The Cedarville Herald, Volume 26, Numbers 27-52

*+h* ■ *■» "*WijN*’r' -«P ''" -’- ■>*«»* ?« ' m . ?v/' v | tOCAt AND Pf.HSONAL X *—JSctt foil b »»8 ttt Mrs. ( ’ mikm’s, .“ Waterproof Bale* lulls « t this office. ' ■, James Ahup is reported as much improved. —--For good rimes g a to Jolnigun’s shoe store,. Xenia,. O; K. Bradfnte is in Indianapolis at the Indiana slate fair, Mrs. Hanna Cooper is suffering from a badly sprained baud, ' ' Cltarles Marshall alid wife attend­ ed the Fall Festival yesterday, —The latest thing out—Kgg-O-See, Ten cents a package, at Cray' & Go’e. J , J , W ooden, of Cincinnati, was t he guest o f F , L, Alexander, Mon- . .day,' - . .. . Rev. A, B. Henry, of. Philadelphia. Pa., will preach in the R. i P. church, Sabhathi - —Anyone wishing a well drilled may have the same done liy celling on \V' H. Strain,. 41d Ira Townsley and wife, of Xenia, visited Stewart Townsley aud. family Wednesday. , * . J Janies Barlow attended his com­ pany^ and regiment's reunion a t Xenia yesterday. Miss Edna Townsley was the guest of Miss Helen Jenks, of Xenia, the first of the week. . J - H, Wolford and Frank Gillnugh left Tuesday morning for Texas, going by way of St Louis. , Mrs. J ,,_H Nisbefc -was called to Bellefoutui tie, Saturday, by the ser­ ious illness of her mother. j*. ' *, —The merchant tickets for a large 'portrait will be. accepted ita late as Friday, Oet. 2 nd, none later. J . J.-Dowm -o . Fred Barber spent the first of the week in'Springfield the guest of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Barber. Miss Sarah/Goffey is-now taking her vacation from the t*lephone ex­ change; and is Xenia. ■ It’sPlaying WithFife For a merchant to deceive buyers, now-a days. There is enough in« foresting news oround *lbig store, without going into hysterics or | drawing on the imagination, 1 1 —For Red Vrm wind mills wo1 i John Pierce. visiting friends. at • —Special fares to* Chicago via • Pennsylvania linesnccount Centennial Exposition, will be in effect Septem- • ber 26 and 28, ' 1 —Reduced fares to Denver account Broothood of St. Andrew’s National Convention, will be in'effect October 3 to 7J inclusive, W. D. Nisbct and family, of Chicago, are expected hero Monday to visit bis parents, Mr, and Mix, J , H , Nisbet and family. Mrs. Margurile Hcrlihy, of Cldea go, mother of Mrs, A. Z. Smith, ar rived Tuesday tvoimig for an extend' ed visit with* her daughter. • • R ev .'J. Llunter Moore, of We 9 t Middletown, Pa., will fill tho p.ulpit a t the U. P . church Sabbath, Sab bath school at the regular hour. Ciirda are out announcing the mar-, rlnge of Rev. R. C. Gibson to Mits Jessie Gamble, They will be at home ’ ..fc Beulah, Kansas, after Sept. 17th Olardnce McMillan ’ left Tuesday for Virginia, being called there by illness of his brother, John, who is suffering, from an attack of typhoid fever, - J , S. Brown has received word from San Fra fit 1 iso, stating that his brother;.Grant, lind been taken to a hospital, being threatened with ty­ phoid fever. Miss Pansy Ford has accepted a po­ sition iii the office of her uncle, Mr, James A Monger, of the American Cereal Co.-, ,Chicago, aud expects to le ive Soou for that city, ' Sunday, September 20, excursion tickets to Columbus, will oe sold from Ccdarville a t rofiod trip rales 81.00, good going oil special train leaving Gedurvillo at 9:40 Central time, Mr, and Mrs, Clarence. Finney, John Finney.ami sister, and' Mrs. Win, Fjnitty, of Springfield, were In Cincinnati Inst Thursday and Fri­ day,, faking in the sights of the Fall Festival, ■ •Sunday, September 30, excursion tickets to Cincinnati will bo sold from Cedarviilc at routm trip rates, $1 2 ft good going on Special train fcwving Cedarviltc a t 9 ;00 a nu, m itra l time. Thmsday night brought tho first irtsst of the season, an 1 a good ofm it was. There will be Jittlo, damage to the products of this section, unless St Will lie the crop of monqtnlofw raided by tin- paper mill. - B e lt e r leave ymir order at this' office for your public gale hills on water proof etock, tho genuine article NEWEST GOODS; ioWESf PJHOiS, $ 1.00 $ 1,00 Boys’ Hqbool Shoes Veal Calf Tops All Soled Soles - - Misses Fa}!' Shoes Light and Heavy Patent & Stock lip s Children's Shoes, Gjuaran-P* { \ s r teed Solid, Sole Leather Counters - V V V Ladies’ Spring Hefei Shoes, Fine Vici Kid, Flexible f li 1 l Solra ■ ■ 3 )J[. 5 U Radcliff Shoe Dressing is the Best. McCORKEiL’S Popular Priced Store. —Johnson's shoe store, Xenia, for good shoes, cheap. _ —Oliyo Oil suitable it.rsalad dress iug. At Gray & Co’s, tf —Often imituted but never equalec are the Herald's sale bills. ’ —The cheapest place for Gents’ clothing ia at Holland’s, Orr building. Do not fail to see. our 'rubber.' ancl felt Combination Boots a t wholesale prices. ’ Starkey’s Arcade Shoe House, Springfield, O. —A complete line of breakfast foods at Gray & Go’s. tf . — John Pierce for lift and pitcher pumps, pipes, etc For Sale:—Twenty-five head o t De­ ism brepdihg ewes, * ■. 89d ' .Charles Cooley. A. Z. Smith and family had for' thetr'guests last Sunday, Mrs. O. W. Marshal!, of Xenia, and Mrs. Anna Stewart, of Jamestown. Miss Ella O. Kyle expects to leave this country for Carlo, Egypt, Oct, IQ, after a six month’s, vacation, with relatives and friends. Persons having pianos in need of tuning should leave word with Geo; Slcglcr. . P . Puehringjsr, of Cleve­ land,. will bo hero next week. ■ At ' ' t . .. ■ ■ - • —Tho new clothing-store, on the hill, in the Orr room, is now open for business, A first class line of men Kind boys clothing, .hats, caps and shirts can be found there. A meeting of the College Athletic Association was held yesterday morn­ ing in the college chapel nod W. R, Graham was appointed captain and manager of the foot ball team. The boys expect a heavy line-up this 'Ml andw ilirepo rt for practice Monday afternoon, Jacob Curtis, aged- 76, and John 1’olaud, aged 78, were instantly killed a t the Emery chapel crossing on the Pennsylvania road last Sabbath after­ noon. They were returning from a pioneer meeting. The tender struck the buggy first, as the engine was be­ ing backed to Xenia. Feeding AMillion Mouths* There are a million little mouths in your skin, ready fo absorb whatever eon ea to them. What kind of soap do you Iced them? We sel­ dom reckon with the powers of absorption exercised by the poles of the skin, amt yet, it is possible for these little mouths to take in four quarto of w.iter in twenty, four hours. No wonder im­ pure tmkf and bulb soaps are so apt to produce skin dFeases, You eiii tru«t thoS'.aps we sell you, We, handle none but worthy brands, and by buying in quantities we are aide to utake low prices on them, , Only one medical student in twelve U) ^ atCKll!5*fi’ , u 1 j makes no statement in rt bolds a i-egree in arts. Mrs. J . II. Andrewand Miss Lula Barber are in Cincinnati to-day. Job Printing of all kinds r, .ecutcd in first-class stylo a t I I kkalx office. J , R. Patterson, of Beayer Falls, Pa.-Mjpent Thursday with \V» R- Sterrett. R, F , Kerr and wife aud Miisler JameB Hutchison are taking in the Fall Festival. . I • —No better place in Xenia to pur­ chase shoes than •a t Johnson’s shpe store, Detroit street. —When in Xenia remember that Johnson's shoe store is where yon will receive great values in' shoes, —For a secondhand plain wheat drill call at Kerr & Hasting Bros. D, M. Dallas. ' 41d Mbs Margaretta Watt left Monday for Wooster where she will attend school this year,. —September 18,19 and 20 excur­ sion tickets will be sold via Pennsyl­ vania lines to Baltimore, account Sovereign Grand Lodge. Reduced fares to Columbus ac­ count. Robert Emmett Anniversary Celebration, September 19, 20, — F ob S aws : A farm of 82 acres, good improvements, plenty of fruit, long payments, Inquire of J. D. Williamson, , Miss Jun ia Pollock will give a luncheon Friday in ho ior oi M s Blanch Ervin, whose, wedding is to occur Oct, 1 . Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Aikins, of Os­ ceola, la ., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. W. J . Wildman. They will re main all winter. The school board has been coni' polled to purchase a supply of new school furniture in order to modate the large enrollment. The biggest man in Ohio has jus; died, but so long as. Tom Johnson lives the conceit of bigness will noi perish from the Buckeye state. The government is advertising foi a band leader who i s . also a cobbler. I f lie proves a failure as-a musician be can to told to ■ ‘stick to liis last.’ Philip R. Hpahr 4 trru-nrer of Beavercreek township., is short about Mr. Bpahr urd Ui the condition of affairs. H cw as urm-lM fbr embezzlement and bmimP over io the Common Pleas court in tho sum of 01000. The shortage was discov­ ered when tho the books were exam­ ined, before F . Harshman, "Mr, Spahr’s successor, took charge. E. CVWilliamson, sou of 8 . K, Williamson a well known farmer, leaves Monday morning .'or Columbus where be has secured the position of assistant herdsman under the Agri­ cultural Department o f the Ohio State University, Mr. Williamson has had some experience in this )ine, having gone out with the famous Meudow Brook herd on the lair circuit for a couple <if years. The following invitations were issti ed this wehk: , “ Mr. and Mrs, David S, Ervin in vite you to be prtsent at the marriage of their daughter, Jean Blanche, to Mr. Oscur Lewis Smith, on Thursday evening, the first of October, 1903, at seven o’clock, Cpdnrville, Ohio. ,A t home after November 15th, Rich­ mond place, Birmingham, Alabama.” Stimuel McGojinm. and Miss. Z da Dowuard were culled to Clarksville Sabbath, by the death of Mr, John Moore, Mr. McCollum’s father-in law. Besides a wife; the deceased leaves daughter, Mrs. Harden,' of Clarks ville, and-a sou, Wim Moore, of Co­ lumbus, Ivan. ' Mr. Moore was quite an aged man, Hieing in his eighty- third year, The Itinera! wag licit’ Monday.' ABSENTEES HELP' HIM. No. The regular meeting of .council was -held-Monday evening, but no busi­ ness was transacted, their being only four members present. A recess was taken until the following Monday night. The Court House Building Com mission met Monday to. settle rip some bills. Mr. A. Wickersham ex­ pects to resign shortly as he leaves Jamestown to become a citizen of Dayton. • Mayor John Thomas, of Jamestown who has gained considerable reputation For himself in the “ limit” for local op­ tion violators, was quietly married Tuesday evening to Mrs. Mary Don­ aldson dt Jamestown. . l Owing to the dry weather the pa­ per mill, has closed down for two weeks. During this tune numerous changes and.repairs are being made. Plenlly of rain is the only thing that will bring the water in the creek to the normal stage'. * A midnight fire alarm last Sabbath night called the department to D- S. Ervin’s lime kilns. A iram building a t the side of the kilns was the only thing lost. There was no one at work at the time and i t is held that the building was set afire. The Meadow Brook herd of cattle captured every prize at the fair at Syracuse, N , Y „ last week with the exception on one second. The total winnings were over 0350, consequent­ ly the Messrs. Bradfutes were much elated over their success. Among the recent shipments of Jive! stock from here Was a Polled Jersey calf to a Cincinnati firm by J . S. Brown, and 50 head of sheep to Logan county by J . D, Williamson. R, D. Williamson also Sent a buck to Logan county this week. Overwhelming. Overthrow Next vember NeedeJ For Johnson. Republicans.need to. iremeniber, and so do j anti-Johnson Democrats, .that nothing short of a complete and crush­ ing defeat in Ohio' next November will keep him out'of the calculation for the Democratic nomination next year. No voter who has taken note of Johnson’S Belflshness, arrogance and tyranny, who.has seen him play with the most sacred elements of our American citl- enship, for the purpose of malting votes for himself at any cost to the. country, but must need to be. awalte and at work, not merely to defeat Johnson, hut to make his overthrow so overwhelming in Ohio that other dangerous demagogues may take warning by. his fate, and learn that johnsonism, in any form, Is fatal to political ambition. Johnson's immediate circle are quot­ ed as claiming that the Ohio result is expected by them to put him ahead of all other Democrats for that party's presidential nomination. Johnson’s election Iti Ohio would be .'a greater victory than any other leader in .his party could accomplish,a t this time, and nothing could stop his nomina­ tion. Even if defeated, any • special gain for the Democrats under his lead­ ership would make him very strong with th&t party. Should the Democrats capture the legislature of Ohio,' John­ son would- claim ail the glory as the man who beat Hanna. •Whether these things shall come out in this way de­ pends upon the full .vote of the Repub­ licans of Ohio; Every absentee will help Johnson by that much, 3ryan Goes .Back on Johnson's Scheme to Deceive the Voters of Ohio. “A victory in Ohio this foil would stimulate the party all over the coun­ try and give an auspicious beginning to tho campaign of 1904.’—W. J. Bryan in The Commoner. This is sensible and logical, • Un­ less such is the case, what reason Is there in the formal request by resolu­ tion of the Johnson state convention, asking the national leader of the na­ tional Democratic .party to come to Ohio to take part in the present Ohio campaign? Bryan recognized this fact when in Ohio to take part in the pres­ ent Ohio campaign? The John­ son Speeches that he made were along national lines In large measure. At Marlon he talked about tariff and trusts and financial legislation. He attacked Roosevelt for what he did to settle the anthracite strike and en­ larged upon the question of the Island territory with all the regular clap trap of the anil-imperialist, This was done to make votes. If possible, for Johnson, And yet Johnson pretends to play the ostrich on national fssues, Now that Bryan has broken Into Ohio and is to conte hack again as a national Democrat, what is Johnson afraid of in other Democratic leaders that he refuses to let the Democratic rank and file of his sfate hea r' tho great men of that party from the other states? -4s he afraid that some of these might prove popular enough to capture Ohio’s support for the pres­ idency from him? We Sell Them, SCARBRJfflDSDOB and Selz Royal Blue Rubbers. : • ■ ' • . 1 ] f For Med, Women and Children.'1 ” EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Buy these Brands and you Get the Best,, CASTC 'r : f o r a s il-L a ; HieKindYouHaveAliv?;,.; How to Aifiaraga?. W hs ?!* the o r r i r .; ; ;^ tii’ii’ousMv, t k e a c u t i i i c t*» l i t ft quart ja r Ivnittiina -c- Pins,*' t« o n in the juD* he:.*1; up, hhi;;;; r uF ja r an f a ll a:- vtm a n ftr.J dknv fo r the stalks’ coming ‘air whole when cobbed. FkU’O tin* ju r under eqiil running water for'Ji min­ utes or until the next ja r is ready. Adjust the rubber- -a new one til- ways—and lay on the cover. Set the jars into a .‘■ioaitH'r or a large kettle witli trivvt.4 to rah o the jars _ from the b 'u tfin (a wa-h boiler with a rack of sticks will answer the pu r­ pose very well) and have enough lukewarm water in the kettle to come half way up to the tops of tho jars. Cover tho kettle, heat grad­ ually to the boiling point timl allow the water to boil one and ope-half hours. Now remove, one ja r a t a time, fasten and, place to cool.;' When ready to use the asparagus, open,tho jar; add one tcaspoouful of salt, place US'before in the kettle of Juk< warm water and h ea t .10 boiling. Drain, off the water, draw out tho aspluwgus carefully and serve on slices of buttered toast. For suc­ cess, in canning.absolute cleanliness of hands, jars and .vegetable is .es­ sential, ■and, if available, pure spring water .should be mod. S tring hearts may be prepared in the same way,—-Good Housekeeping, WhyaPainferSmiles The practica l p a in te r says, it m a te s Mm.'smil@ v/fceu a man insists on Patton's Sun-Proof Paint. It al­ ways m -ans' another job from th e man nex t door. Envy is just another name for human nature?* tec tl S en When you are asked ?.(i.QQ am{ $7.00 for a pair, of shoes, it is more than they are worth. When you see our go,00, 88,50 and 85.00 shoes you will say so yourself, Our'-Patrician, for ladies and Keith Konqueror for gentlemen, all stocks, for 83 50 are not equaled in the 6 ity for 1 the money. BtarkqyV Arcade Shoe House,. Springfield^ O. Patton’s S un -P ro o f Paint is famous for Its lasting qualities," Made from a scienUf-c Lunula of the best materials, machine mixed in exact proportions, it is the only paint that resists the sun and weather. Never j-cela, cracks or chalks off,.' and guaranteed to wear for five years. Send fpr hook of Paint Knowledge and Advice (free) to PATTON PAINT CO., Lako S t„ Milwaukee', Wla. Sss§ , JOWtasTCTMIIw Our 3.00 and 3.50 hats are equai to any 4 -Q 0 or 5.00 hats sold in Springfield. W e guarantee every Hat to give satisfaction or re­ place it w ith a new one. \ SU LL IVAN The Hatter, 27 South L im estone street-, S P R IN G F IE L D , O, AND EGfiS vmm Until further notice we j w ill pay the following j cash prices for poultry and .eggs delivered to C. H G ilfa iigh ’s grocery^.: Cedarville; ; Live 8 p'ring Chickens, \ri‘ighhtft 2 to 2 Albs, per lb .................. xoc. • Live Hens per ft.':..,........... '..... gc Jack'd Old roust era per 1 b .................... _JSgg».per doz 1 . . . ...........b - 14 C 1 J. W. Ill E. MainStreet •Citizen’s'Phone 270 Bell Pliorie 1651. LLI K A TH ER IN E O STERLY Announces jlier return from N ew York and w ill be ready the m iddle of Septerfiber to show m odels selected from the most exclusive houses. W ill make a spec ia lty of street and practical hats at popular prices. 37 G R E EN ST. j XEN IA , CHIO. SALE OF JEW E LR Y SAM PLES From Large Manufacturers, ‘Now in Progress at M A R G I L E T H & M e F A R L A N D ’ S Regular Price 814.00. EA *J Genuine Elgin Mov'f, open face 14k gold-filled, warranted 20 yrs This sale started Thiirsdny, September 10th, at 0 o’clock sharp and it brought a big response' Ask any of those who nttei ded this sale, and they will tell you that never, never have they sven such bargains in fi.iojewerv and watches.- There are only a few more days left. Side positively elopes Tuesday, September 22 d aud if y»»u have any regard for economy, you e-mnot ntlord to miss this bargain .event, Buy your holiday presents now, and we will reserve them for \ou. Here T h but a bfnt of tin -«xceHent values Genuine Waltlmm move­ ment, ladies hunting'ease watches, 14k goU-filh ri. warranted 20 years • bciturifully engraved, enlv 89 73, regular pi ice, §15.00. Wuiteh- eiinius, 14k golrkfilh-d,, wnrrnuti-d 10 yens, i.-nlv $1.00 worth more than twice tin t. New lv>n> gold fitd.-h collar bultems, r.nJy 73e. (Jen- nine diamond rings, for babies, and little, girls, solid gold, 95 e, worth 61.50. No mbrennsr station. Every safe on honor. I f you are a judge of valnea, in rmicli the better will you appreciate these special side price?; if you are no judge of values, you will fare just ns well. Quality is the gu-ut lever and in ev^ry Immst comparison, wc always get the credit of being the lowest price house in our line. MARG ILETH & M cFAR LA N B , 36-38 East High street, Near Limfstone street, .Springfield, Ohio I.OTMU^^II,l II...... . L . O W R A T B S . f ' TO *TM£3 M SOUTH, SOUTHEAST j! AND ' F. | SOUTHWEST 1; V ia Q ueen &C rescent , R oute . OWEWAVAVa ROUND.TRIPttCSCfSONSALE FIRSTANDTHIRDUESDAVS.OPCACIIMOtn® DlfKtWmjccrisn-gt Ctteia**tr ffwi ill polnft NORTH, EASTANDWEST, ■WRITE FOR RATES. fTht-a C©ri,3tipation s DilioBsress sad Bad Complexions. :-a vdirie’e *otwfcia-. ty? Keep the system ia goo4 ’ tor, all tlmmgana beakliy, by tokinj R^ggJhllS Laad Toaia Bellfts. vddeb gently essfet Naturo in elimb Bating the Jjaite;!, anti at the suae time make good bit r 3, digesima, foixl health, and will keep The Kecea itaYoviv Chewhis PresSampleand Bcoktet at (til . Coshfiktfe Tftattnfftl <by9'.a |. ett. •i Heraldjobprinting is always most satisfactory* \V i»rk w ill’ c l riigt a i tuiy 1 .TW£STY-SD Officers Make a Gc the Ensley Soft The saloon -3H ft© operated by Charles ed last Saturday »igbj who secured a bottle I made by a C o I u m W ha,s been coming eaelij form packed in sugar T than ten barrels am v | When the officers Jones wasju s t in the I a bottle of the Colli) but, upon command handed it to them, fall of irequenfera ant .j !3 to what kind Of a fil ent will put up. The| was sent to the state Iambus and •the anal ’ ■ the. stuff was pu re be| cent,' -"W 'dnesday sfternoi] . placed under arrest fol Beal law and was releal bond signed by TbciJ JHis trial is set for Me * many thought that the I ’ , had the officers and the) One Hundred bluffed, i etly waiting for the eft than ten barrels of .the- received here each weel It has not- all been dispel the Easley joint, as one! seen carrying quite a g| to a nearby drugstore, quite a reputatiou for- tion of different bevera| pie anxiously await tin of all offenders under tl A recess meeting •olj ■held Monday evening being present. Reportj ■committees were read s The report of the cl - shows that water is low the cisterns, and the fiJ .. was ordered out to fil Ilifi*cistern on Main stn 348 was appropriated! The mayor’s receipts [ which is an extraoil amount. There wub n o | to who should have street lights since OfficeJ Signed this position.. . Impure blood ahyt somewhere. If the I boils, pimples, rashd nerves, then neural) ousness, depression Sarsapa stomach, then dyl biliousness, Joss ofl Your doctor knf remedy, used for fr‘>mtli«fttli B»i?£V.Twfc 3f£ nioo.i „ Ssrsir^m R0t'<’> fiat a row oirsapainia eompipMv ciitp Aid tho Ss DOWO!& |*f Some Oi Must KhJ ^t require general krto- inore than 1 n?e scales a rijslilly fill pi ' Heme plying, new in stan tly i preserif Wridnl stud fttlcttiion. give, ftRention'it i to it tin t pore and of rircngti^ wc. ftTvary a }m{ ff’d'mncidg o U ’ft *>!’ twioj ^PHN WB i m u u u