The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

• jPor Eseellvnee Our Job ] Work will compare with f [ flint of any other firm.. . , j % e 'Gedarvillc TW ENTY-S IXTH Y E A R N O , 54. i G E D A R V I I L E . O H IO . FR ID A Y . AUGUST 14. 1905. This ile a when marked with an Index, <irates if at jxo r 83'-pass duo asd a t s<:Vt - mwst is earnestly desked, •♦«.»«♦* PRICJ; $ 1.00 A YEAR. additional local . Charles Barr* of Dayton,, spent Sunday here. Edward Yawn moved hi# family to Osborn yesterday, A boy waa born to Mr. and Mr#, Joe Johnson, Thursday. Bev- Alvin Orr and wife have re­ turned to their home in Philadelphia. Robert Harbison spent Tuesday . with his parents, Mr. and Mre. W. M, Harbison. ,R: 8 , Ball left Wednesday for Worthington, Ind., where he will vis­ it for some time,, Charles Ervin, wile and son, of Xenia will be among the excursionists today to Niagara Falla. Mrs, Robt. Bird and children spent Wednesday at the home of Wrii, Bull, wear Wilberforce. Miss EMe Harbison left Tuesday for Oemdcm, O , where she will spend a week visiting among relatives. The household goods belonging to Prof. R. At Brown were loaded Monday and sent on their Way to Mexico, . The telephone company is prepar- paring to build a line on the Colum­ bus pike, west of town as far as the Dive Williamson lane. The County Commissioners were in town Monday on their way to ex­ amine a bridge on the Townsley road that was badly in need of repair. - Mrs. Osman Spahr, of Xenia, has been at tbe home of, her father, Mr, James Townsley, this week owing to his sickness. Mr, Townsley did not rest well last* night but is reported better this morning. By over sight we failed to •make mention of the annual, Finney re­ union, and picnic, in out last issue; Mies Carrie Hutchison returned to Xenia this morning after a visit vwith Miss Carrie Rife of near Clifton/ Those holding merchant tickets on Downing’s gallery for a large picture, will pleaso remember that these, ex- W antxpj —A good, true, sound phe Sept, 3Q, 1903, draft horse, weighing about 1350 to 1400, The Tarbox & Collins Dum­ ber Co. 1 A neighborhood picnic is ''being! held today at Clifton. . It consists of tbe Stormont, Murdock, Teas and other families in that section. Mr. George Rogers, who has been a guest at.the home of Mr, R. F. Kerr, h i t Wednesday evening for his home a t Wheeling, W, Va, Mr. Rogers is a prominent young attorney in bis home city and came out here for a Bhort vacation. The Cincinnati Enquirer states that the Meadow Brook herd of cat­ tle won everything at the Carthage fair. The second herd won its share at tb e , Fayette county fair. Mr, Homer Jobe won everything with his sheep af Carthage. The many friends of Mrs, Jesse Marshall; of North King street, will be sotry to hear of her serious -illness. She was taken quite suddenly ill early yesterday morning' and is suffer­ ing from an attack of .neuralia of the heart.r-Gazette. ‘ -Mies' May Raney who has been spending a two months’vacation with .her father, Saffiuel Raney and family, expects to return to Fairfield,' Iowa, next Thursday where she will resume her work as stenographer an a law office in that city.’ Rev. Barnes of Xenia occupied the pulpit in the'M, E . church, last Sab­ bath evening. His sermon partook more of tbe nature of a lecture than the customary sermon, although hav­ ing for its subject that old and much- discussed doctrine of conversion. On this occasion,tthe subject was viewed About fifty of the relatives spent, from an-entirely, new standpoint and Tuesday, August 4. a t the., borne of the'minister gave bis hearers plenty Mrs. Miller, neat; Yellow Springs, ■ 1 of food for reflection in what he said. Mess re, J . M, Tarbox, and John Leary of Springfield, left Tuesday for Chicago, enroute to San Francisco, Cal. Mr, Tarbox will take in tbe encampment while Mr, Leaiy will visit Jus brother and ' sister who re* side in the Golden Gate City.. This morning’s Press .RepubHe states, that Mr, Henry Eavey, of Xenia, was elected president o^the Maryland Association of Ohio, at its meeting in Franklin yesterday. J . H. Wolford of this place was elected treasurer. Fifteen hundred people attended tbe reunion. - Mr. • Fred Milbnrn, of Finley, spent Thursday at the home of bis upcle, James Milburn. Fred is a member of, tbe Couriers’ staff, a doily paper of about .6000 circulation. He is visiting relatives in this vicinity this week and goes to Newark next, where he has been detailed on the O. N. G, Encampment. Mr, Arthur Bentley, city .editor of the Chicago Record-Herald, spent! a day or so h‘ej*e this week with his wife who has been the guest of Mr, aud Mrs. Wl J . Wildman. Mr, Bently and wife left yesterday morning for Niagara Falls, Mr. aud Mrs. Wild- man leave touight and will jdln them at this famous resort. Are you thinking of having a sale, if so, you will do yourself justice and save money by calling at the Herald office, and getting our price on the water proof stock. Don’t be de­ ceived, we are the only house that use the-genuine water-proof board, which if properly put up can be guaranted ftf a year. Cheap colored boards of a. soft substance fade and will not stand the weather. We have this also.but cannot recommend it against tbe‘rain-proof board. "tf Our 5thSemi-Annual Sale ofBoots,, Shoes, Slippers, * t ^ 4 > i ' - » „ \ ^ „ ’/ ( * / Commenced Saturday, August ist. Great- ’ * ■, vv* ’*■ * *\ . * *' -« .^ . r est Sale in the History of Our Store., NOTHING Everything in our large and well selected . . . . . . . • ••••«• stock, purchased for cash at the lowest price cash will bring at positive reduction from • - ,■ , ■ ^ - ’ -■ t • io to 50 Per Cent. Every Boot, and Slipper marked in plain figures. We use no alphabet or key in our sale price. The Douglas, Delsarte, Baker and Bowman are exclud­ ed in this sale. FRESH, CHAN, UP-TO-DATEHOODS The Gariough family reunion was held Thursday on the farm of J . T » Gariough, near Piteliin. More than 200 were’present. During the after­ noon there were addresses by different ones, Mr. Oliver Gariough was elected president of file association for the coming year, Tbe estate of the late James Turner, of which W, J* Willraan has been ap­ pointed administrator, was appraised, Tuesday, by Messrs. R. B. Barber, R. E, Corry and Herman Coe, The real estate was appraised a $ 88 J per acre, there being about 108 acres. The personal property was appraised at something Over 13000, •Only a little effort, Only, a little chink, Only one short, moment Between a gentle blink, , We’ll get a Downing Photo, Futned for art and skill, Crowds bis ways are flocking. All can foot the bill, /The second accident this Week at the paper mill resulted in Reece Bar* ber having his. ;right hand badly mashed in tije calenders this morning. He was taken to the office of Dr, E. C. Oglesbee where. hip band waa dressed. I t was found that two fing­ ers we>e adiy crushed but it is not thought that amputation will be nec­ essary. j A telephone message, was received here this morning Stating that A. J . Eirick bad died a t the home of his son in Indiana, ana that the remains Would arrive here this evening .for burial. No particulars -are known as to the cause of his death or whether there will he any funeral exercises or not. Mr. Eirick was a former citizen of this place and well known, he hav- been a contractor for a number of. years. After leaving here he went to Texas. ■ • . The" Clark County Fair, begtning next week promises to be one the be 3 t ever held in this section. The grounds are in pink of condition and everything willjbo fimt-class when the gates are tbrowli open next Tuesday/, The Tace program is as follows: Tuesday, 2:40 trot^OO; Wednesday, 2;30 pace, $500; 2:22 trot* $300; 2:19 pace, $300; Thursday, 2:30 trot $300; 2:25 pace, $300; 2:17 trot, $300; Friday, 2;35 trot,- $500; 2:14 pace, $300; 2:40 pace; $300. ‘A colored picnic last Saturday night at Oak Grove school house on the Jamestown pike, resulted in .a general mix-up between the Cedar- ville and Jamestown hoys over the jealousy • of the women from both places, I t is said that revolvers, knives, razors and stones were the weapons of Warfare, and for a time there was “something doing” at- the picnic, Ellis McMillan, a local man : who figured in the attempted riot at. Jamestown some time ago, was Used rather rough, Someone landed a good sized holder in McMillan’s' face, which came near Beavering his- nose from the intended position. He was brought to Cedarville whm-e a physi­ cian stitched the injured member in place, ' . J . E. Nisbet, wfyohas been a mem ber of the Herald force For some time left Sabbath evening for Montpelier, Indiana, wbere lie has accepted a po­ sition on “Tbe Calf, an evening pa­ per published a t that place. The Herald wishes Mr, Nisbet much suc­ cess in his new field. The Call h#B the following to say in Monday’s is­ sue: ‘‘J* E, Nisbet, of Cedarville, O., has been engaged as circulating and advertising manager for The Call and the management will appreciate any favors shown him. Mr. Nisbet is a newspaper man and Of consider­ able experience an will be a valuable acquisition to the local journalistic field. He is a brother to W, D, Nis­ bet, the famous humorist and poet who conducts the departments “A Lineo’type or Two” and “Top of the Morning" ih the Chicago Tribune. i B Of better yet, get there just as quick as you can, i f money sav ing is an object to you. N E V E R ! N E V E R ! w i l l you get another such an opportunity to buy Clothing, H a ts and Furnishings, i a4* V POSICIU 0 Y nflCBTOfl R€$ 6 RU€D. , Price reductions that have iu the past caused astonishment in the minds 'of b lyejrs, are in', this closing out sale mowed still lower. Saturday brought tbegreatesf crowd that ever filled the Surprise*'' Store. • Profit margins and even cost are completely overshadowed, gome specials Selling at 5c, lOe and ' 15c on the dollar. Such a general sacrifice is original with thiastore, Np other 'store giyea you such opportunities. Take advantage of i t - . The very thing you want may be gone if yon delay. First a n d 1 .foremost in all the sea of cut prices is & 8 . 5 O Suits $ 4.75 IS . $ 6.75 2 S $ 9.75 IS , $ 11.75 | ^ v f - fB o y s ’ and Children ’s Suits 1 ^ * 4 4 JL O C I I I and M en ’s and B o ys Pan ts 1 “ O 1 * A O F P 2 n S t and 1 t : \ J i * B o y s H a ts and C ps A l l Furn ish ing Goods go in th is Sa le at There is only one Closing out Sale. Only one SUR­ PRISE STORE. Look forthe Big Red Front. STORE, SAH LEBENSBURGER& CO. Springfield, - 12 East /la in Street. Ohio. ireathing, what to eat, how to bath— n brief, how to become a healthy, A large barn containing 40 tonB of hay and 40 acres of wheat, a number wholesome woman. No wonder sbe is, of farming implements And a calf jopularly,known to many thousands burned Wednesday evening about of women!” j eight o’clock, on the Chris Martin farm on the River road east o f Clif­ ton. There was no insurance on the property and the loss is’ estimated at several thousand dollars. The origin of the fire is not exactly known but it is supposed to have resulted, from a lantern which* farm hand used about thirty minutes before the firo was dis­ covered. US We ask you to step in our store aud meet jfsjbceto face aud he couviuced as itowhat oiir ax has doae. No trouble to show our goods* Horner Bros., and Co., 39 Smith Sired, SPRINGFIELD, - - - OHIO. DO YOU KNOWMME. QUI VIVE? Probably you do, ior Mine. ^,ni YiVi has a national .reputation *S 4H infpring friend of every woman With a beauty woe. Her “Woman Beta* tiful” department in. the daily aud Sunday issues of the Chicago Record- Herald is a perennial source of | 0 | ' od#helpfulness to womankind. Hep instructions on complexion ills terlardcd here and there with snappy little' epigrams as “cheerers" The weapons she suggest# to beauty * e k tera for the complete annihilation 5 r^ jbeauty grievances do not include artificial methods--“ factory” frizaea. range ami other horrors being belfbfl SESSION OF COUNCIL The regular session of council was leld Monday evening, all members ieing present. Bill# to the amount of $203.$8 were allowed and ordered laid. The toons was filled with by­ standers who came out to hear what, action wis to be taken on the hitch­ ing rack -question. Chairman Field# reported that the committee still disa­ greed and that nothinghad l»eh done; toward# a settlement of the (question, so there will be no action:'taken at; present. Weakly Wil#on appeared! before council and asked that his fine be remitted but as his case was a state case Council could take no action. He must appear before the county com­ missioner#, Ordinances to regulate soft drink houses were read and .ft ___ passed, ^The mayor# receipt# Ur.35 j jC()ilgrf,gKi\r)n mtly reccite credit for what it gives. D o n ^ Let your Stomach Troubleyou. The annual meeting of the -Cedar­ ville Bible society will be held on Tuesday next August 18. iu the R. P* church, (O, S.) at 2:00 p, m. sun time. Rev- Ef, G. Middleton will deliver the address. This meeting come# only once in a year ami let .all interested in -the Bible Society work make a special effort to be present. Gome prepared to make <adonation to tbe cansev In accordance with the meeting last year envelops will lie receiving the offering# so i m m m m w m m 'She give# instruct job ’# on correct were ordered placed in the police fund, Robert Hood was present and spoke as to the drainage in tbe south side of tqwti. A# the ditch he had referanoe $5 Wa# township property, council could not have much to say in regard to tho charges, George John# through a letter applied for the potation of street lighter at $23 per month, The matter Was laid on th« table. A report h*:t beeii iu circulation l that the Gedarville Roller Mill#under j the ownership ot L. H. Bullenhergcr 5 had changed hands, Mr, feullen -1 berger was intervicwctl this morning | as to the report, a hick he firmly d«4 hit*, &ifll*c tbo mill has been under the present management we find that general Mtkfaethm prevails, I t 5sfolly io euffbr from any form of stomach trouble, when, in all probability, you can just as well .be well. You should heed these frojt* blcs, not alone because of the present distress, but because of the dinger of slow break­ ing down ol your system, through lack p f pioper nu­ trition, PRIMLI-V’S I m a s d V d t M l M l c t# a prompt relief aud wans for sour stomach, idoating, distress after eating and all the various fm m ofwiiif)*- tioii and dv#pej[»i«, PrfceP»Mk5lo)l JOHNWESTa CO. DH tnAO tU T * . m m m m m m *