge ShoUp was called Upon last Sabbath to issue a marriage license to N, S. Bayliss, of Indiana, and Miss MargaretNoonan, of Cedar ville. Rev. Bead married the couple. The annual Farmers’ Institute and Basket picnic which,is held at Rose- moor Park below Jamestown, was held Thursday and attended by at) enormous crowd. Addresses were made by Hon. B, H. Ellis, Robert L. Dean; Bet Bathburn and 0 . E, Brad fulc. “Brownie” Lee of this place and Homer Jenkins, of Xenia, saved Frank Dale’s life last Sunday while the trio were awimroing in the river, I t seems that Dale could not swim and after he had gone under the sec­ ond time the above mentioned boys went to his aid and succeeded in get* ting him to the bank, One of the mo6t charming social functions of tbe season Was tendered by Miss Margaretta Watt to about seventy of her ISdy friends, Tuesday afternoon. The out o f town guests Were Mesdames Prugh, of London; Cherry, of Xenia; Rash, of Xenia; Misses Hutchinson, Reynolds' and Watt of Xenia; Andertou, ofAleda Iowa; Smiley, of Spirts, Ill­ inois; Harriet Reid, of Oindunatii and Blair; of Sparta, III. A two course supper was served* The last gang of telegraph men who have been- here for eleven weeks working on the Postal lines that were damaged last Fehurary by tbe heavy ice and wind# ha« left. At one time there were four gangs of men stop­ ping helre, which made good business These men liked Cedatville and her J . p . B O C K L E T T f lA C H I N E CO , J New Shop 415 West Main St. Next to Lutz’ Blacksmith Shop. All Kinds of Engine and Machinery REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. All Sizes and Styles of Gasoline and Pumping’ Engines. • DfcAT.BRS IN - Second-Hand Engines, Boilers and Machinery. « J W * - " O w 4 kom, :o°™ (Si ,0 “K 7 h'p;b°i,er wb"^£SKi'££; ™e 48*,w to '1*.' ° m »“ to BOCKLETT SUPPLY COFIPANY, Xenia, 0 . Rev, W. J , Sanderson who has been attending the Christian Ende&v- er convention at Denver, Cob, and Weak, irregular, Painful Heard. Sometimes the ht'Art grows Irregular- people, and regrettedtoleave but had to as their work was within « mile or *o o* Xenia. The company spent aeverwl hundttd dollars during fted stay here. lu, response to verbal invitations# issued by J , D, Williamson, a large number of friends and neighbors as­ sembled at his home last Friday even- ng and listened to A very enjoyable lecture, given by Rev. Gordoh, a United Presbyterian missionary, late of India. The lecture was to have been delivered in the U. P, Church of this place, h u t was postponed, on account of some misunderstanding. Rev, Gordon illustrates his lecture with stereoptican views of the people places amt events With which he has come in contact. I t i« needless to say that the guests were very profuse ™ thdr thanks to both Mr. William­ son and Rev, Gordon for the interest* them1 *” ***»<»# given Kan .inaMAH t ^ Center, j the scat of p«tn and pwasure, People am, is expected home today or to-" RP“10 ™nfk ft due to some oreanie or morrow. Structural Olscase of fliatorfinn, when the cause is comparltlvely simple-* Weakened motorpower—ft trouble wholly due to the nervous system, perhaps aggrivsted by iier* ■ Put- the tforvous .’ffs'feni: »ght^:give;it /strength and tone-suwily through its medium theheart with p f cr S Y 1e-'8toli,tcW'tith.digeitive- j a t e thetrouMe fades likesuowinmimmcrsun, ■ power Dr. A. ■ w, Ghsso s Nem Pills ftre world fAluous. / ■V;- Mm AI1«: tirfittoffeiok^to-Girrievfiter' vhl^'^ySJ-rfc”l;haVe;lEii<^ua'' sufferer for &. longtiniefrom severe nervousness* steep- lesshess, dissioess and heart troirttc. t A W, BbtoeVIictn. Pitli and thought I wool try them amt got a boa sud. % . tWrtigArtsteadyapin^tairtp . .^n reetomifeeftdtJdiinedMue anexcriU' ■ ;for. terihev .tom* . ti*1 !ho* wt detder# :m . 5 ^:fe mu Jmffslo, %:■ 1; ffrimtoamt. vtuafum, of A, w» I h i i e l l . D. tsmt.etWy ‘paekifif, ■■//