The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

W CM « P 4 —Jfew LU kite *t Mr*, Confea'i!- —L ost , * fever liftingjack, Ftenk ~F*ar R m LG pwj w»ud mute " ^W w ’yfem''k i ^ , -•Buy your bread of Cooper this fort wwttfoir. > CWfesNubet, of Loveland, was i» town feat Saturday. Mrs, i'burle* Gillaugb is vmtfog wfeiiwi in Waldron, £nd* —Often imitated but never equaled *?* tie Herald's sale bills. —Olive Oil suitable for salad dreifc lug; &t Cray & Co'a, tf Mr*, Cora Trmnba is assisting with th* w«ftk in the post office, —Tbe latest thing out—Egg-OBee. Ten cents s package, at Cray & Co’s Jub Printing of all kinds executet In first-class style at H eualti office. Mrs. Silas Murdock entertained number of ladies Tuesday* afternoon tieorge Barber, of Dayton, spent several days'here this week visiting relatives. . —Heinz’s pickling vinegar ana crinkebfenks pure cider vnegar pt _jO ooper, - . „ —F ob B ale ,-’ a second-hand car-, Tiageun good condition- at Kerr & Hastings Bros. ■ • - ' ■ o Mrl and Mrs, dhs; Jenkins," of • ^Xenia, spent Sunday at thO home of '“the latter’s parents. F ob S ale *.—Three pure bred 0 I. f t male pigs. Good ones, *- Apply ioAu O, Bridgman, Born to-Mr- and Mrs. Sarmie Ifeatlicook,/ Wednesday, a ten and one-half pound girl.' , „Fratik McLean, wife and daughter left Wednesday morning for Indiana where they’will,visit relatives. At the recent Democratic conyen belli ijfXenia,"Mf. W. A. Tnrnbul vims nominated tor representative. WilliemHopping returned'Wedties day evening fromMt. Clemans, Micb gan offer a week’s stayVitthat,resort. 11,25 to Cincinnati, Sunday, "Aug. 30, from- ■Cedarvillp, ..Special <train leaves Ceiferville at 0:00 a. -m , cen­ tral time. Misses May and Florence William son entertained, a large noniher of their friends at their home last Fri .jay afternoon. Mrs. Will Bradfute and children of. Washington C. H.„ areBpendingsev­ eral days with her parents, Mr. ant! Mrs. Jacob Lott, 1 „TboDayton races Thursday, with the great Cresceus as tlm attraction _dreWa number of local admirers. o horse flesh to the GemCity Mis*IreneMcClellan lias returned home after a pleasant visit with her j brothers, George and ".Tames AlcClel- i’fen, at Muncie And Hartford City, Inch J. E. Pierce leaves Monday for .Tiffin,. 0„ .where he. \vill attend a state meeting of the, J, 0 . t). A., M. He goes a#a delegate from •the local; lodge. The Madison county fair was-, the „^traction for 'several Ccdarvillians ;ihfv week The herds Of cattle be­ longing to D. Bradfute &Son and O, ’T, Wolford drew their shore of, the premiums in their respective classes. William McMillan, of Morning Sou,) is visiting friends near Cedars villa, Mr. McMillan recently gradu­ ated from jV* Oliin Dental College, aadife on ini W«v to Weltevillc, where ha will Opfen an office—Fret&Repnb lfe. Probate Judge fehouphas appoint* id Prof. Jesse McCord, superintend * t of the Yellow Springs public •ftbcKde as a member of the County Board of Bxamipora _ for a term of tln» years, to succeed Mrs, Oarruth* vn, ■ ■ ■ *■ A new store will bo opened in fife Orr roomon the hill about the first of *ffertamber, by Mr, George HoltemV who at present bus a store at South Gtetriwfon, _ lie will handle first-* *&M* i lotbiifg ami gents’ funfisbiitga Dad will conduct Ills store mi a basis fifed 1ms brought him considerable -fttfttfMH(luring the fen years that he few been til business*at South Charles* im . m ■ , . Are you thinkingof havinga sale, if ^fNb yon will do ymirstlf justice and ftfcvajwiiry by calling at the Herald ftflfoa ami getting our price on the Wfttef proof stock. Don’t be de- 'ttfwri, waare the only house that use jenalm* Water-proof, board/which ‘■Mpmfmif put up can im guarantee! ' } y p ft fftftr. Cheap coloYtd boards of ; a*ft rmfemmee fade, and will not tfe» weather. Wo have this 'few Mihtoft W'l'inmend it agaiosi ljito-jwrwf board, tf ’ —4 'ill »p 78 fewfrdftfttfet. <i .^B«y your overalls, skirts and jsekvt# of Cooper, 1--Go to John. Pierce for lift *ad pitcher pumps, pipe*, etc. .* 1 life? Edna Tosrmdfy a, the guest of Miee lkrringtop, of Ifeytoa. Mies Lulu Smith left Thursday for % visit) with relatives in Chilhcothe. —For pure and fresh spice* go to Cooper**, ■**~Acomplete linn of breakfast food* at Gray <&Co’s, tf B. L, Smith attended the Demo­ cratic convention in Columbus this Week.. I‘ .--Get in the band wagon by buy­ ing a Thomas drill of Kerr & Hast­ ings Bros. A number of friends will be enter­ tained this afternoon by Mrs. Clar- eoce Finney* If yon want good cows come to James Henderson, 2 i mile* northeas. of Cedarville, O, Miss Bffia Buflenbavger, of Selma, is visiting her cousin, Miss Zella Xagley, this week. Dan Coffey and sister, Sara, were present at the MadiBon county fair Wednesday and Thursday. -—While one partner is absent the otheiware offering bargains at Kerr &HastingsBros.- Miss Katie Coffey has returnee home after' a month’s visit with the Misses'Donahnes, of Sedalia. - J. H, Brotherton and wife had for their guests, Mr. end' Mrs. Long- street, of Dayton, Sunday. * Wm! Wildman and, Mrs. Robert Elder were guests of W. ,T. Wildman and family, Wednesday. —A nice line of tablets and pa peterieg at Cooper’s. : -—September 18,19 and 20 excur­ sion tickets will be gold via Pennsyl vania lines- to Baltimore, account Sovereign Grand Lpdge. Mrs. Mucy -McOiellan has returnee home after a trip of several weeks about the lakes and at Hartford City and Muncie, lud. The Misses McNeil who have been visiting at Bell Center, returnee home last evening. ■ • ■Miss -Lncile Gr<y entertained number pf her friends Wednesday afternoon in honor of her cousin Miss Isabel Gray OfCincinnati. Air. Fred Acton has accepted a re­ sponsible position at the Hngar Straw Board & Paper company. Mr. Acton is'quite a mechanic and is well fittec for the position. ’ —Between seasons' is. the time to get a bargain in a buggy and set o: harness at Kerr & Hastings Bros, Mr. Matthew; Wilson -returned fromKansas, last Friday with his son, Samuel, who has been placed in the county infirmary. He will be taken later to Columbus. Rev. Pres8jy Thompson, of Wash­ ington, Pa., wilt preach in the tf. P. church, Sabbath. Rev. John Bickett <ofMiddletown, will filr the pulpit in the R, P. eburoh. ^ Word has been received here that R, M. Wallace has been married to Miss Merta Grover, the wedding hav ing occurred Wednesday, Aug. 19, at Burt, Iowa. They will be at home after November 1, at Valparaiso, lud. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. .The opening of school will call for the purchase of vari­ ous item* that go to wake upa pupil’s equipment. Some of flic things needed Coat but little, yet it is worth while to4 buy them»where they cost hast, or where extra quan­ tify or quality is given for ho same money, Five „cent tablets caw Im found almost anywhere, but If you want the best tablet that five ccuis, can buy, you should come here for if. We can serve yon equally well on every­ thing in the line of school supplies, Slate, ■ TiBfelj, Pen#, Petvtlji, Ink#, Mucilage, ' free#, Etc, JOHN W E S T & CO*, ISAAC VflSteftMAN, Marnier. Mr. J , H. CcwMMit nl Cfevafend* •peat part of ifeturduy asd Sunday with F, b . Alexander and fentily, Mr. C omm bold* the roaponttbfe po­ rtion of laafetant cashier o f thft New England Inauranca company* Mr, Albert Wiciersharo, ft promi­ nent citiren of Jamestown, expects to move to Dayton about the first of November, He has been in husineai in hfe town a number of years and is known the county over as an excel­ lent man. The many friends here of Mr. Gqorge Rodgera, o f Wheeling, W. Va., will regret to hear of his aicknea* he being quite sick with typhoid pheumonia, Mr Rodgers visited here a short time ago and was taken sick a few days after he returned home. Later reports are that he is somewhat improved. As tbe result of a wreck on the Big Four railroad between Springfield and London last Monday morning, in which 18 freight cam were smashed to kiqdling wood, several of the com­ pany’s trains were sent by way of the Pan Handle between.London and Dayton. The loss is placed at $5Q,- 000, all caused by a drawbar pulling out.. . . • ’ Messrs, R. R* Barber, W. J. Tar- box, Charles Cooley; R. S. Anderson, J. E, Turnbull, D, S. Collins and G. E. Jobe with their families spent a very pleasant day, Tuesday, along Hie1quiet glen on the Cooley, farm south of town. The crowd numbered about 35 -persons and it is needless to say that waswell spent. The social affair is an annual one and is known as “The RainbowBichic.” Monday end Tuesday were two of the hottest'days we have had this sum­ mer, and.,those who complained week orso ago’in regard to the chilly nights still complained of the! heat these two days Farmers, however, did not mind the heat as they felt, that rain would goon be the best thing and thereby refresh the cord as rain was badly needed. Reports vary in. regard to the temperature of these days but it is placed from 96. to 100 degrees in the shade, owing largely to the location, * ‘ * —Tbf mw sfetkfef ffecft, on tbt hill, ip tit* Orr room, msow o§fe# for bosiiftmw, A first efeas line of men and boys clothing, hats, cap* «*k shirts can he found op hand,' Mr, ami Mm. W0i CfemaiM am litter daugbte, of'Cfedftfvilfe, aw Mm*Wallace Flint, of Brooklyn, N Y., wer* the guest* Sunday of-W« Clemans and family.—South Charles­ ton Sentinal. Mr, and Mrs- David Cherry gave a reception to their son, Houston am wifeThursday evening at their home on the Federal pike, A large num­ ber were present to. congratulate the happy couple, , ‘ : W anted :—Girls to work for Hie Peters Cartridge Company at Kings Milk- Wagee $5 per week and up­ ward, board and room 12.52 per week. Write to L. F. Sherritt agent, Kings Mills, O, ' 37d NOTOVER-WISE. There is n old allegorical picture of a girl scared at a grass-hopper, but iu the act of heedlessly treaamg on a snake. This is paralleled by the man who spends a large sum Of money building a cyclone cellar, but neglect i to provide his family with a bottle o: Chamberlain’s Colic," Cholera ant "Diarrhoea Remedy as a 'safeguard against bowel,complaints, whose vic­ tims outnumber those of the cyclone a hundred to one- -This remedy is everywhere recognized ag the^ most prompt and reliable medicine’ in use for these diseases/ For sale by C. M. Ridgway. Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh .Contain Mercury, that As mercury w ill surely destroy the sense of sm ell and completely defeUge th e Whole System when entering i t through th m uc­ ous surfaces. Snob articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as th e damage th ey w ill d a is ten fold to th e good you gan possibly de­ riv e from them . H alP sC atarrh Cure, m an­ ufactured b y J. F . Ghenney A Co, Toledo.0. contain no mercury and is taken i"te rn a lly acting directly on th e bipod a n d mucous surfaces, o f th e system . I n buying H all1 ■Catarrh Cure be auto you, get th e genuine, f t is taken internally and inado in Toledo, 0 „ by F . JT. Cheney & Co. - Testimonials tree. Sold by druggists, 75c pCr bottle, H all’s F am ily Fills arc th e best. • The carpenter* who are to improve thedepot arrived this morningand are at work on tbe-building. A new ad­ dition will be bail! to the west end. the office part made pigliifc feet wider and new floors laid throughout: The past twd.years has found the present building two small to accomodate the public, and especially ticket’ agent, Keyes, who was in need o,f more office room. A new bay window wil be built on the Bouth side, These improvements will put the depot in a very respectable condition, 'A German Farmer’s Case. Rich Fountain, Mo,, Aug; 17th.— Rev. Jos. Pope, of this place, is widely and favorably known asa cler gyman who has done and is doing much for his people. He is very much beloved by evefy one “for the faithfulness of his pastoral work. . ^Rev. Mr* Pope has given for pub­ lication a statement made to him by German farmer, who is a member of his congregation. The man’s name is George Hoelierer and he has given Rev, Mr, Pope this letter; “Last winter I suffered very much v/itfr rheumatism. I could neither walk nor ride on horseback nor do any farm work,, “ I took' medicine from different doctors but they did not do me any good. Then I tried Dodd’s Kidney ?ill», procured for me by a good riend, After £ had taken the first box, I felt already a be p better; was relieved of the pain and could walk and chop wood; and the cdbtrac tion of my fingers began to resolve. “Now since I have taken six more boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pill* I feel well again and am able to do alf the Work on the farm.” Mr, Russell Corbin and family, of ,’aris, Ky, , are guests of Nelson Cor­ nu. lt^ is quite a pleasant reunion, as the brother have not seen each other for eleven years, The Death Penalty. A little thing wmetimes results in estb, Thus a mere Scratch, insigni* cant Cuts or puny boils have bald the death penalty, It {«wise to have Bueklen’s Armen Salve ever handy. It’s the best salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Burns, Sores. U r“...... ‘ cent and Piles threaten, at all dhiggiaU. Only 25o LIST OP LETTERS. Liat.of letters remaining nncallet for iti the Cedarville postoflice for the month'-endingAtlg, 28, 1903, • List No,'35. Hamilton Nathan. ShealeyJ, « ' Sherwood Mr*.- B.-'L,. \ Stewart1Miss EIpba, Stewart Mrs. W, O. - White Lizzie M*,' T N.;.T arbox , P M, THE QUESTIONANSWERED. Estill Springs, Tenn., Aug 24. Many questions are being 'asked Mr. C. D. Holt of this place in re* gurd to bn wonderful recovery. ‘For over two years he lias been down with his buck. He wiisso very bad that he could not even )Hcerhia' shoes, and from this condition he suddenly ap­ peared well and strongas ever.,; It is no wonder -therefore that his friends are asking him “How did you d ou r ' r; He tells themall: “Dodd’s Kidney Pills did it,” and adds “This remedy is a genuine good -medicine and one that I can heartily recommend to everybody. - “Everyone around here knows how very bad I was. I was so weak in my back that I couldn’t do anything that needed stooping or bending over, and three boxes of Dodd’s Kidne Pills made me as yon see, as well as ever was.” “They certainly 'had a wonderful effect op my case,” ■ ■ ' Murder Will Quit. I “Guess 111 try dad's cigar.*1 “Frits, have yeti been smokingP’ - ‘ «No, pa>* # V; A single stable ih which a horse is kept will supply fonts* files for «n extemTed neighborhood, A*aW>$TOI(r$T0BY . Jn«t now, when gossip at repeal of th* com laws fe bout th* current, be found for * Aiiaraetensue story of Mr. Gfed- i[tone. Early in 1892, when Mr* Gladstone was absorbed in home jmle cod obsessed by the delusion that his' policy was popular, he roundly declared that Hie Irish question was the most important controversy in which ho had ever b*en engaged. A listener ventured mildly to suggest that perhaps the struggle forme repeal of theeorft laws was. almost as important « home rule, but Mr, Gladstone would have none of it, ‘<1 do not deny," he thundered, “that if the repeal of the corn laws had been defeated there would have been a revolution, but the Irish controversy is on a far higher plane." — Cor, Manchester (England) Guardian. . <JM« W ar Bfettl* .Names, Says “Colonel. Ashby," the “Southern Brigadier” of the Chica­ go Journal; “By -the way, did yo' i great ed two eveh notice this; That when a battle of onh late wah xeceiy i names, one from the nohthehn and one from-the southehn commandehs, histohy has almoet always adopted the southehn one? Shiloh was so called by the southehn leadehs. Its official name in the nohthehn. ro- pbhts was Pittsburg Landing. Muh- freeftboho is called Stone Riveh in the Fedehal repohts. Antietamwaa called Shahpsbuhg by the nobthen ehs. Cuhious, but trite. How,do yo' explain it? -About the only re- vehssi of this rule is in the case of the battle we called Manassas, hut which lives in histohy as Bull Run." Mad* th* Spaniard* Roar, A strangely hilarious scene was witnessed in a Madrid theater the other night. Don Allens y Borbon, a'cousin of King Alfonso in the sec­ ond degree,, finding himself in re­ duced circumstances owing to fami­ ly misfortunes, has taken to the stage for a living andmode his first appearance with the Fuentes com­ pany as the revolutionary Mario in “Les Miaerables," In +v>" o->*>r,o when the prince tragedian appeared the scene on the barricades to cry “Vive la republiquo!” the idea of a lineal de­ scendant of Louis XIV. rousing the mob against Louis Philippe was too much for the audience, who knew the actor well and literally shrieked, with laughter. ' Kentucky’* Grand Old Man, _ Colonel Thomas Johnson is the grand old man of Kentucky. He haB lust Celebratedhis ninety-first birth­ day at his home at Mount Sterling, near which place he was bom in 1812. In early-manhood he was' in­ terested in the- Kentucky militia. He' entered the Confederate’ army a* a colonel and served with the fa­ mous Morgan. Since the war his business has been stock raising and his diversion politics. .He served many tenni in the lower house and senate of Kentucky. He has a large family living, and dll Kentucky worships him.—Exchange. ftaromtio Hstty Graan. Hetty Green one day went into a looker’s office and’was mistaken for • bodk agent by the manager, who E etended he was too busy to *ee r. Mrs'. Green,. however, made one or two remarks which s,track him ae being very sagacions, and he was beginning to thaw out when hfe quiet visitor said: “Don’t let me disturb you. I amMrs. Hetty Green. Maybe you’vo heard of me." The manager had not yet recovered his ‘ ............ “ H breath when Mrs. fice. etty left the of- Lftlp«le’a Triple Ambition. The Leipsie (Germany) city coun­ cil has passed an ordinance com* filing city employees to take up leir residence within the city lim­ its. As the waterworks, lighting plants, storage Warehouses, markets* pawn shops, hospitals, etc., are mu­ nicipal,a large number of people will be affected. It is said that this ac­ tion was taken in order to foaie* Leipsic** growth, to increase the city* income and to concentrate the Conservative vote. : - iirtiifi.i'YVivrii•|jii'i'i;,-im il An Unnto**ftary Luxury. In a Wurttemberg mountain vil­ lage which is being frequented as a summer resort a demand arose for a bath house. The matter was dis­ cussed by The city fathers pro and con. Finally one of them'arose and aaid* “Gentlemen, I am seventy-five years old and have never had a bath in my life. I am in good: health" The bath house was voted unneces­ sary, ............ ftVftrty itrlcksn York, In consequence of the revelations regardingthe abject poverty of one- tenth of the 75,000 inhabitants of York, England, made in Rowntree’s look, “Poverty; a Study of ToWIt Life, two manufacturers, employ­ ing together 6,200 laborers, increas­ ed tbeir wages to'24 shillings a week. They ranged previously from 18 to •1 shilling*. Jumbled HI* Words, The Rev. W, A. Spooner, an Eng­ lish clergyman, is afflicted with a Mbit of mixing up words in absurd fashion. Ho once astonished hfe congregation by saying that some one present doubtless had in his heart “a half warmed fish,'* He meant to say “half formed wish." \ hymn beginning “Conquering Jfofr tjtfo take" was turned into “KmkeriM kongs their titles j take," and theTIfty-first Psalm ww 1inuounoed u “fusty-fiftb," WANTED! Until further notice we will pay, the following cash prices for poultry and eggs delivered to C. H QiUaugh’s grocery, CedaLryille; Live Spring Chickens, weighing 2 tO"2^1hs, per lb................. "IOC Live Hens per lb, .44 a*a^*ftfir»***#*'#*QC Old roosters per lb 5 c Egg*per doz ....... ........... ,~ ..I4C j. W, Salmons, Xenia, 0 . 17 E. MainStreet Citizea’s Hwoe27l Bell Huse 1151. A W A Y A SHEfLAND PONY Valued at $ioo will be given away on November 15,1903, to the person who holds the lucky number. Try it for„luck. A Ticket given with each 25c purchase. * CHAS. C. WE1MER * t -DEALER IK- I’■ Fish, Ice, Fresh and Salt Meats, Poul­ try and Vegetables. Give ^us a trial. Xenia Avenue - - Cedarville, O. ’ Thepracticalpainter says , I it makes him smile when a man insists on Patton's 4 Sun-Proof Paint. It al­ ways means> another job from the man next door. Envy is just another name for hitman nature, Patton's S un -P roof Paint is famous'for its lasting qualities." Hsde from a scientific fonanh of toe best materials, machinemixed in exact proportions, it la the only paint that resists the sun and weather. Never peels, . cracks or chalks off, and guaranteed to Wear for five yean. Send for book, of Paint KnowledgeandAdvice (free) to ‘ PATTON PAINT CO., • U t e I t , Milwaukftft,Wlft. PATENTS |Caveats,«ndTrade-Mult*obtained*ndallP*t ,entbusiness Conducted for MaotHATC Fees. [Otis O rn ce is ceeosiTe U.a.WAtcnT O rn ec iandwecansecurebatentinlesstimethanthose remotef*nmWaslutigtOD, 1 Sendmodel,drawingoroboto.,withdescrip- ,tlon. advise, if patentable ornot,free-of Sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. OM. ftATCNTO rn c t, W ashinoton , O. C. ——w ' '.--w- ' i Cot«mb*»Jvi*S0 ALWAYS THE D£ST. ...... , S O U T H E R N R Y . DinEcr courtLtiTioriG ■ to r,tt. C fonTrrtf GGUTMer.^ c m z t : > rcai aji ;* t ,A.rrciirf,' rt.rr.p -t,.. ,, -t>.in v.xhvn-r^. w.i>v.A. , ais1-*^then urtAS.let -,r«. i >V A. —•• Alton._ T.Jrfinwu1 London-.*1 1 Ctarlwta*,.— CeAuvill«.™*i_ TStartas..«!.,. >r. 436) T,rswriDt“i»XU. MofroW»*se. KUtaaM-.-IC, Loretand“l2: Milford.-‘djL, Cinre.._*'iE- CWcinnatUrfe BO YCAIt 8 * EXPERIENCE T ram : M arks „ ■ 1 Duaten* . O orvri « ht « Aft. thmaStHot! sentfre#.OMoet r«t«nts taken irl laenHi-.,.. boatobsr ..... wanton. emPnteota . raewnte, ana ft m recetva tp&Uiutht, wiiboatt&erae,latir* Sticniific jqSfeim 4 S 5 » S » S 8 aaSSi M d s CASTOR ! A For Infante ana Cbllflycs, fiaKindYouHitsAirjs t'sugh- ItUtTui. ftaeisMUh «u» .... *' Kilfcri..** tarskii-** I.Mutte*1 lirnv.u R iiftnl*' Sfewta." vyiTiin" S#ris*T»l" teek- VlTtarfi’ tofcrrUle** LAWs" LmA* •* I W i 1* UtM.... Madwstf. 1 AK 11*26 i2« rn 1ST AX UT *»«eta i I S __________ AX AX .*so*aK*?tic‘90cio*a5',a ——iljts 2 :... 1 .— 93C 338 94C 947L ■YB1004—... . otu ~... ~ IO.S1 _ ;lOfae 08 436 33410 36U38 ~ 83JHI451135 »R — 10TB8 — 1108 11.36ufa— j-. smujsuw urm ishN e actio irrs fiift n rs IfllB iff®: 17*01 M a VI ax «3C» ........ If J ra 7 on— T7749.. 1747j», 1 51* ..... s tmou .8oaioao| Between ,8Mt.... -....fB33.,... ....... 8wlOf'.-. ,8 Bftll 041< j9 ' 19 9 AK I AX AK t S T 1 1 ST n r K i l l U •<«*♦ f .. fl } PM IAK r x j r x l ^SieiSeM, Xe*l»,BftfeiLlaw r wrMwinerofcmi ?*Afi ax T a r m m ^ i ?M l3 lS r x j axi WESTWARD._____ •jwifljlWtlIrfT1*726 TftlewVtL*1 */S Osjlefl . 3reekritta'.*“( Dedeen...rfJ*| CWor»rte..,‘*. RMttaond ftr.H . fA#TWARrii|i «Meetai...h,*$! t e R : :® Iwfic*qie " Iv frllwrfes" 7 tesisO iil aifewiwL R ¥5 r n , t*« tb* ttguaterv/if Aca.Trriwftavwntdete 4 NefttteU 48 to ta. A m .Jretah*n* 8 tad»e*tif<r X«de«S|»». i AMJrsiMlMnlMtafttir 8 bfetae«t 6 » ,l 010 W», <s^ft*lita>write|l|MiKte|ti<irm.tntoi|A-»tel - kfeH fo| eMW|wi tax In* W 4 titttdsri. f r o m __ tndt Hew jmpMt at ft. mmtipkw * „ #w» MCTiiiwatM, j®m*r"** ■